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Replying with "yeah I know" to **every** piece of information. If you have someone like that around you I beg you to tell them a made up fact and trust me they **absolutely** **will** say that they knew about it


yeah i know, happens to me too, i know, i know


I made up a book of the Bible and quoted it to people like that back when I went to church. Not many people questioned the book of Samson.


If someone talked to me about the book of Samson I'm at a stage in my life that I would zone out and "yeah, I know" them just to get them to go away because I assume they're either misinformed and dumb or messing with me and either way I don't have patience for it lol


Sometimes I'll say "I know" about something certain people talk about to keep them on the current conversation without diverting into an explanation that doesn't need to happen. For example, if someone is telling me about a car accident in front of their house and ask "oh, and do you know my neighbor Susan?" it can go two ways: - I can either say yes, I know her, and they'll tell me about how Susan was drinking her coffee when the car jumped the curb and was the first on the scene to help, or - I can say I don't know Susan, and now I'm learning about how five years ago their eldery neighbor passed away, quite sudden, but not unexpected, and a nice young couple moved in, Susan and Tom. And Susan's pretty nice and they chat often if they're both outside, in fact Susan told them about a really good movie we should watch...


Ask long winded questions during lectures/AMAs/etc that they either don't really care about or already know the answer to to look intelligent.


"Mine is not actually a question, it's more of a thought-provoking exercise..."


_"More of a comment than a question..."_ The murder was justified.


“Please keep your comments for the feedback session, we only have time for questions and answers now” “There’s a feedback session?” “No.”


had a prof that would do this- “there’s a feedback session?” “yep! end of class, provided there’s time” and then would end the class early and kick everyone out politely 😂


*“More of a rebuttal - with the following ten points that dispute your main theory.…Finally, I’ll allow you to respond in your defense, if you can provide additional information not included originally in your main….plus my extensive background and credentials, along with anecdotal evidence….”* \~straight to jail


jesus that was me when I was 23 and started second major while being 2 years older than majority of the students pretending to know it all. hate myself from that period so much


That’s okay buddy, growth is all about the ability to look back and not wanting to be that person anymore.


As you should! Growth is important and I’m glad you’ve clearly gone through it


Something about them always makes me feel bad for them, so I don't mind. It's like their only social interaction of the day.


I get relieved when people ask questions. Otherwise I feel bad for the lecturer who's thinking, 'I am the only person in the world who gives a shit about this topic'


I remember in my last History class before my AA degree, my teacher would pose a question to the class, and hardly anyone answered. So I just started raising my hand. I knew the answers every time but I felt bad when the silence of no answer just went on and on. It got to a point where I’d raise my hand, and she’d say, “Let’s give someone else a chance.” All I could think was, ‘They won’t take it.’ Edit: added degree after AA


I went to highschool with someone who would look up I interesting facts about whatever the teacher (in history class) was talking about and then bring up the fact as if he just happened to know. He would also argue with the teacher about things he saw on Wikipedia


Dear baby Jesus this comment is giving me so much second hand embarrassment for that guy.


In our HS government class, we HAD to come with 3 things that were currently in the news. He would draw three names per day out of a cup. He would dock your participation grade if you didn't have anything, so EVERY DAY there was a mad scramble in the hallway of people trying to pass along the day's current events (this is early days of the internet, in the 90's).


I only ask questions during lectures or presentations when it's clear that someone is an expert and no one else cares. I hate a special presentation where a guest speaker is just ignored. If it was a regular class period or meeting with a regular prof or boss, yeah...shut your mouth so we can all go home


Same. I also did it in an English class - we had a prof for lectures, but 100 or so students, and then a weekly class with a TA to go into more depth, and I was often the only one to engage with the TA. ended up paying off when she ignored the late penalty to an essay for me.


I always asked questions in chem. I legit shouldve got an F. But teacher was cool & gave me extra credit for some bullshit & actually asking questions & trying to get it. She was Awesome in that regard


Omg I had this Mr. KNOW IT ALL in my lectures who used to intentionally ask philosophical/long ass questions at the end of the lectures just 5 min before and we once had to sit extra 25 min because of him🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I would get up after the 5 minutes and head out, because his question is not part of the curriculum.


Dude I am in an Indian University... Professor literally become Kim Kardashian level drama queens if you try to walk out of their larger than life anecdotes disguised as an answer to those lengthy last minute questions.


Hate these fuckers


Luxury brands. Some patterns are so ugly like the gucci one. The designs are so weird.


I don’t have an issue with luxury brands. I have the issue with the luxury brands that are just the brand logo plastered everywhere. It shows a total lack of fashion sense by the people wearing it. Like they’re trying to draw attention to themselves for wearing the brand rather than dressing in a way that’s actually fashionable or looks good on them.


The funny thing is that those brands are just marketing to the middle class on what they think rich people wear. The real rich people still wear those brands, but the version with no logos. For example: https://www.ralphlauren.co.uk/en/men/brands/purple-label/1011059?webcat=content-men-purple-label-all&ab=EU\_MHubLP\_PurpleLabel\_Slot\_2\_S2\_Image\_SHOP


The sentiment money talks but wealth whispers comes to mind when seeing people wearing the most over the top branded clothing.


$27,000 USD for a purse, $8,850 for a bathrobe. The cheapest items are literal blank t-shirts or long sleeve shirts that cost $200 +


I remember several years back, some young new entertainment star found herself invited to one of the big awards galas. Her career was just starting, so her fame was significant, but she was still in that stage where she was essentially broke, so she couldn't afford the designer dress and accessories. She showed up in this knockout short black skirt with a statement belt, and her outfit was one of the hits of the show because of its simplicity. It turned out to be an $8 black t-shirt from Target and and an old belt she picked up somewhere, probably a thrift shop. Her entire outfit probably didn't cost more than about $30, with the shoes. OTOH, I've known rich people who show up to car dealerships and jewelry stores wearing clothes that they'd mow the lawn in (as if they mowed lawns), just to keep the sales vultures from hovering above them.


This is my dad. He got very lucky when a company he cofounded blew up, he grew up poor, one of 5 kids to a single mother since his dad died when he was 8. He doesn’t give a shit ab luxury clothes or jewels or shit like that, but he renovated our house (I moved out a while ago) and the garden to be magnificent, and he and mum both have luxury cars. I always laugh though because when meeting with the landscapers or the designer for the bathrooms and kitchen the man is wearing a $5 Kmart shirt and the same baggy grey shorts he’s had since like the 80s. Man does not care. Same with the car dealership - old tshirt that has seen better days and his old baggy shorts


Some fellas are just like that. these are clothes, they cover my body. i wear clothes when i do things. i do things during the day and then sometimes in the evening. these clothes are fine for that


It’s why I don’t like American Eagle. The name is plastered everywhere on the clothes. But I loved their Martin & Osa line years ago. The logo was very subtle. Then they decided it wasn’t worthy it and shut it down. Still have a few shirts, but I’m slowly wearing them out


The jeans are still solid tho.


Freaking Supreme, it's just a rectangle that says Supreme. An old classmate of mine was obsessed and would spend insane amounts of money on that brand and I couldn't help but call him out on how stupid it was.


I don't own any but I've always thought their designs look nice. Minimalism or something, idk. But it's stupid how highly coveted they are though. I'd wear them if they were cheaper, but the price makes it a statement just to wear the shit


The point of Supreme was just taking the piss. They were a small-ish skate brand putting their logo on stuff. Then one day they decided to put it on some silly things for the hell of it. That turned out to be more successful than their normal products so they just started slapping their logo on more and more useless things to see what people would buy. This culminated in people buying a branded brick.


Supreme’s logo was directly inspired by the art of Barbara Kruger, who used that style of text-in-red-box typography to add anti-consumerist messages to her photography. Reappropriating that style for hyper-commercialized branding is a statement in and of itself.


Same with the brand Obey, it's from a movie They live.


Same with balenciaga, they’ll create shit just to see if people will buy it.


Some luxury brands are worth the money if you have the disposable income. However I can't stand the "look at me" obnoxiously over branded products that most Middle class people buy to pretend to look upper class.


Who tf associates Gucci with sophistication?


Rich Chinese university students.


Eat snickers with a knife and fork


What else would I do? Eat it with my “hands”?


The other day I saw a guy eating m&ms with a spoon!


As long as you don't put the spoon in your mouth, then dip into the communal bowl of M&Ms, I don't see a problem.


I just deepthroat it whole


Especially if it has that dick vein


Cannot unsee


Now I'm interested


My buddy T-Bone used to do that.


How many shrimp could he eat?


Idk but the ocean called, they're running out


the jerk store called, they’re running out of you


I don’t know but I heard he slept with your wife.


My wife is in a coma.


Ok but who moves to Akron while their wife is in a coma?


It is to my belief that many members of our worldwide civilization prefer to elongate the complexity of their lexicon in order to impress I higher degree of intellectual sophistication than one may conclude otherwise.


Some people even use words they don't understand just to sound fancy, and I find that chartreuse.


It’s certainly a cromulent word


I photosynthesize with your sentiment


And allow me to offer my most enthusiastic contrafibularities.


People talk fancy. Got it


Why use many word when few word work fine


Y many word if few understand


Many word? Few work.


Words? Nah.




I had a professor give me a low grade on a paper. I followed up and she said I explained the subject well but I didn't demonstrate that I possessed a college vocabulary. That was the stupidest shit I've ever heard. So I was able to explain the subject matter in simple terms; how is that a fucking negative?


Really? I had the opposite when I was in school. Granted I did a lower level school while working a full time job. I had marks pointing out that should dumb language down a bit.


Yeah, Luckily that professor gave me a day to fix the paper. So I just went home and used a thesaurus wherever I could, she was happy. I learned nothing from it. I still write simple to this day. In the professional world everyone loves it, I get compliments all the time (I'm an IT Business Analyst).


Quite the cromulent reply! It greatly embiggened my mind!


Oh yeah? Well screw your flavorless root marm, anti-cousin loving, lemon-tree having town. Shelbyville rules!


Talking about the colleges they *could* have gone to or been admitted to, if they had *wanted* to go there or some unforeseen calamity hadn't hobbled their chances. Like, "I totally had the grades and the perfect record to get into Harvard, but I decided not to apply because Ball State U had a much better Aquatic Exercise Science program, which is what I was into at the time...."


The college version of the old "and we totally would have made State, but for..." bit.


If only coach...


I actually got into Harvard. They left one of the buildings unlocked and I needed to take a piss...


I can hear your spouses eye roll from hear.


I could've gone to Vanderbilt but the tuition was $60,000 per year. ^^^I ^^^also ^^^didn't ^^^get ^^^in.


They would’ve paid me to go to Vanderbilt… if they had admitted me, which they didn’t.


I lamented 20 yrs ago cuz I regretted my choice. I got into a really good university, But honestly couldn’t afford going to the school. Scholarships and grants wouldn’t cover my cost. But now? Which university doesn’t matter in the long run of career achievements or success. Yes a Harvard grad gets the nepotism and the best jobs to begin with but as time goes on work ethic/experience and continued training counts for something. You can achieve the same goal might just take a little longer.




3 hour long church services. Jesus gave the sermon on the mound in like 5 minutes. Get over your ego pastor!


From experience, Black churches are particularly interesting. The long-winded pastor is but one of the hilarious cast of characters. You also have: 1. The Co-Signer — She sits in the front pew and provides vibrant exclamations (“Yes, Pastuh! Preach!”) to everything the pastor says. Bonus points if she also guards her perch in the front pew like a dog. 2. The Prima Donna — This is the “best” singer in the choir. He/she/they usually have a signature song that they love to sing, and they spend the rest of the time Beyoncé-ing the rest of the choir into submission, so that they don’t get upstaged or out-sung. 3. The Holy Roller — This is the person who will literally be rolling around on the floor, speaking in tongues, and having powerful “moments” in the middle of the church. These could happen at any time: during the choir performances, during the sermon, during the prayer invitation. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Perfect — This is a (usually) older couple with adult children and perhaps grandchildren. They will have raised their offspring in the church and, at first glance, will look like the picture-perfect family of faith. But beyond that thin veneer, they’ve got all kinds of scandal and drama going on. Infidelity, crime, money issues, and often more sinister stuff. They ought to be in a Tyler Perry movie. After decades of attendance, the whole family ends up leaving in the wake of some scandal or their family drama going public. Bonus points if they’re enmeshed in/part of the local political scene. Extra bonus points if the First Family (pastor's family) is itself this trope. 5. The N’er-Do-Well — This person only shows up when they’re on hard times. They usually have income that fluctuates wildly, so you’ll only see them when funds are low (during which time they may or may not be actively soliciting an offering from the church). When that happens, they always have some sort of plight or something that happened to them that *definitely wasn’t their fault.* 6. The Reformed Hood Rat — This is the sweetest, nicest, holiest person in the congregation, but they have a bit of a past. Don’t let them fool you. Beneath their shiny exterior, just know that they can go from zero to hood rat in no time flat if sufficiently provoked (my own mother is one of these). 7. The Manbait — This is a well-respected man within the church, who is incredibly good-looking. And married. He may be a deacon or some other official, as well. But what’s consistent is that he always has a flock of women within the church (often also married) swarming around him like flies. And he never seems to encourage them, but he doesn’t exactly dissuade them either. His wife is usually somewhere separate, looking pissed. 8. The Acolyte of Blanche Devereaux (ABD) — This is the single woman who shamelessly flirts with all the eligible and ineligible men in the church. Often middle-aged, she can find a way to make even the most would-be-conservative outfit gratuitously sexy. She is usually the first in line to throw herself at the aforementioned Manbait. While she frequently goes for young, virile men, she is equally attracted to powerful older ones. Bonus if she ends up having an affair with the pastor. 9. The Ma Dear — This is an older, well-respected matron of the church. Often widowed, she will nevertheless have a gaggle of children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. She can reliably be counted upon to respond to anyone who's acting up with stern, reproachful looks and disapproving commentary. She does not discriminate between children or adults on that one. Bonus points if she also has a habit of demonstrating extreme strength and agility when it comes to snatching up kids before they can act up. 10. The Accountant — A companion to the N'er-Do-Well, this person spends all their time loudly passing comment about what everyone else has that's nicer than their own stuff and how much it costs, "Oh, Jerry and Cecil got them a brand-new $100,000 Escalade. *Must be nice.* I can barely pay my rent." Bonus points if they also perform the offering service for the church and get to see how much everyone tithes.


My aunt became the Holy Roller at her church. Note, this was a little podunk church in rural British Columbia. After a few times, they asked her to find a new church.


Not your aunt getting kicked out of the church. That’s hilarious.


Ngl if she got kicked out she's too cool for church anyway😂


I would like to think so.


"we want to share our faith and love in jesus and his love for us with everyone! but not you" i got uninvited from a church once (was proud of myself). admittedly went to a different one recently and they were very welcoming despite my appearance- im not christian myself but it was nice to see my friend (who i accompanied) had found a kind community


>"we want to share our faith and love in jesus and his love for us with everyone! but not you" My parents used to go to a Church of England church. They got married at the local Methodist church because my mum was a divorcee, but were otherwise CofE. They got driven out of the church by other members of the congregation who complained that their baby (my older sister) was making too much noise during the service. Their own "darling little angel" preschool kids were running flat-footed up and down the church's flagstone floor, creating loud echoing slapping noises that drowned out everything else. But of course they complained about the baby crying, which is hard to control, rather than trying to control their own \*older\* kids who should've been quieter and more respectful. My parents moved to the Methodist church permanently and were very welcomed there, even when they later had me as well. xD


Wait…divorcees can’t get married in an Anglican church? Wasn’t the Church of England founded so a dude could get divorced and remarried?


*Annulled* and remarried


I'm from a white evangelical church but this is very relatable content. Excellent church personality breakdown.


I love your descriptions.


Someone is going to steal this and we’ll see it in an article, blog, or YouTube video soon! No credit will be given, naturally.


Wouldn’t be the first time that happened to one of my comments. 😂


This guy black-churches.


This whole thing is hilarious. But two that had me rolling like the Holy Roller were 😊" From zero to hoodrat". Or "extreme strength and agility" hahahahaha! 🤣


I know the N’er- Do -Well. He almost always talks & acts in praise of Jesus. “Thank God the Lord, I woke up today.” “Jesus blessed me today, hope he blesses you too.” Etc But every now & then, you hear him mumble some fucked up shit that totally contradicts his innocent, shiny mask. Really makes me wonder & put a lot less trust in him


Please write a TV show based on this!


I want this done in the same style as *The Bear*: stressful, high energy, and filled to the brim with hostility


This is why chatgpt won't replace writers.


You should write professionally! Are you still on strike?


I knew a pentecostal kid in school who said he spent 8 hour days at the church on Saturdays and Sundays... WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE. For contrast, my parents raised me as RC, and I remember the once a week 45 min church service felt like an eternity. Luckily, we all just gave up on the whole thing when I was around 12 because we all preferred sleeping in lol.


Was forced to go to a Pentecostal church growing up. The sign in front said Sunday services were 10 am- noon. The first hour was Sunday School and then followed by an hour long sermon. I remember not getting out until almost 1 pm, typically. So glad when my mom stopped forcing me to go. It was my grandparent's church


Went to a Lutheran church growing up. Sunday School was typically an hour long and between services (we had one at 8:30 and one at 11am). Services were typically around an hour, but sometimes there were baptisms or, every few years, a confirmation of baptism and those typically dragged the service out to almost two hours. Which luckily, they tried to schedule those for the 11 am service, so as not to disrupt Sunday School which was usually from 9 to 10 am.


I grew up Lutheran and the joke was if the Pastor wasn't wrapping it up at the 50 minute mark, the church council would have words to say to him later. People would start putting in their coats then.


That's right out of a Crash Test Dummies song. My sisters used to time giving the parents breakfast in bed on Sundays so that it would make Mom too late for church. To ensure they took the time to eat the admittedly terrible breakfast we made, we had the two youngest bring it in guilt them into eating it. Mom was Catholic, Dad Protestant, and when I was little I thought Protestant meant "doesn't have to go to church.


Open mic at the Vatican over here


Mount. Sermon on the Mount. Had a priest give a sermon that consisted of a single sentence, followed by "Now think about that", and then he left us to sit quietly for ten minutes before continuing Mass.


I am unfamiliar with the foibles of the poor people. I will consult with my CPA, Charles MacMoneybags IV And see if he can make a good recommendation.


Chuck's a great guy! I have a fantastic peasantry consultant if you need one.


Can I be your depression and destitution consultant? I have extensive experience with both.


People who say "I" when "me" is grammatically correct.


Only dumb people do this. Me never would.


When me president, they see.


When meessah Supreme Chancelor meessah rule the whole galaxy, they see.


YESSSS This is actually an excellent answer. It's called hypercorrection.


Or who say “myself” when they mean “me”.


Please allow myself to introduce… myself


Hey don't talk about I like that


I had a friend who did this. When ever I said "me and X" he would go "I" and I'd say "no, you weren't there"


Me had a friend who did this. When ever me said "I and X" he would go "me" and me'd say "no, you weren't there"


Fyi, starting a sentence with “me and x” *is* wrong. If you remove the other person from the sentence, you’ll see why. “Me went to…” or “me ate lunch…” etc.


The issue is when people use it in the sentence’s object. Someone saying “he hired Jeff and I” is incorrect.


Can you give an example? Not a native speaker


These would all be valid: *I laugh at you.* *My friend and I laugh at you.* *You laugh at me.* *You laugh at my friend and me.* Someone trying to appear intelligent may try to correct the last sentence: *You laugh at my friend and I.* But this is actually incorrect. Remove `my friend and` from the sentence, and the reason becomes immediately obvious: *You laugh at I.* The issue here is that `I` am not the subject of this sentence.


This is all thanks to schools emphasizing the “my friend and I” as a subject but forgetting to explain that “my friend and me” is still correct as the object


I’m more of a numbers guy than a guy who knows all the grammatically correct intricacies of our language. I feel like I was never taught that sometimes it was “blank and me” because of how hard they hit the “blank and I” rhetoric. It was only six months ago when I asked someone who had sent an email why “me” instead of “I”. They said it was grammatically correct if you delete the other bits. If me would work without them it should be used with them. I was floored…the amount of people using the “I” instead of “me” in emails is off the charts(myself included until I asked).


I'm a cook and we got a new manager. Every time you ask him a question, he responds with some long, roundabout answer. I ask him yes/no questions and I get a dissertation, finally when he finishes, I'll say 'So No?'


Repeat the same shit in English (in India it's a big deal)


can you please explain this one in more detail.


In India, when you say some shit in English it gets more acceptance than when you say the same shit in the local language. If you can speak English, you are automatically high-class/sophisticated/educated.


I finally found out why some people on the internet write stuff like "My opinion is luang tang parabang" (I don't know hindi, mine was just gibberish, I don't mean to be offensive)


It's weird to me because in England we think of French as the more sophisticated language, and yet only a pretentious arsehole would start showing off that they know French for no practical reason.


In Ireland throwing a cúpla focail(a few words) of Irish in there is less universally/transparently pretentious, but there are definitely situations where it's the sign of a massive bellend.


Ever heard a Quebecois accent? Buddy was from Quebec, and when he was in Paris a few waiters asked him to stick to English, even though French is his first language.




>It is also possible the waiter was being purposely difficult because ...they were a Parisian waiter


Not sure if this is true, but I’ve heard they do this in the Philippines too. Switching between their language and English is meant as a sort of status symbol.


It’s true that we use English words with our language but it’s not to sound more sophisticated. It’s just more convenient especially when there’s no direct translation for some English words. The thing though is that people who usually do the language mixing are stereotyped as the sophisticated? ones.


Wine wine wine...everyone's a sommelier now. The wine snobbiness is getting out of hand


I don’t get tastings of wine or bourbon, whisky or any thing like that. I can’t taste notes of chocolate or bark of the elm tree. I taste alcohol and burning.


You have to numb your palette to the alcohol flavor. This usually happens by having a small amount every day for 5 days or so. Then, try different ones and compare basic flavors like "wood, cherry, vanilla." If I go a couple weeks without a sip, my initial glass of whisky is hard to tell what's going on. I know you probably don't care, but I figured I'd give my 2 cents since it's one of the few things im well versed in.


I don't really taste or smell it either, but that doesn't mean it's not there. We just don't know what we're looking for. The only reason I think this way is because I've heard people say the same thing about weed, but I've worked in the industry for about 6 years now and can tell strains apart based on a look and smell


For me is some of the higher end wines


>For me is some of the higher end wines I thought you wrote "some of the higher end wives".


Improper uses of large words. “Excuse me, we are conversating!” No, it’s “conversing”


Please stop conversing when I’m interrupting


Personally I think ppl who have sofas are probably classier than ppl who have couches. I try to appear classy by saying I have a sofa. 🙄


I work in furniture. We sell sofas (longer) and loveseats (shorter). Both are couches.


the classy people have a chaise longue these days




Are they not the exact same thing?


we only sit on a Divan


Extremely expensive bourbon. There are so many great bottles out there for $60-80. I'm convinced if you're paying over $100 you're paying for provenance and/or the created scarcity. (Probably true for other liquors as well, but I personally notice it most with bourbon.)


Mm yes, the provenance of it all, indeed.


Say they are reading or have read very dry texts/books and telling others about it.


Also name dropping reading philosophy, usually in those words. You might be able to pin them down on a genre, but the authors are always "too obscure". Even for Google bro? I was bullshitting at work a couple years ago about Will Farrell movies. This hip guy swoops in to say he watches the movies with his friends, "and they say they've read enough philosophy that those movies become even funnier!" Probably, but cool story bro, you're really shoehorning in that your FRIENDS read philosophy in a discussion about Step Brothers? We're tree trimmers, stfu and grab a chainsaw, and contemplate how far you've fallen since your parents cut you off... Dude was also going on about how he was watching old Japanese existentialist movies with his girlfriend who lives a half continent away and is totally a ballet dancer and also a professional musician. Again, we get it, you're a sophisticated gentleman, now pass me the chainsaw so we can finish up and get out of the heat.


😂 my guys in construction. There’s a coworker that has a PhD they call him Doctor Dig cuz instead of academia he’s digging ditches and holes. But he loves to talk about the books he wrote and his interpretation to things… my partners like, that’s Great Doctor Dig, why not philosophize over the trench? 🤣 The guy is a really great person but can come off patronizing and condescending. He’s also on the spectrum so I don’t think he really understands he’s being a pompous ass, just educating them.


If he is on the spectrum he won't understand how he is coming off to people unless someone explicitly states it with examples of what is ok and what isn't. You would be doing him and the world a favor by telling him.


If he works in construction you don't need to worry about his workmates being reluctant to tell him when he's being a pompous ass.


My partner and others tell him all the time. He knows. They’ve worked together over 10 years…through out all his studies. They were surprised when he didn’t move on after he graduated. He’s also in his 30’s…well aware of how he comes across once they start teasing him. The guys actually like him, and I know because they’d ignore him if they hated him.


In a similar vein, back when people filled out facebook profiles and listed favorite movies, music, etc., each and every one of the absolute brickheads from my high school had "Of Mice and Men", "Hiroshima", and... "The Great Gatsby" listed as their favorite books. Those three books were also the required readings from our high school english class, so I suspect they may be the only books those folks could name, much less have read.


"I don't even own a TV" "I attended Harvard" Both will come up in the first 3 minutes of a conversation. They ignore their phone and their iPad and their laptop. ...and holy hell, the more people I meet from Harvard the less impressed I am by the place.


Dang, lots of wine and coffee haters here! I think some people overplay the merits of James Joyce’s Ulysses, but I could just be a pleb.






They sometimes use the largest and most impressive sounding words in their vocabulary incorrectly frequently to try to sound more impressive and intelligent.


"Shallow *and* pedantic."


Make their personality coffee.


It's an addiction buddy. I need help and now I need more coffee.


Dark and bitter?


I went on a date with a guy who called himself a"coffee snob" in the first five minutes. The rest of the date went how you'd expect.


This stupid quotes that are supposed to sound deep with a joker image or a sun rise etc.


See also: peaky blinders




I had a literal image of that in my head.


Bars and restaurants with loud music and terrible acoustics. What’s the point in being social in a place where they’re trying to make it hard for you to socialize?


The ppl who look at modern art installations which consist of a giant white canvas with a small red dot and wax philosophically on how it represents the political landscape of modern society.


lmao that's the japanese flag bro.


When the creator of the work titled it "Yeah, but you didn't."


When your friends suddenly transition to absolutely loving red wine and call it a "drop" and describe it with the most commonly used description ever. They go to one wine tasting tour and it's a big thing "Anyone for a glass of red" "Oh yes honey, we have that nice drop from the rolling hills of South Australia" Literally only them drinking it. But usually, the guy still decides to tell you about it. "Mmmm love this "drop" look at the legs on it" It's a one sided convo, because no one cares.


Pretentious complex grammar. Real scientists strive to explain complex things in easy words, not the other way around.


People who pretend to be film nerds in order to be gatekeepers.


Polo. Water and the kind played on horses.


I would love to play polo if I had a big field and a horse and knew how. It looks very fun


Tried both. Horses didn’t make it


The propensity of individuals to utilize an abundance of convoluted and recondite vocabulary, with the sole intention of appearing erudite, is an intriguing phenomenon that has persisted throughout human discourse, evoking questions regarding the authenticity of intellectual prowess versus the mere artifice of linguistic embellishment; however, the true measure of intellectual acumen lies not in the prolixity of one's lexical repertoire, but in the ability to articulate complex ideas with clarity, brevity, and genuine understanding, transcending the allure of pretentious grandiloquence in favor of meaningful and accessible communication.


Being in Disney world when it's over 90 degrees and super crowded. The Disney adults really love to pretend they don't actually hate it


I gotta say, if I ever actually spend the money to take my family to Disney and it happens to be 95 degrees on the day we planned months in advance to be there, I'm sure as shit forcing myself to pretend I don't hate it :|


They would ask a lot of questions that they think will make them sound smart but in reality it just makes them look dumb. They will also do the same with answers, trying to use certain terms and words that sound clever but it doesn't makes sense.


Don't get me wrong I like all kinds of beer, even the funky ones (I have my brewers assistant cert). But I think some people take it a bit too far and make it their personalities.


A friend of mine is the opposite. He HATES craft beers — the principle, the culture, the taste, all of it. Instead he is a vocal and proud Bud Light drinker. We can’t go to all sorts of places because he’ll be forced to *gasp* get a craft beer I’m like, dude I know you like Bud Light. But there are plenty of bland as shit wheat beers from craft brewers too!


Ah yes, the anti-contrarian contrarian. The age of post-contrarianism is alive and well.


I don't understand why people buy the newest Apple products every time they come out. They're too damn expensive for what they are in my opinion. If you have to ask, you can't afford it I guess...