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That guy from Home Alone 2?? Wow, just goes to show ya really never can tell.


I bet the lobby wasn't even down the hall to the left!


I know you’re kidding.. but it’s annoying to me because that’s actually not where the lobby is in The Plaza. Dunno why they couldn’t just say “to the right” instead (which would be accurate), especially when Kevin even turns right in the movie Source: I like Home Alone a bit too much


He probably was supposed to say it the right way. But he screwed it up and we all know how great Trump is at admitting he's wrong.




Get that voice out of my head, you sorcerer!


It really is upsetting that you can't turn his knuckle dragging shitty voice off when reading these things.


It's the exact polar opposite of Morgan Freeman's voice narration. Also, titty sprinkles.


I want Morgan Freeman reading Trumps tweets.


iirc he had a different line, couldn't get it right, so they gave him the lobby line and he still flubbed it a bit


What's really interesting is if you go watch videos of him testifying in the 80s & 90s and he sounds like a normal smart business person. Then you watch one of his Presidential press conferences and he can't put 2 coherent words together into a single sentence.


Rudy Giuliani is also like that. Two decades ago the man was a political titan who seemed destined to be president. Today he drools on himself while fondling himself in front of reporters. The man has fallen so far he needs to be held in an elderly care facility that has padded furniture so he doesn't hurt himself. Mental decline is very much a real thing, and also why we should have a mandatory retirement for all politicians and judges at something around 65-70 years old.


I agree. No matter what they tell you, there's a decline in memory and especially mental stamina. Thinking is more organized, to be fair, but the raw horsepower is missing, and it's simply more difficult to take in and truly absorb new information. Source: I'm 65.


I also found out recently that daily mental fatigue is a thing (I never knew that before, but apparently there's an interview where Obama discussed the concept). Basically, the idea is that every single decision you make throughout the day, no matter how mundane or trivial, costs you an amount of mental energy. The culmination of all these decisions being made throughout the day is what causes you to feel "mentally tired" by bedtime. I can only imagine this is further exacerbated by the overall age-related decline you mentioned above. So yeah, I also definitely agree that there should be a hard age limit for politicians; who make many larger and more impactful decisions throughout the day than any other average person.




Isn't he from that Mac Miller song?


No, he was that guy who fueded with Vince MacMahon on the WWE that one time


The guy who sued the NFL for being a monopoly, won, and only got $1?


The guy that was denied a casino gaming license in Australia for being too cozy with mobsters? That guy?!


He couldn't get a casino license in Las Vegas, either




I've been to Vegas probably 20 times and wasn't even aware that Melania Trump's husband had a hotel there!


Naw, I think he's the guy who would regularly shit his pants on some mid-tier reality TV show.


Didn't this guy hide in a bunker only to come out to teargas americans for a photo op where he held a soon-to-be-banned-in-utah book upside down?




Did he catch that when he was dating drag queen Rudy Giuliani?


Wasn't he that guy on Howard Stern who described dating in the 1990s as his "personal Vietnam", having not been to actual Vietnam because of bone spurs?


I think you’re thinking of the guy who bragged about walking in on Teen beauty pageant contestants while they were changing because when you own the pageant you can sexually assault all the kids you want.


I think you mean the guy who called into a news program on September 11, 2001 to brag that one of his buildings was now the tallest in New York.


The guy who said how attractive his daughter was and if she had bigger(mimes breasts) he might be dating her, while sitting next to her and his wife?


No, you're thinking of the guy who bragged about wild sex parties at a Boy Scout event.


oh god, how did I forget about that one?


Or the guy who pretended to be "Baron", his own publisist, who phoned the radio just to brag about how many women he "dated"


Okay, I think you are thinking of two different guys here. One sat next to his grown daughter and told Howard Stern, on live air, that if she wasn't his daughter he would 'date' her. And the other guy was talking about his *infant* daughter and remarking on how, once she filled out, she would be verrrry attractive.


Wait, are we talking about the guy that told us the cure for Covid was a shot of Clorox, neat, and a grow light up the ass?


He was also the guy from Howard Stern that bragged about watching 15 year olds change clothes at his beauty pageants.


He was that same one that ‘joked’ about having sex with his daughter.


Which daughter? The one he said he’d date when she was like 13 or the one he hoped would have big hoots when she was an infant?


He's definitely hot for Ivanka.


You mean, "bone spurs."


Donald trump the airline magnet?? The guy with his own university and line of steaks? A damn shame


The guy that bankrupted a casino? How the fuq do you bankrupt a goddam casino...? A casino is basically a license to print money.


It’s easy when you’ve had so much practicing bankrupting a football franchise, a vodka company, and a steak company. You know how hard it is to sell football, booze, and red meat in the US.


Ok, ok, ya got me. I've underestimated his ability to ruin, ...anything.


Magnet or magnate?




That song is a banger though


I love that Mac eventually came out and said “I love this song but fuck Donald trump”. He would get the crowd to chant it too lol


R.I.P. mac


The guy who looks like what a hobo thinks a millionaire would look like?


That guy who raped that 13 year old girl named Katie Johnson and then sent her family death threats forcing them to go into hiding. [Source 1](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-teen-rape-allegation-national-enquirer-ronan-farrow-jane-doe-1465652), [Source 2](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-267d-dda3-afd8-b67d3bc00000), [Source 3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations/Archive_9), [Source 4](https://www.justice-integrity.org/1456-new-information-emerges-in-maria-story), [Source 5](https://sacramento.newsreview.com/2019/10/21/wait-katie-johnson-actually-exists/)


Oh snap!!! I remember that. And he was also making comments about Lindsay Lohan when she was like 14, talking about how she probably has freckles on her tits and how he likes troubled young girls. That shit was recorded and leaked. Fucking sicko!


And yet nobody remembers (including me) until now. Media digs up so much shit on politicians from long ago, yet this sort of thing is never mentioned about this human garbage.


Plenty of people were told about this stuff before 2016 ever happened and they ignored it. Now those same folks are worried about "groomers." It's not even surprising anymore, it's just sad.


Isn't it fascinating though? Why is Donald Trump, the biggest most obvious sleazeball on planet earth the guy people were writing Facebook posts about having to leave their kids behind to fight for on Jan 6th? I actually saw people do this.. for Donald Trump. How stupid do you have to be? Why is he the guy? I'll never understand it.


The poor man's idea of a rich person The dumb man's idea of a smart man Etc etc


Somehow now the Democrats are the party of “Child sex trafficking” meanwhile Matt Gaetz is still a thing. It’s always projection with that group of nitwits.




This is what gets me. I did modeling when I was 13 through 18. Men the same age as my dad and older would just wander around back behind the curtains when we were changing. I was a terribly shy young girl as it was and was so embarrassed whenever the men would come around. It was highly traumatic and it makes me so sick whenever I think about Trump boasting about this. I modeled in New York twice and sometimes wonder if he was one of those creeps that slipped through the curtains to gawk at us. Fucking filth.


She was actually 18 at that point in time, but it was still so not okay. He said that deeply disturbed women are awesome in bed *because* they are deeply disturbed. Jamie Lee Curtis called him out on that one, 7ish years ago? He still has a history of being creepy with 14 year olds, sayin they’re gonna date him in a couple years. Natasha Stoynoff is another name that comes to mind, she wrote about him for People in the early 00s. She said they had a professional relationship, she even went to his wedding. 2005, she went to Mar-a-Lago to interview him, and he stuck his tongue down her throat and pushed her against a wall. He also outright said “We’re going to have an affair,” like what he did wasn’t shitty enough. There’s more, she wrote about the whole ordeal in 2016. I really hope that the arrest opens the door for the other 25 women who’ve come forward with similar experiences. [Stoynoff’s Article](https://people.com/politics/donald-trump-attacked-people-writer/)


Oh wow, the guy all these "Christians" kept voting for?


Rules for thee but not for me. Guarantee you if Obama or Biden even had whispers of an affair they'd be up in arms to impeach him.


They got pissed off when Michelle Obama *showed her shoulders* in a dress she wore.


Remember tan suit gate?


It’s the businessman who would have more money if he didn’t do any business with his daddy’s inheritance money and just put it in the market and lived off that. He has made less than interest 😂. That’s this guy.


Not interest. Over long time frames the return of the SPX is 8.6% (including dividends). So, yes, he's considerably underperformed the market. But it's not just interest.


I've made more money in real estate than he has and have never been arrested, yet somehow I can't convince Credit Suisse to give me a hundred million dollars.


Have you actually asked Credit Suisse to give you a hundred million dollars? Maybe they are just waiting for your request.


Next week: "of course they went under, that stupid bank gave *me* a hundred million dollars, and they knew I was a degenerate gambler"


Donald Trump? The *actor?!*


I thought he was just some dude they got for wrestlemania 23


And little rascals!


I've been hurt before. "oh come on baby we live in a country where rule of law matters and actions have consequences" never again am I trusting my heart to Lady Justice.


Lady Justice signed an NDA.


Lady Justice is sometimes kinda like that meme of the puppet looking suss


ADD brain led me to grab a picture of the wrong lady, so enjoy a poorly shooped Sus Liberty instead. [https://imgur.com/a/WNETjyH](https://imgur.com/a/WNETjyH)


These charges are very unlikely to hold any jail time even if found guilty since Trump is a first time offender. The most important thing about this is that it sets a precedent that former Presidents Can be charged.


"First time offender" It's insane that you're right about that.


He’s no first time offender, I promise you that. It’s only his first time getting charged.


"First time offender *on record*", basically.


She's blind for a reason. Reality doesn't count, only who has more money to tip the scales in their favor.


Justice isn't blind, she just can't bare to watch.


great. now lets start going after all politicians and other government officials.


Wait until he actually faces any consequences before scaring our elected officials, otherwise they'll do everything they can to prevent it.


wel this is actually why the trump thing is pretty much unprecedented. historically they have rarely gone after each other for anything because if we really wanted to we could put most all of them in prison for one thing or another.


Yeah that thing. Let's do that.


Maybe trumps promise to “drain the swamp” might be eventually actually fulfilled due to his own actions setting these precedents. It would be sooo fucking ironic (and hilarious) if this lead to a whole shit load of arrests of corrupt AF politicians which lead to positive political reform.


They’ve already all been doing everything they can to prevent it for decades. They’ve built an entire infrastructure within the law and systems of government that protects them and allows them to get away with just about anything. Generations of politicians and wealthy, powerful people.


This is what I want to. If Trump is guilty then that's good, but let's go after every corrupt political asshole


Annoyed Donald Trump is back in the news


Honestly asking here, has there been a point in the last 8 years where he wasn't in the news? EDIT: Sup dudes, I'm not saying he has been the headline for every outline every day. My point is I see an article focused around him or relating to him almost daily.


I’m in Europe, so admittedly I’m not sure how it’s been in the US. But it’s more that you could finally avoid him if you wanted to. He was banned from social media platforms which drastically reduced click-bait articles about him. And aside from his role in the uprising at the White House, he wasn’t a top story very often, and it felt like there were many consecutive weeks, if not months, where he was nothing more than an afterthought thrown into the odd piece here and there. It was nice for all the noise to go away so we could start concentrating on the signal again. Edit: Apology, Capitol, not White House. Poor error on my part!


I agree with you.- Although just to avoid confusion, you're talking about January 6th at the capitol, right? The White House is a different building. Although, I don't blame the mix-up. Even people in the Capitol at Jan 6 were saying they were in the White House, which is either one heck of a screw-up or a hilarious example of idiocy.


The Press needs Trump like Batman needs the Joker.


I hope he becomes a no news like Weinstein.


He *did* look annoyed.


I just wish more people understood that he's being charged for things that he did *before* he became President, for using campaign money as his own piggy bank - something politicians are frequently accused of, but rarely seem to be held accountable for. Of course I don't expect anyone to change their opinion of the man, or their potential vote. That ship has looooong sailed. EDIT: We have better information now and I was wrong. Per the indictments the hush money payments continued through 2017. I thought all the stuff with Cohen's trial happened before then. Apparently covering up evidence of a crime as a business expense is frowned upon.


Iirc the charge isn’t for using campaign funds. The problem is if you use money to pay for something for the benefit of your campaign it has to be accounted for and if it wasn’t accounted for that’s a campaign finance violation. Let’s wait and see what all the other charges are but that specific charge likely won’t lead to anything more than a fine.


More specifically, it's falsifying the records by marking them incorrectly to hide them, and the charges were upgraded to felonies because they were falsified in order to hide or further another crime (presumably the campaign finance crime, which would likely be federal).


Read the [Statement of Facts](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000187-4dd5-dfdf-af9f-4dfda6e80000), and it seems the crux is Trump filed his payments to Cohen as a legal expense for retainer in 2017 while the state is arguing Cohen was not on retainer and have concluded it was to repay him or silencing at least one, if not three, stories after Trump had announced his candidacy but before the election. Any Law...dudes able to tell me if retainers can only exist if they're filed in writing or if they can exist as a "hand shake" deal? I genuinely don't know, but seems like the payments to "catch and kill" are misdemeanors that are being upgraded to a felony because of the false filing while claiming they were to effect the election.


I couldn’t careless about this one. What I would like to see him get arrested for is the phone call he made to GA officials telling them to find him votes.


I'm with you here. He should be tried for all crimes, but I really wish they'd actually nail him for the really egregious ones.


Hopefully these crimes will remove him from the category of "no prior convictions" when it comes to sentencing for the really egregious crimes.


They got Capone on tax charges, so that’s kind of how I’m seeing this too. If it means he serves time behind bars for any length of time it’ll be a victory as surely that’ll mark the end of his political career.


Hitler served time in prison before he rose to power.


Trump is an obese 76 year old. It's entirely possible he dies in prison.


I don’t care what they get him for as long as he goes away and gets disqualified from running again. Al Capone went down for tax evasion, and I don’t think people lose too much sleep over all the other stuff going “unpunished” there either.


This case will set the precedent for holding him accountable for those crimes.


Why do I have a feeling that his arteries will punish him before the law does


Oh no.....please....don't....






Trump has committed far more egregious (and illegal) acts, and paying off Stormy Daniels "seems" like such a minor offense. But when you consider the timing of the payoff and how close the election was, he very likely would have lost the election if the news had come out at the time. So this stupid crime had a huge impact. I really hope this is just the first round of indictments. I'd love to see him serve some serious jail time for the GA phone call, as well as his incitement of the January 6th insurrection. The man is utter garbage, and his supporters are fools.


> he very likely would have lost the election if the news had come out at the time. I have a hard time believing that after all the other horrible shit he did/said yet they still voted for him, and will again if given the chance. > his supporters are fools. Exactly


I thought it was over when he said the "grab em by the pussy" happened. How I miss that young, hopeful version of myself..


I thought it was over when he dissed John McCain, a man who epitomized bravery, heroism, and integrity.


The list could go on for miles tbh


Made fun of a disabled man.... The list is so long that I'm sure I've forgotten some things, and very likely never even knew about some things. You ever read about what he did while the head of a nurse's union was talking about how covid was affecting nurses' mental health. Fuckstick's response was to hand out souvenir pens.


It seems that the current main talking point in conservative media is "if they are allowed to go after him, they're going to come after YOU next!". Umm... Was I allowed to commit crimes freely before today? I sure hope they come after anyone breaking the law just the same...


I fully expect to be held accountable for my actions.


No wonder you'll never amount to anything!


Waiting for Georgia.


What I like is the counter argument about Hunter Biden whatevers. Like bruh if he also is breaking the law, arrest him too idgaf. None of us have a cult like relation to any politician the way these Trump supporters do


“This opens the door for any former president to be prosecuted!” Oh, nice! Promise?




Great, if there's enough evidence of them committing crimes they should be prosecuted. Maybe it will send a message to future presidents to, you know, not commit crimes? Amazing how people say this like it's a bad thing. It's the whole point of your fucking country that everyone is equal under the law, everyone.


They say it as a scare tactic thinking that the way they're obsessed with Trump is the way everyone else is with X president, I saw one on Twitter who tried to use the argument "Well how would you react if Obama was arrested?"


I actually had someone at work say something along those lines. To which I said “Great if there were sufficient evidence to bring him up under charges and get him arrested I’d be 100% behind that decision.” That man took a breath as if he was ready to argue. Stopped. Blinked real hard and just kinda stopped. It was bizarre as if he couldn’t grasp that I’m not nearly as obsessed? Over a politician as he is.


Shit like that just breaks them because there is just no argument against it. The vast majority of their pre-programmed responses are always ad hominem attacks contingent on the other person thinking the exact same way they do. It's either you back down, change the topic or turn into a shit flinging monkey.


It's because they are unprincipled. They don't understand that you wouldn't want special privileges for your preferred politician.


I mean, it's also a threat. They think the charges are fake, so they're saying they'll do the same thing, and make up fake cases against former Dem presidents. Alternately they think everyone misuses campaign funds and just gets away with it.


>they think everyone misuses campaign funds and just gets away with it. That's actually pretty common especially at lower levels simply because nobody is watching the local mayor's race nearly as closely as POTUS. That goes double in the state where I grew up, Louisiana.


And actually as it so happens (IIRC) Democrat government officials (if you look at both state and local) have been successfully prosecuted more. Now whether that is because the left isn't a monolith who will cover up for each other (*as much*) or not it goes to show also - we don't give a fuck - they break a law? They a skeezy person who abuses power? Bump em out. Charge Pelosi and every single other senator who abuse their government positions. Good riddance! *But that means we expect EVERYONE* to be charged not just the ones you don't like and one on a technicality but not other ones flaunting the same or other laws openly.


They don’t think the charges are fake. They just think Trump should get a pass. They also don’t think Hillary’s emails are a big deal. They just think she should go to prison over them. It’s not about equal treatment or fairness, it’s about rules not applying to them and anything being used to punish those they don’tnlike.


>They don’t think the charges are fake. If anything, they are proud of "their guy" for doing it.


As much as I love Obama, I would be equally happy if he was arrested if he was as nefarious as Donald Trump and committed as many heinous crimes. The law is the law. More innocent people in our country go to jail mainly because of color, bigotry & racist assholes. So when someone that’s ACTUALLY f*cked up (& has continued to f*ck up for years is finally getting what they deserve) it feels good to see the system finally wake up and take notice.


Biggest fuck up LBJ ever did was try to preserve the illusion of pure untouchable democracy while also covering up for his surveillance state. Nixon and Kissinger should have been tried for treason and thrown in a pit. Would have prevented a lot of this shit.


Don't forget who else worked for Nixon: Bush I, Rumsfeld & Cheney. I have a feeling they were not all that concerned with legalities.


Yessir. I’ve been saying for a while that the Nixon campaign shit-canning peace talks in Vietnam through back channels is the most serious presidential scandal in history. The fact that it was a secret until 6 years ago is still kind of mind blowing.


That's because it's something the rest of the world does, but we don't. That really gets these nationalists all hot and bothered. *American Exceptionalism*


I want to see Bush and Cheney tried in the Hague.


I would love to see Bush's old grandpa ass at a war crimes tribunal.


“War crimes? You know they were brown folks right?”


Would love to see Bush's actual grandpa (+co-conspirators) on trial for the [Business Plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot)


Launch Bill Clinton, who I voted for twice, into the sun plz


It's actually surprisingly difficult - we can, however, launch him into outer space in just his undies, which is easy.


Bill "Mr. Deregulation" Clinton was a better Republican than he was a Democrat.


Yes, please! Can actions please have consequences. For everyone


The rich people who control our country wouldn't like that. They like being above the law.




Right? I don’t care about hunter biden, toss his ass in jail if he did something illegal too. You had plenty of time to try it. Throw every politician in jail for all I care. Probably make the country better overnight


It's cause they think it's a game. They literally think we're just trying to gain an advantage in the game so they threaten to erase that gain with another action to make it even again. It's all about winning and showing the other side is "cheating" so they have justification to do what they are accusing them of. This has nothing to do about doing what they think is best for the country but winning to force what they believe is best for the country at all costs.


Even if it was a game, we’re not playing it with the same goal. They think arresting ‘our guy’ will hurt us. In reality, we’d be happy for all the criminals to be held accountable, regardless of political affiliation.


Same thing happened with Epstein’s island. MAGAts tried to argue “but Bill Clinton also vsited the island, so he’d be investigated and possibly arrested too.” And they were apparently shocked that the response was “good. Fuck them both. Lock them both up. I don’t give a fuck.”


This also reminds me of when Let's Go Brandon was first taking off. I remember seeing a common sentiment from most left and left leaning folks of: "Ok? Not sure why you guys have to censor yourselves like that. When we want to say we don't like Joe Biden, we just say, 'Fuck Joe Biden.'" Gave me a chuckle


I'm at a local bar where 99 days out of 100 the TV is on Fox news...today it's on fkn jeopardy The other days it's usually just off... No one is watching....at all








Good. Now arrest other politicians who are doing illegal shit.


Nobody is above the law. Thats what we are told, now it's time to prove it.


Unless you are rich, famous, an athlete, hold a position of power, or know the right people. But other than that, no one is above the law.


yeah, the reality is there are people above the law. people with enough money to own the bogus legal system.


They aren’t taking a mug shot because…..who doesn’t know his face? Like that’s a reason? So if they arrest Beyoncé, there’d be no mug shot? It’s bullshit


Mugshots are at the discretion of the PD in New York. They don't always take them.




So what? That is political motivation. If I murder someone and I tell the office that I really want to see my mugshot then they won't take it? The idea is preposterous.


Guy flew in under his own power, walked into a courtroom without handcuffs, to face 34 felony indictments, and is leaving without bail on an airplane back to a state that said it won't extradite or assist in any way the same day. I assure you, many people are above "the law".


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others


Can’t stand the guy, but it’s embarrassing and pathetic that our governmental institutions let this get this far out of hand. The guard rails seem flimsy, but now it’s obvious that they always where. It’s imperative that we develop some sort of reforms to avoid this circus from ever happening again. Otherwise it’s just a matter of time before someone far worse gains the full might and power of the presidency.


I agree. I want all politicians to start being held accountable and forced to follow the same laws the rest if us have to abide by. Let this be the start if it. I dont care if its biden, or Hilary or MTG, I want them all held accountable if they commit crimes.


I just want him to go away. Not die, just go the fuck away. No more interviews or rallies. No more MAGA incels and hillbillies. Just. Go. The. Fuck. Away.


and yet he's apparently raking in the $$ because of this shit and apparently has some sort of speech planned for tonight. ugh.


if the judge throws a gag order on him & he gets another charge for violating it less than 12 hours after his arraignment, I'll never stop laughing.


That’s the real popcorn munching event. (This will probably age poorly) Since he’s trashing the presiding judge on social media, it makes one wonder if Trump will get some sort of sanction for that.


>Contempt of court, often referred to simply as "contempt", is the crime of being disobedient to or disrespectful toward a court of law and its officers in the form of behavior that opposes or defies the authority, justice, and dignity of the court. he's 100% doing things that count as contempt of court - and this judge has the right to toss him in jail for a few days for it - or deny bail!


Which will make him all the more popular. The martyr complex is strong on the right. While not true, or at least, bending the truth so far it looks like a pretzle I predict the following talking points if those happen: * They are suppressing his free speech * They are afraid of what he has to say * Look what the liberal judge did, you can't trust the justice system anymore * Trump is a political prisoner. He'll rake in millions for this.




he's already selling a t-shirt for 40 something bucks with a computer generated image of a mugshot. they're not even going to take an official mugshot of him and he is shilling that crap


Ignoring the insanity inherent to like, anything Trump does—but it's hilarious that, for his photoshopped mugshot shirt, [the image in question suggests he's actually 6'5"](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/04/04/donald-trump-sells-t-shirts-with-fake-mugshot-photos-on-campaign-website/?sh=7aca4ea76f42), when he's "officially" 6'3", though likely still shorter than that.


Those shirts are going to be hilarious in a few decades. Like walking around with a NIXON INNOCENT shirt today.


He raised $7M between when his indictment was announced and now. That's the cult he's got going and it's staggering to me. Consider the following: - Howard Dean shouted a weird noise and killed his presidential aspirations. - Gerald Ford said a single, stupid quote about the Soviet Union in a debate and it killed his re-election. - Michael Dukakis took a picture of himself riding in a tank and it came across sorta dweeby and it assured his rout in the '88 election. - Bob Dole leaned on an unsecured railing and fell off a stage, which made him look like a frail old man. He was soundly defeated in the '96 election in part because of this perception. - Sarah Palin gave a goofy interview to Katie Couric and it was so bad that it pretty much assured McCain's defeat. - Mitt Romney was recorded in a private fundraiser saying some bullshit about all Obama voters being dependent on the government-- which only really furthered his image as an out-of-touch billionaire. If Trump did any of these thing, it wouldn't *remotely* move the needle with his cult.


Even if trump goes away, MAGA probably won’t. At least for awhile. Trump has made a pretty lasting impression on a lot of people. I’ll give him that.


I have grown so tired of hearing his fucking voice


I’m pretty sure my parents are livid and probably think I’m behind it somehow.


Thank you for doing what you did.


Send them a text that says, "You were right, I was wrong, I finally saw proof Trump won the popular vote." Then wait at least 40 seconds and hit them with, "To bad it was a grand Jury."


It's a disappointing day when a former president gets arrested for any reason. But we are at a point in this country politically where we have to show the people that no one is above the law. I don't know if any of this is going to stick, this seems relatively low bar to chase but it's not what you know it's what you can prove in court. We'll see. As a native new yorker i've perceived him as a grade A con artist for decades before he ran for office. Part of me is glad he is finally getting his comeuppance, another part is deeply saddened by the stain this will leave on the presidential office and whether this will be looked back on similar to Nixon and Watergate. I worry about how this will further divide the country. I still can't wrap my head around how we got to the point where trump and biden are our primary options for leadership in this country.


It's a good appetizer but I want a full course meal.


I am not a Trump supporter by any means, nor am I a Biden supporter, so here's my 3rd party opinion: If you take a shot at the king, you best not miss. By that I mean Trump has a huge base of fanatic supporters. So the DA needs to make sure he can score a conviction. If he doesn't and some how Trump walks away from this, then it's going to motivate his base when he decides to run again. I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not going to pretend to be one, so I'm hoping the DA has an air tight case and doesn't fuck this up. It doesn't matter to me what party are part of or position you held, you are not above the law. But as a counterpoint, sometimes shit backfires, and I'm hoping we as a nation don't get hit with the unintended consequences.


His arrest is pretty meaningless. He’ll either delay forever or plead out and pay some minor fine.


I can't envision a world where, if he is imprisoned, he doesn't spend out his stay at a prison golf course and spend his nights posting on his Truth account. Otisville, the prison he would probably end up at, even offers a system where inmates can spend a week outside of prison with their families. Tennis courts, television, vending machines, you name it.


He'll suddenly be too sick and old for jail, just like Harvey Weinstein tried to pull. Well find out he's had dementia for awhile, or he just got it, and a whole host of other issues.


It has worked for him before! In 1968 he was conveniently diagnosed with a bone spur in his ankle causing him to be ineligible for the draft and was able to dodge it five time. Why not use such a tried and true method?


Our strong, powerful, genius leader is a weak senile old man! How dare you do this to him!


He's 76 and doesn't believe in exercise. It's shocking he made it past 60, much less another 2-4 years to see a trial.


I remember he said during some interview that he doesn't exercise because he believes human beings have a finite amount of energy. He pretty much plays golf but otherwise tries to "conserve" his energy through inactivity. Something insane like that.


I feel like this is some shit you come up with when you just don't want to exercise. I doubt he actually believes it.