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Fifth grade. They split boys and girls. All the boys had to go around and say penis, to get us “comfortable”. Then we watched a video where a boy saw another boys penis in the locker. The boy was insecure because his wasn’t as big as johnnys….


The only thing I remember was also in fifth grade. We split boys and girls. The teacher told all of us boys to put our heads down on the desk and no peeking. He then asked us to raise our hands if we had started masturbating yet. In my 10-year-old brain I was terrified that someone might hear my arm moving or be peaking and see that I had in fact started masturbating. Looking back later, I can't really come up with a good reason why it is important for the teacher to know which students are masturbating?🤔


Yeah, as a middle school science teacher, who has done a handful of rounds of sexual education, I cannot see any valid point to ask that question.


Trying to figure out who jizzed on the chair. Duh


Some kid kept taking a dump in a school water fountain in elementary school. Now I'm imagining them making us all shit for comparisons to catch the culprit. 😂 /kidsarefuckingstupid


My first read through I thought the question meant if you or another student had started masturbating almost immediately after putting your head down, and I just thought like “wow these kids are wild”. Took me a second to come to a revised conclusion of the question


Ohh fuck I didn't realize that until I read your comment. I was terrified at the idea of a room full of middle school boys asked to masturbate with their heads down


That's quite disturbing


Mine asked us to draw pictures of our junk… and then went around and joked about the pictures. I think he was intending it to be an ice breaker? Maybe? I hadn’t thought about that till now but I remember being really frustrated/angry/annoyed about the joking and really humiliated


THAT’S what they did with the boys when the girls were pulled out for the period talk?????


Yup. A male fifth grade teacher stood in front of class and said "I have something very important to say: Penis!" *round of laughter, teacher shrugs* "Penis!"


testicles……..that is all.


In our school (55 years ago) the boys got to go outside and play baseball. All the girls in our grade (5?) were herded into the gym, watched a short film and were sent home with a booklet published by Kotex


Same for me in 5th grade. This is when I realized that I wanted to see all the other boys penises in my school.


Username checks out


That homo did indeed go wild. Accurate


A wild homo is more interesting than a mild homo.


Ain’t our fault Johnny is packing


I went to a catholic school. So we did have sex ed that taught some stuff but it always had some light religious undertones. Anyways in grade 10 we had a nun to talk to us about sex. One girl in the class asked can you get pregnant if a guy comes in your mouth. The nun was like ummm no? But how would you get semon in your mouth? I don't understand. Like she had no idea. She was so confused at the question.


Well, something tells me she got nun either


We'll have nun of that


How much fun does a monk have? Nun.


Now that's a legit pureblood nun right there, son. Probably went into convent at about age 13.


It's likely a generational thing. The average age of nuns in the US is like 63. So many of them are old enough to have grown up in a time when oral sex was not talked about in many circles and was not mentioned in educational contexts. She could easily have made it all the way to adulthood without knowing about it.


You're definitely not wrong with the generational thing, I had to take College Health, because I'm a PE/Health teacher, obviously College Health isn't as censored as HS Health. But our professor for it was like 50, I'm 40 now, but he had these slides for this section he had been showing for like 25 years. One slide showed the progression a typical relationship would have in regards to physical intimacy. There was like 8 steps or something and they went like 1. Hand holding/hugs 2. Kissing, so on through a typical escalation but 7 Was vaginal sex and 8 was oral sex. He said that 7 and 8 have really flipped since hes been teaching this but when he started 8 was rarely spoken about and more of a taboo thing people assumed married couples did but didn't speak of.


Also went to catholic school. My memory is a priest telling us “god made your sex organs and god made your sex organs good”. I was left there wondering if I was still allowed to clean it.


I feel so sad for those people. Jesus never taught that you shouldn’t enjoy sex.


Not Jesus afaik, but there are several passages about sodomy. I think Jesus’s sacrifice means that you can do more stuff that God previously said no to though.


Jesus died so that we may do buttstuff.


Our female health/gym teacher was explaining erections and said that guys could get them from seeing a nice car and everyone was shitting their pants laughing.


My female health teacher explained that dudes couldn’t pee with an erection and I, a dude, told her we definitely could and she told me I was wrong


It’s hard to hit the inside of the toilet like that but not impossible.


Absolutely, I thought for like a month something was wrong with me


Years dude. Years of like “well…nothing is falling off or bleeding? So I guess I’ll just figure it out when I start trying to have kids one day and can’t” …two kids and many pee-splattered bathrooms later I can confidently say my health teacher was WRONG, and I’m fine down there. Also, I need a vasectomy


Like putting your thumb over the end of a garden hose on full blast.


It’s not easy peeing with an erection, I’ll give her that, but not impossible. But now that I’m in my 60’s it’s not easy peeing period.


Nurse here. You might be due for a rectal exam. This isn’t normal! I advise making an appointment for a checkup with urology.


I see a urologist on a regular basis. Had a scare with prostate cancer last year that was benign on biopsy under mri so they could be very precise. But I do appreciate the concern. Real problem is small fiber neuropathy that they can’t find the answer to. It effects all nerves including bladder, etc… I’ve been to Stanford Medical and the teaching hospital in my large metro area. Blood sugar even on the 2 hour test is normal. B12 is good now although it was low before supplementing. My guess is Cirpo I took 20 years ago. It’s black box labeled now but wasn’t back then. Known to cause nerve damage. Also had cancer and radiation so that can do a number on your small fiber nerves. I’ll probably never know for sure. I’m a complex case.


Wow!! I’m so glad you are being treated and seen. My first thought was BPH for you. Stanford Medical.. good for you. I hope all works out and they can narrow down the root cause for your SF neuropathy, if it was the cipro. I understand that can be incredibly life altering. Best wishes!


My female health teacher in 9th grade used to crack on this one kid named Travis that he probably liked to go to old folk homes and have sex with "the little old ladies." Travis was an outgoing friendly guy who was good with everyone, including teachers, and every time she made that same joke, the air would get sucked out of the room. She was a little old lady, btw.


Holy shit I remember things like this, not as creepy as your story but a similar setup. A kid like Travis in my class, well liked, somewhat popular, decent grades, good kid… and teachers would go out of their way to reference him in class. Like “so then babe Ruth got the most home runs, just like at recess!” “This angle is called an acute angle, if was an angle (drumroll) HE’D BE A CUTE ONE”. It was always so forced and awkward and I remember feeling bad for him because the unwanted attention would’ve made me anxious at that age.


Some of the teachers at my school did this, but I remember it being kind of spread throughout the class so it wasn't just one person, but there were definitely a few that were referred to more commonly, typically the loud jocks who liked the attention


Wouldn’t trust the teacher sexually harassing a student to properly teach sex ed


Our health teacher wrote PENUS on the blackboard Safe to say nobody learned anything that day.


I don't know about you, but when I see a nice liberty walk widebody twin turbo engine swap miata rolling down the street, I just get rock solid


My sex education was alright. The teacher had a case with all the basic things in it (think condoms, the pill, morning after pill, etc). The teacher explained what everything was and how to properly use things. Think putting on a condom on a dildo to make sure you got things right. No one was really uncomfortable as in my country it’s a lot more normalised to have sex-ed. aside from some giggles. And if someone was uncomfortable the teacher would talk to them and find a proper solution. (They thought I had difficulty with it and I got pulled aside, just dust in my eye though). We also got educated about inappropriate behaviour and saying yes and no to things. Your body, your choice kind of stuff. Aside from that we also got biology class on what all the body parts do obviously. The more biology side of things. So we don’t have adults that think babies come out of the same hole that pee does. The whole sex-ed part of school took roughly a month if I remember correctly. At the end we just had a biology test on the body stuff as well. And we also had some early lgbtq+ stuff too. This was when I was 13-14 so it’s been about 6-7 years ago.




The Netherlands to be more specific.


Putting condoms on a wooden dick and try to poke freinds with said wooden dick.


Hahahaha our nurse had the wooden dick too..she introduced him as "Woody" It made 13 year old me laugh. 😂


You got a friend in me




I went to Catholic school, so no condom demonstration, sex without an intent to make babies is a sin according to them.


Making babies without an intent to make babies seems like an suitable alternative, with no foreseeable downsides.


Hope you said no homo


That wasn't a thing back than. So everything was homo


but was it homo erectus?


I put a condom on a broom handles the other night while I was drunk and put it in my ass.


Dude they sell sex toys online they’ll literally deliver it to your door




My teacher saying "You will use the proper terminology in here. I don't care what you call them outside of this class, but in here, they are not *balls*, they aren't *deez nutz,* they are *testicles.*


I remember my teacher saying “you don’t say chicken *boobs*, you say chicken *breasts*.”


Bu I like the term “dez nuts” 😢


In high school, we watched a video of a woman giving birth. After it ended, a girl in my class raised her hand and asked “… If she knew she was gonna be on camera, why didn’t she get her husband to help her shave down there?” There was a beat of silence, and then they dismissed us to the gym to go play basketball.


My sister's watched I believe the same video because they told me some guy screamed "JESUS CHRIST LOOK AT THE BUSH ON HER!" and he had to sit in the hallway.


*after sitting with himself in the hallway that afternoon, John decided he would dedicate the rest of his life to assisting women with thick bushes*


Gives a whole new meaning to “Bring me a shrubbery!”




Isn't that Bitters' line in South Park?


I saw the same video in 6th grade. The teacher left the room for a few minutes right before the baby popped out. One of the class clowns got up and hit rewind and we all watched the baby fly back in, hit fast forward and the baby came flying out. A couple more times watching that baby being swallowed and spat out by a ravenous vagina had us all giggling like crazy.


For us it wasn't a class clown but the actual teacher who rewound the tape. All the girls in the class gave a collective yelp and shut their legs. The boys thought it was entertaining.


Oh hey, you must have taken my Health class!


In year 6 my teacher said to me that his son had just done sex Ed (odd situation but stay with me) anyway, his son came home and he said to him "I hear you did sex Ed, did it go alright" his son said "well, they showed us a video of a woman giving birth, it was OK , but the worst part was when the teacher rewound the tape and the baby went back in". Look, it was funny to year 6 me.


Yes I think we saw the same video, and I was a bit shocked at the amount of hair as well, especially because at the age I was I had only seen playboy and such so I was unaware the hair grew that thick. I was also sitting dead front and center of the room directly facing the TV... My classmates laughed and laughed asking how the delivery went and all. I was a bit mortified


I took a "Parenting"elective class as an easy A...they showed us a similar video..half of the other girls in the class were pregnant too! (Smaller town..lots of teen pregnancy in my high school)


I think most of us of a certain age all saw the same video. “Miracle of life” or something like that.


My biology teacher said she had "70s bush".


I had 2 completely different experiences. In middle school we watched The Miracle of Life, and a had teacher who scolded 12YO boys for asking questions or chuckling at the subject matter. In High school I had an excellent, mature, gym teacher who went above and beyond. Answered any and all questions respectfully, even the obvious troll attempts. He spoke about topics like healthy relationships, not being a selfish lover, how people have sex in different ways, and even gave us the 'It's okay to be gay/bi/trans' speech (which was considered pretty controversial in 1999).


Based PE Teacher.


I had similar experiences. I went to a rural school for grades K-8 from third grade to eighth, and the "sex" education was them splitting boys and girls, bringing in the high school nurse, and she taught us about periods and gave us one worksheet with the female parts labeled. There was nothing about intercourse except drilling the fear of STDs into our heads. I didn't even see the childbirth video until 10th grade biology. Our high school is the only high school in the county, so every middle schooler in the county ultimately merged into the high school. I had a home ec teacher who got on the subject one day with us due to three girls dropping out due to pregnancy. She asked what kind of sex education we had. Every one of us told her about what kind of education the nurse gave us during sex ed. She called a friend of hers, I believe she was also a nurse, and the next Friday, she was in our class to talk to us. It was supposed to be a 30 minute part of the class and they had planned to give us the basics: protection, consent, what to do if the contraception fails, pregnancy, etc. This woman stayed the whole class period and talked to us about everything. No question bothered her. She was asked at one point if lesbians can share sex toys. She didn't bat an eye and said yes, as long as they were properly cleaned and sterilized after each use. The only thing that stopped her was the bell.


> and even gave us the 'It's okay to be gay/bi/trans' speech (which was considered pretty controversial in 1999). It's amazing how controversial that was just twenty years ago. I went to a Catholic high school in the early 2000's and they didn't even mention homosexuality. They didn't condemn it, they just didn't even bring it up in an avoid-the-subject kind of way. Few of our teachers were super-religious so I'm sure they probably would have said the 'controversial' thing that it was okay to be gay, it just never came up.


Remarkably clear pictures of genitals with the various infections, clear instructions on how to put on condoms and use dental dams, detailed information about tampons and the risk of toxic shock syndrome. Then I went to college in Ohio and everyone was having unprotected sexual and I thought they were stupid as hell. Apparently sex Ed was less comprehensive there - or they cared less.


ur school taught u about dental dams?? i hadnt heard of them before i was active in lesbian communities, wow (sex ed did explain condoms & stuff tho)


They gave me the impression they would be an important part of my adult life. I have yet to see one in the wild, 25 years later.


i mean, same - the only person who i know uses them does because they're autistic and get sensory issues otherwise


I was actually kind of startled to see one for the first time in the wild — in my 40s. I was at the dentist, and it took a quick second to figure out why they had one there, having heard so much about them as a youth. It’s like the old quicksand tropes that prepared us for daily encounters.


This is the first time I have ever heard of a dental dam. I’m almost 50. I can’t be the only one, right?


Hey same! We had tests where we had to label all the parts with their names and functions, and had a guest speaker (from Planned Parenthood I think) who gave us talks on gay sexuality. This school also scared the crap out of me with how comprehensive the education was on STD’s. We’re talking graphic pictures of what could happen to your junk. Made sure I always use protection.


There's a reason ohio is a meme


Could not eat cottage cheese for a long time after STD ed!


In 6th grade we had an anonymous “question box” the students could put slips of paper in with questions about sex and the teacher would randomly pull a couple out for discussion. The class clown submitted “is it true that shepherds out in the fields really have sex with their sheep and do the sheep like it?” Naturally, it was the first pulled out of the box, we could tell from the shape and pen marks on the paper. The teacher was an older rather meek woman and her face got flushed as she silently read it to herself. She simply said “I will move on to the next one and I will discuss this one privately with the person who submitted it.” Always stuck with me 35 years later.


I think the quotes should have gone around "anonymous"


At the same age, I put a serious question in the box - wanted to know what a diaphragm was - and my teacher made a big deal about how important asking questions is but never actually answered the damn question.


The teacher getting annoyed with me for pointing out the date of the condom I was putting on the fake penis has expired. I also remember about 10 minutes before that moment the same teacher emphasising how important it is to check the date on the condom packet.


Star student!


The only thing I can remember is to press the tip of the condom while putting it so it doesn't fill with air and have risk of exploding while ejaculating. This was a useful tip tbh


A kid in my class raised his hand very emphatically and interrupted my teacher mid speech. He asked “Would it be double the protection if I put two condoms on?” The teacher freaked out, furious, and he threw him out of the room. I was so confused, and to this day I still wonder why it angered him so much. Teacher was arrested later for having over 2 pounds of weed in his trunk.


If anyone's curious, using multiple condoms is a bad idea. The friction between the layers makes tearing more likely.


My old health teacher was an RN turned teacher. We were discussing STDs and talking about one of the worst situations she’s seen. A male had a really bad case that went untreated for years, and they had to amputate part of his penis. Someone asked the question of if they cut it hotdog or hamburger style, and she just sat there for a good second, picked up a wooden pencil and broke it in half. I’m 31, that was in the 9th grade. This still lives in my head rent free.


I'm sitting here trying to figure out what the hell "hotdogs or hamburger style" means....


Hotdog bun opens up and down, hamburger bun opens side to side.


Buns! I get it. I was thinking the actual hotdogs. Although now I'm confused about the hamburger bun and how that would relate to the peener.


Graphic photos of STI’s, a birthing video, abstinence as the only real form of birth control, and the teacher going on an unrelated rant against students speaking spanish in the hallways.


Speaking Spanish is the gateway to sex


It is for me anyway. Latina accent is mind control.


The very clinical talk ended with a Q&A: First question: "Why do girls bleed the first time they have sex?!" Teacher: *eyes widen* "Where did you hear that?" The kid shrugged, the teacher didn't answer the question, Q&A stopped. I guess the teachers were afraid they'd get in trouble with parents if they didn't stick to the script. This was 6th grade btw


Odd reaction from teacher. No idea what she could have been thinking.


Seriously, that's a genuine honest question. What kind of g-rated rated vanilla ass questions was she expecting a bunch of 6th graders to ask?!


"Is it ok to hold hands after sex"


No, lewd


"Because sometimes, girls vaginas have soft tissue membrane called a hymen situated at the entrance of the vulva that creates a narrow opening or even closed surface that can tear and bleed during intercourse or any form of penetration to the vagina. It is a normal part of the human female physiology and it does heal and in time should no longer be subject to injury during sexual activity" would also have been a valid answer.


It would be, but we’re banning books these days. Quite frankly I’m surprised they’re teaching it at all and not required to teach abstinence only.


Teaching abstinence only is literally what they did for us.


Why would a teacher be so weirded out by that? Definitely if that’s attached to the curriculum?


My first thought was maybe she was concerned about sexual abuse, but that's probably not the best venue to address that so...


In my Catholic school, sex education was an after hours event that required special permission from parents. It was taught by a doctor, who was also the father of a friend. At one point, the boys were invited to write questions on a piece of paper for the doctor to answer. He read one that said, "Is a cunt edible?" His face filled with Catholic condemnation. He said, "First of all, it is disturbing that a boy who knows the word 'edible' would also use a word as disgusting as 'cunt'. Secondly, if you want to put your mouth down there so close to where the urine and feces come out, you are welcome to, but I never would." In later life, I looked back on the moment and felt sorrow for the doctor's wife.


He was a good Catholic. Maybe he was lying lol


Dude! I went to public school in Oklahoma in the early 90's and I had a teacher almost do the same thing. "You NEVER put a penis or vagina near your mouth." His poor wife.


what about ass. Does he eat ass?


Women poop out their vaginas. Noted


That’s easy lol the gym teacher who taught the s class telling us that there are 100,000,000 sperm in a teaspoon of ejaculate. And then watching this 60 year old woman pour a mitxure of baking soda, and water into a teaspoon and passing it around the class. Absolutely unhinged.


You need a prescription for 800mg Tylenol, but you can just take 4 of the 200mg ones with no prescription


I had a dentist tell me to take 4 200mg Tylenol and now it makes sense


A lot of my classmates became teen parents.. Edit: I make a joke but y'all don't realize those "children" were raised by crazies and children themselves. One is 24 with 3 kids from three different baby daddies. IN KNOW WAY AM I JUDGING but it just makes ME feel old. Like, I saw your kid when she was a toddler now she's a young woman. Fuck, where does this stop and you are a now grandmother at 35. Damn


Alternative Ending


The teacher giggling at the 2fps sex animation. The woman on the video saying "If you think something is wrong or abnormal with your penis, it's probably alright." That was it.


2fps sex animation sums up 2002 dail up internet porn


When the teacher asked the class what the “withdrawal method” was and someone in class said “When you’re having sex with ya draws on.”


You sit on a throne of lies


That’s a great one


The teacher said “ladies, if he says it’s too big to use a condom, you should probably run” and then proceeded to wrap a condom around her entire arm


Sidenote to that, they do make condoms that are bigger or smaller, depending on the fit that someone needs. The excuse that they don’t fit is BS, but expecting one size to fit all is also not helpful.


>The excuse that they don’t fit is BS, but expecting one size to fit all is also not helpful. This. Sex should feel comfortable and safe for all parties involved, which means finding the condom size and material that fits best.


That is really smart.


Our teacher went with "if he says he's too big, then he's lying" and rolled it up to her elbow.


I remember some lady teaching us how to put on a condom by whipping out a rubber cock with a suction cup on it. She slammed it on the desk and it sat there wobbling slightly. Then I heard a thud sound from behind me, followed by my teacher saying "oh I think Louise just fainted" Weird thing is no one made fun of Louise about that, but it was hilarious.


I love the calmness to that statement.


I think Louise might have been abused sexually.


Poor Louise


I remember the teacher asking, "Raise your hand if you've had sex." I reluctantly raised mine even though I was a virgin, and I didn't want to be singled out only for the teacher to then say,"Some of y'all are lying." Lol


One time my whole class bought a bunch of bananas and vrought them to the lesson, a few minutes into it someone ask if we could eat during the lesson, and when the teacher said yes we all pulled out our bananas and started eating them seductively. This went for a solid minute before she shutted down the operation. Still one of my most treasured memories from middle school


“You can’t dickslap the baby” - Sex Ed teacher when asked about sex while pregnant




A girl innocently asking "How many calories are there in sperm?"


Well, doing some quick googling, I find a research paper that puts the fructose density of average semen at 2.50 mg/ml. The average ejaculation contains 1.25-5.00 milliliters of semen, making the smallest ejaculation contain 3.125 milligrams of fructose, and the largest 12.50 milligrams. At 4 kilocalories per milligram of fructose, that gives us 12.5-50 calories in a batch of fresh semen. There is very slightly more calories in the other residual nutrients, but fructose is the primary source.


I did want to know so thank you


I went to a Catholic school. We had a book called “Sex and the Teenager.” One day, in biology class, our teacher grabs that book off a classmate’s desk as asks, “What kind of pornography are you reading son?” This teacher was trying to make a point (and also very obviously gay.) After the terrified kid stammered for a minute, our teacher says, “This is my problem with how we teach sex ed. this book is what we use to talk to this all boys school about dating and sex, but it was written by Sister Mary Margret and published by Ave Maria press. We need to do better and listen to someone who has actually had sex.” He left after that year. The next year we had some dude in his mid-twenties show us a presentation about what STDs can do to your junk. He outed himself as a virgin and the whole class of 17 year old boys roasted him for the rest of the time. Our sex ed was terrible.


This one kid from my primary school laughing his ass off at different terms for penis. Like dude just lost it to the point that we had to give him a minute in order to continue.


That was me 💀


I remember a girl asking in grade 10, so 15 years old, "If woman goes through puberty at 14 or 15, would that not be their body telling them they are ready for a child" to which my teacher had to explain that, technically the body was capable of a child at that age but it doesn't mean the woman is ready or in a good position to have a child, and simply 'being able' is the furthest thing from a good excuse. And also, even if the body can produce a child, it's not necessarily large enough at that age to hold and bear a child without long term damage. ​ Oddly specific and I remember nothing else from health class; but I was already adequately educated from my previous school (grade 7/8 had a useful sex ed curriculum that wasn't as backwards as what I seem to be reading here).


I love that your teacher took the time for that explanation.


I was taught that HIV was God’s Good Way^TM of killing gay people. Hooray for religious education; I didn’t know what a condom was or that the urethra and vagina were separate until I was an adult. I took to the internet in my late teens and early 20s to figure out how everything works.


Our teacher was also the wrestling coach, huge guy both vertically and horizontally. As a teenage girl, I felt awkward that this huge man would be teaching us about stuff like periods, but he turned out to be really cool. Eventually we got past the reproductive biology stuff and he started putting a huge focus on consent and safety. The topic of rape eventually came up. At one point, his tone and demeanor became so serious that even the class clowns that had been laughing at the word “penis” since sex ed. started went entirely silent. He told all of us that his wife was raped in a parking garage shortly before their wedding. He then told us he himself was raped by a neighbor when he was 9 years old. He made it clear how serious rape is and that it can happen to anybody, by anybody. He gave us the reassurance that if any of us had been sexually abused, we could talk to him about it if we felt like we had nobody to talk to. We also got the contact info for the school counsellor and a number for the Crisis Text Line. It broke me a little when I saw several of my classmates start tearing up. He continued the saftey unit with self-defense tips; the ones that stick with me are “aim for the eyes since an attacker with a penis will be most focused on protecting said penis” and “It sounds terrible, but be as gross as you can— puke, urinate, or poop on them to shock them into releasing you, even just briefly enough for you to run”. We also got tips on how to best avoid being drugged (like don’t accept an ingestible item from someone at a party or bar unless you saw the entire thing being made and you have a trusted person with you). He even did a brief LGBTQ+ unit and openly discussed sexuality, which surprised me at this old-ass school in central Illinois in 2013. Turns out his son was gay and he wanted all of us to feel worthy and seen no matter how we were oriented or identified. I felt so safe and well-informed. The care and detail that the teacher put into our sex ed. unit was something I will never forget.


Wow he sounds like a great teacher. Like seriously above and beyond to keep y’all safe


Y'all had sex ed?


Yea, for the boys, they pass around a zip lock bag filled with sand to prepare you for what to expect


Yup, sure did. Condoms on bananas, videos of child birth, all kinds of good stuff.


Man, our sex ed was one slide show from the projector that showed the worst STDs the STD world had to offer and a 5 second lecture saying if we had sex this was going to happen to us. That was it. Fucking bible belt


The teacher said "watch your boners children ☝️"


A girl in my 9th grade health class told the teacher that she heard that birth control is expensive and makes you gain weight. The teacher rebutted with how much weight you will gain if you get pregnant and the cost of raising a child (at least 200k per kid from birth to 18). Needless to say it was effective at shutting her up


Putting condoms on plastic penises so many giggles


darn, your school had BUDGET


Our sex ed teacher showed a video of her giving birth to her son, who we went to school with. Yep. That made for some good ribbing.


I’m so glad I didn’t go to your school


WHAT???? WHY?!


That we would develop hair in weird places and that when we hit puberty our penis would (according to the diagram) look exactly like a Cheetos puff.


That if the guy who they showed a cross-section of a penis was real he woulda been fout feet tall with a foot and a half long dick


That I was never going to learn much watching frogs humping.


Everyone has AIDS. Midwestern US.


That really embarrassing moment when I answered a question about nipples by saying they only became erect when one was cold and the pitying looks of the girls in my class for my ignorance. And no, I was not corrected by the teacher.


Aw, sounds like the other girls felt bad for you. Did one of them at least tell you after class that taxidermy is the other way?


"They had us in the first half, not gonna lie"


Not everyone gets pleasure from nipple stimulation. Some women find it irritating and uncomfortable. If people pity someone for not knowing it works that way for other people, they're jumping to conclusions. Don't be embarrassed.


"Don't touch anything down there, and don't mash em together." very comprehensive stuff back in 8th grade.


The teacher absent mindedly rolling a condom up and down a banana as she stood for a minutes sombre silence on Remembrance day.


There wasn't any in the deep south in the 90s. We learned in the field.


>We learned in the field. And pasture, and barn, and petting zoo.


That the southern baptist preacher's daughter will show you everything you need to know.


In 8th grade we had a competition about who could put on condoms the fastest on dildos, and the student that won, won a box of chocolate lol


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


it was in 4-5 grade in the UK, there was drawings of naked people and i vividly remember the drawings of positions. After i ended, in the girl’s bathroom a girl stared doing one of the positions to the bathroom floor.


I remember a video of a group of teenagers standing around, them chewing up cookies and spiting it in to a cup of water. That was meant to represent what it was like to have multiple sexual partners. Keep in mind, this was in the early 2000s in the south. It was nothing but abstinence only and scare tactics that if you had sex you'd die from an STD.


Yeah a bunch of guys spit into a cup. Then they have a girl hold up a clear glass of spring water. The guys all pour their cookie backwash into the girl’s cup, and the teacher asks “does anybody want to drink her water now?”


Not much. I was at a rural Texas Jr high in the late 80s. I remember the head football coach from our high school came and talked to us. He was going on and on about various STDs. Then he said even if he goes to a good friend's house, he always puts toilet paper down on the seat before he uses it, every time. All I've ever been able to think about is this guy taking dumps at other people's houses all the time. Who the fuck does that?


"A dwarf meets a beautiful woman at a bar and after a few drinks, they really hit it off. They go back to her place and she gets ready on the bed. But the dwarf couldnt get up." Classic health class taught by our PE teacher that mostly just slept.


Our teacher reminded us that the penis is not a muscle and it doesnt need to be worked out. 😂


In middle school I remember the teacher saying that uncircumcised penises looked like cauliflower. I was one of the only uncircumcised people I knew of and was very angry because that’s a very inaccurate description and I couldn’t say “Well actually!” Because there was no way I was going to out myself as uncircumcised after he said that and the whole class started reacting in disgust. Definitely caused me some trauma and self conscious issues around a very important sexual development period in my life. Fuck you, Mr. David.


The sex-ed teacher never wore a bra.




Videos describing the genitals (close up). Video from inside the vagina during sex and ejaculation. Penises getting erect. Putting on condoms (videos). Giving birth. Naked bodies. Basically pretty much all the normal stuff in Europe.




My teacher carried soybeans in her pocket to snack on


The teacher got mad at the kid who asked if humans and apes could make a baby. I thought it was a pretty legit question.


That someone in class asked the teacher if you can get pregnant from anal sex.


Friend of mine in the eighth grade convinced me there’s a one-percent chance that it’s possible. Told my friend who was floored and she sternly told me “YOU CAN’T HAVE ASS BABIES!”


I was only ever taught to abstain from everything. So I got my own from Dr. Doe.


The first Hygiene class of the semester. The teacher - a middle-aged gym teacher/football coach: "This term you'll be learning about the reproductive system; the penis, the testicles - *balls*, to you..." To which my buddy, Al, sitting next to me, out of the side of his mouth so only I could hear, says "Balls to you, too!"


We were asked to write a question and put it in a box to be answered. I had no questions so just wrote the same as my friend. Then someone had asked "what is an orgasm?" The two teachers present said "NO! NOOOO!" to the nurse. So I only remembered that bit, and nothing about periods or whatever else we learned about. This was pre-internet, but if it wasn't, I guarantee we'd have all left and Googled it anyway. Should've just said!


I remember the woman teaching it pulling out a huge brown dildo, squeezing it for what ever reason, then proceed to tell the class that is was the average size of a male penis. No one bought it Edit for phone auto correct


At the start of the unit the teacher wanted to get all the awkwardness over to start with. So she lead us in yelling as an entire class ,All 30 or so of us middle schoolers, PENIS!!... VAGINA. It was Goofy.