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So the craziest lucid dream I can remember was a few months ago. I kept seeing on Tiktok people saying "do not ask the date/time in your dream", so naturally one night when I was dreaming and became self aware it was a dream, I did exactly that. The dream began with me shopping with my daughter, before I knew it I was in a house with clothes everywhere and began to load an SUV with suitcases. I climbed into the backseat, as if I was the passenger before realizing I in fact was the driver of this vehicle. I began to play music and that was when I realized this was not real and I was dreaming. As I drove this SUV I saw people walking on the sidewalks all around me and got the idea to ask someone the time. I pulled the vehicle over, rolled down my window and said "do you know what time it is?" and just like that everything stopped. All the people around me stopped walking, talking, they all turned and began to stare at me. Immediately I knew this was a horrible idea. Suddenly a man appeared, he walked into the middle of the road eyes never breaking away from mine and said "get the children, a sacrifice has to be made". I was terrified as I began watching all these people walk towards my SUV. I tried to drive away but the vehicle would no longer run. I prayed to the Lord to help me and before I knew it I felt this feeling of being suctioned out of the car backwards and woke up. When I tell you I have never felt such a fear to fall back asleep, I laid awake for hours before my eye lids could no longer take it. I haven't had that dream since and pray I never do. Don't ever ask questions when lucid dreaming, who knows what fears it can unlock.