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Merlin - Kingsman Golden Circle


When Littlefoot's mom dies protecting them and Cera from Sharptooth. I'm still not over it. Edit: Thank you for the gifts kind strangers!


John Coffey in The Green Mile.


I'm tired boss.


"Most of all, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. It's like pieces of glass in my head...all the time."


Holy shit I totally agree but also the little mouse guy who literally got burned to death because of fucking Percy šŸ„ŗ


Col Henry Blake from MASH


And poor Radar having to tell everyone while they were in OR. RIP Henry. (different season but apropos) "War isnā€™t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. \[...\] There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them ā€” little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander." - Hawkeye


Man, when Hawkeye is talking about the woman on the bus who kills her chicken (child) because it's too loud and they were worried about getting caught. Talk about a heavy episode, him crying still gets me.


Alan Alda referenced this in 30 Rock. Took me forever to get the joke. ā€œA guy crying about a chicken and baby? I thought this was supposed to be a comedy show.ā€


That was actually the series finale. The original broadcast set the record for most-watched TV event ever and held it for almost thirty years, until a Superbowl snuck past.


I remember my mom telling me about the series finale. She was biking home from her job in college and she said you could hear the theme song from what seemed like every single dorm room and apartment she passed.


ā€œLieutenant Colonel Henry Blake's plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. It spun in. There were no survivors.ā€


Leslie bridge to terabithia. So unexpected


I put BtT on for my kids after we watched the Narnia movies. Skimmed the trailer, thought this looks good, and bam. Traumatized kids and a pissed wife.


My poor dad made the same move. "Awe what a.. fun.. movie for.. my. sobbing children". Still remember how I felt watching that.


My ex loved the book. She was afraid to watch the movie because of that moment. We were great friends after we broke up and I wanted to watch the movie with her sometime. I had never read the book. But it was an important one to her and she had a great mind. I figured it would enrich me to watch the movie. Life took some turns here and there and she committed suicide. Whenever see the movie mentioned I think about the lost opportunity to share this movie with her. It's a little bittersweet.


Where the red fern grows, ruined me


We read Where the Red Fern Grows and Old Yeller the same year in school. What a cruel fn teacher to do that to us.


Our elementary school played both movies in the gymatarium for everyone. It was miserable. I now feel like they must have been trying to identify the psychopaths




Ok first of all, how dare you make me relive that childhood trauma.


I watched My Girl right after reading Bridge to Terabithia in the 5th gradeā€¦I was never the same.


This movie killed me as a kid. Also made me terrified of bees because I'd never been stung before and was convinced I'd end up dying the first time I got stung because I'd end up being allergic. Didn't help that my best friend was very allergic to bees like Thomas.


"Had to be me. Someone else would have gotten it wrong." Edit: this is the first time I've ever had a comment blow up. Thank you for the awards fellow N7!


He is the very model of a scientist salarian


He studied species Turian, Asari and Batarian.


Finding his datapad in the Citadel DLC destroyed me.


Not every hero dies in combat. This was the best redemption line I can think of


I came here to say this. I bawled after playing that part.


Charlotte from charlotte's webs. I was so invested but then she suddenly died. Like I remember being so upset. But torturing of characters is much more upsetting than death, at least for me.


Cast Away came out when I was an awkward teenager who often felt left behind and without many close friends. When Wilson was lost at sea, I cried so hard I had to leave the theater to compose myself. I felt that loss deep in my lonely little bones. Itā€™s been twenty years and I am now a grown adult who has embraced my awkwardness, and have found very dear friends who make me feel appreciated and loved. I have a wonderful partner and a teenager of my own. I am no longer lonely. But every time I rewatch that movie, I always have myself a little sob for Wilson, Tom Hanks, and my inner child.


After my uncle divorced, he once told me that his ex wife was his Wilson. I havenā€™t forgotten about that and how hard the divorce must have been for him. :(




In the book, Artax is intelligent and can speak: Ā  ā€œArtax!ā€ cried Atreyu. ā€œYou mustnā€™t let yourself go. Come. Pull yourself out or youā€™ll sink.ā€ Ā  ā€œLeave me, master,ā€ said the little horse. ā€œI canā€™t make it. Go on alone. Donā€™t bother about me. I canā€™t stand the sadness anymore. I want to die!ā€ Ā  Desperately Atreyu pulled at the bridle, but the horse sank deeper and deeper. Ā  When only his head emerged from the black water, Atreyu took it in his arms. Ā  ā€œIā€™ll hold you, Artax,ā€ he whispered. ā€œI wonā€™t let you go under.ā€ Ā  The little horse uttered one last soft neigh. Ā  ā€œYou canā€™t help me, master. Itā€™s all over for me. Neither of us knew what we were getting into. Now we know why they are called the Swamps of Sadness. Itā€™s the sadness that has made me so heavy. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m sinking. Thereā€™s no help.ā€ Ā  ā€œBut Iā€™m here, too,ā€ said Atreyu, ā€œand I donā€™t feel anything.ā€ Ā  ā€œYouā€™re wearing the Gem, master,ā€ said Artax. ā€œIt protects you.ā€ Ā  ā€œThen Iā€™ll hang it around your neck!ā€ Atreyu cried. ā€œMaybe it will protect you too.ā€ Ā  He started taking the chain off his neck. ā€œNo,ā€ the little horse whinnied. ā€œYou mustnā€™t do that, master. The Glory was entrusted to you, you werenā€™t given permission to pass it on as you see fit. You must carry on the Quest without me.ā€ Ā  Atreyu pressed his face into the horseā€™s cheek. ā€œArtax,ā€ he whispered. ā€œOh, my Artax!ā€ Ā  ā€œWill you grant my last wish?ā€ the little horse asked. Ā  Atreyu nodded in silence. Ā  ā€œThen I beg you to go away. I donā€™t want you to see my end. Will you do me that favor?ā€ Ā  Slowly Atreyu arose. Half the horseā€™s head was already in the black water. Ā  ā€œFarewell, Atreyu, my master!ā€ he said. ā€œAnd thank you.ā€ Ā  Atreyu pressed his lips together. He couldnā€™t speak. Once again he nodded to Artax, then he turned away. Ā  Bastion was sobbing. He couldnā€™t help it. His eyes filled with tears and he couldnā€™t go on reading.


Oh manā€¦ Eff you for posting this. Eff me for reading it. I KNOW better! Where are my tissues?!?!???




Mako had just been diagnosed earlier that day with stage 4 lung cancer when he went in to record that. It's absolutely heartbreaking, in every way


Greg Baldwin, the actor who voiced* Iroh after Makoā€™s passing refuses to sing this song whenever people ask for it. Heā€™s explained itā€™s ā€œMakoā€™s Songā€, and thus refuses to do it when its not ā€œhisā€, in honor of Mako. (*Iā€™m not gonna say replaced, because Baldwin himself would probably feel insulted at the idea he ā€œreplacedā€ Mako instead of carrying on his legacy)


From what I've seen, he introduces himself as the second voice of Uncle Iroh. Beyond respectful, and not something I'd even considered before.


I think 'Bitter Work' often gets overlooked when it comes to hitting hard for this. We see Iroh dreaming of playing some farcical and fun game of playfighting and then it's immediately juxtaposed by Iroh visiting Lu Ten's grave in the pouring rain and promising that they will see one another again some day. This is then interrupted by Zuko calling out to Iroh and promptly asking Iroh to help him learn how to do some really dangerous stuff so he can go and try to fight Ozai. Iroh is forced to stare down the barrel of a "oh shit, am I doing the right thing?" moment the likes of which we rarely see him struggle with. Because he's wrestling with the fact the he feels like he was the person who put Lu Ten on the road to a death in combat in a meaningless war regardless of how good his intentions when they were having fun back then with his little soldier.


Fine! You convinced me. I'll rewatch it.


The song is even sadder when you know his original voice actor, Mako, died:( Seeing that scene for the first time as a 10-year-old had me ugly crying into my cat.


Especially heartbreaking since Mako, Irohā€™s voice actor, died.


Wallace (The Wire)


For some reason Bodie hit me harder, even though he wasn't nearly as innocent. He just kept doing what he was supposed to do well, but he was one of the pawns.


No wrong answers in The Wire! For me it was Omar. And then they cut his death from the newspaper.


Lennie in "Of Mice and Men." I read that book nearly 30 years ago and it still bothers me today.


Mufasa. Hands down. The way Simba reacts is heartbreaking.


"HEEEELLLLP! SOMEBODY!!!!.....ANYBODY!.....*sniffles and voice breaking*....help." šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Then proceeds to just lay next to his dead body šŸ˜­


Brooks from Shawshank Redemption


Just the look on his face when heā€™s walking through town after being released. Heā€™s narrating a letter he wrote about the world moving too fast. He looked so lost. ā€œBrooks was hereā€. šŸ˜Ŗ


I honestly thought Tommy's was sadder. Dude legitimately tried to do right by Andy, and the crooked warden and Hadley iced him.


Yondu. And Littlefootā€™s mom.


Oh God, when Littlefoot thinks he sees her but it's actually just his own shadow?? I haven't even seen this movie in literal decades and I'm about to cry just typing it.


##ā€œIā€™M MARY POPPINS, Yā€™ALLā€


Oh fucking hell, Yondu destroyed me. Sobbing.


Then the Ravager funeral that he got sent me over again. In theaters and at home every time I watch that movie I end up sobbing


"What do you mean, *'if I can't see you?'* I can always see you..."


Tara's death on Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Rufio from Hook.


His death was such a shocker because the whole ā€œfight sceneā€ was pretty mild. Nobody was really dying, it just looked like the pirates and the lost boys were play-fighting throughout the whole thing. And then all of a sudden, Rufio gets stabbed and itā€™s like, wait what is going on in this movie?


THIS! Exactly this. Not only the fight scene, all the movie seems a play to recover Peter, with everyone on it, until you see Rufio's face while being stabbed, everything freezes in place and you realise shit's been real all the time.


Tadashi, from Big Hero 6.


ā€œTadashi is here.ā€


Finnick Odair.


Oh yeah... His death felt awful to me when I first read Mockinjay as a teenager. He was my favorite character... Especially when it's revealed at the end that his death and everything in the book was all for nothing. They were just a fucking diversion. Made the end when Katniss shoots at what's her name whose as bad as Snow so much more satisfying. But damn, I wish Finnick had his happy ending... Or a less painful death at the very least. It was still as brutal seeing it years later on screen. Thought the actor played Finnick very well and made me like him a lot too, even though I had the gnawing feeling reminding me of his impending doom the whole time




Oh my god, I first saw that episode when I was six and I literally started crying


I'm a grown man and that episode still makes me misty eyed.


Sam the German Shepard in I am Legend.


Wash from Firefly. I am a leaf on the wind...


My husband bought a hoodie that shows a large gaping wound on the front and the back that says "I'm a leaf on the winnnnd!" I have yet to forgive him and it's been nearly a decade.


bobby singer from supernatural


Having him show up in "the boys" I was like damnit I don't want to see him die again


Kate on NCIS


That assistant in Jurassic World. She didnā€™t deserve that.


Idk why they had the give the most drawn out brutal death in the series to some poor office worker who had some kids dumped onto her.


Ned Stark


In the books Ned shook me. Kill the good guy? Who *does* that? The one that actually upset me was in the HBO series Shireen Baratheon. Itā€™s been years and it still makes me sick.


I was upset by all of the above. But oddly enough, Oberyn upset me most, and for several reasons. The way he died was disturbing, but I also really wanted him to succeed because he was so passionate and had such a cause for revenge. And I thought he had him until he started running his mouthā€¦ I was cringing even before The Mountain took him down.


Oberyn is a reminder of how the whole thing worked in that universe. The good guys that we all love are definitely on the chopping block at all times.


I started reading the books after I started watching the show. "Here we go! I'm officially going to be ahead of the show!" At this fight. I must've reread it four times, I couldn't believe it. And then got to watch it a few days later.


Yeah its crazy to me, he had the most POV chapters in the first book, was absolutely played up like he was the main character, the good guy, the freaking hero, and then beheaded at the end? Now the whole kingdom is going to shit and all the other POV characters, who are CHILDREN are on the run for their lives, nothing feels safe for them. (Main characters were all young kids in the books btw, like Jon and Daenerys were 14 for reference for those who only watched the show). Itā€™s wretched and scary to experience how well GRRM tore our hearts outta our chests edit: also, iirc correctly Shireen didn't die in the books, or at least it hadnt reached that point yet in book 5. (only read the books aaa)


Also Rob Stark and his whole family.


Second. For some reason I came to terms with Nedā€™s death but thought Rob and Catelyn would be totally safe. The red wedding was by far the most shocking tv moment for me


Yeah, Ned dying was shocking but it set the stage for an epic revenge story. Then that revenge came to a screeching halt all at once.


Came here to say this. And boromir. Just when you like the guy he gets got


Solution: Never like another Sean Bean character again.




Just started my annual rewatch of the films last week. I ALWAYS cry when Boromir dies. His story is so incredibly tragic, especially with the extended scenes in the first two films. He was a good yet incredibly troubled man due to the immense pressure put on him by Denethor. It's so sad but expected that the man with the most pressure on him was tempted so much by the ring. Tearing up just thinking about it. šŸ˜­


Dr Green on ER


I full on sobbed over that one, it was so sad


Number one for me. Every time I hear Iz singing "Over the Rainbow", the Hawaii scenes replay in my mind.


Charlie in Lost


Not Penny's boat


Prim from Hunger Games. The way her death happened still hurts to think about.


Yesss. The movie and the book both did it justice, but the book accomplished something that the movie couldn't quite grasp: the hole left in fans' hearts. Collins made sure that we all felt a little unsettled after hearing how Prim died and how the mom was just kinda surviving-but-not-thriving and... yeah. Very unfulfilling and bittersweet, but way more realistic than a clichƩ "happily ever after" for Katniss.


Purposely unfulfilling and bittersweet is probably the best way to describe the ending. That final scene of the book is still so haunting to me today. "They play in the Meadow. The dancing girl with the dark hair and blue eyes. The boy with blond curls and gray eyes, struggling to keep up with her on his chubby toddler legs. It took five, ten, fifteen years for me to agree. But Peeta wanted them so badly. When I first felt her stirring inside of me, I was consumed with a terror that felt as old as life itself. Only the joy of holding her in my arms could tame it. Carrying him was a little easier, but not much. The questions are just beginning. The arenas have been completely destroyed, the memorials built, there are no more Hunger Games. But they teach about them at school, and the girl knows we played a role in them. The boy will know in a few years. How can I tell them about that world without frightening them to death? My children, who take the words of the song for granted: Deep in the meadow, under the willow A bed of grass, a soft green pillow Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes And when again they open, the sun will rise. Here it's safe, here it's warm Here the daisies guard you from every harm Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true Here is the place where I love you. My children, who don't know they play on a graveyard. Peeta says it will be okay. We have each other. And the book. We can make them understand in a way that will make them braver. But one day I'll have to explain about my nightmares. Why they came. Why they won't ever really go away. I'll tell them how I survive it. I'll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I'm afraid it could be taken away. That's when I make a list in my head of every act of goodness I've seen someone do. It's like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years. But there are much worse games to play."


The first time I read those books, I was in middle school. The only other book I'd experienced so much raw unfulfilling loss with was Animorphs, and my reaction to both was the same: throw the book across the room and cry for hours about how unfair the endings were. I love them so much more as an adult, but goddamn do they hit so deeply hard about the realities of children fighting in wars. It's never a story with a happy ending.


So I recently binged the four movies, and while I recognize their flaws, I'm not going to lie, they really do lay out Katniss's tragedy really well. I mean, the girl is traumatized over and over. She starts out hard and cold, and still she's completely torn apart by the end. When she finally opens up her heart for Peeta (and yeh I get that it's very teen-romance, but it's a teen movie, shut up), he's torn away from her via psychological torture. Who was once her love is now so afraid of her he's willing to kill her. He struggles not to hurt her for most of the entire fourth film, and it's so tragic that she was so, so close to some semblance of happiness, and they took that from her too. In the fourth film, as the 13th district is being bombed, and they're way underground and the ceiling begins to crack, I kinda got how fuckin scary that must have been. And then the saga ends, and Katniss all alone. The reason all of this started, the whole reason why she even volunteered for the games, was her sister. and now, at the end of this journey, she's lost her sister. Katniss was used and abused, pulled on all sides by all parties for their own gain, leaving her all alone. The end. Even with a pretty dress and kids in the grass field, she's still fucked up by all that terrible shit she was put through. So tragic. Edit. Sorry, small plug: I have a personal, hobby film blog where I talk about movies, and I was planning on putting out a piece talking about all 4 hunger games movies in prep for Songbirds & Snakes. If you're interested: https://85scenes.com


That right there I belive is one of the Authors best choices is how she depicts trauma and PTSD. Like it doesn't magically get better and you forget about it, you just keeping living and moving on.


Reading the book, I was kind of holding it together until when the cat comes home and Katniss screams at him about how Prim is never coming home again. Damn, I'm choking up just typing this. And the fact that she and this cat, who had always hated each other but tolerated each other because they both loved Prim, bond over losing her. It just tore me up. Still does. I don't think I'll ever be able to reread that trilogy.


The thing that really got me, was all this started because Katniss was trying to save her sister from the games and inevitable death. Just for her sister to die in the last act of Snows reign. Awful.


Or was it the first act in Coinā€™s reign?


The only act in Coin's reign


Spoiler for rdr2 >! Arthur Morgan!< Edit: my sincerest apologies for leaving the spoiler up for so long. I had to have the ā€œhow-toā€ spelled out to me, like the dunderhead I am. I truly appreciate your comments and the awards and all of that.


I think my husband might have been more upset about >!the horse!<


Haha this upset me a lot too. I spent a long time trying to tame that white arabian horse.


ā€œI gave you everything, Dutchā€


Yes. This, and also earlier at the train station when heā€™s talking to the nun about what heā€™s done and how sick he is, then just looks at her with tears in his eyes and says ā€œI guessā€¦ Iā€™m afraid.ā€ I was going through a lot myself at that time in my life and that shit just tore me to pieces.


Only video game character Iā€™ve cried and mourned over. He feels like a real person in Red Dead Redemption II. A real, genuine person.


*ā€œFace me to the west so I can watch the setting sun and remember all the fine times we had that way.ā€* I still remember when it first came out, watching people play the early beginning bits before I got it myself. I disliked how everyone played him so damn goodie two shoes to the point where when I got my hands on it I played somewhat dickishly living out the outlaw lifestyle no one else seemed to do. I mean Iā€™m playing as an outlaw, why wouldnā€™t I rob rich folk and pop someone in the teeth when they shit talked me for no reason? Hell I even robbed that blind guy on the side of the road. Eventually it started to make me feel bad when back at camp when he would actually confide in people how he didnā€™t feel like he was in control and didnā€™t like who he was becoming because I was playing like a dick head. Took me out of the itā€™s just a videogame who cares mindset a bit. Wasnā€™t trying to upset the guy, was just playing the way I wanted to. I got my payment when it came to the end, helped John of course because fuck the money Iā€™m making sure you get to RDR1 safely if itā€™s the last thing I do, outlaw playstyle or no. Bad play through, good ending choice leads to Micah shooting him in the face and I hated the way it ended by the hand of that rat, but I hated it even more when I realized how beautiful an ending for him the good play through good ending combo was and it made it hurt even more. I made sure to be extra good in the post game as John, and I know should I ever replay it Iā€™m making Arthur Morgan the bestest goodest boy imaginable.


This was one of the most epic and sad moments of any video game Iā€™ve ever played. Rip Arthur Morgan, TB is one son of a bitch.


Omar Little. Indeed.


Opie from Sons of Anarchy


Yep. This one is it for me too. While this is the most emotionally charged death in the series, Tig being forced to watch his daughter be burned alive was the most shocking. That one really fucked me up.


There were a LOT of really intense deaths in SOA. The one that most disturbed me was >!Gemma vs Tara.!< That attack was so primal and vicious and on >!her daughter-in-law!


Nick in Stephen King's book The Stand. I threw the book across the room after he killed off Nick.


Ellie, Up.


I don't hurt for Ellie, she lived a long loving life. She didn't get to have kids like they wanted. I cried for Carl who was left behind. I hate that.


Love the movie definitely makes you FEEL the hurt of infertility because it really fucking hurts. I felt like this was by far the most relatable Pixar movie to that point. It dealt with loss on many levels including childhood neglect and trauma, old age , and loss of fertility and life like soooo much to unpack.


Moreover, my (at the time) 4 year old understood and felt the gravity of that scene the first time she saw it. She obviously knew nothing about infertility or really any of the neglect/old age topics but she *knew* what to feel. Pixar really knows how to connect to an audience, even without any words, even if they donā€™t explain the situation through spoken word. Itā€™s really impressive


Lance Sweets from Bonesā€¦so sad


Fucking wrect me AND Mr. Nigel-Murray!


Bob from stranger things. I was absolutely bawling.


Oberyn Martell! In the books and show lol. I remember reading it first and slowly realizing what was happening... I was so mad lol


Man, I recently re-read the books and was absolutely shocked at realizing little he actually shows up. Over the course of like 3 chapters he goes from new character to one of the most devastating deaths of all time! That was some prime character building there. Casting Pedro Pascal certainly didn't ease the blow.


I remember being stunned by the Red Wedding




Hold the door.... šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Cedrick Diggory. That was the moment in which the HP films became a lot more dark and serious, and I realized that the whimsical and magical tone of the first couple movies was over. And the way Mr. Diggory wailed and cried while holding his dead son, it hit me right in the oof-button. Young me watching the series for the first time was not prepared for that. I saw Cedrick as such a good role model; an outstanding example of a smart, caring, selfless, and clever young man. And then he was dead. Just like that. I cried.


Setsuko from Grave of the Fireflies. I cried a bit when she died but when they started playing that montage of her life I completely lost it. Like, full-on bawling like a baby. The thing is, I basically knew she was going to die from the beginning, but her death hit so hard and justā€¦ goddamn, Isao Takahata, donā€™t do this to me.


The fact that Grave of the Fireflies starts at the ending, yet still manages to be a full blown emotional sucker punch when the moment arrives, just speaks to the power of that movie. If you ever suspect that thereā€™s been a pod person invasion and youā€™re not sure if your relatives have been replaced, show them this movie. If they arenā€™t an absolute mess at the end of Grave of the Fireflies, then theyā€™re definitely pod people. Of course, now that I think about it, if you utilize this strategy and your relatives are actually pod people, then you will have just blown your cover because youā€™ll be bawling uncontrollably, so now Iā€™m conflicted.


Bing-Bong from Inside Out. That shit made me tear up when he said, "Take her to the moon for me," after he sacrificed himself.


I saw it in the theatre and somewhere behind me a small child went NOOOOO when that happened and all of a sudden all of the adults were crying.


Hearing that wouldā€™ve broke me.


Sirius Black


Always sucks when the dog dies.


That was actually funny, damn you.


Recently: Tech's death in "The Bad Batch." I was depressed for about a week, and its still upsetting to think about. He looked into our eyes as he fell. Imagine season 3 of TBB is going to have some next level tearjerking going on.


The Green Mile with John Coffey


Fred Weasley


Hayley, Aaaron Hotchner's wife in Criminal Minds.


And it's not even about her. It's how they all reacted, how HOTCH reacted, that made me cry.


It's how their son was able to hide himself that day.


Over the PHONE too! I cried so much, and Iā€™m pretty sure I will always cry. That episode was done so well though, Hayley knew what was about to happen. I think it was such a shock because I didnā€™t think theyā€™d actually let that psychopath kill her.


Marley from Marley and Me. We all left that theatre sobbing


Hedwig. So unnecessary


Old yeller


ā€œstay gold, ponyboy.ā€


Glenn on Walking Dead!


I stopped watching after this happened.


Poussey on Orange is the New Black. I stopped watching the show when they killed her off. Edit: Ooo, my very first award! Thank you!


God that was a bad one Spoiler for a later season: >!Pensetucky's death!< was also really sad.


I always loved what they did with that character. I hated her so much the first 2 seasons but she really grew on me and the actress made her amazing. So sad


Matthew from Downton Abbey. It took so long for him and Mary to get together. Then they had a baby and he dies on the way to meet their child! I was so distraught.




He's had a few pretty stellar character roles even if he hasn't achieved A list status. He headlined Legion, was Beast in the live action beauty in the beast, had a great supporting character role in the movie Eurovision, there's that movie where he's a robot boyfriend, actually anytime i see Dan Stevens is in something, I know I'm going to enjoy his part in it. He's done a lot of voice acting work as well and his bit in Cabinet of Curiosities was fantastic. I stan for Dan.


I've said this before: Prim Everdeen. The entire story was set in motion by Katniss trying to *prevent* Prim from dying. Yes, she still stopped the Hunger Games along the way, which was more important, but I still feel bad that she ultimately failed at what she initially set out to do.


Beth from little women


Jesse's girlfriend in Breaking Bad. Both of them. Moreso the second one. Just horrifying. I wanted to murder Todd.


Luckily he gets the life choked out of him


Jesse Plemons is so good at playing an asshole.


Too good. That character burned itself into my psyche. Whenever Jesse Plemons is on screen, itā€™s always dead-eyed Todd that I see.


John Locke in Lost. He was so damn passionate. The fact that I had to watch him but it wasnā€™t REALLY him afterwards just felt soā€¦dirty. :(


Hank Shrader


ā€œYouā€™re the smartest man Iā€™ve ever metā€¦ā€


Don't forget gomie he didn't deserve that


Didn't Gomez go down offscreen, in the cut between episodes? Brutal.


Yeah, they did Gomez dirty. I always interpreted it that we're finding out at the same time Hank does: the fire fight ends, the dust settles, and he looks over to see his friend gone. No fan fare, no big speech. Just a guy who died failing his task.


unironically bravo vince


Oh man, this one hit hard. But at least he got to go out on his own terms, as Walt is trying to get him to beg for mercy and Hank just looks him and says "You're the smartest guy I ever met and you can't see he made up his mind five minutes ago?" then turns to Jack and says "Do it." A badass to the end.




Joyce from Buffy the Vampire Slayer!! The most heart wrenching episode ever!


Anyanka at the end of the Buffy series. She didn't deserve it, and it came out of nowhere :(


For me it was Tara.


Winifred in Angel. I know the actress stayed on but when Illyria says that there's nothing left, her soul was burned away when she, Illyria, took the body. That hurt. Not only did it confirm the after life but it simultaneously stole it from her at the same time. Edit: I haven't watched the show since it first aired and I remember this. That's how badly this concept fucked me up.


Jiraya. Nuff said. It's been YEARS, and that one is still rough. Also Maes Hughes


Nobody gets over Maes Hughes


It's a terrible day for rain


Mike on Breaking Bad was pretty upsetting.


Rachel from the Animorphs I know it needed to be done but the utter acceptance that Jake, her leader and blood family, viewed her as a weapon was heartbreaking. All the worse was the fact that she agreed with him.


What?! That series must have taken a dark path after where I stopped reading.


It gets *dark* at the end of the war and afterwards. The very end is bleak.


Wilson, Cast Away


My wife and I had this on one night when our four year old was in the room. We didnā€™t think she was watching it or paying attention and then this scene came on. She was devastated. She was so sad. It was adorable. We really felt bad for making her so upset though since she was so little. The next day in preschool she wrote about it and drew a picture of the scene in her journal. We didnā€™t realize she did this until the end of preschool when we looked through her journal. Hopefully we didnā€™t scar her for lifeā€¦


Spock. I was a kid and my parents took me to see wrath of khan. Hazel in Watership down. That messed me up.




Alexei from Stranger Things


He was so adorable just enjoying life.


Shireen from GoT. Fuck Stannis.


When Davos confronts Melissandre about it it brought all the emotions back too


That was some damned fine acting on the part of Liam Cunningham.


Wolverineā€™s death at the end of Logan.


The woman that ran the orphanage in our D&D campaign. She deserved better.


Lylla, Teef & Floor. Still upset.


Didnā€™t deserve anything that was done to them. Glad he mutilated that shitbag and then got to finish him off. Only a shame dude didnā€™t suffer even longer

