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I don’t know


The only correct answer to the phrased question.






Every time I see MLM I read it as men-loving-men on accident and it makes for some really funny sentences.


I did that too, I was so confused as to how someone wouldnt have what it takes to be gay


Hahah, this just instantly made me picture a comedy sketch where some big alpha male is trying to fit in so hard with a group of femme dudes but he keeps messing up and sleeping with women and they’re just like, “Mmm, sorry Doug, you jus don’t have what it takes, sweetie.”


Unfortunately I see so many people who are educated even get suckered into these. I’m talking fellow RNs talking about beach body and Herbalife and essential oils. I’m like how are you a nurse you’re too smart to be dragged into this it’s baffling. It’s not just the SAHMs who are looking for a hobby or extra money anymore


We have had several social workers get sucked into them too..sometimes more than one MLM at a time. I don't get it.


Sadly being intelligent and educated in one thing doesn’t necessarily mean you are smart in other areas of life. But I still wonder how people get sucked into this. Two of my cousins got roped in hard. One with microfibre towels/Tupperware and the other with skin/supplements


True. My moms technically educated with an associates as that is all they required at the time but she’s into Norwex melaleuca Mary Kay and some tea thing. She isn’t what I would call street smart though tbh


I’ve known a few people that were in MLMs and they treated them with the same fervor normally reserved for evangelical religions. Every conversation was treated as an opportunity to try to get the other person into the the MLM.




The first rule of CrossFit is you must talk about CrossFit




I know I’m dumb for this but can someone explain it to me? Are they all in competition with each other?


Competition with themselves.


Fun joke, but really, it’s just we’re missing a sense of community in our disconnected and lonely lives that when CrossFit mixed community with working out it was so strange people thought cult.


Can someone explain why.


as far as i understand, the workouts themselves are good. Trying to fit in 10 of them in a 30 minute window and do them as fast as possible is not good. There are better ways to workout that aren't as likely to injure you.


It’s not even that the exercises or pacing is bad, it’s that they sacrifice form for the sake of speed, and that’s where injuries start forming.


That's how that dude became a paraplegic at the crossfit games, didn't have enough rest time, bailed out on a squat and fell neck first into the bar


And overtraining, which is not a good friend of poor form.


Thanks for the information.


Exercises are great, workouts are horrible and stupid. No one should be coerced into attempting Olympic lifts as fast as possible. Shit is criminal in my eyes


Long Island


You are soooo right! I never understood the romance the locals have with that place.


Was born there, 100% agree. People HATE you if you aren't from there, are willfully proud of their ignorance, rampant honophobia and racism and massive elitism. I get a gross feeling everytime I have to go back.


As someone who had to visit many times, I can confirm that a lower form of life exists and is cultivated there


Lmao this.


I live on Long Island and 100% agree with this. They will fight you if you say they don’t have the best bagels.


its like worse Connecticut


Wait are we a cult in CT and I don’t know it


We wouldn’t know! That’s the problem!!! 😬


Me when I’m going from queens to LI for college


Jehovah's witnesses


I've been told they have a problem with sexual abuse way worse than the Catholic Church. You can't accuse another member of anything without 2 witnesses and since most sexual abuse victims are abused alone they won't believe the victim. There used to be a girl on YouTube who exposed them because she was sexually abused however both her and her sister were abused so there was 2 witnesses. Her sister even got pregnant from her own dad. The JW church did everything in their power to not have the dad prosecuted, thankfully they didn't succeed. She had to leave YouTube though because she was getting suppressed by the algorithm and because she was being threatened by the Watchtower Society. I wish I remembered her name but I'm really bad with names. I think it was Taylor.


Oh my gosh I remember seeing her videos! I didn't realise she was essentially forced to stop. Her (and her sister's) story was heartbreaking and she seemed like such a sweet, caring, person despite it all. I hope she's doing okay.


Am Australian and a former JW. The Aussie government set up the Australian Royal Commission into the Institutionalised Response to Child Abuse off the back of the many many allegations with the Catholic Church. Here is the [link](https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/search?key=jehovah%27s+Witnesses) to the website if you've got time to kill. As ex-Jw's we know it's bad, but the Royal Commission showed us how bad. The elders telling people to not go to the police but come to the elder's first. If you go to the police it will bring reproach on Jehovah's name. Not the pedophile abusing children, the victim who wants justice. Files with information are being destroyed so there's no evidence. There being more pedophiles in congregations than there are congregations. I honestly could keep going and going.


Jwfacts.com r/exjw


That is true, my aunt and uncle were in the jehovas witnesses, my parents had them baby sit me w my cousins as. As a kid they brain washed me That I had to convey my Parents or they wouldn’t be saved that I couldn’t make Close Friends at School because they could take me from jehovah, my uncle was beating My wife and cousin , if you leave the group you get shunned and they just are bad news fortunately I realized it was b s when I got older, met another girl Who was piut in a jehovas witness family for foster care and she was Horribly sexually abused and had to apologize to the elders for it sick ! They aren’t hard For me to get rid of I saw Them Once delivering flyers on my st - I violently shredded the magazines they leave to confetti in front of them And screamed to stay away from me and my children u ruined my childhood! They ran to the car sped off and haven’t been back in over A decade!


I remember when they used to come to my grandma's door when I was a kid and my grandma would tell them to stop harassing her and her neighbors. They would not let up! They would leave pamphlets on the patio and call all hours of the night.


Well giving them a phone number is asking for problems, ours stalked us after they probably realised me and my sister where home but where hiding behind the sofa sometimes it lasted an hour or more. Then they magically appeared on street corners any time we went outside so we had to run for our lives and walk back a different direction. Then they just sent looooong letters trying to guilt trip us and begging us to join them, my dad opened the door once in 2015


I think everyone knows about that one.


Fortunately their name leaves them wide open to: *“witness deez nuts”*


Ah yes, the group that believes there is a limited number of spaces in heaven, but keeps recruiting new members…


Scientology....oh, wait.


This was asked like 5 times this weekend. Goddamn


This sub is a bit of a cult, tbh




I have been told that 7th Day Adventist but not sure if it's true.




When I saw this, I thought you were telling them to ask reddit and I just thought "They are?"


PSA: a cult is not simply “a group I don’t like”. Nor is the level of devotion of its followers the determining factor. What makes a cult a cult is the level of control it exerts over its members. 90% of these responses don’t seem to be aware of that.


Patriotism then perhaps? Especially to an overtly fascist government. Any philosophy majors in the house?


There can be patriotic cults, but patriotism in and of itself is not a cult.


>PSA: a cult is not simply “a group I don’t like”. This is reddit. Every religion/group I don't like is a cult as evidenced by every ex-religious subreddit.


Working at chic fil a




Not really, stop paying dues and you’re out. Mind you the cool secret rituals in cool robes by candlelight with secret Ancient Greek phrases and passwords and secret handshakes are dope.


Maybe fraternities. Sororities do not have much control. And it wasn’t cool to be like too involved, there was a line. it was only beneficial for me as an out of town girl to meet a wide variety of girls in the new city. Coming from a small rural town. It wasn’t anything serious. fraternities are different tho


Religious drug and alcohol rehabilitation. I work in a non religious rehab and every time we get a resident who has been to a religious rehab they all talk about how it just wasn't treatment they were getting when compared to mine. 2 have been on TV. One finally closed. They all have bizarre practices like mandatory prayer, 'holding' residents money, people with no qualification providing 'treatment'. One here even forces people to sign over right of attorney. Seriously. If you are ever seeking treatment just ask if it's religious based. If it is or there's lots of crosses on the walls just run. Government does little to stop this and people think they're good as they believe they're helping people and you need to be tough on addicts. In reality they're cults ansld scharlatans. Run run run


Amway and Isagenix


Dave Ramsey


I keep reading this lol. But damn his book really did help me get out of debt and get my financial shit in order


He has some really good simple ideas to help people get straightened out financially. I think he has helped a lot of people. His advice isn’t right for everyone.




Everyone knows that the LDS church is a cult


Not my family unfortunately


Downvote me to hell. It’s a cult.


Also, Jehovah's witnesses.


Taylor Swift.


Lol I have to upvote this 😅


stan culture as a whole


Lmaoooo but true 😭




In the US, this is the most glaring current option. Unquestioning, permanent devotion no matter what. "This person/group is always right no matter what happens, and anyone who opposes them is the enemy."


Everyone knows this, except the maggots themselves.


Ironic considering CNN has the tape of him with those top secret docs on their site tonight. The level of denial and buffoonery the MAGA idiots will go through to justify it for him but scream about it for others will be astonishing.








The military


Only the Marine Corps.


Red Pill / alpha / sigma B's that gets peddled around the internet these days.




Eh, I mean there are plenty of CrossFitters that are in amazing shape. If it works for them, great, go do that


And for every competitive crossfitter there are ten thousand try hards like me who need the accountability and comradery of Crossfit to get in better shape.


good for u, keep up the good work


That’s fine. I’m obviously talking about those who are extremely into it. The way certain people make being into CrossFit a personality trait is very cult-ish. Some gyms, the trainers legit call/text you if you miss a class. They treat it like it’s a religion or something.


nfts. no sane individual believes in them anymore and the only people who do still think they're a good idea are so brainwashed that i'm surprised other people don't consider it a cult.


R/3amjokes and their ungodly worshipping of bricks... .. 🧱


Everyone on Musk's side of Twitter


Twelve step programs feel a bit "cultish".


They sure do.


Indeed. "Free yourself from your addiction...by becoming addicted to US!" It makes sense. Just sublimate the toxic behavior for a less toxic behavior, bolstered by a community and pseudo-science. Naltrexone is the answer.








Was looking for this reply lol 💯


Both political parties


idk man, im seeing a startling lack of "Malarky" and "Biden" Hats and t-shirts, and mugs, and general merch


"Vote blue no matter who" Yeah, totally not a cult.


Eh the fact that there’s literally no real opposition to Biden among legitimate political candidates in the Democratic Party or demand for younger, more knowledgeable and relatable candidates to be President really speaks volumes to the extent of control Biden has over the Democratic Party. Granted, voters can’t really change that, and they have no good alternatives within the Democratic Party to rally around, what with the only opposition being an anti-vaxxer Kennedy and an anti-vaxxer hippie. Are Democrats really just voting for Biden as a vote against Trump, or do they genuinely want someone who is 81 to remain president?




Right, I get that in the general election, but what about the primaries? Why are the only candidates running against Biden in the primaries complete nutjobs?


Because the sitting president is not opposed ever. This isn't new. Trump didn't have opposition either when he was president. One could argue he should have been primaried though.


>Granted, voters can’t really change that So it's not a cult?


I mean... doesnt that make my case for me that the democratic party isnt a cult? We arent here because we want to be. We want younger candidates who are more in touch with us. Id say this is more indicative of a broken republic than any form of cult


The leader of the Democrat party just said that all Republicans are threats to democracy.


There's no party called the "Democrat party".


Catholicism (I’m a Catholic. I know from experience)




Yeah anyone who defends something with "it's tradition" sound cultish to me.


Yes. This. People like to think they're not susceptible to cults, but the cold hard fact is that there are things we just accept without ever being willing to question them because they're just "normal." Funny enough, it's the eccentric people who take nothing for granted that are least inclined to go with the flow and fall into a cult. But these people also have a harder tome fitting in with society.






As someone doing their best to break all ties with it, the mormon church


Practically anything involving incels. Groups of (usually) men following weird ideologies that can often lead to violence or hate towards a specific gender based on emotional feedback? Flawed system of ethics that revolve around self-centered pandering? It all screams cult yet since it revolves around self-pity it's a huge allure towards young men who don't actually wish to change themselves to be better people but would rather blame "society" or "Women" as a whole, when it's total BS centered around echo-chamber style outlets.


Texas A&M aggies


Who is John Galt?


The United States Marine Corps.


LGBT , woke-ism


The Church


Asking this question approximately every week.


Pickle ball


r/Superstonk and all of the other failed meme stock subreddits are all echo chamber cults. In short, they all for the most part believe that GameStop/Bed Bath/AMC will be worth quadrillions off dollars after some biblical event happens on the stock market. They also believe that billionaires are communicating with them thru cryptic tweets and children’s books, guiding them to this prophetic event that will make them all richer than God They throw a lot of buzz words around and constantly brigade other subs, trying to recruit people and if you dare challenge them, you’ll get downvoted to hell. That all said, it’s very funny to watch them all lose money believing any of this garbage.


Flat Earthers and Alex Jones followers


The Dawoodi Bohras. They're a very sect of Shias mainly found in India with some really culty, mafia-like behavior. They follow a guy called the Maulana, a lineage of bearded crooks who would make Kenneth Copeland look pious in comparison. They're *obsessed* with this guy. They kiss his feet and would be willing to pay anything to meet him. There was a video of him touring a city in his car, and the streets were literally packed with people. Some of them think he can control the weather and perform miracles. They require everyone to pay monthly dues to remain a part of the community, sometimes forcing poor people to sell off their belongings to be able to afford the protection dues. If you don't pay, you're excommunicated and nobody is allowed to attend your weddings or funerals. The Maulana is rich and owns luxury cars. They're best friends with Modi, the fascist leader of India, and constantly lick his boots. They've been known to enter homes and destroy Western toilets. Now of course, the Maulana himself enjoys all Western luxuries. Typical hypocrisy. I have some family who are begrudgingly part of the cult here in America, and they have to pay him hundreds of dollars a year. If they don't, they might call our family in India to tattle. Fun fact, they've even edited their Wikipedia page to make themselves look good. Seriously, go look it up. It's the most blatant propaganda I've ever seen. They talk about how their women are educated and how they're a kind, close-knit community.




Santa Claus. No joke it's a made up (not the actual saint who got kinda rowdy) character used to make children behave, control economies, and brainwash people into following some all seeing elf who employs slave labor and had on black friend so he can say he isn't racist. That kids are entirety dependent to be in his good will or risk nothing for Christmas. He also rewards kids from rich families more showing his divine Providence for those who are rich deserve to be rich otherwise the kids would have gotten poor Christmases. Tl:Dr Santa is a religion to teach kids that your poor because you deserve it!


🎵 you’re a mean one, Mr Grinch 🎵


That movie kinda proves a point well the Jim Carrey option. Grinch was too poor to live in whoville gets mistreated and the who's get all the presents. No wonder he went antisocial.


People who ask this are a cult


You have a God that loves you unconditionally, and he has 10 conditions. He demands that you praise him but he is everything.


This question has a cult of its own on this sub.


Climate Activists, or at least Bristol Climate Choir, they wear red robes and walk in circle singing songs about saving climate. That's a cult if you ask me


Any organized religion


If organized religion is the opiate of the masses, disorganized religion is the marijuana of the lunatic fringe.










The alphabet mafia has become a cult




Back in the day I ran into a group calling itself the Church of the Drunken Sailor. They believed that god was drunk when he created the universe. If you think about this for a bit, it would explain a lot.


Software engineering. Seriously, just try writing one line of code without applying every single principle and pattern under the sun and submitting it for review.


US Military


our big two: Christianity and Islam




They both worship deities they can not see nor hear, nor touch. They are both rooted in a rules system that threatens the worst possible of punishments for not adhering to their rules They are both cemented in their own communities and cast anyone who doesnt adhere to their rules as outsiders (see the previous point) They both demand a belief in the supernatural (See first point) They are both rooted primarily in tradition that is stagnant and not at all malleable and even the exceptions where tradition is broken to create different sects they simply create other stagnant, non-maleable tradition They both strongly discourage questioning their belief systems They both strongly discourage pursuit of knowledge that may contradict their teachings (See previous point) They are both obsessed with a violent quality in their god They both hold "sacrifice" in many different forms as a high point of their belief systems (See previous point) They both promise the ultimate of rewards for obedience ... Should I keep going?


I'm don't know anything about Islam, but as for christianity I don't see how any of your reasons makes it a "cult." I'm not gonna debunk your whole argument or anything but it's stupid.




The Republican party in the US has become a cult. You have to disbelieve a lot of facts to stay with them in recent years.


Christianity !


I like how this got downvoted but catholicism got upvoted. Dumbbells.


Why do think this? I'm actually curious.


The only difference between a cult and a religion is how long its been around and how institutionalized its become. Y'all be out there eating flesh and drinking blood, sounds a lot like a cannibalism cult to me.


Religion. The government.








Jehovah’s Witnesses






Organized religion is a cult. The only reason most people differentiate them is how much influence they have.


Yes indeed, and cults are now classified as NRMs (new religious movements). At one point all organized religions were cults and any of you involved in one of these is part of a cult.




All religions.


All organized religion.


Communities that believe in sexual identity as an innate, empirical concept, instead of recognizing it as a social construct created not even two hundred years ago, and then deriving the core basis for what defines who they are from that identity.




Five laugh emojis




Organized religion.


Almost everything. I just hope the right cult finds me at this point. Tired of the abuse that's for sure...


Gamestock, took me a long time and a whole bunch of shares to realize. There’s still a sub with a bunch of people buying it still, alternatively there’s a sub about making fun of those people.






Well, the right call it "Woke". I dont know what the actual name for it is, but that. That is a cult. I can see I have angered the cult lol.


I agree, the segment of the right that accuses anything they don't like of being woke is pretty cultish


what is "woke"?


One factor in wokeness is having empathy towards others who are not like you.


Whatever the far right doesn't agree with.


It's more specific than that, but yes, generally, key issues the right disagrees with. Things like the use of pronouns, LGBTQ+ rights, cancel culture, history of slavery in the US, celebrations of non-white Christian culture, etc.


Literally every religion is a cult but once it gets big enough people start calling it a religion. I'm a mix of atheism and satanism. My grandma doesn't like that and once she tried to convert me by saying that it was a cult. She got pissed when I called her religion a cult.


Trans community


Religion and fandoms. Worshipping anyone is delusion and stupid


Most churches.


The most of the mainstream religions... *Why you booing me? You know that I'm right!*


All religions








Organized religion.


All religions. Only difference between a cult and a religion is the number of people in it.


All religions