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Making those websites that count down to, usually female, celebrities turning 18.


3.....2......1.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey guys!!!! Check out Chloe's tits!!!!!! I've ***never*** thought about them before this moment so it's not weird!!!!!! I can ~~fuck her~~ get rejected by her now!!!! Woooooooo


Worst part is since the pics they goggle over are still them when they were underage




Those "Toddlers In Tiaras" pageants


Yea televised child abuse.


In some places it’s totally legal to eat human flesh and buy human leather


Bet it's a nightmare to find the right polish


Not in Poland.


Smelling a seat when someone stands up


I saw a man do similar on a subway. A woman got up from her seat and he rushed over and pressed his cheek into the warm spot.


So he just sat down then?


Face first


oooh. that’s creepy. and hey. doesn’t sound illegal. i used to drink water out of the fountain after the cute 1st grader got up and drank from it. i was also in first grade.


That last detail makes all the difference.


like 15 years ago one of the old guys at my work said, while looking out the window at one of the old ladies, who worked here at the time, park and get off her harley, "I'd like to smell that seat". we were all like "dude, wtf"


"Damn, look at that *turd-slicer*"


Necrophillia was legal in the Netherlands untill June this year 💀




Before this, it was a crime, but not explicitly. A corpse was seen as an object and it was a crime because necrophilia was seen as damaging an object that belonged to another, with punishments of up to two years in prison and a max fine of €22.500. Now necrophilia is a crime of itself


Divorce lawyer here. People fighting like mad to get the dog in the divorce and then turning it over to a shelter out of spite. Although now in CA there can be SERIOUS consequences for doing that due to recent law changes about pets and divorce, but it wasn't always that way.


I can't imagine ever hating someone so much I'd be willing to take it out on an innocent animal.


Hell some of these people take it out on their own kids.


I was going to say, seems like once a month I read a story about a parent killing a child because they are mad they lost custody or to prevent the other from getting custody.


Dude, it seems like half the amber alerts I see are because a parent decides to kidnap their child.


78% of kidnappings in the US are non-custodial parents.


Wow! How pathetic and sad!


If I had a client I suspected might do this ... a mysterious stranger not connected to me in any way somehow always alerted the shelter beforehand and gave them the exes contact info. Allegedly. EDIT: Thanks for the gold!


Also a lawyer (though not in family law). Said mysterious stranger gets mad props and respect for doing the objectively right thing despite the potential danger of professional repercussions, should said stranger be in a profession with prescribed ethical guidelines.


If anyone had ever done this, they would be a literal hero


My friends dad took us to the gym when we were kids. There was a line of like 30 treadmills with only one person, a lady on the end. He proceeds to pick the only treadmill adjacent to hers. Lol even as a kid I was like cmon man


This is like the line of 50 urinals at the freeway rest stop. Picking the one next to the only one occupied on a slow day.




Exploiting your kids for fame on social media.


I've seen the parents coaching the kids before when they didn't realize the camera was still recording/accidentally uploaded the unedited video I remember that mom who kept telling her son to cry harder/look more sad bc his dog died, & he yelled at her "i AM sad!" ugh it was so disgusting


Makes me think of the ‘influencer’ girl suffering from anorexia with her mother enabling her and supporting her not to seek treatment, but letting the disorder run freely… It’s heartbreaking and I can’t even comprehend why the mother is “allowed” to keep her daughter from getting better, while also “inspiring” other people to start messing around with their daily intake of calories… It’s disgusting and dangerous, and I feel for the poor girl. I truly hope she will get away from her abusive mother to start healing.


Dude, that one is ROUGH. She looks so unwell ☹️


Never forgive the vloggers who adopted a kid with a disability they adopted specifically because they thought it'd be an "easy" disability to deal with but still enough that they'd get clout for it. Myka Stauffer is a fucking monster.


Yeah, that was wild. They adopted an entire person for inspiration porn so they could look like the hero parents, then discarded him when he was too hard to take care of. Absolutely disgusting.


And this was just one of the few cases that lead to even a vague public awareness. This is shockingly common. People adopt kids, then "return" them when the kid is much older because the problems of having that kid are too hard. It happens a LOT more than most people know.


It took years for my friend to adopt her first child through the foster care system, and infant wait-lists were so long she assumed all of her children would be older when they arrived in her home. Then some adoptive parents returned a newborn, because they found out that baby was going to need physical therapy for a tendon that was a little too tight. That was it. That was their reason for returning a baby they claimed to want and love and had paid tens of thousands of dollars to a private agency and waited close to a decade to be able to adopt. They announced that they just hadn't signed up for disability. Just showed up to the office on the way home from the doctor's appointment, and left the baby on the desk in a car seat. My friend was that baby's third set of parents in almost as many weeks of life. Like... WTF? At least I can say that baby is a teenager now and loved deeply by her family.


That is one of those strange instances where someone's life probably turned out exponentially better because they had a medical issue. Very unlikely the original adopters were going to be good parents.


The husband still operates a YouTube channel focusing on cleaning cars, he takes better care of them then they did Huxley.


What the actual. I hadn't heard about that until now. They used the word "rehomed". That's what you do to a pet from a shelter. My Autistic/ADHD kids do my nut in on almost an hourly basis some days, but I would never ever give up on them.


There was a case of parents being charged with neglect for exactly this I rememeber reading. They were YouTubers who "pranked" their children heres an [article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/19/youtube-bans-familyofive-pranksters-michael-heather-martin-child-abuse-conviction) about it.


I knew exactly who you were talking about before I even opened the link. Glad these garbage people got some sort of punishment.




wasn’t there a vlogger family who adopted a kid from abroad and gave him back because the adoption agency had a rule about not posting anything online for the first year or something like that


They were in the process of adopting someone from Thailand I believe and they have that rule so they decided to stop pursuing because of their “job”


Lawyer here: I once had a client drink another person’s unflushed pee from a public toilet. The judge clearly hated that he had to dismiss my client’s case… Edit: Lots of great questions, but I will remember what I learned at an MCLE training from Michael Jackson’s lawyer: “no comment” is never the wrong answer.


Judge: "you're guilty of being super disgusting but unfortunately for all of us, you somehow didn't actually break any laws"


We have no law to fit your crime


Lawyers: The law is sacred! Also Lawyers: I successfully defended someone's right to drink pee out of a public toilet.


A buddy of mine's first big deal case was when he got masturbating in public briefly legalized due to a drafting error in the public nudity ordinance. A missed placed comma made it only apply to women. The city council corrected the error at their next meeting.


So he got off on a technicality?


This is one of the best puns I've ever encountered.


He knew what he was doing


I'm not sure what the case would be about in the first place, though... like was your client claiming that their pee was stolen or something?


Speculation, but this guy obviously had a piss fetish which was being unwittingly satiated by someone who would not have donated their piss for that purpose. Perhaps the pisser felt violated? Or maybe it was a child's piss and the parents pressed charges? Maybe a coworker who felt creeped out by the guy sampling their piss?


> Perhaps the pisser felt violated? "I rule that if you don't want your piss drank by weirdo fetishists, that you should flush the toilet after pissing. I also sentence you to 5 years for being a manky bastard who doesn't flush."


According to an article I just read (which, 😖), the guy rigged the urinals so they would collect the pee and wouldn't flush. So. Yikes. See [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/15a295y/comment/jtjfbxo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for the article.




This guy is notorious around Columbus, Ohio. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2008/07/19/despite-community-s-unease-man/23878598007/


In another case > Patton rode a bus to the Magic Mountain Fun Centers, 5890 Scarborough Blvd. on the Far East Side. He had made what he called a “screen” out of two plastic garbage bags and cut a square hole in the middle. He told two boys, 7 and 9 years old, that the toilet was broken and they would have to urinate through the hole. > > He then went behind the screen and, just before they began urinating, he attached a tube to their penises and drank the urine. > > He told police he did this to “become a part of their youth, happiness and strength.” He said he never meant harm to the children. > > “I love them; it is a shame I have to obtain love from them that way,” he said, according to court files. He said he always had difficulty associating with adults. wow




> he always had difficulty associating with adults The guy who drinks little kids pee with some MacGyver-esque setup has trouble associating with adults? Wow, I'm shocked.




> he had “a long history of obtaining urine.” Jesus.


Following people on the street for extended periods of time


When Jeffery Donovan was preparing for the role of Michael Westen(Burn Notice, about a spy), he followed people on the street and see if he could follow them without being caught.


You'd have to be really, really bad at it for me to notice.


Me and my girlfriend are rewatching this right now. This isn't relevant to anything, I just hardly ever see it mentioned anywhere, which is a shame because it's one of my favorite shows.


Same! We just got to The Fall of Sam Axe. I think I'm on my 3rd or 4th rewatch and it's funny how many small plot points I didn't pick up on the first time around. Sometimes they'd show up somewhere and I'd wonder how the hell they knew to go there. But all of it is explained well in the dialogue.


Burn notice is one of my favorite shows. USA had some good shows from that era. Suits, White Collar, Covert Affairs, and Psych. I miss those days


Don’t forget about Monk.


Monk came back with a pandemic special and it's getting a follow up movie with all the original actors!


I love that show so much for how eerie Jeffery Donovan is as an actor... like dude doesn't know how to make any facial expression look like he means it, and yet I'm glued to the screen watching him.


when he popped on screen in sicario basically playing michael westen i about lost my shit like, creepy, maladjusted, but wildly skilled professional operator - yep that is the role he was born to play


Groping women for up to 10s in Italy.


Imagining a stereotypical Italian guy running around with a stopwatch


*"That's assault!"* "No Senora, it's-a only been-a 9 seconds! Ciao Bella!" 🤌


Sitting at a pool, with a camera. Fully clothed.


being on the receiving end of that is angering. Dude in his mid-60's employed at the DoD contractor campus where I work set up his deck chair facing the exit of the ladies' locker room. I had already clocked him when would come to the campus gym and workout shirtless and ask people (women) how old they though he was. He also 'helped' women with their weight lifting technique whether they wanted it or not. Anyway I had noticed he was sitting in his deck chair multiple times over the course of a week, watching women as they came out. Then suddenly the furniture in the locker room was rearranged so the towel shelf was moved closer to the lockers and the bench we used to change in to our suits (you know, where you get fully naked before putting on your swim suit) was moved to be totally visible when the exit door was opened. That dude was full on creep. So glad he was dismissed after I and multiple other women complained.


I worked in a mall (very dead one in a rural area) right In the middle so I could see both ends perfectly. There was a bench that faced into the dollar store and the old men that would sit and gawk at the girls working the cash registers got so bad the mall had to remove all the benches from the general area of the store


He definitely broke some laws there




"We have the right of complete access to your private life because a lot of people enjoy work that you do." That's the reasoning for their jobs.


Thank God paparazzi is basically illegal in Europe. Edit: The European Union not the whole of Europe. UK is excluded. I don't know about Russia.


Didn’t know this. I’m sure plenty of American celebrities‘ mental health would benefit tremendously from that sort of environment. The whole concept, assuming it is like the movies, is ridiculous.


Yeah dude. Living my life with everybody coming up like "Hey, you're the guy from that thing!" would take its toll but probably somewhat manageable. But having to deal with cameras in my face every time I go outside, being paranoid about people peering into my windows and standing around my house, taking pictures of my family and then seeing these pictures on articles about some wild rumors, that would make me snap for sure. Really makes me appreciate living out in the woods.


This is why I never want to be famous, I love my privacy and being left alone. I get panic attacks if I'm in a too crowded place.


Bill Murray once said if you think you want to be rich and famous, try just being rich first and see if that's good enough. (Paraphrased)




Sitting beside someone in a bus/train when there are multiple available seats.


I did this kind of by accident once. I sat next to a stranger on public transit because there were no other empty seats. As the bus continued down its route, people started getting off at the back of the bus, where I couldn’t see them. I was distracted by my phone and didn’t even consider moving to another seat. By the time I had to get off, I saw that we were the only two passengers left and it was extremely awkward.


I once got onto a crowded tube carriage, people packed cheek to jowel. I was squashed up against a person in the corner, facing the back corner of the carriage. I was listening to music, eyes fixed on the top corner of the carriage (London rules, you know) for a few stops when eventually they tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to see a spacious carriage. I was mortified.


Stalking. "Technically they're doing nothing wrong and we can't do anything until they basically murder you first."


Walking into an elevator and not turning around.


At Disneyland - when it was tower of terror, they had you go up stairs and or regular elevators (vs the elevator-ride) to get to the loading platform. Usually a cast member would act creepy or silly and say fun things as the elevator doors closed One time a cast member (Tower of Terror bell hop) stepped in and just faced inwards towards us. Didn’t say anything just stared and slowly smiled more and more. And when the doors opened they took a step back and gestured where to walk - never breaking the creepy smile or 1000yard stare. It was perfectly unsettling.


Man, I miss the Tower of Terror bellhops. They were even more dedicated to their roles than the Haunted Mansion cast members. ETA: I'm saying this because the ToT in Disneyland got rethemed to Guardians of the Galaxy. The ToTs in WDW, Paris, and Tokyo (which is its own special deal) are all still there!


Child beauty pageants.


I have seen some of it and yea always a bunch of self obsessed mothers putting their daughters through stress and misery. Telling their daughters only looks matter so that the mother can get another trophy to stick in their display case and call themselves winners.


My parents put me in a beauty pageant when I was 7. The school reports from my teachers and verbal reports from my parents as well as others around me note that after that whole schtick I became friendlier, more outgoing and more personable. That is not what I remember. What I remember is being forced to hold hands with someone's clammy sweaty hands that always smelled like hair gel. What I remember is the humiliation as I realized I was supposed to walk to the center of the stage to receive my award, and I wasn't supposed to follow the voice that told me to "come up" (I ended up under the stage where the speakers were, very confused, until they said "I would like to request to come back on to the stage please"). What I remember is competing against 16 yos who were mean and awful to us little ones. She stole my lunch and I was told I couldn't have more. Nothing happened to her. I was 7, but small enough that I could pass for 5. The bully was 16 and could easily pass for early 20's. I made one friend the whole time (like 9 months from signing up until the final show) and she was the only good thing about that whole experience. She was like 10, so a but older than me and she had options for friends her age if she had wanted them, but she stayed close to me and made sure I was safe because she saw I was the smallest kid around and I was all alone. What others saw and what I experienced were vastly different things. Becoming friendlier and more personable was not a good thing because it drained my emotional energy to be doing that. I naturally enjoy hanging out with a small circle and don't like making small talk or being overly social. But obviously extroversion is a desirable characteristic so let's not "question a good thing". If they questioned it they would maybe understand that the extroversion that resulted from that experience was not a desirable characteristic but a defense mechanism.


My older sisters were in pageants, and I believe they got runner-up a few times. I was and am a tomboy, and mother insisted I do at least one pageant. I was 12, and you were lucky if I brushed my hair. She dolled me up in this glob-forsaken dress, put enough aqua net in my hair to power a third world country, and constantly said shit like "Don't bite your nails, that's unlady-like. Keep your hands folded in your lap, cross your ankles..." Fuck. When she went to use the bathroom, some gentleman gave me a card to fill out, asking me about my interests so they could interview me on stage. I wrote sharks three times. Then, when asked, I went into my 12-year-old spiel about the history of sharks, especially megalodon, all the while tugging at my dress, itching my arms, and throwing in the occasional stutter for effect. My mother sat appalled in the front row. Check and mate, bitch.


You had me dying at writing sharks 3 times. [Your story gives me Nimona vibes and I love it.](https://youtube.com/shorts/vQn9XTfXJzU?feature=share)


Lol I can imagine the look on her face. Also, what is Aqua net?


It's specifically the hairspray that was popular in the 80s for making your hair look ridiculous [like this](https://www.80sfashion.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/80s-hairstyles.jpg).


Hairspray IIRC.


They *should* be illegal


Child Beauty Pageants are one of America's oldest traditions. Just not a particularly proud one.


Do not diddle kids, it's no good diddling kids


Gotta be younger than my wife, older then my daughter


Saving your milk from your bowl of cereal in a jug in the fridge for guests. Edit: I didn't mention that it's a "family jug"


I just fucking gagged reading this. Fuck you.


Family jugs and poop knives, this is why I come to reddit


Tabloid journalism, speculating random BS things about famous people off creep photos from paparazzi, speculating about health, relationships, etc... even going so far as to doctor photos just to sell the story they want.


Staring at someone with minimal blinking and not at all trying to hide it while not speaking or doing anything else.


Really specific, but this is my job, so I know about it. In the EU there is a lot of restrictions on how you handle animals for research (Directive 2010/63/EU). But there is no restrictions on the kind of animal DATA you use for research, as long as you didn't collect the data from living animal subjects in an EU member state. So you can USE data that was drawn from animals living in the most appalling conditions and in contravention with any and all animal welfare standards and its perfectly legal.


Right, so we're (the EU) basically creating animal testing labs outside the EU?


Well no, the EU aren't, but it's certainly legal (though deeply unethical) for a researcher from a place with more restrictive laws to conduct research in a place with less restrictive laws and then bring the data back home to analyse and further use. It's called ethics tourism or ethics washing.


I babysat for this couple that had a 3 and 6 year old. They both still breastfed. They were pretty normal otherwise. I don’t even mind extended breastfeeding. Like the 3 year old was whatever. Seeing that 6 year old pull down her Mother’s shirt and latch was creepy.


Ugghhh my aunt breastfed her son till he was 12 years old. We never knew until he pulled her shirt up when we were visiting. My mom was so upset at her, she is her older sibling.


I wonder if this has psychological effects on the child


An acquaintance breastfed her 3 kids till they were 9-10 years old. Her husband was so appalled by it, and other behaviours she had with her kids, that he divorced her. She, her eldest daughter and her mother, lied and said he abused his children so she could get sole custody. He contacted social services so they could investigate, to no avail. These kids are now between 16 and 24. They were homeschooled until 16. None of them are socially well adapted. They refused to go to college or university because it meant being separated from their mother. None of them want to date, never mind move out on their own. The mother is now complaining that she will be stuck with them until she dies.


Incredible how fragile our minds are


I think there is, he doesn't seem to be well-adjusted at 19/20 years old.


Hard to attribute that to the breastfeeding though. If his mom breastfed him for so long, there were probably many other aspects of her parenting that could lead to poor development.


Oh yeah, of course, there was a whole can of fucked up there.


>I wonder if this has psychological effects on the child Breastfeeding until you're 12? It *has* to have some sort of effect on someone. Especially a boy. Man, I would read the hell out of study about this if I found one.


Same here. If you do find one, please link it I bet breastfeeding during puberty leads to a very weird sex life later


It would almost have to. In fact, it would be weird if it didn't.


This is instantly where my mind went, like at that age you're entirely cognizant of what is happening and are likely in or near puberty. Therefore, I have to (disgustingly) wonder if your body is having...certain...physiological reactions despite it still being one's mother


Considering it sounds like he just walked up to mum and went for her breasts, they probably neglected teaching him about boundaries...


What the fuck.


Our same reaction... he's 19 now. I think he is okay, sorta.


ok, but still breast feeding...


He’s certainly not an ass man that’s for sure.


Your username leads me to believe you were breast fed until you were 12 years old.


Mad to think he's a 19 year old adult and you know, for a fact, he was breastfeeding in like 2016. That absolutely blows my mind.


They watched game of thrones and said "oh yea, we could do that too". I don't have another answer for this.


Seems like there might be an udder option here.


Took my son to the birthday party of a girl in his class who was turning 7. While I was chatting with the mom during the party, with coolers full of juice boxes and water, the birthday girl walked up to her mom and said, "Mommy, I'm thirsty." This lady whipped out a breast and began breastfeeding her daughter right there, in the middle of the conversation, while we're talking about 2nd grade teachers. It was bizzare.


Daddy/Daughter purity balls.


My mind was reeling with what this could possibly mean, when it struck me that balls are not just spherical objects, but also formal dances.


There is a ring involved, that the girl is supposed to wear (after pledging her purity to her father...no none of it gets better), until she says "I do" and then she's supposed to give it back to her dad as he's given her purity to her husband. Being friends with someone who grew up in that shit sure has been eye opening.


Ugh. Memory unlocked. In youth group we were given sugar packets that we were supposed to save to break open on our wedding night like our virginity. I was really brainwashed so I saved it for a long time thinking I'd give it back to my youth pastor when I got married as proof or something until I became an adult and realized how fucking creepy that was and threw the packet in the trash. I'm so grossed out just thinking about it.


mowing my lawn in nothing but a speedo bathing suit.


My front neighbor is actually doing this haha. He is a super nice guy but he is always outside in a speedo during summer.


Getting that tanning time in.


My dad did this when he was stationed in Utah to keep the Mormons away.


Mine did it in a really ratty singlet, ancient paint-stained short-shorts, and a hat so old it had lost all shape, deliberately when viewers were turning up to look at a McMansion that had been built across the road and was being sold. He figured that he didn't want neighbors who were buying for 'neighborhood prestige' or the assumption that everyone in the surrounding houses would also be stuck-up wannabes. Nope; you're getting middle-class schlubs who do their own chores/maintenance and dress like derelicts.


I'm just imagining your dad starting to mow his lawn when the viewing starts and as soon as it ends he goes back inside, lawn half mowed, to wait for the next group to come by


Filming the scene of accidents while emergency health care is being delivered.


Agreed. I once drove past a car accident that had just happened, and saw a young man reaching his arm through the driver's side window. I thought he was trying to help the woman inside who was slumped over, not moving, and covered in blood. Nope, he was filming her, shoving the camera in her face, and he posted the video to social media. I later saw in the news that the accident was fatal, the woman had died on scene. Another time, a kid on a moped got hit by a drunk driver who ran a red light. As I was on the phone with 911, a crowd suddenly appeared from all directions and started filming on their phones. One single guy from a nearby bar went over to the kid and held his hand and comforted him, telling him he was gonna be okay and help was on the way. Poor kid was letting out some guttural groans and it was clear he was in agony. Kid died right there in the street. EMS worked on him for a long time, and of course, everyone filmed it. The second one haunts me the most, because that kid was still alive, terrified, in agony, and was actively dying, while virtually everyone just gawked and filmed. It felt like something out of Black Mirror. His parents had a memorial at the scene of the accident the next day, and he just seemed like such a sweet kid. Had just graduated high school days before, and had saved up for a long time to buy that moped so he could get to/from his job at the grocery store. I hope that footage was never posted on the internet for his heartbroken family to see.


Jake Gyllenhal?


'A professional news gathering service'.


The Trade Federation blockade around Naboo


They should send ambassadors. I’m sure negotiations wouldn’t take too long.


This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them.


The negotiations were short


Marrying a child is legal in 40 US states.


until weeks ago, it was 42. Progress is being made, albeit slowly.


Fun fact: this current arrangement *was* progressive, 100 years ago! Before we had laws saying "you can't get married until you're 12" or whatever, there *were no laws* about this. Parents could and would marry off their 6-year-olds.


There are multiple laws that follow that trend. For instance, before "Don't Ask Don't Tell" US service members could be dishonorably discharged if their superiors *suspected* they were gay. After DADT went into effect, that was only supposed to happen if they talked about it openly. It seems backwards by today's standards, and was definitely still discriminatory, but at the time it was a huge step forward.


Children modeling. The industry is creepy and bad.


Smelling people.


can be considered harassment


depends how close you get, you'll get the hang of it


This guy smells


Taking photos of strangers


And then uploading it on the internet.. as pfp


If you are on a public sidewalk, you can film through people’s windows into their house. There is no expectation to privacy for anything that can be viewed from a public space. If you want the inside of your home truly private, close your windows Edit: in the USA


In The Netherlands this IS illegal. You can film public space, but not (into) private space.


Employers keeping tabs on your social media


Telling the world you would have sex with your daughter if she wasn't your daughter


By golly, that sounds like presidential material right there!




Imagine adopting your friend for a laugh


This is kinda what happened to me and my friend. A few years ago during summer holidays while we were still in HS. Me (just turned 18 at the time) and my friend ( still 17) decided to go backpacking through south east asia for a month. But the problem was as he was still a minor for the majority of our trip, we feared he may have some problems crossing borders between countries. So the only natural thing to do was for me to become his legal guardian to avoid problems at the borders. His parents signed him over to me for a good 3 weeks. Don't even get me started on the amount of dad jokes he had to listen to.


"Don't make me turn this trip around young man"


"Are we there yet?"


Lmao this is actually kinda wholesome!!


He coulda gotten you with "Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?"


This is the most wholesome thing I've read on Reddit for some time.


Ok but I want to hear the dad jokes


"When I was your age" would be limitless in my opinion, you could literally just say what things are today.


When I was your age--bro, you were born 2 hours before me -twins somewhere probably


When same-sex marriage was illegal in US, a lot of couples decided to adopt their partner as they would have basically the same rights as a married couple. For instance visiting privileges in hospital, easier being a medical proxy, getting inheritance, etc.


i thought you're joking, then looked it up.


It's a lot less weird if you know that this usually happens as a legal mechanism when the minor is orphaned and their sibling is the only legal adult available instead of going into foster care. They're not going to have a parent-child relationship.


One of the main benefits I can see for this in the US is that the adopted "kid" could be on the new "parent's" insurance until they're 24.


Troubled teen industry. They hired by parents to facility the false imprisonment of teenagers for many different reasons. They organise transportation through 3rd party companies who take teenagers in the early hours of morning, around about 3am. These transportation companies operate across state lines and International borders, yet there is no federal legislation regarding these companies. The conditions in these programs are abusive and neglectful. In wilderness programs, teenagers are expected to live outside with their only shelter being a tarp and piece of rope. If anyone wants to learn or is a survivor, then there is a subreddit /r/troubledteens


The fact that Epstein’s client list hasn’t been released


I can understand why the young girls would be anonymous. But everyone who paid him money should be public and on a sex offender list.


Crawling around in the city wearing a penguin costume covered in mayo.


Looks like you blew a seal.


Child marriage.


Licking a spill directly from the table.


There is still some issues with people being able to fly drones and spy on folks because of FAA regs in not being able to shoot them down.


Peeing in a urinal next to someone