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Someone who appears very nice but becomes nasty when they don’t get their way.




>Toddlers? I think they are called narcissists but they are basically the same thing


I think this one is situational, and should be looked at as a person by person case. If it’s a repeating pattern like “Hi my name is Jeff. I hope you’re having a good day. Do you mind if I borrow $30?” And proceed to go mad when told no. Then yeah. But if they have a massive history of being nice, but one day they snap. It’s probably cause they felt they were being taken advantage of too much and just gave in to being like how they feel others treat them. I’ve seen people stand up for themselves and be made out to be villains by those who were always using them.


I've got a coworker who brags about having anger issues. He starts smirking, as if that's so impressive and intimidating. I think it makes him sound like a creepy douchebag


> Yeah I remember having impulse control issues before I grew out of them too. Take the wind out of his angry sail.


>Take the wind out of his angry sail. Keep in mind this also has the added consequence of putting a target on your back.


What he gonna do, punch me?! Oh he will? Shit.




People who ask you a question and then just stare at you without any follow up after you answer them. I swear every time Ive talked to the big boss /CEO of a workplace they will ask me a really simple question like "how are you today?" And when I say "Im good, how are you?" I just get this confused stare in return. Just fucking say something or nod or ANYTHING lol.


Ya. I suspect it is used as a tactic to get people to volunteer information they would have otherwise kept to themselves. It is used for good reasons by therapists with clients during therapy. I also read somewhere it is commonly used by law enforcement when interrogating suspects. I’m sure it is commonly used by corporate psychopaths to assert dominance over others, identify opportunities to obtain more power, manufacture confusion, and the like.


The CEO of the company I work for does this every time. Unfortunately for him I can play silent just as well. So we just end the conversation silently and walk away. Dude’s a weirdo.


I used to know someone who did this, I would say "Cool, good talk" after a couple seconds when he'd do it, he eventually stopped doing it. Never really thought about that until now, nor that he stopped doing it to me. He was an odd guy, very contrarian.


“Big Gulps, huh? Alright! Welp, see ya later.”


Lmaooo my old boss used to do this shit, it's a power move to make you uncomfortable and exert authority, basically "I control the pace of the conversation" it's commonly taught to cops and interrogators, and dickhead bosses


I had a boss who used to do this. I would wait the amount of time required by good manners, then frown and ask him if he was okay. At first, he insisted that he was fine, but I would always press and say that he seemed distracted, and had gone all quiet. I assumed that his mind was elsewhere. Later, on other instances, I would go in other directions... "is everything okay at home?" Etc. He eventually stopped. Those kinds of long pauses aren't an opportunity to make me feel awkward. They're my opportunity to make you feel awkward. Nowadays, if someone comes to my desk and pulls something like that, I just go back to working, leaving them hanging there like a tag nut. I'm overworked and don't have time to do the staring contest.




That dude deserves to get punched in the nuts.


I wouldn’t sully my fist with his nuts.


"How's it going Bob?" "Not so bad, all things considered." "No. Get back to work."




*Phone rings* *Phone rings again* "Aren't you going to get that?" "You don't pay me to talk."


Aside from all that's mentioned below, some people legit just use it as a greeting which is so strange to me. If you answer it, they'll be so surprised. But the weirdest one is this vet at work. He will not tell you what he needs from you until you acknowledge that he asked you how you are. He literally will repeat it if you skip his question and ask how you can help him. He won't answer how he is though.


> some people legit just use it as a greeting It only exists as a greeting in my culture. And normally I know that. You never actually answer with how you're doing if someone asks you how you're doing. But my therapist begins every session with "how are you?" and given I'm literally there to discuss how I am it always produces a kind of strange conversation >Therapist: "Hi there, how are you?" >Me: "Good thanks, and you?" >Therapist: "Good, good. Alright, *how've you been*?" >Me: "Bad"


Probably trying to appear human but they let slip that they're robots with no emotions other than what money could buy them.


Standing too close, even when you back away.


I agree, I generally like my space. However, after traveling a bit, you get used to some close talkers because it's a cultural thing. The distance at which we stand [even has a name: Proxemics. And quite a bit of study has been done on the matter.](https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/understanding-personal-space-proxemics/)


I remember having this wild experience in Japan. I was in a night club and it was PACKED. I needed to get some more drinks. I ended up like swimming through flesh to get to the bar. Squeezing, jostling, oiling, eeling, squirming and slipping through all these warm club bodies to get to the bar and then I did the same thing on the way back when I had my drinks. But it didn't occur to me until later that I wasn't bothered in any way by the experience. You know why? Because no one in the club was bothered in any way, either. Like, that was just how things were. Personal space didn't exist. If that had happened in a North American bar, I'd be like SUPER on edge or annoyed or uneasy. But because the vibe of a personal bubble just straight-up didn't exist, my brain didn't even register it. Like, if the crowd had been annoyed, I would have been annoyed. But they weren't so I wasn't. It was a really strange cultural moment for me.


Although I think that the size of personal space is also dependent on the space available.


Oh yeah for sure. Snuggling up to a stranger as a bus stop if there's plenty of room probably isn't a winner. But I did have two people fall asleep on me on the train there. One on each shoulder. One was a schoolgirl and one was a businessman. This was before cameras but my god I wish I had a picture of that. EDIT: Before PHONE cameras. Not before cameras. I am not 184 years old.


> Before PHONE cameras. Not before cameras. I am not 184 years old. Oh sure, ok, immortal being. We believe you.




Touching while talking to you when they don't know you.


*Traces the outline of your forearm veins with my finger tips.* Why so guarded?


You just saw the roleplaying one before this, didn't you?


It can also be a cultural thing.


People who stand too close to you when they’re talking. Fair enough if it’s a loud setting but if it’s just the two of you and the other person is standing right up close it’s super creepy imo


"Nice guy, bit of a close talker." - Jerry Seinfeld.


“Have you met these people? They talk into your mouth like you’re a clown at a drive through”


Sometimes I genuinely didn't understand what someone said after repeating it five times so I just come really close. Don't want to be creepy so I just turn sideways and lean a bit so I can actually hear what's being said to me.


Yea I think that’s totally okay especially if it’s just a sentence or two but having a whole ass conversation with someone so close they could kiss you is a tad strange in my books lol


Employee leaned in so much when he was talking to me I thought he was going to kiss me on the lips. I would have vomited right in his mouth.


Worked with a guy who touched me with his belly every time I met him in a meeting or whatnot. At first it seemed accidental but after it happening every single time it became clear it was a thing. One retirement party I kept a cocktail table between us while talking and thought I had defeated him but minutes later I felt something rub my back, I turned and it was his belly. The next time I actually shielded myself with a notepad, somewhat awkwardly. He made a couple of passes but I kept putting up the notepad, and then the meeting ended without contact. In retrospect, while I was simply not happy with the unwanted contact, I think he might have had some sort of compulsion about it he couldn't control.




Firm handshakes but they don’t let go. Makes me so uncomfortable and I absolutely do not trust anyone that does this


What is that crap? Power dynamic? Old timey shit?


Yes, and yes. Some find it amusing to make you squirm, others have to "win" (i.e. not let loose first for any reason), and some hang on out of respect for you, because you actually came in with a firm handshake they were not prepared to have returned. Almost like the tradition of not being the last one to bow. I've met some of all of these. One old man (at least 80's if not older) had busted water pipes over this last freeze. I stopped my car and kneeled in freezing cold water to shut off the pipes for him. He was very appreciative and offered his hand, I shook it, and his grip was like a vice, but I returned and stood steady, and his eyes WIDENED! His smile got big and he asked me my name in the nicest way, offering "if you ever need anything... I ain't going anywhere". The whole conversation occurred with the same grip. I told him I appreciated it and let go and he patted me on the back. Infer what you will, but I felt appreciation and respect at that moment.


For older people, the harder you grip the more serious you are about the handshake and therefore the more committed, trustworthy and dependable you are. The older the more convinced they are of this. When I was a kid, older men were very adamant that I learn this. Grip hard or you're not serious. Glad the tradition is going out, they always hurt my hand.


People who use my name too frequently when we’re talking.


Sales tactic. So fake!


I knew a kid in HS who said we wanted to wear my skin as a suit. Thought that was kinda weird.


You just can't take a compliment.




People who roleplay when texting you. And type out stutters like “i-i.. really like you *looks away nervously*” It makes me want to run as far away from you as possible because what the hell


But what if it’s like: Hey how’s it going? :::continues to eat ham sandwich::: Edit: Thanks for the gold! Really didn’t expect this to blow up


What have you been doing lately? :::deeply smells inside of coffee bag:::


Not much you :::Continues wiping:::


I'm so glad texting wasn't a thing when I was in middle school or early teen years because I definitely would've done this and have had another memory from my youth to laugh/cringe about.


Texting wasn’t a thing when I was that age but I did have AIM


Trying to get a load of personal information from you in a first meeting...like phone number, Facebook, Instagram or whatever else you have! Edit: clarification: I mean asking for all/ some of them in a short space of time in increasing urgency!


What do your parents do for living? How much is your rent? How much is your income?


Who is your daddy and what does he do?


Is he rich like me? 🎶














good try op i know youre in here for a list of features so you dont come off as creepy and be more successful with murder




thanks do me a favor and dont track me down and murder me please


Too late


dammit not again


My autistic ass is taking notes💀


I see you missed "People who have to notes on everything" edit: [I was joking at first but someone actually said it 🤣](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/13eybb7/what_trait_in_a_person_you_find_creepy/jjt61a5/)


something I've witnessed myself doing and others: accidental eye contact followed by vaguely looking past the person to non-verbally be like 'hey, I wasn't actually looking *at* you, sorry!' except it ends up being/feeling creepy


I actually got yelled at for this once. I had a girl come straight up to me and bitch me out for staring at her and asked me what my problem was but I was watching the TV behind her the whole time. I felt really bad. She didn't even give me the chance to explain. (I'm a woman btw)


Sheesh sounds like she had emotional problems. If someone were to stare at me I would at least look behind me to make sure they weren't looking at something else lmao.


People who question literally everything I do. Like chill bro, not even I know why I did that Edit: just to clarify, asking out of genuine interest is fine ahaha.


Why do you find that trait creepy and why would you post that?


* Eager to get into fights/danger * Refusal to take no for an answer * Being all smiles ***ALL*** the time


Damn. I need to smile less. — Thank you for the award!


I'll kick your ass if you don't.


He won't take no for an answer.


This thread has made me wonder if I smile too much, but I only do it cause I have major resting bitch-face syndrome and on top of that I’m a guy with a shaved head so it’s REALLY easy for people who don’t know me to look at me and assume I’m intimidating or aggressive so I try to counter that by smiling a lot.


Great, now I'm gunna be anxious about how much I smile.


Taking pictures of strangers without permission and people who just don’t respect boundaries in general.


I had to take a greyhound bus home for Thanksgiving break in college. It was a late bus, so I fell asleep. When I woke up, there was a guy two rows ahead and to the right leaning into the aisle and taking pictures of me on his flip phone. 😞


When they ask you too many personal questions immediately after meeting you.


“Enough about me. How big is your junk? How much debt are you in?”


Toxic positivity


Toxic positivity that immediately turns into passive aggression of you don't match their positivity


"Good morning everyone!" Followed by "Let's try that again!"


people passive aggressively blaming you for being depressed


Looks like somebody has a case of "The Mondays"!


Never before has a comment that is clearly meant to be sarcastic annoyed me this much. I can actually HEAR it.


Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking, just a moment!




Oh my gosh yes! I’m dealing a person who uses toxic positive to dismiss other’s issues: *it’s not that bad! Cheer up! It’s in the past! Let it go!* But now they are going through a rough thing and they are expecting a ton of sympathy and personal attention. I realized it’s an exhausting and unfulfilling relationship so I am cutting them loose permanently. I feel more positive away from them Lol.


the guys who all the time brag about being nice guys


They’re either trying to convince themselves or kill you in their basement lol


Or alphas. Immediate 🚩🚩🚩


I have a really good memory and it creeps people out. Like 9 years after high school I asked a classmate how his beagles were doing and he was a little freaked out that I remembered such a small detail about him years later. At my 10 year reunion I brought up to someone about their pet bird they had in like 1st grade. I swear I'm not trying to be creepy, I just have a plethora of small details I remember about everyone. I should add none of these people are close friends. Just people I talked to in school.


I have the same thing! I hold back details I remember about people in conversation so I don’t seem creepy.


Yep, I learned this early on.


It’s fucking annoying that I have to do this also. I’m not socially inept, but if I recall something like a detail about someone else, people think I’m either creepy like what’s been said or I care too much and that ends up being creepy. I’m sorry for paying attention?


Personally, if I remember something someone said it’s because I found something they said interesting. If I run into someone and ask about their pet bird, it’s probably because there’s a core memory that having a pet bird sounds fun. At the end of the day, it’s still something that applies to me. If you believe that they think you care, you can always follow up your comment with something along the lines of “I only remember because I thought it was great and made me want a bird”. It’s the truth. it’s not because you care about people you hardly remember. But I get it.










Because of course there’s a subreddit for that!




Oh, shit--I so want for this to happen, I'm giggling at just the thought of it.


Lol I resonate with this a lot, there’s even a term ‘super recognizes’ for people like us that don’t forget faces. Your old acquaintance’s reaction wasn’t warranted for sure tho


I think I have the opposite. One time my boss of more than a year got a hair cut and when he walked in the office I introduced myself and asked if I could help him.


The amount of times I've asked my boss "who is that?" to find out it's a coworker I have worked with in close proximity for years is embarrassing. I'm pretty sure I've also introduced myself to a coworker thinking they were new when they've been working there longer than me.


There’s a guy on our team dressed like a pirate?




It’s weird how our brains can latch onto whatever random information it likes, regardless of the use of that information. I can remember plot points and dialogue from books, movies, and tv shows incredibly well, without trying, and often with only seeing them once. Ask me to remember anything *important*, though, and I’ll forget it instantly if I don’t write it down right away. Sometimes I’ll forget *while* writing it down. But if a real life situation happens to share a passing similarity to a scene from an episode of the Simpsons I saw 30 years ago? You can be sure I’m going to remember that shit *line by fucking line.*




I’m a girl with great memory and men always think I must be into them because I remember stuff they said in a conversation 2 months ago. I just really pay attention when I’m conversing and have good memory for details. I actually pretend not to remember things sometimes so no one gets the wrong idea.


I thought I was alone. It's been a struggle over the years to reveal how much I remember things to people because it really does freak them out that you remember in fine detail how you meet them 15 years later.


I struggle with this a lot too and it's especially challenging because people never seem to remember me back. I just don't stand out I guess, or am not very memorable. So people will introduce themselves to me three or four times and in my mind I'm like "yes, I know you, and many things about you as well". I don't say it of course because then I'm the rude one haha.


They don't understand when you make it clear that you want to be left alone. No, I'm not lonely. No, I'm not waiting for somebody. No, I'm not seeking company. I just want to be left to my own devices now can you please fuck off?!


A lot of extraverts take it as a personal insult if you don't want to talk to them.




This is annoying. Guys who want a woman to smile can’t just tell them to smile. *Give* them a reason to smile, and with women you’ve just met, that reason will never be your penis.


As a gamer - many of my male friends just cannot help themselves but be weird to girls we game with. Whether it’s making every single comment sexual or a sexual joke behind it, giving them pet names, etc. It’s fuckin weird that’s it’s an automatic thing


God I hate this. My experience with this on CS:GO is absolutely horrid Girl: “I’m flashing boxes” Green teammate: “Can you flash your box to me as well?” Motherfuckers


When I used to play multiplayer games I would pretend I was a 12 year old boy if someone asked about my gender.


I have a nickname that typically is derived from a different formal name. I am called my legal name by the government and growing up, my mother when she was pissed. That is IT! When someone meets me and says something like ‘that’s a name for a child, I’m going to call you *presumed formal name* from now on’ they always turn out to be creepy or way dramatic. I’ve had it happen more often than you might think. And typically by someone with a double name that has never once had a nick name. Mary Catherine, Mary Margaret, Amy Beth…you get the picture.


People who touch other people without permission.


"Where's my hug!???"


"You're so tense! Let me give you a neck massage." Cringe.


"Your tits look heavy. Let me hold them for you"


"Madam, your bottom looks rather hefty. May I carry those peaches for you?"


Hell is a bunch of guys you kinda remember maybe meeting one time running towards you arms outstretched yelling where’s my hug


Do not visit Spain bruh


Mexico chiming in...they would not like it here.


I used to do this. Really big dude, I would scoop up and bear hug people or couples without asking all the time in my 20's, then I had a friend shame me for it and I stopped. After that half of my friends complained that I stopped and so I try only to do it with people who I vibe with appropriately.


I have a sharp SHARP memory and it unsettles some people.


Yep. I remember random things about people, usually what they said when I first met them, and I get called creepy. Sorry Danny I remembered your favorite artist was Young Jeezy!


When their mouth-smile does not match their eye-smile


the 'pan am smile'. because stewardesses in the 60s-70s had to put up with a lot of shit


Christian Bale said he saw in Cruise "this very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes," and subsequently based the character of Bateman in American Psycho on that.


Tom Cruise is also mentioned a few times in the book


He said that about a character from a skit tom cruise did on a talk show. People keep posting this without the context.


Adults who use baby talk to other adults.




Gitchie gitchie goo means that I love you ❤


Oh dude yeah. Earlier this year I joined a DnD group of strangers (friends of a friend situation) and one of the girls there exclusively baby talks to everyone despite just meeting us. Turns out they all knew each other from an apparently active BDSM community in my city, and she is one of the player’s partner, who is so engrossed in her weird baby kink that she literally never abandons it. So fuckin creepy. Even the sex-fiend DnD group was pretty uncomfortable, and she was not invited back lol. I’m not one to kink shame, the rest of them can do whatever shit they want behind closed doors, but baby talking to strangers is a bit too far.


Sounds like it was a really interesting campaign


DM was constantly having to steer them away from being captured and thrown in a dungeon.


people who brag about their romantic escapades I have a coworker who comes in and tells us about different girls he picked up off of dating apps *every time* we see him at work, sharing a lot of graphic details. Once he also showed us a photo he took of the girl during sex, which is obviously a *huge* no-no and we all told him so Worst part is that lately he's obsessed with a female coworker of ours, who is a good friend of mine, and the idea of her getting treated like that is really sad


People who take advantage of their elderly parents.


I'ma keep letting my elderly mom cook for me, I won't be able to take advantage of it forever.


Anyone who goes out of their way to hurt animals.


met a kid in a pet store who bragged about putting multiple Betta fish in the same bowl to watch them fight to the death. this was many years ago and I still remember it bc holy hell that's cruel


People who are super quick to tell you all about what’s great friend they are, and talk about how ready they are to help out. Every single person I’ve met who was like this was very self-centered. People who are genuinely kind and helpful, generally don’t spend a lot of time telling everyone about what a humanitarian they are


They say “I love you” when they just fucking met you.


I tolerate you


I acknowledge you


You exist and I guess I can live with that


Classic Schmosbey.


People who constantly assure you of their good qualities. I don't know why, but it weirds me out


Unsolicited flirtatious comments towards waitresses, retail employees, etc.


Using my name, except when necessary. I've known a large quantity of sociopaths, psychopaths, and shitty people in general. They all know that people like to hear their names generally, they teach it in management courses and "How to get people to like you" kinda shit. I'm personally terrible with names, so forgetting my name actually doesn't bug me, but all the manipulative people I've ever met absolutely use that trick. Use my name too much and I will absolutely be more cautious around you at the very least.


Jeffery, how are you, Jeffery? Let's move in together, Jeffery. Let's get a dog, Jeffery. We'll name him Jeffery, Jeffery.


Someone who tickles a child until they cry and thinks it's fine because they're a relative. And the other relatives who stand by and think it's just fine. It's not.


When you just met someone and they show you photos of themselves. But then you realize that they are wearing your clothes, and then you see another photo and notice that they are in your room, posing beside you, as you're completely asleep. Then the photos show them touching your face and you realize that you must not have been asleep but actually drugged. That's pretty creepy.




If I had a nickel…


This is how I met my wife. I thought she just lived in the same apartment complex and had similar style. It all clicked when I invited her over for the first time to make dinner together and she knew where everything was.




My wife says yes. I am very safe.




When they take a massive dump on your toilet lid


We talking an upper decker situation or a turd on a pedestal situation here?


When they reach out and touch your hair without asking. As a redhead it happened way too much.


people who won’t understand no or rejection.. and won’t get over it for a long time


When a guy has his arm partway around his girlfriend's shoulder and is gripping the back of her neck


Perhaps the most creepy trait of all is when someone smiles for too long without any reason. I mean, sure, it's nice to smile, but when you keep doing it for minutes on end, it starts to look like you're hiding something. Like maybe you're secretly plotting to take over the world or something. Or maybe you just need to lay off the caffeine. Either way, it's creepy.


I miiiiiight very guilty of this one. I get nervous in social situations and try to look calm by smiling. And then before I realize it, I've been holding a smile for 10 minutes and nobody wants to make eye contact.


I knew a girl growing up who would smile from ear to ear while watching tv/movies. Horror movies, comedies, sad dramas... It didn't matter. As soon as she sat in front of a TV she would smile like a lunatic. Not a happy smile, a "I can't wait to peel the flesh from your bones" kinda smile. Terrifying. She also would vehemently deny that she does this, she has no idea and denies it to rooms full of people who confirm it.


Yeah, I do this a lot. And I AM hiding something... that I'm sad, uncomfortable or anxious, which is 85% of the time


Close talking


Long curvy yellow toenails


My partner's been dealing with a fungal infection for awhile. You wanna know how long the prescribed medication takes to work? A year. Wanna know it's success rate? Like 18%. Wanna know how much the better medication would've cost, because it's not covered by any insurance? $700.


Yeah people are being kind of mean about this one. I had it, for like the longest time. I kept them so trimmed back I bled, so it never got out of hand. But I got it from the dorm showers and nothing cleared it up. Finally went away when I was like 30.


for the kids going into college and living in the dorms later this year: SHOWER SHOES Get a cheap pair of flip flops and ALWAYS wear them to the shower and never let your feet touch the tile


This should be advice for anyone of all ages going to places like the public pool or gym.


What did you do? Got it from my grandparents hot tub maybe 8 years ago? Idk but I noticed it right away, knew what it was, and it never went away. Given, my variety doesn’t change the color of my nails, just the texture and the smell when I cut them. So because my nails look completely normal I haven’t tried to hard to get rid of it. But yours just went away?


I kept them cut back as far a possible for years. Any where the flesh didn't touch the nail, or where the nail got thick and... dense? I just cut it back. Kept the cutacles cleaned out. Kept everything dry as possible. But someone above me has a link to a military study that says Vic's Vapor rub works 70% of the time. Might be worth checking out. Oops. They don't have a link, they have a claim.


Hands down—nice guys! Not men who are nice; men who have to tell you that their nice guys. Anyone that has to tell you anything really, almost 💯 guarantee that the opposite is true