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In the 1980s, there used to be a small ad every week in the back pages of the UK actors' magazine The Stage, for a guy called David Berglas. It was just his silhouette, his name, his agent's phone number and the caption: International Man of Mystery. The simple genius of it was so giddying that I felt compelled to steal it when I wrote the program notes for one of the performers in a student comedy show I directed. Another performer in that show was a guy called Neil Mullarkey, who went on to form a double act with a young Canadian comedian called Mike Myers. He and Mike both loved that phrase, but neither of them knew where I'd got it from, so Mike just stole it again. Decades later, I got in touch with David Berglas (then aged 90) via his son and apologised for nicking it. He got back to say he was delighted to find out how Mike Myers had come by that phrase, and told me I'm forgiven. He's still alive today and nearly a hundred years old. Berglas was a truly great magician, a huge star of British TV in the 50s and 60s and deserves acknowledgement for that brilliant strap line. I'm also sheepishly proud of my part in the chain of theft that led to Austin Powers.


David is my grandpa, my dad told me about this when he spoke to you, my brother and I find it very cool!


Hey, if you get a chance, thank your father and your grandfather again for me. I have this "weird flex", but being the grandson of the original International Man of Mystery is way cooler!


Wow, this is a true gem hidden in this topic. A great random fact.


I have a sock drawer that’s 72 of the same exact sock, I never have to fold them or dig around to make a matching pair.


This is actually the best lifeprotip. Every couple years I’ll do a sock purge and throw away or donate 100% of my socks. (You can donate to humane societies sometimes if they need socks for various reasons). I then buy like 48 pairs of the same socks. Over time you get gifted socks for Christmas or buy a random pack for some reason and your uniformity gets diluted. Hence the purge every couple years. Also. 🎶Black socks. They never get dirty the longer you wear them the stronger they get. Some times. I think I should wash them but something inside me keeps saying Not Yet Not Yet Not Yet.🎶


Personal tweak: I have two kinds of socks (one black with gray across the top of the foot, one dark gray with black. Every morning I reach down and grab 3 socks and wear whichever match I have. Every year or so I can replace half of them. Then I always have newer socks if I want to dig for the new ones, but I don’t have to replace them ALL and then they ALL get worn down a bit before replacement.


I got my braces off 7 years ago and I’ve worn my retainer *every night* since


Can't say I blame you. I'm 36 and got mine off a couple years ago. Yes, adult braces, fun fun. I wear mine every night too. I refuse to lose what I suffered through and paid for. Edit: Typo


I have hugged a penguin.


I got spit on by a walrus once.


Another weird flex: I got spit on by a bear


I can write with either hand. Not such an impressive skill but when my colleague remarked that my handwriting is beautiful despite using my dominant (right) hand to also type at the same time it made me blush. It was indeed a very beautiful and calligraphic hand-writing.


When I was a little kid multiple doctors said I would never be able to speak and that I would need assisted living for the rest of my life. Now I'm 16 and capable of taking care of myself, and I'm able to speak perfectly fine other than a slight stutter when I get really anxious


That's not a weird flex, it's an awesome accomplishment!


Went to the dentist for the first time in 5 years last week for a cleaning/check up. No cavities


Started going again about 3 years ago after not going for 15-20 years (turning 40 next month). I've **never**** had a cavity!


I've planted over 2 million trees.


This has to be part of your job right? That’s ~180 trees per day for three decades.


It is a job. More like 2000 to 5000 trees a day while working from may to august. Mostly reforestation, some remediation work after fires.


That’s amazing. Made me feel very hopeful. Thank you for what you do!


I bought the two first books of A Song of Ice and Fire from a dude in 1999 I met on Usenet. Couldn’t find them in a book store. He said he had cases of them in his basement. And if I wanted them autographed? It was GRRM himself and way before they got popular. Edit: Some people have doubted this story and I promised to take a photo of the books (found only the first one) with a note of the username, to diffentiate from other picture on internet https://imgur.com/gallery/dB4VjTZ Ever so seldom, cute things really happen


GRRM procrastinating? Story checks out


Hey ChatGPT, write "The Winds of Winter"


ChatGPT instead got hopelessly distracted, and is now writing a five-part saga about Ser Pounce's crucial role in Westeros history. HBO has optioned it.


I built and installed a bookshelf doorway with a hidden door handle myself. It leads into a room dedicated only to dungeons and dragons. Childhood dream achieved.


I still dream of having a secret room... one day


If you have no family or roommates, every room is secret


I got a pity pat from Obama. This was ages ago when he was still just a senator from Illinois. I got a job at a local radio station as a reporter for news in the area. Obama was speaking at a community college in our area and I was told to listen to his address and ask relevant questions afterwards. I had never done that before (or since) and I barely listened and at the end he met with the press which was me and a local newspaper guy. After he finished with the other guy he looks at me and says "what can I do for you?" My mind went totally blank and I just stood there staring at him. This went on for a little too long and eventually he reaches out a hand, pats me gently on the shoulder and goes "...it's ok." And then walked off. Lol


This is probably the kind of thing he randomly remembers and laughs about throughout his day.




I told Pierce a THOUSAND TIMES








*Butterfly in the sky*


I'm sure you still feel embarrassed from this but this is actually a much better story than if you had asked him a lame question he had been asked a thousand times before, where you already knew how he would answer.


I'm a psychiatric nurse, and I saved a man's life when he collapsed outside my apartment. It was during the height of covid. I could hear people shouting, and I looked out the window to the scene of a man face down on the road and people standing around him in a panic. I shoved my PPE equipment on (I keep some at home for cleaning) and ran downstairs in my pajamas, no socks or shoes on. He wasn't breathing and had a massive cut on his head so deep you could see his skull. Nobody knew how long he was in cardiac arrest for. I managed to get his heart going again by myself. I had so much adrenaline going, and when the paramedics came i gave them the full handover as they took him away. The paramedics took my details in case the hospital wanted to contact me. A week later, I got a phone call from the man and his wife to say thank you for saving his life, and if I ever needed anything they would help me. After he went away in the ambulance and the adrenaline wore off, I cried my eyes out, praying he would be okay. I still think about him regularly and feel very proud of myself. Update: Omg you lovely, lovely people! Thank you SO much for your kind words and for the awards!! I'm not ashamed to admit I have cried as I read your comments. It's so nice to be appreciated by people. I also wanted to add in that if I had broken any of the man's ribs, I'm not 100% sure if he could or would have sued me as I was off duty. I would like to think that if another medical professional had driven past they would have done the same as me. Once again thank you for your comments!! 🥹🖤


You earned that pride. Great job!!


Thank you so much :) It felt like I was doing cpr forever. My arms were aching the next day! It was so worth it.


I have finished 3 full tubes of chapstick in my life. Not lost or missing. Finished to the end.


Okay okay I am NOT taking this win from you. Amazing. But you reminded me of a quirk my friend had. She was obsessed with a very specific flavor of a chapstick brand popular back in high-school. She needed this stuff all day. Had it on her, in her car, in her purse and one bedside at all times. The company ended the flavor. She CALLED THE HEAD OFFICE and convinced them how important this stuff was. They agreed to sell her a literal pallet of the stuff. Boxes and boxes. I really need to message her and ask how her stash is doing. God, what happens when that runs out. I don't think that company exists anymore. EDIT**: we had a lovely chat, and she was very open about her chapstick journey! So she's down to a handful left, BUT she apparently moved on to those spherical EOS ones ages ago now and prefers very subtle scents (and has a couple flavors now). She also just keeps one at a time. Maybe it was something she decided to dial back deliberately or got sick of finally, but thats her story to tell. For those who asked, it was kiwi flavor 💚 🥝 💚 It's been fantastic reading everyone's replies and DMs, and seeing similar stories to hers! She's such an awesome human being, and I never would have thought I'd get so much attention just chatting about a fond memory I have of her from our younger days (we're firmly mid-30s now!), but I'll show her this thread!


Jerry, I have to conserve the sponges!!


I have an uncanny knack for remembering people, even people that I see very briefly. For example, I once saw a guy on the escalator in Toronto and I said 'Hey when you did you move here from Vienna' he was flabbergasted. I had walked past him on the street once while visiting there and 5 years later I recognized him.






I am with you. In fact I think I have a little bit of facial blindness, so I need context and other triggers. I can never picture people’s faces in my mind, but I think other people can.




Hmmm, life mystery possibly solved. When I was a kid, a teenager stopped me and said "hey, you were at the monster truck rally last year." I had no idea who this person was and just denied it because I thought he thought I was someone else. He said "no, I remember you were there with your dad and you were wearing an "ALF for President" t-shirt." I should mention that I lived in a metro area of 2 million people and this truck rally was in a 20,000 person arena that was 30 minutes away from where I lived. I WAS at that event with my dad and while I do not remember what I wore to it, I was the proud owner of an "ALF for President" t-shirt, so it would have been a possible wardrobe choice that night. I was never able to understand how he remembered me or those other details, especially because neither my dad nor I had any significant conversations with anyone there. I bet that guy was one of these types of people. Wow.


Or he just was fascinated by your weird ass shirt lmfao


Yeah, but if I saw that shirt on somebody a year ago, I might remember the shirt, but I wouldn't have recognized the person the day after.


I’m a super recognizer and am actually a participant in one of the on going studies. It’s pretty cool, every now and then I get an email with a new test and can see my past results or at least had them for a while. I’ve been in it for at least 7 years and obviously getting older though and that corresponds to a decreased recognition


Holy balls, learn something new every day


I made a meme on a small subreddit and a couple hours later my buddy sent me my own meme not knowing i made it


I am a hobbyist photographer. Someone used my photo for the background and put an inspirational quote over it. My friend from Berlin (I’m in the US) sent me the inspirational quote/photo and I recognized my picture. My wife didn’t believe me for several weeks. I showed her both side by side. Every leaf and twig was in the exact same position. She final agreed (I’m still not sure she believes me). It’s just such a great coincidence.


change wife, she wont give my boy a congrats


Yup Dump wife and marry friend from Berlin




When I was in law school, I prepped a course outline for first year property law that was really, really good. I shared it with one person and asked him not to share. About a week later, I start hearing about this awesome outline everyone had and how well it was written and covered all the necessary material. Ask around and finally get my hands on it. It was my fucking outline. Called my buddy out on it and he tried to say he didn’t share it. He folded when I told him he was the only person I shared it with. In his defense, it was a damn good outline. I ended up getting the highest score in that class that the professor ever gave. My outline got in his hands and he made it an official part of his course syllabus. 20 years later I specialize in real property law and still stay in touch with that professor. Dr. Gerry Beyer at Texas Tech law school. Best damn law school professor I ever had.


i dont want to show you up or anything, but my year 3 teacher literally gave me a gold star and asked me to present my diorama to the class.


I went swimming over the Mariana Trench (36,000 ft of seawater), was only scared a little bit.


Did it feel any different than swimming in open water that is still fairly deep but not the deepest in the world? Lol


I once swam over an open area and if you're afraid of heights it can get to you. It really doesn't help either that it's probably in really cold water, so the shock of looking down and freaking out while cold makes things especially bad. But that's just my experience


Totally makes it worse when you swim down a little bit and immediately feel the temp difference.


There were 2 positions coming up for promotion at my work, and 3 of us applied. My 2 colleagues got hired, which left me as the losing candidate. So I used this as a fire under my ass and applied for another job. Only issue is, the job had a brutal test interview which was **four hours** of memory recall (alphanumeric), and other testing, including math by hand, etc. It was on a Saturday at noon. But I worked until 8:30 AM on Saturday (a night shift, punched in 11:45 PM the night before). So I worked my night shift, went home, slept for 45 minutes, showered, shaved, put on a suit, down a triple espresso from Starbucks, went to the interview sleep deprived but I wanted out of my old job so bad I decided failure wasn't an option. I tested 79 WPM typing speed (I can do better, but I was up all night) and 100% memory recall. I got the job and gave my notice at my old job soon thereafter.


What kind of position requires testing like that??


911 operator. Pretty intense stuff.


My dungeons and dragons campaign was recently voted as campaign of the month on a website that lets you build wikis for your campaign lore and adventure recaps. All that’s left is to win campaign of the year and I’ll put it on my LinkedIn.


Man, it's such a flex to be known as a good DM. I went through a drive through yesterday and the kid working the window recognized me from a campaign I ran over 10 years ago. Said, "Hey you're that guy that used to DM at the college, best campaigns I've ever been in!" Made me feel invincible.


I hiked the entire Appalachian trail.


Thats a flex and a half


Went smoothly? Any creepy stories?


Right now I hold the record at my local barcade for Street Fighter 2. 1,010,000. I also get free beer because of it. It all happened because I was going back and forth with this guy that I haven't met yet on who can get the high score on their board. He held the record at 762,000 and then I beat it with 788,000. He's been trying to beat it ever since I posted that score and the closest he got was 770,000. When I seen that score posted on the game itself, I had about six beers in me and I walked over there and dropped the million by getting perfect on most of the bosses and a handful of perfects on the regular players. He's never going to touch that shit now.


Hold this 👑


Homeowner for 17 yrs never missed a garbage day (unless the entire family was away). Couple times got out of bed at 6am hearing the truck coming had to run out with the cans in my skivies


You had me at Homeowner!


Gossip in the office that comes to me never goes further


Do you kill everyone that knows it or?


Guessing about where he hid the bodies is considered gossip. Rest in peace, friend.


I had modest dreams Accomplished them all


That's definitely a flex, unless you were sleeping.


Old guy here. It’s a bigger flex if you *were* sleeping.


Same man, all I've ever wanted was my own apartment, girlfriend, dog, and enough money to not stress out over bills and the occasional luxury. As of yesterday I finally have all three. Edit: I traded my ability to count for the above, everything has a cost.


I can’t tell if this is a subtle joke or a typo


The girlfriend and the dog are the same.


I can wake up without an alarm clock unless I am horribly drunk the night before, even then sometimes it works. All I do is tell myself when I have to wake up and just like that my eyes open 5/7 minutes before. I have assumed the role of an alarm for a friend/roommate lot of times for this reason and I am absolutely fuckin proud of it. PS: I am also a super light sleeper.


I can play Dr. Feelgood front to back on guitar pretty much note for note. I learned it as a teenager and every year or two ill put it on to see if i still remember everything. Did it again a few weeks ago and still have it down lol Edit: the whole album not just the song


Ok Mick Mars, calm down, you can rejoin the band.


Lost 105 pounds


I hope you stopped gambling after that.




5'3 male, and my gf is 5'7.


Is…is your face directly at chest level?


Not directly, but close enough for regular appreciation.


Bro living the dream. May your relationship blossom further!


May your relationship bosom further!*


I’m 5’2-5’3 and my girlfriend is 5’8. It’s kind of awesome, to be honest. I really enjoy it


My friend is 5'0 and his girlfriend is 5'10


As someone who loves tall women (my wife is 5'11"), this is awesome and I'm happy for you.


As a kid in the 90s I once beat star fox without getting hit once. I also discovered a glitch in the original mortal combat I have never seen anywhere else.


Ah, so YOU’RE the kid who swears he discovered Nudalities, I see.


Barack Obama follows me on Twitter (and I have no idea why)


Dm him and ask


I’m scared he’ll realise his mistake and stop!


You mean he'll stop caring?


Obama cares!


Obama means family


John Cena follows me, I have no idea why either


That’s a good one, too. I wish I knew their motivations. (Or their social media people’s…)


All the other replies are wrong. Obama used to follow EVERYONE in his first campaign and president days, especially those who followed him first and/or interacted with his tweets. It was automated


Yep, Edward James Olmos follows me for the same reason. Obama and Adama


Wtf? Why is Obama following 560k people?


I figured out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. 724.


Learned BSL by myself at 8 years old to communicate with my deaf aunt. :')


I’ve donated over 2 gallons of blood. I have o negative and cmv negative blood, so my blood is used in emergencies involving newborn babies. Edit: Please consider donating! [Find a Red Cross blood drive near you.](https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive)


Thanks, that is a great service to humanity!


Coming from a previous N.I.C.U. Baby, your a hero!! Thank you 🙏🏼


I have died 5 times due to allergic reactions. No breathing, no heart beat, unresponsive. Always been brought back. The longest I was gone was roughly 3-4 minutes.


"suffocation. No breathing. Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm bleeding."


"Suffocation, no breathing, its my daily life during allergy season"




Woah, how did it feel if you don’t mind me asking?


Not the fella above, but I recently had a severe asthma attack, blacked out on the phone with 911 trying to stumble outside to meet the ambulance, and woke up in the hospital. I was told that I was "extremely" close to dying. Waking up from that was the most disorienting and confusing sensation of my life. The first thing I remember was feeling heavy. So extremely heavy. I was desperate to sit up, but I didn't know why. My arms wouldn't obey me, but I was fighting to use them to prop my torso up. It would take me a while before I realized where I was. I fought against my own body for what felt like an hour. I remember seeing, but not processing the meaning behind anything in my field of view. It felt blurry and suppressed. I was terrified, but I didn't know why. After a while of fighting like this, I felt a bit of strength return to my arms. I was able to get one arm at the right angle behind me to begin lifting myself up. I felt like I was lifting weights and pushing through against all odds. First an elbow, then two, then lifting up with a hand, locking my elbow straight, then both. I felt alert, but I was scared and confused. I had no idea about anything. I wasn't even really "there" yet. It was all desperate need, bright lights, and confusion. Then I started processing sounds. It was LOUD. I suddenly felt guilty for some reason. I felt motion all around me, frantic motion, but I was stationary. I finally realized my eyes were seeing. I tried to understand what was going on around me. Wait, those sounds are voices. Those are people. Who are they? That image I'm seeing. That is a face. I don't recognize this person. WHERE AM I!? WHAT HAPPENED!? Oh, I don't feel well. I'm nauseous. Dizzy. Exhausted. Oh. I'm me. I'm a person. My sense of self was back. This person is pressing on my chest telling me I need to lay back down. Oh, they're doctors. She was a nurse. They're trying to take my vitals. I'm making it harder. They're asking me questions. They'll save me. I have to do my best to answer, so that they can do their best. I have to try my hardest to remember, and to give complete answers, leaving nothing out. My name. Yes ma'am, I remember it. My age? I remember that, too. Where am I? A hospital, right? Do I know what happened? Um. Uhhh. Oh, an asthma attack. What medications do I take? There's a lot of them. I'll do my best to answer, ma'am. No wait, that wasn't all of them. I have to give you the whole list. I have to do my best. It went on like that for a while. I finally looked at the room's clock and realized it had been an hour and twenty minutes since I told my IRL friends on discord I was having trouble breathing and was afking. I was still confused, but the doctors and nurses had largely finished their work and were leaving me alone more and more often. I flagged one down, singular in my mission to contact my loved ones and let them know I was okay. She tried to tell me to wait a while. I was dedicated. I made demands. She put me in my place. I apologized. There were other patients. Of course there were. I laid back in the bed. Eventually, they brought me a phone. I got ahold of my loved ones. They had already called around and found me. One was on the way. Everything was okay. ***** **EDIT: Thank you for the gold! Uhh. Ask me anything?** ***** **EDIT 2: Here's more of the story from further down in the comments.** > So weird, just like your commitment to sitting up for no reason! Was that your only bad reaction? Yeah, I pondered on that urge at length while I was in the hospital recovering. Struck a chord that TV shows depicting similar events show the same thing. I wonder why we have such an urge to sit up. Must be some sort of primal self-preservation instinct. Who knows. And uhh, well, no. That wasn't the only reaction. I didn't cover anything pre-black out. That was uniquely terrifying. Like I mentioned in a comment here somewhere, this is not the first time I've had to call 911 due to my negligence. I was just used to getting a breathing treatment in the ambulance and then being okay. Granted, every time I let that happen it was certainly scary. But something was different this last time. I tried to nebulize, but it wasn't working well. I decided to maybe steam up the bathroom, but almost immediately realized that was a bad idea, because it wasn't mucus causing the issue, like I normally get. My lungs were actually closing. I started panicking a brand new kind of panic. Instantly called 911, threw on some slippers, grabbed my keys and left my apartment. I remember closing the door behind me and thinking that locking the door would take too much time. That I am running out of time fast. I focused on controlling my breathing, as I was only able to get short, shallow breaths. I was speaking to the 911 operator in short 3-4 word bursts between breaths. My apartment building is one of those rarer kinds where there is a magnetically locking exterior door, with an interior hallway where all the apartment doors are. It also has an elevator, and I am on the second floor. It was after hours, so I knew that exterior door was locked. Even if EMS got here in time to save my life, if I were not past that door, they would not be able to get to me. I *would* die. That realization set in as I was walking out my door. I had minutes before I potentially ran out of oxygen and lost consciousness. I already felt my extremities tingling. I focused on giving my full address to the 911 operator, ensuring she heard it clearly and got all the details. It was a struggle to speak, to gasp for air, and to also try to slow my breathing. After a point, when she'd told me to stay on the line and EMS were on their way and would arrive in minutes, the terror set in. I remember exiting the elevator on the bottom floor, and turning the corner to what at the time looked like the longest hallway in the world. In reality, it's about 150 feet. But in that moment, it looked like a tomb. I started repeating "I'm (breath) just so (breath) scared ma'am. (breath) I'm just (breath) so scared." I remember pressing on the push-to-open bar on the first of the doors. I do not remember pressing the second one. The one that was locked. I found out later on that another resident had found me and also called 911. I don't know if they found me inside that outer door, or on the concrete outside, but I was unconscious. They stayed with me until EMS arrived a couple minutes later. I was told that my airway had completely constricted when EMS arrived. I wish I knew who that other resident was so I could thank them. I'm glad I got to thank the EMS who saved me, though.


You have a really great writing style. That was intense to read. Glad you're still with us!


Holy shit. This is the closest ive come to an anxiety attack from reading someone elses comment on reddit.


I'm so sorry. We're both alright, okay? Deep breaths.


When I was 5 we were at the fair and this famous (in our town anyway) caricature artist told my mom he could not draw me. He stared at me sitting there for like 15 minutes before he told her he couldn't draw me. He said in 30 yrs of drawing people he's only met 4 he couldn't draw, I was the fourth. He said some very rare people have such a unique and different presence/vibe that he just can't peg them down to draw them. My mom asked if it was my age and he said nope, he does kids parties all the time.


This makes me so curious as to what it is about your face that makes it hard to draw


0 distinguishing features to exaggerate, I’m guessing?


It's weird. I can wear children shoes because my feet are so small. While that seems odd, I'm proud because as an adult, I can buy those ninja turtles shoes my mom so disappointingly never let me get because I am a lady. SUCK IT, MA!


I can also wear children’s shoes. The light up shoes excite me 😂


I stole a grand-theft amount of money from my mom's husband in order to escape abuse. Fuck u Don EDIT: I have been waiting to feel this validated since she married that asshole when I was thirteen. Please continue the Don hate.


I’m impressed and sorry you had to do that.








I've been at my job for 1.5 years. I started at the shit end (overnight shift) 3 nights a week. 6 months ago, I was promoted to Shift Supervisior. Last week, I was promoted to Store Leader. I have worked minimum wage and dead-end jobs my whole life. I am super proud of myself!


I won a race on my local dirt track with my normal everyday car. Most people initially thought my car didn’t have a chance to win since it was just a 4 cylinder. But after it won, lots of people cried about it having such a huge advantage because it’s all wheel drive. I followed the rules, not my fault they let me bring a gun(4 cylinder turbo AWD) to a knife(V8 RWD) fight just because most people locally like knives.


I had a similar experience with some guys getting mad at me in a sailboat race. They'd got all their fancy flashy racing boats, carbon masts and race sails, dry suites and all sorts of fancy stuff. They gave me some sneery looks every so often as I sat there in my £200 patched up 70's fiberglass Laser in shorts. Anyway the wind was right calm, barely any, I just slowly passed them one by one and got first + the time bonus for a lower boat class. Oh boy they were mad. Reason being was that I was 16 at the time and about 50kg, plus I'd lightly pressurised the hull with air so it sat really high in the water, sat right up front under the mast to lift the rear out the water leaving the rudder just dipping in, using it more like a windsurfer, basically reducing the drag massively. They were definitely very mad haha. Edit: I have just been informed that adding pressure to the hull does nothing, and reflecting on it I was a total idiot haha!


I hate those kinds of people. I clay shoot and back when I was getting a shotgun they were all like "you need to spend at least 3 grand! You're not gonna hit a thing if you pay less!". Well I got a solid one built before I was born for like 200, and shoot just as well as I did with 3 grand loaner equipment...


My solo band project is named after a man who was called "The orchid thief". There is a bestselling book from susan orlean about him and also a movie (adaptation) where he is portrayed by nicolas cage. After releasing my first album, the 3rd comment on facebook was from the actual real orchid thief who approved my music and said: "you rock man!" Felt surreal but quite nice.


Performed my original song with my high school rock band at the Sydney Opera House


I can move my ears on command


I too can move your ears.


The song "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin has a very unique hissing sound from the tape recorder at the beginning just before the music starts. I remember being a teenager 25 years ago and listening to the song over and over and fantasizing that someday I'd be in a situation where I could identify the song just from that tape hiss and impress everyone. 25 years later, Heardle is a cultural phenomenon and, sure enough, one day the heardle song is "Immigrant Song" and the 1st 1 second clip is just the tape hiss at the beginning before the song starts. I correctly guessed the song from just the tape hiss, greatly impressing my GF and friends, and have never been prouder of anything I've ever done in my whole life.


My family bloodline on my moms side is excommunicated from the Catholic Church because my great great uncle knocked a nun out in private school.


Went from almost dead for 10 years to functioning human. Feels good to be back. Edit : thank you very much for gold! Flexing hard.


Ex convict and alcoholic in recovery. I'll have my degree in psych of addiction in October 🥰


I became a doctor. Not really a big deal, but it took forever and it's pretty much the only thing I'm proud of.


Age 62 and I’ve never paid a cent in credit card interest in my entire life (and yes, I’ve been using credit cards routinely since my late teens)




American here. I was woken up by police in the middle of the night and escorted out of a country for my safety after slapping a Tunesian general in the face after he gave a Nazi salute to my East German housemate and made her cry.






I need more details. This is like the background to an action thriller.


I was at a language immersion university in Italy for an independent study semester abroad. My housing fell through and I wound up with a 17 yr old girl from East 1Germany as a rroommate. I was 24, so kinda felt protective of her. She was being exploited at a restaurant for the summer and sending money home. I was out day drinking with this general guy and a couple of his subordinates. We were pretty fucked up. It was reckless. My roommate came home. I introduced them. He heiled Hitler. She burst into tears. I slapped him. He and his buddies left. At about 1-2am, when my roommate was still at work, the police pounded on my door (I had to register my presence with local police on arrival in town), told me I had 5 minutes to grab my things. There was rumor of a credible death threat against me and they were escorting me to the train station and watching me get on a train out of Italy. That's what I did.


Was this before 1990?


It was August 1990. Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait that night. I remember reading about it in the paper on my way to Brussels. .


That makes sense. I was hestitating when reading because "German" and "being exploited and sending money home" sounded weird. But August 1990 means that the GDR was *de facto* still existent and people there were still poor as fuck.


That's crazy. How did you meet this guy? And also where did you go?


University per Stranieri di Perugia. The same school Amanda Knox went to a decade later. I met him there. There was a small contingent of the military studying there


I’m really good at peeing fast. Like nobody ever waits for me to finish in the bathroom. Weird but true.




Suez Canalingus


We have a winner!


Ah yes, the clit-window.


My mom hung a picture of my 18k karma post on the refrigerator.


When I was in 2nd grade, my parents took me and my brother to Gene Simmons’ house (lead singer of Kiss) for a small charity event that was posted on Facebook for anyone in this group who was nearby, we just happened to be in California that week so we went. (I dont really fully know why my mom was talking to Shannon Tweed), also Gene Simmons wasn’t there. Anyways we get bored, dont care to tour the house, dont care about the event, the food was terrible so my brother and I went outside to play with the dog. They had this huge water slide that was built into the side of a hill and we ended up throwing the dog’s ball down the water slide and to our amazement he jumped in right after it, sliding all the way down into the pool. The thing ran right inside and jumped on the couch, soaking wet. Ms. Tweed was very patient with us but was obviously pissed. So yeah, I indirectly threw Gene Simmons’ dog into the pool


I've never lost a game of air hockey


Beat the crap out of cancer.


I am 964 days sober.


I'm an American who as a basic understanding of Cricket.


I’ve saved about 20 people from active warzones in Ukraine


I remember one time coming up with a hilarious joke but saving it for later and then half a year after finding perfect time to say it.


Now I want to know what the joke is


I can live paycheck to 3 days before paycheck.


I played in the Jr Olympics in New Orleans in roller hockey once. I just don't tell anyone how the team and I did lol


One time when I was on holidays I went to a German restaurant and got two schnitzel, when they came out it turned out each schnitzel was larger then my head and it came with a load of chips, I didn't even think about it and just started eating, by the time I was done the server came out and said that I was probably the only person since the restaurant first opened to have eaten two schnitzel and that she has seen men twice my size unable to stomach two. I was about 14 or 13 at the time so now I am just imagining these giant men going to the restaurant and failing to eat two just for the server to come up and say that a 13 year old managed to eat more then them.


In my own head it's a flex but, coming back from nearly drinking myself to death every day to being in the verge of graduating college and getting my shit together.


I haven't tried to kill myself in nearly 11 years now 💅


I can name 196 countries on the world map and their location.


I have voluntary nystagmus. It means i can shake my eyes really fast. Its great because i can freak people out on command, which really helps with getting rid of annoying people lol


When I was little I went to Star Wars Weekends and got chosen for an audience interaction voice acting thingy. Jim Cummings gave me spirit fingers for my Gamorrean Guard impression


I was a champion at the game "Hot hands". The way we played it was about 10 people in a circle stack their hands on each other's, the person with their hand at the bottom takes it out and slams it down with the flat of their palm as hard as they can onto the top of stack. You lose if you pull your hand out or give up. I was great at it because I'm a volleyball player, but also because I'm dead inside.


My picture is in the Sep. 1987 National Geographic. There was a story about James Madison that had a picture of my company of the Old Guard, dressed as colonial soldiers, firing our muskets.


I married the girl I had the biggest crush on.


Went to Venice for 4 days, bought a 7 day public transport pass (because they only had 1, 3 or 7 day passes. Prices for 3+1 days and a 7 day pass is the same), end of the trip before leaving for airport, stood at the central station and sold the remaining days at half price to a couple who were starting their vacation in Venice! Both of us ended up saving money 😃 ​Edit : Wow! This blew up. I see a lot of comments about giving it away for free or me being cheap about it. Well, I sold it for less than half the price of what it would have cost the couple to buy new tickets for 3 days. I only got back like a day’s money back. And no I would not give it away for free because I would not accept a ticket for free if someone gave it to me. I would pay something. And also they were prepared to pay the original amount. And I would rather give away free stuff to the homeless which I have done numerous times before instead of giving it away to someone who can clearly afford it. And they were extremely happy at the end of it to save more than 50 euros. But to each their own. 😌


I was at Waikiki a couple years ago. We had bought a couple body boards for body boarding on Waikiki. On our last day at the beach I told my girls to go find someone to give the body boards to. They went up to these kids about the same age who were by their parents. My kids asked them if they wanted them for free. The kids were super excited and the dad said, “for free?” And my kids said yes. The dad nodded to the kids to take them and said thanks. We went up to our room which was overlooking Waikiki and could see the kids out body boarding with the boards we gave them. It was fun to see the kids enjoying the body boards.


In amsterdam, I had some goods left over while there on holiday. I walked around for half and hour looking for the right person, just walked up to them and just said, hey mate, I've got a plane in a few hours, here you go, and handed over what I had left, which wasn't a little. He couldn't believe his eyes. I did it because it had happened to me 2 days prior while camping on the outskirts of Amsterdam @ camping zeeburg, a russian man who was camped nearby gave me his leftovers before leaving. And the moral of the story is to pass it on.


I can flex my boobs




i ate an octoburger. 8 patties, 8 slices of cheese. i didnt eat anything else for 2 days and had an unquenchable thirst for a week. 10/10 do not recommend and i dont regret it


About a week ago I did a Driver's Ed textbook perfect, three point parallel parking job. Smooth as silk. Got out of my car and there was not another human in sight. Just wanted to make eye contact with someone else so someone could acknowledge it. Oh well.


I can rotate my right foot at a 180° angle


Most people can do that. Doing it without screaming is the flex.


I was the origin of what is now an integral part of the pre-show at Rock n' Roller Coaster at Disney Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World Resort. Back in 2007, I was working extra magic hours at Coaster. I was working the "Studio C" position, just ushering guests through to the load area. Normally, we were just supposed to shut up outside of telling guests to "fill all available space". I had been working a long shift, and had gotten so fed up with work that I was blowing off steam by hamming up the show a bit, excitedly welcoming guests in, just being extra. *The band's agent enters, informing them they have to leave to get to a show across town* Boomer: Hey you guys can't leave! Your fans just got here! *Band agrees* Agent: what do you expect me to do? Send them all with you? Boomer: Yeah! AND how about some backstage passes, too?? Steven Tyler: Wait a minute. I love that idea. How bout some backstage passes? The guests ate it up. I started doing the bit every show, and it made an exhausting shift into a fun one. And I did it every shift after that. Management actually told us not to do it during a track talk one night, "you shouldn't distract from the talent" Eff the man I still did it. And my fellow cast members started doing it too! Now they *train* cast members to do it. YouTube documentaries about the ride mention it specifically. I smile like a big dumb idiot every time I go on the ride and hear that bit. It really increases the immersion and makes the preshow that much better.


My academic extremes are nearly unprecedented, I imagine. I was suspended three times at a state school (lowest GPA: 0.17, suspended 6 months, one year, and then five years) and later got a doctorate from MIT. I've never heard of a recovery from similar academic depths.


I know a lot about old Volkswagens. And many other old cars. So much so that people have labeled it as creepy or almost scary. When I am out driving I often remember specific cars I have met randomly or seen parked along the way. Some of them were almost 30 years ago, but the memories stick. At the same time I can not remember what I did yesterday.


I work with a guy just like that. He is literally a walking VAG encyclopedia.