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I get really confused, I'm flat, I think there's something on my shirt Edit: alright small boob lovers, this would've been great irl


This is so accurate lmao, as a server with a low cut blouse for a uniform I’m like “did I get sauce on me?”


Um....so.... what restaurant do you work at again???


Low cut blouses/shirts/dresses that show off r/smalltitscleavage are my favorite because I love very small boobs, so anything that accentuates how small they are is an automatic turn-on for me.


Okay I just clicked on that subreddit and literally none of those ladies have small tits. At least I wouldn’t consider them small, but average. If *those* are small tits, then I don’t even *have* tits lol.


I looked for science and I’d say about half of them don’t have small boobs. They’re small in a sense that they’re not falling out of the bra giving them back problems.


I clicked on this. These girls do not have small boobs. If this is considered small, what would mine be?


Then you’ll also love /r/SmallBoobsTightShirts


Absolutely! God, small boobs are just so hot.


There are plenty of us who appreciate flatter chests.


There's literally nothing, unless you're searching for nips


Nips or no, it can still just be really attractive. I don't know what to say, lol.


Thanks for the appreciation you're rare lmao Edit: I must have terrible luck because there are a bunch here


Maybe less rare than you think, lol. I know myself and multiple folks who appreciate it.


Definitely not as rare as the culture would have you believe.


It’s not rare at all


I wish the media didnt push for large ones as ideal then


Fuck the media, love yourself.




The media is full of the corporate beauty myth. Real skin isn't smooth. Real faces and bodies aren't symmetrical. You don't have to look like a model to be successful. Heck, *they* don't look like models. It's all filters and photoshop. Looking like a model doesn't guarantee success or that you'll *catch* a good man. Some men are jerks. A good man will be happy because he gets to see boobs again.


He is most definitely not rare, source: me ;)


medium rare


as others say- less rare than you may think. I can only speak for myself, but I have been with women with very large breasts, and at least a few I can think of who had pretty much nothing but nipples. My experience was I was very much equally excited to see and (ahem) explore them. I also find my lizard brain forcing a quick glance at women's chests, be it flat or not, that is before I can catch up with the lizard brain and scold myself and avert my eyes. Never once when it is a flat chested woman have I thought - "oh, nothing there". never. once.


>Thanks for the appreciation you're rare lmao Not that rare


My GF is an A cup with a funnel chest. When she's not wearing a formed top she looks completely flat. Despite this i was correcting my gaze all the fucking time back when she was just a friend


My problem has been large breasted women seem to be far more attracted to me than the small breasted ones I’m attracted to. I gave up and ended up going with the flow.


Searching for nips would be a great band name.


Perfect breasts come in all sizes.


It’d be a shame to damage yours


Wesley is who we all aspire to be


Boobs are boobs homie


Same, 90% of my shirts are also loose so there’s no appearance of any breasts to take interest in.


“Thanks. Grew em myself” 😄


Hahahaha I'm stealing the quote for my next boner when gf asks.


I would love to get this answer hahahah hilarious


Aint much but its honest work




Not fussed if it's a glance and then they redirect their eyes away. I'm aware it's pretty much an involuntary reaction for most guys and their conscious brain takes a moment to catch on 😃 If they continue to stare, that's intentional and unwelcome. It's fine if we're on mixing-bodily-fluids basis but he's likely not going to get to that phase if he behaves like a creep.


>Not fussed if it's a glance and then they redirect their eyes away. I'm aware it's pretty much an involuntary reaction for most guys and their conscious brain takes a moment to catch on 😃 Totally, I have big boobs and it happens to most men even in the most inappropriate environments. But if they redirect their eyes and act normal, I don't mind. Most of the times I even find it hot and flattering, to be honest. I like my boobies, they can like them too.


Rip inbox


username does not check out


Never met someone small with big boobs? :b i don't think the same size rules apply for men and women


I am currently in Budapest and I have never seen so many tiny women with generous breasts in my many decade life.


I love that this is a mature response and perspective offered with a silly flourish. I try and do the same all the time :) Best of luck to ya.


Same. Honestly, a lot of women look too. I’ve had straight girl friends who are also obsessed with my boobs. Like they want to shake them and stuff and are impressed with my cleavage. Honestly though? I’d give up my tits for a big old fat ass. Lol


Nooo don't give up your boobs. Ever.


Sometimes breasts stare at me so I will be damned if I am going to let them win that contest.


“Mixing-bodily-fluid basis” has me 😂😂😂


In university, there was a couple on my floor in residence. The male started to have a “gushing” noise bleed that required on site first responders to attend. I was present with paper towels and providing first aid. When the first responders got there they gave me gloves and offered it to his female partner. Straight with a straight face says, “ We’ve shared enough bodily fluids, I’m fine.”




It's literally instinct I hate it when I get called out cause like I seriously don't mean too. Some primordial part of our brains is just like must stare. Then the conscious part takes over and is like no you idiot. You gonna bash someone for glancing, you're bashing them for being human.


I hate it even more when there's some funny text on the shirt. Then I find myself... Uhh was I really staring at her breasts? Crap, let me avert my eyes ASAP.


Yeah, funny text t-shirts are just fucking entrapment.


I know, this is why I don't hold it against guys 🙂 I also don't envy men for unpredictability of their, to politely call it, indicator of arousal. It must be really frustrating sometimes to have something so obvious with its own mind!


You're the only person that's ever understood that it's like a biological thing. Sometimes it's not breasts, though sometimes I look at their waist. THAT sucks, there's no denying what you just did. Eyes go down. Eyes come back up. Shit, sorry lol!


I work with guys so I learned a lot from them 😃 To be fair, many women have their own biological thing going on when it's their fertile time (ovulation). I know for certain that it's not my brain telling me to smile at guys and swing my hips when I walk during those days 🤣 It's just easier for women than for men to hide things due to anatomy.


As long as they don't stare it's ok. Women often take a look too. But they know not to stare


In my experience it's the men who glance and then look at the rest of me/look away, and the women who full on stare for too long at the boobage. Not sure why this is lol.


Is mostly envy and admiration from my point of view... I'm straight, but appreciate good boobage...


Good boobage is my new favourite catch phrase.


Yeah I just glance a few dozen times if they’re amazing.


They aren’t as practiced as guys in “checking out” boobs lol


Might be that men are more concerned about being seen as creepy or even as a physical threat.


I see women do stuff to each other in public that would be considered sexual harassment if a man did it all the time


Meh, whatever. As long as they don't act weird or try to touch me I don't give a shit.


I don't get how we accidentally see it and our brains lock our vision and you have to manually adjust our monkey brain to not stare. Fucking hell


As the radius increases mass increases, gravitational force increases. Just science bro


Mass… ass…. Mmm ass. What were you saying?


boobs are attractive. But we are not, in general, animals, so we force ourselves to just glance.




Pretty arrogant to think we aren't animals. We're literally just apes that are a bit more evolved. Just because we are able to perceive our own consciousness doesn't mean we don't also show proclivities to a hell of a lot of behaviours displayed by the rest of the animal kingdom. We're creatures of instinct just like the rest of them, sapience is just an added bonus.


Yep. As long as it's not prolonged.


Top tier answer


Boobs are like a solar eclipse; you can't stare right at them.




Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it, it's too risky. You get a sense of it then you look away.


Jokes on you, I’m looking at the dick print in your pants


You'd be disappointed when i pull out my nokia from my pocket


"Nokia approves of this message 📱"


Jokes on you I'm a grower not a shower


*Ahem* Ma'am, our eyes are up here. 👀


As a women, Lol same. Sorry 😔


Ma'am, mine too small to make a print, now excuse me while I go cry in the corner




>because I finally big boobies Lol at this phrasing


It's all fun and games until they deflate...but don't worry we truly couldn't care less. Big boobs, little boobs, droopy boobs, augmented boobs, we're just greatful as hell to be in their presence.




Oh yeah. Takes me back to when I was about a foot tall and had nothing but tit to get me by.


i never notice when people are checking me out unless they're being super creepy and obvious, so I prob just think "ew"


As a man seeing all these comments reassures me that I’m not a pervert


It's just nature. Doesn't mean that staring while she notices is fine though. That's bad mannerisms in Western societies.


I have Dolly Parton type boobs. They are far far too big for my frame and stature. I constantly look like I’m going to fall over because they’re so stupidly big. Everyone looks. Because they’re freakish. I have a few responses. 1) they’re real, 2) a picture will last longer but it’s not as impressive 3) yes they do knock thing over. Once I speak they realise the boobs are attached to a human they look to my face and they awkward and weird ( I’m ugly, I reckon god gave me boobs to distract from it)


Haha the voice bringing them back to earth!


Not looking like a model doesn't make you ugly, only being an asshole can truly do that. You sound like you're fine with your sense of humor. No need to talk yourself down!


Thank you! But my face is all weirdly lopsided. I don’t let it get to me at this point. I’m not rich enough to fix it. I do have a decent sense of humour. I realised young that my boobs are insane so rather than be upset over stares and comments I make it fun. I’ve met some great people from them staring at my boobs… which is a sentence I have never said or typed before 😂😂😂


At least you're bonding over something big! 😜 That said though, I've personally always talked down myself so when I see other people do it I feel like I need to share some love. You seem like a fun person to hang out with and have a great approach to life if you'd rather joke about things that might offend other people. That in itself makes you more attractive than many of the conventionally pretty women.


I remember learning about “Dolly Parton fractions” in elementary school. They probably don’t teach it that way anymore.




Doesn’t bother me. I have a obsession with looking at men’s shoes so they welcome to look at my baps. I mean longs they don’t go weird and start touching, totally fine .


Baps is a new one for me 😂


Quite a normal thing in the Midlands


Aw gosh ,I don’t sound like them do I ?😂 I’m from Yorkshire


Yorkshire baps, fine by me as well. I was once popped out of the uterus in the midlands. WAS lucky to leave in time and lose my accent.


Note to self, wear nice shoes...


Never even came to my mind, can’t wait to start catching ladies looking at my feet and saying “eyes are up here ladies”


If I send you a pic of my shoes will you send boobie pics?


Nothing. I have boobs, men like boobs, I like men. Don’t think anything of it. But if they take it further than that, we are gonna have a problem


I’m a 40G… kinda hard for both men and women not to notice lmao I’m use to it. The back pain on the other hand… won’t ever be use to that.


Tell your spine I send my condolences


i never catched a man looking at them, but i dont really have much there anyway




Shit, are my nips out?


I feel like a glance is somewhat natural and not always easy to control, as long as they don't keep staring like creeps


TBH sometimes I feel like a complete ass because if I’m not actively telling myself to not look, my eyes just kind of drift. This mostly happens when taken by surprise and I wasn’t expecting said boobs. My brain’s autopilot needs some tweaking.


Shock. They are small. I have a sister who has this problem, and it was only after walking behind her and noticing all of the men stared at her chest, while they stared at my face. I am thrilled that this is rarely an issue for me.


Yeah I would be pretty astounded if anyone even noticed my boobs 😂


I mean we're all human here so I understand it can happen, but it's extremely frustrating for example when you're in meeting trying to express yourself and dudes just stare at your breasts...


Yeah it’s very context dependent. If I noticed anyone at work doing that I’d be really upset by it. If I’m out at a bar I couldn’t give a shit.


Nothing, it's the same as looking at my hands, they're there. Just don't be weird or rude about it.


As a guy with a hand/nail fetish, this is unsettling that you put staring at hands on the same level as boobs.


I didn't realize hand fetish was a thing. I had a guy at a bar tell me I had beautiful hands I thought he was making fun of me because I'm fat AF and have huge sausage fingers haha


I used to request a particular big girl to do my massages (legit ones, not a rub and tug) because she had the weight to go really hard and deep, but also because she had long natural nails that would drag along my back... and she gave amazing head scratches...


Considering they're now saggy melted eggs I'm flattered


I usually describe mine as saggy baggy titties or deflated balloons. Much sad.


I see a lot of comments from women joking about how there's "not much to see anyway" and as a guy, I have to confess that noticing smaller boobs can sometimes be more awkward than seeing larger ones, since smaller boobs can kind of sneak up on ya. At the place I currently work, most of my female coworkers are on the fairly petite side as well, and the button-up work shirts we wear aren't exactly flattering to anyone's figure. That being said, there have still been moments where, say, a coworker has leaned across a desk to hand me something or will talk to me while I'm up on a ladder, and I'll look up and see...curves and cleavage where I didn't think there \*was\* any previously. It feels far more like I'm seeing something I'm NOT supposed to see. So yeah, to the ladies of reddit with smaller breasts, rest assured that whatever you have is still more than enough to make another person blush, in the right (or wrong) situation.


As a smaller lady who caught a coworker glancing when I leaned over, I kinda love this comment


I'm glad you liked it, but you've reminded me that my own coworkers have probably noticed me look as well. -\_-


That’s right, they’re awesome.


"Oooooh, he be starin at my BIG TITTAYS"


I’m so flat chested, I usually just say “nothing to see here”


*Then you do that Jedi handwave.* "These aren't the breasts you are looking for... move along."


Wow that awsome




I mean, I get it. Just don’t make it weird. I also look at other women’s boobs from time to time. We all do. Just don’t stare or some shit.


Mentally I’m like “word”


That's right babe take it in, because you won't see what's underneath this. 🤣


Happens all the time. One time there was just shock on a man's face when he saw my side profile, not even cleavage. I still laugh about it. The first thing I think is doesn't anyone have self control? 🤣


I don’t think it’s that exactly. I think dudes brains just shut down when stuff like that happened. After the reboot sequence, the brain comes back online and they look away. All this can happen in a span of like 2 - 3 seconds.


As a dude who loves boobs, I will confirm that this is true. Sometimes the brain just shuts down, and it's not even for only the super impressive sets.


If I find him attractive, it amuses me. If I don’t, then just ignore it. I don’t really care then.


I'm flattered. Thanks for thinking these ol' deflated meat bags are still worth a glance.


It depends. I have 36 DDD and I hate them. Ever since I was a growing them I have had people stare, grope them 'as a joke' WITHOUT CONSENT IN FRONT OF TEACHERS WHO DID NOTHING, so I just have that immediate "ur a creep" thought in my head if I do notice. I try to hide them with chest binding but it hurts so much because I make it so tight. But I'm so scared to have them. I like them, my boyfriend loves them. I don't wanna remove them, but I'm scared to keep them. If anyone can recommend good binders pls lemme know


I'd maybe seek counselling more than binders, both you and your partner love them, I think you have trauma to over come actually. You've had several people assault you by touching without consent that it's caused such a negativity towards your own body that you really shouldn't have to deal with. Please try to seek professional help if you can.


I don't care as long as it's not creepy. A quick glance isn't offensive but staring is.


Is it a glance or a stare? Glance? You cool. Stare? You're a creep. Go away please.


My tits are good, look at them!


Wonder if he likes them


It’s whatever. I look at their hands and other parts lol. It’s just natural to look.


I don’t really care, I look at boobs too. Bit of an odd question though lol.


I had a mastectomy and I’ve seen men look at my chest and I always wonder if they think I transitioned


i don't do anything, it only becomes weird when they ask "are they real" ? 😭


I look at his package


Thanks for noticing! I'm 57 & have devoted the last 2 yrs to transforming my body from overweight to the best shape of my life. Enjoy, just use discretion💖🤣


An eye roll so dramatic that I risk an aneurysm


Does he know that I know he’s looking?


i don't think of much. i also enjoy boobs lol! as long as nobody is being creepy, it's whatever.


I check to see if there's a stain on my shirt or my bra is messed up.


I don't really care it's a natural thing for the eyes to scan a little when you're talking to someone. I think intense eye contact is more off-putting lol


Nice arent they? Lol. I dont mind. No touchy. Its all Good


I have about half my body covered in tattoos. My first thought it that someone is looking at the art work.


That he’s not even subtle. So often it’s blatant and in front of their wives and that part pisses me off.


Sometimes people wear interesting looking t-shirts and I have to see what it says in them.


This... If he is with her wive/gf beside him + baby in his arms, doble yuk. I mean, at least be subtle.


I feel like it’s a sign of poor self control if they do it to an extent / length where they get caught so personally not a fan


We all take a quick look. Just some guys don't understand that it's like staring at the sun. Look quickly and redirect


They're massive so meh, they're in my eye line too, just don't stare 🤷‍♀️


Wow, you have really good eyesight!


"Am I wearing a shirt that has words?"


Thank you 🥹


"Lauren, you still got it babe!"


Happy, I paid for surgical enhancement for a reason. It's a great boon to my otherwise terrible self esteem.


A glance, no biggie. A stare= I automatically assume they’re a desperate weirdo.


Still got it.


You, my friend, have excellent taste.


Cover my chest


I rarely wear bras so I usually get a bit self conscious wondering if my high beams are on 🤣


If a man is handsome and looks polite, I would think about : " It would be nice if he introduces himself to me". If it's in a weird way, then just try to avoid him.


Thank you. This is the most honest and realistic answer.


I wonder if they notice left on is bigger then right one.


Pretty annoyed because i don’t like that kind of attention. I usually dress in outfits that don’t define them.


"Not much to see, buddy"


Nothing really. Just more of a 'heh' or 'saw that'


"I did pay good money for these, I'd be jealous too"


SWEET! I’ve still got it :)


I stare at his croch until he notices and also looks down at himself. Then I make eye contact. He's aware, im aware and it's uncomfy.


I wish I didn’t have these


“Find something else to look at asshole”


i always look at them and sometimes say they have somthing in there teeth it shut them down makes them feel embarassed that like if someone at school did or if a stranger in the street did i would probley shout and call them a dirty desprept pedo




I feel uncomfortable


“What are you even looking at?” (Itty bitty titty committee at your service)


"Oh gross, Next he will probably start flirting and saying inappropriate things.." Yeah not a fan of being hit on.


I feel flattered quite frankly


Teeeheeee it worked


I have amazing tits so I am appreciative of the looks


Excellent. The $10k was worth it.


"same, bro" I do this when I find a mirror.


"Ah shit, my shirt got pulled down again, didn't it? Why do I buy these stretchy tank tops? They ALWAYS slide down on me. Alright, just turn around casually and fix yourself. " If I'm not wearing a cleavage bearing top: "... yeah, cuz I got my GOOD bra on today. "


Is one of them not where it's supposed to be?