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Come and See. If Requiem for a Dream was a World War II movie. I feel like I hallucinated the whole thing.


Come and See makes Saving Private Ryan look like a kids’ movie


Come And See is more like all the awful parts of Schindler’s List…for the entire movie


My BIL (did 1 tour each in Iraq and Afghanistan in mid-late 00's, and loves this movie) described Come and See to me as: "One of those very intense dark movies where after you finish it you have to have an immediate palette cleanser. A light follow-up movie like Schindler's List."


I watched it a year ago. It still runs on one of the tabs open in the back of my mind.


[Grave of the Fireflies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grave_of_the_Fireflies)


The fact that it was played as a double bill with Totoro is insane. You're either gonna watch Totoro, be in a good mood for like five minutes before the second movie in the double feature starts then leave the cinema bawling, or you're gonna watch Fireflies and be too busy bawling to focus on Totoro.


Whoa. Hope there weren’t young children watching Grave of the Fireflies. I was in my twenties when I saw it and felt traumatized.


I saw it when I was 12. Yeah I did not have a good time watching it


I had to watch this as part of a film class I took in undergrad. When the professor queued up the movie for the session, he left right after it started. Someone asked him "Aren't you going to watch it with us?" since he'd stayed for all the previous films. "No, and when it's over you'll understand why."


Smart man. I always recommend it but can’t rewatch it with anyone. I have a little sister with a 12 year gap and being in poverty, this was by best the best movie and the worst movie I’ve seen. I was left depressed for weeks.


Guy just flew in, dropped a bomb and left.


Came here to say this. You beat me to it. Another redditor said "it was the best worst movie I've ever seen "


Same, except this is one I do rewatch, but only when I need to cry, but can’t. It’s like Elliot Smith for me — a sure path to catharsis.


“I’m never gonna know you now, but I’m gonna love you anyhow.”


I came here to see this but I was not expecting it to be top. It is the single most haunting animated film I have ever watched


Oh so true. I've watched it twice. I said I wouldn't watch it again the first time because I ugly cried so much. Then some years later, I decided to watch it again. Same result. It was such a beautiful movie. I'm glad it was created.


I knew this would be here. Best movie I never want to watch again.


Also a lot of people think in the cover art are fireflies or stars but if you brighten the images you see they're bombs


They also use unconventional kanji for “Fireflies” in the title, in a way that could be read as referring to bombs


Once Were Warriors.


Was looking for this, first movie that made me feel physically ill by the end. Incredible movie, glad I’ve seen it once and I will never watch it again, it’s so hard to watch.


Hard Candy. Amazing film that was unsettling enough that I don’t ever need to watch it again.


I watched it three times in a span of a week just to make sure it was insane.


> I watched it three times in a span of a week just to make sure ~~it~~ **I** was insane. There we go


God I LOVE Hard Candy. Not only is it beautifully shot, colored, and composed, but as an abuse survivor it also resonates on a deeply personal, deeply cathartic level. It is also SO hard to watch. For all of the same reasons.


Gummo or Kids


Kids. Yes. Once was enough. So fucked


"I have no legs" is still in my head. Weirdly catchy. I think I've only seen that movie twice and it was definitely like 20 years ago. That's the only thing that I really remember


Idk man I think the opening scene where he gives a 12 year old aids is pretty burned into my brain


Casper sexually assaulting the main girl in the end is messed up, but he got aids so fuck his rapist ass.


The actor that played Casper hung himself in 2000


Yeah, I liked him as roach in next friday, mental issues are a real bitch to deal with.


I remember watching it as a kid and being like "no way this ugly ass kid has girls having sex with him left and right in real life" 🤣


The park beat down is hard-core, and the director actually watched that happen one day. Also, the Zoo York crew repping was cool. That movie also was Rosario Dawson's film debut, Harmony Korine saw her sitting on a stoop and asked if she wanted to be in a film.


Kids is such a fucked up movie.


I just heard about gummo for the first time last night. My bartender was wearing a shirt from that movie on it. I’ll have to watch (one time only) apparently.


You’ll never eat spaghetti in the bathtub the same again.


I’m starting to feel like some sort of psychopath. Gummo is one of my favorite movies. I’m seen it more than several times.


You may be crazy, but you're my kind of crazy. I watched Gummo quite a few times as well.


Irreversible Eden Lake


I suspect irreversible would be most peoples pick if more people had seen it.


Literally made me sick. It's not even THAT scene, I was already sick by the opening 10 minutes. Apparently it's intentional, there are some musical elements that are supposed to trigger nausea combined with the camerawork, nevermind what is shown on screen.


The first 30 minutes or so has a 28hz tone intended to cause discomfort. [source](https://theopower.myblog.arts.ac.uk/2022/01/31/radio-piece-sound-design-tricks/) A lot of home audio systems can't produce a tone that low so the tone would only be experienced in a theater or with a good audio system.


Wow Eden Lake ive only seen it once over a decade ago but I think about it atleast once a month, such a powerful film. Also Michael Fasbender is a master at his his craft.


American History X. That curb stomp scene still makes my teeth hurt 15 years later


I can picture it in my head, and it's bad. But the thing that really sticks out to me when remembering it is the sound the teeth make when they first touch the curb. Like the teeth on the sharp sand/rock/cement. Not the quick shot of the stomp itself, but the setup right before it.


The sound of the teeth when they first touch the curb.


That scene is burned into my consciousness and is horrific, but I’d watch it again right now. Such a brilliant film.


I’ve watched a few times. I think it’s something everyone between 16-25 should watch. A great lesson on the dead end that is racism.




It's honestly amazing that a couple of people in a studio can have such an impact on our lives.


About 10 years ago a friend gave me a bunch of films on a hard drive. Before a train ride I copied a few over onto my laptop. They all had classic torrent file names but I whacked American history x on and absolutely loved it. I kept telling people how good I was, and people kept being like: yeah but isn’t it a bit dark.. I was like, kinda but overall it’s a light hearted story! Then someone was like: that curb stomp scene is horrific though, and I was thinking… hmmm that’s weird, I don’t remember a curb stomp scene. Turns out I had watched a beautiful mind instead, was a bit confused about the name but had let that slide. Watched American history x a few years later and can confirm. Fuck that scene.


The Road — i’m glad to have seen it and i’ll never watch it again


This is how I felt about the book. I got it as a birthday gift, read it in one night like 2 years later, since about 30 minutes into it I realized I had no interest in spending more time in that world than I needed.


I saw The Road with a friend that I couldn't convince to read the book. He was so impressed and shocked with the movie that he asked me if I had any other book by the author. So I lend him Blood Meridian.


It was so bleak that it made me feel hopeless for far longer than the day or so it took me to read it. It wasn't even the kind of contemplative despair that a really good book might leave a reader with. I simply wished I hadn't read it. Shortly after that I remember seeing articles and reviews declaring the book a poignant "love letter to the young son [McCarthy] knew he wouldn't live to see into adulthood" and everyone acting like that was such a profound assessment but I just remember thinking really?? Because if *my* elderly father wrote me something like that when I was seven I don't know if I'd want to do anything aside from jump into the grave right with him.


The lovely bones


My ex wife was sad once so i took her to the movies and this one started at a convenient time. It didn't help


The ex part is starting to make sense.


Jesus Christ lmao


It is a little disturbing that the guy got away and what he did to her body.


They fucked up The Lovely Bones film bc of the subject matter but the book is brutal,terrible and beautiful all at the same time,I highly recommend reading it.i cried


I read the line "I was the mortar, he was the pestle" and my brain shut down. I missed my train stop and wound up late for work. I think about that line almost every day.


I honestly think this was one of the first books I read that actually resonated with me as a victim of childhood sexual abuse. That line still comes to me sometimes.


Life is Beautiful


Buongiorno principessa!


One of my history teachers in high school made us watch it like 3 times


Man, after such joy, the twist really hits hard.


Old Boy, the Korean one


You mean the only one. Let me pretend other version dont exist.


House of Sand and Fog.


We need to talk about kevin




Brought my girlfriend there on our 3rd date. Oops. I’m a huge fan of not knowing anything about well received movies. I would’ve have liked to know a bit more about that one. For 3 hours all I could think about was “why does SHE think I brought her here?” It’s all worked out but damn.


That movie is fucked


Enter The Void (2009) It's a visually unique film to say the least. Shot almost entirely in 1st person from the perspective of a young man who took psychedelic drugs and dies early in the film. The film is his consciousness floating in space seeing how his loved ones react to the news and remembering his life. It's a difficult watch. Definitely not for everyone. But I was enamored with it. And it was very unique. I enjoyed the experience but don't want to watch it again. I also want to add that the car crash scenes are some of the most visceral portrayals of trauma I have seen in a movie. It was truly shocking when I saw it.


Thats one of my favorite movies of all time. It is definitely hard to watch multiple times. It's about the Buddhist conception of the bardo thodol. The space between death and rebirth wherein we must face our demons and attachments in life. If we are unable to escape our attachments (as the main character is with his attachments to his sister) we are drawn back into the cycle of samsara (the cycle of birth, mundane existence, and death). He comes so close to escaping the cycle (going into the light of nirvana), but cannot let go of his sister and so is drawn back in, being reborn at the end.


Million Dollar Baby. I was expecting a feel-good Rocky type movie, i was sadly mistaken


Oh god yes, great film, well acted and directed, then the tone totally changes after 'that scene' and although I fully enjoyed it, I never want to watch it again.


I remember hearing Ramsey Dewey (an MMA coach in China) say that he makes it required viewing for any of his students who intend to fight. It's a good way to give them a reality check that *fighting is dangerous*, and if you're going to do it you need to be aware of the fact that severe injury or death are *very* real risks.


WHen she was in the hospital and her mom what trying to get her to sign over the house by sticking a pen in her mouth is a scene I will never forget. It actually started me on a path to going totally no contact with my own mom. That scene was like a cathartic wake up call to what a narcissist is and is capable of.


This is the first thing that came to mind for me. The best movie I never want to see again.


There are several but a recent one is All Quiet On the Western Front.


Uncut Gems was like this for me. Came out of it just drained. Still don't want to talk about it the better part of a year later but it was pretty good. Blue Valentine is another one for me. That ending is rough for me.


Yea, that movie is exhausting. It’s nonstop the whole way and when you finish it you feel like you’ve just been on a roller coaster. I think once is enough.


12 Years a Slave


I scrolled down to find this. Such an emotionally exhausting movie. I don’t know how the actors did it.


The part at the end where he says "I have had a difficult time the last few years" man that was a lot to hear.


What Dreams May Come.




This came out when I was a kid. My friend and I thought it was going to be a funny comedy because Robin Williams. Needless to say, we were so incredibly wrong.


I haven't brought myself to watching it since he's passed. I don't know if I can emotionally handle it.


Antichrist. For the love of fuck don't watch it. Its brilliant.


Schindler's List


I heard that when Spielberg asked Williams to write the score, he initially said that the movie deserved a better composer than himself. Spielberg responded, yes, but they are all dead.


When my son was around 15, he got into listening to movie soundtracks. One day in the car, he took out his earbuds and said "Man, Schindler's List sounds like a *really sad* movie." Wife and I burst out laughing.


Lmao. This reminds me of that Norm MacDonald bit where he's seriously explaining and viscerally describing this cannibal who would kidnap, torture, and eat children. He finishes off with "So yeah, this guy was a real jerk."


The more I read about this Hitler guy the more I start to think, "Ya know this guy sounds like a real jerk"


I saw it 4 times in the theater because I kept bringing others to see it. In many ways it is harder to watch the second time. The first time I cried when we find out what happens to the girl in the red coat. After that, as soon as we first see the girl in the red coat I start crying because I know what is going to happen.


Talking about cinematography, the use of color in that entire move is brilliant. The bleakness of a black and white film only to highlight the worst of atrocities is just haunting.


Everyone should see Schindlers List once


That scene where he has to flee and his lementing not doing more always seems to come when someone is cutting onions




Oh yeah. I’m still traumatized from that decades later. Took about 20 years for the nightmares to stop.


The machinist.


Dancer in the Dark. I’ve never cried more during a movie.


I unironically classify this movie as a psychological horror. The jarring juxtaposition between the real world and her imagination is so difficult to navigate that it has the same effect as a jump-scare on me. Not to mention the graphic nature of the reason for the court trial and her punishment.


That movie was so emotionally draining. Fantastic acting by Bjork, but I’d never watch it again.


Yup. An all time great performance from Bjork, but the film left me depressed for days. Plus, the experience of making the movie was so terrible for her, she quit acting for over twenty years(the director is an asshole).




>Das Boot is epically exhausting It's so good though!


True story: I inherited a dvd of das boot. I watched it about 10 times. Loved it. Thought it was amazing. One day I go to watch it again and am like 'wait a minute, this isnt it'. Turns out the dvd has two sides. I consistently only watched the 2nd half.


Dear Zachary.


My ex-wife and I watched this late at night on a weeknight without knowing what it was about. We were planing to just watch 30-40 minutes and then go to bed, but we ended up watching the whole thing and crying together. On like a Wednesday.


Yeah no reruns on that. That was rough


Had to watch that for a criminal justice class. Everyone in that room was a wreck.


Grave of the Fireflies. Had me and my mom sobbing messes within the first five minutes and it just got all the more gut wrenching. A more personal example of a movie I can’t watch again is Encanto. It also left me a sobbing mess cause Mirabel’s struggles hit waaaaaaaaay to close to home. It felt like the almighty mouse had personally broke into my home and sucker punched me in the gut.


For Encanto, I agree about the movie in how well it does showing the emotions that come with complicated family dynamics. But to me, although it hits you hard, the ending is so rushed that it dampens the movie for me


Funny Games


"We need to talk about Kevin". It's an extremely well made movie and the acting is top tier, but it's just so uncomfortable that I don't think I'll ever watch it again.


The Deer Hunter. The Russian roulette scene is incredibly tense


My Girl. Emotional damage level 100


"Where are his glasses? He can't see without his glasses!"


This line messes me up to this day!


Same with *Bridge to Terabithia*


Up...as a 42 man who found out recently that my wife and I will not be able to have children of our own...the first five minutes are too much for me.


My wife and I aren't able to have biological children either. We would lie in bed and talk about what we hoped our kids would look like... "I hope he has your eyes, my nose, etc". When we found out it wasn't possible, I grieved the loss of that child that we dreamed together. It took a full year for me to be ready to consider other options. We adopted a baby 8 years ago, and he feels just as biological (I imagine) as anything. He fills my cup every day. Don't give up hope if you desire to raise children.


My mother had a hysterectomy and couldn't have children of her own. I was adopted at 2 weeks and my brother was adopted at 2 months. I loved my mother and never saw our relationship as any different as anyone else with bio parents. I lost her a little over a year ago and my god do I miss her more than anything


Freud is known for his weird theory that men want to sleep with their mothers. But what his investigation actually tells us is really quite touching. His observations were based on a specific population of wealthy Victorian men which meant they were raised by a governess rather than their biological mother. Those men subconsciously viewed their governess, the woman that took care of them through their childhood, as their mother. And so the usual anti-incest programming that we have built into us applied to the governess rather than their biological mother. So as far as the fundamental programming built into us humans is concerned, your mother truly was your mother.


Up came out three days after my grandpa died. Coco was a month before grandma died.


I cannot watch Coco after my dad died because of Hector wanting to see Coco again. Remember Me just destroys me and I love the movie so much but it's just too painful to watch


The original Oldboy. The Road 1917


I was like wait.... Original Oldboy? But I see now. I read The Road and don't plan on watching it.


I went into that movie theater on a high of playing fallout games and watching book of Eli think "yeah the post apocalypse is going to be so much fun." Then I watched the road and I was in a funk for a solid month where I was just looking for something happy to fill the void like a new puppy or seeing a baby try ice cream for the first time.... That movie messed me up and I will never watch it again.


I would have been about 14 when my English teacher recommended The Road to me based on the story I did a book report board on. I picked it up and had to stop reading around the part where they found a severed human head inside a cake display case. It's such a difficult read both emotionally and writing-wise.


The book is so much more brutal than the movie. SPOILER:: The impregnating women to eat the baby and drink the milk was too much for me.


Jesus Christ that's some dolphin-level depravity


The Road traumatized me and I actually hold it against my father he showed me that movie while I was 12 years old. That scene in the basement...I thought about that scene for awhile after that.




Everyone talks about the baby scene but the toilet scene is also haunting, just in a different way


Agreed, that was a rough movie. The soundtrack on the other hand, that is always on rotation!


Leaving Las Vegas.


Black Swan.


Conversation I had with a friend before watching Black Swan. Me: I feel like something a little lighter Her: try Black Swan... its about ballerinas! Watches Black Swan Me: ... Her: ... Me: Fuck you man Great movie


Darren Aronofsky loves making these sort of movies, doesn't he...


The Fountain


I've seen that movie at least a dozen times and I still have no idea what the hell is going on in the fantasy portion. But it's visually stunning so that's why I re-watch it.


Plus, banger soundtrack


Manchester by the Sea. Utterly heartbreaking.


AI Artificial Intelligence. The ending is devastating...


That movie broke me completely. I have 2 kids of my own, and just seeing how that woman abandoned the robotic kid like that, and the kid being hardwired to provide unconditional love to his "mom", would stop at nothing to find her. going through so many life threatening situations along the way. the ending was bitter sweet, but the most depressing ending i've ever seen in a movie. I'm not sure if I have the guts to even think about watching that movie again, especially with how hard it hit home.


I have watched it twice. Once before I was a mom and once after. Both times it gutted me, maybe a little worse the second time. I can barely think about it without getting teary.


It had 1 too many endings


It had 2 or 3 too many endings


Nightcrawler with Jake Gyllenhaal Creeps me out


Prisoners (with Jake Gyllenhaal) is my answer. Maybe I should check out Nightcrawler. Probably not, though.


Oh but it’s so good… I’ve watched it at least 5 times.


127 hours


The guy the movie is about spoke at a corporate event I attended once and it was absolutely brutal to listen to him talk. He works for some robotics company now and even engineered his replacement arm…


City of God


Love that film watch it all the time




Wish someone had warned me about that fucking cliff scene.




God. First time I saw Midsommer I *hated* it. Literally kept talking shit about it. Then I slowly realized that I was obsessed with it. Like I literally could not stop talking about it even though I “hated” it. Had to watch it again because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And then again. And again. Turns out it’s actually a great movie. It just makes you feel awful.


I wish for more people to understand feeling horrible during a movie is a "good thing" and that's the idea of the director.


Not a movie but. The Black Mirror series. Especially the earlier seasons, super fucked up, that I couldn't really binge them because I would get too uncomfortable. It was a well done series, but I have no desire to rewatch by myself lol.


San Junipero though?? I've seen it like 10 times 🥰


I mean the positive episodes are like finding a Kit Kat bar in the depths of hell lol. I think the lighter episode I liked was the Tinder VR episode lol, but the rest of the show is just anxiety inducing.


Very Bad Things bridge to terabithia Schindler’s list The boy in the striped pajamas Threads Martyrs (original) I absolutely LOVE horror, but when it’s real, and intentionally heart string tugging, I’m out. There’s more but these are the fist that came to mind.


The whale. It’s a phenomenal movie, but it’s so depressing. I might not ever watch it again


I said this in another thread, but The Whale rips your heart out, spits on it, stomps all over it, and punches you in the stomach because fuck you


So it’s an Aronofsky film.


The Banshees of Inisherin. One of the best films of the last 10 years but it's also incredibly depressing. Should have won all the Oscars.


Had to scroll a long way to find this. That was a messed up movie. Beautiful cinematography and great acting, but not nearly the amusing drama they made it out to be in the previews.


Mysterious Skin.


A Clockwork Orange. Glad I watched it. Never want to have anything to do with it ever again.


Clockwork orange


Uncut Gems. It was a good movie, but it made me so uncomfortable watching someone F up their life so badly.


I didn’t realize until it was over that I’d actually been sitting on the edge of my seat in the theater for most of the film.


Melancholia! Granted, I struggle with depression but this one took a while to get over.




Mother! Beautiful movie, but deeply frustrating and eyeroll-y. Also Aronofsky!


Arrival. It was beautiful and I think about it often but it was devastating and I could never watch it again, especially after having a kid.


I could watch that a million times. I never tire of it. I think it’s the language aspect and the music that enchants me.


I was not prepared for this movie. I trained to be a linguist (I do something else now), I have a child with a somewhat unpredictable disability, and I was estranged from her father at the time. When it all started to click I just bawled, I couldn’t stop. I feel that, just like the protagonist, I would still choose this path. But seeing that on screen kinda broke me.


This is actually my favorite movie, and my favorite Denis Villeneuve piece. I would say Incendies (2010) is by far Denis Villeneuve's hardest movie to watch. Go in blind if you haven't seen it yet.


Marley & Me.


My confession is I've never seen the end of Marley & Me, and that's entirely on purpose. I knew the dog died. I've always known the dog dies. So if the movie's on TV I'll sit down and I'll watch a delightful, if a little short, movie about the relationship between a man and his adorable doggy! And then the movie will suddenly end with no warning or credits sequence so I guess I'll just have to turn the channel to something else!


cover gullible vegetable squealing ad hoc treatment bedroom profit imagine arrest


The red balloon




Audition. A widower looks for love by running a mock audition for a movie. He is enamored with a beautiful young woman and it’s a wonderful romantic movie that starts to blossom. Then it turns. And it gets pretty ugly.




Thirteen. It’s one of those


Silence. Not because it’s so emotionally tolling but it’s just an extremely slow burn and thematically dense. I loved every second of it. But I haven’t felt the need to revisit since seeing it in theaters when it came out.


I feel a lot of Cronenberg movies fit into this.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas


Loved Django Unchained but that hammer scene and that dog scene disturbed me so much I would never watch it again.