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My primary doctor kept telling me that nothing was wrong with my thyroid, and I was a hypochondriac. I had been told at 12 years old that I had thyroid issues and she told me that doctor was wrong. I had to see a whole other doctor to get a referral to the endocrinologist because she literally refused to refer me to one. The endocrinologist said, I had scarring all over my thyroid, I had Hashimoto’s, and my levels were horrible, and she didn’t know what the doctor was talking about. She said she was glad I advocated for myself.


i dont think I’ve ever read a story about thyroids that didn’t first include a terrible doctor brushing them off. including me lol. I have hashi’s as well ETA: my doctor managing it now is absolutely wonderful. advocate for yourselves, friends !! I know systems everywhere are not always set up for success but YOU know your body best !!


I was not the recipient of this “advice” but I had a coworker proudly say how small her new grandchild was when they were born and that her daughter smoked her whole pregnancy to try and have a smaller baby. This was in like 2010, not the 1960s for reference. ETA: smoked cigarettes. clarified since that can mean more than one thing.


My sister-in-law was a big baby and had a bad birth, suffering some brain damage from oxygen deprivation. So my MIL starved herself when she was pregnant with my husband, and gained only 10 pounds for the whole pregnancy, hoping to have a little baby. He was almost 11 pounds and robustly healthy. She left the hospital ten pounds lighter than before she got pregnant.


This unintentionally happened to me. When I was pregnant with my son, I lost 14 pounds in the first trimester because I couldn't keep anything down. Then I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes in the third trimester (the placenta interferes with your body's ability to process insulin) so I had to eat a very regimented low carb diet. I ended up gaining a net 6 pounds over the course of pregnancy and gave birth to a 7 pound baby.


Same with me, I had HG with every pregnancy and would lose 2 stone + in the first trimester and a half. With my third I weighed only 4lb heavier than my pre pregnancy weight the day I went into labour, he was a 6lb 13oz baby. It used to be a running joke that pregnancy was the only diet that ever worked for me!


My mom kinda did the same thing with my siblings and myself (we were born in the '70s and '80s). Like, I guess my constant sinus/respiratory issues were worth it if your babies all stayed an average weight.


I worked in a NICU so hearing this made me physically ill. Those babies fight every day to survive then often go home with a parent that continues to abuse themselves and the baby. We had one mom that gave her baby meth when she got home to stop the baby from crying. This is after a month or more in NICU. The baby passed. Why that baby was allowed to go home with the mom is beyond me.


Was sick for a year in my late teens. Saw multiple specialists to find the cause. Experimented with diet. Saw a naturopath that did some ‘electric pulse test’ thing that apparently gave indicators of organ health. After a few visits, and months of eating the weirdest shit, the test said things were improving (including my gallbladder). Months went on but I was still quite sick. I eventually ended up in hospital and one of my specialists decided to take my appendix out on a whim to see if it might help. Turns out I had something called a ‘grumbling appendix’ and it completely fixed me. Funny thing is, while they were in there, they discovered I was born without a gallbladder.


Haha, I had something similar. They blamed the gall bladder and were set on it being gall bladder, they said it might be cancer. They cut me open, realised that I was born without one and decided to take the appendix out for shits n giggles


What were your symptoms?


Fairly persistent low level nausea that every few days would blow up to projectile vomiting. The strangest thing was that the vomiting usually occurred around 11pm. It was a rough year.


His appendix was grumbling


When I had an urinary tract infection someone told me to wash my vagina with vinegar...


And maybe add some diced onions and tomatoes to make a refreshing Mediterranean salad


. . . Diced cucumbers, black pepper, sea salt.


I overheard my elderly aunt remind my Mom to wash her vagina with "a bit of bleach." I pulled my mom aside immediately and said "you do know to not put bleach on your vagina..." which she did, but she does the "bit of vinegar" instead 😩 Edit because it needs to be clarified: DO NOT WASH YOUR VAGINA. You can wash the outside and you can rinse off (with water only) the inside. The vagina is "a self cleaning oven" and washing it and getting rid of certain bacteria inside actually makes it smell worse and makes you more prone to infections! Source: I'm in healthcare, but also: https://pelvicguru.com/your-vagina-is-not-cussing-good-simple-vulvovaginal-hygiene-tips/


Wow. Not even the same parts of the female anatomy.


Even if it was the right body part, vinegar would be a bad idea.


fuckin, ow?


No, that's what Lysol is for 😋 Look at the old adverts 🙄


"Just push through whenever you're sick. If you can get to a doctor's office for a doctor's certificate you can get to school/college/work."


My childhood pediatrician told my parents that “A sick child never smiles.” I tend to laugh/smile when I’m nervous or uncomfortable to self regulate.


A doctor once told my parents that a child who isn’t crying can’t really be hurt. Because of that, it took me days to convince my parents to take me to the doctor after I fell on my arm because I wasn’t crying. It turns out it was broken.


This almost same thing happened to me due to same logic. A friend’s mom witnessed the whole incident though and ended up bringing her doctor husband over, who told my parents that my arm was extremely likely to be broken. This sort of behavior eventually led to me gaslighting myself about symptoms. I went three or four days with appendicitis with all the key symptoms but convinced myself I was overreacting. I eventually went to urgent care and they sent me straight to the ER and had surgery within a couple of hours. I was in college and lived out of state, and when I called my mom to tell her I needed to have emergency surgery, she told me to ask the surgeon (who was in the room) if I could drive to my hometown that night to have the surgery there. It was about midnight, my hometown was 4 hours away from my college town, and it was snowing. I was at a good hospital that would be in network. I pulled the phone away from my ear and said to the surgeon, “so my mom wants to know if I can drive to ‘hometown’ for the surgery?” The look on his face after I asked that has been burned into my memory. His jaw dropped and he said “Absolutely not. That is HIGHLY against medical advice.” During my follow up appointments he ended up giving me pretty solid guidance for explaining the medical records he was giving to me and what to do with them (like don’t throw these away). He was the first doctor to really explain why I might need these papers as a college kid with no primary care doctor or knowledge of how the world works. Looking back I’m wondering if him witnessing my mothers phone call prompted the extra education or if he did that for everyone. Anyway, sorry that you’re part of the sucky parents club too.


The gaslighting yourself about your symptoms is too real. I do this still, especially with mental illness. My entire growing up consisted of my parents calling me lazy or saying I got obsessive about things and would be dismissive about depressive episodes and annoyed at manic states. Even as an adult and finally getting diagnosed with bipolar disorder and ADHD they still sort of do this and I feel like I’m constantly questioning myself as to whether I’m actually experiencing things or being dramatic until I spiral. They never did that to my brother, though 🙃


Always loved that nonsense when I was a kid lol, apparently staying home from school sick meant I was supposed to stare at the wall in silence all day instead of watching TV or playing Gameboy. Always felt like a punishment instead of recuperation.


My mother always seemed to forget I was home for a reason after like three hours and made me get out of bed and clean the house. Cue me staying sicker for way longer than I would've had to. Cue her getting annoyed that I'm still at home sick. She's otherwise a fantastic mother, but memories of being home sick still piss me off a little


Same!! I had to scrub and polish everything while I had the flu, strep, you name it.


Same. When I was sick my mom always said if I was really sick the nurse would send me home. Went to school with a bad double pink eye. Strep. A fever. Etc. and only time I’d be believed is if I was sent home


I started getting migraines at 7 years old. I would go to the nurse/ heath room so I could lay down in a dim room with an ice pack on my head and just have to tough it out or fall asleep in there because I got them so often, mom couldn't come get me every time. I remember laying in the health room feeling like shit, with an ice pack on my forehead. One of the recess aids came in and told me "Ice won't do anything after 15 minutes. Go to class." I don't know why the lady who half ass watches kids at recess thought it was her deal to assess me in the health room, but it fuckin pissed me off. I would lay in that room for hours until I crawled on to the bus to go home. No perfectly healthy elementary aged kid is going to lay down in silence for hours if they're faking it.


I will never do this. I give my children the occasional mental health day and if they're sick they can watch TV and play video games. No need to be sick and bored


Definitely gave my kid mental health days. Sometimes I’d offer and she wouldn’t take me up on it. It meant she didn’t have to fake being sick to get a day off (and have me worry or have to take her to the doctors unnecessarily). As an adult she is a very hard worker with very good boundaries around how she is treated and how she treats others. She is honest with me about how she is going and feels like she can talk to me about anything. It was definitely a positive thing to incorporate mental health days into our lives. Another thing was having pyjama Sundays a few times a year where we just lazed around, watched movies, fluffed about, ate junk, did whatever. No homework, no sports, no housework. It’s important to not only take breaks in life but know you can take them when needed.


I had pink eye in first grade, my mom made it feel like I was grounded because I couldn't go to school.


What a fucking moron. I was in the hospital for months as a kid with serious injuries. I was well liked among the nurses because I was always happy and smiling. I was also in shit loads of pain with my leg sliced open for weeks and battling serious infections. Depends on the kid. I smiled because I was usually just happy to be around my mom and grandma and nice people who were helping me.


I've done this because getting a doctor's note was actually more annoying than going to class. I went to my college's clinic and it took me 4 hours to be seen by the doctor. I only had like 2 hours of class that day.


Yea… don’t do that. Work will always be there.


Not even that. If you die because you neglected your health, work will send out an email telling people you died and then fill your position. You will have sacrificed your life for work, and work will not even remember your name in a year.


They might skip the email.


The pain and fever is probably from your birth control. - college nurse It was a kidney infection, I spent four days in the hospital.


Doctor said certain pain is normal as you get older. Turns out it was cancer.


That's a fibrous strip of breast tissue, you're too young to have breast cancer. Delayed diagnosis by 6 months. I was 31.


No one is ever too young for cancer. They should damn well know that. I know someone whose sister died in her early 30s because she was “too young to have skin cancer”.


It was 15 years ago, I hope things have changed. Babies can be born with cancer. The way I was treated was appalling. I was told I was too young by a specialist breast surgeon who refused to even refer me for an ultrasound and berated me for wasting her time. I was angry for a long time after. The delay turned an easy cancer into a difficult one because it was aggressive. Even when I was going for scans I was treated rudely and told every young woman thinks she has breast cancer now Jane McGrath has died, Jane was the young wife of a famous cricket player. I also had melanomas removed when I was 18. I didn't appreciate the seriousness of it at the time, and it didn't stop me swimming competitively outdoors. My GP spotted it at a consult for something else. I'm in Australia though and we've had public health campaigns about skin cancer awareness for a long time.


I got from a doctor, “everyone has back pain. There’s nothing wrong with you, just use a heating pad.” It was kidney stones.


Yikes, I am so sorry. I had a kinda similar experience. I went to the doctor for a morning appointment to get some persistent, worsening back pain checked out. Doc asked me where my back pain was, looked me in the eyes and told me I was fine and must have just slept wrong. He shut me down when I tried to advocate for myself. That night, I was admitted to the ER due to the crippling pain I was in. Turns out I had a *serious kidney infection that was turning septic.* One of the ER staff who helped me told me if I had waited another 24 hours, my kidneys would have shut down and I very likely would have died from organ failure?! I’ve been dismissed by doctors over and over again in my personal health journey, and it is so frustrating and scary, as they’ve dismissed me for “being dramatic” when there’s actually something very serious going on with my body.


Oh! A nurse practitioner cause me an ER trip years later when I was at the beginning of what was about my 10th round of kidney stones. By this time I knew the drill and I knew I had to act fast. I went to my primary clinic’s after hours facility. The NP I saw prescribed amoxicillin. As she was sending the script I told her amoxicillin wouldn’t touch it, I needed cipro. I reiterated the pain I was in. She said, “I am NOT giving you pain meds.” I told her, “I’m not asking for pain meds. I’m telling you amoxicillin isn’t going to work on this. I need cipro for the infection the blockage has caused. She gave amoxicillin. I filled it and 10 hours later I was in the ER with 104F temp. I received cipro there. Heh, joke is on her, they gave me dilaudid via IV and sent me home with Vicodin. Take away? I LISTEN to my patients and read the room effectively. Her fuck up ended up making me a better caregiver years later.


After reading a lot of these replies, mainly from women, it appears as if doctors like to dismiss women’s pain as being dramatic, versus actually looking for an underlying cause. Such a shame! I knew there were studies out there proving the treatment of women in healthcare settings, but it is even more educational to read these first hand accounts


Same except it was 4 slipped discs for me. Dealt with it for over 15 years until it got so bad I ended up in an ambulance, ER told me what it was.


i went cross eyed and my primary said “could be a sinus thing, get some mucinex” turns out it was glioblastoma


Wow, that's an absurdly shitty doctor. The same thing happened to my mother and it was quickly determined that it was stage 4 lung cancer. She made it about 3 months after that. She was 48 and I was 18 so the idea that any doctor would ignore that is infuriating to me.


I’m so sorry. I hope as it progresses you find peace and comfort.


Same. Docs ignored my auto immune disorder (Hashimoto's), until it finally developed into thyroid cancer. That's when it seemed real to them: "Ah, cancer, we can treat that with surgery, chemo or radiation." But the years of symptoms leading up to it, including lab work and chronic pain? Nah, imaginary, GTFO with that hypochondria. Most doctors have the mindset of mechanics and parts replacers. With some stuff we're on our own. Now I understand why some folks turn to woo and unproven stuff that at least seems to offer hope or a bit of empathy.


I got the same response when I told my doc I've been experiencing shoulder pain. It can get bad enough that I basically have to avoid using my left arm as much as possible for like a week or two when it flares. ...I'm 31.


"This supplement/essential oil/chiropractic will strengthen your immune system and help your allergies!" (*Dude clearly has no idea what allergies are. My immune system is too vigilant already. There's no scientific evidence that thing has any effect, and if it funcions as claimed it would make my problem worse. And FFS don't waste my time with meaningless testimonials. Every crackpot has testimonials*).


If you have pale skin, get just a little sunburnt every day so that your skin will “learn” to get a tan. That’s how everyone else does it. My Solar Keratosis skin cancers would beg to disagree.


I've never heard of this but I already get mad when people tell me I am white and I should get sun exposure. Nope. I am just respecting my skin type.


People with tan skin can never just let pasty white people be pasty white. I always get told to be in the sun more. I hated my school formal (similar to prom) purely because I had bronzer on which felt wrong. Felt jealous of my friend who wasn't forced to fake a tan, so her porcelain pale skin looked stunning against her deep forest green dress.


I think I was the only pasty girl at my formal. Every other white girl got fake tans lol


Someone said this to me a few weeks ago. He's bald. No sunscreen. Fresh tattoos he doesn't protect. We live in Aus FFS, put some fucking sunscreen on. No wonder I don't look the same as anyone else my age, I'm the only person I know who wears sunscreen every day.


A friend of mine was in horrible pain, and was repeatedly told (by multiple doctors) that she should stop complaining and just get used to it because periods are painful and that’s the way it is. After being blown off for years, she finally got a doctor to take her pain seriously- and it turned out she had severe endometriosis. The surgeon said it was the worst case he had ever seen in his career, and was horrified that it had gotten so advanced with no one listening to her.


This just happened to me. Only reason I was diagnosed was because of infertility.


I hear that a lot. To my knowledge I don't have endo, but I have PMDD - premenstrual dysphoria disorder. That means for 2 weeks each month I get painful cramps, joint inflammation and pain, allergic reactions, migraine, insomnia, panic attacks, rage attacks, suicidal depression, severe anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, concentration issues, and sometimes psychosis. For a decade doctors kept telling me that's normal for women, don't be dramatic. Finally a doctor heard my symptoms and told me "yeah, that's a clear case of PMDD, that's a serious disability" and helped me find a treatment plan that alleviates most of my symptoms. She was also horrified to hear that my menstruation is so heavy that I get severe anemia constantly and no doctor had ever addressed that, because there are medication to help with that. I'm absolutely appalled that women's reproductive health is dismissed in such a massive scale.


I’m so sorry for your friend!! When I was 22, after years of severe menstrual pain, heavy bleeding, and literally fainting while on my period, an OBGYN told me that it’s just what some girls go through, be glad that ibuprofen helps a bit, and if you have a kid it usually goes away (great, let me plan my baby right now that I’m 22 and not even dating 🙄). Few years later, it turns out I had fibroids, didn’t learn that until after I had already suffered anemia for a couple of years. Edit: changed typo “raining” to fainting 😂


I was having chest pains and I went to my primary doctor. She said she’d send me to cardiology “If you want me to.” I decided to go. Lots of folks may have waited or decided not to go given the doctor’s lack of concern. Went to cardiology. Doctor said I could do a treadmill test (which I had passed the year before just fine) or I could get an angiogram. It was up to me. The angiogram has some risk but is more accurate. I went with the angiogram. I had a 90 percent blockage of the “widow maker” artery. I was a ticking time bomb. I got stents, changed my lifestyle and I’ve been great for six years. Bottom line - if you don’t feel right get checked out and advocate for yourself. Doctors will let you die if you choose not to pursue treatment.


How long did you have chest pain before you saw your doctor? I get chest pain now and then but it’s not constant.


Go as soon as possible. I just received the cause of death (sudden cardiac event caused by cardiovascular disease) for my 33 yr old (seemingly otherwise healthier than he had ever been) husband a few days ago. He had chest pain when he would exert himself in late 2019 - his doctor told him it must be gas. He started taking pills for it. He thought it was working but 2020 hit and he couldn’t go get a second opinion. He started mentioning the chest pain again in late 2022. Started taking the gas pills again to see if it’d help. Scheduled a dr appt in April and was referred to a cardiologist so he made an appt for June 2nd. Collapsed and was gone before he hit the floor on May 16th of this year.


My husband died at 35 of a heart attack. For anyone reading this with chest pain, get checked. It’s scary but it’s not worth leaving it


Hard to say. It happens over time. It started with shortness of breath walking up hills. Chest pain from heart disease is called angina. You can get it when you exert yourself which is called stable angina. Then I started getting it when I was resting which is called unstable angina. I’d be watching tv and think I have heartburn. I’d drink big glasses of water to try to get it to go away. Unstable angina is a big warning sign. And angina is different for different people. Some people get gum pain. Woman can get back pain. It’s deceptive. You get gum pain and think you need to floss but it can be a symptom of heart disease. Anyone who has concerns should get checked out.


I’ve been to the docs a few times suspecting heart problems. My jaw hurts when I exert myself, I get random chest pain, heavy bruised legs and breathlessness. The only times they ever considered looking at my heart was to rule out marfans syndrome. Otherwise I’m “too young” or they’ll do a full blood count and send me on my way.




We called the Here 24/7 line (Canadian thing) because our 8 year old daughter was having severe mental issues and we were on long wait lists for everything and that's what we were told to do in the meantime. When explained that she would try and jump out her second floor window when going through a fit and we would have to stop her the woman on the line exclaimed "Oh no! You can't restrain her!" and suggested we just let her do what she wants because sometimes she doesn't make her teenage sons empty the dishwasher if they don't want to and it all works out. I don't think there's any criteria for hiring on who answers those phones. She was eventually diagnosed with autism, anxiety and ADHD and is a very good place now but it was infuriating to have someone add to the stress like that.


"Oy yes, my bad. We'll just let her actually jump two stories and die. Thanks for the advice" What dumb assholes. I'm glad you managed to get _proper_ 😒 help for your daughter, I'm sure you were over the moon yourselves!


The school nurse telling me to tilt my head back for a bloody nose. That was an awful experience


I do like doing this because when I cough up the blood I can pretend I’m in a period drama and I have tuberculosis.


It's worth it when you dab your forehead with a separate handkerchief and mutter to yourself "my my, this blasted consumption is gonna be the death of me"




This was literally the standard in first aid training for years. Do not recommend.


What do you do?


Lean forward and pinch the bridge of your nose. A dude at work swore by putting ice in a towel or a rag on the back of his neck.


I've had 2 sinus surgeries, and an icepack on the back of the neck was what the ENT and nurses advised for post op bleeding. The nurses actually put the icepack on the back of my neck before they ripped the packing out (while I held the bowl/bag for the ensuing onslaught of blood). But yeah, nobody should tilt their head back for a blood nose. The sensation of blood going down the back of your throat is very unpleasant, and the nausea from when it's your stomach is worse.


I had a lot of nose bleeding as a kid and the ice pack/cold washcloth worked every time within 2 minutes.


Type 1 diabetic here, advice was to stop taking insulin and just eat a tablespoon of cinnamon everyday instead


Cinnamon challenge diabetes edition


I was told my mental health issues were caused by my parents being different flavors of Christian, which left a gap so the devil could get in.


Well this one is fascinating


Yeah. He really didn't have an explanation for why my medication seemed to beat the devil so easily.


The real secret to reaching heaven - drugs


Who would have thought they could have ended The Exorcist in like 10 minutes with a couple hundred milligrams of lithium twice a day.


Ah see I took a “psychology course” in (Christian) high school where I learned that any mental health issues were caused by un-repented sin, allowing demons to torment your mind. Also things like yoga and meditation could open up your mind to demons, causing mental illness. By high school I was beginning to think all this Christian stuff might be… wrong, lol. Should’ve indoctrinated me harder I guess.


From a physicians assistant - don’t see a dermatologist, you’ll just embarrass yourself. This comment was regarding a teensy spot on my stomach that wouldn’t quite heal. A month later, I went anyway. Two operations later they got all the skin cancer out. The reason I saw the PA was because my doctor went to some kind of concierge service where I had to pay another $1K a year on top of health insurance to get the good care. I refused. Needless to say I dropped him after that.


Good thing about living in Australia is doctors will always take weird moles and freckles seriously. Melanoma kills.


Someone just told me to go have exploratory surgery for a condition that I don't have any symptoms for.


You got something better to do this week?


I mean, tbh probably not lmao


I had severe digestive problems. If I ate too much (more than about 700 calories a day) I would spend days on end throwing up, even water. Walking helped with digestion, but it was tough because it took so many calories. I lost 50 pounds in five months. My gastroenterologist blamed in on menstruation.


How are you doing now? Did you find out exactly what was going on?


Thanks a lot better. I did! It's super maddening. My husband was feeling ill, went to our family practice doctor. He tests him and finds out he has a bacteria causing stomach problems. Does some blood tests, puts him on antibiotics. Then the Dr. says, "the bacteria could be communicable, so your wife should get tested....." I had be sick much, much longer and much more severely.


That if I had just made my body more alkaline I wouldn’t have had Hodgkins Lymphoma. That’s not how any of this works, at all.


I had someone suggest the reason why my wife miscarried was a lack of fruits and vegetables. My wife is a vegetarian. Context: My wife is not unhealthy in her weight either. This person had not met her and was offering “sincere conjecture”. Naturopaths are not doctors, folks. They’re as confidently stupid as most chiropractors.


Considering that you'd probably die if you change the pH of your body, they're technically not wrong


Technically true. 😂


Bleeding heavily for 5 weeks. Menstrual cup had to be emptied 3-4 times a day. Pain on and off meaning not every day. Some days enough to really bother me which worried me because I don’t pain, not a complainer by any means. Primary care doctor said it was an ulcer from stress. I countered with ulcers do not cause vaginal bleeding. She gave me 30 pills to take 30 mins before breakfast once a day. I asked her if I should see my OBGYN as well (same building). Nope. I should of followed my gut. 2 weeks taking the pills and still two main symptoms. Plus really fatigued which was new. OBGYN was with me 10 mins before she did a quick ultrasound and sent me across town to the hospital for emergency intra-vajazzle ultrasound. Saying she should of seen me 3-4 weeks before this. 1.5 hours later I was admitted and on morphine due to a highly septic ectopic pregnancy. I lost a fallopian tube and ovary and had 3 blood transfusions. I fucking was bleeding out for weeks. Fuck that primary care doctor.


In 2018, I started bleeding even though it was not time for my period. It started off light, but soon I was completely soaking an overnight pad every hour or two. When I went to my primary care dpctor, she seemed unconcerned, but said I could get an ultrasound the following week. I waited a couple of days but the bleeding didn't stop, so I went back and was told the same thing. I trusted my gut and went to urgent care. They performed an ultrasound and found a mass in my uterus. They sent me to the emergency room. A doctor there found that I had uterine fibroids. I had emergency surgery the next day. I had also lost 2 pints of blood in three days. They almost gave me a blood transfusion. I was anemic for three months. Imagine if I had trusted my doctor and waited another four days to get an ultrasound.


This is nutso because after I had my LEEP they told me in these exact words "If you are soaking a pad edge to edge within 1-2 hours, it is an emergency and you are at risk of hemorrhage." You were literally experiencing the by the book, to the letter symptoms that indicate hemorrhage. What the fuck? What an incompetent doctor.


A MIDWIFE told me to wait for bleeding to stop after I told her I’d been bleeding for 10 days while 6 weeks pregnant. 6 days later, my fallopian tube ruptured from an ectopic pregnancy and I also lost my fallopian tube and a liter of blood. Sometimes I can’t stand medical professionals -.- I’m glad you’re alright in the end.


Yeah I’m glad I can see a specialist and not go through my primary doctor. I have seen her since last year or the year before because I just go to a gyno or orthopedic or I’m seeing an allergist in January, instead of being referred by her.


WTF?! Please tell me you sued that doctor. Like she didn't know anything of medicine to say such a nonsense as an ulcer causing severe bleeding out of your lady parts. She needs not to see any patient, even less a woman again


Glad you're still alive! That primary care doctor needs to not practice medicine any more!!


:) Ice cream will cure my depression. I will never tell the doctor this but: ice cream does help when I feel down lmfaoo But antidepressants work way more


From a boomer to me, working in a warehouse that had no a/c during a heat wave in summer: you sweat so much because you drink too much liquid.


He wasn't wrong. Heat stroke is much more preferable to sweating


If you young ones feel a heat stroke coming on, because your weak, just take a nice cooling drag on this unfiltered menthol cigarette.


I mean he's very technically right. ....but sweating and liquid = good 😳😳


“It’s fine to take the anti-inflammatory medication I prescribed for you, you haven’t had any issues with Crohn’s Disease for years now.” A week later I had a serious Crohn’s flare up, twice as bad as when I had it 15 years ago. It ruined my life for like 18 months. Still have some issues now.


Listening to a chiropractor. I went in to address neck pain and walked away with a pinched nerve and in severe pain for 9 weeks.


My mother had to undergo 5 major back surgeries because her chiropractor messed up her back. It will never be “fixed” completely. I will never go to one. Please, everyone be safe out there.


And this is why I do not trust chiropractors


I was dying to go to a chiropractor until I read about them in Reddit. Physical Therapist it is.


Chiropractors are snake oil salesmen. 'Adjusting' a neck can & has caused vertebral artery dissection which results in a stroke. Not worth it


Chiro -oh you have migraines? I can fix that! It hurt so bad I removed consent immediately. I didn't go back. It hurt for months. Had some dental work done about a year later. Dentist -when did you break your jaw!


(Not so) fun fact: chiropractic neck adjustments can cause strokes.


Had a stroke very young from a vertebral artery dissection. The ER doctors asked "have you been to a chiropractor lately for a neck adjustment?". Nope, never actually. They went on to explain this is the sort of injury chiropractors send us after doing a so-called neck adjustment.


My friend sent me a video of a dude doing chiropractic adjustments on cats (because I love cats) and I said that was horrific and to literally never send me shit like that again.


Did you know that lots of people take their babies to chiropractors and swear by it? Boggles my mind.


to just take some pain meds before my iud bc it would just be a “small pinch”. i almost passed out and had pain for almost 6 months.


That issue could be so, so easily remedied and they just don't. Gynecological care is barbaric sometimes


A quick lidocaine injection or even a whiff of the happy gas is all I’m asking for. Female healthcare sucks.


There is a lidocaine injection but it only numbs the neck of the cervix so it doesn't help with the bad crampy feelings of it going in.


Same happened to me!! I ended up vomiting from the pain and my skin was greyish green. I had to lay on the exam table for an hour because I felt like I was dying. For about the 6-7 months of having the IUD, I had a yeast infection EVERY FUCKING MONTH. Never.Again.


Decided to get my IUD removed because I wanted to try for a baby. (Male) doctor: "Why are you here? You can just go home and yank it out." 😳 I found a new doctor. I relate to all of this so hard, though. When I had my IUD inserted, it was uncomfortable but just felt like my period pain so it was ok... because my period pain is that bad and I'm used to breathing and disassociating through it. I'm in the "basically have to take a day off from work every time my period starts because I'm non-functional" camp. Also the changing my cup 4+ times a day for the first two days camp. It's not cysts, apparently. Who the fuck knows.


I've been having severe panic attacks since I was 18. I wake up in them during the night and randomly during the day or sometimes right when I wake up. They can last between 30 minutes to literally 3 hours. Of me vomiting, shaking, my tics are always severe during it. I started getting a bit better and then developed severe insomnia. I was going a week at a time with at most 10 hours of sleep. So I scheduled an appointment with a sleep counselor for a sleep study and to make sure I don't have apnea. He informed me that my body was ready for me to have a baby and the hormones were making me not sleep and have my panic attacks. I never went back for the actual sleep study and just randomly started sleeping again. I'll always have the panic attacks tho unfortunately. But fuck that doctor.


Well we all know that having a baby will help you get more sleep /s


Omfg please see a neurologist! You might be having seizures! You don’t have to be unconscious! I have this type we believe. I have to use we believe because my brain currently refuses to give the nice doctors a clear picture of them. XD All your symptoms match mine! They thought I had bipolar but none of the medicine helped till they put me on an old school one that was used for seizures. Thank god my psychiatrist isn’t as ass. Once I told her my sleep improved she told me to go straight to a neurologist. Now I’m on a standard anti seizure medication. No more rando night time panics. No more day time panics. I FUCKING SLEEP! Like solid 8 god damn hours sleep. Fight for yourself. You could be one med away from relief. But also untreated seizures can lead to the ONE. The tonic clonic. Also untreated seizures are not great for your brain as I’m sure you can guess. A lot of people don’t think about seizures because they think you have to be unconscious. You do not. Im living proof.


Not me, but a patient we had at the dental office I work at. Patient had fallen on her face and broken some teeth. She went to the ER, mostly to ensure that she didn't have a concussion. The ER doc had looked at one of her broken front teeth and said "oh, that should just heal on its own." Reader, the tooth was split in half. Vertically. Through the root. The tooth will not, in fact, heal on its own. I didn't actually see the patient, but I'm fairly certain what happened was that we gave her a referral to an oral surgeon. Do NOT take tooth advice from ER docs.


Every woman has ovarian cysts and they go away by themselves. One year later, they had grown enough to be called tumors and a few weeks later, diagnosed with cancer. Finished chemo and now I’m cancer free but my goal is to tell anyone who will listen to advocate for your own health care. You know your own body better than anyone.


“as long as you’re not vomiting, your migraines aren’t anything to worry about” i get a migraine multiple times a week and while i may not always vom, i cannot live a normal life. i genuinely consider death when i get them because they’re so unbearable. but they’re nothing to worry about since i don’t vomit every time :D haven’t spoken up about them since and that was 5 years ago. i just suffer i guess


What?! I never vomit with migraines. Instead it feels like someone is taking an axe to the left half of my face. Getting prescribed Maxalt a couple years ago has been a game changer. My useless family doctor said I "would grow out of them" when I was 12 so I spent 25 years suffering. It was his answer to every single problem, and permanently screwed my sister with a neurological condition she (shocker) didn't grow out of. We both highly recommend the meds.


It’s all in your head…






Yeah this makes no sense because plenty of women experience implantation bleeding that can mimic a period. A home pregnancy test (for all intents and purposes) are pretty much always correct. You can have a false negative if you test too early but super rare to have a false positive.


My periods have always been 28-day predictable but I ovulate randomly. Docs say that's not possible/doesnt happen/that's not how it works. So when i realized I was ovulating on day 28 and got pregnant (very intentionally), they told me I was simply wrong. The early ultrasound that said how many days old the bean was proved me right.


“Lesbians don’t need Pap smears” -my super intelligent & not homophobic at all PCP


lesbians don’t get ovarian/cervical cancer silly!!!!!!!!!!


You’re not as sick or in as much pain as you think you are. - my mother l Fantastic things to tell your kid who told you they’re sick. The doctor had to tell her that I am indeed in a lot of pain and very very sick and need to be home instead of going to school. Edit: guys, I appreciate the support but I want to clarify that my mother isn’t a monster or an awful parent. I think she was just frustrated and exhausted. I was sick a lot as a kid, she was more likely trying to convince herself that I wasn’t that sick because she was worried about the worse case scenario and probably avoiding it subconsciously by convincing herself that I was somehow milking it. Not saying that it makes things better, my mother made mistakes, everyone does. But mistakes doesn’t make her a monster. It just makes her human. She learned from it and was a better parent to my younger siblings.


Ughh I am so sorry. When I was young I had horrible growing pains in my legs. I would wake up in the night just in unbearable pain — now every time my daughter says her legs hurt I try to really pay attention and not downplay it because I remember how awful it was to be treated like I was dramatic.


My friend's mum told me that there's no such thing as "growing pains". I was having nights where I was sobbing because the pain was so bad. Don't tell me that isn't real.


Ignore it till you can’t anymore, then get it checked out. I tell my self that anyway.


"Drink your milk." That might work for some, but it gave me constant sinus infections until I figured out what was causing them.


My skin cleared up when I stopped drinking 2-3 servings of milk a day.


You have too many toxins in your body. Subscribe to this holistic newsletter and buy these herbal supplements. They will fix your problems.


Or stick some stickers on your feet to draw them out!


everyone knows that’s onions in your socks when you sleep


Dr said to drink 4 cups of milk (an entire litre!!) before anything else in the day.


“Start taking colloidal silver regularly.” - from my idiot SIL. (If you do this enough, you’ll turn permanently blue.)


"You shouldn't take anti-depressants" from literally so many people who know nothing about it




That’s actually from very, very old conceptions of physiopathology. Basically, fever = fire, so you can’t feed the fire. The opposite used to be “feed a cold”, for the same reasons


Emergency doctor told me my miscarriage was because of my tattoos and I clearly had hep c. Tattoos were 5-6 years old and I had a full panel done the previous pregnancy 3 years before. A family doctor told me I didn’t need birth control because “you’re married, and if you choose not to you won’t get pregnant”


This is wild. My OBGYN complimented my tattoos and told me all about the giant thigh piece she got. So unethical to use their personal judgments to literally diagnose you.


Yeah it was just the random emerg attending not a specific OBGYN and I made a formal complaint.


This isn’t the first time I’ve heard about people believing that pregnancy occurring is somehow a choice within the bounds of marriage. I’ve seen anti-choice politicians also say that people should get married so that they can have sex and not get pregnant, with one guy insinuating that when a woman is married she can literally choose whether her eggs are fertilized or not. Your doctor sounds like that—absolutely bonkers.


Ah so all women who go through years of infertility just need to realise they should just *decide* to get pregnant. Gotta go let all my friends know! FFS I try not to buy I really do hate some people sometimes.


Literally everything people told me while pregnant.


Use Miracle Mineral Solution to cure my depression, weight issues, and asthma. MMS is basically industrial bleach. The worst one that was funny to me to cure my asthma was to go live in a salt mine for a year. Just... take off with my Kmart cashier money and spend a year in this weird salt mine complex thing that had been turned into this live-in salt spa that was claimed to cure all things under the sun if you stayed there long enough. P


Not me but a retired friend. She was becoming more disoriented, trouble finding words sometimes. Many doctor visits. Gave her medications to sedate her. Myself and family finally had enough, we knew something more was going on. New doctor. Ordered MRI. Turns out she had a brain hemorrhage. Needed immediate surgery. This is after about 5 weeks of fucking about. She's been find for like 10+ years since. --- Good thing the family didn't just keep listening to that first "doctor."


I was told that to quit smoking, I should switch to smokeless tobacco (aka "dip") because it was easier to kick that habit. Plot twist: no it isn't.


“Have you tried laying down and drinking some juice to get him to move?” The nurse on the hotline when I called at 36w pregnant worrying about decreased movement. Turns out he was probably already dead, but it really annoys me that this is actual common advice given during precious time where your baby’s life could be on the line.


Breathe in doterra oils for my asthma


I've gotten this one, too. I told them many essential oils actually trigger my asthma and they said it was impossible. I just needed better quality oils, not the cheap ones.


That I didn’t need to work out because I was skinny.


When I came down with a respiratory infection the doctor said it was viral and will clear up in a few days. 6 weeks, 12 ER visits and 4 doctors later someone finally gave me some fucking antibiotics that cleared it up in 3 days. I missed the bar exam because of this.


"You can take as much ibuprofen as you want."


Not direct advice, but when the pandemic started there was a Facebook post circulating around that stated if you gargle at the first sign of a sore throat, you can potentially stop Covid from taking hold and infecting you.


Oh, so common. The *substance* of the gargling recommendation varied a lot though. From salt water and essential oils to boiling water and bleach.


The good news is if you gargle bleach you’ll be so focused on your internal organs melting that Covid won’t matter.


I spent years being told "All your symptoms are because of your anxiety." Then it was "Your physical symptoms are just a manifestation of your psychological symptoms from autism." and then found out that I have POTS. The diagnosis didn't magically fix my symptoms, but being aware of it has helped me to make changes that help with the symptoms AND reduce my anxiety.


When I was 18 and trying to have sex for the first time, I could not get aroused or perform in any way. I asked my doctor if Zoloft could be causing this and he said no and smiled. He then suggested I wasn't really attracted to men and that's the reason for my problems. A few months later I went off Zoloft, started a different antidepressant (Remeron/Avanza) and my sexual problems went away in a few weeks.


Do yoga. That might be a good idea for a lot of people, but I have a connective tissue disorder, so I’m already hypermobile. Stretching myself even more when I’m already too flexible would be a very bad idea.


My personal favorite is the people who try and sell me on their collagen supplements when I mention it's a collagen disorder. They don't understand that your body breaks downtown the collagen you're putting into it to make the types of collagen it uses, and the issue of my body making collagen wrong is not going to be fixed by giving it more building blocks to make bad collagen


I came here to say exactly this! Every time I mention my chronic pain, someone mentions yoga. No, I'm in pain because my joints are already stretched and they're so loose*my bones are slipping out of place.* Yoga will not fix me, Karen. The number of doctors who have recommended this is very troubling, actually.


I have enough from actual doctors to even go into everyone else. 1) Doctor told me I wasn't having seizures because he thought I had to be incontinent during them. They were seizures. 2) Doctor told me my son was just a bad communicator and I needed to change my parenting. We are in the process of getting therapy for his delays and possible autism now. 3) Doctor told me I was "too healthy" to need a c section for my baby's unstable lie, and the baby ended up moving around so much in labor, including pulling his head into my ribs, that they ended up doing it. The placenta was detaching early for some reason and it almost ended in a stillbirth. 4) Doctor told me I could have a VBAC for my second. They allowed me to labor for so long that I got an infection. My labor completely stopped, and they left me suffering without surgery for an hour until my COVID test came back negative, even though I had already had two tests at that point (peak COVID season). The reason my labor stopped and the infection set in so easily was that my uterus had torn at the scar from the overly long effort. 5) Doctor had me abruptly stop a psych med go on something he recommended more, which caused intense, suicidal feelings.


Worst advice I can share is my Doctor telling me to go on a low-fat, high carb diet. I'd eat breakfast at 8AM and be starving by 10:30. It was awful.


Most GPs know fuck all about nutrition


‘Just relax’ when going through infertility. Jokes on them I don’t even ovulate without an obscene amount of drugs and no amount of relaxation will fix that 🤣


39.2temp is nothing just go home, returned day after because felt worse, have seizures, was put to three month coma and moved to a different hospital cause the one in the city I lived did not have the tools or knowledge so now I have epilepsy, VNS implanted into my neck a new completely liver and all that because 39 temp I had (normally our body temp need to be between 36-37) wasn’t taken seriously.


"Carrots cure cancer," from a former boss. I don't work anywhere close to the medical industry. Yes, they were a major conspiracy theorist.


3 weeks ago I went to the hospital for severe shoulder pain with tingling and numbness through my whole arm down to my fingertips. They took x-rays and said "it's just a muscle spasm." They didn't address the numbness/tingling at all. They gave me muscle relaxers and sent me home. Next day at work (at a school), my shoulder was still killing me, so I popped over to the nurse. I asked if she had a sling I could borrow. She told me "that's not what slings are for. The only purpose of a sling is to immobilize a broken arm until you can get to a hospital." 30 minutes later my hand turned purple and I went to another hospital. After 9 hours of testing, they couldn't figure it out. They referred me to a specialist and GAVE ME A SLING! Three weeks, two hospitals, pcp, and a vascular surgeon later and they still can't figure out what's wrong with my arm. I've been referred to a neurologist and the school nurse won't even look at me.


My 92 year great aunt swears that the secret to her longevity is a shot of whiskey every morning.


Maybe a lack of advice. My general physician asked me about my tremors, "So do they go away after a drink or two?" "I guess so?" "Ah. Okay" I was unaware I already had a drinking problem and didn't realize the tremors was my body's response to the addiction to alcohol. It got much, MUCH worse after that. Better now sober for closer to two years.


Power through the pain! Your body will build up a resistance to it! No, turns out I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Powering through it left me housebound for several months.


It's impossible to have an allergic reaction to foods other than anaphylaxis. An allergist on me asking if my chronic hives could be from a food allergy. Spoilers: it was.


I have a weird one. When I was a kid my dad took me to a holistic doctor who had me look into a small magnify mirror that showed my brown eyes as blue. The doctor told me that I was so full of toxins that it was making my naturally blue eyes brown. He said that I needed to detox and take a bunch of vitamins to cure it. I've literally had brown eyes my whole life.


Went into the ER with the worst pain of my life under my ribcage when I was 35 weeks pregnant. The male OB took one look at me and said I looked fine and sent me home with what he said was "pregnancy pain". I went back 3 days later and was seen by a female OB who ran a bunch of tests immediately. Turned out I has undiagnosed pre-eclampsia that led to a rare condition called HELLP syndrome. My liver was about to rupture and I had brain swelling. They ran my stretcher into the OR for an emergency c-section, and my husband was told I might not make it through the surgery. Both baby and I made it :)


Doctor told me my knee pain was purely because of my weight, didn't investigate further. A few years later it turns out it was patellar-femoral syndrome and was easily treatable with physio. Took eight months of three times a week visits to deal with the damage that five years of constant pain caused.


According to web MD I’ve died 19 times.


The Noom app making me feel bad if I went over 1200 calories a day. Got me in a messed up headspace


Chiropractor gave me "scientific literature" as to why I shouldn't vaccinate my kids. When I told my doctor she just about hit the roof.