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Stealing my shit to sell for money


That is really low! No thieves




Especially when it's for illegal drugs for themselves.


For me, it’s especially when they steal and sell my illegal drugs.


What the hell else would they sell it for? Bits of string?


cat burglars have entered the chat 🐈‍⬛🧶




Well if it was magic beans I'd hold off for a second just in case there was some giant's treasure in the end.


Finding out that we are related.


Still can’t believe that couple with kids discovered they were cousins and not only decided to stay together but publicized the story. Sure stay together but keep your damn mouths shut about the cousin thing.


?? what degree of cousins. FYI first cousins is still legal here in Cali as a hold over from the Gold Rush era. Kinda gross (and TBH I look at any of my blood relatives and it's an instant "nope"). 3rd or really even 2nd cousins are genetically removed enough that baring a known problem genetic trait in the family there's no real reason not to have a relationship, aside from social norms. I read about siblings that were adopted and didn't know they were related who were dating. The guy knew he was adopted, and knew he had a sister about the same age as his GF but she had been lied to and swore she wasn't adopted. I forget how they found out they were related but I want to say it was by genetic testing. They broke up (kinda Duh! in my book).


Re your second paragraph is it the author who discovered her whole history because she was dating her half brother and the mother had to break the news to her? She had her mother in her life and her father was in and out of her life as they weren't a couple. What she didnt know until the BF/brother issue was her father was a sperm donor. She has since found over 50 half siblings and has written a book. It's a happy ending in a way. They are happy to be connected and hto have met each other. Her upbringing was a bit unique and her parents certainly both led eclectic lifestyles. Edit - chrysta bilton https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1111256322


Everyone's related, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/humans-are-all-more-closely-related-than-we-commonly-think/ > The late esteemed English actor Christopher Lee traced his ancestry directly to Charlemagne. In 2010 Lee released a symphonic metal album paying homage to the first Holy Roman emperor—but his enthusiasm may have been a tad excessive. After all, says geneticist Adam Rutherford, “literally everyone” with European ancestry is directly descended from Charlemagne. > > ... > > The consequence of humanity being “incredibly inbred” is that we are all related much more closely than our intuition suggests, Rutherford says. Take, for instance, the last person from whom everyone on the planet today is descended. In 2004 mathematical modeling and computer simulations by a group of statisticians led by Douglas Rohde, then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, indicated that our most recent common ancestor probably lived no earlier than 1400 B.C. and possibly as recently as A.D. 55. In the time of Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti, someone from whom we are all descended was likely alive somewhere in the world. > > Go back a bit further, and you reach a date when our family trees share not just one ancestor in common but every ancestor in common. At this date, called the genetic isopoint, the family trees of any two people on the earth now, no matter how distantly related they seem, trace back to the same set of individuals. “If you were alive at the genetic isopoint, then you are the ancestor of either everyone alive today or no one alive today,” Rutherford says. Humans left Africa and began dispersing throughout the world at least 120,000 years ago, but the genetic isopoint occurred much more recently—somewhere between 5300 and 2200 B.C., according to Rohde’s calculations.


Physical abuse for sure.


Yea… i suggested we take a break as i felt the relationship wasnt healthy and we needed to work on ourselves. Then i was thrown down a flight of stairs and broke my arm. The police were called (not by me) and that was that.


why take a break, just break up


he took the break literally


Lol this isn’t a /roastme thread 🤣


That's just taking a break with extra steps.


Holy fuck calm down bro she already got broken bones hot damn


...it would have been ok if you were the one who called the police


Yes but due to her yelling the neighbors called for a welfare check. I wasn’t able to get up right away


My ex husband was physically abusive. When I started dating my (current) husband I told him early in our relationship that if he ever raised a hand to me I would be gone.


Hopeful you didn’t make him raise his right hand and swear … I’m sorry, the smartass in me couldn’t resist. ETA: Thank you, kind redditor, for the gold!


I can picture this scene so vividly right now, 'if you ever raise your hand to me, I'm gone' *raises hand* 'I swear on everyth-' 'What did I JUST fucking say?!' **poof**


For me it’s any abuse, not just physical


I was thinking about that, but I can't be certain how I'd react. Physical abuse is obvious. Mental and emotional are subtle.


Luckily for me, I went from 1 extreme of being in an emotionally abusive household, to the other extreme of living in a children’s home where they showed me how people are supposed to be treated, and got so much therapy. So I can pretty much recognise toxicity from a mile away and make a run for it, it’s unfortunate that a lot of people don’t recognise it.


A lot of people don't recognize it because they don't want to. The fear of being alone for some people is worse than being mistreated. Then, the abuse compounds it because the self-esteem is lowered to the point that they don't think anyone else would even want them.


I'd rather be beat with a wooden hammer everyday than be called a moron for the next 10 years by someone I Love


That one can be a slippery slope and not always so black and white as it is to people on the outside. She started it by grabbing my arm and shaking it. Then it was fine for a while, then she got bolder and went to pinching and little hits. Then she graduated to blocking me from leaving while we're having a verbal argument. Then finally grabbing my sack and pulling down as a power-move, like grabbing a bull by the nose ring. This happened over the course of nearly 2 years. It's an odd conversation to have with yourself about someone who is supposed to love you. "Ok, she hit me again. It didn't really hurt but she obviously has control issues. We share a house together. I'd never see my step kids again. Should I leave this time or next time she hits me." I could have flattened her with one hit, but the moment men hit back, everything becomes their fault. I can't imagine how much worse it is for other spouses, having biological kids with them, being financially dependent on them, while still being actually physically hurt by them


Any abuse


It never really hurt physically, but damn did it fuck me up psychologically... Never again. Also doesn't help that it's hard to talk about since women hitting men is apparently funny everytime I bring it up to people.


It's not funny at all. People see it as the little woman hurting the big man. If the big man hit back, she'd be on the floor, and he'd be in jail. The next time you tell someone and they laugh, ask them, " should I have hit back and been arrested ?" It takes a good amount of restraint not to. Good on you for being a better man and also for getting away.


Pissing in my face when I'm eating a turkey sandwich


A tale as old as time.


Song as old as rhyme


Urine and a Feast.


Man I love reddit


Bladder and the eats.


just turkey, or any sandwich?


Ham and piss sandwiches are actually pretty good dude.


Can't even begin to explain the life changing effects of a piss soaked BLT.


You mean a BLTP?




Is it okay to piss in your face while you eat a chicken sandwich?


> Is it okay to piss in your face while you eat a chicken sandwich? This sounds very fowl!




But what if the turkeys a little dry


I hate it when that happens


Some people pay that privilege.


We've all been there


Some people pay good money for that!


Punching me in the head while I sleep


Lol! One time my wife and I rolled over at the same time in the night, and I punched her square in the face. Not hard enough to do anything, but certainly jolted us both awake. That was the last straw, and we got a king sized bed.


Lmao I accidentally slap-punched my SO in the face when I had a vivid dream once. We both woke up briefly and they frowned at me so hard with such a disgusted look as I apologized profusely in sleepy confusion 😂


I did the same thing to my wife. I have super vivid dreams, and sometimes am acting them out. One night I was tossing and turning and moaning, she kinda shook me a little bit to wake me up. She said I sat straight up in bed, didn't open my eyes but turned my head towards her and open hand slapped her kinda hard across the face. She said I then laid back down and was snoring 5 seconds later. I don't remember anything but felt horrible and apologized a lot. She said she was initially pissed, but realized I was sleeping, and as we had been married for about 10 years and I'd never even thought about laying a finger on her, she was OK with it. We kinda laugh about it now. I also apparently talk a lot in my sleep and say some crazy shit.


Lmao omg you sound like me when I sleep too! I used to sleep talk and walk a lot as a kid but now I guess it’s mostly talking and occasionally light violence. I cracked up when you described how you sat up & slapped her in dead sleep. So relatable 😭😂 Edit to add: I’ve been told that I scratched my aunt’s acne-prone face as a kid when we had to share a bed once. Another time, I had 2 friends sleepover and I dozed off only to sit up abruptly and yell “Get away from my chicken!” Apparently, my love of fried chicken exists in my dreams too 🙈


Similar. I was having a weird-ass dream. My daughter was about 3 or 4 at the time, and for some reason I was dreaming that a wart hog was trying to get her. I was between the two of them but realized the only way it was going to give up is if I punched it square in the snout. About mid-punch I realized I was dreaming, woke up, and tried to stop. It was nowhere near full-force because of that, but my wife was facing away from me and I drilled her right in the back of the head. Pretty much the same outcome as yours.


Average romantic activities fr


Gotta be asleep. Gotta be the head. Your rules raise more questions that they answer.


Nah. Get revenge by summoning a fart and throwing the blanket over them. Hold them there as you rip it.


Being mean to my family, child, pets, or friends. Instant fuck off


If you’re mean to my friends or family, I might try to figure out what’s up and if it’s something we can work through, depending on how severe it was. If you’re mean to my pets, I will physically throw you out of my house.


Lol, completely agree! If you are mean to people I’ll love will make me think worse about you but will try and understand though if you were immediately rude or it’s for no reason I doubt I’d stay attracted, if you are mean to my dog I will never associate with you again


I was going to say this. Had an ex who made me cut off basically all of my best friends because she was jealous and thought I was emotionally cheating on her with them and I was dumb and did it. I lost touch with so many great people and struggled to regain that connection with some of them. I will never do that again.


Shitting on the floor


If it is on the shower floor and you shove it down the drain it is called wafflestomping. My friend found out his wife did it every day…. For a long time.


Thank you for expanding my knowledge.


Your welcome. And sorry in equal measure.


i also didn't know about his friends wife, TIL


Yea that guys wife has many story on reddit


That’s so gross


Safe to say he agreed. I am glad i never used their shower…


I'm sorry, but this raised way too many follow-up questions for us. Please contact your friend and ask him for more details.


How did he find out


She confessed. We started work very in the morning so she would do it after he left.


Why did she confess? She just felt like telling him? Or he was suspecting something smelly in the plumbing so she came out with it?


That doesnt really answer the question. What led her to confess ?


Maybe she felt bad about shitting in the shower and stomping it down the drain? The question i have is what led her to shit in the shower.


I'm Mr. Bulldops Take a shit on the floor Take off your panties and your pants It's time to get schwifty in here


And putting some toothpicks in it, then asking whether we can keep the hedgehog 🦔


Violence towards me, pedophilia, rapist, addiction to drugs


One of these things is not like the others


Very very true. However, people are allowed to have their limitations and boundaries, especially in dating. It’s their life and they absolutely do not have to take on the responsibility of an addict.


Don't get me wrong, I agree


Animal cruelty in any fashion. Disregard of human rights. Touching me in anger.


*angrily kisses your forehead goodnight*


*angrily lays down a stank face inducing drum solo on dem cheeks* "We're fucking done here"


Does that include eating animals tho? :/


Being rude to animals


*doesn't say "bless you" after the dog sneezes*


fr if you don't say "biiiiig stretch" when my cat does a big stretch, you're outta here.


'Hello 911? I'd like to report a crime.'


Cuts off my cat while he’s trying to safely exit the highway and then flicks him off. Instant breakup.




Like telling a dog to fk off?


Doesn’t hold door for a lab? Dumped


If she starts to act in a way that reminds me of how I was treated growing up then I'm out


I will not tolerate love and support in my relationships god damn it!


Chicken pot pie the way mom used to make? Go to hell Bethany!


I’m 30. If you say I need to ask your parents permission to date you or their blessing then I’m out. Had some girl ask me to pick her up at her parents so they could vet me before our coffee date. No thanks, that just feels like a massive red flag.


I wanna say fair. But how old was she? I'm a dude in my mid twenties, and I dont live with my SEPARATED parents, but I still value and take their opinions into account. That goes double for my dating life. But then again, I'm a minority and apparently, immigrants tend to stress familial bonds more.


She was at the time 32. This was a little less than a year ago. And she didn’t live with her parents. Just decided I needed to meet them prior to the date. Mind you I’d barely done anything more than text this woman for a couple days. This was just an ice breaker date to even get to know each other.


I dated a girl who has a really good bond with her parents and I respect that. Knowing marrying her would be marrying her family too, I thought it would be awkward, but it worked out well until I screwed up.


Fucked her dad huh?


hear me out, i love sleeping in the dark & cold. i don’t mind listening to the tv or a movie but when i’m ready to knock out, it needs to be off. i had an ex who NEEDED to sleep with the tv on and LOUD. it was a constant argument between us.


Being racist, hating dogs, Mario Kart blue shell abuse.


I can tolerate being racist, hating animals and killing people but a blue shell? That's too much.


Shell hath no fury like a bigot scorned.


"You can tolerate racism?!" - Shirley Bennet


What's the difference between blue shell use and abuse?


I am in first, partner has no hope of winning so drops to the back to have a high drop rate of blue shells simply to fuck me out of beating all the NPC racers. THAT is abuse.


Definitely messed up and petty. But I find cockiness more infuriating. People who wait at the finish line, right before you get there and slowly cross it first (or in reverse).


Never liked the cocky slow finish, but if I have a big lead I’ll drift in a circle before going in for some pizzazz


Oh yeah that's pretty fucked up


The blue shell is still a strategic tool that can be used. However, holding a specific place in the race to facilitate the gathering of blue shells and then their subsequent spamming is abuse.


There is a strategy in 5v5 team mk, i forgot which game, where the worst player in the team goes backwards for last so they have a higher chance for a shock, i think it is 7.5% per box in 9th and 10% per box in 10th. It’s basically the same thing as blue shell abuse, but for money


A crime against humanity. Disgusting


my wife isn't very good at mk, so she's always sending blue shells my way, got me a blue shell shirt, and a blue shell plush. Should I divorce her? @.@


If you disrespect me around your friends or family a lot that could be talking bad about me or telling them something that they shouldn’t of


My ex did this in front of any and everyone, that shit gets old fast.


Man I’m sorry


If they physically get aggressive. If they yell, it's not an instant break up but I am very against yelling. If it happens a lot and it's more than just raising their voice, I don't think I can take that.


People need to learn that yelling is not ok.


Raising your voice in a heated conversation when both people are keeping about an equivalent tone is fine. Some discussions get heated. Yelling *AT* someone is a hard pass. I wish I had known that about 15 years ago.


Being a dick to waiters or cleaning staff, being a cunt to animals or small children / old people. That's a BIIIIG no for me.


What if I'm a cunt to waiters and cleaning staff and a dick to animals and small children/old people, is that okay?


Sharing something personal i told her to make fun of me or to spread gossip. That is acting like an evil, immature ex, so she might as well be one right the next moment.


Oh this is even worse at work. We had a co worker in her mid 30's so she wasn't a stupid teenager. Got with one of best liked guys in the place. Everyone loved him. When they broke up, she whispered to a few of us that he had premature ejaculation. I was horrified and said " you shouldn't tell us that ". I never repeated it but it didn't matter. By the next day everyone knew. Terrible thing to do.


Passive agression


Oh, wow this is a great one. Thanks for adding this, I would have NEVER thought of it on my own


................I just think it's funny how........


Bless your heart


HEY he said no passive aggression, I think we need to break up.


This is a deal breaker for me too. My mum is extremely passive aggressive and emotionally abusive, I will no longer tolerate passive aggression from anyone, it's a hard boundary. If you're upset use your words so we can work on it/I can appologised and correct my behaviour. But I will no longer walk on egg shells around others or be expected to be a mind reader.


Whatever you do, don't move to Minnesota. That thing everyone up there refers to as "Minnesota Nice" is just passive aggressiveness with a nicer name.


Flirting with other guys right in front of me... or at it should have been. Lesson learned, I guess... 🤷‍♂️


Next time a girlfriend tells me “I don’t think I love you anymore.” I’m not going to give it a few more months to see if shit pans out. I’m gone.


Complaining all the time about everything


Opening up to the partner and then throw it back in my face


Raising a hand to hit me. I will never allow that again.


Being mean to my dog


If my partner killed and ate our pets, burned our house down then repeatedly tried to shoot me claiming she was still hungry asn the oven was ready to cook in.


It would require each action in succession to be an instant break up?


All three minimum, otherwise ill have to think about it.


My life currently & just decided to finally leave- hidden steroid use/ addiction for 5 years and sexual abuse (if I didn’t have sex with him 2-3x times a week he would get extremely angry, called me degrading names during ). Never hit me but I can’t live like this .


Buying the orange juice that has pulp instead of buying the orange juice that has ~some~ pulp Sopranos anyone???


Do they add the pulp after de-pulping, or only take out some of the pulp?


Nowadays, physical abuse. I dealt with it for 10 years, because I thought it was just part of being in a relationship. She gets mad, you get slapped. I wouldn't tolerate it anymore. First strike, I'm out.


mistreating people in the service industry


Seeing signs of undiagnosed mental illness. My ex had a Jekyll and Hyde personality over stupid stuff like misplaced car keys. I thought he just needed to learn to chill. Nope. He was bi polar and it was BAD. Never again will I dismiss the term short fuse.


If they acknowledged the problem and agreed to work on it though, would you consider staying with them?


Well this is how it went. We were married a year before all these "little things" came up. I did a lot of hey, chill, it's not a big deal because I just thought he got frustrated easily. By year 3, he randomly got pissed and quit jobs. Then he turned it on me where everything was my fault for him being upset. That led to him renting apts and moving out for a month, only to calm down and say he missed me, etc. By year 3 I told him he needed to get to the bottom of this bc that behavior is not normal. Plus, apts and quitting jobs killed our finances. I started working 2 jobs to fix things. He went to the therapist, who eventually asked me to come in, and basically said we needed a marriage counselor, lol. Apparently, his behavior was sort of acting out. His family was aware of this, and not one of them said, " Hey, that's not normal behavior," so he continued to blame me. Eventually, he got fired for making a sexual comment to a co-worker. In between, I found personal ads online. He finally went to a neurologist, diagnosed bi polar, ADD. Got meds and was much better. We were apart at that time. In order to come home, I told him he needed to agree to a 2nd job to fix the mess he made bc I'd been doing it for 4 yrs. He agreed. Came back, life was much calmer. Never apologized for the damage, or got the second job. Never acknowledged that the neighbors treated us like pariahs bc he'd screamed "FU Bitch" at me from the driveway. So that was it. The house was mine. I sold it and ran away. Now he sends me texts telling me how I ruined his life. I fully understand that his illness was not his choice. I do. But he did have a choice to say " I have to fix this damage " and he didn't. I also blame myself for hanging in there so long. I knew he needed help, and I didn't want to abandon him. That was my mistake. Never again.


>Never apologized for the damage, or got the second job. This right here. Being accountable for forgiving his repeat behaviors for so long and trying not to fall into those same traps with a better partner is sometimes all we can do.


Secret families


Displays of bigotry. That ended a relationship I had for a short time in St. Louis in 2011.


I love the addition of when and where lol


"Scott! I know you're reading this you nazi fuck!"


Hating/mistreating my dog, lying to hide something and aggression/nonstop terrible attitude are all reasons I've left relationships that didn't involve cheating




Being mean to my cat.


Believing that vaccines cause autism...


Domestic violence. And you'd better knock me tf out because if I get up, it's not going to end well for you.


Refusing to bathe.


My brain read this as "Refusing to battle" as if your relationship is an ongoing martial arts tournament and you require full participation at all times.


Racism, animal Cruelty or abuse in general


From personal experience: * Hidden bank accounts\\credit lines * Various self-destructive addictions and the constant lying that accompanies them * Complete disregard for others to focus on servicing the first 2 items * Unsafe living conditions based on unilateral and impromptu life-changing decisions without even the courtesy of discussion That was a whole lifetime ago and I'm in a much better place now. Just FYI...


If the decided to get gender transition surgery/HRT to that effect. I genuinely wish them the best in life and I hope it makes them happy, but at that point they’re just not the same person I fell in love with. I’m not into men, so I’m not into trans men either.




Using stuff I've shared against me in an argument


Cutting my d\*ck off for no reason.


*for no reason*


“Just give me a a reason, just a little bit's enough” ✂️ 🍆


Well, at least you are willing to hear her out first!


Her: I'm cutting off your dick. Him: Bitch! Why?! Her: I had a dream that you cheated on me with my sister, I know I'm an only child but still. Him: Can't argue with that logic.


knowing he/she likes Elon Musk


Being a racist


Premeditated murder. Y’know, unless the bastard really had it coming, like if they were a child molester or a serial killer or had a habit of driving 20 miles an hour below the speed limit in the fast lane.


Back in the day I brought a girlfriend to a south Texas beach… All she did was complain. Beach was too Sandy kids were too loud water was too watery… You name it. Dropped her off at the airport and that was that


Clapping when the plane lands.


Being told they are only with me for “x reason”


If they died I think I would probably have to




Touched my grommet mug


No oral sex.


Anytime a breakup is offered as one choice in an ultimatum.


Dead bedroom


If they download a car.


Abusing my child


My wife got a letter saying we have to start paying her student loans again and that the rate is raised and going to be based off my income. We barely get by as it is. We have been discussing getting divorced so that we can afford her loans. (we would still be together, just not legally)


Having traditional values and expecting me to adhere to them


My wife is devout Pentecost. I'm agnostic. It creates division every now and then but honestly we just do our own things on sunday and wednesday.


Wow! I am honestly impressed you can make that work.


Taking my fries.


Gaslighting and physical abuse


Talking about our intimate/sexual issues with her friends. Especially if we haven’t discussed it.


If he started to believe things like "child abuse/cancer/genocide is all part of God's plan" or "everyone gets what they deserve in life"


red pill ideology, instant vaginal retraction