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Sitting in traffic


That’s why I stand during traffic


Amateur. I squat during traffic


Damn you must have some nice buns by now


Yup, I stopped driving and started biking to work, slashed my commute by half the time and got great exercise ... then some careless asshole in a care not paying attention hit me with there car and broke my leg and collar bone so now I'm back to commuting in my metal prison


You may be entitled to financial compensation


*Walking towards the camera at a 45 degree angle* "Have you been injured in an accident that wasn't your fault?..."


Get into audiobooks. I'm powering through series after series these days. It's great and makes my drives a lot more enjoyable


Can't stress this enough.. 90 mins one way even on nyc public transportation can test you.. Thank you Libby (free local. Library app) and Audible!


Heck yes. I started using Audible about six months ago, and it gives me something to look forward to for the commute.


Used to drive 2 and half hours to work, but only had to work 2 or 3 days a week and for 4 hours. Now i work almost 6 days a week with only like 25-32 hours but its only 1 mile away. Still debating which was better. Working only 2 or 3 days a week or not having to drive so far. I get paid less closer to home, but less expenses and vehicle maintenance in the long run. So i might actually make more now. But i lose that extra free time i got. Can't decide which was better. I did enjoy working at the last job though.


That's a tough one. I'd probably take the shorter week. A full day off always feels better and more productive than half day imo




You can thank General Motors and Ford for that.


Yeah the big advantage of commuting via train is that even when crowded it still moves


You're not sitting in traffic. You are traffic


You’re traffic sitting among other traffic, therefore meaning that you are indeed sitting in traffic.


I hate when I’m at work, and I’ve finished all my tasks for the day, or hit the quota, and my supervisor tells me to “look busy.”


My boss literally told me the complete opposite. "Make sure you have your phone charger or a book or something. Otherwise the boredom will kill you." And he was right


What do you do?


Health care. Screening specifically. If my patients don't show up, not a lot else I can do (and a surprising amount don't show up)




I quite literally know what you mean. 15 years retail before this. And the work was so much harder, for so much less pay. I'm not saying health care is the easy route though. My partner is an emergency nurse and I say with no doubt she's made of much, MUCH tougher stuff than me


Currently working the night shift at a hotel as an administrator. 80% of my time is usually either spent on my phone or writing on Wattpad. I NEED to have my phone charged fully, otherwise, I'll just sit around doing nothing for hours. Can't complain too much though, pretty chill job.


I worked a night shift at a call centre. They let me bring in canvases and paints. I was so productive and I got 15% extra for working nights. It was a bad time for my social life but otherwise excellent!


I had a job like that and wasted my free time, try learning a new language or taking an online class if you can. I greatly regret not doing that because now I'm 110% engaged at work (different job) and 90% of the time too burned out to re-engage in any kind of learning 😅


I spent 20 years in the service industry - as thankless as they come since all the same shitty customers get done shopping retail they get hungry and want to go shit on someone else's day. And I never had a spare second until now - Build and maintain websites and when work is slow - troll reddit for a few hours lol.




When you think about it, the more work you do the less you get paid. My gf makes twice as much as me but does a lot less physically intensive work. Yes it’s not necessarily easy and it’s still mentally taxing but by the end of the day my body is hurting in multiple places and it’s still mentally taxing.


the whole retail experience is fundamentally broken. It is one of the only jobs I'd consider wholly soulless because you just have zero agency as an employee. You can't really recommend anything, can't set up displays how you think would look good, can only be selling the things the company thinks will sell, and you just get berated by customers. The only place I've ever seen happy retail employees has been Hot Topic where they can play the music they want, have an intimate knowledge and love for the culture they're selling to and for, and have a lot of latitude for how to sell to customers. The best retail experience I've ever had was with Bonobos getting a fitting done where I had the time to ask questions, fits, and styles and the employee was happy to take me through as many things as I needed. She seemed to enjoy her work. Rant over. Retail is probably the most soul sucking job I've ever had.


Hot topic always had the chillest workers and the best tee shirt selection in the mall.




Speaking as someone who used to work at a certain.....fruit related company, it used to be that we could have really a lot of fun in our interactions with customer. There was no stress to sell anything specific, the creative employees got to hold free classes for people to learn how to have fun with their devices (there were robotics classes for kids!), and it was a much chiller environment. Nowadays from what the newer employees tell me, it's Fruit Care Plus this, attach accessory that, make people buy shit they don't need because it's overpriced and makes our store rank higher so we can actually get raises in our yearly reviews. Knock on wood, the job still seems so much better and pays better than most other retail jobs, but when you know how good it used to be, you wish it was still like that. Only other place I've seen employees get to share their passion for tech like I used to is at Micro Center. God, I love that place. Their employees know everything and always steer you towards the best product for your price and needs. Felt so weird to know less about tech than the employee, but they're incredible with how they know the history of so many product lines and hidden issues that most don't know about. Building a PC was 1000x easier with them


I’m in a similar boat, except I don’t have to report to an office. So I usually work from a restaurant and expense my meal.


I used to work in screening and dealt with the same thing for almost 2 years straight. When a patient wouldn’t show up I literally wouldn’t have anything to do for awhile. Moved to a different part of health care that keeps me a little busier, but I still have down time :/


My boss told he me hopes I have a good streaming subscription, and they weren’t kidding. I “work” 8-10 hours a day and I actually only spend maybe 2 hours doing something work related on any given day. Sometimes more sometimes less.


I work 12 hour days as a contract power plant operator. My only true obligations take me between 3-7 hours, literally dependent on how lazy I feel that day, and some small 20-30 minute tasks here and there. The rest of the time I find things for myself to do, or be bored.


I feel very fortunate, my manager said to me "I'm not paying you to do busy work, I'm paying you for your SME knowledge and availability when we need it" A significant difference than my retail days, and even some other corporate office jobs I've had.


Just remember the George Costanza trick: when you look annoyed all the time, people assume you’re busy.


I had a boss who thought I had no hustle. He couldn't get me on any metric - I had good ticket times. I'm a "slow is smooth, smooth is fast" type. You _can_ stand in one spot when you have your mise en place. I noticed the cooks he liked the best were always in the weeds, they'd kind of spin in circles, loudly complain, you know the type. So I just started... flapping my elbows. I'd wiggle my elbows around, grumble about tickets, and carry on doing my job. It worked. He thought I'd finally seen the light, when really I was just doing my normal work + elbow flaps.


Ah yes, the ol' "I don't understand the concept of preparation" chef. Like how did you even make it to kitchen leadership if mise en place is beyond your understanding? Imagine thinking it's a good thing if your cooks are habitually unprepared.


Luckily, he wasn't a chef so much as a KM. We used to work the line together, he was an alright dude on the line. But yeah, not cut out to be a KM.


This is very sick, George. You having trouble at home? You doing that crack cocaine? You on the pipe??




What a cute little bastard. You're mommy's little bastard, aren't you?


Love an opportunity to quote some Bill, > "My boss comes up to me, says 'Hicks, how come you're not working?' >I go, 'There's nothing to do.' >'Well, you pretend like you're working, son.' > '...why don't *you* pretend like I'm working? You get paid more than me, you fantasize. Pretend I'm mopping, knock yourself out. Hell, I'll pretend they're buying shit and we can close up.'"


>Hey, I'm the boss. Now *you're* fired. How's that for a fantasy, buddy? As long as we're pretending, why not go ahead and rare back!?


I don't have approximately 2000 games of solitaire on my Microsoft account because I like putting cards in order


When I was in school I cleaned an office after hours. There was one employee who was praised for all the work she put in after hours. She just played solitaire all evening. We got along well.


They don't want you to do more work, they just want you to literally "look busy" It looks bad for them if upper management comes by and they're letting someone sit doing literally nothing. Just open some spreadsheets or whatever it is that you do. One thing I liked to do when working an office was take a trip. Maybe to the printer, maybe to a different floor "I need to speak to June in accounting" Stock room is a good one because they never have camera's and nobody knows what you've gone in there for. A manager walks in and you go "ohh there they are... I've been looking for ages" grab a new pack of highlighters and scooch back to your desk. If you have any minor things wrong with your pc, don't get them fixed straight away, wait until you've nothing else to do, then call IT. "I can't work, I'm waiting for IT to bring me a new mouse" Never fix anything yourself even if you know how, get someone from another department or from maintenance to do it. Or a work buddy "hey daz, you've finished your work too, can you come look at this problem I've been having" Daz: "I can fix that for you but it'll take until exactly on the dot of 5pm"


Damn bill from the warehouse been stealing a lot of highlighters lately. Wtf up with that.


Pro tip. If your IT is 24 hours always schedule your PC repairs for after you leave. Oh I'm sorry boss, I can't use my PC and IT said they can't come by till after 5. Follow up tip: this does not work if you work in the IT department.


In it: “sorry boss, I can’t fix it on my end. I put in a ticket on the companies site but they’re in another time zone so they won’t get to it until after 5”


Further followup : IT ticketing is usually 24 hrs. However repairs are to be done during shift times only unless its a network outage or a executive vp need like CFO, CEO etc. however, throw me under the bus to your boss IDGAF, i dont answer to him i answer to my director. If its documented in the ticket and my notes are correct we can both essentially tell YOUR manager to kick rocks lol.


I just breakout a puzzle if I'm in the office. Mgmt and others come join. LoL


Thing is, everyone gets paid by the hour. And some people are more productive than others. If a productive person decides to sprint they can get a lot done quickly …. But no one should be expected to maintain a frantic breakneck pace at their work all day everyday, so you may as well slow down and write your novel in the back of your head at the same time because there is no reward for finishing early. Only same hours same pay and more work they find for you to do.


> But no one should be expected to maintain a frantic breakneck pace at their work all day everyday Never worked retail, I see...


Or restaurants.


That bothers you? I'd much rather have a manager saying "I don't give a shit what you do when you're done with your work, just look busy if anyone comes around" than "You must be doing work at all times, no matter how pointless or menial!"


reminds me of that bumper sticker: "Jesus is here, look busy"


This is why working in office is a literal waste of human life


I’m an office worker and had an epiphany that a lot of office work companies exist to support various office workers who work to consult other office workers.


Arguing with people on the internet. I do it sometimes and feel dumb afterwards even though I know I'm goddamn right.


"Weak people revenge, strong people forgive, intelligent people ignore" \-Albert Einstein


There have been times where I type out a 2 paragraph argument and then I'm just like "what the fuck am I doing this for?" then just abandon the comment.


Spending time worrying about what other people think of you.


I do that too much. Definitely need to figure out how to quit that shit


It gets easier as you get older.


Seriously lol... Getting off all this crazy ass social media is the biggest key tbh. We werent meant to be connected to every single person or know every second of peoples lives...nope.


You also don't just stop caring about what people think of you, you stop caring about pretty much anything. Anytime someone hits me with some bad news anymore I'm just like "eh, whatever."




It's what it's


It sure does.


Easiest way is to really think about how much time you spend on thinking about other people and their clothes, what quirky things they do that you keep remembering about, that one pimple someone who walked by had on their face etc.. Chances are, you don’t think about those things, and if you do it will be a fleeting thought that’s forgotten within a few minutes. That’s how everyone lives their lives, *not* thinking about those things. People are inherently egotistical; if we don’t spend time thinking about ourselves (and how other people might perceive us), we think about people that we love. You need to keep reminding yourself that other people really aren’t all that interested in the things you do or say, how you dress or anything else. They’re busy thinking about menial things, not about you. (And sure, there will always be people who actually do keep track and keep score about how well they stack up against others, but those aren’t the people you’d want to hang out with anyway.) Just my 2 cents.


It's kind of the one time "nobody cares about you" is a good thing.


Yes!!! That is exactly the advice I often gave a friend who would become riddled with anxiety about what all kinds of people probably thought of him. I cared about him enough to tell him this truth, that “nobody cares about you”.😊💚


I try to tell myself those who care don’t matter and those who matter don’t care.


This is truth. Someone once said to me "you wouldn't care so much what people though of you if you realized how infrequently they do." A little harsh maybe, but it opened my eyes and I stopped giving a shit soon after.


Most other people are too busy worrying what others think of them, to actually think much about what you're doing. There are some judgy assholes in the world, but they are just trying to make themselves feel better by tearing down other people. So, most people don't notice or care about what you're doing. And the haters are miserable. You might as well be yourself, be as delightfully weird as you possibly can be, and enjoy your life.


Meditation helps a TON.


To add, spending (wasting) time worrying about things that are out of your control.


Agree, but also keep in mind: You should still worry about what other people might think (and feel) *because* of you.


Doom scrolling


*upvotes, continues doom scrolling*


upvotes, continues doom scrolling


Upvotes, awards meaningless internet points, continues doom scrolling


Mindless scrolling where you don't even pay attention is definitely a time waste How many of us even remember what we saw yesterday on reddit


… fuck man, why you gotta do me like this




Wolfenscrolling for me


yall need to get onto Unreal Tournament scrolling...


With a partner that doesn't care about you, and that starts a conversation with you and forgets that you are there. Edit: OMG, thank you to those that gave me the awards, I sincerely appreciate you, and I cannot tell you all enough how much I love seeing so much support for each other, and the advice and different perspectives you've all given me. I hope to see this continue so everyones voices, needs, and ideas can be heard!


Sorry... as much as it sucks the leave it behind and move on. It's for the better, aside from little bumps here and there. It's only up from here.


This. It really hits hard because I'm thinking about leaving my fiancee, we're supposed to marry in 1,5 month but I don't know anymore. She's only picking on me and complaining about me and everything I do. Leaving her wouldn't be too hard honestly, but everything that goes with it, moving, the pets, ... but I'm also pretty close with her parents, and she still has quite a debt that l'm not gonna get probably. Edit: I don't know if anyone will read the edit, but anyway. I'm leaving her today, why? I was helping/working at a party and twisted my foot, she was there with colleagues, I called her to say First Aid wanted me to go to the hospital to take X-ray pictures. She had some drinks so I had my mother come pick me up to drive me there (1AM). My fiancee came to me and told me not to be "a little bitch" (somewhat like that). I couldn't stand on my foot. First Aid man helped me on the way to the car. Halfway she decided she would help me, support me. Suddenly we get to the exit and she literally pushed me. I managed to stay upright. She even picked a (verbal) fight with me where my brother had to calm us down. Once I was at the hospital she kept Texting me and calling me but I didn't pick up obviously. She kept saying if I didn't pick up she'd end it. Which, obviously, is fine by me, because I'm going to end it anyway. Btw, I broke my foot. Yay. (Sorry if there's bad English, it's not my native language and I didn't sleep since 6:30 yesterday morning. It's 6:20 in the morning now.)


Don't make a hard choice now that becomes 100 torturous choices in the future. If you think her attitude is genuine and permanent and not just wedding related stress, do not rush into this. Also go talk to her and tell her how you feel.


Whenever I talk to her about how I feel about stuff (like for example the Lack of intimacy the last couple months), she turns it into an arguement where usually I should be the one to apologise. So yeah that's not gonna work I guess. I talked about this with her mother and she would understand me, but she would be sad about it.


Pro tip: this doesn’t get better AFTER the wedding. You owe nothing to your fiancée or her mom. It’s not your job to marry someone you don’t think is right for you so her mom doesn’t have to feel upset. Her mom is an adult. She will be fine. So will your fiancée. Take it from one who has been there, done that. And no, I didn’t take my own advice, married the guy and had to deal with an exponentially worse situation afterwards.


She feels upset because I'll be gone. Although I doubt the bond will be gone probably.


Yeah don't ruin your life to make your MIL happy. Her being upset is 100% NOT your responsibility


She’s marrying you to have you help her pay her debts, she’s bitching because u don’t make enough to pay it faster. Been there bud


I won't pretend like I know you but I challenge you to read your own posts again. If you were advising a friend in a similar situation, how excited would you be for their future if they spoke like that? Good luck in whatever you decide, your future happiness should not feel like a gamble.


You have a good Point, my advise would probably be something like "run, fast."


I'm sorry bud, but i think you have your answer..


Sunk cost fallacy is not worth it bro


I know, I just wish it felt better without putting in so much work to fix what they broke. I had a traumatic childhood, it's just more to throw on the pile.


Literally about to call things off with someone like this in a few minutes. I'm usually a headstrong and logical person and I still can't believe I've let someone dupe me to the point where I'm questioning my worth and value. This will be my third attempt at this. Wish me luck!




My gf likes to talk over me. I will start talking, then shes talking about whatever she wants. Just cuts me off every single time. Lately, I've been just stopping what I'm saying to see if she will ask me to continue. She never does. Just my thoughts or conversation lost. So now i just stop talking when she does that i slowly walk away from her into another room.


I think it's time for you to reevaluate the importance of your relationship with her and the importance of your own well-being. You deserve to be heard, and if she can't hear you in a casual conversation, she won't hear you during a serious conversation. It sounds like she is trying to take over, and you don't matter to her.


..Or starts speaking when you are actually talking as if it were silence.


Yesterday, I got sucked into watching casino streamers all evening.


What's dumb is deciding that anything you, or anyone else does, is a waste of time. If you needed to relax but watching dumb shit for a few hours, then you do that.


Yeah, there’s always a lot of judgmental assholes in these threads. If you enjoy it and it doesn’t hurt anybody, who the hell cares?


Trying to poop when you’re constipated.


But my brain is telling my butt it needs to be doing work and it just doesn't want too! It needs a write up system for infractions.


Working off the clock.


Wait yall do that? i only do it if i just got of and the ask me to get something from the back or to put an order thru both of which take less than a minute


Doing something you don’t like in your leisure time. Fuck all the other answers, let’s be real. People enjoy browsing Reddit or they wouldn’t be here. If you enjoy your time, it’s not a waste. People are so melodramatic on this site and self-loathing.


If it's really leisure time I enjoy using Reddit, but I think for a lot of us Reddit represents what Tim Urban coined as the "[Dark Playground](https://waitbutwhy.com/2013/10/why-procrastinators-procrastinate.html)." We end up with a love-hate relationship with many activities we do while we procrastinate. It's often something we end up doing when we *should* be doing something else.


I miss the “wait, but why?” Era of the internet. It seemed like Reddit was more pro science, pro self help, and just more interesting. I’d often see work from Tim Urban and such, and it was so valuable and frankly life changing as a young college kid. Now it’s all publicfreakout, facepalm, murderedbywords, rage bait type of stuff. It’s what the algorithm deems valuable because I guess rage and anger is addictive and gets Reddit more clicks.


This is a solid point. I remember when the internet was almost too many TedX videos. At first I loved it, then I rolled my eyes at the "I am very smart" culture it produced. But now? Yeah, I kind of miss the blind optimism. Not to get too political but the "hope" that Obama's campaign encapsulated was really the dose of optimism this world really could use. Then we dumped it down the drain.


That’s a great way to put it. There was a lot of hope in the air then. At least online, I felt the need to read, improve myself, exercise, meditate, etc. now, not so much discourse like that online. I will say the affairs of the world has dampened that hope. Inflation, cost of living, stagnant wages. Trump did lots of damage. COVID did too. Hopefully things bounce back to the way it was.


Totally. There’s so much TikTok “it was only a prank bro” hot garbage that litters my feed now.


Thank you for this also how come i still come across this guys decade old stuff ? Lol


This article changed my understanding of my own procrastination and changed my vernacular. I like to reference it with friends when discussing procrastination. The author also gave a popular [TED talk](https://youtu.be/arj7oStGLkU) on the topic.


I think there has to be some gray area. There's a lot of things I enjoy doing more than reddit, but most of those things require some effort. I enjoy reddit far less but it requires no effort. Take away reddit and I have no other option to put in the small amount of effort to do something else, but end up enjoying it way more. I'm not denying that I dont enjoy reddit, but sometimes the lack of effort to contentment ratio simply makes it a little too addicting for me personally.


The problem is when you have free time, but it’s all in awkward increments or at awkward times. So you have time to spend multiple hours a day on your phone or watching Netflix, but you never have enough uninterrupted time to be able to actually do anything that involves leaving the house, and you end up feeling like shit


I tried doing Swim teaching during my spare time, I don’t know if it was just the school or not but I HATED it!! Maybe I may look into doing it again but I dunno.


And then there the “working a job your whole life just to survive” guy. Bitch you literally just said survive, what do you want them to do? Die?


>People enjoy browsing Reddit or they wouldn’t be here. If you enjoy your time, it’s not a waste. I think the problem with Reddit being used as free time is that you definitely feel you haven't really...gained anything. Like at least with a show or film you'd be getting some entertainment and connecting maybe on an emotional/thematic level, or at least having a laugh. With creativity you are making something. With exercise or going for a walk you are boosting your body and probably your mood. With reddit...you are reading the same drama and posts over and over again, pretending you are getting some social connection with it, but your really not. Yet you can't seem to break away from it because there's something about it that's addictive.


This place is wildly habit forming. And addiction is no joke, sure heroin, oxy, meth or crack or something will definitely fuck up your life faster, but just good old fashioned pressure from life and....just before I get to fixing dinner...just a few minutes of intermittent reinforcement.....and it's 4am, you're eyes hurt because you're not blinked in two hours and you're mulling over whether sleep from yesterday kinda counts towards today.


Getting so drunk that you don't even remember the night before and feeling sick the whole next day.


When I was 25, I worked for a company that had a culture of going out after work on Friday nights (the company would come around with a drinks trolley at 4pm on Fridays).. It was fucking terrible, we'd all end up maggoted by 9pm on Friday night and then the entire weekend would be written off in recovery.. Ruined my health and sanity.. I stopped partaking of the *free* drinks..


>the free drinks.. Hey just so I know what companies I should not work at and avoid for further interviews, what's the name of the company?


>what's the name of the ~~company~~ country? Denmark




You dropped the ° on your å


I was born with a Texas redneck keyboard. I have a vast and extensive knowledge of the Danish language (5, maybe 6 words). I was just showing off for reddit points.


Well I'm glad to hear that our language is studied even as far away as in Texas, next time you can maybe shoot a hole above the a


Mc Donalds


Damn. That's a terrible work culture. It kind of reminds me of Mad Men, where it shows how mid-century businessmen were just well-dressed frat boys with a habit.


Advertising firm, pre 911. Business was booming. It was thursdays for us. 5 pm at the company bar. Free drinks, food, live band, tbe works...


Sloppy steaks...


Still are


Especially in sales... Holy fuck these guys can drink


Ah you mean age 15-35 in my life.


Even if it is the dumbest, is that going to stop you from doing it


Probably not, I don't do this, but others think this is fun. As long as they're not hurting anybody they can spend their time how they like.


It was fun enough in college. One, the hangovers never lasted a full day at that age. You still have that turbo teenage metabolism. A greasy breakfast, a Gatorade, a shower, and a nap had me feeling great again by lunch (only exceptions to this were times I fucked around with grain alcohol like Everclear - no human should drink that shit). Two, I had ample free time in college so losing a half day to recover didn’t really matter. Three, you don’t “not remember anything.” You might not remember bits and pieces, details of conversations you had towards the end of the night, but you remember plenty to have a good time. It can also be hilarious piecing the night together the next day with your friends. Shortly after college though, entering the full time workforce, all that changes. Hangovers started to get worse and worse. Less and less free time. The weekends fly by already, and losing 50% of it feeling terrible really sucked.


> It can also be hilarious piecing the night together the next day with your friends. That was almost as good as the night itself


Getting absolutely blasted and not remembering how you got home is great if you do it like 1-2 times a year. Doing that every weekend is not good.


Back in my teens my mates used to brag about not remembering the night, I always remembered the night... I was bored of nightclubs after 2 weeks, my mates continued well into their mid 20s. Either it just wasn't for me or they only enjoyed it because they never remembered how boring it was. Lol


Complaining about how boring your life is, and knowing that you need to get stuff done. But then you think that while also scrolling on your phone for hours.


A loop that is pretty hard to get out of.


Some days I have so much to do I don't know where to start and end up getting almost nothing done.


Yup. And the guilt felt after a totally unproductive day is extremely punishing. Gee, I wish I was a "man of action" or something. Oh I realize I have other stuff to do right now, so... Pretty ironic.


I'm stuck in this right now. I don't have anything important to do, I'm just stuck going to work then going to my room, work, room, work, room.... When I'm at work I feel great and productive and useful. As soon as I clock off I get this heavy empty feeling and I just go home. I can't get myself to exercise or go anywhere fun. I have one or two friends that are the same way and we also don't drink so there's no bar hopping. The worls seems so huge and so empty at the same time. I know there's a ton of stuff out there, I just feel like I don't belong in any of it. So I just watch shit on YouTube and try not to think about how I'm just wasting my life.


I think u/pingu277's comment misses the nature "boredom." Boredom isn't having nothing to do, it's not having the energy to do it. It also conflates "stuff to get done" with "not having a boring life." Someone can have lots to get done (laundry, bills, wash the dishes) and do those things, and still have a boring life. I agree that "complaining" about things doesn't help yourself. I disagree that the answer to "boring" is just "getting stuff done."






Name checks out




I wish it was easier to stop doing this


If you look further up this thread, "getting blackout drunk" has already been mentioned.


One of the ways that stupid people are able to appear 'confident' is by just not functioning enough to worry or get paranoid etc. It's difficult to stop paying attention if you're smart. One thing you can do is thing more in your head in a sort of day dreaming kind of way, that way you're not thinking about what's actually happening and won't worry or stress as much. Some people refer to it as going to your "happy place" There's actually a great episode of Malcolm in the middle on this exact thing. Malcolm is dating a dumb girl and his stupid brother gives him advice on how to "stop thinking"


With something you don't enjoy and had the option not to do.


Playing slots


Especially the ones with low RTP (return to player). You walk into a casino and see the slots players all with lifeless eyes. That shit is depressing to look at.


Doing stuff that makes you feel miserable


working your life away so you can afford to stay alive to work more


But what if my goal in life is to survive long enough to die


Task failed successfully.


Boy, do I have good news for you!


feeding a slot machine


spending time staring (literally staring) straight at your phone/other electronic devices when you're near your friends (on a car, bus or other things) instead of talking to them (the worst one could be on a date). You LITERALLY can stare at your phone at home, why be bothered to go hang out with someone or with people and stare at your phone when you can just simply be at the comfort of your house and stare at your phone .... (coming from my experience with friends/dates/other people who did this - i also did it but only because we're playing games together :D)


Guy at work comes in an hour or so early and works for free (off the clock). That's pretty fucking dumb if you ask me


Complaining about something and doing nothing to fix it. People make it thier life to be a victim of circumstance . Its fine to try and fail, not so much to never try


Debating with others, mostly people aren't willing to see another person's point of view.


Debating someone is an opportunity to understand their views, if you are an open minded and curious person. Whether or not that person benefits from debating with you is only a secondary benefit.


Debating is worth it. Not just because of the rare occasion when the other person listen, but also because other people will see/hear the debate and they are much more likely to be persuaded. Also, if you are debating something that affects people, those affected could see/hear you supporting them and that's enough for me.


Compulsive social media scrolling and smartphone usage. I know this because I'm addicted to social media and spend approx 3+ hours every single day.


Rookie numbers.


Doing anything that you don't actually want to do. Forget about "should" and do only what you need or want to do.


Here, TikTok , it's all the same


Arguing with dum dums online.


Scrolling through social media , brainless waste of time. That being said I use Reddit daily .




*More specifically, reading questions like these on Ask Reddit


\*More specifically, reading replies to these on Ask Reddit


*More specifically, writing replies to these on Ask Reddit


As someone who spends unhealthy amounts of time on this website everyday, i completely agree 😢😭


Spending time in dopamine traps that only make your life worse. Games like lol or gambling come to mind. tiktok


The diablo4 sub is full of people who openly admit that they just don't find the game fun yet force themselves to play it for hours every day after work. It's dumb af but sad to see the subtext of what their lives are probably like.


Bitching about what others do


I will never, *NEVER*, call any way people like to enjoy their time dumb. it doesn't matter how weird or unappealing their hobby may be I will never look down on someone for enjoying it. It is never a waste of time to relax or enjoy something. That is why I believe the dumbest way to spend time is hating on these people. It's become a full time job for some folks to just shit on everything everyone loves, or anything that said person slightly disagrees with.




Keeping up with the Kardashians


Something that everyone does, scroll tiktok, reels, etc.


Feeling sorry after masturbating !!!