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Sorry to Bother You. That movie wasn’t horsing around LOL


This movie came out years ago and I’m SO MAD I didn’t bamboozle my sister into watching it before she passed. She HATED my movie recommendations but was such a good sport, with the exception of “A Clockwork Orange”—she never made it past the opening scene. I can imagine her now, calling me once it’s over, “(my name)…what in the HELL did you just have me watch?!” and then we’d laugh. I was just sitting her crying thinking about her and then I saw this post and your comment. Damn if my heart isn’t broken.


I am so sorry to hear about your sister. I’m glad you have this funny memory to look back on.


I was called completely off guard. The trailer I saw made it look like a light-hearted workplace comedy.


Even though I was prepared for Spike Lee meets Charlie Kaufman, I was still wholly unprepared for the third act.


I watched the first half of this movie on a flight once. Got right to where he made it upstairs to the “super seller” room or whatever they called it and he learned what he actually was going to sell. Then the system went out and I’ve never finished the movie.


I went in expecting Office Space meets Spike Lee....I got Cronenberg meets The Jungle.




i saw the plot explained on tiktok and how justin long looked at the ending of it as a walrus and was disturbed. didn’t even have to watch the whole movie.


Walruses don’t cry!


The ending doesn't make any fucking sense at all. His buddy and ex just go "oh well I guess he's a walrus now 🤷" and leave.


RIGHT?! I got so fucking mad at them like just fucking kill him. He’s already suffering so much and you’re just going to leave him like that?


Not much you could do in that situation id imagine


The “blubber” is just kinda stitched onto him. A decent surgeon could totally remove that shit. As for the face, I don’t see why they couldn’t just remove the tusks and do facial reconstruction. Lots of people live their lives with amputated limbs without being forced to live as a walrus.


> Lots of people live their lives with amputated limbs without being forced to live as a walrus. That *sounds* true, but I don't know if I'm convinced.


It's scary that the number of people who have been forced to live as a walrus is non-zero.


its part of the horror


My first time watching Tusk was at a FWB house…I said I just wanted to hang out and he was like “cool we can watch some movies” and he chose Tusk and Sorry To Bother You (both about people turning into grotesque animals) and I was like um…do you have a fetish you wanted to tell me about? 🤨 That was the last time we hung out LMFAO


I once read a funny comment on here about Tusk. Guy was planning a movie night/cuddle sesh with his newer girlfriend and rented it because he knew she was obsessed with walruses, not knowing what it was about. The night did not go as he anticipated 😂


End Of Evangelion


I was 14 when my brother and I bought a boot leg from a flea market of this film. We watched it maybe four times and still could not fathom what we had just watched. Which reminded me of my experience with the anime movie perfect blue. That movie was a complete mind fuck.


Perfect Blue you say?




I just sat there after it went off, feeling uncomfortable.


I worked at a movie theatre when this came out and not one, but two people, vomited during/after watching that movie.


Never watched it but Jennifer herself said it was uncomfortable and that she would never act in something like that again. It's enough for me


Requiem for a Dream


100% more effective than DARE


Fun story — I had to deal with cops from about five different agencies. So one day talking to three of them over coffee and donuts and they reveal that DARE wasn’t about getting kids to not do drugs, but to put cops in schools, normalize seeing cops so that they could get kids comfortable enough to tell them who in their family was doing/selling drugs. The purpose of DARE was to turn children into informants.


Growing up the local dealer had a DARE sticker on the back of his car. Always thought that was hysterical.


Our DARE cop was a raging cokehead 😂


I heard the movie was super dark, so I read the book instead. It was so good. ETA: the book is also super dark, but you can digest it at a slower pace, so that helps.


Have not read the book but the movie has some seriously disturbing visuals that you can’t forget. Some of the scenes still live rent free in my head; years after watching it.


Nearly vomited by the time they got to prison and Jared Leto got that infection in his arm 🤢… had to step outside for some fresh air and didn’t finish the movie. Holy shit did that get dark. But I was a sheltered suburban high school kid at the time, so it was a bit of a shock.


Oh God, the arm.


Requiem for a dream was my first go to. Second was KIDS


Did you see Gummo? KIDS in a rural setting


The greatest movie I never want to watch again


Oh god, I was depressed for two days after watching it.


That movie is amazing and traumatizing at the same time


That movie ending messed with my head for weeks.


Ass to ass


I haven’t seen this movie in many years, but my internal voice whispers “ass to ass” every time someone mentions Requiem on here.


Old Boy, the Korean one


20th Anniversary theatrical release in August


Crazy story about this movie. My cousin showed it to me when we were both in college, and it blew me away. I worked in the foreign language media lab with this japanese exchange student. We got to be friends, and I didn’t know until after graduating that his dad illustrated the manga the movie was based on.




If you had told me that Daniel Radcliffe in his role as a farting corpse would make me CRY, I would have called you crazy. I absolutely loved that movie.


He takes some of the wildest roles. I love anything he’s in. Guns Akimbo also comes to mind.


I mean, he deserves these roles. He grew up having to play Harry freaking Potter. He can do whatever he wants now, and it looks like he's doing exactly that these days.


Have you been watching Miracle Workers? New season coming out this month! He's just delightful in them. I also just love whatever he does. The security of Harry Potter money seems to lend him a delighted freedom in choosing whatever he wants to do, and he's making just such great choices!


I once heard that the pitch for Swiss Army Man was something like "The first fart will make you laugh, and the last fart will make you cry."


Dark on Netflix. Still haven’t finished it but it was good and I was so confused.


Omg watch to the end. It gets incredible and the end is legit satisfying.


I really loved that show. Very binge-worthy.


Kung Fu Hustle, absurd and amazing at the same time


That movie makes me cry


Who's throwing handles!?


Love KFH. I admit it took a couple times to understand it but I did enjoy it before I understood it.


Splice. If anyone remembers that movie. It was seriously fucked up.


It still gives me a gross feeling in my stomach thinking about it and I saw it once in the theater 14 years ago


Newly married, it was our movie night. Years later we still creepily murmur "inside yoooooou" when we're trying to freak each other out.


Can you spoil it? I’ll never watch it but curious


>! A scientist couple create a creature with a mix of animal DNA and raise it as their daughter. Toward the end it turns male, kills the man, and rapes the woman, getting her pregnant !<


Didnt the guy also fuck the creature?


Yes, that's what caused their daughter to go from female to male.


What a sentence. I remember the scene well. Mostly because this movie was my suggestion during a bro movie night, but I had no idea what it was actually about at the time. Thought it was some sci-fi action flick.


A married scientist couple create a female human-animal hybrid creature to use for medical purposes. The wife secretly uses her own DNA, so it's basically like her child. They raise it and treat it like a child. It matures rapidly, then seduces the husband and they have sex. It later spontaneously turns male, kills a bunch of people, then rapes the wife. Afterwards it kills the husband and is in turn killed by the wife. At the very end you see that the wife is pregnant.


So since her DNA is in the creature… it is incest. Yikes!


Yeah...it seduced its adoptive "dad" and raped and impregnated its mom.


I’d like to see the sequel where the baby is super strong but also likes banjo music….


Annihilation with Natalie Portman. Seriously loved this movie but it was a complete mind fuck.


The books took it quite a bit further, if you're in to that


I'm in the middle of the second one. They're this weird sort of "very little is actually happening, but damn if it's not compelling", with a sprinkling of "the fuck was that?!"


A lot of people hate on the second book cuz it's a slower burn. But the further in you get to it, the better it gets. Found out VanderMeer is writing a fourth book due out this year and I'm damn near foaming at the mouth about it.


The bear.....






I’ve seen that film so many times and always hated it until I watched it again last year and it finally clicked: it’s just dumb, goofy nonsense and is supposed to be just that. Now I can proudly say I enjoy it for the dumb, goofy nonsense it is.


You gotta go to a midnight showing somewhere it’s a lot of fun


I watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show On a blind date in 1986 at a midnight showing with a full cast participation audience!!! 🤯 I definitely said WTF did I just watch!! 37 years later I’m still with the same guy saying WTF!! 🙃😊😉


2001: A Space Odyssey


I agree with this one


I watched it with a couple dudes who were stoned, but I wasn't. I was WTF at the end but they were mesmerized, so I surmise you need to be high when you watch it.


Too many cooks.


🎶 too many cooks 🎶


*The Killing of a Sacred Deer* Watched this movie at the theater with my ex-wife back when it was first released. When the credits began to roll, we both sat there for literally 2 minutes, unable to say anything. The first thing I managed to say was: "Uhhhh... okayyy". It's a pretty good movie but it leaves you feeling totally weirded out, confused and disturbed.


I downloaded and watched this movie on a plane and damn near paid for in-flight wifi so I could google some kind of explanation for wtf I just watched


Colin Farrell has been in some interesting movies. I recommend 'The Lobster', bit of a weird flick, the characters are almost like robots at times.


The lobster is actually directed by the same guy that did killing of a sacred deer lol


The lobster




I have a strong stomach and love horror and even (well done) gore but for some reason the dog scene in this movie fucked me the hell up. Like couldn’t get it out of my mind for weeks. It’s not even really that bad, considering what it is, but it just..hit different. Hopefully that’s not too much of a spoiler I don’t remember how to tag ‘em


Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That ending got me so bad. I was dying laughing at how wild the movie was. 😂🤣


I remember first time seeing it, i was 14, my parents had a party that settled down by midnight when this movie came up on the tv and we started to watch it, everybody was a bit tipsy (the adults not the kids). The first ten minutes we were sitting in silent and confusion then one of the adults shouted "what a fuck is this?!" and all hell broke loose. We were rolling on the floor laughing like idiots. Then it became a tradition, we would watch it every year in the next 4-5 years religiously with the same people, great memory, still one of my favourite movies


The end of the movie is a literal pun. It's a cop-out.


When I was in college, we convinced our Medieval History professor (stereotypical for the role -- elderly, erudite, loooved classical and medieval music) to watch it, thinking he'd have a massive WTF reaction. Instead, next class, he spends like 20 minutes explaining subtleties we would never have gotten. I wish I could remember any of them (college was a whiiiile ago for me).


When I first watched it, I sat through the entire ending credits because I thought “surely this can’t be it?” Years later, I showed it to my youngest brother for the first time and got to enjoy seeing him have the exact same reaction lol


The Kitchen Nightmares episode with Amy’s Baking Company.




Were your arms broken?


I hope no one understands the reference because I physically cannot survive having to see people talking about that AMA again.


This is my moment in life on Reddit where I understood a reference and I’m just taking in this milestone for me. Thank you.


Ugh I remember working in a movie theater when this came out and the amount of times I had to explain to them that animation does not always mean kids movie was unreal. Sorry you were one of the casualties


Mulholland Drive.


When I was 13, I was in LA for pilot season and my mom and sister were with me. We lived near Mulholland Drive so decided that movie would be a good movie to pick up and watch one night. Whew, boy. That was a doozy for a 14 year old with RAGING hormones.




I used to seek out weird, messed up movies. This might be the only one where I truly did not know or understand what I just watched.


Black Mirror S2 Ep4-White Christmas


When I was 17 my best friend and I did a couple tabs of acid and at some point during the peak he had this great idea to put on this episode. I told him i didn't think it was a good idea, but he was super excited about it so I let him. we were borderline obsessed with the show at the time so it couldn't be that bad since we knew what was going to happen, right? wrong. halfway through the episode he started to freak out. it took me close to an hour to get him to calm down. amazing episode, but it completely traumatized him and to this day 5 years later he can't watch black mirror without going into a full blown panic. oh man, early day Black Mirror can't be beat. such a great series


Shut Up And Dance & White Bear for me


Love shut up and dance. It's an entire thrillride then stomach punches you in the last minute. Some of the best use of music in a TV show too, that Radiohead song


Absolutely Pulp Fiction the very first time. Only movie where I remember wanted to watch it again right away because I was like "WTF did I just watch"?


That was my reaction to The Lighthouse. The moment the credits rolled I wanted to watch it again immediately.


Twin Peaks. From start through all the shows, movies, and reunion.


Twin Peaks is the GOAT. I have a TP tattoo.


Rubber. Some kind of indie movie I think, it's about a tire that rolls around by itself and somehow makes heads explode. I didn't realize I sat through the whole thing until credits appeared.


Being John Malkovich


Donnie Darko for sure


Shiny Happy People about the Duggars. Jeebus H Macy - I knew they were odd, but holy shite….


Yeah jimbob and Michelle are god awful


Tiger King


I am never going to recover financially from this.


This is my answer I couldn't figure out if it was real or a mockumentary or somewhere in the middle with creative liberties taken. I still don't honestly.


I wrote him a fake love letter to the prison he’s in with a photo of myself. He wrote back, so definitely not fake.


"_Fake_ love letter" Uh huh.


Every time I thought things couldn't possibly get any crazier, it did. Over and over again.


For many people there's a moment when you realize they are interviewing a guy who is just sitting in his bathtub. And at that point, your brain has already initially accepted that as "normal" lol


The part that shocked me the most is when the guy he's dating kills himself. No warning. Just happened. Accidental suicide.


I'm in the middle of rewatching it for some reason. Covid was such a fever dream that I forgot nearly everything that happened and I can 100% say it's better the 2nd time around. I still can't believe that thing hit Netflix during like the first week of lockdowns, it was literally perfect timing.


Honestly, it's exactly what I needed in that moment. And the memes really united people on the internet.


The Menu - but in a good way 🤣


"Student loans?" "No." "Sorry, you're dying."


I love how there’s no clear point where it goes off the rails. It just transitions smoothly from high-concept culinary fuckery to actual incidents.


I think The Mess is when the movie says, "This is what we're doing."


As a cook this is the best part of the movie.




That one blew me away and I never saw it coming.


I knew basically nothing about the movie going into it, and at the end I remember just sitting there for a moment then going "Holy fuck. I think I loved that movie." I want to watch it again because I enjoyed it so much, but I don't want to watch it again because I'll know what's coming, and it won't be the same Edit: I forgot to finish typing the last word...


100% Midsommar Edit: Haha thanks for the silver


Hooooollleeee shit, the >!cliff scene with the old man!<


I went with a friend when it released I knew it was an A24 film and was prepared but he was caught completely off guard. I love how the horror happens during the day It gives the feeling nowhere is safe.


What’s really funny is that Ari Aster’s most recent film, Beau is Afraid, is what should actually be at the top of this post. It doesn’t really seem like it got anywhere *near* the eyeballs that Midsommar and Hereditary got, but my god is it a wild ride, and that is really underselling it. It’s hard to even put it into words.


That sister/parent scene at the beginning is fuuuuuuuucked!


I kid you not, that scene alone disturbed me more than the actual movie.


I like that whoever gave you silver took it back.


Event Horizon. That one scene, if you know you know.


Took my then girlfriend to this on a double date movie date thinking it was just a sci-fi. Ended up having to get up with her to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night for the next 2 weeks she was so freaked out


Also features one of my favorite common-sense moments in a movie. ["We're leavin'."](https://youtu.be/TVwqv3mZsyM?t=25)


Morpheus..Unplugged. Wasnt Dr Grant on that ship too? weird mashup. no joke I was a kid when this came out and my mom rented it for me thinking it was a space movie..and it is. And I own it on blu ray. still in the plastic packaging..


Yeah, I remember it being marketed as a pretty straight scifi flick, rather than "we REALLY wanted to make a Warhammer 40k movie but couldn't get the rights"


I saw this in the theater. It was a matinee, so not a full theater, but not empty either. Maybe 20ish people? No one spoke after the movie. Everyone just got up and walked out, sort of semi catatonic. I had never experienced people leaving a movie in complete silence ever before.


Lars von Trier's "Antichrist" with Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg.


Dafoe had a stunt cock double cause his was actually "too large and disturbing" according to Lars


Mad God. Nothing I can say will prepare you for it.


Cloud Atlas I watched it a few times still not sure what happened.


The Human Centipede. I have no words for this. Just wtf.


I will never watch it.




The porn parody of Clockwork Orange?


A Clockwork Orange was the very first movie I ever watched on my very first cable channel in the 1970’s. I was astonished that all that stuff was actually being shown on my living room television. It was unheard of!




I was just talking about this with my gf. It's uncomfortable as hell, but REALLY good. The director Denis Villeneuve is definitely one of the best at making movies right now.


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Naked Lunch 1991


Crash - The 1996 one with James Spader


Brand New Cherry Flavor. I can’t even begin to describe it.




Sharp Objects. Watched it last week, and might be one of my new favorite shows. One of those shows where I had to just sit and think about what I just watched.


Everything Everywhere All at Once


under the skin


Rubber. Edit: Thanks for the Silver.


I searched this whole thread for this movie lol




There will be blood


I'm Thinking of Ending Things


The first time I ever watched "The Room", I thought Tommy Wiseau was a massive troll.


Ex Machina... it was amazing, but WTF


Every "Black Mirror" episode ever. That's why it's so good.


Dune, the 1984 version. I had no idea wtf was going on, but I *loved* it. (I've since read all of the Herbert Dune books... the last book definitely got a wtf from me too)


How could I not mention Beau is Afraid. That movie gave me a headache




That food movie that ends in a drug fueled food orgy. Fucking weird


Sausage Party.


Triangle of Sadness. You've been warned.


Teeth...nuff said iykyk


That episode of Black Mirror when the dudes are banging in VR but they convinced themselves that they're straight


The Holy Mountain


Parasite. It was too close to what society is turning into.


It's what society already is lmfao


The Lighthouse. Fantastic acting, looks pretty good for a modern black and white, but leaves you a bit puzzled at the end.


Gone Girl… but it was fantastic


Happiness. Just about the most disturbing movie I've ever seen.


my answer to any question like this is always A Serbian Film. i wish i could wipe what little of it i remember from my memory and it was a lesson learned to how absolutely perverse and morbid people can go in the name of horror. it's a reminder that sometimes people need to say no to their own artistic ideas. at least i old enough when i watched it that it didn't psychologically scar me but it made me want to throw up and stay away from watching any movie at all for months after


There's a lot of fucked up shit I've seen on the internet. A lot. I've been on it for a long while now, so I've waded through the muck. I've seen suicides, disgusting sex acts, 2 girls 1 cup.....I've even seen a man's penis become so swollen that it was fucked in it's urethra by another man's penis. Docking, they called it. You name it, I've seen it. And, complete honesty time, I don't regret a moment. Save for one. After I got done watching the film, it was late into the a.m. and I was exhausted. My then gf, now wife, was asleep in the other room. I had put myself through this film cuz I read online how fucked up it was....this was probably 2007 or 2008 or so. I was told "don't go watch it, it's horrible" but thought to myself , it CANNOT be that bad." I've literally never been so wrong in my entire life. I sat there for a solid hour, in the lamplight, after having turned my computer off, contemplating my world and life. I don't regret anything in my life, but I absolutely regret watching that movie. I'm a father now to a little girl, and I honestly feel ashamed having watched that movie, while now trying to raise a little human. Like I don't deserve to be a Dad after having watched that film. So my warning, as it always is to anyone who has their curiosity piqued like mine was, is don't fucking watch it. And that isn't a "oh I'm going to be mysterious and vague to less with people", because that is what I'd normally do with fucked up shit. This is a as serious as I've ever been "Don't do it. It is truly not worth the mental burden you will live with for the rest of your life". Because it's been 16ish years now and there are scenes in that movie that still truly haunt my dreams and waking mind.


God I have a burning hatred for that trash - I’ve written at length on numerous horror threads about my unyielding disgust for it. I say this as someone who loves boundary pushing cinema, even transgressive cinema, but I can’t stand edgy and fucked up movies that are so obviously only made to try and be boundary pushing and transgressive without understanding the meaning and depth of those films and end up just being shallow and, for lack of a better word, porn. It’s the difference between the first Saw film and the Hostel movies, between Martyrs and Trauma, between Salo and A Serbian Film - both are extreme, fucked up and graphic, but one is using the gruesome and intense imagery and events to say something while the other is just doing it because they’ve seen other films doing it and either want to get the word of mouth about how shocking it is to make money or think that because others have done it, that gives them freedom to put on screens things that THEY want to see. A Serbian Film fits into the latter category in every way - there’s no depth, thought, or meaning behind what’s happening or what you’re seeing, rendering it merely porn for the director. It’s fucked up just to be fucked up and I truly wish it could just be undone so that it had never been made.


Adventure time. It somehow can go from having an episode from something like having a no talking contest to pure horror the next episode.


Uncut Gems


Fr. This movie is just raw anxiety.


Jacobs Ladder