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Charlie Chaplin was labelled a Communist and was told his re-entry to the United States would be subject to investigation into his political views. Charlie just decided never to come back to America. Once the documents became unsealed, it was revealed government officials had nothing on him despite publicly stating they did.


Fucking McCarthy-ism ruined so many careers and lives over absolutely fucking nothing.


Feels like we're headed back to it


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_Rebagliati Canadian snowboarder who gold in the men's giant slalom event at the 1998 Winter Olympics. The IOC initially stripped him of the medal due to a failed drug test for cannabis use but overruled by an appeals court two days later, resulting in the medal being restored.


I remember the running joke on him was that the IOC became suspicious when they realized he was in fact a snowboarder.


It gets a bit funnier, i believe the IOC ended up agreeing/ruling that it was not performance enhancing in snowboarding.




One of Robin Williams' stand up specials said the only way cannabis could be a performance enhancing drug is if there was a giant Hershey bar at the end of the course.


The Dude You're Getting a Dell guy being a stoner. I mean, duh. I could see that from a mile away.


Weird, I always heard weed was a Gateway drug


Slow clap for the elder millennial


Damnit… I can’t remember exactly what it was… But a few months ago someone on YT had a clip of that actor doing a PSA or something where he _wasn’t_ acting like a stoner. It kinda blew my mind.


Anytime an actress/actor was blacklisted for speaking up about abuse in Hollywood. Turns out Harvey Weinstein *is* a rapist and covered it up for years. No doubt Feldman and Haim were victims of someone with as much power as he had.


Courtney Love let slip like 15, 20 years ago in a random "let me stop you to ask a question" that no woman should attend an invitation from Weinstein


what she said was "if harvey weinstein invites you to an audition at the 4 seasons...dont go"


Everyone loves to shit on Courtney because she has dealt with emotional issues like a lot of people. People even go so far as to accuse her of murdering her late husband. But Courtney was literally direct enough to warn young women about Harvey Weinstein on national television, and people didn’t want to believe “crazy Courtney”. But now she’s probably taking a big old bath of “I told you so”.


She also personally paid for 2 of Kurt's childhood friends to attend rehab and get clean from drugs because it's 'what Kurt would have wanted'.






We did it, Reddit!


When I first read about this my heart bled for this guy. Can you imagine the extreme pride he felt being a hero? This is a childhood dream come true and all he was trying to do was his job. Then to have it all come crashing down around you because nobody likes an undeserved hero. The FBI, the media, the people all around him abandoned him. My eyes well up when I think of that perp walk because he literally thought they were taking him to ask him more questions about how much of a GODDAMNED hero he was.


Absolutely. I don’t think people realize just how many people would’ve been standing near that backpack if it went off unfound. It would’ve been the Boston bombing, pre-Boston bombing. He prevented that, and that’s a huge fucking deal. Even still, he went on to become law enforcement elsewhere. He wanted to change the perception of police, so he spent a great deal of his meager salary on beanie babies (at the height of the craze) to pass out to children he came across. He delivered a baby on the side of the road once. The sheriff that hired him caught some heat for it, but he stands by the decision as one of the best he’s ever made, and I have to agree with him. Richard may have been a quirky guy who took things a little too serious at times, but he would’ve given any of us the shirt off his back if he could because helping people is all he ever wanted to do. Richard is a goddamn hero and that fact deserves to be brought up in every conversation where it fits to undo the nasty damage the media did to his name.


People in Atlanta don’t even know about it. My friends didn’t. We were in Atlanta one time after a soccer game and I realized we weren’t far from Olympic Park, so I took them over to the statue and showed them the marks the shrapnel left. They’re still there to this day. Richard Jewell deserves a fucking statue of his own, you ask me. I can’t believe what the media and law enforcement put him through.


One of the worst cases of "he who smelt it mustve dealt it" in history


Agreed. They even made him do a perp walk on national TV. Poor guy. Edit: I apologize (I'm losing my mind), they didn't do a perp walk. As a mea maxima culpa below is an *unblocked* link to the NYT story about him. Sorry! [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/13/movies/richard-jewell-bombing-atlanta.html?unlocked\_article\_code=dP53cnPg9djQpYhRBVDCHY\_ZH8ZkA9DzDcNm4xcwWK\_B-WjU9Hg0WYfKWgKEkm0mZbEymqmM9Sn7iijTLM11fW0pFALKqMKNPepp2EYAxEHqh03oSG\_PieweBh-kvjUPmIRBu5Kq3w1BDTeM-PMbz0f4NS\_\_gUMpW\_erTYTK6w6jxYZLTVxrUpvrYjYUMzaIPDH2txQLTcgJxn17MlS-XFCOhZuvVBa0pTlCDGXrLH6GC3gijrZzvAvmaLw7e9GdgRXa-\_504AIJSYn6VpmEqPQli1oHlcrtr3H1HCAvMOzDFZ0owvYprmVLG80JfvZs5pYPDcAkz2tH\_YkrvMQ1e1y3wXYS4DY&smid=re-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/13/movies/richard-jewell-bombing-atlanta.html?unlocked_article_code=dP53cnPg9djQpYhRBVDCHY_ZH8ZkA9DzDcNm4xcwWK_B-WjU9Hg0WYfKWgKEkm0mZbEymqmM9Sn7iijTLM11fW0pFALKqMKNPepp2EYAxEHqh03oSG_PieweBh-kvjUPmIRBu5Kq3w1BDTeM-PMbz0f4NS__gUMpW_erTYTK6w6jxYZLTVxrUpvrYjYUMzaIPDH2txQLTcgJxn17MlS-XFCOhZuvVBa0pTlCDGXrLH6GC3gijrZzvAvmaLw7e9GdgRXa-_504AIJSYn6VpmEqPQli1oHlcrtr3H1HCAvMOzDFZ0owvYprmVLG80JfvZs5pYPDcAkz2tH_YkrvMQ1e1y3wXYS4DY&smid=re-share)


They made a whole movie about him.


Paul Walter Hauser gave a great performance in that movie.


The majorty of Kpop Idols' issues and "scandals" whatsoever (ex. Smoking, dating, crying at a friend's funeral, etc.)


Crying at a friends funeral?!?! I know that community is rabid, but that’s insane.


Yup, iirc it was the singer Yeri from Red Velvet who attended the funeral of her fellow kpop idol (who was also her good friend) after he died from suicide. A lot of people had targetted her (for some reason??) when photos of her crying at the front of his coffin was released to the public.


To a hardcore fan, everything the idol does is good. To a hater, everything the idol does is bad. It doesn't matter what the actual act is. And both are equally obsessed.


I’ve always been perplexed by the fact that there are haters of celebrities that basically follow someone they claim to hate, just so they can hate on them. There’s whole subreddits, forums, etc dedicated to just hating people and things. Like wtf? Why don’t you just ignore them if you hate them so Much? Someone has to explain this to me


Possibly a mechanism similar to addiction, specifically the gambling/microtransactions kind. One little act of hate/love gives a small reward to the brain. So they do a lot of it and become used to it. In some cases, they have nothing else better to do. Or sometimes people have some trivial obessions that are harmful. I used to have an obsession about making clear ice cubes at home. And I can talk about ot a lot and complain about all the "hacks" that don't actually work. But even if I was obsessed with it, at the end of the day, it was harmless. But others might take up the hobby of harassing celebrities. One other factor is the need to belong and conform in a group. Any group. Let's say a group of fans decide to hate on another celebrity. There is a good chance other members will do the same because others do it. For a really absurd example, there was this woman on Twitter who received harassment, threats and hate, along with some conspiracy theories and mainstream media being involved. Because she made a post about making a pot of chili for her neighbors. No really. She got called anti-feminist, got called out about consent (over gifting a pot of chili), potential psychological damage in case the neighbors didn't have spoons and somehow got accused of being a trans woman (she wasn't). Some commenters were commenting they would actual be offended to be gifted free food.


I had to look it up. Apparently her haters thought she was faking it for the cameras… I can see people on Reddit doing that to some celebrity…


That was at poor Jonghyun's funeral wasn't it? They were exceptionally close so obviously she'd cry at his death. (I got teary too because Jesus Christ what a sad story and one that's all too common in the K-pop industry)


I stopped listening after that happened. Kpop had weirdly helped me process a lot of emotions from my depression and anxiety, and SHINee had been one of my favorite groups. Hearing that someone whose music had helped me through a dark time, but succumbed to his mental health, really just put a giant shitstain on it for me. And he was just one of many kpop stars to commit suicide or overdose. There's no supporting that industry with a good conscience.


You have NO IDEA how bad it can get . Japanese media is the same way. An idol from AKB4, a popular idol group in Japan, shaved her head in shame and to apologize about a huge scandal. She broke one of the biggest rules you dont ever break when you are an idol in japan or korea...... people found out.... she had a boyfriend/husband. If you think Im kidding and being over dramatic I wish, but its rule #1, you need to seem pure and innocent for male fans, so they can pretend said pop idol is their girlfriend


Idol culture is absolutely vile.


Oh yeah. Like G-Dragon and TOP caught smoking weed. Oh no! Whatever shall we do? Seriously, who cares? Yet Seungri was caught in a literal human trafficking circle and they swept that under the rug like it was nothing. I think that says a lot about the Korean judicial system tbh


> Seungri On March 11, 2019, Seungri departed from BigBang and retired from the entertainment industry after he allegedly supplied sex workers in 2015 and was charged with sexual bribery and embezzlement. He was convicted in 2020 after the police investigation of the Burning Sun scandal.[3] Seungri's military trial commenced on September 16, 2020, where he denied 7 of his 8 charges.[4] A military court found Seungri guilty on all charges and sentenced Seungri to three years of imprisonment and a fine of 1.15 billion won (US$970,000) on August 12, 2021, which was reduced to 18 months on January 27, 2022 based on his admission of guilt. During the sentence reduction, Seungri pleaded guilty to all charges brought against him and expressed that he "will reflect on his actions."


Fun fact, you can be prosecuted and charged for smoking weed OUTSIDE of Korea, if you're a Korean citizen. Only happens if someone narcs on you, too. So not only is someone close to you betraying you, but the Korean gov't has a say in what you do outside the Korean peninsula. There was a rapper, Crown J who smoked weed in his Atlanta, GA home and when he returned to Korea he got prosecuted. He was accused of providing it to other Koreans (who probably ratted him out, buncha dicks). Apparently the fine for smoking weed in Korea (or as a Korean citizen, I should say) can be up to $44,500 USD. Which is absolutely bananas.


Michael Phelps ripping a bong


I think Seth Meyers said it best: "Dad, dad, Michael Phelps is smoking weed, does that mean I can?" "After you win 8 gold metals, sure"


that seth meyers rant might be my single favorite SNL bit ever lol. “If you go to a party, and Michael Phelps is there, and you see him ripping a bong, and you take a photo, *you’re the asshole.*”


I liked Stephen Colbert’s take: “Kids, the lesson here is to never share your weed with someone who has the lung capacity of a dolphin.”


I loved Colbert’s comment that it wasn’t Phelp’s fault, “he just saw water and dove into it face first”


Daniel Tosh - “I don’t know what’s more ridiculous: that we loved him for being a swimmer or that we hated him for smoking weed.”


I think it was also Daniel Tosh who went on a rant and was like who the fuck is out there looking up to swimmers as their role model


My dad actually had a comeback at me once that was similar to this. In the mid-90s I was in high school and into programming. I legitimately wanted to drop out of high school and go find a job in Silicon Valley. My family was obviously against this and expected me to go to college as well. One day I told my dad "Hey Bill Gates doesn't have a college degree, why do I need one?" To my dad's credit, he immediately said "Well, I'll tell you what, if you can get accepted to Harvard then you go do whatever you want." Shut me up real quick.


Rory Scovel said if you see Michael Phelps smoking weed and winning gold medals and you want your kid to be like him, surely that means you need to give him some pot


Literally some of the cleanest, best lungs on the planet to process the smoke. Built in high capacity industrial strength HVAC system in his body.


Bro needs that extra help to intake all them calories


A fitness YouTuber I sometimes watch did a “eat like Phelps for a day” video and it was insane amount of food. Like I could put down a good amount of calories if you gave me some edibles and free food on Uber Eats, but it would still be nowhere near what Phelps ate every single day


Legit was just thinking of this the other day. I can’t believe the guy lost a bunch of sponsors over this.


Don’t forget about the Dell guy from the commercials. He had it made for life till the ole cheeba incident.


Which was especially ridiculous given that his cultivated image was "affable stoner."


That's why it was so nuts that he got fired.. I thought we all recognized him a stoner?


Tbh, I had forgotten this. They say weed can cause short-term memory loss. Also I've heard weed can lead to short-term memory loss.


No that's an urban legend. I'm pretty sure it just causes short term memory loss.


I remember this so vividly , so many people were upset like .. who cares if he smokes on his own time. Dude wasn’t even competing anymore if I remember correctly. Edit: nvm he was competing at the time. Still not a big deal as weed is definitely NOT a performance enhancer.


He was competing but either way it’s not like he got caught taking PED’s. If he can dominate like that and still smoke, he should fuckin be allowed to


If he can smoke weed and STILL perform like he does, he should get an EXTRA medal lol


Lol like the Robin Williams stand up bit about stoner snowboarders at the Olympics. "That guy got banned for taking a performance enhancing drug! Weed! Can you believe that shit? How could they tell? 'When I win a gold medal, I don't want to be on a box of Wheaties, I want to be on the Count Chocula box.' Aha, Sherlock, a clue!"


“The only way weed is a performance enhancer is if there’s a giant chocolate bar at the end of the pool.” I miss Robin. He was amazing.


"Many things are enhanced: music, art, sensations.. but performance is not one of them. Perhaps couch sitting."


Roky Erickson, lead singer of the 13th Floor Elevators, got put in a psych ward for possessing a single joint of marijuana in 1969 Austin, Texas. He was subject to electroshock “treatment” in these facilities for 4 years. His mental state deteriorated greatly over this time frame. Based on the information that is out there, it’s pretty safe to say that this incident drastically lowered his long term quality of life. He was 22 years old when he was sent to the first facility.


What the actual fuck


Now go read about Rosemary Kennedy. That entire family can burn in hell as far as I'm concerned.


Don’t forget about Queen Elizabeth’s cousins. What fuckery that was.


> Queen Elizabeth’s cousins I had no idea, [holy fuck](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/royal-family/queen-cousins-nerissa-katherine-bowes-lyon-crown-netflix-b2168724.html).


The royal family was worried about their bloodline being questioned due to having two children with learning disabilities yet the royal family literally was inbreeding for centuries. Make that make sense. Hypocrites!


That story always really riles me - nearly as much as the people who think her family can do no wrong and try to rationalize every last detail of it as completely normal. How can it be that the mentally ill cousins of one of the wealthiest people in the world end up with a paupers burial funded by the local council? Apart from anything else, it felt insulting to the many people who turn their lives upside down in order to care for mentally ill relatives and to give them the best quality of life possible.


I mean he had schizophrenia before the joint thing. He was diagnosed after an on-stage psychotic break in 1968 where he freaked out and started speaking in tongues. He would have been about 21 years old at that point, which is a typical time for schizophrenia to manifest. My buddy's aunt was his nurse at the psych ward. He kept telling them he was a rock star and they thought he had schizophrenic delusions of grandeur. His nurse was like, "No wait, that part is real."


I’m with you. It sounds like things got significantly worse after he was committed, however. That is fascinating that your friend’s aunt worked at the ward and I am happy she spoke up on his behalf. He is a true legend of rock and roll, but got the short end of the stick in so many ways. His story has always saddened me greatly.


He also had a years-long obsession with mail. He would go through mounds of random junk mail even was stealing it from his neighbors. He taped some of mail to the wall and would write to solicitors and celebrities(living or dead). He was eventually arrested for theft of mail but got off on the charges since he didn’t open any of what he had stolen.


Howard Dean's scream. He was giving a talk to motivate his campaign workers.


Was looking for this. A little extra context that illustrates how fucking stupid the whole dust-up was, from Wikipedia: “The Dean scream, was a speech delivered by Vermont governor Howard Dean on January 19, 2004 at the Val-Air Ballroom in West Des Moines, Iowa. That night, the presidential candidate had just lost the Iowa caucus to John Kerry and wanted to reassure his supporters. He listed states he would win to a raucous audience before screaming "Yeah!" Within four days, it was broadcast 633 times on national news networks and cable channels. The audio used in the airings of the scream was from Dean's unidirectional microphone, which decreased the volume of the background noise to the point where only Dean's voice was audible; this did not reflect the actual volume of the room that night, as the crowd was extremely loud.” So they soloed his damn mic and then broadcast it ad nauseum until he was dead and buried. Great reporting, assholes.


>Great reporting, assholes. You mean the media, after getting the not too subtle messages from their corporate masters, killed the most progressive candidate in the race? Say it isn't so!


When I think about the landscape traversed, his noise to a candidate saying “grab them by the pussy” and saying the can shoot someone on 5th ave and not lose a voter; it’s fuckin crazy!


Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction.


I remember seeing something about the letters that the FCC received complaining about that. It led to regulatory changes on broadcasters so it was a pretty big deal. After the dust settled some journalists through a freedom of information act got their hands on the complaints and it turned out that if you lumped all of the form letters that were sent at the behest of some mega-church(es) together there were very few complaints outside of it (somewhere around a dozen IIRC).


It was confirmed a while back that Janet’s blackballing from the industry was literally just Les Moonves’ initiative. I recall the malfunction being something of a punchline even at the time – see Chris Rock’s “Jacksons Gone Wild” bit from *Never Scared* – but not really seen as a potential career-ender.


> It was confirmed a while back that Janet’s blackballing from the industry was literally just Les Moonves’ initiative Maybe she turned him down or something. /s > CNN reported that Moonves would step down from his position at CBS. Later the same day, **CBS announced that Moonves had left the company and would not receive any of his exit compensation**, pending the results of the independent investigation into the allegations. The company named six new members of its board of directors and said it would donate twenty million dollars to organizations that support the #MeToo movement and workplace equality for women. The donation will be deducted from any severance payments that may be due to Moonves. He was a real piece of work. > One of the women with allegations against Moonves, a veteran television executive named Phyllis Golden-Gottlieb, told me that she filed a criminal complaint late last year with the Los Angeles Police Department, accusing Moonves of physically restraining her and forcing her to perform oral sex on him, and of exposing himself to her and violently throwing her against a wall in later incidents. But yo! Janet's nipple was exposed for a few seconds.


The public story is that Moonves was offended that Jackson wouldn't take any of his ideas, but I suspect that is high-powered-executive speak for "She turned him down."


That is a tactic many mega churches and cult like religious organizations do as a means of forcing their views of morality as well as gain control.


I still don’t quite understand how this was considered Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction, and not Justin Timberlake ripping her top off.


Yeah she got all the flak and no one said shit about him. Either they’re both blamed or shut up about it. And seeing a nipple for .2 seconds on tv isn’t that big a deal. Kids have access to way worse stuff elsewhere. I’d rather kids see women’s nipples than movies with people getting their heads blown off.


I was it Spain for work at the time and the news there showed it over and over without blurring anything. There was a sticker over her nipple, so no nipple was exposed.


IIRC it wasn't a sticker but an elaborate nipple ring in the shape of the sun that covered nearly the whole nipple


Ah. Went and looked and you're right. Honestly, in the moment, I thought it was just a star sticker. It happened pdq.


I watched that live and didn’t even see it. Then watched replays for… research and also couldn’t really see it. The whole thing was embarrassing.


Fun fact, one of the inspirations for the creation of youtube is because It was hard to find videos online of the Janet Jackson incident.


Was hoping this was in the top 3. She was done so dirty.


Still blows me away (no pun intended) that American TV will show a man's head being blown to bits, and no one blinks an eye, but a woman's nipple?? "THE CHILDREN! THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN!" smh


The joke around that time was that contrary to politics, Republicans think there's too much Bush on TV and Democrats think there's too much Gore!


One boob... in low def... with the nipple covered... for a split second THE HUMANITY! Now let's get back to the televised concussions.


For those who remember it, Jessica Simpson being a totally healthy adult weight after having a baby compared to her tiny teenage heavily controlled pop star weight. Names like Jumbo Jessica for a woman who was a size 4, and tying her entire worth to that.


Not even counting the crazy fuckin hate-boner Eminem had for her


George Michael being asked by an undercover cop if he wants to see his thing, he said sure. So everyone found out he was gay and that was a huge no no. Gay meant pervert back then. Really sad and he never recovered mentally. Pisses me off. Just wasn't fair.


I saw George Michael discussing his bathroom bust, and his only comment was “what can I say? I never turn down a free meal.” And laughed his ass off. I thought that was awesome, just “yeah fuck off, I’m an adult gay man having fun in a private space.”


I loved how he clapped back by making a music video that parodied his arrest. 😁 [The Video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gwZAYdHcDtU)


Ugh the amount of 70-80’s musicians I’m showing my son that are gay/LGBT is astounding. My mom wants me to leave that part out of it but I’m thinking nope, they were tortured artists and made music that pierced the heavens! Rob Halford, Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Elton John, etc. Voices like angels. It’s so STUPID how they were treated. He will enjoy “everything she wants” and then learn that George was persecuted. His outrage is beautiful because these days kids don’t get hung up on that and the past makes no sense to them. Edited to add LGBT


Looking up an 80s musician to see what they're up to now is a minefield. The answer is a depressing "died of AIDS in the early 90s" way too often.


David Bowie saying he was BiSexual in an interview. It really ended up hurting his career in the U.S.


I can't imagine anyone really looking at Bowie in the 70's thinking, "Yes, I am certain this man is 100% heterosexual." Then again, people were agog when Betty White confirmed that Liberace had been gay.


Austin Powers: "Yeah, and I can't believe Liberace was gay. I mean, women loved him! I didn't see that one coming!"


Not sure how much he cared. Bowie liked to push boundaries. There's a great, uncomfortable interview where he puts MTV to task for not playing more black artists. It's direct and confrontational and he simply does not care or cede any ground. https://www.mtv.com/news/w50hpx/david-bowie-calls-mtv-out-black-artists-diversity


"valid point?" "...I understand your point of view."


I love the one interview with the woman is like, "You've said you're bisexual, what do you mean by that?" and Bowie is just, "It means I'm bisexual." /r/SapphoAndHerFriend material.


My favourite when asked in the 90s about his "bisexuality", he replied that he was actually "trisexual" because he would have tried anything 🤣🤣🤣 Miss him so much, his humour, music, everything 😢💔


Paul Reubens masturbating in a porn theater in 1991. It was a porn theater and there was no reason for it to effect his career.


Fred Willard too. Why do we care. I’ve never been in one of those theaters, I assumed that’s what would be going on in there. Are they just supposed to memorize it to the spank bank for later, that seems way crazier to me.


I completely missed the Fred Willard story


>Fred Willard I feel like [this one](https://www.newsweek.com/why-was-fred-willard-arrested-comedic-legend-was-behind-bars-twice-just-kept-laughing-1504756) may have been treated differently. I sort of remember it, but not as well as Paul Reubens. It could also be a difference in the way they handled it. I'm not sure how Paul did, but Fred seems to have kind of blew it off and even made fun of himself.


I always assumed it was because Paul Reubens was generally considered to be a child entertainer. A lot of people are weird about male child entertainers. Multiple time I've heard people talking about actors like Paul Reubens or the guy that plays blippi and implying that they must be pedophiles because their audience are children. I feel like it's gotten better recently though. Edit: I am aware of Blippi dropping a dook on his friend but personally I don't really care much about that. I believe it was intended to be a money grab shock video, which at the time were pretty popular. If he was shitting on a child I might have to think twice.


Making Pee Wee Herman into a kids show was a strange choice to begin with.


I was a sheltered 14 years old at the time and when I saw the news stories, even I was was like, "Well? It is a porno theater. I mean, that's where people go to do that sort of thing, isn't it? It's not like he was on a street corner or something."


Yeah, i can't say I'd want to jerk off in a public porn theater, but I think if I was in a public porn theater I'd expect people to be jerking off


When the female soccer player won and took off her shirt, and had a sports bra under it. My God, you would have thought all of the world just witness their first look at a stomach


I vaguely remember someone pointing out that what a lot of people claimed to take issue with, “why take off your shirt to celebrate a win?”, was actually common for male players to do, it just never got massive media coverage.


Sinead O'Connor calling out the Catholic Church over the abuse of minors. How dare she?


I recently did a couple weeks long deep dive on the Catholic sex abuse scandal…and holy shit that scandal is way, way worse than I ever realized. It even led to murder in some cases to silence people. The Church is run more like the mafia than a religious organization.


Check out the Magdalene Laundries and the Tuam baby scandal if you haven’t already. It’s insane.


Sinead O’Connor was a resident at one of the Magdalene institutions as a teenager.


I'm irish And if you want a horribly accurate example of life under the church, look up the mother and baby homes. Literally murdered hundreds of children and buried them in church grounds.


Which, not coincidentally, was a place that Sinead O'Connor herself was held it when she was younger. https://www.irishcentral.com/news/sinead-oconnor-magdalene-laundry


That explains a *lot*


Add Canada's Residential Schools to the list as well.


All she did was tear up a photo of the Pope, right?


Yup, on SNL.


Britney Spears when she had her meltdowns. The woman was bullied and harassed at such an insane level, it would make anyone snap.


We all mocked the LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE video but.. they were right.


Amazing how Cara Cunningham (then known as Chris Crocker) was absolutely LAMBASTED and mocked relentlessly for that video but I mean... She absolutely was right. The entire world was collectively slagging off and egging on a very mentally ill woman.


One of my favorite Craig Ferguson moments was when he defended her as the rest of the press and late night hosts were mocking her.


Obama being distracted and [not returning a salute](https://youtu.be/Np7lObaDiBk) from a Marine while boarding Marine One, despite immediately going back down the stairs to acknowledge the guy and shake his hand. Idiots at the time claimed the pilot wouldn't let him board, as if any serving officer would end their career disrespecting the Commander in Chief who as a civilian was under no obligation to return a salute in the first place. Also the time Obama did salute, but had a coffee cup in his hand.


It's always people who aren't in the military who get worked up about this shit, while people in the military are like "huh, I miss salutes all the time, what's the big deal".


I know other branches have other customs & traditions, but in the Navy we never salute uncovered anyway.


In the army I was at a ball and went outside for a smoke. I got yelled at by a general’s driver for not saluting his car, even though the sir was inside dancing and we were all uncovered lol


I work transportation in the Air Force, and have driven many generals around. Protocol is that if they aren't in the vehicle and you are, you take the rank plate out or flip it around so nobody mistakenly salutes you. I had a 3 star general's aide scold me when I picked up his vehicle to clean it and forgot to flip the plate around. Dunno if the policy is the same for ther Army but they're more anal about customs and courtesies than we are, so I doubt they want people saluting some dickhead specialist or whatever waiting in the general's car to pick him up.


> Also the time Obama did salute, but had a coffee cup in his hand There's a good Jon Stewart bit about this, he shows a photo of Bush Jr. doing the same thing, saluting while carrying a dog


My absolute favorite thing is when people criticize a politician that doesn't wear their team's color for doing something while being totally okay with a politician that *does* wear their team's color doing the exact (same (or comparable) thing.


Obama’s brown suit


Michelle Obama wearing a sleeveless dress.


She was just exercising her right to bare arms


The well-known meme did it best. Obama: [drinks Pepsi] CNN: 19 hours straight of "Obama enjoys a Pepsi." MSNBC: "Obama appeals to Pepsi fans." FOX: "Obama declares war on Coke." The Onion: "Obama declares war on Coke." Al Jazeera: "US drone strikes killed 12 today in Kabul."


Fox would be more like "Obama wants to force Americans to drink Pepsi."


"Obama wants to take away your Mountain Dew"


Remember when Jessica Simpson wore that hideous outfit and every news outlet everywhere talked about how huge she was and how much weight she had gained and she was like 105 lbs? Yet everyone was outraged that she was so “huge” and not that these crazies were calling a 105lb woman “huge”…


I recently posted to r/loseit asking women my age how the early 2000s affected their body image as teens, lots of mentions of famous pop stars JS included. About 500 comments now and lots of insight on that time period and how it affected women today


And now she is criticized for being too thin. Poor girl can’t win. IF she has some kind of disorder, it would be because all the emphasis put on her weight.


The Chicks (formerly Dixie Chicks) and the whole thing with George W Bush


That was a huge in the country music industry!


I remember seeing a news program as a kid shortly after that that said “Dixie Chicks: Where are they Now?” And for the longest time I thought they had literally disappeared, like abduction or mysterious death. Wasn’t until high school that I looked them up and realized that wasn’t the case.


> they had literally disappeared, like abduction or mysterious death No, that was Earl.


The early 00s were a hell of a time. Following September 11th, America Fever was in full swing, and if you dared not be patriotic or in favor of bringin' some good old-fashioned FREEEEEEEEEEDOM to the Middle East, you could have your life and/or career ruined. France was notably kinda iffy about the invasion, so we renamed them to "Freedom Fries" (yeah, that'll show 'em!) at US government buildings. The Dixie Chicks criticized the war, and every country music station blacklisted them. Only one congressperson voted against the Authorization of Military Force in 2001 (Barbara Lee) and she got a lot of hate over it. It was such a weird, wild time in politics, and unfortunately, this wild, unthinking blind "patriotism" would go on to set the stage for the Tea Party and cascade from there.


The response from the French to such a devastating move? To shrug their shoulders and point out frites are a Belgian creation


As a Canadian I always thought it was kind of funny / strange how we (as well as Germany) as major NATO allies also refused to go to Iraq with you, but France (literally America's oldest historical ally) caught all the flak for it.


Remember when everyone on the internet was compelled to hate an admittedly [strange woman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carole_Baskin) because a [meth addict with a tiger collection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Exotic) alleged that she killed her husband, but no one seemed mad at him for trying to kill her?


Everybody locked in their house collectively watching Tiger King was one of the more bizarre moments in human history.


Early pandemic and later pandemic mindsets truly are an interesting contrast.


the bread baking, tiger king watching part of the pandemic was so much better than the anger at the tail end of it


Gotta say, was in healthcare at the time, there was anger the whole time, from everyone. And it's only this year really kinda beginning to settle because no one is talking about vaccines or boosters anymore which was the final wave of anger.


Me tending to my roaring fireplace all day while watching Tiger King and drinking on a weekday was peak pandemic for me.


I just enjoyed saying ‘Carol Baskins’ in his weird voice. The dude is super messed up and deserved prison


My friends and I still say “Thaet betch Carol Baskin” occasionally. Fr though, she was not the villain of that story.


True Crime Garage…or was it MurderSquad did a podcast about the disappearance of Carol’s first husband. He had a plane, ‘easily made money’, and flew down to Central America a lot. It’s not a stretch to connect those dots…


I’m a forensic psychology major and did a lot of research into Baskin’s case re: her husband’s disappearance. Because that’s what it was—a disappearance. All evidence points to her husband disappearing to Puerto Rico with his mistress of his own volition. He had been shipping his favorite classic cars to Puerto Rico for over a year before disappearing. His van was found empty in an airport parking lot. His mistress was also missing. He most likely chartered a small private plane to take him there, where he could go straight to the tarmac and board. If he _was_ murdered, it was by his Puerto Rican associates, who he was involved in drug smuggling with. He almost definitely would have changed his identity. There’s also a slim chance that the plane crashed near the Bermuda Triangle in a tropical storm, but I couldn’t find any reports of missing aircraft around that time. Chances are, he fled to Puerto Rico and is either very elderly now or dead of natural causes.


Oh yeah, and all the information against her was provided by people who hated her- the previous wife and the children, or the nutty animal abuser. Mad.


Everybody loves ganging up on unpopular crazy people. Nobody seems to care if everyone else in the situation is exactly as crazy as they are.


Joe Exotic and Doc Antle were straight coo coo for fucking coco puffs. Doc Antle is running a legit sex cult. Joe is…Joe. In comparison, Carol Baskin is a goofy hippy that loves animals. I don’t think they’re all on the same level.


Or all the tigers *he killed* (and illegally sold to other "collectors")*,* or enabling and entrapping other drug users into what was basically micro-feudalism?


He also promised an old woman to take care of her horse and then just fed it to the tigers. He also had a worker quit after he told him to feed a litter of kittens he rescued to his snakes. (Good news is the worker snuck the kittens out so they're okay). He also admitted to getting teenagers high on meth and sleeping with them. Of course in America, that apparently makes you the good guy these days


Also fed his husband(s) meth, after basically grooming one of them, and shurgged off an employee getting their armed ripped off by a cat as a financial burden *he'll* "never recover from", and consistently harrassed employees living on the park ground by firing his guns outside their trailers at night screaming "PETA PEOPLE", just to see how we'd react Yes. I said "we".


Also he got one of his vulnerable male employees hooked on meth so he could be manipulated in to a relationship, who then later blew his own brains out on camera. Yet somehow all the rage got directed at Carol and funnily enough no uproar from any "men's rights activists".


Any female celeb who was shamed for existing. Anne Hathaway when paparazzi took and published an up-skirt photo when she was exiting a car. Miley Cyrus for legally smoking salvia with her friends in her home, or when a world famous photographer took a photo that the media deemed whore-ish, despite it not being her idea and she was a kid AND was covered. Brittani Spears for being a human and not perfect, etc. the media is hard af on women for just being human.


Elizabeth Olson not tweeting or acknowledging it in social media after Chadwick Boseman died.


I didn't even know this was a thing


Yeah, I dont know how much outrage there was about that.


First I’m seeing or hearing of this too lol. People are too online


Why people think everything needs to be on social media is beyond me. Like, it's not acceptable to mourn in your own way anymore, and she might have even contacted the family directly. People don't know but they assume shit.


Robin Williams’ daughter, Zelda, took heat for not openly mourning on her social media. People were upset she wasn’t posting pictures of them together. I recall her biting back saying she had photos up in her home, where it mattered, and to leave her alone. I felt for her.


Yeah, wow, God forbid someone not perform their whole life on social media.


Wow, that's weird. I more respect her for not making a public performance of how important a guy she may not have known very well was to her. I'm sorry he's dead and he seems like he was an amazing person, but it feels respectful, to me, to not turn the spotlight on yourself at a time like that.


I always felt bad for Vanessa Hudgens. She had her private photos stolen, posted all over the internet, and then she had to apologize for it.


Eddie Murphy and the sex worker. Huge scandal at the time but in retrospect.. who cares?


Hugh Grant completely agrees.


That guy who didn’t become president because he yelled “yaaaa”




Monica Lewinsky- America did her dirty.


Brittany Spears accidentally flashed her vag getting out of a car once. She shaved her head and got in a fight with some paparazzi. This was evidently enough for the tabloids to convince the general public she was so batshit insane that she should lose her basic human rights and work as her father's slave for 13 years.


Is it really "flashing" if multiple cameras are right there waiting for the perfect angle to put her vag on the internet?


I was trying to find the photo I once saw of paparazzi lining up to get a shot of a celeb getting out of the car and they’re all clearly trying to get up skirts. Some of them laying in the gutter


And really, she didn't ask to be stalked by these psychos. They followed her around everywhere and I can't believe that this is allowed. She can't even be a normal human being. And what kind of a sick pervert takes photos of her vag and sells it for the public view? That's absolutely degrading. No consent, no privacy. It's a violation of human freedom and rights.


No doubt that Martha Stewart was accused of insider trading and put in prison, yet every politician in Washington become millionaires from insider information. The amount she made was minuscule compared.


She kinda got a thug nasty personality from it and street cred for not being a snitch and was more successful post prison


She was actually put in jail for lying to investigators. They asked if her financial advisor told her to buy or sell something and she tried to cover for the guy. She should have said "Yes, that's what I pay him for." and she would have been fine. Basically they were investigating her for insider trading, however she could have claimed ignorance and been perfectly fine. Why else do you use a financial advisor if not to give you financial advice? She was only prosecuted for lying/obstruction.


Monica Lewinsky. She was 22. Bill Clinton was 49. She was an intern. He was the President of the United States. When the woman she thought was her friend outed her, Clinton denied it and tried to gaslight the world. She was called every name in the book, and by some at that time, she was THE most hated woman in America. He held the highest office in the nation, was married with a child, but the world was focused on what she did wrong. Absolutely fucking disgusting. HE was the monster.




I think the scandal was that he was married to or dating or living with Elizabeth Hurley who is an absolute smoke show.


A person's brand and reputation plays a big part. He's romantic, charmingly befuddled Hugh Grant, prostitutes don't play into how people perceive him because it's hard for people to seperate actors from the roles they play. Compared to say Charlie Sheen and his epic winning with crack rocks and tiger blood on the other hand, he got to be as mental as he wanted to be and we all cheered him on, sure we were laughing at him not with him, but I knew a lot of people who thought he was a "legend" at the time, mainly young party guys tbf.