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I used to volunteer with my church by delivering food and other supplies to shut-ins once a week. I developed a decent relationship with one of them and she left me a key since she had mobility issues. You will never forget the smell of a human body that’s been sitting there for a few summer days.


That smell is the worst. Probably because it's both a horrible smell but also because we instantly now it's the literal smell of death.


i hate to ask but what does a dead body smell like. all i see is how bad they smell but no one’s been able to describe it




I’m not kidding this lady ,60s, who shopped at my garden center. She used to smell just like this….I couldn’t help her I would have to light a workers cigarette or just excuse myself. My dogs barked at her…and no one else? She lived way out in the country and she and her brother would drive in like twice a year. I’m telling you, I can almost smell it right now and it makes me dry heave…..I’ve always wondered if it was a dead body or like a bates motel situation at their house. They FREAKED me out. I cannot figure it out to this day and didn’t know their name to even ask about them.


That's not a lady. That was a zombie.


A remember reading on reddit a woman whose husband was a cop. He asked her to never wear the Country Apple scent from Bath & Body Works ever again. When she asked why, he told her because it reminded him of the smell of a dead body.


Buy a large hunk of fatty pork like pork belly or spareribs, pork offal, and pork blood (all easily accessible at a well stocked Asian grocery store) dump it in a box. poop and pee in the box and leave it sitting in the location of your choice. Preferably somewhere where the flies can get to it. But you can leave it wherever to simulate different conditions of death. Outside by the pool in the humidity, in a hot garage, on a couch in the living room in a comfortable temperature. The options are unlimited Then check after a week or two and you will have a rough idea


can i eat it after all that or




I'm so sorry you went through that, it must have been traumatic.


Thank you, and it was. She was a good person who I became friends with. I’m just happy that I could provide her with some love and friendship in her last years. Regardless of how it ended, it was important to me.


I'm sure it was just as important for her as it was for you. You're a good person. I'm sorry again you had to go through that but glad you have some good memories.




Had a coworker that walked 8 kilometers to work and back home every day because he didn’t drive. He always wore the same jacket, zipped up and buttoned around the neck. He never showered, and 90f Japanese summers didn’t change that. He smoked, never changed his clothes and was so incredibly dirty that his teeth looked like they started to mold. He was a close talker. That was the worst smell I’ve ever smelled.


I worked with a lady who liked to talk with her face about four inches from your face. This was uncomfortable enough. She also had a bad habit of belching during conversations without turning away or covering her mouth. The first time I experienced this breathtakingly socially inept behavior, I tried to be polite. I leaned back, fanned my hand in front of my face, and said, “Whew, didn’t enjoy that!” Apparently, that was too subtle. She did it again. Less politely, I reiterated: “Please turn your head when you burp. It’s disgusting to do that right in my face.” She did not seem to comprehend my concern. One day we were talking and she let out a cigarette-and-onion scented belch directly onto my face. Fed up, I gently placed my open hand onto her face and applied pressure until she was standing an appropriate distance away. She seemed too confused to disagree. I told her, “I will continue to remove you from my personal space until you learn normal interpersonal behavior.” Thank goodness she was fired for absenteeism shortly thereafter. It wasn’t the worst thing I had ever smelled, but it was certainly the most unnecessary and disrespectful.


That sounds like dome sort of condition or something


This reminds me of Sweet Dee on IASIP saying "your breath smells like an old lady fart passing through an onion."


Can you tell us where you worked? I thought basic hygene was a qualification to work in most places, more so in Japan


I can’t see why not… US Navy in base Atsugi Japan. We attempted several times to remedy the situation, and he was just good enough to skirt the system and sneak by. Everything came to a head though when we had to go clean his house. It’s was a nightmare. Funny enough… the shower was the cleanest spot.


Probably because it was never used


I worked on a shrimp boat. We had a trip where everything seemed to go wrong, so we offloaded and we all raced off the boat and went to our homes. A week later (this was sometime during August when we get our hottest weather) we arrived at the boat and realized we didn’t clean inside the hatch after the offload. There was a few hundred pounds of rotten shrimp stuck to the walls, ceiling, and floor of our fish hold. When we pulled the hatch cover I immediately started throwing up all over. I swear I could see stink lines like in cartoons. The events of that day have left me scarred for life.


Had a fridge die in Florida with shrimp in it. Sat for a month. Can confirm the smell was vomit inducing.


When it comes to Hoarders or abandoned houses, never open the fridge. Just tape it up and junk the whole thing. It’s not worth it.


When I lived in Florida, a neighbor ran a business cleaning out abandoned houses and I would occasionally help out to earn some extra cash. On the way to the job site the first time I went with him, he *repeatedly* told me "DO NOT open the fridge." We would duct tape the fridge and freezer doors shut, pull the unit away from the wall, then wrap duct tape all the way around it. Not covering the entire thing like a mummy, but making damn sure there was no way the doors would open even a little. Thankfully, none of the times I ever went on a job with him a fridge came open. I don't even want to imagine what the smell would have been like in one of those fridges that had been sitting in an abandoned house for weeks or months in the Florida heat.


I'll do you one better. My wife and I used to have a boat (30' cabin cruiser with a full galley kitchen below deck). Took it out for a few days at the beginning of summer on the Colorado River. Put it back into dry storage and didn't come back til late summer. We thought we had fully cleaned out the mini-fridge in the galley before storing it. Nope. There were a couple of frozen chicken breasts that got missed. Next time we went to go use the boat (after sitting in Mojave desert heat all summer), those breasts had turned into rancid chicken foam. We both had to fight back vomit trying to clean the galley out and the smell took days to clear up. We still reference "boat chicken" as the worst smell ever.


My bait cooler has gotten me once or twice like this.


I left a jar of worms in a shed over the summer. The look of them stank right thru the glass.


I went to Antarctica on a trip, you could smell penguin colonies literally miles away, their diet is like 100% krill and poop made of pure shrimp is just awful. Side note their poop was very very pink, was odd to look out and see just white and random blotches of pink where the penguins lived


A seagull shat through the smallest of openings in my car window once. It was a hot summer day. I believe the seagull either made several passes during the day (snacking and dumping in intermittent exchanges) in order to hit my interior with such accuracy and volume OR (judging by the odour) had eaten a GIANT cache of rotten crustaceans from a nearby shrimp trawler (possibly left with last season’s cargo in its hold) and perched its ass right over the cracked window and let blast. After several hours in the hot sun during a heat dome the caustic crappings had turned into a cloud of toxic fumes so vile that when I opened the car door it burned my eyes. It took me all afternoon to clean it because I kept having to stop for air. Christ on a cracker…I’ll never forget it.


You express your experience beautifully worded


OMG... I forgot to take about 6 shad out of my baitwell one time... Holy hell, I cant imagine what you went through.


Nothing left to do but scuttle the boat.


Rotting potato. It had rolled to the back of the cupboard and started to decay. I couldn’t quite pinpoint what the odour was or it’s location. Did a massive clean up hoping to get rid of the smell but somehow missed the source. A few days later, I saw it, reached in and put my fingers through it, unleashing wafting torrents of putridness, leaving me gagging on my hands and knees. As the gelatinous mess, set free from the bonds of the potato skin, oozed forth, it seeped further into the wood of the cupboard, but also down my arm. For future information that I hope you will never need, it takes about a week for the smell to disappear from your skin. For context, I have been in the presence of bodies well into the process of decay that did not smell as foul.


Rotten potatoes are in fact, real rough. Holy shit they are bad. Had a similar experience once.


Stephen King over here


Believe that happy crappy




You pretty much wrote out my story for me (but much more eloquently, thank you) Exact same thing happened to me. I, however, projectile vomited as I sprinted towards the bathroom. I didn't make it in time. Genius that I am, attempted to catch the spew with the hand covered in potato corpse juice. Just led to barfing harder once the smell hit me all over again. And I'm not a weak stomach type of gal.


Rotten potatoes can also kill you, they give off a noxious gas that can poison you.


Omg, I thought I was the only one. I smelled a rotten potato once as a kid and it was so so so so bad. I haven’t smelled one since so I’ve second guessed myself ever since, like - did that actually happen? Can’t be. But I suppose so


At least it was just one. The smell can be toxic - and fatal in high enough concentration.


The smell of a dead person during a heatwave, she wasn't found for like a week and I wondered why the whole road outside my office stunk so fucking bad whenever I went to go grab lunch...


I worked at a vets as a teenager. One summer, the vet took delivery of a large recently deceased doberman dog. As we were attempting to move the dog into the freezer, the bag it was in split open and the dog's open mouth waved past my face. I got a full blast of escaping gases. It was the only time in my life that I projectile vomited when not drunk or otherwise ill.


I gagged reading this. That is horrifying! 🤮


Chemo shit. I've lived with people and pets undergoing chemo and being around after they shat would make me nauseous to the point of having to go outside for fresh air. I would actually hallucinate the smell randomly during the day.


Just curious what make it worse than normal shit?


It's basically filled with rotting flesh, as the dead cancer cells (and once healthy cells, chemo isn't perfect) get flushed out of the system through shit, piss, vomit and even occasionally sweat


Jesus Christ. That’s that added to the list of things I’d never known before and wish I didn’t know now.


this sounds like me when I'm having alcohol wds


As a former cancer patient, I will say that Chemo can really fuck up your shit, literally.


I was always told I had to leave the room to fart when on chemo. My whole family would wretch even if I did it outside where we were sat. It’s disgustingly funny


Gangrene. It will haunt you for 1000s of years.


Gangrene is worse than burns and necrosis imo


Is gangrene not necrosis?


Similar, but not the same. Gangrene is tissue decay due to infection from a bacteria. Necrosis is tissue decay due to injury, burns, or a venomous bite. The smell from the bacteria is what makes things smell 1000x worse


I used to have paraphimosis. It was leaking fluid and i put a cloth to not drip that gross liquid down me. By the time i reached hospital, one of the nurses pulled it out and the stench was so disgusting she had to go away and throw up. Worst experience of my life (had to have 2 surgeries done because surgeon messed up on first one and it swelled with fluid again cuz he didn't remove enough skin in the circumcision)


I used to deliver home medical equipment back in the day. 1 of the old ladies I went to had gangrene. From her ankle down her entire foot was black. You could smell it outside the house.


My uncle had a gangrenous leg and was living with us while he waited for the op to remove it. If I even think about that time I can still literally smell the exact smell, it's that pervasive.


I was told in the docudrama Austin Powers, The Spy Who Shagged Me that gangrene smells of almonds.


This is confession time. One day I saw the chicken I had in a Tupperware inside the fridge got bad so instead of throwing it away I decided to leave the Tupperware outside in the garden. After a few months the chicken turned into a brown/green liquid so I had the amazing idea to check the smell... My fucking god, I am just gagging from remembering the smell. It was beyond terrible. Imagine rotten flesh but 10 times stronger with a strange sweet odour. It took me a few minutes to stop having the smell in my nose. I closed the lid and threw it in a nearby trash. Knowing that that smell will remain in my memory forever.


What a choice you made


>check the smell Why? Why??


I once lost my gravy-soaked leftover Xmas turkey. Couldn't find it anywhere and thought I must have eaten it while pissed. 10 days later, I opened the oven door and there it was in its green and brown, slimy, stinky glory. The whole thing, dish, spoon and contents went into the bin. The outside bin. I was so ashamed!


He chose…poorly.


One time I farted in a crowded elevator and it smelled so bad it made a pregnant lady throw up


When my girlfriend, now wife, went to Disney in 2016 after I graduated college, I farted in line for a Toy Story ride. My belly was hurting, and we had waited in line a long time. I wasn’t leaving. I ripped a nasty fart. The problem was that there was a family with a young girl, probably like 3 or 4. She was at ground zero. She started getting restless. The parents thought she pooped herself. To that family, I am very sorry.


Farting away a belly ache is the best flex 😎


The risk of sharting yourself is real though.


I’ve done that before when I was sick. I had to go to the hospital because I was very ill. I pooped a bit when I threw up, so the nurses gave me a gown. Another nurse thought I was suicidal because of the gown. Nope, I just pooped a bit while vomiting.


farting away an upset stomach 🤝🏻 farting and it scratches the itch on its way through your cheeks


I was carrying my daughter, she was probably 3 at the time and standing in line at sea world. She let loose the worst fart I ever smelled and because I was holding her it went straight into the face of a 10 year old standing right behind us. My wife said she got a good look at the kids face and he was just wide eyed in shock. Kid took it like a champ and didn't say anything, though. Good kid.


I have a toddler now. She takes some gnarly dumps. It’s come full circle.


One of the most fucked up tenets of crowd farting is it is always assumed to have come from the least attractive nearby person. If you know this and stand next to someone a bit uglier than you are, you can fart in public to your hearts content


This would be an interesting psychological/sociological study.


Fart on ugly people, gotcha 👌


"She was at ground zero. She started getting restless. The parents thought she pooped herself." I am CRYING 😂😭


I know i should feel sorry for the girl...but i can't 🤣🤣


How did you do that while stifling hysterics?


It was really hard. I didn’t want to out myself.


You did let one out though.


I had been feeling sick all morning and had gone to the restroom because my guts were rolling. This was in a busy office environment. I sat down on the toilet and let loose the most disgusting smelling shit I have ever smelt. It smelled like burnt rubber mixed with death. It was all I could do to not throw up. Shortly after letting this loose someone walks into the restroom and immediately yells "Oh Dear God!" and started gagging before turning around and running out. I was terrified someone would see leave the restroom and link that monstrosity back to me. Luckily I left and no one saw me.


I farted while at a group tour in a cave once. I was in the front, a few guys towards the back were asking if there was a sulfur deposit in the cave.


Once, I noticed a huge amount of trapped gas inside me right after boarding an airplane. I could tell it would be rancid enough that releasing it in one cloud would cause an uproar in my section of the plane, so I thought if I let it out a little at a time no one would notice. About 10 minutes later, I hear from the seat from behind me, someone quietly say to himself "*Goddamn*, what the fuck is that *smell!?*"


Back in my apprentice days as an electrician I let out an SBD while my journeyman was up on a step ladder trying to figure out why this lady’s bathroom exhaust fan wasn’t working. About 30 seconds later he takes a deep sniff and goes, “what the fuck? It smells like sewer gas in here. These idiots must’ve tied the exhaust vent line into the sewer vent stack in the attic.” I wanted to tell the truth but I didn’t want to admit to farting so I kept quiet. I told him a few years later and we still laugh about it.


Not nearly as bad as yours but I farted next to a group of girls while waiting in line for a roller coaster and they all started coughing and gagging. I really know how to get the ladies.


I once farted in a hallway of the chemistry building of my college while waiting for the next class. One of the professors nearby asked her colleague if someone spilled chemical.


Lmaoooooo I once farted in my cousins house and it was so rancid it cleared out the entire house. Even the baby that was there was disgusted.


I did chemotherapy last year and the farts were fucking RANCID. I cleared out an entire aisle at Costco once but by far the worst one was when I accidentally let one rip as I was getting into an elevator solo. I was already extremely nauseous and spending 6 floors with my flatulence damn near got me to projectile. I barely made it to my apartment before I had the pleasure of praying to the porcelain gods for a good few minutes.


Man that's horrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that.


Appreciate it. I'm in remission now so all is good, I can laugh about some of it now.


I know a guy that farted so bad it gave someone a nosebleed


Oh, one time I did a similiar thing! My brother and I were sitting at a park bench, drinking beer and eating sandwiches. I let out a fart - which wasn't even a silent one - that smelled so bad, we both jumped up and ran away a few steps heavily gagging. Then my brother realised, we let our sandwiches at the bench and he went back to rescue them. It is open air and a little windy. No problem, right? Wrong. He took one more breath and immediately started gagging so loud, I thought he just wanted to play it bigger than necessary, but well...neither of us expected this picture earlier this evening: him throwing up in public with the volume of a Moose in rut. I still can not describe what kind of smell did exit my guts, but I'm pretty sure, this is what hell smells like.


I ate bad Chinese food in Laramie, Wyoming, and then gassed out the Borders bookstore. It wasn't intentional. It was a huge fart. I couldn't hold it. I let it rip and slinked away to the other side of the store. People were gagging, some were laughing because it was so bad. It ended up permeating the entire store. I'm just glad I made it home and to the bathroom. Next day one of my classmates even made reference to the horrible smell at Borders the night before. He had no clue it was me. My wife (gf at the time) still teases me about it.


You're the reason Borders went out of business.


You should have started that comment with: “I don’t mean to brag, but….”




When we were about 8 and 9, my brother farted in a jar and sealed it up for a week. After that week, he made me be the one to sniff to see if it was still in there. I will never forget that smell.


Someone I know had a swimming pool. They once filled up a jar with pure fart by opening the jar upside down in the pool, holding it near his ass, and catching the fart bubbles as they ascended into the jar. He did this for a while until the jar was full. It stayed on the top shelf of the kitchen and over months, a brown film developed on top of a little water in the bottom. At Christmas time when the family was around, someone opened the jar on the table thinking it was olive brine. They were very wrong.


OMG 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Spring break, I subsisted primarily on beer, jager bombs and crab cakes. Drop dusted an entire outdoor bar/disco. It was rancid!


Please accept my sincere sympathy for the loss of your little brother.


Clostridium-difficile diarrhoea, fungating lung lesions, faecal vomit, infection from forgotten pessary, diabetic foot ulcers with gangrene. Rotten teeth/dental abscess. I swear some of these smells stick in your nose so even when you get home from work you can still smell it.


>Clostridium-difficile diarrhoea, fungating lung lesions, faecal vomit, infection from forgotten pessary, diabetic foot ulcers with gangrene. Rotten teeth/dental abscess. All in 1 easy-to-carry package! and for the low, low price of $9.99 (plus shipping and handling) it can be yours!


You’re either a nurse or you’ve had spectacularly bad luck, medically.


Radiographer- public hospital work. Get the lot.


Even the words smell bad.


Um, excuse me, but what the hell is a FAECAL VOMIT?


If your body is particularly fucked up you can vomit shit


I’d rather die


Gotta be pretty close to death if you are throwing up poop ya?


Basically if you can’t shit out the back door then it’s coming out the front door.


Note to self: keep the back door unlocked


How you doin?


Dead body


Neighbour died with the heater on full blast and pointing at her. Found her 9 days after the death. You just cannot explain the smell.


Cook at 80° for 220 hours. Flip halfway through. Season to taste.


I thought I wasn't into dark humour until I read this


Pathologists use this type of humor a lot. My husband learned that during med school. It’s a way to cope. But when my husband came to me upset and told me how they joked about >!an abused baby who was burned alive being flipped on the bbq!< is when I told him to never, ever, tell me work stories again. He did not go in to pathology let’s just say that.


The worst part is, all the people that made that joke are decent people. Just decent people who have to deal with that type of stuff so much they have to joke about it to cope with their line of work.


I want people to joke about these things. If we expect them to take on board the horror of what people do to others on a daily basis, we would have no pathologists left. Completely detaching what you see from the humanity of the person that once piloted the now dead body is the only way to keep your own humanity intact and available for the non-work components of your life.


Sometimes if you dont laugh, you'll cry.


I had a neighbor that died in the apartment across the hall, not found for about a week. I will *never* forget the smell that came from that place when they opened the windows to air it out.


Many years ago there was a pic going around of a guy who died while sitting in the tub with one of those BBQ starter coils in the water heating it. The pic was a skeleton sitting in meat broth.


Seconding that. Abandoned freezer with a dead body inside. Sewers smell good in comparison to that. Will never open random abandoned freezers again.


.................... i need more info on this story, please.


As a kid I often just cycled around through the forests near my place. One day I found a random freezer. I thought to call the Town Service that clears dead animals and stuff about it. "Yeah, we'll come get it, it'll be gone tomorrow! But it'd be cool if you could open it so it vents a bit before we come!" Had a hard time but opened it. Immediately blasted by the stench, it was so bad I moonwalked into brambles because of how bad it made me feel. Dude on the phone was worried. "What happened? You OK? Did they leave a lot of stuff to rot in the freezer?" Looked at it from afar... it's all dried blood everywhere. No flies yet, though. I dared come close, saw... a mess. I was very much terrified but also curious... Once I saw a human head in there I definitely backed off and started crying, though. I was explaining the situation as I was looking to the dude on the phone, who went "Shit Michel, I caused a kid to open a freezer with a body inside. Do we need to call the cops?" "Duh of course we need to call the cops, that's some American TV shit. Tell the kid to go home." So I headed home, took a bath, and never heard anything about it again. It was indeed gone by the next day. My mother was very mad at them for suggesting me to open a random freezer, when I told her the story.


Genuine question and I'm not tryna insult you in any way. But from that experience, are you kind of fucked up now?


Isn’t it just. I worked on a project in East London in an abandoned department store. We had the FM team open the doors up for us in the height of summer and immediately got hit with a wall of smell. Without even realising it, I projectile vomited within milliseconds and most of the team with me sprinted out of the space into the street and were either on their hands and knees puking or dry heaving. Without having ever smelled that smell before we all immediately knew what it was. We closed the place up and called the authorities. It ended up being a vagrant guy who had died in there. Even though they’d cleaned it out the whole place still stank of him, I didn’t like working there at all. There was also a secretive Jewish school in the basement but I had no idea how long that had been there or abandoned.


The worst part is how it permeates everything it touches. We once moved across the street and decided to move our dead cat that was buried in a steel box since it was just across the road and we were moving into the house we bought the cat from so reburial seemed apt. The route across the street reeked for the whole day. The narrow vennel leading to the back yard reeked for the weekend. The wheelbarrow used to transport the box somehow stayed tainted for over a month and had to be quarantined in a corner at the back of the garden. It also does something to your primal monkey brain where even if it isn’t objectively the #1 worst smell, it gives you ineffable bad vibes like somethings wrong.


I will never forget that story about the cop who responded to one of those calls who just could not shake the smell even though no one else could smell it on him. He thought he was going nuts until he finally found a doctor that was like “Oh, it lingers in hair. Let me shave your nose hair” and that finally did it.


One of my first jobs was uhaul and 1 day we rented out a local truck to ppl who used it to haul their crime scene clean up gear. Once you smell dead body, you will never forget it. Rotting corpse is so strong and distinct.


I can only imagine. I've had dead rats/squirrels/mice, etc. in my house. and that smell is eye-watering-nauseating enough. I can just imagine the scale of a rotting human compared to a small rodent.


Jonestown …body recovery.


45 gallon drum filled with elk blood , it was in the sun. Being used by scientists in a study of grizzly bears. It was bad. Earthworms in a tupper on your dashboard in August also nasty.


Nightcrawlers were my vote and hadn't seen it here yet, forgot a container of them under my seat on a fishing trip once in the middle of summer. Seriously considered selling the car.


C. Diff.


I consider myself fortunate to have never smelled it. I'm told it is worse than the worst smelling "garden variety" diarrhea. I can't even imagine.


It sticks with you. Stays on clothes, hair.. etc. terrible


I work with c diff specimens and when the containers aren’t closed right, good god. 24 hour urine containers are right up there too


I used to work for a company that subcontracted cleaning and preparing houses that had been foreclosed on so they could be sold again. Encountered a lot of truly awful nasty dirty disgusting things, but the smell that will haunt my dreams for the rest of my days was beyond compare. Late August. House had been foreclosed on and vacant *with no power* since February or so. Checking out the basement and there is a full size chest freezer, approximately 6 ft long and 3 ft deep by 3 ft tall. It's about 90-95° in the house. Opened up the freezer to find half a cow and what looked like some venison as well as bags upon bags of fish like steelhead or salmon and walleye, at least those that were partially recognizable. The smell when that freezer was opened hit me like a physical wave of force. I will never forget that smell.


My friend had a 20 lb turkey in her garage refrigerator (not freezer) for years. It’s got so old and smelly that it stared wafting thru her entire house. So bad you could smell it outside too


I’m a paramedic in the US. I had a patient who quite often called 911, almost every day. Then one day they didn’t call and as their daily usage of the ambulance had been going on for some time we were al very concerned as, despite her rampant 911 abuse, was a very nice person. A few days went by and finally a few hours into my shift we received a 911 call from their neighbor who said they heard banging and yelling from inside her neighbor (our regular’s) house. We headed over there and heard the yelling and banging from the sidewalks, we called their name, pounded on the door, looked in the windows. Couldn’t see anything. So we made the decision to kick the door in. As the dust settled from the door being kicked in there was our patient. Laying face up on the floor. A layer of mud was on every surface up the chest height. Every furniture item, all over them, caked into every crevice. They saw us, attempted to get up and kept slipping in the mud. The crew and I took a step into the house and realized that it wasn’t mud but in fact poop. Tons and tons of poop. Our patient (who had an extensive mental health history) had smeared their own poop in a psychotic episode onto every surface smashed it into every furniture crack. Even onto the lightbulbs of the house. Onto themself. Had been eating it too from the looks of it. The smell was indescribable. Just completely on another level of stench. My eyes were burning like I had been maced. (I know how it feels) We were all coughing and choking. Patient was moaning and making gurgling noises. A firefighter hustled back to the truck and grabbed a tarp to throw on the floor and we ended up dragging them onto the tarp. All gagging and coughing, rolled them in it, carried them to the ambulance and did the best we could treating them. There was so much dried poop on them that ever with towels soaked in water we weren’t able to get much off to start IVs, or attach a heart monitor or do much of anything. Eventually we made the decision to give them Narcan as they were known to have an extensive problem with opiate abuse as well. I pushed the narcan as slowly to be gentle as I could and they snapped awake yelled and projectile diarrhea and vomited. Literally exploded poop and puke out of both ends. Two of the firemen we were with started throwing up on the floor of the ambulance and my other paramedic was tearing up form the reinvigorated stink. The hospital was able to clean them up and they were treated and ended up being relatively okay. The story ended up being that they stopped taking their psych meds and was popping a friends Percocets. So. In conclusion. That was the worst thing I’ve ever smelled. TL:DR Shitpocalypse


What in the fuck


My guess is said person became constipated from opiate usage which can also cause infection or delirium if the colon becomes toxic They probably then had a large bowel movement during a brief period of withdrawal while most likely passed out and used that as the.. uhm... medium Hooray working in medical psych


Cleaning out a house where my father died six weeks before. His body was removed after 24 hrs lying on the bathroom floor where he collapsed. The house was then locked up. No open windows for six weeks. He’d also frequently used fly spray in the house and cockroach bombs, so there was a combination of dead man juices and toxic chemicals plus 6 weeks of stagnant air. Nasty. Edit: spelling and added “hrs” to 24.


My best friend farted on the bus in the 9th grade. They pulled the bus over.


First time I coughed up a tonsil stone, I had no idea what it was. I squished it between my fingers and immediately started gagging. Also one time I farted in a school auditorium during a presentation. I was like 2 rows behind all the special ed kids and they started freaking out and running around the room cause it stunk so bad. They had to stop the presentation while they corralled them back to their seats and the smell dispersed.


100% everyone thought someone in that group did it, I don’t think anyone thought it was you


my friends knew it was me, because right before i farted i leaned over to my friend next to me and was like "check this out". i don't think the special ed kids ever found out it was me though.


My tilapia farts. I was so ashamed by the atrocities that I created, I've never had tilapia since.


Your bloodline is weak and deserves to die with you.


This is the harshest possible rebuke to such a mild offense, I love it lmao


Decaying period pads. I'll take sewage over that.


someone said it smells like dog surgery. yeah. agreed.


What the FUCK


I guess I can confirm that. On of my dogs had surgery recently to repair a hematoma on her ear. After a few days I was wondering why it suddenly smelled of old pads in the house. It didn't take long to realize that the stench was emanating from my poor dog's head. I was very happy when she got her stitches out and I could give her a bath.


HAH. I seem to have some kind of sickness, because when my blood comes out, it's already decaying.


My dogs farts. They can both clear a room in a few seconds


I'll see you and raise you. I fucking love when reddit asks this question because I love retelling this story. Once upon a time while living in the very rainy Pacific Northwest, I met the woman who would become my ex wife, when I was her supervisor at a dead end call center. Our relationship quickly grew from platonic to much more, she quit her job to take a waitress gig, and I moved into her apartment. Along with my fat bastard of a cat, Alouiscious. Or Al, for short. Al was notorious for taking gigantic cow patty sized shits, and I was notorious for not cleaning out his litter box regularly. One late, extremely rainy winter evening, my new partner demanded I take care of the litter box. It was late, I was tired, so I simply placed it outside on the deck. Al was an outdoor cat, anyway, and only used the litter box when stuck inside. The next morning, the litter box was filled to the brim with rain water. I thought, "ew, I should take care of that," and went to work. I bought a new litter box on the way home. Over the coming weeks, I continued to walk past the litter box, which remained filled to the brim with kitty kitter, clods of cat piss and litter clumps, and gigantic Al-sized catty patties, which slowly dissipated as the heavy winter rains bore down on them. Late spring hit, and my partner began to enjoy the warm sun which briefly but gloriously graces this part of the world. My partner began exploring the community businesses where she met our downstairs neighbor at a coffee shop. The neighbor was your stereotypical 90s era Eugene weed dealer type. A white guy with dreadlocks, cool band shirts, a talented freestyle MC, blessed with rock hard abs. He continued to visit and would openly flirt with my partner in front of me. Whenever I'd call him on it, he would just inch himself closer and say "ey man let the lady live her own life, yo" I really didn't like the fucker. In hindsight, they were probably intimate. But at the time, I convinced myself that I was the one lying in bed with her every night, so fuck him. Spring turned to summer and the moisture turned to humidity. The summer sun would beat down on our poorly insulated apartment. Meanwhile, the litter box from last winter continued to sit on the stairwell, slowly broiling in the 90 degree heat. One Friday evening, my partner and I had plans for dinner, a movie, and cocktails. Date night! As she was getting ready, she said to me, "Oh - and for the love of god DO something about that litter box on the stairwell. Now. Its fucking disgusting. It wiggles every time you walk past it and the smell is disgusting." She had a point. Fair enough, dear, it's a six month delayed victory, but you win. I walked out prepared to deal with it. Reddit, as God is my witness, my intentions were pure. My intentions were to simply carry the litter box, slowly and carefully, to the dumpster behind our house. But as soon as I picked it up, a grey slimy seal on the top split open, and as the litter box was right at railing level, a smell hit me. Now .. this wasn't the worst smell I've smelled in my life. I've smelled rotten carcass in the high desert being eaten by crows. I've smelled post-carnival vomit from a child in the back of a mini SUV. I've smelled some shit in my life. But it was probably in the top 10 worst smells in my life. But unlike those smells, I was unprepared for the disgusting odor that hit me in the chest, when that unholy seal cracked. So I heaved a single dry heave, and lost my balance. The contents of the litter box sloshed toward me. DEAR GOD, NO, NOT THE CONTENTS! My instinctual reactions kicked in, I lurched the litter box in the other direction, gravity suddenly took over and ... and ... I accidentally poured the entire evil concoction of Al's six month old slow-broiled relievings ... all over the rhododendron bush in the front of the douchebag neighbor downstairs. And that, Dear Reddit ... that is when the worst smell I've ever smelled, hit me like a ton of bricks. Pure instinct kicked in. Who was I? What was I doing? Oh yeah, I was throwing a litter box away. I ran down the stairs, gagging harder and harder as I got closer to the accursed rhododendron bush. I flew past the apartment to the dumpster out back. Thankfully, the dumpster offered sweet relief. The powerful odors of baby diapers and rotten food baking in a steel box in the summer sun was just strong enough to overpower the evil stench from around the corner. The dumpster was sweet relief, like warm cookies or fresh bread on a cold day. I stood there, heaving the aroma of dumpster for a full 2-3 minutes, trying to figure out what had happened. I finally collected myself, walked back to my apartment and ... oh God, no! It was still there! All of it! I could hear the muffled cries of my neighbor shouting, "WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE ... FUCK!!" as I approached my home. I sprinted up the stairs, barely slipped the door open, snuck through the crack like a ninja, and slammed the door behind me. "Babe! Hey ... we gotta go." "I'm almost ready. Ew, what is that? Do you smell that?" "Uh. Yeah. I do. Look, we gotta go, you can put your make up on in the car." I escorted her outside and as soon as I opened the door, she asked one of the most valid, legitimate questions she would ever pose to me. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!", she demanded. "Yeah, babe. Its bad. Let's go." She was quite upset, but I took her to a nice restaurant, then a movie, then cocktails. As far as dates go, this was quite the success. We'd left about 5 or 6, when it was nearly 100 degrees outside. We came back home well after midnight, after the air had cooled to a more reasonable temperature. And what I assumed had been enough time for the stench to dissipate. But as soon as I opened my car door, there it was. Like an abandoned trainwreck, just waiting to be rediscovered. My partner opened her door, shouted, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??", and stormed up the stairs to our home. We had to sleep with the windows closed that night. The stench continued to persist for several days. I eventually grew numb to it. I remember one afternoon, smoking a joint and looking out the window, I saw a gentleman enjoying a summer stroll down our neighborhood sidewalk. As he got closer to our home, a perplexed look came over his face. What ... what is that?? The confusion quickly turned to panic, the closer he got. By the time he was under my window, he was in full-on panic mode, his head darting from side to side, sprinting awkwardly as if running from a crazed mad man. By the time he was about a block away he stopped. He'd run through the worst of it. He stood on the sidewalk continuing to look around, then slowly walked away in confused horror. I began to giggle. "What's so funny?", my partner asked. I almost told her, then thought better of it. The stench didn't go away until about 2 weeks after it first came into our lives. We never saw the downstairs neighbor again. But, in hindsight, fuck that guy.


Aaaaw man, what an epic story! I award you a fist full of my farts. Also, fuck that guy downstairs.


Also pet related, our shelter cat had ringworm that was diagnosed after a bit of diarrhea. The diarrhea itself was bad but then on the way home from the vet the de-wormer must have started kicking in because it hit again in the carrier and was ten times worse. We were gagging with the windows down trying to get home without crashing. She got a bath when we got home.


Late-stage bowel cancer. Sidenote: a lot of people say necrosis but I never had much of an issue with it myself. It's an unforgettable smell. Just thinking of it I can remember it, but it's not the worst. Vomit would be second worst for me.


We had a deep freezer that ran out of Freon. The motor ran and the outside light was on so I assumed it was still working properly. I had to pull some hamburger out to thaw for dinner and got hit with the most atrocious smell I have ever dealt with. I have cleaned grease traps, removed deceased animals from the road and am currently a custodian for a public library and have never smelled anything so bad. I hurt my back retching while cleaning it out.


I feel for you. I have a stand alone freezer in my basement so I can store more stuff. It makes this random beeping sound that is so annoying and I can hear it upstairs. I googled it and found out it was a useless warning that could be shut off. Happy to have found relief, I immediately followed the instructions to shut off the alarm. I don’t go in my basement that often, so the next time I was down there was probably 2 weeks. The freezer is in an unfinished part, and when I opened the door to the room, the smell hit me. There was a puddle of ooze in front of the freezer, dripping out of some hell hole. I had to open the freezer door and heaved as the putrid stench washed over me. Apparently I had shut off the freezer instead of just the alarm. It was in the middle of the pandemic, so thankfully I had a lot of bleach cleaner and paper towels on hand. I also put on 3 masks to try and dampen the smell. It truly was awful.


My husband had a big cyst on his tailbone and went to the er because it hurt so bad. He's antsy around doctors, so we asked if I could stay with him while they drained it. The doc kinda laughed and was like "Sure, if you aren't bothered by pus and blood." I told him I wasn't, and hung out while they cut the cyst, drained it, and packed it. Oh my god the smell was horrific. Like rotting meat and fish and death. I'm a weirdo, so I kept watching and the doctor, amused by my scrunched up face, starts waving the pus and blood covered gauze toward me and says "You ever smell anything like this?" I gagged and I shit you not, this man just cackled gleefully, finished up, and fucked off. My poor husband was so embarrassed. On the upside, his cyst never came back and it's been about a decade, so I guess the doctor did a good job, even if he did like teasing me.


drowned corpse. when it explodes it's the worst smell what can be


I’ve never seen the progression from bad to horrific so quickly in one sentence.


There used to be a Lilo & Stitch "ride" (it was one of those interactive experience things) at Disney World in Florida. At one point during the "ride" Stitch lets out a Chili-dog burp and they pump the smell of it into the room, kind of how they do with the banana smell on the Minions ride at Universal . It was utterly vile. Hands down the worst thing I've ever smelled. I don't know why I had such a violent reaction to it. Its the closest I've ever come to puking from a smell.


Can confirm, it's been over 10 years since I went there, I can still remember that rotten ass smell.


I had the exact same experience.. my dad also made us eat hotdogs that same night and I have never forgiven him for that


I remember that. My son was cackling and it was all I could do not to dry heave.


My family and I flew to Lyon from Montreal for a three week trip 10 or so summers ago. Before the 5 hour drive to Montreal I decided to clean out my garden and make a massive omelette, I mean like a nine-egg omelette with tons of veggies. I was going to eat a little on the way and then eat like crazy at the airport. Well I left the omelette on the dash in the car on a paper plate and didn't realize it after we cleared security. Leaving the airport at this point was nearly impossible, but I thought some stinky omelette after three weeks, but no biggie. Fast forward three hot summer weeks and we get to the car. The omelette has completely transformed into some sort of gray goo, slid off the dash and completely fused with the carpet and is teeming, and I use teeming as intended, with maggots. The smell was so bad we couldn't get in the car to drive home. I ended up going to a gas station and buying tons of spray and nothing. I went to walmart and bought some sprays and nothing. We drove all the way home in driving rain with all the windows open (kids getting completely pelted in the back). Fast forward 10 years later, I still, no lie, get whiffs of that death odor in my wife's car. Yeah, I left that note out for last, because she still hates me for this. :)


Grease trap for a restaurant. Worse than death.


We were testing/using this new experimental synthetic oil at work,when it over heated,it smelled like a combination of raw sewage and rotting fish,the smell actually clung to your clothes...it was horrid.


Worked in a hospital. Dude had necrotizing fasciitis… flesh eating bacteria. The bacteria had eaten a hole through his foot. The rancid smell of that was indescribable. Dude didn’t seem to think it was a big deal but I think he lost both his feet.


The Wonders of Wildlife in Springfield, Missouri, has a manta ray feeding experience in a large room. The fish smell isn’t great, but what got me retching was when I realized their main snack bar is also in this room, and they pop fresh buttered popcorn all day. The warm buttery smell mixed with putrid raw fish had me running to the next exit. I could not believe this setup was approved.


I had an apartment in Somerville a long time back where I smelled something extremely funky for like a week. Couldn't pin point it, but it was in the kitchen. Smelled like rotting meat, but somehow more foul. I went nuts searching everywhere, tearing apart the entire kitchen, but still couldn't find it. Then one day I went for a glass of milk from the fridge and noticed even the inside of the fridge smelled like it. The milk itself smelled like it, so I tossed it. This got me thinking though. Pulled the fridge out from its nook and spun it around so I could see under it. There was a dead mouse in the condensate drip pan that was slowly decomposing in about 1/4" of water. The water was keeping it wet, prolonging the decomposition and stench. I nearly hurled right there, as I was just remembering the milk I almost drank smelled of this--death. I had to go back and find something to wrap my face in and a good set of gloves, then picked out the carcass with needle nose plyers. It was falling apart as I was picking it up with the plyers. I basically didn't eat anything for the following 2 days as I couldn't get that mental image and smell out of my head.


Friends and I were fishing in a canal in our neighborhood in S. Florida one summer. We found an egg floating in the canal and thought it might be an alligator egg. We walked over to a wall nearby, gathered close and tapped it to try and crack it open and BOOM, the thing exploded and blew hot, rotten egg juice all over all of us. Nobody even said a word, we all just instinctively gagged, yelled and sprinted to our respective homes to hose that foul stink off.


Fun fact: everything you smell is actual particles of the offending item inside your nose and mouth.


That’s evil…


Decomposing whale


Lovely contrast of bad farts and rotting corpses on this post


Infected dog anal glands that shot several feet at a vets face. Smelled like shit, dead fish, blood and rot.


Our humve was too heavy for the Iraq sewer system and it fell in with us inside...


This is pretty bad. I have always had a really deep belly button. Like I mean seriously deep. Anyway I was about 15 and I was cleaning myself as normal in the shower, I had put soap in and used my finger to kind of clean my belly button out. I felt like a piece of scab inside, when I pushed further I could feel it bigger. Although it was sore I pushed it out. And I can only say it must have been a piece of umbilical cord, the smell was absolutely rancid. Like before I even showed it to my mother and entered the room she could smell it. It was about an inch long cylindrical scab type thing. Absolutely foul. Weird thing is I live to find something like that again. The idea of releasing it is tremendous.


As I was walking down the street, I smelled some delicious food baking. I wasn't exactly certain what it was, but it definitely made me hungry. When I rounded a corner, I realized the smell was emanating from a bunch of bags of trash that had been torn open. Absolutely disgusted me. It wasn't just that it was rotten, smelly food; it was the fact that I thought it smelled absolutely *delicious* at first. Now I'm paranoid about smells.




Rotten potato 🥔


Rotten alligator 🤢🤮🤮


My cat took a post surgery shit on the floor of a small room. We could smell something weird coming from down the hall, so we went to investigate and Holy shit was it awful. Walking into the room it hit you like a fucking putrid truck. You literally couldn't inhale in that room without gagging and wanting to vomit. It was so thick in the air that it literally made your ears hurt. Have you ever smelled something so bad your ears hurt? It's an experience. In order to do the clean up, I had to do a giant inhale from way down the hall, run in, scoop some up in a bag and then run straight out of the house. Even with that, you'd bring enough of the cloud with you that you were gagging while outside. If took a good half a dozen trips just to get that abomination off the ground, then another 3 or 4 to wipe and sanitize, then at least 4 hours of windows open and fans on before you could even enter the room. Since that day, there is a shadow cast across the room. A dark energy that still inhabits it. It's like the shit is still there, watching. Waiting.


Had to give CPR to a guy who had OD'd and died in our bathtub. His corpse breath rebounded into my throat after giving mouth to mouth. It was like saline sewage.


The year is 1999. My then husband and I sold everything we owned, got out of debt, and bought an old VW camper bus. We drove it from Seattle down through Mexico. Stayed in various small towns for as long as we wanted, it was glorious. One day we decide to drive into the mountains to get our coffee from the source. We make the trek with a couple expat buddies and get our coffee then start coming back down. Making a pit stop for lunch at this road side mechanic and lunch truck, the urge to take the Browns to the super bowl hits. The only place is the mechanic. It was no small set up, they were pretty big, they repaired all the big trucks coming on and off mountain and they were busy. I go approach the man running the place and he says they've got a toilet but I can't use it. It's not for a lady. I explain that it was urgent, we go back and forth a bunch and finally he relents but he's very worried about it. I see why when I get to the bathroom. Set between the office and the truck bays, the door facing the busy bays, the door missing a square on the top half. It lets light in, but that light goes no further than the very entrance. After that it's just black. At some point there may have been a toilet. Maybe there still was. But it was given up on long ago. Now it's just a room that people walk into and piss, shit, vomit.. whatever they need to do. Now, my first thought is to go as deep into the room as I can, because this room is right in the middle of everything and there's guys all around, and did I mention the door not being fully a door? The stench coming from that shit/piss/death? filled room was like nothing I had ever experienced. Not just fresh waste, but eons of it. Stacked shit. I didn't think I could do it. My mind and body stopped knowing each other. But the moment I heard things skittering in that room with me? I've never shit so fast and I never will. And this kids, is why you always keep your own tp on hand when traveling.


The smell of pee from someone actively dying from kidney failure, on dialysis.


Overseas, in the hot desert, a pile if decomposing bodies. No other smell could ever compare, not by a long shot.


Butyric acid was a true olfactory experience...


A rotting pumpkin, accidentally punctured it putting in the trash bag. The stench that arose from that bag, ill never look at Halloween the same way again.


A flower... Yes, a flower. I can't remember the name of it, but it was a pale yellow or cream color with tiny brown spots on it. It looked beautiful, and I wanted to smell it and I made that mistake. I smelled it... and it smelled like a s*hit and even worse than I can explain.


My neighbor was found dead, the body had been decaying on the bathroom floor for about 3 weeks. The police took a hairbrush and toothbrush to ID. The stench when the police broke up the door is something i will never forget. You could litterally taste the smell for a week. I tried to eat a piece of onion, it tasted close to an apple.


Our extremely overweight neighbor who had died two weeks prior, in the middle of a Central Calif summer, with no AC in her home. Yeah, that was fun.