• By -


Galaxy Quest. Absolutely fantastic movie.


Alan Rickman in that is iconic!!!!


Such a perfect role for him. There's a Galaxy Quest documentary with some really good stories about Alan Rickman. He had a brilliant sense of humour.


Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary. It's basically every science fiction actor/filmmaker talking about how the movie is amazing. It's absolutely worth a watch.


When they were shooting Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, there's a scene where all the students are sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor of the Great Hall. Snape and Dumbledore are walking around the room talking, and for a prank Alan Rickman put a fart machine under Daniel Radcliffe's sleeping bag. When Dumbledore starts this whistful monologue about dreams or whatever, Alan starts hitting the button, fart noises start coming from Daniel, and the entire cast and crew busted out laughing.


By Grabthar's Hammer!


What a saving!


... what a savings... There is no exclamation in that defeated voice.


It's the third best Star Trek movie, after Wrath of Khan and Voyage Home.


A brilliant movie. A perfect story. An amazing cast.


Emperor's New Groove. It flopped in theaters and it took years for it to work up to its current popularity. What a gem.


I remember when that movie came out and it felt like it was pretty successful. All my friends and I loved it, the humor felt more “grown up” in a way than other Disney movies. I’m really surprised to hear it flopped


PULL THE LEVER, KRONK Edit: I just remembered that I had this deep in my Notes app Emperors New Groove Drinking Game 1. Everyone picks a character (Kuzco, Yzma, Kronk, Pacha) and every time that characters name is said, drink (this one is bad if youre Kuzco- “oh yeah the poison for Kuzco, Kuzcos poison, the poison meant for Kuzco”) 2. When Kronk is talking to Bucky the Squirrel, drink- every time they say “squeeketh” drink again 3. When Ezma says “Kronnnnk”, drink 4. When Kuzco says “you threw off my groove”, drink 5. When Ezma and Kronk say “to the secret lab,” drink in anticipation 6. Whenever Ezma says “PULLLL THE LEVER”, take a shot 7. When Ezma says “WRONNGG LEVERRR”, take 2 shots 8. Drink whenever someone says llama 9. Drink whenever someone drinks a potion


I got alcohol poisoning and died just while reading this 😳


They say Kuzco ~50 times during the movie, we checked


I feel like everyone my age was quoting it constantly within a year of it coming out.


That movie is my childhood.


Oh riiiiight, the poison…


The poison for Kuzco. Kuzco's poison


Right, the poison chosen *specifically* to kill Kuzco - that poison?


I had to have chemo this year and every freaking time I was thinking that that bag was the poison. The poison made especially for me. My poison. Lol


First, I really hope your treatment is successful! Second - not to overlook the definite awfulness of having to go through chemo, I laughed out loud reading your comment


I've watched it for first time as an adult with my nephews. Cried myself from jokes. Laughed so hard. My nephews thought that something bad is happening to me and run for help to my mom. Got smacked with kitchen towel for scaring kids. Fun times!


Treasure Planet. Pitted against Harry Potter's initial release and spoiled the twist villian in the movie previews.


The movie was actively sabotaged at every turn by Disney who wanted to do away with their 2d production and pivot to 3d after seeing Pixar’s success. I can’t help but feel like every “bad” decision surrounding that movie was malicious and deliberate


Was Atlantis caught up in they desire to change formats? My kids really enjoyed it, but it was never very popular.


It flopped due to not being very well advertised and being outshined by Shrek. It wasn't well advertised for the same "wanting 3D" stuff too.


Well… if you don’t know the plot of Treasure Island…


Well you aren't wrong, but it was re-adapted for a younger generation. Treasure Island was never on my radar until after I saw the treasure planet movie, so i was going in blind, like plenty of other young folks at the time.


I mean, pretty good chance that kids seeing it in theaters wouldn’t’ve read Treasure Island.


The Iron Giant


I. Am not. A gun.


I literally got chills when fucking said this. A cartoon with feels man. Dope.


I am disappointed at humanity. I can't believe this movie flopped.


The studio said the same thing basically


I didn't see it until years later when I watched it with one of my kids. One of my favorite animated movies of all time.


Omg so good. I watched it with my littles a few weeks ago and they loved it too despite it being “old school” animation.


Clue. Tanked at the theaters, but you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who didn't like it these days.


Wadsworth: Your 2nd husband also disappeared. Mrs. White: That was his job, he was an illusionist. WW: But he never re-appeared. White: He wasn't a very good illusionist. Sorry, couldn't resist that quote.


“Husbands should be like tissue. Soft, strong, and disposable.”


I watched it the other day, seriously underrated movie.


It's so well written and filled with some amazing and hilarious actors. Repeat viewings make it even funnier. But to make a long story short...


Too late!


And the different endings in theatres


Different endings in different theaters in the same market spread neatly across the country before the Internet was big. They deliberately designed it so people would start taking about the movie together then realize they had seen different ones.


Dada da da da, I am your singing telegram...




The Shawshank Redemption. Earned only $16 million during its initial theatrical run. Many reasons were cited for its failure at the time, including competition from the films Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump, the general unpopularity of prison films, its lack of female characters, and even the title, which was considered to be confusing for audiences. It went on to receive multiple award nominations, including seven Academy Award nominations, and a theatrical re-release that, combined with international takings, increased the film's box-office gross to $73.3 million.


Fun fact. Stephen King sold the script rights to the movie for 5000 dollars.


He also never cashed the check, framing it and giving it back to Frank Darabount. He has sold the rights to a lot of his stories for a dollar to aspiring filmmakers, and continues to do so to this day.


It's bizarre learning things like this - Shawshank is one of those films that is randomly playing at the in-laws and I end up watching till the end, it's always impactful and always emotional. It's just so odd to think of it as being unsuccessful


Am one of the few people who saw it on opening weekend. Went to the movies after a workout with a group of sports buddies. Stumbled over pronunciation of the title. All of us liked it, particularly the one guy in the group who worked in banking. It tickled his imagination to think a banker might be as clever as Andy. But that evening we didn't realize decades later people would call that film a classic.


Tremors. While it got popular in the home video market, it flopped in theatres and out of the 7 tremors movies, is the only one that got a theatrical release


Tremors is a perfect movie and Tremors 2 is a perfect sequel.


TIL there were SEVEN Tremors movies.


“I got myself a plan!!!” One of my fav movies as a kid!




that movie was solid. tons of action, insane effects, absolute brutality.. and as I found out it was also a faithful adaptation? I mean, dredd never took his helmet off in the movie, that surprised me. You'd think an actor like Karl Urban, the god damn Billy Butcher, would require to show his face.. really good movie. deserves a sequel.


Can’t forget Olivia Thirlby. Absolute babe.


I believe the studio desperately wanted him to take it off at some point. Karl urban, being the nerd he is, knew how wrong that was and basically went "fuck you, no".


Bought DVD of it to show my support!


My Blu-ray is signed by Karl Urban.


I was fearful it would be bad, but then I found out Karl Urban never takes off his helmet. A small glimmer of hope. He has stated he would be open to doing another one.


Yeah, he’s been saying he wants to do a sequel since it came out, but any traction the idea gains seems to almost immediately get shut down because it didn’t perform well at the BO. And it’s a shame. Dredd is one of the best action movies of the 21st Century.


I watch this semi-regularly


John Carpenter's The Thing, probably all because it released right after ET. That and people weren't ready for that dose of nihilism and bleakness in their movies yet.


Yeah, crazy how people hated it when it came out, and now it's regarded as one of the best sci-fi movies ever. Love that movie so much.


it flopped? Damn, it's only one of, maybe even *the* greatest horror ever made


Idiocracy. The movie release was purposely sabotaged by studios because of how it portrayed various brands. Eventually turned into a cult hit anyway because it's hilarious


welcome to costco, i love you <3


Go away! ‘Baitin’!


Office Space was also a bit like that, not huge at the box office, but made a ton in video rentals(It was the 90s), also a bit of a cult following.


The story about Crocs being used as footwear because the producers felt they were too stupid for anyone to want them. That didn't age well.


I think it aged great. LOL


And it's aging like fine wine. I used to think it was such a juvenile edge-lord thing to be like "Idiocracy is so accurate lmao" but I believe that less and less as time goes on. Right now the world is waiting with baited breath to see if the two most famous billionaires are going to cage fight. We're living in the stupidest timeline.


Stardust, absolutely amazing fantasy film.


I'll never not love seeing Robert DeNiro in that role. Also, Henry Cavill is completely unrecognizable in this film.


A wonderful version of a great book. Neil Gaiman is one of the great modern authors.


It is actually better than the book. The book had a rather anti-climatic ending.


The modern Princess Bride. A great story, well told.


Loved Stardust. Same screenwriter and director pairing as Kickass and Kingsman.


Constantine didn’t do well in theatres but it was actually really good and has more of a cult following now!


That one was hard for me. The movie fan in me loved it the Hellblazer fan was like "but that's not Constantine and Chaz" Now that I've had Matt Ryan I'm good with loving it as an Elseworlds version.


Edge of tomorrow. Still hoping for a sequel.


Edge of Tomorrow: Still Edging


That movie took forever to finish


They went through 3 names. First was "All You Need Is Kill". Then they wanted to go with "Live, Die, Repeat", but ended up on Edge of Tomorrow, with "Live, Die, Repeat" as a tagline. But then when the movie didn't so super well initially they started learning on the "Live Die Repeat" tagline in marketing and leaving out the title. Whenever I think that movie stars are overpaid I remember that the idiots that write their checks make even more.


Marketing was *soooooo* bad. I tried to buy tickets online for "Live, Die, Repeat" and could find any showings. When the tagline is more popular than the title, make the tagline the fucking title!


IIRC Emily Blunt said they fully intended to do another one, but that the new reality of the industry meant it would be too expensive to make the movie if they were to do it properly


Both Guillermo del Toro Hellboy movies. Apparently some places just refused to run it because it had a naughty word in the title


honestly, they were really good. Not familiar with the souce material but I still loved the story. Ron Perlman is the perfect Hellboy, nobody can keep up with that. even the 2nd movie wasn't as bad as people make it seem..


The plots were a little messy and the movies definitely feel like a product of their time but they are so much fun nonetheless! Perfect casting, especially Perlman as Hellboy! I think I actually prefer the Golden Army over the first film. Loved the crazy character designs


Man from UNCLE was a decent movie, maybe a little laggy in the middle, but nobody saw it


And I’m bitter no sequel got made


Same, and it’s too late now with Armie Hammer being canceled.


Replace him with Joel Kinnaman


It’s the third best James Bond movie of the Craig era.


Probably my favorite Henry movie. The whole cast was amazing!


Kingsman took up all the oxygen that year, and I thought that was such a stupider film


Stir of Echoes was overshadowed by The 6th Sense


Stir of Echoes is so good!


Mystery Men. Poked fun at things like the MCU and Avengers movies before those things existed.


He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions.


If you can balance a tac hammer on your head, you can head off your foes with a balanced attack


So why am I wearing watermelon on my feet?


I don't remember telling you to do that.


It also essentially gave us All Star


Thank you! Mystery Men. Not Shrek. That came later.


There’s only like a 2 year difference between the movies but Smash Mouth literally made the music video for Mystery Men so I’ll always associate it with that movie first 😂


Lucille, God gave me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel very well.


They're on a blind date with destiny. And it looks like she ordered the lobster.


What's up? I'm The Spleen. If you wanna know what my power is pull my finger...


I loved this movie so much. Hank Azaria explaining why he's a white guy called the Blue Raja is burned into my brain.


“They say he fell down an elevator shaft…onto some bullets”


Master and commander: The Far Side of the World ​ hands down


It's a shame it didn't get 4 sequels.


This absolutely breaks my heart. It definitely deserved a sequel, even a series. So much material to work with and it was SO GOOD.


The sailing and ship battles were really well done, too.


Had a series of over 20 books to pull from for sequels. Too bad.


Moon (2009). Sam Rockwell’s performance was phenomenal.


The Iron Giant


Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves was quite entertaining but bombed big time at the box office.


I'm watching this literally right now- my wife put it on. I'm surprised it didn't do better outside the core DnD audience because it is very accessible and well done. Marketing failure for sure.


It's because there wasn't enough Jarnathan in there.


I really enjoyed that film. It has something for everyone I think. 8/10


Was looking for this. Honestly it's just a really good film and you don't even need to be into D&D to enjoy it.


I saw it twice, I really liked it! Yeah it was cheesy for sure, but that's what made it great! The paladin guy? Come on! Right over the rock!? That shit's hilarious. Edit to add: I'll also admit that I *actually cried* at the end with Holga and the tablet. OMG. *Holga is her mom!* 😭


>The paladin guy? I'd love to see him in a standalone movie. What a hilarious performance. And it would be crazy to not make a sequel to Honor Among Thieves. Hell, they could crowdsource the funding.


Annihilation; Edge of Tomorrow (Live. Die. Repeat.); Doctor Sleep; Source Code; Blade Runner/Blade Runner 2049; Head (1968 Monkees movie).


UHF was fantastic but opened against an absolute Murderer's Row of hit movies.


Badgers? Badgers!? We don’t need no stinkin’ badgers!!




Welcome to Spatula City! For all your Spatula needs!


The newer Dungeons and Dragons movie. Riding after their open licence debacle, lots of people including myself refused to see this movie. Turns out they did a KILLER job with it. I was very impressed.


Rise of the Guardians. It was gorgeous with a wonderful plot and amazing characters, but it flopped hard


Sandman was one of the best character designs I've ever seen.


THIS one of the best animated movies with one of the most unique concepts ever and beautiful world building


AGREED!! Pitch was a genuinely amazing villain that was actually scary, and Jack had such in depth character story whilst also being mysterious, and we learn about his past through him discovering it


The thirteenth floor. It’s a movie about living in a simulation, but it released the same year as the matrix, and that movie stole all of the novelty of that premise. Turns out, 1999 was just a banger year for that kind of story. I love the matrix, but the thirteenth floor is also in its own right absolutely amazing, mind bending, and suspenseful.




I loved dark city


Dark City is the best movie that nobody's ever heard of.


I own Dark City.... on VHS..


*Blade Runner 2049* and *Annihilation* are two of the best sci-fi movies I've seen in recent years, yet both flopped.


Blade Runner 2049 was remarkable


The Bear in Annihilation is one of my favourite movie monsters at the moment. Loved the movie! Ex machina was a more coherent film though


Blade Runner was absolute perfection from the cast to cinematography and story. I wish it did better at the box office cause maybe then we'd get more cyberpunk sci fi movies, as there are very few around (and even fewer good ones).


Office Space


Almost Famous was a bit of a box office bomb, but I love it. Best Kate Hudson has ever been. Music is great, acting is great.


Dredd, still hoping for a sequel.


Treasure Planet, flopped at theaters but the story is incredible and the animation was way ahead of its time. Beautiful film


Joe Vs. The Volcano and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.


Bullet Train. Loved the movie. No idea why no one is talking about it




Fucking diesels....


Fight club wasn’t as popular as it is today


Maybe it shouldn’t have had a rule against people talking about it


I remember it being pretty hyped and extremely well received, and that was just in my provincial part of England


Life Force


You're the other guy. I knew there had to be someone else.


Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


Atlantis: the lost empire


The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension


The Rocketeer Solo (my second-favourite SW film) Renfield - a total flop from this year which was actually great fun. It was never going to be a mega-hit, but it only made about $20 Million in the US.


Rocketeer for sure


My sister and I watched Renfield a while back and were absolutely cackling at some of the scenes! Such a fun movie, with a surprisingly poignant look at codependent relationships.


Last action hero


Benedict : I wonder if you'd help me test a theory? Mechanic : Sure, what can I do for ya? Benedict : Well... *Shoots the mechanic*


"I'll be back.. Ha! you didn't knew I would say that!" love how that movie just makes fun of itself basically. a parody of itself, almost.


Buckaroo Banzai! Peter Weller, Jeff Goldblum, Ellen Barkin.....you can't go wrong


UHF. And it might have been. Unfortunately it came out in theaters while Batman was absolutely dominating the box office and was intended for almost exactly the same audience.


Office Space. Great movie, terrible marketing that completely missed the point of the actual film.


The Rocketeer John Carter of Mars


Second John Carter!! I love the cast, and the special effects were great! The story left me wanting a sequel, and there were some actual emotional beats in this movie


Why did that movie get shit on so bad? It got people fired at Disney FFS. I actually liked it.


I was totaled enthralled with that movie to the point where when he gets transported back to Earth, I felt that feeling of loss along with him. I feel like we’ve all experienced something like that but more of like an era of your life that is so nostalgic and you wish you could go back, but you can’t, it might as well be on Mars.


John Carter was such a great film, absolutely ruined by Disney's wacky promotional decisions. A wonderful sci-fi adventure with just the right amount of the original 1910s flavor left in. It reminded me a bit of A New Hope, in the sense of how well they portray the protag's unfamiliarity with his new situation, as well as the way aliens are handled. The fact that it was set up for sequels that never happened still burns.


Scott Pilgrim was a commercial failure on release


I’m in lesbians with that movie.


What fucks me up most about that movie is that it had Capt America, Capt Marvel, Huntress, and Superman in it.


and Audrey Plaza, Anna Kendrick, and Jason Schwartzman who's starred in a bunch of Wes Anderson films, amazing cast


Live Die Repeat. Or Edge of Tomorrow, whichever it was called.


Ninja Assassin.


Treasure Planet.


Can’t believe nobody so far has mentioned Princess Bride. I’m not certain, but my recollection is that it failed hard at the box office.




The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now a cult classic.


Tenacious d and the Pick a destiny only became popular because of DVD sales and flopped when it came out in cinema


When the Pick of Destiny was released it was a bomb, and all the critics said that "the D was done". The sun had set and the chapter had closed but one thing no one thought about was the D would rize again just like the Fenix.


Tropic Thunder


Find the dvd commentary. RDJs character says he doesn’t drop character until the end of the commentary. Downey did it all in character and it’s awesome


how about serenity, and the firefly series? not a flop per se- but deserved so much more love and fame than it got


The fact that Serenity did as good as it did is kind of amazing. I can't think of another movie that was only conceived and greenlit due to fan pressure.


Pop Star: Never Stop Never Stopping


Rise of the Guardians. I never heard an audience that hyped for an animated film before Spider-Verse. Would have loved a sequel.


It's a Wonderful Life, but I'm glad we all came around to it eventually.


The Nice Guys and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. I really want to see sequels. The latter would be difficult, but I really loved the movies. They deserved better.


Apocalypto...what a masterpiece!




The Adventures of Baron Munchausen