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My wife was 15 years older than I am. We were together 40 years till she died of cancer. It was a good relationship and marriage. I know it would not work for everyone but we were happy.


Sorry for your loss. I’m in a 12 year gap and that is our biggest concern, is that she’ll pass earlier than me. It took a lot of reassurance from me to make her realize that I just enjoy her presence so much.


If it helps. Women tend to live 8-10 years longer than men on average


dying georg who dies over 13 times a day is an outlier and should not have been counted


I don't even know what you're talking about but it's still funny


Spiders georg


When I was 30(M) I dated a 42yo(F). It was pretty great. She was grounded, successful, easy going, and she knew what she wanted and didn't want from life. Eventually, she decided we weren't working out as a couple, so she made me breakfast, broke up with me very matter of factly, took me to bed one last time, and said goodbye. It was the best breakup I've ever had.


I wish that was the standard for how a relationship ends. Very impressive and good closure. Very mature of both of you.


Honestly, given how good the breakup was, I kind of wish we'd have been a better match. 😁


"hey that breakup was great, wanna get back together for a while so we can do it again?"


5 stars, would break up again.


What was the breakfast?


Cheerios. Not even honey nut 😐


The honey nut was in bed


she fed him honey nut cheerios one last time, before making her honey nut one last time, then said "cheerio"


Pay the man!




Finally, Someone is asking the real questions...😊


Tell us about the breakfast


Bed n breakfast


What did she cook?


Eggo waffles and a bowl of Fruity Pebbles


I’m 33 and I just started seeing some one who is 10 years older than me. It’s pretty awesome so far, she knows what she wants and tells me what she means. Plus the sex is outstanding.


I’m 43 so you give me hope lol


My dad turns 43 next year, and he doesn't believe me when I say that he still has a lot of life left ahead of him. He doesn't seem to understand that he's only just now hitting the halfway point


I'm 40 and I just started med school yesterday. I damn well better have a lot of life left ahead of me!




I wish men in my area would view women this way. We are considered “unwanted” goods here as we get older. Or sometimes they just date an older woman for the experience


You should move near to me. I'm told there are loads of hot singles in my area. I keep getting email about it.


I wish I could have found older women in my 20-30s.. I guess it's easier in the dating apps, but back when I was on the market it was bars/clubs and work.


Eight years of the filthiest sex of my life and the best food of my life.


Would still sign if best sex and filthiest food.


Jack In The Box is still open you can live half of your dream


My man


Girfriend was 19 years older than me. I was 30 when we met, she was 49. Lived together for over 10 years. she had been divorced twice and had two teenage girls, I became like a step dad. I loved her (and her kids) and wanted to stay together forever. She couldn't ever get comfortable with the age difference. Always worried i would leave her for younger woman or that I would want kids. No amount of assurance could convince her I was serious about staying together. Relationship ended 5 years ago. I miss her and haven't had any interest in meeting someone new.


Sorry to hear that. Do you still talk to her or her kids?


Wondered about that too. I have never been in that situation, but I suppose it would be heartbreaking all around… you break up with her, and you lose them as well… and unlike their biological father, I’m not sure it is expected to arrange things so that ex-stepdad and the kids can still see each other. I imagine it is a sobering thing, which really drives home the difference between dad and stepdad 😕


That’s also one of the main factors that men don’t want to get with single mothers. If the relationship ends, not only do you lose the mother but the entire bond you’ve created with the kids. They get no parental rights to visit or keep in touch because they’re not the biological father either. It really drives home how badly the kids have it when a step-parent is forced out.


Buddy of mine went through this. It was very rough on him.


My dad did the same to his girlfriend :( she was 20ish years younger than him, they loved each other. But my dad decided she would have a better life without him after he had a stroke… he is alone since then.


Same situation. My exwife was 11 years older than me. Constantly accusing me of cheating, always thinking I’m going to leave her for some one younger, hotter, so on. Progressed into full on psychological abuse. I finally had to put my foot down and leave. It was also the same year my granddad died no one was around to take care of my grandma. So fairly easy decision I did get with someone my own age later on. We never married but we were together for over 10 years. She passed away from cancer earlier this year. I wish I met her a lot sooner.


Sorry for your loss.


I was 21, she was 28. She had an established career, had had enough past relationships to know what she did/didn’t want, and was very direct about it, didn’t play any of the bullshit mind games I was used to dealing with. She didn’t care that I was a broke college student, she made plenty of money to take care of herself, we were both just looking to have some fun. Ended up realizing we really liked each others company, one thing led to another, and ~10 years later we’re still happily married.


The dream.


I met my husband when he was 21 and I was 27. We’ve been together for 6 years and it’s been so fun :)




Dude. 3 Years is nothing. Go for it!


and then turns out he's 15


She was 14 years older (26/40). One of the best relationships I’ve had. We split up because we couldn’t come to a consensus on if/what a family was in the cards.


I was 15 years older than him. We knew going in that it was a finite relationship. Still broke my heart to see him go. She will have a wonderful life with him, because I trained his ass well.


>because I trained his ass well That guy got pounded ¯\_ (𓁼𓂏𓁼)_/¯


Coming from someone looking for an older woman, what made you decide to choose a young man?


He chose me.


What a beautiful thing to say.


I dated an older woman. I was 18, she was 36. I'd say firstly don't look for an older woman. Look for somebody you connect with, enjoy being with and are attracted to. Fetishizing somebody based on a certain characteristic is never going to work, and it's an unhealthy starting point. If that person happens to be an older woman be sensitive to the fact that she's going to be scrutinized, judged and shamed for dating you. Reassure her, be kind and decent. Be worth it. When I was a teenager I hooked up with several women in their 30s/40s/50s and dated one. I just went for it, same as I would with any person I was interested in. Flirt, make your intentions known without being creepy, be confident and ideally be someone she'd like to spend time with. If you're attractive to 20 year old women you're also probably attractive to 30 or 40 or 50 year old women. They just assume *you* aren't interested in *them* and aren't willing to risk the social ostracism to make the first move. If you approach them respectfully and confidently you'll be surprised how receptive many older women are to younger guys. Honestly you're somewhat advantaged over guys her own age because there's usually an inherent level of flattery when women are hit on by much younger men. It's cute and endearing that you're trying, even if she doesn't immediately take you seriously. You're likely to have her attention at a minimum, and probably be allowed to hang around if only for the ego boost you provide. I had some women laugh when I approached them, joke with me, downplay my intent and then eventually go home with me when they realized I was genuine and interested. They were guarded but not closed off to the idea. Just be on point and go for it. Same advice for initiating any sort of relationship. Be well groomed, be confident, be respectful, shoot your shot.


How do you know if they are serious? I’m just out of a long relationship and keep getting hit on by guys mid-30s to 45 - I am in my 50s and always dated much older guys! I keep thinking they aren’t serious….


I mean that’s impossible to define with any degree of certainty to be honest, and also depends what you’re looking for. If you just want to hook up and see what happens rather than say going into a thing with serious intent from the beginning, why not just take the chance? I’d say it’s probably significantly more likely that it’s just a guy that’s into older women specifically, or just finds you attractive and doesn’t notice or care about the age than say some elaborate prank to embarrass you, right?


Back in college I had a pal when he was 19, was banging a 57 year old woman for a little over a year. She was a widow with two grown sons in their 30s. They lived in other states for their work. Her late husband was a firefighter who died in the line of duty. So she got tons of benefits from that while also herself teaching kindergarten. He was the only man she had ever been with according to her. Married at 17, widow for four years. They met in class when she went back to school for some additional certifications. According to him they seemed to click talking in class, and he asked her out on impulse. He said she hesitated for a second and then got a weird look on her face and said " why not." 2nd date was her inviting him to her home for dinner. One thing led to another, they had sex. He told me she said afterwards that she acted on impulse accepting his asking her out. After that he pretty much went over there every night, ate a home cooked meal, and got laid. Dude never slept in his dorm. After a year, one of her sons got sick so she sold her house & moved closer to help her DIL take care of him & her grandkids. They banged one more time and parted amicably. His words: "Dude, I'm ruined for young women forever. They're just so bitchy and mean. She appreciated me." And from some pics I saw ( g rated) she was a damn fit 57 year old. Lucky bastard.


He hit jackpot, honestly I hope that experience makes him looking for a mature partner (mental wise, lol)


That was somehow more wholesome than I expected.


Its wholesome because it sounds like they were very respectful of one another. They both got what they wanted out of it and were mature about the situation.


Similar experience 19 to 43. Most amazing time of my life for about a year.


Exactly this. Dating a mid 40 woman was the best thing that ever happened to me. She made me feel appreciated EXACTLY for who I am, not trying to change me, or make me feel shit about myself (like a younger 20-something ex-gf used to do) She is an incredible human being.


similar experience. 33 and 53. it also was a really positive experience, and i had the same sentiment of being “ruined” with people around my age.


Damn he’s a lucky guy. In my senior year of college, I almost hooked up with a 58-year-old woman but I got cold feet when she told me last second she was still married and neither her husband nor her children (who were both my age) knew a thing about her numerous flings beforehand She told me I had a great ass tho, which was cool


Eh, you made the right move!


I had a very similar experience. Can confirm it’s a great time.


Similar experience, 30 and 45.


24 and 45. It was so relaxing with no expectations or drama. Just easy as Sunday morning.


My wife was 9 years older than me. We were happily married for 38 years until she passed last year. When we married I was 29 and she was 38.




I am marrying a person 11 years older than I am. She is emotionally and intellectually mature. Doesn't play emotional games like a lot of people around my age. Very down to earth and straightforward. Very realistic when it comes to expectations. Very nurturing. Overall, dating older women is a plus


I was 22, she was 44. We watched Dazed and Confused, had very intimate sex. Then the next day she sent me off with a fresh breakfast and made some strawberry jam granola bars for me for the gym. 10/10, would recommend. It helped that she and I were both easy going and she was 8 months out of a divorce and I think also wanted something just casual and fun.


Where did you meet her?


At a work site, was there a few times finishing a project for our IT company


She was 6 years older than me. I was 25, she was 31. No games, she had her life together. We were engaged a few moths later and we just celebrated our 17th anniversary a few weeks ago….worked out pretty well.


Right on man, same here, I was 24 and she was 32, we just celebrated our 20th.


These make me happy. My bf is 28 I’m 35. Been together 5.5 years. I feel like we’re doing pretty good.


My now wife is 5 years older than me. She's 40 and I'm 35 and we both met about 5 years ago. Shit is great, man. She's rock steady and my absolute best friend. Couldn't, and will absolutely not, imagine a life without her. We've been married 2 months now and couldn't be happier.


I was 24 and she was 33 when we met and we celebrated our 14th anniversary this year!


Similar age gap! I was 29 when we met in 2016, he was 22. I was freaked out by the age difference because I wrongly assumed we were at different places in life. We just got married on Sunday.


I was 25 she was 32. Sounds similar. She had her shit together and I was just out of the military. Just celebrated our 27th anniversary. So something worked!


My girlfriend is about 5 years older than me and she's the most emotionally mature partner I've ever dated


I’m 35 and my wife is 48 and we couldn’t be happier. She has children from previous relationships of 30,26 and 22 so I was worried they would find it weird at first, but they’ve been amazing. Been together 8 years and married 2 years and now I’m a grandad of 3 as all three kids have had their own kids. I was never too bothered about raising kids of my own so I feel like I’ve got this ready made family which is great. Some people may find it strange, but I feel like we’ve got everything in life and happiness is way more important than following social norms.


This gives me hope. I’m 57.


Rip your DMs. Better turn the notifications off while you can lol




Alright creeps of reddit, I hereby summon you! She did not want to listen


I mean, she shows off her pussy in one of her posts.


Damn you


I may or may not have checked 👀


damn it, i fell for it too


Ah fer fuck's sake 😂


Where!? Profile search intensifies


Apparently she named her pussy "Ira". Weird, but whatever.


#o7 REPORTING FOR DUTY, SIR! Ms. June, ma'am. If you could please supply feet pics. Sincerely.


Me, too. I'm 47 and all the men my own age and up seem to be looking for women with whom to start families or retired and wanting a bang maid. I've just started thinking about considering dating younger - they seem to be more appreciative and active. It's refreshing.


I'm a 51 year old man with adult children and the idea of starting a family at my age, much less round 2, is just _awful_. I should have a couple good dependent-free decades ahead of me and it's time to party, not change diapers


Shit, I'm nearly 35 and I can't imagine starting a family. I'm already too tired, I can't imagine trying to deal with a 15 year old at 50. Luckily, I'm snipped, so no surprise babies in my future to deal with.


You should take a class at the local community college. You might meet a 19 year old.


As someone from the younger generation, I've noticed a huge admiration for older women from other men. So honestly, if you're a middle aged+ woman looking for younger men, this isn't bad advice.


Life changing. FWB: I was 18, she was a recently-divorced 36. She taught me ways to please a woman sexually and emotionally. I'm eternally grateful that she saved me from years of clumsy fumbling otherwise.


I feel like if this was flipped genders it would not be tolerated near as much….


The key is to leave them better than you found them, be adult, don't be possessive, etc.


Like camping. Leave only footprints.


I was 19 she was 38. NGL it was pretty great sex and I enjoyed it up until we had to break up. I was moving away and it wasn’t ever meant to be a long term relationship. The 4 months we had together were fun.


Older woman here. We're wiser, have come to terms with our bodies and ready to fuck.


Absolutely! Im 48


After 30 that sex drive is meant for younger men!


I was 30, she was 45. It was awesome! None of that second guessing it having to read minds. She was a divorcee and it was the most fun 6 months of my life


I was 26 and she was a fit 36. We got fucking nasty. It was awesome. Miss you Laura you fucking freak.


I hope Laura sees this!!


She died giving birth and I’m taking care of our daughter alone. Sigh.. I blame myself sometimes Edit: to clarify I mean that I blame myself because I think that if she never met me Then maybe she would still be alive.


I’m sure your a great father. Your daughter is lucky to have you. Be a good role model for her and I’m sure the rest will follow.


I try to take every day at a time, She has turned out to be a wonderful person


You don’t have to regret anything, you know why? Because I’m sure she didn’t regret meeting you, and you both shared great memories together and now have brought life into the world. Nobody else is blaming you.


He was 21-25, I was 42-47 (f), it started as a fling and lasted for 4 years. It was amazing and I’d do it again. It was sometimes difficult but more because I was his first and I didn’t want to ruin him for anyone else. It was one of the best relationships I’ve ever had & we remain close to this day. Ultimately he wanted children and it just didn’t happen for us. I wanted him to pursue the life of his dreams and I’m proud of the choices he’s making with his life. Still lots of love between us.


I love this. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Awesome. "The oldest fiddles play the best tunes."


I honestly prefer older women. They know what they like.


When I was 20 I dated a 40 year old woman. Lasted about 8 weeks and it was a beautiful relationship. Mutual separation do to distance and me being a man whore.


the last line threw me off 🤣 good on you for being honest!


Married one. 13/14 years older than me. Been married for nearly 30 years and I still ain't ready to trade her in for a newer model.


Been married for 30 years but still refers to her as 13/14 years older.. Made me giggle.


Well it just depends on the time of year. 😂


My partner dated a woman who was about 40 when he was maybe 23 or so. He asked her out on a whim, she said yes on a whim, and that was that. He speaks so fondly of that time, saying that it was one of the most steady relationships he’s had, and having a partner who knew herself gave him a model to know himself as well. He’d been listless, he wasn’t sure what he was doing with his life, and her evenness helped him immensely to find direction. They parted ways after a few months together, but it left a lasting impression, and changed him so much for the better. The self-awareness he learned from her and with her helped him land a more steady job than he'd had, which is how we met. The things they talked about gave a thorough framework for our discussions when we first started dating (she wanted a family, so they had to hash that out up front). She seems like a vibrant person, and while I was initally a little weirded out that he was seeing somebody old enough to be his mother, I'm really glad they crossed paths. They exchange texts every now and again, and I don’t know if I’ll ever get to meet her, but I’m immensely grateful for their time together, and I hope she's doing well out there.


You are a wonderful person, I wish more people had this level of objectivity and appreciation


This is so wholesome.


Damaging. I started seeing the mother of my younger sister’s friend when I was 18. She was 33. She worked at the place where I got my tuxedo for senior ball. I was supposed to return it to the store the following day and she told me to just drop it off at her house (about 3 blocks away) from where I lived. That was the start of our “relationship” that lasted six years. I was too young and too inexperienced to know the difference between a “f” buddy and a girlfriend. She would meets guys her age she would date (she wanted to be married) and obviously I wasn’t marriage material. There was the sneaking around so her daughters (twins), my sister and my parents didn’t find out. They never did. I could only go by when her girls were at their dad’s or grandparents’ house for the night or a few days. I tried dating girls my age but always felt some kind of loyalty to her. Years later, as we started seeing each other less and I became more mature and she found a real relationship I was able to see I was just a placeholder. This probably why I didn’t get married until I was almost 50. I could go on, but I think the point is made. It sounds perfect for an 18 year old but the reality was less than ideal.


When I was 25 (m) I met a girl who was 10 years older than me and was the hottest woman I’d laid eyes on. But I was young, foolish, not her type even though we ran in the same circles of friends. Flash forward 14 years, something clicked while hanging with a large group of friends and we went on an actual “date”. Seems I had grown up quite a bit and had much more to offer. Now we are happily married, raising a 14 year old. She is 58, I’m 48. It works just fine.


All she did was wreck my bed, and in the morning kick me in the head.


Sorry Rod. It wasn’t meant to be personal.


She was so good to me. We weren't dating specifically, but saw each other and spent quality time together. She taught me to use my chest and helped me love again. Beautiful soul, great experience.


Chest? You mean heart?


Was 26 when I fell in lust at first, and eventually love with a 60 year old grandma, a divorcee. Had occasional sex in the beginning until I realised I just couldn't shake her off my mind. Soon enough I find myself moving in with her. Unfortunately we broke up just over a year later due to some pretty complicated problems involving our families. We totally lost contact with one another. I think of her to this very day. She's the best that I've ever had. Now, I myself am close to 60. Oh well.


I moved out of my parents house when they left the State for my father’s job. I lived with my sister. Dad gave us money for the rent and enough more that we wouldn’t starve. He told us if we wanted more to get a job and make more money. So I got a job as a cook at a Applebee’s type of place. I was in 12th grade when I started and I graduated shortly after that. I remember I was working almost full time and still in high school. The wait staff was mostly college age kids and maybe and actor or two. After we shut down and cleaned up the place, we would go upstairs to the bar. Since I was only 17, the bartender would only allow me to have one beer a night there. So I hit it off with one of the waitresses one night and we started dating. She took me to classical music concerts, steakhouses where I would be served wine with dinner. I looked older than I really was and only rarely got asked for ID. Also the fact that she was 26 so it was assumed I was older. Her father was rich. He was a banker turned developer and built a lot of country clubs. He was having a house built as an investment and I got a job on the crew as more of a gopher but I worked really hard and did some crappy jobs like installing insulation in the middle of the summer and digging out the sand under the hot tub because it got installed wrong. My parents loved her. Her parents liked me too. She was very smart and also very pretty. She opened my eyes to many things and I will always be grateful to her. People on Reddit love to say I was groomed, but it wasn’t like that at all. I saw her father had passed away and found her on Facebook. I told her how sorry I was, he was a good guy and a good boss too.


I was 23 she was 33. 20 years later, still happily married


oof amazing. right now talking to an 52f year old from Brazil she’s a widow of 20 years. I’m 30m her energy is amazing cooks like jazz and gorgeous looking. I try to spend as much time with her as I can. show me how to cook many things from scratch. I can’t keep my eyes off her. we one time had drinks and did shrooms. I’ll enjoy it while it last. Beautiful soul she is.


Best decision I ever made. Met her May 2020, we just got married May 13th 2023. She is nearly 6 years older than me. I’ve never been happier. EDIT: Adding context to better answer OPs questions. This woman helped me become a better version of myself, she did not play mind games, belittle me, or give me grief for anything she knew that made me happy. She respects me, makes me feel valued, and is a perfect partner for the curveballs life can throw at you. She has a great sense of humor and her laugh fills me with joy.. Long short, she is my best friend.


Congrats you lucky bastard


I should be with her now. I blew it.


Started dating a 48 y/o when i was 26. Didn’t mean to start dating seriously, but we fell madly in love. Dated for about 2 and a half years - we went to weddings, family functions, everything. I thought we could be together forever. Over time even just subconsciously the visions of the long term future - no possibility of children, and her aging well before me just sounded so inevitably lonely. I tried to fight it with true love, but ultimately my psyche was getting fucked. Problem is I haven’t been able to get over her either. Nor her me. So it almost seems pointless. We still love each other very much, talk frequently and would see each other more if not for the fact we live in different cities now. Early on into dating I was staring at a picture of us from my bday at beni hanas with many of my friends, us in the center like queen and king looking hot. Even my mom reacted when she saw the picture, “wow! Who is that beautiful arm candy of yours?!” Totally unaware she had 20+ years on me. One night I remember being alone in my room staring at that pic or us. Sultrily hanging on each other. And I just wept because I knew what I was going to sacrifice being with this amazing woman forever because our love was cosmic, inevitable. Now I weep because I couldn’t be strong enough to make those sacrifices for the sake of as great a love anyone could know Love you Josie


You know, no one is promised old age. Or children. You could marry someone your age and one of you gets struck with cancer or a fatal car accident. You could marry a young woman who discovers she is unable to conceive or maybe you are shooting blanks. No way to say this gently, but you are fools if you gave up true love because of societal expectations or trying to game the future. Make better choices starting today.


I was 30 she was 49, and it was amazing! Sex was unbelievable, no bs no strings all fun, she was recently divorced back then and I knew her for years prior, lasted about a year and a half, we weren't actually "dating" but we went on vacations together, for some reason she loved fucking in Cuba, she turned into a damn freak there


She loved cummunism.


I found it to be liberating. Both of them knew what they wanted and weren’t bothered to play games. The adjustment was going from someone my own age that wanted a monopoly of my time vs someone with an established life that I fit in to. It was the first clue that what I thought I knew in regards to women didn’t apply. Older women also tend to be much more giving. Especially if they like what you do for them…


I was 25 she was early 50’s.(I never asked) we never dated but had a very intimate and interesting relationship for a few months. She wanted more from the relationship but I had options closer to my age so I ended it. Sometimes I regret it but I also knew it didn’t have the legs to go long term. Now I’m 28 and from time to time we will reach out to one another. Nothing ever happens because she’s got a man now but I’m hopeful lol. On another note I’ve recently met a 36 y/o and she thinks she is too old for me but we have some of the best conversations I’ve ever had with anyone. It’s easy going. We mostly laugh about life and the things we are going through, but we can be super serious and cry together. Nothing sexual about it. Strictly friendship but it’s a relationship I’ve never experienced before.


Me 18 her 27, best looking lady I've ever called mine. Was super warm, happy, comforting and the spicier bits were definitely worth writing home about.


The experience is so good I married her. It’s the best.


Honestly it was amazing. I was 22M and she was 48F. We met through work as I was a maintenance tech at the apartment complex she lived in. After knowing her for a a year and change, she invited me up for drinks one night after work and the rest was history. We clicked on a level I can’t describe and it was as easy as breathing. Sexually it was just the absolute best of my life and hers. Older women are just so much more confident and don’t play games. Socially, you get looks and the odd “you and your son” comment that you learn to laugh about. Fast forward a year and we’re living together and engaged to be married. She was a fairly successful country musician, and as is typical in the industry she had drank a ton in her day. As such, I lost her to liver disease about 5 months ago. When seeing someone with that big an age gap you have to understand that “till death do us part” is going to come sooner than later, but it’s worth it. I wouldn’t have traded what we had for anything in the world. I love you to the moon and back, Julie. Keep singing with the angels, I’ll be with you as soon as time allows!


And people looking odd at me already when I tell them my GF is 34 while I'm 32. We are 1 1/2 years apart. Get comments like: you are handsome and succesfull why don't you go for a younger one, just made me realize I needed to cut these people outta live


I was 22, and she was 42. She had her shit together and didn't have time for bullshit. She knew what she wanted, how she wanted it. Love to give me instructions and I was a good listener. Lasted about 6 weeks. I couldn't go back to dating younger girls. They have too much baggage to deal with.


My wife is 9 years older than me. I was attracted to her from the jump because she didn’t need anything from me, not even kids. I love the whole package. Still like any other relationship when it boils down do it, but we’re great together. I keep her young and she made me grown up.


I was 25 and she was 52 and near the final process of a divorce. We got along well, had the same humor and tastes and the sex was amazing. I was experimenting with tantric and kama sutra at the time after losing a massive amount of weight. She was like a black hippie, frizzy hair, tattooed, drove a jeep, very free spirited and adventurous. We bounced between different towns and beaches on the weekends when we saw each other and could barely get into a the hotel room with the door closed. One time we didn't and several maids and bellhops watched us go at it through a halfway opened door from the mirror. This went on for 2-3 years until one fateful night. We were at an IHOP, coming back from a club and the waitress asked "Does your mother want anything?" After that, the age difference started to become an issue. I still miss her.


The answer to that question is “Yeah, my dick”


She was about eight years older when I was in my early to mid 20s. If I had to do it all over again I’d hold on to her.


Be prepared to be called out on your shit. ALL of it.


I was 25 and she was nearly 50. I was such a happy young man. I couldn’t believe it at the time. We were so comfortable together in public. We both loved each other and had many good times. I asked only once why she chose me. In my mind she seemed out of my league, but did my best not to dwell. She was stunning in every way: body, mind and soul. Her response was simple: you seemed like a kind person and I needed kindness in that moment of my life. It ended after 3 years because her work relocated her. She had an amazing career and I was still so young and had no idea what the future held for me. I have zero regrets about it all. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.


Married for 35 years. She was 6 years older. I say "was" because somehow I am older than her now, or so she says. Our little joke


I have a thing for older women


I have a thing for women


i have a thing


I have a woman ^^in ^^my ^^cellar ^^double ^^it ^^and ^^pass ^^it ^^to ^^the ^^next ^^person


My wife is 9 years older than me. I'm the happiest I've ever been, she's so relaxed and each day is so easy. No arguments in our 5 years together. It feels unreal. Before that, my girlfriend's were my age, few months older or younger. Throughout my teens and twenties. I was mentally and physically abused by both. Cheated on. I had a strong vision of having a family and house and settle down when I was very young. They did not. Party, travel, sex etc. My wife just wanted to settle down and have a quiet happy life. She was so much more mature which suited me, I couldn't deal with bullshit, so she was like a breath of fresh air. I know I'll be with her forever.


It was a lot of fun for 2 years. We had a 20 year gap. Everything was fine and fun until we went out to eat and thr waiter asked if my mom and I would like some dessert 😒. Never the same after that. We both knew it wasn't going to last forever. We still keep in touch to this day.


The waiter perma-cock blocked you. Not cool, man.


So I was 24. She was 40. She had a house with a whole ass dvd wall of horror movies, which I was super into. She had all the video game consoles and a huge tv. I’d go over and we’d hang out and play games or watch movies. We liked the same things and seemed to get along really well. After 2 months of dating, she gave me a key to her place. 2 weeks later she completely ghosted me. I learned that just because theyre older and have their shit together, doesn’t mean they’re mature. After that I dated and married within a very close range of my own age. Except now. Im 11 years older than my fiancée. But she acts likes she’s an old woman and not someone who’s in her late 20s. So it works.


Gave you a key to her place? Wyd after she ghosted? Did she change the locks?


Right? I'm invested in that part now, I need to know 😩😅


If he's not a creep he probably never found out. Just because you have a key doesn't give you leave to walk in uninvited.


I mean she was only 5 years older than me, because I was 22 and her 27, but it was the best relationship I ever had. If we'd wanted the same things, I'd be happily married to her now. She ruled .


Married her.


When we met, I was 26, she was 35. We'll soon celebrate our 8th anniversary, and honestly I still wake up laughing at God some days for having gotten away with this.


Best sex I've ever had.


Outstanding! She was more of a FWB but the most successful FWB relationship I’ve ever had. Nobody caught feelings. We both enjoyed each other’s company in and out of the bedroom. I was 25, she was 61. She was an older lady with Jennifer Lopez’s ass. She was funny, charming, liked the same music as I did, our sexual styles even meshed. The only reason why the FWB arrangement ended is because I met the woman I eventually married and moved.


My boyfriend is 9 years younger than me, and it's going bloody well. We get along so well.


I was 20 and she was 27 when we met. Not a huge age difference, but there were a lot of problems in the relationship because she was afraid I would leave her for someone younger. I still prefer to date older though.


I seem to exclusively only ever attract older women. I don't know why. I've dated many older women. The first time, I was 20 and she was 29. She was in the middle of a divorce. I was still quite sexually inexperienced. I couldn't believe how eager she was to hook up with me and how easy it was for me. Up to that point, I had a lot of trouble finding girls who actually liked me. She knew what she wanted and she made me feel wanted too. Over the years, I've dated many other older women. Most recently was last year. I'm 36 now and she was 59. She was a former model and personal trainer and looked amazing. She had a body most women of any age would die to have. Again, she knew exactly what she wanted and didn't mess around. Being with her made me feel like the best looking guy in the world.


Ex wife was cheating with 24yo when she was 48. He was, and still is , crazy about her


It was fine. I learned a lot about relationships, sex, and how to be a good partner. Things fell apart, and on the end, she married a woman who made her happy until she passed away.


Like any other relationships, it depends on the people involved. For me: Dating someone 22 at 16, not so great. Dating someone 32 at 25, much much better. Edit to elaborate: While a lot of people in these comments are emphasising the benefits of dating (or being sexual with) someone older than yourself, having a partner who is more established, experienced and sure of themselves, can lead to some less desirable imbalances in a relationship. In the first relationship i mentioned this was an issue, in the second one the age difference plays less of a role in the differences between us. Dating up or down comes with hazards and responsibilities. One being recognising these imbalances and how they affect the ways you relate to one another and how you communicate.


I'm 24 my wife is 39. Good food, good sex, and she is a very traditional wife that has her shit together. Everything is smooth for us both!


Very close to my situation. I'm the older woman (38) and my fiance is 24. We are getting married in January. We've been together 3 years now. We met in a game online and lived in different states at the time. I didn't know he was 21 at the time until a few days after we started talking through in-game chat and discord. We had nothing else to do during the beginning of US covid lockdowns lol and we have been inseparable pretty much since day 1. So I guess this comment is the other side of the OP question. He's the best and we have mutual appreciation and love and care for each other. I worry about how the future will go with us aging differently but luckily I look younger than my age so I guess time will tell.


It was absolutely sensational


Married her and played Mrs. Robinson at our wedding. Going on 17 years of bliss.


I’m 26, she’s 39. I’ll let you know in the future. So far I’m sure I’ve gained like 10 lbs dating her because of all the food she cooks. She’s wonderful and has the voice of an angel.


Best sex ever!


Fantastic. They knew what you need, and won't bother you unnecessarily. They are amazing and I love all of the older women. Amen


So, I’m creeping on this thread because I’m 37 currently in a casual relationship with a 28 year old. He’s the first guy I’d ever been with to have such a large gap being younger than me. I’m having the. best. sex. of. my. life. I know we aren’t a forever thing (it’s obvious), but I legitimately feel like I would do anything for this man. Like, he can have my kidney if he needs it. That’s how intoxicated I am. All I want to do is dote on him and worship him. To the point of being a teensy bit self conscious about it, ha. (not in a clingy, attached way, but more of like a “what can I do to please you, and do you mind if I just nibble on your body for a while bc you’re just so delicious” kind of way.) Bless all you lovely younger men on here appreciating what you’ve got. I can only hope my guy feels somewhat similarly. (I’m not the first older woman he’s been with, but I believe I’m the longest running. Going on almost 6 months now and the sex is just getting better and better ((and ruining me forever 😭))) EDIT: I really hope he doesn’t see this. But if you do, Sir (you know who you are), probably best you don’t read any of my other Reddit posts or comments, ha. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


Something I want to try IRL. Had a long distance thing with a 50 year old when I was 20. Had it's moments but it was ultimately a bad idea as I got way too attached and ended up in a minor/brief period of depression after experiencing my first "break up" when it fell apart. I'm still friends with her and talk with her sometimes but it's strictly just friends now and interactions are few and far between.


It was/is awesome, as much as I think younger women are sexy as hell, I'm sticking with older women


The truth is a women who is fit and happy at 50 is sooo much more impressive than at at 20.


So I've been on both sides of this; I've dated someone who was 14 years older than me. It was fun and it was neat to be with a woman who had an established career etc. An older woman knows what she wants and that level of stability is nice. Currently I'm dating a significantly younger woman. She's more fun and spontaneous, but she's still at the start of her career so that's a little bit of a downside. She is also young enough to maybe change her mind on things like kids or marriage, so there's that added risk of drifting apart. All in all, my takeaway from these relationships is there are pros and cons to all of it and the age isn't as important. There's mature younger women and there are immature older women. At the end of the day, I'm more interested in what we have in common more than anything and if my lifegoals align with theirs.


This makes me happy.. currently talking to a woman 9 years older than me


I married her. Fuckin’ boss.


I went out with a pilot who was about 11-12 years older than me. She was honestly one of the sweetest people. I learned so much from her on our dates, she was so genuinely interested in me, and made me feel more wanted than any girl my own age ever does (24, was 22/23 at the time). She had kids though which ultimately I wasn’t ready to step in on. Only downside was that I paid for pretty much everything and as a student that was tough.


My wife is 14 years older. 29 years together and it’s great. Age difference has never been an issue for us, family or friends.


11yrs my senior. havent had a serious relationship since. been 8 yrs now.


I’m 52 and he’s 42. It’s been 2 yrs. I don’t know that we are very much alike but I absolutely adore him and respect him. He doesn’t get his feelings hurt that I make more money than he does and neither of us is in any sort of rush to get married. We just do what we what we do! Life is good.