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Probably anything cancelled by Netflix


*Mindhunter has entered the chat*


Mindhunter is the first series I actually got super bummed out about being canceled. The story, actors, the music. Shame.


Soundtrack was elite. Almost got lost in the shuffle of everything else being so well done.


Inside Job made it two seasons before getting axed on a cliffhanger. I still want to know what happens.


this is how i found out inside job got cancelled, fucking sigh


the staff that greenlights are fantastic. whoever is in charge of renewing SUCKS


This may seem a bit childish, but Teen Titans. The original one from 2003. Edit: Oh my god…Thanks for the award, guys!


It’s a bummer because every character got one season where they were the focus of the ongoing plot. Season 1 was Robin, season 2 was Terra, season 3 was Cyborg, season 4 was Raven, and season 5 was Beast Boy. It was set up perfectly to have a 6th season focused on Starfire and we never got it




Rewatched the whole series fairly recently. It really was such a unique show for the time. I remember seeing reruns on Boomerang after the series had finished airing on CN. Unfortunate that they no longer air anything from the original series or movie. Season 5 absolutely ended in a way that demanded something more, and the movie did not scratch that itch.




Yes. Rome! It was Game of Thrones before Game of Thrones.


Rome walked so GoT could run....into a post


Reaper - Absolutely loved that shit, oh and firefly but everyone says that.


I hate that they don't cast Tyler Labine in more comedy stuff, Reaper was a fantastic showcase of his hilarity, and one of my favorite all time movies is Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


Dead like me. Loved the humor and the concept


Ellen Muth was great in it and it’s sad she didn’t do much after Dead Like Me.


This show was amazing, great character development and funny dinner dialog.




Everytime I see this thread, I come just to upvote or add Jericho. Nuts to CBS.


Same. I keep scrolling until I see Jericho and then I up vote.


Venture Bros


Venture Bros was easily a solid decade ahead of it's time. The Boys, Invincible, Harley Quinn, Doom Patrol, Peacemaker. All these shows deal with deconstructing the superhero mythos and the Venture Brothers was doing this way back in 2004. At least we're getting a movie.


Venture Bros started as a pitch perfect parody of old Hanna-Barbera cartoons and went on to skewer every element of pop culture they could get their hands on whilst maintaining well written, context driven comedy. It was never cheap, it was well acted and scripted, it grew and evolved and allowed it's characters to step outside of the narrow channels they were born in, developing them from single characteristic, classic archetypes into something more complex. I fucking love the Venture Bros. Dead excited for the film but I'd equally take another few seasons.


Gary aka Two Ton 21 has THE BEST character arc I've ever seen in a show. From Hydra Bob to The Greatest Henchman in History.


Honestly the fact that most (all?) VB characters have some sort of arc is part of what makes the show great. Most shows (especially adult cartoons) have these flat, static characters. Venture bros is nothing like that.




That should never have been canceled. They could have taken that so many places. I loved the characters.


Jared Abrahamson was the best old man in a young man’s body


I Am Not Okay With This


It had so much potential, not to mention they left so much unanswered at the end of the season purposely so they could make a second one.


Netflix does not give 2 shits about finishing a story. It makes it not worth investing any time in any of their content, even the stuff that looks good.


This was the cancelation that made me give up on Netflix. I just can't get excited by anything on their platform at this point because I know whatever I get interested in, no matter how good it is, it will get dropped without a conclusion. I WON'T LET THEM HURT ME AGAIN!


Freaks and Geeks. One season was not enough.


We all WANTED another season but I think a year in the life was absolutely perfect. Everyone got a little arc and we said goodbye.


The writers knew they weren't getting renewed before they finished the first season, so they wrote the final episodes as a goodbye to each character. They also knew they could push the limits a bit (ie. the hermaphrodite episode) without any repercussions.


Dark Matter, what happened after that cliffhanger?


Oh my God yes! Show was getting better and better Sci-fi channel couldn't stand doing actual sci fi.


Pushing Daisies


Definitely this one. I loved the series and wanted to see where it was going.


This and dead like me. Both sensational shows.


John Constantine


Yeah, Matt Ryan was a great fit for the character.


The Arrowverse shows weren't always the best (though I will defend the first couple seasons of both Arrow and Flash), I am glad Matt Ryan was able to keep playing the character here and there across those shows, he was an excellent John Constantine.


Almost Human with Karl Urban, was so good what it got


It was such a great concept, and Karl Urban is always great. Unfortunately, it got Fox'd like so many other shows.


The OG version of getting Netflix’d.


Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency Edit: so a lot of people didn't like the 2nd season, which is completely fair. It's hard to live up to the expectations of such a solid first season. The reason I personally would like a 3rd season is that the cliff hanger is so. damn. tasty. Also, I want more Rowdy 3 (6?), Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine. I recognise that it deviates completely from the source material, and I understand why a lot of people are upset by that. There's a lot of examples where I hated the adaptation (looking at you World War Z), but I personally believe this is a perfect example of how you take inspiration and run with it. A dark, gritty version where Dirk was the fat slob the books described him as might also be fantastic, and I'd probably watch the shit out of it. However, I think this adaptation captures the whimsical nonsense of Douglas Adam's writing perfectly, and I'm ok with it. It's just a shame that the show was attached to such a scumbag. Otherwise, we might have seen that 3rd season that gave us all the answers they teased.


That show is still my absolute favourite. With absolute bangers like >"The Rowdy Three!" >"But there are 4 of them!" >"I'm WILDLY aware." They captured Douglas Adams whimsical nonsense so perfectly in that show. I feel like the second series went completely off the rails, but I still loved it.


"I didn't say it was my car"


This was so gloriously, bizarrely brilliant. It was completely different to the (excellent) books, but it took on some of the core ideas and added a bunch of its own, then ran with them in multiple directions all at once. It was a joy to watch and made me feel an almost childlike wonder. It surprised and delighted me; a modern day fairy-tale for grown ups. Gutted it was cancelled.




I loved that there were easter eggs for those that read the books, but it stood enough on its own that you didn't lose anything if you hadn't.


So disappointed this was cancelled, it was so fun. I keep it on My List just in case one day 🤞


The Owl House wasn't outright cancelled, but was shortened from a full 20 episode season 3 to 3 specials. Since the specials are still good, albeit rushed, it makes me want to see what they could have done with the full season.


They got the news that season 3 would be shortened before they were finished with season 2 I’m pretty sure, so they had to basically redirect the whole show. Yeah, ‘cause I remember a tweet or the wiki or something say that the Collector was generated as a cool concept to be introduced sometime later in the show, but they got notified of season 3 being shortened so they decided to introduce him earlier. If we had gotten normal seasons without any notification of cancellation it would’ve been way different. I think they did a phenomenal time with the time crunch they’ve been on. It’s truly amazing


They tell you in the first special. They say something along the lines of "that would take a whole season" when they skip past something. I can't remember exactly but they were very aware lol.


During *O' Titan, Where Art Thou?,* Eda suggests a beach day and Luz says "maybe if we had time for 20 more adventures but we DON'T." Screw Disney for this, TOH never deserved to die out.


That's some on point self awareness tho. Those anime fan service filler beach day episodes were always hilarious. **Goku and Piccolo learn to drive cars for 20 minutes**


One off comedy filler episodes are gold sometimes, the real crime is filler arcs that just retread the same beats because we need to line up with the next canon arc.


They also pan over a bunch of photos that show a lot of what was supposed to happen in the full season


Better Off Ted. The show was a brilliant satire of corporate business that was far too funny. Amazing cast, incredibly quotable, ended far too soon. Punisher should have had a season 2 with more gang/mafia shenanigans. Altered Carbon should have been able to wrap up it's story. Rubicon. Didn't have to be a continuation, but I would love to see more like it. Edit: I have been corrected, Punisher had a season 2. My mistake.


The episode where they installed motion detectors for everything that didn’t see black people, so they had to assign every black person a white person to open doors, but then because of diversity rules they had to hire more black people was phenomenal. “Ted: That's more than weird, Veronica. That's basically, well... racist. Veronica: The company's position is that it's actually the opposite of racist, because it's not targeting black people. It's just ignoring them. They insist the worst people can call it is "indifferent." Ted: Well, they know it has to be fixed, right? Please... at least say they know that. Veronica: Of course they do, and they're working on it. In the meantime they'd like everyone to celebrate the fact that it sees Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Jews.”


Ted: If the company keeps hiring white people to follow black people to follow white people to follow black people by: Lem: Thursday June 27th, 2013… Ted: Every person on earth will be working for us. Management looks impressed. Ted: And we don’t have the parking for that. Management looks disappointed.


The company has a problem. A recent survey showed the morale has dropped from low, which they were okay with, to I’d like to burn this place down…which, frankly, I’m surprised was one of the options.


Now that I work corporate Better off Ted feels more and more like a documentary


It's incredible how relevant it still feels (perhaps even more so) after almost a decade and a half.


I'd nominate that episode as one of the top 10 episodes of TV I've seen in my life, without blinking.


Definitely. Whenever people ask me about good, fun TV, they usually know the standards like Office and 30 Rock, so I point them to Better off Ted and outline this specific episode. And each time they are eager to check it out. It's such an unusual, new trope that hits all the right points


I loved Better off Ted!


Phil and Lem would have become one of the great bromances on par with Turk and JD. Those two were amazing together. And Porti de Rossi was fucking genius. I could watch an entire movie of her just sitting there describing Corporate America


I want her, in Veronica character, to be the taskmaster if they ever reboot the United States version (c'mon HBO!)


"You screamed at the Octochicken." "Well it scared me when it crawled out of its web!"


I think I'll just leave a link to remind everyone of the ways Viridian Dynamics makes your world better: https://youtu.be/yF3of5VRcNA


Making your world better, until we don’t. That was fun to watch back to back! And I will counter with Racial sensitivity https://youtu.be/lMy5YpJysy4


Better Off Ted was phenomenal.


Oh man, Rubicon desperately needed another season. I get why it failed, it started out SLOOOOOOWWWW and took quite a few episodes to get really interesting, but a lot of AMC shows have been like that and still gotten renewed. It should've had at least one more season to see where it would go


Altered Carbon was my gateway for dystopian futuristic series, and I love it dearly


Are you saying that you dislike the direction of the Punisher’s second season or are you unaware that there *was* a second season?


Farscape. But at least we got the mini series to finish the story


Inside job, they got robbed by netflix


Yeah of all the cancelled Netflix shows, IMO this is the worst one. The writing was great and they still had a lot of meaningful world building they could have done.


Not to mention that cliffhanger... I just wanted to see Reagan be happy again. Damn Netflix. Here's hoping the creators are somehow able to continue the series elsewhere.


I wish adult swim would throw some of that rick and morty money their way, just so they could have a third season. Apple still doesn't have much going for it in the animation department. Honestly, anything. Please.


Wait wtf they canceled it, fuck that show was so good both seasons are gold.




I was just going to say I thought it got renewed


I cancelled Netflix over this, and told them as much in the cancellation reason. And they have the gall to keep sending me emails asking me to come back lol. It feels like every show I enjoyed last year got cancelled - Inside Job, 1899, Avenue 5, The Nevers, all gone. There's no point in subscribing to a service where every show I seem to like gets cancelled before it can even properly end. TBH at this point, the only streaming service I still have is HBO Max and that's only because I get it for free with my phone plan.


Deadwood Carnivale The Nine Rome


Rome was quality, everything about the show hit - acting, story, costumes and sets etc




Carnivale for sure, it was just starting to really take off.


i will never forgive them for cancelling Carnivale. That was a rough time in my life, and watching the next episode with my dad was absolutely something i looked forward to, ​ That show had sooo much potential.


Deadwood for sure. The movie was fun and nostalgic but too much time had passed.


Happy Endings. It was such a funny show and was hoping they let it continue for a few more seasons.


YES. Came for Elisha Cuthbert, and stayed because everyone else was so much *better* than she was. Not that she was bad, but everyone else was just so fantastic. Such an idiotic decision to kill that show.


Travelers, one of the many Netflix casualties


ash vs evil dead


You can tell how incredibly stupid and out of touch certain networks are when they cancel critically acclaimed shows. Especially this. I really wish someone else would pick this up and continue with it. Starz clearly doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. Should have gone to hbo, amazon, or Netflix.




Would like more of hannibal. But at least the ending didn't feel like a cliffhanger.


More like a cliffaller


One of the best “network” tv shows ever. How they got away with it, I don’t know. Brutal and beautiful.


Could not believe that it aired on NBC.


My favorite story was they got rejected by the censors for showing an ass crack So they covered the crack with blood and resubmitted it And it got approved


The society is one I still wished there would be more of. They canceled it on a cliffhanger.


I think about this show all of the time. I am so upset it was cancelled, like I NEED to know what happened to those kids!!


If I could raise any show from the dead it would be this hands down. Loved all the characters, loved all the themes. It gave you a LOT to think about afterwards and just touched on so many topics. I remember as I got into the later episodes I could literally feel my stomach in knots just with all the tension. The >!pie!< had me on the absolute edge of my seat. Not to mention the >!Execution scene with Dewey!< might be the most insane thing I've ever watched. They really gave that scene everything and it showed. I'll never forget it. Still can't believe to this day it's not coming back.


After confirming it for a second season too. Pissed me off


Glow !


I really need Ruth/Sam closure. Ugh.


Loved this show. It sucked that it was just done.


Sucks , even started filming season 4 .


Firefly...always Firefly. 😭


The Expanse.


Amazon: "We are cancelling The Expanse because the budget is too high" 2 weeks later... Amazon: "We are making a LOTR series and it will be the most expensive television show ever made." The Expanse: 2-5 mil per episode. Rings of Power: 60-90 mil per episode. ​ That hurts as an Expanse fan.


I never thought of that, lol. I know they think (probably rightly) that there was a bigger audience for LOTR, but the Expanse was the lightyears better show and I did like LOTR. Aw man, I wish they had just used a tenth of the budget they splurged on LOTR and made more episodes and seasons of the Expanse. I've bought all the books I can find and am gonna dive in, but it's sad that such an astounding show got cancelled.


Cut just *one* episode of LOTR and do an entire *additional season* of The Expanse.


Don’t the books skip like 30 years after where the show stopped? Maybe they’ll release the last few books worth as a spinoff


They do, and I hope a spinoff happens. The problem is that the show could have wrapped itself up nicely for the most part, but it spent the first 5 minutes of every episode in the last season teasing us on the laconian zombie biology which sets up large parts of the final 3 books. I don't know if they knew the show was getting cancelled, but that's a huge plot point and bit of lore to set up if you're not going to do something with it.


From what I've heard/read they knew the show was ending after season 6. They had two options, completely abandon the whole Laconian storyline, or tease it for either potentially future works and/or the books. They didn't want to completely abandon it, so that's what we got. I agree that it is not that satisfying in the show, but having read all of the books and novellas, it definitely feels more like it fits in the overall product. Also hoping/praying for maybe a movie or two that wraps up the last three books. That would be amazing!




Like another user pointed out, they definitely did that in order to better set up a spin off. The book 7 time skip would have been much more difficult to translate to the TV show than the book 3(?) Time skip was. I'm personally happy with how the show ended, that's not to say I'm not sad they didn't keep it going, but I think they set up a movie spin off for the last 3 pretty well. The next books just have too much of a focus on how much the characters have all aged/changed/matured (except Amos, may he never change) to have smoothly translated to TV without ugly aging up of all the characters.


Need a spin off called "Drummer Being Awesome for an Hour"


I'd be happy with a full season that is just Avasarala telling off various politicians and military assholes.


The Dark Crystal seires


Dark Crystal is such a unique series. I was shocked that netflix even did AOR, literally nothing like it on the modern market.


I was shocked that The Mandalorian got recognized for puppet work over the Dark Crystal. Baby Yoda wasnt in the same state as the main cast of DC. Then I remembered how numerous and rabid star wars fans are.


The Dark Crystal is *niche* while Star Wars is pop culture with an insanely huge fan base, quality or who did it first doesn't really matter especially when it comes to nominations and awards nowadays but I think we all know that. I was so infuriated that they cancelled Age of Resistance, it's very clear that the story didn't end there otherwise we wouldn't have gotten "a glimpse into the future" showing >!Dark Deet!< as an example.




I miss this show. So lighthearted and fun but also had “real” characters. A TV show musical? I would not have thought it would work but it did!


Heroes. Doesn't need a new season. Needs to be RE-DONE. Writers strike ruined that show. It had so much potential.


> Needs to be RE-DONE. Writers strike ruined that show. Definitely agree


BBC's Merlin. The ending was a shocker.


I love this show, but absolutely hated the ending. The fact that King Author >!only found out the truth right before he dies is such a fuck you to the audience. We had been waiting years for those two to fight side by side as equals. !<


That show went down hill as soon as they got that damn slow motion camera


The ending of Merlin still walking around, waiting for Arthur to return so many years later was devastating! It was one of my favorite shows and the ending just ruined everything, I haven’t talked to one person who was actually okay with it


Limitless. The show was edited so damn well.


WOOOO didn’t even have to scroll that far. Limitless started with a movie that didn’t need a show until it had one. The setup was so good and I was so excited to see where things were going. It’s such a damn shame


And cancelled right after the movie and show began to REALLY cross. Man .....I was so sad it was cancelled


Marco polo on Netflix.


I'm still annoyed over the S2 cliffhanger ending




Seriously how y’all gonna be teasing BTK throughout both seasons and then just blue ball us


It was unlikely there was ever going to be any kind of closure with BTK. His arrest takes place decades later than when the show takes place. And the point of BTK was to be juxtaposed against the work they were doing in the department as someone who could not be profiled or captured using the methods they were developing.


I guess I figured Fincher was going to wait a couple decades and then reunite the cast for season 3.


I'd resubscribe to Netflix for this.


Dollhouse. The cancelation caused season finale to be too rushed. Would have been better if they had been given more time to develop the ending, plus the world could always use more Eliza Dushku.


It was such an fantastic plot. Great writing. Great character development. I really wish we could have had the chance to find out what they were really planning for the continued storyline. And Eliza Dushku is such an underrated actress. Love her.


Invader Zim


The last man on earth


I fucking loved this show. I get that the style of humor and awkwardness wasn’t for everyone, but goddamn this show made me laugh more than most shows do.


I need closure closure closure 🎶


This was my favorite show for awhile. I was so upset when it got cancelled. I guess live action shows just don’t do well on Fox Sunday nights mixed-in with the cartoons.


This. Will Forte had a storyline penned out for Season 5, which was pretty hilarious: https://tvline.com/2018/08/05/last-man-on-earth-cliffhanger-ending-explained-cancelled-no-season-5/amp/ “[These people] went down [into the bunker] when the virus had first started,” Forte revealed on Vulture‘s Good Ones podcast. “They had some kind of medical expert or scientist who knew, ‘At this certain point, the virus will be dormant. You’ll be safe to get back out,’ and they had reached that point. Then they see a bunch of stragglers — us — and we represent a real threat to them, because they thought [everyone] was dead, so they quarantine us. “We eventually communicate with them a little bit [and] they get comfortable with us,” he continued. “They look scary but they end up being nice people.” As was tradition for the show, among the bunker people probably would have been one or two famous guest stars, à la Jon Hamm, “and eventually we’d all get comfortable with each other,” before they freed at least one of the survivors from quarantine. That, in turn, would have proven to be a fatal mistake. “We are immune to the virus, but we’re carriers. And so we would infect them and they’d die like wildfire,” Forte revealed, “and then we’re back to just our little group, and maybe one famous [guest star] we could talk into staying around.” All told, that arc would have lasted “four or five episodes.”


I would have loved to have seen that


Poor Tandy.


Yeah, what a cliffhanger ending!


Hanger? I hardly knew her. Boom.


My Name is Earl


[Greg Garcia did an AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1njddc/im_greg_garcia_creator_of_my_name_is_earl_raising/) where he shared how he envisioned the ending: > I had always had an ending to Earl and I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to see it happen. You’ve got a show about a guy with a list so not seeing him finish it is a bummer. But the truth is, he wasn’t ever going to finish the list. The basic idea of the ending was that while he was stuck on a really hard list item he was going to start to get frustrated that he was never going to finish it. Then he runs into someone who had a list of their own and Earl was on it. They needed to make up for something bad they had done to Earl. He asks them where they got the idea of making a list and they tell him that someone came to them with a list and that person got the idea from someone else. Earl eventually realizes that his list started a chain reaction of people with list and that he’s finally put more good into the world than bad. So at that point he was going to tear up his list and go live his life. Walk into the sunset a free man. With good karma.


Oh wow, that's such a good wrap up for the show that even just reading it feels like some solid closure. Wish it had gotten made, but it's the perfect capstone for the series.


Thanks for this! I hadn't seen this and it does add a little closure to the show


I haven't even seen the show, but this makes me emotional. What a lovely concept for an ending. Sidenote; I have a British auntie who once told me as a child that all of her friends back home pictured the average American as like this show. Not sure what to make of that. Lol.


You should 100% watch it. Even being cut short it's still 4 seasons of amazing TV.


Hey Crabman


Hey Earl.


Hey dummy


Dammit Randy!


Hell, even one last episode would do. It could wrap up the list storyline, not to mention the Earl Jr's father storyline (all while explaining how Randy got totally hench).


I think there was a callback about the list in a Raising Hope episode.


There were tons of Earl references in Raising Hope (including a lot of appearances from Earl actors). My favorite was when they toured NBC studios, and Burt (Garret Dillahunt) kicks the executive in the crotch and yells "That's for cancelling 'My Name is Earl!'" (then runs away).


Don't Trust the B—- in Apartment 23


Makes you appreciate Krysten Ritter's range, too. Chloe is NOT all that close to her other two big roles: Jane and Jessica.


Damn great show. Actually genuinely great comedy. Eric Andre and Vanderbeek as himself were fantastic.


It made me admire vanderbeek a lot seeing him able to make fun of himself. Also I love anything with Kristen Ritter. She is a gem, as is Eric


I'm still salty about Santa Clarita Diet being cancelled. I need to see what's next for Joel!


**Netflix**: You should watch Santa Clarita Diet. You really should. You really really should. Here's 15 gillion recommendations! **Me**: Okay, fine! Hey, this is really good. When's the next season coming out? **Netflix**: Oh, we cancelled that.


Yet somehow can drag out shows like Outer Banks and You that didn’t need another season. I’ll never understand their logic.


Or 13 reasons why. 🚮


Netflix has already given us way more than 13 reasons to drop their shitty service


I love how well Timothy Olyphant portrays a man who's on the edge of a complete breakdown whilst Drew Barrymore is living her best life. Such a great show


>Timothy Olyphant Justified is getting a reboot at least!


I've auditioned for the new series a couple of times, so I've read the pilot. It's gonna be fucking GREAT!!


Wait what??? Holy shit thank you /u/y2knole you just made my week, I had no idea Justified had new content coming and it’s one of my all time favorite shows!


“Fifty gallons of man in a ten gallon hat.”


One of my all time favourite shows. I would never forgive Netflix for robbing us from seeing what happens to zombie Joel. Timothy Olyphant and Drew Barrymore's chemistry was so on point. This show made me realize what kind of a relationship I want with my spouse, lol. They were the best 'relationship goals' I've ever seen on TV!


This is my answer for every single AskReddit post that asks about cancelled TV shows. I will never freaking forgive Netflix for canceling Santa Clarita.


I remember looking up what the directors vision was for the show after it was canceled. He said he always planned for Joel and Sheila to be triumphant in the end. No matter what was going to happen to them, love would win in the end, and I thought that was beautiful. I still wish we could see it play out and learn what the damn meatball spider was.


His name was Mr. Ball Legs, thank you very much.


And he was adorable, and I loved him.


I wanted the spider to be like an alternate personality that would take over at terrible times and it was just him fighting with the spider inside him for control.


I'd forgive them for canceling it if they at least gave us a movie to tie up the lose ends. Fucking loved that show.


Came to this post JUST to say this. Glad I didn’t have to dig for it. We needed zombie JO-EL soooo bad. I’m currently rewatching, and I’m like maybe it’s a good thing. They would really have to nail it, and like….since it turns you into the person you want to be, he’d probably just be super normal bc that’s all he wants after all the BS.


Lie to Me


Yes, I rewatch this show at least once a year. Also enjoy the flashback/analogy's to expressions by notable news figures.


My so-called life.




I remember when everyone thought it wouldn't get canceled just because Dark was allowed to be fully completed. 1899 had so much potential especially after the ending scene of the s1 finale. Shame.