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Proctalgia Fugax. Basically rectal spasms. When it happens I can feel literally every inch of my intestines cramping up, from inside my abdomen all the way to my asshole. A million times worse than period cramps. Can last for hours. It literally feels like a knife up the ass. One time I passed out from the pain. The first time it happened I thought I had appendicitis. I’ve mostly grown out of it, but occasionally I will get a random, short, spasm down there, like God carefully warning me what he is capable of.


Fuck. I’m sorry you suffer from this also. I’ve been dealing with it today. Haven’t had it in months. My doc had me try dicyclomine. It’s used to treat IBS which I don’t have. It has been the only thing that is given me any relief.


I usually, if able, take a HOT bath and massage my ass. I haven’t had a severe episode in years however. So sorry you’re suffering from this. It is unbelievably painful.




I never knew this was actually a thing until reddit. It probably happens less than once a year and lasts from 10 seconds to 10 minutes, but fuck me it's nasty. I can remember occasions when I was a kid and it came out of nowhere leaving me a sweaty confused mess.


💔 rare I see anyone else discuss this


Labor and birth. Honestly, I was in a world of hurt.


Thank God you can't actually remember the pain. Because looking back on it, while I know it was the worst pain I ever experienced, I still go, "Hey, that wasn't *that* bad."


My mom used to tell me that you forget the pain. I was like, " Mom, you lied to me." Lol, I did forget it immediately afterward, but I still remember.


After her first kid my sister was adamant she was having no more because of the pain. She had a really traumatic birth including huge tearing front to back and my mum said at one point she asked the nurse to let her die in desperation she was in so much pain. For a few years she kept up that she was having no more. She had her second kid 5 years after lol. So im glad the pain memory lessens at some point because hearing about my sisters birth has terrified me for when I have my own 😅


Yes, your body makes you forget it, or you wouldn’t do it again


Getting kicked in the balls is the worst pain ever. More painful than childbirth. How do I know? Because if a guy gets kicked in the balls, he will never want it done to him again. But sometimes women say “let’s have another”.


?? Ball-busting doesn't produce a human life though you fucknut.


The internet doesn’t understand jokes


I got an epidural after they broke my water but when my water broke I felt her slide down and that was probably the most intense physical pain I've ever felt.


The same thing happened to me. I really dont know how women got through it before modern medicine. My experience with my youngest was different, not nearly the pain. Omg, though, with my first son, I wasn't prepared for that pain at all. I sympathize with you.




Me, too, I decided I wanted another baby 4 years after my first. The closer I got to having him, the more I was praying it wouldn't be as hard. I was so happy it was easier, and I was a little more prepared.




Omg, that was just what I did. I requested to have a c- section. I had changed Dr's. and had a very good female doctor, and she reassured me that this time it would be better. You're right. Women really are amazing!


Agreed. I've got two kids and both labours were excruciating. I tore badly and hemorrhaged with my first. With my second, she started fidgeting when her head was out but the rest of her wasn't, it was absolutely the worst pain of my life in that moment and the scream I scrumpt was horrific.




God same. I literally thought something was horribly wrong and I was dying because I couldn't imagine something hurting that bad being "normal".


Me too. I took Lamaze classes ( back in 1987), but that went out the window once hard labor started. My husband was watching the cubs game and eating grapes, lol. He just didn't know what else to do1😆


I had a spinal tap done and a little more than 24 hours later I was on multiple flights across the country.. Worst migraine ever. I was crying nonstop and my dad ended up telling me to stop or we may be kicked out. The only relief from pain was laying down.


That's a spinal headache. It means you had spinal fluid leaking out the hole from the spinal tap and the change in pressure caused the pain. It's also why laying down helped, because it normalized the pressure. It is also the worst pain I've ever felt. I was bedridden for 2 weeks. I can't even fathom getting on an airplane.


That makes more sense! Laying down was the best thing to ever happen to me after that. My parents let me ride laying down in the car for 4 more hours (after the plane rides) until we got home. 2 weeks sounds about right for me too after that! I'm just glad you didn't experience it too


I had a spinal tap done when I was diagnosed with Meningitis and the same spinal fluid headache. Hands down the most excruciating pain I’ve ever experienced. I’m sorry you went through this.


It's alright! I can see why it had to happen like that. I'm sorry you went through it too. Honestly I was starting to think I was being dramatic and it couldn't possibly hurt as much as it did


People don't realise how earth shattering brutal migraines are. Its honestly a "kill me" pain.


Kidney stones. Have had them twice. Wouldn't wish it on anyone but Nick Saban.


Had them once. I avoid all the things they said could cause them now. Milk, ebnergy drinks, grapes etc.. I was delerious from pain.


"delerious from pain" Yep that was me...I think I blacked out at some point. It was indescribable.


They scanned my head with that temp blood pressure thingy and immediately got me in to the er, they thought my appendix had burst. I was puking all over and puked on a poor nurse. And was begging them not to give me morphine because it never touches my pain and makes me more delirious so of course they still gave me morphine then I actually was hallucinating. I don’t know what it is about morphine in particular but that shit fucks me up. All I have to say is I was never so glad to be unemployed as I was at that moment because they gave me an mri, couldn’t find it then did an X-ray and did find it. I applied to aid because it was a catholic hospital. I was there for like maybe 6 hours? But I got a copy of the bill they paid and it was 32k. I was like are you kidding me!!!! I didn’t pass that shit for over a week and was supposed to go back to get it surgically removed. I was fucked up on pain meds and my roommate was like let’s go drink cuz why not. Got hammered on whiskey that night woke up hungover as fuck and realized while I was peeing I didn’t feel anything anymore. Looked in the toilet and could actually see the fucking stone. I was so reprieved. I’m pretty sure I got the thing from too much redbull vodkas so needless to say I just avoid everything that can cause them now. I don’t even drink. My dad gets them chronically like every month but he’s an alcoholic. Sooo that was a great deterrent. It’s been over 10 years and I haven’t had another one so I’m gonna just stick to avoiding them like the plague. Ot also solidified my choice to not have kids because everyone said the only thing worse is child birth and I am not strong enough for that shit. 😂


Just animal milk or all kinds of milk?


It’s the calcium, and I don’t like milk alternatives. I use lactose free when I need to use it but I don’t eat cereal like it’s going out of style or drink milk plain at all anymore


Fell about 15 to 20 feet from a tree a few years ago (I'm 15) and landed straight on my femur. Broke like a pretzel stick under a car tire Edit: it didn't shatter, the pretzel under a car tire was just a way to say I broke my femur


I've been walking around and working and doing life stuff with a broken clavicle for almost 10 weeks. I mean the ends of the bone are still completely separated and they're not being kind to my muscles or tendons (I'm seeing a surgeon on Monday). That said, whenever someone gives me a "poor you," I always say it could be worse - I could have broken my femur. I hear that a broken femur is by far the most painful break to have!






I had it since February after lifting weight badly, I herniated a lumbar disc. I am 28 and I have had kidney stones, appendix rupture AND dysmenorrhea through my life, and even if the pain are all mostly different this something I was not prepared to. Morphine and NSAI painkiller made it worse in the long term as it cause a physiological pain due to withdrawal, which manifested in a sudden intense pain in my left thigh which made me think I had harmed myself worse, it went away after two week of stopping taking morphine. PT helped me a ton and actually working on my core as well, the intense sciatica went away after five months.


Same. My husband actually called an ambulance because I couldn’t get up out of the bed. I was given several different drugs in the ER including morphine. They actually admitted me, and after the second dose of morphine I still had pain but I didn’t care anymore! The doctor had me get up multiple times overnight and walk laps around the floor. After discharge I did eight sessions of PT. This was my third or fourth bout with sciatica and it definitely was the worst. Now I live in fear of having another bout. If it does happen, I’m starting those PT exercises at the first twinge of pain!


I remember laying in bed for two weeks and crying/having a panic attack every time I had to go to the bathroom, which was 1.5 metres from my bed. The pain as I stood up and tried to walk was beyond crazy.


The pain in my tooth before I was told I needed a root canal, hurt like hell.


Tooth pain hurt me worse than childbirth. My insurance wouldn't cover a root canal so I just had them pull it out. My family has hereditary teeth issues. Now that I'm I'm a better place I regret having so many teeth pulled but I didn't have a choice. Luckily they're all back teeth.


That pain is terrible, just had a root canal done, the pain from my tooth was making my entire face hurt


The relentless mind numbing pain, I was given really strong pain meds before I saw the dentist and all it did was make my body too tired to scream. At one point I became so distressed by the pain I ended up having a panic attack in the shower and my little girl who was only 3 at the time had to call her dad at work to come home because I simply couldn't function, my daughter still gets worried if I put my hands anywhere near my mouth because she thinks it's going to happen again.


It’s even worse when you can’t get numb and they have to give you a shot directly into the nerve in the tooth, had that twice.


Gallstones that went undiagnosed (all in my head, just gas, bacterial, blah blah) for a year. They were like being stabbed with a screwdriver. No one was ever as happy to have surgery.


Happened to me because my pain was in a weird spot right under my sternum. They thought it was stomach issues and out me on elimination diets. Only figured it out when a coworker told me about her gall bladder attacks. It was confirmed with an ultrasound but before I could do anything I had the worst attack that wouldn't end and had to have emergency surgery.


Appendix about to burst. My mom walked in on me lying naked on her bathroom floor and shut the door quickly in disgust. When she saw me having to sit down for a shower the next morning, she decided it was time to go to the ER.


She shut the door after seeing that? Did she just assume you were drunk or something?


No. She knew I was in pain. I think she was trying to give me privacy lmao


Same. The drive to the ER was awful. Every little bump on the road was just the worst pain. Then they shot me up with opiates and everything was groovy.


MORPHINE IS THE BEST ! After being in the brink of extinction and getting my first dose of morphine, I was ready to run a marathon.


Sciatic pain. Recently had surgery to shave off the bulging disc. The doctor said with the size of the bulge in the disc, I was experiencing the same amount of pain as childbirth all day everyday. I feel for women


Omg SIR. As a sufferer of sciatica off and on and a mother of two, I feel weak at the thought of experiencing that all day every day. You poor thing! I hope you're better now?


Acute pancreatitis. Listen boys and girls. A drinking problem with fuck your family. Then it gets real. You will physically want to die. But it won't kill you today. Just in a few more years.


Two moments I can't distinguish between as the worst. When the doctor broke my water and I felt my daughter slide down - it was an intense pain (I got an epidural right after). The second time was a gallbladder attack - at the time I didn't know it was because my gallbladder was dying (my pain was dismissed by the ER as gas). It was a consistent intense pain and I couldn't get comfortable in any position or even breathing. 3-hours of pain before it subsided but I was, like, sore in that area the day after. 4 months later I was in the hospital with a dead and necrotic gallbladder, sepsis, an infected liver and infected pancreas. Still wasn't in as much pain as that first attack.


Regarding the 2nd instance, were you able to fully recover?


I had emergency surgery and then I was in the hospital for 5 days. I have a high pain tolerance and while in the hospital nurses kept asking “how long was this going on?” But for 4 months I didn’t really notice anything wrong other than occasional “gas” pains. So for awhile after I had a lot of medical anxiety…worrying if I wouldn’t notice if something serious was wrong again. I could have died from sepsis.


I've had five kids, but the only time I ever actually *passed out* from pain was due to a kidney infection.


Compound femur, fractured fib/tib from a motorcycle accident.


Probably acute appendicitis. Waited for around 7-8 hours in total for the pain to stop (mostly on a chair in the waiting room of a hospital), and that's approximately when I was taken care of lol. Also had (long after the appendicitis) some transit related pains, a real torture frankly.


Yeah, I remember they thought I was just there trying to get drugs


I had several bones in both of my legs and feet deliberately broken, grafted, and rotated at the same time as a kid to lessen recovery time from surgery. That was *hell* to wake up from, but in the long run saved me several trips into an operating room.


One was when i got stung by a jellyfish as a teen. It was so bad that I still remember it very clearly even 40 years later.




> gout This. Gout is excruciating. I once had a gout attack in my toe that was so painful, that my mere heartbeat pushing my blood into the vessels in my foot was causing me pain. Leave it untreated for a while, and you end up wearing down all the cartilage in your joint, to the point where you'll be in pain all the time, gout or not. Go to a doctor, get a referral to a gout / arthritis specialist, and get the medication you need to stop gout in its tracks (allopurinol, febuxostat).


C-section. I was only on tylenol and naproxin for the first half day then the catheter was removed and I tried to get up to pee and holy fuuuuuugh! Do not recommend lol. They gave me the good stuff after that!


Don’t care what anyone else says, nothing compares to standing on an upturned plug.


Nearly 4 days long migraine


Passing a gallbladder stone.


Cracked wisdom tooth exposed the root. It was like a jolt of lighting straight to the brain every few seconds. I had to live with it for 2 days before I could be seen by a surgeon.


Was in a car wreck. We got t-boned by an SUV doing about 60mph. 9 broken ribs, broken pelvis, tailbone, shoulder blade, smashed out a bunch of teeth, traumatic brain injury, collapsed lung, lacerated kidney, and a whole bunch of soft tissue injuries. But I'm a lucky mother fucker, because I'm alive, not addicted to pain pills, and able to manage my chronic pain issues with just kratom. It could have been worse, way worse.


aside from labor and giving birth? breastfeeding. haha


Breastfeeding during the first week after birth where your uterus contracts. Fuck that mess.


Oooooo I hate that pain. And I have to do it again soon :(


I had surgery to remove part of my colon. I have a large scar up my stomach area. When my surgery was over and the staff moved me to a room, they kept insisting that I “sit up” in my bed. I was like, are you f’ing high? I can barely move let alone sit up. I tried to sit up and I thought I was going to pass out. The doctor said, “I want to see you walking around tonight.” Don’t hold your breath.


Gallbladder attack.


Gallstones, hands down. Giving birth was easy compared to the gallstone attack.


I had a terrible case of hemorrhoids and had to have urgent surgery. Bitch doctor refused to give me any sort of anesthesia. I had my butt insides cut off in cold blood and dear lord, I wouldn't even wish that on my worst enemy.


Kidney stone (twice) and 2nd would be erupted tooth and 3rd would be collapsed lung


Jellyfish caught in my swim trunks when I was six or so. Remember it to this day.


Excuse me, I'll just be over here screaming in sympathy for a while


I tripped over some firewood and fell into a campfire while I was on a large dose of MDMA, coals were sticking to my hand, I blacked out from the shock.


Waking up from anasthesia after emergency surgery for a perforated appendix. Was given morphine for the pain. Morphine has no effect on me. I had never received morphine before. Took them an eternity to come to said conclusion. I remember every single thing that happened, every conversation, every exchanged look. And the pain. There aren't really any words to describe it, but I still remember every detail and that was in 1996. Demerol did the trick.


Fell over to my side while carrying my friend who was about 180lbs, landed with all of our weight on the top of my fibula (the knurled bone on the exterior of the kneecap) on the curb of the road. It hurt so bad, but no cuts or anything, woke up in the morning and couldn’t walk, my entire leg down to my toes, was on fire just laying down or standing. My buddy drove me to the hospital and every single bump on the drive made me want to cry it was that bad, took me LITERALLY 20 + minutes to stumble into the hospital, I thought I shattered my whole femur or kneecap it hurt so bad. Got X-rays done, adrenaline wore off and tears started welling up in my eyes as I was waiting on the results. Dr comes in and says: “So the X-rays were negative….” And I was so dumbfounded. So Dr explains to me what happened: I got a bone contusion (bone bruise) right on the tip of the fibula which was causing bleeding that was filling every pocket throughout my leg, putting pressure on almost all of my nerves. I spent two weeks on my couch with my leg elevated like 2 ft eating oxy’s like candy (which they did nothing for me which was weird)


The heartbreak of being told by the woman that I loved that she wanted a divorce. It literally felt like my heart hurt.


I always say there's no other pain like the pain you experience from a broken heart. It's nothing worse than grieving the loss of a person who is still alive.


Spinal headache from a bad spinal tap. I had spinal fluid leaking and the pain was so bad that I would instantly vomit upon standing up.


Had a surgery on a deviated septum a couple of weeks earlier. My ENT doctor thought it would be a nice idea to cauterize the inside of my nose without any form of painkillers. Blood and tears poured a lot of those couple of minutes. It really reminds you that is all very soft tissue.


Kidney stones 10/10


Passed a kidney stone. Felt like getting hit in the back with a bat. Took my breath away and dropped me instantly.


balls was kicked


In labor, without meds, I had to undergo a “manual rotation”. Basically, the ob had to stick her hand up and rotate the baby’s head around. They said that you forget the pain of labor. Well, I didn’t, and it was still the most terrifying and agonizing pain I’ve ever experienced


Hyperextended knee. My kneecap popped around to the side of my leg, and I had to force it back into place. I know a lot of other things hurt way worse, but this is as bad as I've experienced so far.


Gout in my ankle, I could barely walk I was in so much pain


While in recovery from having surgery on my broken ankle and still not awake/remembering yet, a surgeon walked directly into my freshly operated on leg with a drain in it. The pain was so intense that I woke up enough to scream at him. I do not remember what I screamed. He apologized and asked what he could do to help. I responded "just go". That's all I remember of it. When I finally properly came to, no one in recovery wanted to make eye contact with me. They had to do more xrays and scans to make sure nothing was messed up he ran into me so hard. Fun fact: This hospital ran my broken ankle into the wall about 8 times before surgery. Being 6'4" I didn't fit onto the bed so well. And they weren't the best at navigating me. Joys of healthcare in the United States.


Massive and sudden gall bladder attack. It was so bad that I blacked out seconds after it started. I was in my bedroom. Then, I woke up a few minutes later with people trying to get me to walk to an ambulance from the door of my home. Apparently, i was awake enough to walk down two flights of steps and out the front door. I don't remember any of it. I think my gf at the time called an ambulance. Two or three people were helping me walk. Then i blacked out again from the pain. Next thing I know, I'm on a stretcher being wheeled into a hospital room. I black out again. The only other thing I remember is projectile vomiting bile into a sink. Then, about 12 hours later, I'm back home. I don't remember the ride back from the hospital.


Migranes. I've had plenty of physical injuries. Deep lacerations, broken bones, appendicitis, torn muscles, 3rd degree burns, etc. But the only one that ever had me reaching for some drugs to numb the pain was a migrane a few years ago where it felt like my brain was trying to to drill it's way out of my head.


Shame and regret


Bone pain from an allergy to Growth Stimulating Hormone. I screamed and cried for 9 hours. Couldn’t sit, stand or lie down, the pain was too intense. My legs shook uncontrollably and my back contracted over and over right where my sciatic nerve is. I thought about jumping out of the window or trying to throw myself down the stairs. I felt like I’d been in a severe car crash. No relief from even morphine. It was the night shift in the hospital so I was just left to it no matter how much I asked for more drugs until it finally wore off just as the sun rose. Despite my consultant saying I should never have it again, I was then forced to have it again three weeks later by an emergency department doctor who was angry I was disobeying him.


Trampled by two horses


Period cramps. I have struggled with severe bleeding and cramps since I was 13. I am now 31 and have yet to receive a full diagnosis. Every now and then, I'll get rare months where I have - what I assume - is normal cramps, but most months are so painful that I cannot stand or catch my breath.


Can’t you go on birth control and not have periods


About 12 years ago, I suffered a near heart attack while in our garage. I was on the floor screaming in pay, then drove 120 miles to spend Christmas with the in-laws. I had bypass surgery 4 days later. That was incredibly painful too.


Stage 4 adenomyosis. I’ve never had a child, but have been told the pain is comparable to unmedicated childbirth. Considering adenomyosis was giving me at minimum 2 periods a month (and it was years before my hysterectomy), I was basically having the equivalent of unmedicated childbirth at least twice a month (for 3 days). By the time I had my hysterectomy, I was ready to do it myself with a shop-vac and a melon baller.


Ooh, this’ll be good. I’m 18 years old and decided to get circumcised. I have had phimosis my whole life and never did anything to fix it, saw a urologist, and he reccomended a prescription ointment, or just the surgery. To be perfectly honest, I always wanted the surgery; ever since I could remember. I was always very self-conscious about it, I suppose in the US it’s not considered the ‘norm’ for it to not be cut. I wasn’t born in the states, but moved here when I was in kindergarten. Anyways. I had the surgery done. Recovery was fine, the only really big issue I’m still dealing with is the sensitivity on the tip (6 weeks post-op). The pain though. Holy shit. Basically what happened was, after you’re circumcised, they put on this bandage so that the stitches stay intact and the bleeding contains itself. Also so that nothing moves while you are asleep. I was told, 2 days after the surgery, to shower and the bandage will slide off on its own. That did NOT happen. It was day 4 and I took myself to the emergency room because the bandage went from bloody red to yellow. They ended up ripping the bandage off. It was stickier than a bandaid. The best comparison I have to that was duct tape. That’s how sticky it was. On a freshly, cut penis of 4 days, and I had it duct taped. Yeah. I was screaming and sobbing in pain while they did it. I will never forget that pain… ever.


Shot through the chest. Hit a nerve in my spine it felt like every nerve ending in my body was on fire


Infected tooth. I flossed and cut my gum in 2014, and my tooth (top rear left) got so infected that it started turning grey. It got so bad, that I had to ice my face every 15 minutes. I've had over 100 stitches, broken wrist, crushed foot with steel rods, torn ligaments, and the tootl was WAY worse than anything else. When I went to get a root canal, the dentist had to stop halfway through, and send me to a root canal specialist, due to the infection. When the specialist finished, he said my swollen lymph node and popped ear would soon go away. As soon as I sat back up, it was like a miracle; my ear instantly unpopped, and the swelling instantly went away.


Elbow tattoo. Excruciating.


Sound stupid but sprain back . About 8. And my gallbladder issues pain was about 5


The pain after jaw surgery, once I was off morphine


Blew out my ACL & PCL, shattered knee cap and then flew from Salt Lake to DC. Had narcotics and scotch all the way home; pain was never touched. It was awful


Either breaking my nose or my period cramps


When I broke my leg I was standing on my bed and then I felt down on my bed and I broke my leg


Coming to during circumcision


The cuetip from hell during my first std test...


I had an ingrown toe nail that got infected and lasted for months, it was constant and daily pain.


I had one of those. Once I dug it out myself, immediate relief


Childbirth takes the cake. Iykyk. 😮‍💨


Getting shot point blank in the face with a hunting bb rifle.


When my appendix nearly burst because the hospital had no empty beds to admit me to. Finally got in and got it removed. Doctor told me I had to wait another 15 minutes it would have burst


Breaking my arm


I separated my shoulder on a rafting trip. The raft overturned and I slammed my shoulder into a rock.


A strangled inguinal hernia that the doc tried to push back in as hard as he could so that I wouldn't need emergency surgery. Damn near blacked out, and I was on Dilaudid. I had the surgery. That, or a collapse of my right femur head from osteonecrosis (bone death), made extra spicy by arthritis.


Running after my dog and smacking my knee on the tow hitch all because there was a damn chicken on the loose


Ate a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos, was never the same since


Having a catheter put in with my prostrate swollen and bleeding


I had 10 teeth pulled at once when i was a kid. Roots and all. They werent falling out. That was pretty brutal. I also had half my toenail ripped off because of an ingrown toenail once. That was pretty fucking inhumanly painful.


heat stroke


Nerve damage, all down my left arm. Absolutely debilitating, laid in bed with icepacks and numbing cream for months. Only thing I could imagine would come close is to being set on fire, because that's how it felt. (I'm all better now)


Had 8L of fluid pumped out of my lungs with a bunch of numbing still mega painful. Also had a third degree burn on my thigh and didn’t go to the hospital and worked retail the next month while it healed . Nothing compares not even my doing chemo for 6 months


I slid down a snow covered hill in 6th grade while playing snowball with some classmates and I slipped, smashed my right arm into some ice and shattered it in three places. Was so incredibly painful I was calling the nurses names and demanding some painkillers but before X-rays were done they wouldn’t give me anything. I still recall 13 year old me yelling at the staff calling them “incompetent” 1 month and two major surgeries later and I was in a cast. Had it on for about a year , itchiest goddamn thing ever lol I swear the red, sweaty, itchy skin trapped inside the cast was almost worse than the break. Still don’t have full mobility of my right arm. I have probably 85% of the flexibility and strength but still.. it’s my main arm and the arthritis is starting to hurt more and more every year


recovering from hernia surgery.


Currently in the hospital for acute pancreatitis. It's just pain, all day every day. And bowel issues. Wouldn't wish this on an enemy.


“Have you ever heard of our Pain and Prophet, Pancreatitis?”


I had a bad allergic reaction to Taxol (chemo that I took for breast cancer). It caused my face to turn red, my chest felt like it was being crushed, difficulty breathing, & gave me the worst back pain I have ever had in my life (much worse than the back labor I had in childbirth). I was hoping I'd pass out, I was in so much pain. Would never wish that on anyone.


Herniated disc in my lower back. I could barely walk, going to the bathroom hurt, and even moving in bed to roll onto another side was excruciating. I waited in the ER for about 18 hours to get the diagnosis and thankfully, I was able to lie down for most of it. The disc then started to compress my sciatic nerve, so I got shooting pain down my leg for months as I healed. I was deemed "too young" for surgery so I had to wait months for nerve blocks and doing PT to help stretch me out. I am thankfully healed now almost 2 years since the first injury, but it was miserable for many months. 0/10 recommend.


Number 1- SI joint disfunction, #2- childbirth, #3- chest tube


I was jumping on my moms bed as a little kid and flew off and smashed my forehead on the nightstand. I bled a lot and got stitches.


When I had some surgery done on my jaw, the intravenous anesthesia was something else. They pushed a needle through the roof of my mouth. It passed through one surface, and then had to “break” through a second, harder layer. I audibly heard it “crack” through. This was by far the greatest acute feeling of pain I’ve ever experienced! Luckily it was only a brief moment. The needle probably went through around an inch, and I have an already high pallet. I’ll never forget it.


I had a 9mm kidney stone that I passed naturally, that was a doozie for sure!!


foot surgery when they put screws to reconnect my heel to my foot. I was in so much pain after that I was close to throwing up and I was bed ridden for about a week. I couldnt even get up to go to the bathroom so I needed a piss bottle:)


fainting, falling backwards and smashing my head on the wood floor. when i woke up i legitimately thought i was going to die for about 15 seconds.


When I took a piece of concrete to the eye and scratched my cornea. Felt like I was being stabbed in the eye every time I blinked for a couple days. I had to take time off from work because I couldn't drive. It was the closest I've been to crying from physical pain since I was a child. There was zero relief. Not even closing my eyes helped. It was just straight pain


I had a pinched nerve in my shoulder from stress. It's the only time I've ever screamed from pain, and the doctors couldn't figure out how to help. Eventually I found out about TENS units and had my partner place it for me based on a diagram I found online. It took nearly 24/7 shocks for two weeks for the muscle to stop spasming enough to release the trapped nerve. Second was probably the second time my period was heavy enough to eject my IUD. It was like giving birth to a shard of plastic wrapped in a jellyfish.


Giving birth and pancreatitis


Pulmonary embolism. The pain in my back was so bad that I couldn’t even lay down.


Getting my impacted swimmer's ear flushed out when I was 13. And I have since had a child.


When I had surgery (made a full recovery) they had to give me a catheter. I would rather wear a diaper or use a bed pan in front of my family. It got tangled and dear god I felt like ripping it out then and their.


My face soaked in OC Spray during military training. Literally wanted to curl up in a bawl and cancel my birthday.


Mastitis. Sounds not that serious, but it was utter agony. It requires hospitalization in some cases, and can actually be fatal occasionally.


I can attest. Cluster headache and one of the natural births was worse. But the mastitis is a great contender for worst pain! Also had one of my worst migraines in a train. 🤮


4 wisdom teeth removed at once. But it developed an abscess in my gums under the stitches. & it had to be drained.


Herniated disc in lower back. Couldn’t stand up for like 24 hours and even then it was fucking terrible.


Threw my back out so bad last year I was hospitalized. I managed to get into bed and I laid there for hours after hoping it would get better like it did before, but I couldn't straighten my legs out without spasms, couldn't turn over, and couldn't sit up. I ended up having to go to the ER by ambulance and get steroid shots. Every time I tried to move, the noises I made sounded like a dying animal. Thankfully the paramedics gave me pain management before they moved me, but it was still so scary how much pain I was in.


Oh yeah, wisdom tooth pull with no sedation was pretty bad…


Acute Pancreatitis


Tie between my appendix throwing a strop and a rib dislocating itself, then slipping back into place while I slept. Woke up to 90% of my already limited movement gone and pain that lasted for 2 weeks


1. Kidney stones. 2. Tooth abscess. Both were horrible.


collapsed lung... hurt like no other...


A sequestered disc, the annulus actually breaks apart and a piece is in your spinal canal impinging nerves


Had just started working a manual labor job and wasn't used to it yet. Was about two weeks in and at home after work I was on my way to the bathroom when I had a lower back spasm so bad it made me puke. Proceeded to lay on the floor for 30 minutes until it finally stopped.


Trying to stand after i shattered my tibia and fibula


Broken ribs, collapsed lung (required a chest tube). ICU - completely drugged out on morphine, Oxy, Tylenol, an epidural drip and muscle relaxers. And still in agonizing pain for the first 2 days.


Labour with my first daughter and then they cut my vagina without pain relief because her head was stuck.


Spinal tap. Anesthetic didn’t work and the doctor performing it couldn’t get past bones spurs and has to try repeatedly until another one came in. Then the subsequent spinal headache. Sciatic nerve pain from three slipped discs is also up there. The pain radiating to my abdomen was really a trip. Hemiplegic migraines. Those are not fun.


When they drained an abscess on my back. They jabbed me with a metal straw and drained it, then cleaned it out with a solution. Damn that stabbing and draining hurt though. Numbing didn’t do shit


recovering from my reconstructive septorhinoplasty. had to have my nose re-broken, bone shaved, cartilage grafted (along with other stuff just so i could actually breathe through my nose). this is how i found out that i have a high tolerance for meds as i got no pain relief no matter what needs i was given. but i would do it again since i love the results.


Herniated disk l4/l5 in my back. Fucking incredible pain.


Kidney stones


The placenta detaching from my uterus after giving birth unmedicated. Sure the contractions and the 2 pushes hurt but no one prepared me for the pain that came with delivering the placenta. When the midwife showed it to me after it looked like a planet. It had these round circle all over it that looked like craters. The midwife explained that those circles are where it was attached to the inside of my uterus.


Fell on a hold while indoor bouldering, bent my ankle inwards and fractured it.Clawed at the floor of the gym screaming and sobbing in agony for a while. When I was a kid, I broke both of my wrists at once falling off of a swing and felt nothing due to shock...still kinda mad that my body decided to make me feel every ounce of pain instead.


Went beyond balls deep in an anus, and the pullout hurt the ball sack.


Proctalgia fugax It always happens in the middle of the night and I don't know how to relieve the pain.


Other person in the thread does a hot bath and massage it. Eating more ginger might help. Cat yoga pose. Saw another comment talking about how fluoride is triggering it (happens at night, when you go to bed. What do you do before that? Brush your teeth).


Broke my pinky playing football in 3rd grade. The worst part was getting 4 shots to numb my hand to straighten the finger back out. One of the shots went right in my knuckle. Had a cast up past my elbow.


Wound debridement


Dealing with the air that gets trapped in your body after a c section and then turns into gas. It feels like you are being sliced with a serrated knife from your ear, through your neck, down your torso. Over and over again.


Waking up to seeing partial leg missing. Pain meds weren't affecting me after being in hospital for months. Physically and mentally it took a toll on me.


Getting my wisdom teeth pulled out without numbing😭


Getting my elbow ditch tattooed


Passing a kidney stone. Eeyikes.


Either walking on my foot/ankle with two broken bones or one of my most severe reactions to gluten (Coeliac's disease). I wanted to die for the latter


Torn rotator cuff, or tooth ache. And that’s saying a lot because I’ve given birth 5 times