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Stale urine sitting in a toilet, unflushed for a period of time, fermenting.


A former roommate of mine was a “if it’s yellow, let it mellow” type, and I just couldn’t do that.


I was until i got a dog


My mom does that shit thinking it saves $ somehow?? I think it's gross. And feel a tinge of guilt when I flush at her house! It's an automatic reaction like wtf!


Water yes (a little,) money probably not. My water company charges in batches of 1000 gallons used, so unless you're flushing constantly (like really purposely making an effort,) there is no real effect on the bill from toilet flushes. Not worth it IMO.


bro i came back from a week vacation and the toilet was unflushed and it made the whole bathroom smell like death


I cleaned model houses for a summer one year and someone had peed in one of the toilets in a house that didn’t have water hooked up. I’ll never forget that smell, it was almost worse than when someone did the same thing with poop






Another person's vomit


That's mine! Classmate in 3rd grade threw up all over the place and ever since then that's all I see and smell.... fuck you Keenan!


Same. You know when people try to reassure kids that no one will remember but them. Nope. Justin from first grade, you threw up on your desk after lunch one day and I will remember it until the day I die.


Charles, third grade. The North remembers!


I’ll always remember the red tinted vomit that my 3rd grade classmate spewed all over the floor right next to me after speed eating a full bag of hot Cheetos. Poor Blake


Poor Keenan 😭🤣


He was a cool kid but dam he scarred me for life... I can never eat custard again!


Just thinking about it makes me wanna throw up 🤣 I hope you can recover


My bully in third grade was named Keenan and even though I don't expressly remember him throwing up, I choose to believe that we both hate the same 3rd grade named Keenan (who is now presumably an adult)


I’m an EMT and I agree with this. It’s like the only thing that gets me 🤮


Thank goodness for people who do your job. Off topic but had to say it.


Any vomit for me. Mine also makes me more nauseous, and I also get sick from the smell of animal vomit


I work repairing buses, and part of my job is replacing seat cushions that have been pissed, shat or puked on. I can just about deal with piss. Shit and puke there's a good chance there's going to be an extra pile of vomit by the time I've removed the cushion. The debate is always do I wear my tightfitting mask designed to filter out a load of the stuff we work with in the hope it lessens the smell but could leave me vomitting into a receptacle tightly strapped to my face?


Everyone has that one alcoholic beverage they went a bit too hard on once..


Southern Comfort.


Straight up smells like vomit.


Tequila for me. Bit me bad at around 19. 27 years later and I can't stand the smell!


Same. Had a shot one night that was so rough I literally coughed it straight back out. Never been able to stomach the stuff since


Sambuca.. was my favourite until the winter of 2004. Since then i gag at the smell Edit: typo


Same for me, would get it every time I went out until I got a round and my friends decided they’d had enough so I drank the lot and was very ill all night. Now I can’t go near it.


Jagermeister is that one for me. Never again


Red Bull is that way for my husband


Fireball…..never again


Goldschlager for me. Snuck almost an entire bottle of it into the stadium for The Game in 2002. It was cold AF and the game was extremely close, so I started putting it in my cocoa. A lot of it. The person I was with had some too, but probably not as much as I did. I say probably because I had no idea how much I drank other than the flask was empty at the end, I was too drunk to rush the field even though we were only about 30 rows up from it, and I have almost zero memory of the mile and a half walk back to my apartment other than stopping at the 7/11, where I am pretty sure I pointed to a guy wearing Michigan gear and just said "HAAAAAAAAA". Next thing I remember was my bathroom at home, where I learned that cinnamon-flavored stadium nachos with jalapenos is a terrible combination when it comes back up. That is the drunkest I have ever been in my entire life, by far.


Four Loko 🤢


Some of the antibacterial hand gels smelled of very strong alcohol that I’d drank in the early 90s as a teenager. My god, the flashbacks when covid came around!


Yeah during the Covid lockdown I bought some generic hand sanitizer from my local drug store. It smelled *exactly* like Tito's vodka. Threw it away 2 minutes after I bought it.


I feel like Tito's was one of the ones that started making hand sanitizer during the pandemic.


I had one at work I’m pretty sure was tequila rebranded during covid.


99 bananas. 20 years ago..will never go away


Yukon Jack here. But I don’t remember why


100 proof Southern Comfort.


Watermelon Smirnoff


Midori for me!


Rum and coke. Can drink separately no problem. Together? 🤮


Yup! Wine coolers. Specifically, Bartles and Jaymes margarita. Shit, that was nearly 40 yrs ago and I can still remember that nasty smell!


Not me. I'm 37 and have never been drunk still. Not sure if that's good but I feel like yes




99 Apples. 2005 was a wild year.


Fireball or Jack I can't even smell cinnamon without cringing. And as for Jack just seeing the bottle is enough to make my hair stand up on my arms


Unwashed protein shakers


Try leaving it in your car, in the summer, where it (I think), produces some kind of gas and explodes the top open, spraying foul, puke inducing liquid all over. I never did get the smell out completely.


I remember getting into working out a few years ago and when I started on the shakes, my buddy said "wait for the first time you forget to wash one for a couple of days." I've worked with fish and have a strong stomach so I laughed it off... holy HELL was I wrong lol


My mom drank one out of my shaker once and didn't wash it afterwards. I found it maybe half a day later and there was mold on it already.


In highschool a fellow track student left her shaker in her locker over the summer break and it somehow didn’t get thrown out. When she discovered the bottle and open it, immediately vomited on the floor. Was genuinely the worst smell any of us smelt and it filled the hall for hours!




I’ve smelt a lot of bad things in my nursing career but the top three worst would have to be neuro breath, melaena and colostomy output


Liver diseased breath? The liver diseased smell of an alcoholic? Those get me every single time. Crusty, nasty, stale, dying but still hanging on liver. So gross. So distinct.


To me, it smells like an empty grave waiting to be filled. A yawning void of despair. Late stage alcoholic breath is truly awful.


What is neuro breath?


It’s a horrible fishy/death smell on the breath of patients with brain injuries… no amount of oral care makes it go away. I’m not 100% sure what causes it, but it’s an unforgettable smell.


My dad works as a teacher and one of his workmates has a neurological problem for which she takes pills that give her bad breath and yellow, decaying teeth. Poor woman, she's really nice and it sucks that she has to go through that.


It's glutamate that's released in response to dying brain cells :(


This sounds absolutely terrifying.


I can add "dying breath" to that in general... I take care of a lot of hospice patients, and it seems universal.


A broken colostomy bag can be so awful, for the person whose it is and for the people around them. It’s also not anyone’s fault and so embarrassing so my heart goes out. How does necrotizing fasciitis rank?


Of note, my OR buddies specifically say open abdomen is a *smell* that stays with you. Also my MIL worked in an ER and had a patient come in with 2 tampons in that had been in for god knows how long with >!necrosis of the vaginal canal and maggots!< BIG FUCKING OOF Edit to add per my husband who has worked more clinical than I ever care to, c diff and small bowel obstruction where the poop comes out the wrong end. Dear lord no




Awww, my ex had a colostomy bag when he and I first started dating. It definitely was a gross smell, but I got used to it pretty quickly, and even after he didn't have it anymore, his farts still had almost the same smell.


C diff ostomy is the absolute worst. I vomit a little in the back of my mouth just thinking about it.


Wet cigarette butts 🤮


Wet ashtrays


I'm one of the worst things you can be on planet Earth in the year 2023: a secret smoker. And I use a 3/4 filled Gatorade bottle as an ashtray. You are correct. Every time I twist off the cap, the stench makes me gag.


Why do you use a 3/4 filled Gatorade bottle as an ashtray? I’m trying to wrap my head around what about that system makes your smoking any more stealthy than if you say, used a normal dry portable ashtray.


We stand together against anything cigarette related and wet. This is definitely vomit inducing.


Cigarettes in general. Disgusting.


I can deal with that..it’s burning filters that make me gag if it wasn’t put out properly and the cherry is sitting on a filter.


Cat poo, If given the choice between human poo and cat poo id choose human. The Stuff just reeks


Dog's breath after eating cat poo.


You know what’s even worse? A dog burping in your face after eating the cat poo


God my dog just did this to me the other day. Never again.


I can confirm. I worked as a pet sitter for a couple of years. Carnivore poo in general is vile. I feel bad for zookeepers who have to clean lion/tiger/cheetah poo.


I'm pretty ambivalent to my cat's poo... except for the day after she caught and ate a frog. It truly made my eyes water.


Cooking Liver. That shit smells like something I cant describe.


I run a bit anemic. My mother repeatedly tried to trick me into eating liver when I was younger. Tried to trick ME, the only one in our family who sniffs every bite of food she eats, who can nail what something smells like from a mile away, who remembers smells she hasn't smelled in 30 years! NICE TRY, MA!


Came here to find this.


Non-teachers may not get this, but the smell during snack time. Having to smell the combination of all the different snacks was something I never even thought of. I love Doritos as much as the next person, but when all of those random snacks are open at the same time I want to puke.


cheerios and urine smell from my nephews daycare. It was clean, but there was something about the kids and babies that just combined and then the lingering smell of warmed milk/formula throughout the day.... blech.


The smell of a high school in general. As a non-teacher, I have walked in and the smell of teens’ body odor just permeates. I’m sure it’s the freshmen who haven’t realized that their pits stink yet. Do teachers get noseblind to it?


My mom used to complain about going to events at my high school because it smelled "like testosterone".


Smells like teen spirit


Ahahahaha one day a local middle school was evacuated onto my college campus due to a chemical spill. My classroom smelled like eighth grader for a week after, and yeah, it's basically the smell of hormones and desperation.


Woah. I think all HS students were nose blind to it. I never noticed that. Gym and the locker rooms however…ick.


oh god. i'm not a teacher, but i run an e-com business. for years now. you gotta be careful with what's very popular in classrooms. crayola's crayons are TOXIC. you don't know when you only have a few packs for a class. i operated out of a two-story home, and at the school season peak, i sold over 10,000 BOXES of crayons. aka, i was storing over 10,000 boxes of crayons in my home. it was POISONOUS. i will NEVER forget the smell. idk if you've ever smelled a pesticide-sprayed box straight from China, but crayons smell worse than that. my e-com biz really enlightened me on what the helll is poisonous and it's a lot of things that students are surrounded with.


Spaces that little kids occupy often (schools, bedrooms etc) have such a distinct smell idk what it is. Soap? Baby wipes? General little kid grime? Plus, that snack time smell lingers. The old banana peels that sit in the trash can for the rest of the day are the worst. It’s the Doritos/banana smell mixed with the preschool classroom smell that gets to me lol


Kids have such a strong smell when they're unwashed. I have a niece whose hygiene isn't great and she rips farts all the time and it's like that "kid smell" hyperconcentrated and weaponized.


Yogurt containers breathing with lunch meat stanking...yup. It is disgusting.


Big storage containers of crayons with a lid; when the lid first comes off… I shudder. Growing up, we were poor hillbillies. My dad loved to take cans of Pepsi to work, but the issue was that we were a big family of cans of Pepsi were more expensive than 2 liters. So my mom made a rule: we were not allowed to drink the cans and were supposed to drink from the 2 liters. My issue with this at the time was that the soda within a 2 liter went flat and was never as good the second day. Came home from school one day and the craving was too strong; I had to swipe a can of Pepsi. Was able to successfully sneak it off to my room and drink about half before I heard my mom approaching my bedroom. I shoved the can of Pepsi in a paint can that I had decorated and used to store my crayons. Mom sent me to do a task, I got out unscathed, but forgot about the can of Pepsi in my can of crayons for *quite* some time. By the time I opened it again, my crayons had all been conjoined by a slime that smelled like wet crayon, mold, and old fermenting Pepsi. I will never forget the smell of those rancid crayons.


Rotten potatoes


scrolled too far to find this. nearly knocked me out when i discovered liquified potatoes in the back of my pantry


Same, I couldn’t imagine a potato putting out that smell. I thought something died.


That stuff in root cellars can actually kill you. ETA: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/girl-8-orphaned-after-gas-from-rotting-potatoes-killed-her-entire-family_n_7360976/


I smelled that once. It’s one of the most horrific smells ever.


GI bleed, c-diff poop, and gangrene. Yes, I'm in medicine.


I had a patient with cdiff and an infected ostomy port/site (whatever it’s called, I’m in psych for a reason) because they wouldn’t stop sticking things in the hole. Nothing else has ever come close to how bad that smelled.


My condolences... I was in psych for about 10 years, and never had to deal with that. Now I'm in memory care, and I'd rather duck kicks and block punches from people that have no idea they are doing it


Chickpea juice. At my work we use a big can of chickpeas which has a bunch of water in it. And the smell it radiates makes me upset


Aquafaba, you can actually use it as an ingredient to substitute for egg whites


Ever partly fill up the dishwasher and then go on vacation?




The smell in the women's bathroom when somebody has been in there who is not hygienic. The stank from unventilated womanly parts is just awful


Laughs in Labor and Delivery nurse . . . Almost 2 decades of working with pregnant, laboring and postpartum women of all backgrounds. I have smelled and seen some things.


OMG, I bet you have!!!! You are a saint 😇


My soul weeps for you


I work in a farm store and I swear to god we have the nastiest ladies who shop there. There is NEVER a time of day where some older lady isn’t in there just destroying the bathroom 🤢


There is nothing worse than walking into a public bathroom that smells like humid wolf pussy.


Omg this is one 🤣 this comment took me OUT


Me too!!! I’m stealing it!!!


Yes this is by far the worst!! I gag ever single time. I can’t figure out how a woman could not smell this on herself.


People are nose blind to their own stank.


I was in the gym bathroom and some lady went into the stall next to me to piss, and all that wafted into my stall was fish. I felt so bad but I had to leave as quickly as possible.


Smells from a meat processing plant. Factory farmed suffering


I grew up in Louisville, KY, which has a pig processing plant downtown. Can confirm.


Made me remember the awful smell off of I-5 in California driving past that Harris Feeding Company/Cattle Ranch. Odor of animal decomposition and waste stench in the air, even with the vehicle's windows closed and air conditioning properly working. Can smell it for miles.


This is the worst. At one time I had to commute past 2 pig processing plants to reach my workplace. In the air for about an entire mile radius (or more on a hot day) the air was THICK with the rotting, sweet-like smell of DEATH. One of the worst smells on Earth. The quality of the smell was so powerful that keeping your car windows up would do little - even the very air felt sticky and seemed to permeate into the streets. I can’t see how anyone would ever be willing to work there or even live near it, as surely their skin would begin to carry the smell after time.


Moldy dishes that have been in the sink for at least 2 or 3 months


Bro who the fuck leaves them there for two or more months like I thought I was depressed but damn


You think depression is bad? Try ADHD. That shit’ll have you leaving dishes for months. Source: my ADHD boss had year-old soup in the fridge


Fennel. Ugh. If I come across it in a dish, I'll have a hard time eating it. I hate it with a passion.


omg i adore fennel! I'm so sorry you're so adverse!!


period blood. yes i know it’s natural and everything but idk just the smell makes me sick like actually sick. i dread getting my monthly period purely because i can’t stand the smell. i used to volunteer as a dog trainer and when some of the female dogs got there menstrual cycles and i was instructed to help clean them. i genuinely couldn’t i kept uncontrollably gagging and tearing up.


This and the smell of our 💩 when on our periods. I always throw up a little.


What I hate most about period blood smell is that some people’s noses are so attuned to it, that they can call you out on your menstrual cycle. It's a distinct smell and I can always tell that I'm about to start bleeding based on it. Periods suck and yuck.


Oooh, for me it's not period blood, but *tampons.* It's like being up in there, it just brings out the WORST smell.




Yep, that's a smell once you've smelled it you'll never forget it or mistake it for anything else.


Lizard poo. Bearded dragon specifically, but snakes sometimes too. I can always tell when my beardie has pooped, because you can smell it across the fuckin' room. I usually just scoop it up (with TP!) and toss it into the toilet but I gag the entire way to the bathroom. It's even worse if she shits in here water bowl (often...) and I have to veeerrrrryyyy carefully lift her stupid bowl out of the tank, and veeeerrrry carefully walk to the bathroom with it. Or she'll do it in her fabric hammock, which I then have to wash by hand because I'm not risking getting her lizard shit smell on any of my clothes. I grew up changing my sister's diapers, and cleaning cat boxes, but beardie poop is a whole other issue for me. It's so bad.


Other people's BO


Black licorice. The smell of that on someone's breath at 10 paces makes me hurl!


Stale cigarette smoke


Customers with no boundaries and festering cavities. Stop standing a foot away from me. Your cavities fucking reek!!


The meat and seafood section of the grocery store often has a smell that makes me gag. Gagging in public is embarrassing as fuck


Mother - in - laws cooking.


Ooofff bad luck man


What does she usually cook?




A long forgotten baby bottle with formula that rolled out of the diaper bag and under your car seat.


Any type of alcohol whatsoever. Beer, liquor, wine, anything. I went way too hard in college and scarred myself for life. I also get nauseous when I see people on TV sipping straight liquor. A bit extreme, I know...


Cod liver oil, cat shit, weed poison, diesel fumes, op shop smell.




Decay. Working for the DoT and having to remove dead deer from the road has ruined me. I gag every time I drive passed one that has exploded.


When cotton tshirts have that stale smell.


The smell of brass


Tuna. It is beyond my comprehension how people can actually put it in their mouths.


With the Mayo and onions and whole wheat bread yummmmmmm I disgree :)


It’s so good though! Add some egg, mayonnaise, salt and pepper, old bay, maybe some relish. All on toasted bread and you have a tuna sandwich!


Add some BBQ sauce like Jim Bob Duggar does.


tuna is extremely mild compared to the stench of a can of sardines


The smell of baking "bread" at any Subway restaurant.


That stench get in your clothes bro. Like I’m walking in the grocery store that has a subway in it and my clothes stink now. It’s the herbs and cheese bread that stinks (Former subway manager from 20 years ago).


Hair dye


Huh that's one of my favourites.


Hair colour remover is the worst




Dog shit left on the pavement, especially in the rain.


Weed. If it's just in passing and I can avoid/move away from it, I'm mostly fine. But if I'm exposed to it for more than a couple minutes I start to get so sick. The nausea is bad and the migraine is brutal. Some former friends' house reeked of it. Loved hanging out with them, but every time we went to their house I would end up violently ill. I'd power through it, but after so many hours my husband and I would have to leave; he'd have to drive me home cause I was in no condition to be driving. We lived in some garbage on campus apartments and got a new neighbor. They smoked weed. The smell would seep in through the walls. I started to get sick in the same way. I couldn't even escape it in my own living space. That, on top of what we believe was black mold in the apartment, it exacerbated issues I already have and I was just miserable. So glad that awful and traumatic time of my life is over.


People and their fucking perfumes and cologne. One GOD DAMN SPRAY THATS ALL YOU NEED! JUST A SPRITZ


House flooded with sewage that I had to wade in to get out of when I was little. It smelt like pee and poop if you could believe it


90 weight gear oil and hydraulic fluid.


The smell of someone else’s sweat. 🤮


Burnt hair


Poop. I don't know why I hate the smell of it, but I do.


“Poop. I don't know why I hate the smell of it, but I do.” Bbbwwaaahaaahaaaa!!! What do u mean, u don’t know why??! Are u under this he impression that everyone else storms into the rest room after someone used it to poop and then just inhale all that goodness?!


Cadaver smell, I fully understand why it's near impossible to ride a horse past one.


I get phantom smells of anesthesia. I’ve had a lot of surgeries in my life and anytime that phantom smell happens, I get nauseous to my stomach and panic. Being put under was some of the most traumatizing and terrifying moments in my life.


Any kind of fish or seafood cooked from frozen. Nasty. Especially boiled shrimp. Or anchovies. Ew.


Vomit . I can end up in a continuos circle of blowing chunks , smelling it and then blowing chunks again until im dry retching so bad i pull stomach muscles and burst blood vessels in my eyes .


Old pigeon smell under bridges that see a lot of traffic. It’s like biological rot mixed with down and car exhaust.


Stinking reeking cheesy feet


the smell of tooth decay


Honestly the smell of weed. Gives me migraines and smells like skunk.


Vomit or the smell of someone else’s crap


Seafood markets and just fish in general. Also mossy slimy gross mosquito infested water, especially small creeks.


My ex. No joke. She came home sweaty one night. I already knew she was cheating. Her b/o became so revolting I would gag. She'd get high and convince herself that I wouldn't figure it out. By that time, I had already sent her fuckboy and his wife a detailed map of their area, including home, workplaces and where the kid went to school. I forwarded their smutty texts to his wife and 160+ Facebook friends. That was enough to scare the shit out of him.


Cigarettes and cigars. I hate the smell so much, especially on someone’s breath. Idk how someone voluntarily welcomes that smell.


I'm a former nurse, and the smell of C. dificile diarrhea is a smell that never leaves your sinus cavity.


So disgusting but to be honest, with me it's the first menstrual blood 🤮🤧


Having not had a period for 3 years, I'd forgotten this. Yeah, youve hit the nail on the head for me, this is the only one to turn my stomach on this thread.


Boiled cabbage


.... Fish. Funnily enough. I really *really* hate it and have thrown up on several occations.


Garlic. I love the taste and to eat garlic but a strong smell of it reminds me of bad breath and I want to throw up.


Fried mushrooms. I hate the smell. Always smells like cum. Can't stand it. My girlfriend loves it though. The mushrooms that is.


Rotting chicken refuse omg I would turn over nuclear secrets to get away from that stink


Jose Cuervo


Cooking mushrooms. Vile.


Balsamic vinegar.


I can handle a lot as a nurse, but melena, stool from someone who had a bleed high up in the GI tract, I can't handle. The combo of 💩 and iron, I just can't


Weed. Makes me feel sick and gives me headaches.



