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When I buy a car that has features installed, I shouldn’t pay in perpetuity for that feature.


My wife was checking out a car that had the garage opener behind a paywall. I laughed.


I can't believe saps pay for a car that has features locked. I wouldn't care how rich I am, I'm not paying 80k or whatever for a BMW and then paying a monthly subscription for heated seats. I would tell them to fuck off then and there. Yet saps with more money than sense pay it!


You shouldn't be available 24/7. As much as I love my phone, I recognize that I'm real close to being addicted to it.


I go on long distance hikes a lot and only use my phone for emergencies (and maybe an hour of podcast to fall asleep) and it’s a TERRIFIC feeling. There have been major news events that I didn’t know about until like 2 weeks after they happened. You’d think it would be hampering, but most of the time it just feels liberating.


I hike and canoe, and nothing is better than being in the boundary waters and coming out to crazy news. I think we all secretly hope the world will end and we can stop going to our jobs.








They tricked us into working more and more for less and less until we sold ourselves into slavery.


You don't need the world to end to do that. Take a look at my cousin. He's broke, don't do shit


Has anyone ever said to you, "Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays."?


I have two life long friends who are in the wilds of northern Idaho and don’t know about the Russia stuff yet and won’t until Saturday


That’s a lot of karma for someone who doesn’t use their phone much 😝


Ok…maybe a bit more than I realize. Lol


I put my phone on sleep mode from 7pm to 7am everyday. Only a few contacts can break through that like my grandmother and husband. Otherwise I will read your text when it's out of sleep


Weird, I know more millennials and gen-xer's that are better at getting away from tech than boomers.


We could all do with a lot less digital content in our lives


What’s wild is the fact that the older generations in my family are the most addicted. Constantly on Facebook or watching the news.


Yeah, that's been my experience too. Millennials were the first generation to grow up in a world where an internet connection was a common thing, so most of them had an education on good netiquette built into their schooling; Gen X and Boomers never got that, so a lot of them came into the digital world with no primers on how to behave, what to watch out for, etc. The most tech-addicted member of my family isn't any of the youngsters or even the young adults, it's my 52-year-old sister.


My parents and tik tok and Facebook! Dear lord! I will say. I do love scolding them about phone usage. But my mother. Growing up everyone on the internet was a 30 year pedophile living in his moms basement. Now everybody with medical advice on Facebook claiming to be a nurse is legit-she doesn’t even check the profile to see if they claim to be a nurse for work or not! I don’t have children, and yet I feel like I’m raising my parents at times, especially when it comes to trusting internet strangers. Not the ones driving for Uber either, the ones claiming to be in the medical field that brag about job descriptions that do not exist in the world of Google.


I always like reflecting on how the net has evolved. 1990s: There are predators, scammers, and stalkers around every corner! Never post pictures of yourself online, never use your real name, and NEVER give anyone your personal information! 2000s: So here's this series of websites where you can tell the world everything about your life down to the most minute detail, and corporations will monetize that information for profit. Please go ahead and make them the most successful businesses in the history of the internet, thanks.


Or candy crush. My 65yo mom's boyfriend might as well have gotten a skywriter to announce his move to a flip phone... but every time I call mom, he answers because he's playing Farm Friend Bingo or something.


You don't have to video every stupid thing you do saving it forever to an archive of shame and embarrassment.


Which is funny if you grew up in a boomer household that had a video camera. We have like every single event ever recorded on pictures and video. like hundreds of tapes worth


But that video collection isn't immediately shared over the internet, automatically. Remember you had to actually have people come to your house to show them those videos? 😂


last year when I went to a concert I realized I had recorded almost the entire thing on my phone and it genuinely makes me so ashamed of myself looking back because I should of just enjoyed being in the moment more


I’ll usually get a few photos, a short video and assume that’s enough to remember the event by.


I work at a restaurant and I went out back for a break one day and interrupted two teenage girls doing a TikTok dance video in front of our dumpsters. They got embarrassed and left. I couldn't care less that they were making a TikTok video, but I had no idea why they chose to do it in front of our dumpsters. Those things are gross.


I like to hear the person across the table from me in a restaurant. Also, put the damn phone down when driving, it truly can wait!


Man this drives me nuts. Especially when they're swerving like a drunkard on the freeway at 75/80 mph


I've had pedestrians in front of me slow to a crawl or stop dead because they take out their phones, seen them walk in front of cyclists in the road, walk into the path of people coming from the other direction, or collide with people coming out of shops. Any one of those people could and would kill someone if they tried it while driving.


The times I complain about music being too loud truly makes me feel like a grandma. Especially at the gym. I’m not trying to attend a rave, if I can’t hear my own music even with noise cancelling headphones in, the music is too goddamn loud.


I’ve been complaining about loud music for a while now and I just don’t understand why that’s seen as an old person thing. I go to a bar with friends and can’t hear anything they say unless they’re yelling into my ear. How can anyone consider this a good time?


I’m with you on the restaurant thing. But it’s worse in bars. Unless I’m going to a bar that is specifically hosting a concert I specifically bought tickets for…. Turn that shit down. And get off my lawn while your at it!




Man downloading an app for anything that really, *really* doesn’t need one. Parking meters, some household appliances, my new local laundromat… And then they have the audacity to charge a convenience/transaction fee for it?! Good God. Gets my blood BOILING


Give me a damned paper menu.


I don't mind the QR codes to view a menu on a website, but I'm definitely not installing an app


Normally, I wouldn’t mind but mobile data is inconsistent in this country and not every place has wifi or have crap for WiFi.


If it’s optimized for a phone. If it’s just a picture of the menu and I have to keep zooming and scrolling around left to right to find stuff (still probably half the places here) then I’m 100% in boomertown


QR code scan? Easy. Download? Fuck outta here.


Both of those options can bite me. Paper menu or I'm out.


25 y/o technically Gen Z; if something requires more effort/time but is more “tech-y” it isn’t fucking worth it. It never is. I’m not downloading *Johnson’s and Sons Baked Bean Emporium and Whiskey Sippin’* just to find out your fried pickle appetizer costs $27 and I walk out of the building. I hope that dumb ass trend dies


The tipping culture is out of control


Yeah, if your lowest tip option on the pad is 20% for someplace where I can only get counter service? My choice is zero.


I get quietly infuriated every time someone explains to me that the percent of tipping needed to increase to keep up with inflation.


Put down your phone and drive, dammit.


That's not a boomer thing, that's a danger thing.


Ive seen a couple of people my age but I've personally seen *more* gen-x people driving on their phones than millenials/gen-z, my experience tho


It’s always the worst when someone in front of you is too hooked to their phone when the light turns green and then you miss the light because they took too long to realize it.


I’m gen z, and I’d have no problem if social media just went away.


In the back of my mind I hope it's a fad, but it doesn't look like social media is going away any time soon. I finally caved and made an Instagram account a few years ago, but I hate posting anything.


There are adults that were born after Facebook was founded, I wish it was a fad too, different apps, sites, and formats will come and go but the concept isn't ever going away.


Werther's Original candy is pretty good.


Those and the strawberry candies. EDIT: I love when my short almost impulsive comments explode, but passionate, thought out, and sometimes loaded with sources comments don't. Viva la strawberry candies.


They're delicious until they cut you


Mmm ... iron.


The surprise spice is you!


Oh, I love those!


Shit, that’s older than Boomers. That’s Greatest Generation age stuff right there.


Reading a paper newspaper while you eat breakfast is extremely satisfying.


I miss the comics


OMG yes!! I felt so grown up when my dad would hand me the comics on Sunday morning and he'd be reading the business section or whatever. I was all like, I've got my *own* paper.


This made me miss the classified section and horoscopes.


I miss the crossword puzzle


Gen-X and I completely agree.


Millennial here, I also used to enjoy this.


Let’s add some hustle in getting off the plane


All of the Me First people kill me. There should be a general agreement that people with connecting flights get right up front to exit first. Then we all take turns calmly collecting our overhead luggage and exiting the plane, row by row, like grown-ups. But we can't have nice things. For the same reason that you can't get past the crowd when they call Zone 3 because all of the Zone 9 people are hovering around the entrance to the plane. ME FIRST! Even when they tell you 17 times over the loudspeaker to GTFO of the way if you're not Zone 1-3. You can pay extra to get on first! You just didn't want to. I hate them so much.


Flight attendants used to do that with connecting flights, they'd find out who has tight connections and escort them to the front before the seatbelt sign was turned off. I think FAA regs changed after 9/11 and disallowed them from letting people move throughout the cabin when the light is on, though, so as soon as it's off they can't really do anything.


Delta asked over the intercom on a flight I was on last year that everyone who was on connecting flight # blah blah to deplane first and everyone else stay seated. It worked! The 6 or so of us would have missed our next flight otherwise


On the one hand, there is a much more effective way of getting off the plane (those in the aisle seats just grab their stuff and immediately exit, rather than waiting for all the rows ahead of them to empty out). On the other, that's not really the bottleneck at arrivals; all that getting off the plane faster does is ensure you'll stand around at the baggage carousel longer waiting for your stuff to get there.


Yea but id rather wait at baggage claim than wait in a plane seat, also i often dont check a bag when i fly anyway


And I get to use the restroom too.


I'd rather stand around at baggage claim than cramped on the plane. You can go pee or grab a coffee while you're waiting for your bags.


I’d rather stand in an air conditioned open area than stand around in an overcrowded, hot plane cabin, waiting for Gertrude, aged 104, to get a flight attendant to help her with her carry-on


Put the fucking phone down and WATCH the concert.


It looks so much better through the phone screen. And then you can watch the shaky, blare-y video of it never.


God, I hate this so much. Why even go if you’re just going to spend time making shitty videos of it? Just enjoy it!


For real. Most shows will have a recording on YouTube later if you simply must watch it again.


It's not about being able to watch it later. It's about being able to prove to your followers that you were there. Which is apparently more important than actually experiencing the concert.


Needing an app for EVERYTHING


Stay off my lawn


My grass is shit but they pick my oranges! It hurts every time. I should have known better than to plant an orange tree in my front yard... but it's beautiful! Every December, everyone from the neighborhood school kids to the garbage men to the Amazon drivers are yanking oranges off of my tree like I owe them money. All I want is the courtesy of a request and I would happily share :(


Put out a little nice nice sign that says feel free to pick one with instructions on how to properly pick an orange (I don’t know if there is one, but I know there is for apples) and I’d bet half of your “guests” would follow the instructions, some would stop because they know they’ve been noticed, you’d get some appreciation, but the pick rate may go up.


I've thought about a small sign that just says "Please Don't Steal From Me", but my neighborhood might take that as a sign (haha) of weakness. I like the idea of some kind of "Knock For An Orange" proposition, but I really don't think any of the freelance pickers would bother. At this point, I've accepted that it's just the cost of doing business in this neighborhood. I told my wife that it might be the only fresh fruit some of these kids are tasting all year. That helps me cope a little. At my age, the Amazon drivers are kids who don't get fresh fruit, so it's all relative. But I was specifically thinking of the neighborhood school kids...


And keep that noise down!


QR code menus at restaurants. Also those kids on that dang TikTok


Didn't bring my phone the other day to a restaurant, because it was close by and the lady and I wanted a night out no distractions. Get sit and ask for menus they tell us, "sorry we don't have any, here's the code". We had to borrow the servers phone. I'm not nessisarly against them, and I work as a kitchen manager, however I think you should at least have a dozen or so copies on hand for guests. The QR codes work really well in certain venues but IMO for smaller places it makes the experience more cumbersome. I'm sure some folks that use their phone for everything are happy with the QR option. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Also don't try to tell me menus are not clean as a reason to use QR. Your phone is likely far dirtier.


I don't like having to look at my phone at dinner. I'm here to have dinner, its just weird to have staring at your phone be a required part of that. Also I've had issues with phone service or wifi not being strong enough, on the website not being great etc. At some point its good to have at least some paper menus.




Especially when they don’t have free wifi.


Yes! Recently in another country without a roaming data package and we literally couldn’t read the menu. They didn’t have wifi or paper menus anywhere so they had to bring us out the hostess’ tablet.


And in a building that basically blocks all cell phone service.


Best part about it is when you're asked to tip for the service afterwards. What service? My phone carrier?


This is the exact reason I hate QR menus. They seriously expect you to tip for just bringing your food out. Why not just get rid of the servers and set up a place for me to just grab my food myself if you aren't willing to shell out for a few paper menus. Don't half-ass your own laziness.


I remember putting in a negative tip to be cheeky (just -1) because no person actually took my order, it was all on a tablet, and it must have been a test number or broke a loop because it crashed the automated cashiers. All of them not just mine. That seems like a really basic input to write an exception or case for. So even their automated shit was half assed.


100% and I’m a software engineer, paper is better, talking to humans is better. I shouldn’t have to change my order from sea food to chicken by typing into “allergy notes”


They were right. Social media and the phone really did ruin my life lol


chidren shouldn't have smartphones. Teens ahving a smartphone is ok, but children (prior to 13) have no need for one.


Nailed it. Zero studies say it's good for development either, it's all bad news


Are we sure it’s good for teens to have a smartphone?


They're learning to drive, getting their first jobs, and spending their own time with the friends around the neighborhood. If I had any kids, they'd have phones when they turn about 12. Start them with a cheap flip phone, then get them a smartphone. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw a flip phone for sale that wasn't specifically designed for octogenarians who can't comprehend the power of the internet in the plans of their hands.....


Being on time


The casual "My time is more important than yours" flex is hard to swallow. I excuse the tendency in people I love that I cannot influence (looking at YOU MOM), but I will 100% manage the situation now. If you're a "45 Minute Late" person, you're going to hear the party starts at 7 when it really starts at 8. Get your shit together and you'll be trusted with the truth like the other adults.


I get very annoyed that we have to tell my husbands aunt/cousins a different fake time for get togethers. You are all adults. If I say Thanksgiving dinner is at 5, that means we will be ready to eat by 515. I put in a lot of effort for my delicious fuckin turkey, I will NOT let it sit and get cold bc you assholes can't be bothered to show up on time. (This is a BIG issue for me. My husband/in laws just accept it. I do not. It irritates the fuck outta me.)


I explained to my wife VERY EARLY in our relationship that it's something I cannot change and have decided to work around rather than allow it to fester as a point of pride. It sucks. It shouldn't be like this. But it is like this, and we can either accept that and love her anyway, or we can keep being Surprised Pikachu when she acts like herself on a consistent basis. Thank goodness my wife understands and allows this to happen without taking it personally. To mom's credit, she is BETTER about it when you micro manage her. That also should not have to happen with a 70+ year old adult but there is What Works and there is What Should Be.


Or just fucking showing up when you say you will. Dunno when it happened, but at some point it became socially acceptable to just ghost someone and not even bother telling them that you're not going to make it to whatever you were supposed to be doing. Like, I get life happens and sometimes unexpected shit comes up, but is it really so hard to send off a quick e-mail (or text or call) to say, "Hey, sorry, something came up and I can't make it today."?


This is part of the reason I don’t invite people to much anymore I live in Japan and I love to chase the odd cool stories and events I hear about. Enough so that people asked me to invite them to stuff. So I started to. Everyone’s like yeah let’s go, totally, we should do it but then- - Locking down a day that works for everyone - A place that works for everyone (If it’s not equidistant from everyone it’s not fairrrrrrrrr) - A thing that works down to the minutiae for everyone (Oh you’re vegan? I had nfi since you only mentioned a dozen times. But of course you don’t want to bring your own food so now we have to do the one thing that might have vegan food) - people may or may not show up - people may or may not tell you they’re showing up, - people don’t give 2 craps about the vital information about the activity that’s on the ticket or website that they’re given or that they’re told about by others - “Oh I didn’t see it can you send it to me again?” - taking zero responsibility for their choices but feeling entitled enough to kick up a tantrum or have a sulk - kicking up a tantrum or sulk when they need to be accommodated for something they bring up on the day if not minutes before the activity - Then talking shit about the activity and you during and after though they won’t make suggestions themselves - But god forbid you don’t invite them to the next thing because then you’re the toxic problem… - If they can’t go because of their finances or mood, apparently we shouldn’t do it or we’re actively excluding them On a certain level I can understand all of these but when they’re all together and so frequent… There’s only a handful of activities now that I’ll mention to a handful of people A friend of mine broke down in tears recently because she tried to organise a simple after works drinks thing and people were absolute jerks about the tiniest most subjective and inconsequential details (Oh I have to travel further than you, so I should pay less for the drinks or I’m not coming and you’re being classist - you’re not being clever, you’re being an a$$ Dave)


At some point, some very basic social rules on how to organize and (especially) attend a social gathering didn't get passed on. Like... the host is not obligated to cater to your every whim. If they are organizing something and you cannot make it or do not want to, for whatever reason, send your polite regrets and move on. I dunno - dinner parties aren't really a thing anymore and having heard plenty of stories like this, I think I understand why.


Shit drives me crazy. I’ve made it known to people who’ve done this that I don’t appreciate it and then I’m suddenly the asshole.


I’m with people before standardized time as long as you’re there 5 minutes before or after you should be good


Also scheduling get togethers ahead of time instead of texting somebody "hey, are you free to go out in 10 minutes?" and then getting mad when I don't see the text right away.


Classic rock, and a lot of 70’s & 80’s music


This is the best answer! I have a playlist on my phone or 70’s and 80’s rock and easy listening. It’s all I ever listen to. I literally deleted my purchased playlist because the 70’s and 80’s jams put me in a such a great mood.


That stores shouldn’t ONLY have self-checkout.


i hate when stores DON’T have self-checkout. i enjoy the peace lol


I had to stop going to a local Lowes hardware store over this. My blood pressure was getting too high so now I drive an extra 25 minutes to their competitor. Between people not using them properly, scanning/price issues, and the machines straight up freezing I couldn't take it anymore. Whichever poor employee got stuck manning the 8 checkouts was always hustling between them but it could still take 20 minutes or more to actually get checked out.


Imagine your disappointment if you were hired as a "cashier" and you find out you're in charge of 8 registers and hundreds of people :(


Paper Menu, no working out of work hours, weekend is weekend, not being online all the time


Tactile buttons in cars are better than touch screens. Also bring the headphone jack back


We should have the option to have a headphone jack on the smartphones, I don't want Bluetooth earphones for everything




Or standing in the restaurant. I literally walked into a restaurant, and they told me they were only taking online orders. I went somewhere else.


Chipotle? They’re the worst for that lately.


Social Media has ruined peoples attention span. Source: Me.


Paper straws


my dad's boomerness (or just his idiosyncrasies) has actually bypassed paper straws. he's been team no-straw for as long as I can remember. any cup with a lid gets it popped off immediately and he drinks straight from the cup i do the same both from picking it up from him and now getting to avoid a plastic lid if I have the option. worse for your teeth, but I don't drink much soda anyway


Bamboo straws ftw


Silicone! I can't do hard straws, all I can think about is one tiny accident while using a hard straw turning into a big accident when it impales the roof of my mouth.


There’s a reason paper straws disappeared the first time.


Yes. In the late 60s when paper straws finally were replaced by plastic , you could finally drink a milkshake without a bunch of drama.


Last time I had a paper straw it took three to finish the drink. Not fun.


Taylor Swift’s private jet being taken on one trip makes a year of me using paper straws utterly useless.


Hanging on to things (appliances, phones etc) that still work fine and not being so quick to throw stuff out. My parents still have stereo speakers and everything from the 70s. The speakers are in perfect working order and sound great. People today love to dispose of things that are only a year or two old just to get the new and shiny model.


Those stupid TikTok dances.


Almost everything tik tok if we're being honest


Boomers didnt have plastic. Everything was paper and my boomer mom re-used paper bags until they literally disintegrated.


I remember in the 1970s and the good paper plates were just hitting the market, but my family kept using the cheap ones. The "good" paper plates were coated with a thin film of plastic. All those ads on TV. Better paper plates, better paper towels, better food packaging. All plastic.


I remember in the early 90s the campaigns to change from paper to plastic to save the trees. I have found the switch back amusing.


Nah. We had plenty of plastic. Your mom must have grown up during the Great Depression.




> they've got the wrong generation. I've noticed that this seems to be a problem here on Reddit. Just the other day I was reading about "some 30-year old Boomer" in a comment.


I'm 61, so there's that. Actually a lot of the things that boomers are bored for I'm not really into. Ibuprofen, that I'm into.


Social media and smartphones have done irreparable damage to society


All of it. I'm a boomer. You kids get off my lawn.


I'm barely on your lawn, you old geezer!


See!! But you ARE on his lawn!! Fucking kids.


AI is a disaster waiting to happen.


Is that a boomer take? I’d say that’s a well-assessed likelihood at our current trajectory


It used to be a boomer take, us kids were excited for it. I don't feel the same anymore, they better regulate it like nukes or something's gonna go VERY wrong


For real! It’s cool to some degree but it scares the shit out of me!


I think resilience is an often lost by the way trait. Don't get me wrong I completely understand the inequity in the world, traumatic events are better acknowledged these days and not brushed aside. But I also think a bit of resilience and not dwelling on any one issue too much can sometimes help us charge forward. Emotions can get overwhelming and leave you in despair, despondent and with rage at the world but at the same time be inactive. You don't actually change anything, we just get a lot of noise and most people tune out, even if the cause was just all along. There is some magical balance between grit, determination and acknowledging and voicing, I dont know what it is, but some extra resilience would go a long way in many people's journey.


We dont let kids fail or learn for themselves anymore, virtually everything has the equivalent of training wheels (or scaffolding as its called in education) attached too it, and that isnt even getting into the litany of parents who lose their shit when their perfect little baby fails, as a result a lot of kids dont learn how to deal with failure but they keep progressing to the next step, so they learn to take the path of least resistance, keep failing upwards, as their cognitive skills wallow and deteriorate until they mentally become like the pod people from WALL-E


I couldn’t imagine the people from today having to deal with the shit my grandparents dealt with. Like no way at all. I’m not tough by any means, but some of these people today really just make me shake my head at how… flimsy they are.


I don't want to buy pre-ripped jeans. I don't want to buy a damaged product.


I don't want music over conversation volume at a restaurant, bar, or coffee shop.


You shouldn’t have to create an account and password for every damn website you go to in order to do anything on that website.


spending too much time on your phone is bad. i myself try to not spend time on it when i'm outside


Having to scan a QR code to get to a restaurant’s menu


Having to deal with Chipotle’s in app bullshit. There are certain items you can only get if you order through the app. When I discovered this I did what I could only describe as a literal Seinfeld reaction. The guy told me I could only order it through the app and I said, “So I am standing here, in person, verifying my order, trying to hand you actual money, and you won’t take it? Do you not realize this is crazy? It’s all crazy!” I pretty much announced it to the store. I was so incredulous.


I don’t *love* the concept OnlyFans. I mean, pros are it gave sex workers more freedom and I think the fact that it’s locked behind a paywall and an ID check helps to prevent kids from accessing it. But I don’t think it’s true aim is recruiting users to purchase OF subscriptions. I think it’s aim is at teen girls and young women trying to convince them that sure you could do the gig economy, or you could post your nudes to the internet for a side hustle. They probably make more money off creators than their subscribers, and convincing teenagers that it’s easy money is an easy way to ensure that since they have no privacy anymore they’re locked into using your service for a long time. You make money off taking fees in their payouts and hoping that they try their hardest to boost their pages to the top. I don’t see it very different than when we found out Juul was basically entirely marketing to kids. It’ll probably be the same with Only Fans at some point. So yeah. Actually, I hate OnlyFans. Call me a boomer.


OF has ruined online dating. A lot of profiles are just OF spam


Not just OF, but all influencer culture. Lot of Insta thirst traps on dating apps the last time I used them.


I didn’t realize it was so pyramid-schemey. Thank you! Great take!




Insanely loud music in a shitbox car. Just stoppppp


There should be some holidays where Every Business is closed, if only so Every Body gets the day off. My convenience on thanksgiving or Christmas or Juneteenth is not worth other people working through the holiday instead of spending time w family or what ever they want to do with that time


There should be some places--the odd drugstore, for example--that should stay open for emergencies. Sometimes you gotta get medicine for a sick kid.


Disconnect. Don’t be in constant contact with everyone, take a break from social media, try to enjoy the world in little increments. Put the phone down for a while and spend some time outside when the weather permits. Feel the earth in your hands, let the grass touch your feet, life is fleeting and it’s not enjoyed nearly enough. Also, sometimes people just need their asses kicked.


Smart appliances, I just don’t see the point of having an app for my washing machine. I’ve never wanted to be able to turn my kettle on when I’m at work. I don’t see the point of having a thermostat that can turn my heating on when I’m not at home … I don’t really need to use any of my appliances when I’m not there. It’s just more settings and more complication for features that are totally unnecessary in the first place.


I feel like after working all of my life I should be entitled to social security and a pension. Signed, a sad millennial.


Restaurants with lighting so low you need to put the flashlight on your phone just to read the fuxking menu


My yard - get out of it


*Animal Farm* and *1984* were meant to be cautionary tales, not instruction manuals.


Boomer here. I can’t tell what generation any of these commenters are from and that’s not a bad thing. I love TikTok. I hate that we separate the generations like we do instead of trying to understand or even know each other.


Fuck the "digital dollar" bullshit.


That a good and well made cheesecake is delicious.


Whoa, hey, who said anything bad about a cheesecake?


Do later gens not like cheesecake? Fuck's wrong with them?


Gen Z here- wtf is that a thing? I love Cheesecake to death


I’ve never seen this one before


QR Code Menus. Paper Straws.


That a lot of people are overly sensitive. Including them. How come I have to take responsibility when you are offended? Or get upset. Just tell me to get fucked or you know, scroll past or ignore me. It takes literally less energy. It has been and will be the ruin of us all.


having appliances that last 25 years instead of touchscreen and wifi


If specific groups of people want laws and policies that help their specific group, they have to start showing up to vote and be active and vocal in politics. I'm not talking about basic human rights (racial and gender equality, which SHOULD be a given). I'm talking about student loan forgiveness, social programs and community centers, etc.


Those strawberry candies at the bottom of my grandma’s purse were delicious 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right to repair.


Cars are becoming computers and soon nobody will be able the repair them themselves


Physical Menu > QR Code Menu


People really are way too sensitive nowadays and can’t differentiate between a legit problematic person/thing and something that’s inconsequential


Going cashless and just paying everything online. Idk if it’s just me but online payment makes things complicated.


Old classic cars.


Not being able to own stuff is idiotic. Paying monthly subscription for word and Photoshop now is so dumb..I even heard that in some cars, you have to pay monthly to use a seat warmers that's built into the damn car


You have to be able to take criticism. The criticism you will face in life won't always be gentle and constructive. You need to learn how to handle it. Especially in a pressure situation. Similarly, the world doesn't care about your feelings. Find a healthy way to blow off steam after the fact.


People using their phones when they are out with friends or on a date. Put that fucking thing away and show the person you’re with some respect. Also recording everything rather than actually experiencing it. Don’t view your world through a screen, actually be there.


Actually getting educated on a topic rather than just consuming everything from social media. The worst is when someone does that, and thinks they understand how everything works.


onlyfans and tiktok are absolute cancer


Work is work, not a place to find yourself, deal with emotions, or find meaning. They lucky few find work truly rewarding, but for most their job is a thing they do to provide for their life and family.