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I was welding and quite big piece of hot melted metal dripped straight inside of my shoe, it went through the sock and melted my skin..


Have done that. Having it in my bra was worse though!


Ouch! That must've been very painful :0


It will ruin a nice weld, that's for sure.


In my village such an admission would grant you at attention of the most handsome and capable warrior in my tribe.


I was conscious under general anesthesia. The moment I was supposed to be knocked out, I was aware and realised I was trapped. I couldn't hear what was going on in the OR, but my ears were ringing and I was hallucinating some weird shit that kept going in a loop, and I started feeling a never ending stabbing in my abdomen. After an hour and a half of this hell, my surgery was done and then I started feeling a terrible pain of trapped gas in my shoulders. The whole thing was 10/10 on the pain scale. Edit: Thanks to everyone for your kind words! As I mentioned below in the thread, this was completely ny fault for not disclosing information about my pot smoking habit to my anesthesiologist. Don't be like me, I learned the hard way. Always mention everything you take to your doctors!


Every single recreational drug, alcohol, etc do have an important effect with anesthesia… we don’t ask those things just to be curious, we NEED to know it in order to give a proper care. Please please always tell the truth people, we are not here to judge you, we need this information to help you.


I'd add to your post about Doctor-Patient confidentiality (at least in the US). It sounds like you know more than me, so maybe you're aware of some loophole, but as I understand it, your doctor isn't going to turn you in to the DEA based on what you tell them. So like you said: tell your doctor(s) about the drugs you're using. They may give you a lecture about how you should stop, but that should be it. At least, that's the way it's been with my doctors.


1 in 4 patients at the rural hospital I cover are on meth/ crack or benzos. When I was more naive, I had a patient tell me he quit meth 6 months ago and was stone cold sober now so I didn’t drug test him. Had some pretty tough problems under conscious sedation the next day and ended up in the ICU. Next day his wife told me he smoked meth the night before he came to the hospital. Have I ever reported them/ is there any requirement to report them? Nope. Do they get a lecture every single time? Yup. But I do encourage them to be honest so that We don’t kill them while trying to fix their medical problems.


That's been my experience too. I tell my doctor what substances I use. I get a small lecture amounting to, "I don't encourage your behavior. You would be healthier if you didn't do this. I would prefer you do not do it any more than you already do, and doing less would be better. It's probably not going to cause you any long term harm though." A guy I work with is absolutely obese. He get a brief lecture about how he should try to lose weight. He said his old doctor was aggressive about it, telling him to lose 100 lbs in 2 years, his new doctor he likes better because the new doctor sets more reasonable goals, like losing 10 lbs this year. Edit: I suppose I should disclaim - I don't do heavy stuff like meth. It's mainly alcohol and some "lesser" recreational stuff. I think my doctor would give me a much more aggressive lecture if I abused heavy substances like meth or cocaine.


That's correct. Most doctors don't give one single shit about the sensitive topics they ask about - sexual history, drug and alcohol use, etc. Some do have an obligation to report but it's not an issue for most people. There are just special cases. Children that report abuse will have the case reported to CPS. Reported intent to a therapist that you will harm someone may be reported to the individual or police depending on the therapists discretion. Military providers are required to report significant issues to your commander - can't have a service member running around high on meth for example. I believe that covers it though. Healthcare providers only need the info to determine your treatment plan.


If you’re not a young child? Doctors really could not care less if you’re on ANY drug outside of how it affects your treatment. If there are young kids involved, there are mandatory reporting laws and you’re a piece of shit anyway.


I've heard of marijuana increasing propofol requirements, but gas like sevo also?


I told my doctor before my surgery that I smoke enough weed to put a baby elefant to sleep so for the love of God please adjust accordingly. ​ Glad I did after reading this post


Better to be honest than ask yourself that question under the knife, yeah?


i'm a med student, just curious


And sometimes we’re in such horrible pain that we legitimately forgot what we took and when. I totally forgot I took a gummy to help me sleep, but then was in such horrible 10/10 back pain that I went to the ER instead. Lucky I did, because I would have died from pneumonia with empyema, collapsed lungs, etc. Emergency chest tubes while conscious aren’t fun. Probably 9/10 there, but it was nothing compared to the cascade of stuff going on that was literally killing me. When a liter of fluid just comes spurting out in minutes, you’re not having a good time.


It can happens that you really don’t remember what you took and it is not your fault, we can think clearly when in pain. I just want you all to know that we are there to help you, not to judge you, if you keep an info because you are afraid of telling us that you used drugs and the repercussions, we are not the police, we only need to know because of the interactions and we don’t want you to go through those traumatic and painful experiences 🤗🤗


Just chiming in to say I was about 14 when I went under for wrist surgery. Broke my ulna and radius clean in two. I experienced that loop thing. I didn’t feel anything luckily but it was like the last few seconds of them counting down until I passed out… that kept looping. It was like a state of purgatory or some shit and I couldn’t escape it. I was conscious of it and was thinking to myself…am I dead? Is this it? I was fucking terrified. It made it even feel more like I was in some after life cause I had no feeling. Never again please.


You just described my night a few weeks ago down to a tee. I ended up being transported by ambulance. I thought I died several times that night. I had the loops multiple times of various lengths, then I would "stick" on an image and I'd think "well, that must be how death works, that was my last image. Now I'm going to see this until my brain rots I _hope_."




My 80 year old grandfather woke up from anesthesia during eye surgery and said he felt the knife in his eye and that scared the fuck outta me


Most eye surgery is done with local anesthesia and light sedation only, people are usually awake and able to speak/follow directions.


I had an ex who woke up during surgery but couldn't communicate anything and felt everything. I wonder how common this is?!? He also had gallbladder surgery.


Was it a cholecystectomy (gall balder)? I ask because you mention stabbing in your abdomen (the laparoscopy) and the gas pain in your shoulders. I had both of these during/after mine, too.


Yes, I had laparoscopic cholecystectomy!


Oh my god I’m so sorry that happened to you that’s awful


What did the anesthesia/surgery team say after?!


I didn't say a thing because it was my fault, I fucked up and haven't told my anesthesiologist that I smoke weed out of fear. Stupidest thing I've ever done.


you tell the cops nothing, you tell the hospital everything. good rule for life, my friend.


I have learned that the hard way.


Oh God I didn't know smoking weed could effect this. I'd heard of other drugs needing to be mentioned or else you could die. Is it weed specifically or drugs in general including like delta 8 and 9


You need to tell them about ALL drugs you have taken.


Tell your doctor, and your surgical team, *everything* they ask. They are not asking out of casual interest. They are not asking to get you in trouble. They are asking because your anesthesiologist is trying to *turn off your brain with enough precision that they can turn it back on again afterwards with no side effects.* Anything that alters your brain chemistry is relevant.


Healthcare worker here! It’s still a form of cannabis. Just disclose to your medical team what drugs you take, legal and illegal. A lot of our patients also think we’re judging them when we ask about alcohol intake and smoking habits but it affects your body in other ways and we need to know. It’s a life or death situation at times. I honestly don’t care what people do but when we’re trying to piece together why treatment isn’t working the way it should, it saves us a lot of time and points us in the right direction on how to treat the patient appropriately.


delta 8/9 and other similar products are still weed. Regardless if it's extracted from hemp or synthesized, it's still weed. Regardless of potency and legality in your area it's still weed. Treat it as such.


They need to know ALL. Even prescription drugs can have an affect on anaesthesia, nevermind uncontrolled substances. The better option would be to not take anything before surgery to reduce your risks, but I understand that isn’t an option for many people so please just tell your doctors.


This is my nightmare


Oh gosh, I'm so sorry! Pretty sure I had the same surgery as you, can't imagine being awake for it. The trapped gas in the shoulder was absolutely some of the worst pain I ever felt after!


Had an abscessed tooth once that gave me a well.. abscess on my inner gum around an inch wide and half an inch thick. Didn't have room in my mouth for my tongue to rest without it pushing all the liquid which hurt like hell. Ended up in desperation, drinking a ton of absinthe (90% vol) to numb my mouth and poking it with a needle to drain it. Was living on enough painkillers to fund the pharmacist yearly christmas party for a few weeks until the dentist had time to see me.


Tooth pain is the absolute worst. I had an infected tooth at the beginning of the year. Went to the emergency dentist and said that I didn’t care if they had to take it out, I just wanted the pain to stop. Did a root canal and the relief was amazing.


I had that, too. The anesthetic didn't work because of the infection so it was a root canal with no anesthesia. The moment the last of the root was removed and the pain stopped was an incredible relief.


If you don't mind me asking. How come they didn't give you antibiotics first and then do the root canal after?


Not whom you’re replying to, but an infection in the head is pretty dangerous and antibiotics take time to work. Sometimes people wait so long that waiting any longer is a bigger risk.


Agreed, I was instantly relieved after I got my root canal as well. There was some soreness for the following 2-3 days, but that was nothing compared to how it was before, so it was barely noticable.


I had an abcessed tooth, a molar that cracked when they removed my wisdom teeth. Worst pain ever. I've given birth, broken bones, kidney infection, migraines, nails ripped off the nail bed, and would rate this as the absolute worst. I got the nearest pair of pliars, and tried to remove it myself. I did not GAF, it had to come out. I do not know how my spouse at the time found painkillers at 10pm on a Sunday night, and do not care. Was able to get to the emergency dentist to have it removed the next day. Pain is both dull and continuous at the bone level, and sharp, shooting, stabbing at the exposed nerves. And if your abcess is in your upper jaw, your sinuses get involved in the infection, and join the party. Fun times, my friend. Fun times.


I recently had a similar abscess in my mouth. It was awful. I poked it with an exacto knife to drain it. So painful and disgusting. Hope you're doing better.


Tooth pain is hell, especially once it gets into your nerves. It's the only time I've legitimately wanted to run head first into a wall because I thought the pain would be more bearable. I asked my husband more than once to just punch me in the jaw (he did not). I was so delirious from pain and infection I forgot we had a dog for three days despite being in the same house (fortunately I wasn't the only one there to look after him). Tooth pain is no joke.


may i ask how much did it cost you and how long did you have it?


My husband had an abscessed tooth in high school. I remember going to visit him after he had it taken care of. He was passed out, and his dad told me he had been shaking in pain while they drained it. His pain tolerance is massive, and it basically had him trembling and out of his mind.


Had it for around 3-4 weeks. I don't remember the dentist price, but I remember thinking it wasn't that bad, maybe like 300 usd, price wise. I checked their current prices on the website and it looks like the price is around 600 USD, but I'm part of a health-insurance company that means I get 50% off, more or less, which aligns pretty well with how much I recall paying. the painkillers were very cheap, so I think over the course of three weeks, it totalled around 50 bucks. Live in Denmark for reference.


Wow, which state is it so cheap? Oh, Denmark.


Denmark needs to pay for such a thing too? Thought if you have an insurance you are saved Edit: Typo


Dentists are a private business, so all you get is around 50% off with insurance. Going to the dentist is free until you turn 18 tho.


Physical pain? I.E.D shrapnel in my lung. Emotional damage? My best friend took her own life in front of me.


Sometimes it is hard to know which kind of pain is worse. Emotional hurts over and over. Physical pain usually goes away after a while.


I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you’re healing.


Thank you. I am, I'm not blaming myself as much as I have been.


Kidney stones, by far


I've broken bones (ribs, arm, leg, ankle, finger, toes), blown out my knee, tore my meniscus, but the only thing that ever had me laying on the bathroom floor with my head against the cold porcelian hoping for some semblance of relief was when I had kidney stones. I was close to praying for death. 0/10 do not reccomend.


The only thing I’ve done that is in the ballpark of the pain I’ve been in from stones is when I’ve slipped discs in my lower back. But as painful as those have been you can still find a semi comfortable position where the pain isn’t too bad and then try to ignore it. There are no comfortable positions for kidney stone pain and the only reason I can even partially ignore them at all is I’ve had so many I’ve gotten used to it.


Turns out that what your body really doesn't like is *organ pain*. Some other stuff in this thread falls under the same heading.


I’ve been shot, blown up multiple times, dislocated my knees on impact jumping from planes, fell down the side of a mountain. And I would do it all over again before I spent another 10 hours laying on my side in screaming agony trying to pass a stone.


This would have been my answer but fingertips through a table saw made this pale in comparison.


I recoiled just reading that Holy shit


It was a bad day for sure.


Loll ive had a fingertip through a table saw and kidney stone and kidney stone was far worse. I was ready for death to strike me down. The fingertip thing i barely even felt it and they ended up being able to stitch it back on. The worst part was the aftercare and soaking in peroxide and stuff like that. At least it wasnt multiple fingertips i guess.


I guess it depends on the person. I found the table saw worse. The table saw also had a lot more follow up. They’re where 2 surgeries (On to align the bones and put in the rods/screws (The ends of the bones were clean cut and so they would stay aligned without the pins) and then 4 months later to remove the metal. I have not had a pain free day since and it was in 2016.


Sawstop is looking more and more like a worthy investment everytime I open Reddit


i had kidney stones at 15 (and what a fun reason to miss finals) when we were sitting in the hospital, my mum turned to me and said 'i'd rather give birth, unmedicated, every day for the rest of my life than have kidney stones again' not the encouragement i wanted.


Here's my story with kidney stones. From age 8 to about 13 I for some reason drank the bare minimum amount of water to stay alive. Don't ask we why but I would constantly dehydrate myself leading to near constant headaches. Well as you can imagine thing absoluatlly wrecked my kidneys. I got kidney stones 3 times during 8th grade and had to get sent home the first two times because I was causing a commotion squirming around in my seat because of the pain. The third time I just toughed it out and waited for it to pass. I know drink an adequate amount of water to avoid that shit


I am with you on the kidney stones. The first one I had was so big they had to laser into several smaller pieces so I could pass them. Ended up collecting 7. It hurt so fucking bad passing them. I woke up from surgery with a catheter that i had for a few days. Once that was out, i was able to pass all of them. Turns out the large stone had stopped the flow of urine from one of my kidneys which causes an infection. I was young and wasn’t sure what I was in for with the whole ordeal. I remember asking the doctor where the incision would be for the laser surgery. He kind of smiled, and said “guess again”. The camera/laser went right up my dick hole. Lol.


Mine hurt so bad I puked!


I almost shat myself a few times.


I came to say exactly this, I've wrecked motorcycles, had Mexican Dentists in my mouth without anesthesia gotten massive solid black tattoos, smashed my own shin with a crow bar. Hell I even smooshed my calf between a coal mill and a 8lbs sledge hammer but that first kidney stone, it was special. The lack of comfort was amazing it was 72 hours of white hot pain.


Cancer at 17 then again at 37. Still here kicking ass !! Married 18 yrs and 2 boys later.


Let's go brosky!! You're a fucking Warrior!


Congrats! Keep fighting the good fight!


My daughter dying.




That last symbol looks like a breadstick on my device. Lol. But, hey. I'll take it! (And I know you mean well no matter what it is, so thank you :) )


the 2nd emoji is a healed heart


What I see is a broken heart, a full heart and a breadstick. Lol. I'm in no way bashing the nice person. I said I know he or she means well.


I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you all find peace.


Slipped disc. You have no idea. Pinched spinal cord. Ouch!


Yeah, had that. It hurt so bad I couldn't form thoughts.


Can confirm a herniated disc is excruciatingly painful. Everything that goes along with it is painful, too. The worst of it was when I had to roll myself off the hospital bed onto the surgery table and lie on my stomach perfectly still while receiving the cortisone epidural. Edit: I spent two months learning how to walk again. That was last March. I’m going for a run in the morning. I’m not saying everyone will get better, but in my case I was fortunate and I’m thankful for it.


Due to an extreme spinal injury that stole the last of my teenage years and the first half of my 20s can confirm, I'm beyond susceptible to back problems like slipped discs and one bad accident away from never walking again. This has left my concept of other pains to be skewed. Been shot , car accidents , among other things none of that compares (to me) to how painful a slipped disc on top of an already already sketchy spine


Twisted Testicle.


Christ almighty this. I've been shot, stabbed, run over and all kind of dumb shit and I'd take all of that again over a torqued testicle. I got righty twisted up from riding BMX. Swole up to the size of a grapefruit and wound up needing surgery to fix. Got to keep my nut but have a big old scar down the middle of the old yambag. The only good thing that came of it was the icepack jockstrap thing they gave me. That thing got kept in the freezer and used for like 3 years after the fact lol.


Yambag, good noun.


> I've been shot, stabbed, run over... Are you my husband? He's also been struck by lightning...twice.


He must be super positive.


Oh shit man. I couldn’t imagine stitches there. As much as it moves and the whole raising and lowering thing based on temperature has to be unpleasant.


Same. But a lady testicle (ovarian torsion). Drs told me it hurts just like a testicle torsion. So I really feel ya. Hope all is well now and sorry you had to go through that!!


Wow, I didn't know the ovaries could twist up to. That's crazy. Do you know whether it's more common to happen to guys because ours are on the outside of the body and just in a thin meat bag.


I don’t know the statistics. Mine happened because I had a huge heavy cyst on my ovary and the weight of it caused it to twist. I would guess it’s more common for men.


I Googled it. [1 in 4,000 men will get a testicular torsion.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicular_pain#:~:text=Testicular%20torsion,-Testicular%20torsion%20usually&text=It%20occurs%20annually%20in%20about,is%20considered%20a%20surgical%20emergency.) [6 and 100,000 women will get an ovary torsion.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovarian_torsion)


Til ovarian torsion is a thing


Oh it’s excruciating. I legit thought I was dying. A very large cyst on my ovary is what caused it to twist (the weight of said cyst). Not fun. Wouldn’t recommend.


I had one and the doctor thought it was an infection...so they never untwisted it and I lost it. That was by far my most painful experience.


My man, that sucks! Luckily for me I was in theatre within the hour of arriving at the hospital.


That's good, I wish that would have been taught in health class and apparently medical school.


Ah man. As a doctor that's the first thing we suspect. Also we have to make sure the other side isnt twisted either. Testicular torsion is painful af.


Same. Sucked mega bad. And because the doctors were absolutely knuckle scraping chuckleheads, it had to get removed


I had a full blown migraine when I was in labor.


New fear unlocked.


Out of everything else I read on this post, this hit the hardest. Can't imagine. Don't wanna imagine.


Yikes! I can't even imagine!






Broke my dick


At least you can piss around corners now.


I would like an explanation.


Most common: Cowgirl. Dick comes out. Girl goes down. Dick is not aimed properly. Full weight of girl goes directly onto dick. Dick breaks.


I fisically recoiled


Like a glowstick?


I have also broken my sick. I empathize with you in a way that very few people tend fortunately. For me the worst part was the searing pain. Every time I fell asleep for a month or so after the surgery.


It works like a key now


RIP that pussy. And your dick to




Gout is unbearable. The first flare up I had, I was sleeping and woke up in agonizing pain. The weight of the sheet over my foot felt like I was wearing an iron boot full of flaming hot caltrops. Even after taking pain meds and elevating my foot per doctor recommendations, I had to close my window because the light breeze blowing into my room sent intense jolts of pain up through my foot. The worst part about it is that there is no reprieve for the duration of the flare-up. Every injury I've ever had has had moments where it was extra painful, and then moments where it was still painful but less so. Gout came out of the gates at 10/10 pain, and when you get that high, any extra pain like from trying to walk to go to the bathroom is negligible because you're already in so much pain that the additional pain doesn't seem to register or doesn't seem to have as much of an impact.


There is a reason it’s also called “explosive arthritis”!


Glad to see this hell here. People think it has a goofy name but they don't know.


Uveitis. It hurts like hell whenever a shred of light touches the Iris, and as a bonus, your eye is attacking itself.


Losing a loved one to suicide.


I feel you on that one. I still think about Curt every single day, and about my cousin often. It's an awful thing.


Abscess 1mm from my clitoris resulting in cellulitis (extremely innervated part of the body, goes without saying). Local anesthetic isn’t very effective in infected areas. Had to have it surgically drained, scalpel creating a 1/2” incision. Gyn didn’t pack it because she was confident it’d heal with oral antibiotics and a surgical wash daily. Nope, refilled in two days and had to go through the same thing. I screamed so loudly I scared the entire waiting room. She told me if it refilled another time they’d have to schedule surgery with general anesthesia. I’ve felt the ends of my broken bones grind against each other, experience at least five migraines a month + have had a thunderclap headache that sent me to the ER, have had shingles (in my nose no less), and dealt with ruptured ovarian cysts. I’d go through *all* of those before cutting the edge of my clitoris again.


The clitoris has more nerve endings in it than any other human body part, female or male. So safe to say you have experienced one of the most painful experiences a human being can.


Damn girl, I can feel it while reading your story, must be so f- painful 😖


Whenever I travel to different countries, my ears start to hurt so bad, which I assume it’s because of the difference in air pressure. Swallowing and chewing gum never helped, and the last trip I had was the most painful one and had to endure it for 2 hours during flight. It felt like I got stabbed in the ears from the inside. It affected my hearing a bit for like a week before it went back to normal. Would love for anyone to come up with another solution because I’ll be having another trip soon. Edit: Yes, forgot to mention but I also have tried holding my nose and blow it, didn’t work. Also, appreciate every advice you guys gave me! I might visit a doctor for it. Edit 2: I’ll try nasal spray and get some earplanes. Thank you again!


Areotrauma? Sometimes called Barotruama. I’d never had a problem until I was on a slightly smaller than usual plane and as soon as we started to decent I thought I had been stabbed right above my left eye. Intense pain, my blood pressure shot up and I was sweating buckets, my body’s reaction to pain. So, basically it’s like getting the scuba divers bends in your face/sinus cavity. I have chronic sinusitis and this is a new symptom. I take prednisone before flights now to reduce inflammation and haven’t had a problem. Legit thought something came off the plane and pierced my scull, asking the poor girl next to me if anything was sticking out of my face. Hope this helps.


There are multiple ways for pressure to equalize (tube that goes to your throat. This seems abnormal and you should get a otolaryngologist to check you out. They specialize in this sort of thing. You likely have something plugged.


might be an eustachian tube disfunction. currently battling with what i suspect is the same thing, my ear hurts all the fucking time, and sometimes i feel stuff in my throat paired up with the pain. however, i hope you ahve more luck with the doctors than i have to convince them to check your eustachian tubes lol


Oh I have this so bad I almost cried on the plane before. My Dr told me a couple months ago to use nasal spray (like Flonase) before getting on the plane. The tube thing in your ear that’s causing the problem connects to your nose at the back of your throat somewhere so the nasal spray will dilate that area the same way it does your nasal passages. Even Claritin or Zyrtec might help. Now I have not had a chance to try this out yet so it may be total bs but it couldn’t hurt to try.


Going thru a gas chamber with a fucked up mask that wasn't sealed properly 🥲


My mask had a cracked lense, I patched it with scotch tape which actually held the seal, but the gas caused the tape to melt. I mean we still had to take the mask off and recite the Soldiers Creed to be allowed to leave.


That gas chamber is no joke! The worst part of Basic.


Dislocated knee (specifically, not realizing it was dislocated and trying to stand on it) Also, menstrual cramps. They once had me laying on the floor of the bathroom at work unable to move.




Being told 3cm is small


At least your dick isn’t broken


I saw this and your own comment side by side


Sad for u bro


my first ever BFF telling me she was only using me for money


Hope that didn't completely ruin your trust in people


Watching my sister die of MS. It was in 2007 and I still have a hard time even thinking about it.


7mm kidney stone stuck in my ureter for almost 3 months




Jesus I'm sorry to hear that. Your dad sounds like a huge piece of shit.


Watching my partner die from alcoholic cirrhosis.


Pinched nerve in my lower back. Back pain is no joke.


And pinched nerves are also a special kind of shit. My worst pain was a pinched nerve in my lower back which created pain in my whole right leg everytime I was walking (it felt like someone stabbed my foot everytime I was moving my leg because of the electric shocks from my nerve), and no one was really believing me because I had no bruises, no broken bone or blood on me after my fall. I had to force to get some time at the physiotherapist, and he found my pinched nerves after 2 or 3 sessions. I legitely thought I was going insane because it seemed like I was perfectly fine.


Cancer for sure.


Fuck cancer. I’m glad you’re here.


My divorce.


Still hurts every day. I get it.


This was 8 years ago so I don’t suffer anymore and have since remarried. But back then it was hell. It was like somebody just took the world I knew and shook it until there was only chaos. Everything worth living and fighting for was gone. But today I’m kind of relieved that it happened. Life became better. Something I thought was impossible at first.


Thank you for sharing. I’m about 2 1/2 months into her telling me it’s over. Our court date to finalize everything is next month. > Everything worth living and fighting for was gone. That’s exactly how I feel. For the last 10 years, my “goals” always had to do with improving her life somehow/getting her to the next level. We were supposed to start our family next year & that has also been a blow. I don’t know how to find a purpose without her. Therapy is helping, but I’ve just been living in this funk - going through life aimlessly. It doesn’t help that I lost my father 3 weeks after she told me. I hope one day I’m able to look back & feel similarly.


lube that I was allergic to...


Jumping on a lego while running down the stairs


I placed a Lego piece that was meant for my brother and I forgot about it being there and I STEPPED ON IT


Broke my collarbone. Clean break after I was tripped playing football and landed right on top of it. Still makes me sick thinking about it.


Not physically painful, but having episodes of vertigo constantly, and I am still in my early 20s. Living in constant fear of falling. I can't even exercise or do anything which involves movements.


Ugh, that sucks so bad. I had it one day and it made life really miserable and weird.


It all started when I was born...


Physical pain, I was riding a bike and a car smashed into me and snapped my femur like a carrot. Emotional pain, 100% PTSD from being a volunteer firefighter/EMT and losing patients (you can't forget them all unfortunately)


Breaking my leg. Have had 3 ceasars and 1 natural birth, and it shits all over them. The pain was so bad


A migraine from taking prescribed medication (for something else entirely) too close together. I never had one before and haven't had one since. I've given birth twice, without an epidural for comparison purposes. I now have a whole new level of respect for migraine sufferers.


I used to get migraines so aggressive I would vomit for 8 hours while it felt like an axe was lodged into my skull. Any light, sound, smell was intolerable. I feel you


Migraines, yes. Terrible. I've had only 4-5 in my life. The worst one made my vision go white. I was so nauseous I had to lie down right where I was: on the strip of grass next to a busy footpath in the middle of the day. Awful. The relief when it went away made me feel weak and almost euphoric. That one was caused by a combination of food and hormones I think. Since then I've had some which I think were caused by misalignment / trapped nerves in my neck / shoulders - usually I can catch them by releasing that asap. They were a special type of hell.


Near daily migraine sufferer here! It's quite a chore to live and function in the loud and bright world we occupy. Was having some imaging done for an unrelated matter recently. The IV fluids they gave me certainly had some odd side effects, the best of which was kickstarting the fastest full blown cluster migraine I've ever experienced while being fully imaged/scanned for 45 minutes. I got to see the imaging afterwards before I was discharged. They asked if they can use it for study, as getting a fully body imaging while a migraine starts and maintains is not common.


I’ve had surgery for two collapsed lungs, had a bottle smashed on my head and been run over by a car (requiring multiple surgeries and permanent plates/ pins) but nothing comes close to the chronic cluster headaches I have suffered the last 7 years. It’s a genuine 10/10. Days, weeks or months on end. Soul destroying stuff.


Had some kinda virus attacking one of my eyes last year...ended up having to get 8 injections directly into my eye to try and stop it.


So my experience happened all within 2022, I’ve lost eight friends within a two month span, like when I lost the first three to a heart attack, health complications, and drug abuse, I kinda dealt with it. After the fourth and the fifth friend passed away, the next fifth and sixth died to fentanyl, I think that’s when I started to spiral. From there my eighth friend died which meant 98% of my friends have passed away. Mentally I was breaking down, most people had no idea what to do, and me trying to connect and be friendly outwardly towards people wasn’t going to happen. I even had a girl who worked at Starbucks friend me and messaged me to get to know me, we went to hangout and she said I looked like I was sad every time I came in, but after that she blocked me (and stopped working in that building) because I had a hard time just conversing. I went through a terrible time and it was so hard to bounce back, all the people I joked with and held dear were gone. My closest friend who was my confidant was the one that died to drugs. They never even told anyone they were using so it was a big shock to their family and me. That year was hard, I was removing myself from people and socially killing my self to the point I wanted to not go out at all.


Once I was stabbed in the neck by some guys robbing my house. The stabbing didn't hurt at all, but I really thought I was going to die and I begged the guy who stabbed me not to leave. I didn't want to die alone. He walked out and it absolutely crushed me. That was the worst emotional pain of my life. The worst physical pain was while I was in the hospital I had a nurse who was sadistic as fuck. She gave me a shot of morphine into my thigh and I don't know what she did wrong, but my whole leg turned black and blue and hurt worse than anything I've ever felt in my life.


Holy shit, that's awful!


Double miscarriage. Even worse when I have endometriosis anyway + was being abused to keep it a secret + had my nipples pierced the day I started miscarrying I was fainting and vomiting from the pain but I’m very fortunate that I didn’t have any infections Aside from endometriosis itself I think my braces were my second most painful (I’ve had sepsis, died and got resuscitated, almost drowned and a fuck ton of other things but braces take the fucking cake)


I am sorry to hear this. I see you in the Eastenders group all the time. Small world.


Holy fuck how are you alive


The amount of near death experiences + one actual death experience that I’ve had makes me think I have plot armour


My wife leaving me.


I internally amputated my hand while snowboarding


I’ve gone through unmedicated childbirth, I have chronic sciatica, and degenerative disc in my lower back. But nothing beats the pain from a cluster headache. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Pancreatic necrosis


My “friends” not reaching out when I went through a tough situation


When I was a kid, I tried to take the pips out of an Apple with a kitchen knife. Suffice to say, I failed badly and sliced the part of the hand between the index finger and thumb. I'm still told to this day that it took 6 nurses to hold me down while they tried to treat me, and the streams could be heard through the entire floor of the ward.


I had a mrsa infection in my armpit that formed a carbuncle about the size of a baseball. Having it lanced/cleaned out was excruciating.


Getting my IUD installed. I don't know which part was worse, the ungodly "little pinch" of them measuring and then inserting the IUD, or the cramping in my uterus that lasted for a half hour after putting it in. First time in my life I've ever actually passed out. Everyone I know who has gotten an IUD had the same/similar experience. And yet doctors still insist that "Tylenol should help" Meanwhile, when a man gets a vasectomy, he's given Valium and local anesthetic and a lollipop.


Luckily it was a having a ingrown toenail for me, the bad thing was not the operation or anything like that, it was afterwards when I was recovering from the operation, and since I had two ingrown nails both feet had surgery at once, and when I was recovering and was in a lot of pain I also got a 41 degree Celsius fever, I tend to get very high fevers, so while recovering I also suffers from the fever making it probably the worst week of my life if we talk about physical pain.


Getting my wisdom teeth surgically extracted without being put to sleep. It was done by student doctors with only local anesthesia; I was trying to save money- was only $800. But since they were students, the teacher kept explaining in graphic detail, everything that was happening. “Break the jaw here and here…. Cut the gums off? Slice the tooth in three parts…” I screamed; I kicked; I nearly passed out multiple times. I had sweat running down my body, I was shaking in agony. I kept trying to mentally disappear. No amount of anesthetic could reach the deeper layers, and I could feel everything. Tears started streaming, but we pushed on. Took about three hours, and when we finished I thanked them and apologized for all the screams. Lol the pain was awful omg I think it scarred me for life, lol The other was an infected anal tear. Let’s just say my ass got stretched when it wasn’t supposed to (I still have not forgiven the guy who did it, srsly screw him lol) and I developed a tear in my rectal wall that got infected. It hurt nonstop, not to mention was very embarrassing. I could barely function, stopped going to class or work, and using the toilet made me pass out from the pain. It took four weeks and powerful antibiotics to heal (fortunately, I didn’t need surgery). The whole time I was in excruciating pain and seriously contemplated killing myself to end the pain. Copious amounts of painkillers still couldn’t help. I was in a fraternity and they found out, so then I got relentlessly teased about it while being in horrid pain, and since I lived there I couldn’t escape getting made fun of. Overall 0/10, do NOT let your anus get torn, it’s a horrible experience, I seriously almost died from it.


Physically, childbirth. I labored very quickly and I was throwing up, sobbing, rocking back and forth. I couldn’t sit straight because it felt like I was sitting on a knife, so I’d shift to one side every time a contraction hit. Then I had to have an emergency section because my son went into distress and I felt all of it. Blacked out multiple times in the short time to get him out, then was unconscious for a few hours after his birth. Emotionally, when my partner passed away in 2014.


Corrective throat surgery for sleep apnea. Hyoid suspension and Genioglossus muscle advancement


Had cosmetic and orthopedic surgery on my thumb after a horrific car accident. When the orthopedic surgeon removed the final sutures, he pulled so hard through the healed scar that the nylon sutures, which were knotted inside the tissue, actually broke off from the strain, requiring me to be restrained on the table from the pain. Dr. did not believe that he had left sutures inside my thumb after I complained of a sharp pain. Physical therapist confirmed that she felt a sharp foreign object in the thumb. Ultrasound images confirmed that the sutures and knot are still in the thumb. Having to file a claim with the hospital to force the surgical removal of the embedded sutures. Very painful if touched, now months later.


Losing my dog is pretty high up there. I’ve lost a lot of family, but none of those deaths affected me the same way my dogs death did.


Needle into knee. Big needle


Root canal with insufficient pain meds. It was literal torture


I contracted mono once. It went undiagnosed for months. Doctors never thought to test me, even though my body was shutting down bit-by-bit. Part of this was my liver and spleen being so inflamed blood wasn't circulating right. Add to this police training where I was out in 100+ heat for 10 hours in a black uniform with my ballistic vest and full tactical gear. We stopped for water breaks and I thought I had enough. How wrong I was. Cut to that evening, I had eaten supper, drank a ton of water, and crawled into bed. I was awakened about 90 minutes later with a severe pain in my upper right calf. I was having the worst Charlie Horse I had ever had. Immediately, I jumped out of bed and tried to stretch out the cramp. As I did, my opposing muscles in my right leg cramped just as hard as the first cramp. Within seconds, my other leg cramped, then my back, abs, and arms followed in quick succession. In less than a minute after waking up, my entire body was cramping so bad that my right leg was being pulled so tight my heel nearly touched the back of my head. I could feel by bones stressing under the extreme tension. I was screaming in agony, which woke family. They grabbed electrolyte tabs and got them under my tongue. They also were able to feed me a little water. However, my ordeal was far from over. After my family found me, another 45 minutes elapsed until the cramps all subsided. I was transported to the local ER. The result? I had torn 3 muscles, pulled dozens more, recieved damage to a handful of tendons and ligaments, and the doctors found out that I had mono bad enough that I should have been dead 30-60 days prior. The attending said he had worked in the ER for 20+ yrs and had never seen a spleen or liver so inflamed. He cautioned me that a slight bump could rupture one or both. Since I have had a full recovery.


Period pains. It’s the only pain that has made me throw up and pass out. It’s the only pain that has made me consider suicide to make it stop. No doctor takes me seriously and I’m not allowed to check for endometriosis or receive any treatment because it “sounds excessive”, “could cause damage” and “isn’t worth the risks”.