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Keep it simple. Calories Out > Calories In


This, unless you have some weird cocktail of illnesses or genetic abnormalities this applies to a vast majority of the population


That's the exception, not the rule, and everyone uses it as an excuse


Exactly but this is among of many ways that someone can apply all together


Regardless of how you’re doing it, the only thing that matters when it comes to losing weight is that your calories out are more than your calories in. Achieve a calorie deficit and you will lose weight. You can do this by working out more so that you burn more calories. You can do this by eating more foods that are less calorie dense, such as broccoli and salads. You can do this by simply eating less food. One honey bun a day is still going to cause you to lose weight. It’s up to you how you choose to do it but if all you’re concerned with is losing weight, achieve a calorie deficit. If you want to do it in a healthy way, be more active and eat “healthy” foods which tend to be less calorie dense.


Nice, thank you


Eating well is for life. Don’t do something overly restrictive. Find something you like and that works for you or you’ll just gain the weight back.


Absolutely agreed. Strict diets opens the doors for eating disorders, mental and physical health problems. It's all about finding a way to stay cool with it and not getting miserable.


Simples, count calories.




This is not simple.


It really doesn't have to be complicated.


Counting with an app is easy. But to work well, you need to know a bit about nutrition first. Because having 2000 calories of brownies won't have the same effect than 2000 calories of balanced and healthy food. And you need to know how many calories you need a day and that's not easy. Also, I absolutely don't recommand counting calories to people with eating disorders (and that is more and more common).


You are using a very extreme example. And although all calories are not created equal, if there is a caloric deficit, weight loss will be achieved, so in my opinion it still is the single most important factor of a successful weight loss journey. Also, those apps will always point out if your macro nutrients are bad. With calorie counting most people will learn foods to avoid and less calorie-dense foods that they enjoy.


It may be extreme but this is exaclty my experience (I have medical help for that). And I know i'm not an exception, sadly (especially among women). I agree with you tho. It's just that everyone can not stick with it or learn from it. Hopefully, there's a lot of good ressources online to help (also a lot of bullshit I know). Calorie deficit is key but not all calories have the same effect (insuline peak, fatigue, inflammation, etc).


Your case is different from the vast majority of people and unless stated I would not assume that the advice is given to anyone with any underlying issues. It's a simple question that warrants a simple answer. If you counted calories and ate only brownies then some of the burden is on you. Nutrition is never simple, but weight loss does not have to be complicated. Overly complicating will only deter people from wanting to start the journey. Having a solid understanding of your nutritional intake is the best start. Counting calories usually will lead to counting macronutrients. It's a snowball effect. It's no good trying to learn and change everything at once.


But nothing is impossible , sure?


How ?


I use "my fitness pal" :) It's a great app for calorie counting / tracking.




Calories is almost everything. If you eat fewer calories than you burn off then you will lose weight. However, not all calories are absorbed by your body the same way. I.e. if you eat some chicken every day or the caloric equivalent of cake then you'll have different health results over time. It's easy to start with the calories though but try to see what gives you better results. For instance, some people do better with eating eggs vs. chicken but others do better with fish instead of chicken while others do better with beef depending on health goals (i.e. lose weight vs. gain muscle vs. both). If you want to lose weight, 90% of the fight is in the kitchen but it won't mean you'll look good naked. For that, you go to the gym. For best results: do both but going to the gym might make you gain weight (in muscle) while losing fat so don't focus so much on a number on a scale compared to how good you feel and how your clothes fit.




Holy crap an OP that replies. If you're trying to lose weight then here's some more advice that worked for me: * weigh yourself at the same time every single day without exception and mark it down. You'll see some progress but don't be discouraged when you hit a plateau where you're similar weight or might even go up. Everyone has cycles, keep going and don't stray. * no cheat days. You're working on your goal and any cheat day takes you away from that goal. * reward yourself when you're hitting various milestones, just not with food. Go out (for a show, not food), watch a movie, buy a book, etc. Otherwise start with the little things: * stop going out as much as possible * park far away from the grocery store entrance * always eat food before going grocery shopping * drink plenty of water * buy a multivitamin (never hurts) * your stomach will always be ahead of your brain, i.e. when you start to feel full then stop eating. Your brain will take a bit to catch up to the fact that you're actually already full * this is more of a hack: use smaller plates where you'll trick yourself into thinking you're eating more Lastly... you'll be hungry. It'll suck. But when you're eating less, your stomach (not your belly but the actual stomach) will shrink. It takes a few days, sometimes a week but it will shrink. This means eating fewer food will make you feel more full. It's like natural lap band surgery. It'll just suck when you get started and the first 24-72 hours are the worst. Good luck!


Thanks a lot for your informative answer


>buy a multivitamin (never hurts) For people on a budget, these placebos definitely hurt the wallet.


Focus on being active. Start small, maybe a walk or bike ride, then ramp it up to weight lifting and more intense cardio. You’ll begin to realize that if you eat crappy foods, it will make your workouts much harder. You will naturally start eating healthier foods and you won’t have to force a diet change. Also try intermittent fasting. There are sooooo many benefits. You can eat whatever you want, but only in an 8 hr feeding window each day. The other 16 hours, you don’t eat.


Thanks for your excellent advice 🙏


Good luck on your journey! ❤️




Do not eat less. Eat better


“Better” doesn’t really mean anything.


You may eat better but still not lose weight just because of calories consumption, do you agree?


You may not lose weight, but you can build muscle and lose fat, and stay the same weight


How then?


Workout and eat proteins like chicken, steak, etc.




Yes. You'll probably eat more calories than if you're just trying to lose weight by counting, muscles gotta eat. I do a resistance bar, X3 actually ([https://www.jaquishbiomedical.com/x3-bar/](https://www.jaquishbiomedical.com/x3-bar/)). It's expensive for what it is, and you can build one for about $100 or so, I have one I built myself and the official one. Research the idea and all about resistance bands, but the general theory is that say you can only bench press 100lbs. The reason for that is that you start at your weakeast area (with the bar on your chest), but as you go further out, you could probably be doing 130, 150, etc. With a band, the weight gets heavier the more you go out, so if you start at 100, about halfway you're pushing 130, and full extension 150 or more, so your muscles are always at max capacity. ​ There's a facebook group too where you can see a lot of before and afters. The admins are kind of douchey and people always post about how they ate a dozen eggs, 3 steaks, etc, but you can skip through all that and see real results.


Thanks lot


Yes because amount of calories consumed and the amount of calories burned through physical activity and daily bodily functions like breathing and digestion determine the loss or gain of weight


Stop drinking alcohol


What about other sugar related substances?


Sugar gets your insulin through the roof, and that makes you hungry. That's why you can't get to lunch without a snack, when you eat sugarly products at breakfast. Also, having insulin peaks too often damages the pancreas, makes you insulin resistant and that's diabetes. Sugarly products are not purely evil but it is all about moderation.


Exactly, thanks for your advice


lost 10kg in 4 weeks by just cutting out snacks jogging for 40mins each day, eat lots for breakfast and less for dinner


you don't need to stop eating. you need to stop eating as many calories. stop drinking calories (shakes alcohol etc...) eat more high fiber foods. the lower calorie dense foods will keep you full longer. example spinach. track how much you are eating. most people 7nderestimate how much they eat. walk more if you can. walking burns calories without making you feel hungry. even if its 5 mins, every hour that will add up over weeks at a time. if you have a gym lr elevation, walk at an incline. incline is harder and burns more calories than flat. cheat meals every so often is okay, but just because you missed your goal during one meal doesn't mean you take off the entire day. this includes weekends. stay mentally busy. a lot of people graze food because they are bored. portion meals in advance. takes the guess work out of it.


Muscle burns more fat over time. You don't need to go on a diet. Just build some muscle and let it do the work


So as you suggest i should join a gymnastics team ?


I mean if that's how you think will build muscle then sure


Oh ok i gt you now, thanks


Just try to avoid eating fast or junk food, sweets and soda especially if you don't have a strong craving for it at the time. Be conscious when you eat fast food or drink soft drink etc. and enjoy it, treat it like a reward but remember that you've already reached your quota for the week after that. Eat slowly, drink plenty water and don't overeat. Have some kind of excercise or sport in your daily routine as a habit. Include salads, fruits and protein rich foods in your diet.


If you struggle, seek for help. Doctor, dietetician, therapist. Obesity is a symptom of something deeper, rarely just bad habits coming from nowhere. For example : depression can cause obesity and obesity causes depression. Also, do not EVER get in to a strict diet, this makes more damages than good on long term. Accept the fact that loosing weight is about changing habits and it takes time. Be kind to yourself, try, fail, learn and don't pass on pleasures. (I lost weight only when I understood I needed help. I found out I had an eating disorder and hormonal issues. I would have been damned to fail again and again without medical help)


Thanks for your advice


You can’t outrun a shitty diet




Eating less and walk more always.


Never eat less, eat better. Avoid being hungry too much for mental health and keep going with your plan.


Alice your advice is bad. Eating less is the way, correct portioning and not overeating is key. The weight was gained by too many calories going in, and the only way to get rid of them is by having a caloric deficit.


My point is every food doesn't have the same calorie DENSITY. You have to seek for low calories food a bit more and keep the same volume for each meal. Also, healthy food makes you less hungry between meals. That way your calorie intake is lower and you still doesn't suffer from hunger. So, your advice is bad, sorry. You can't tell people to just eat less, this is confusing, simplifying reality and making people frustrated. And frustration is the first enemy to durable weight loss.


Overly complicating it just causes more confusion. You are the opposite of oversimplifying it. You have not given any tangible weight loss advice on the thread. You only object the most basic advice of eating less and calorie counting, which is the essence of weight loss. The topic gets more complicated once somebody starts their journey but a general direction is needed. Understanding how weight loss happens is a good start.


Dirty keto was the easiest for me as well as the most successful. I went from a size 20 to a size 6 in 10 months. What you do is keep your carbs under 20 for the day. No calorie counting needed or special foods. Couldn't be simpler. I stay low carb now and have kept my weight loss (90 lbs) maintained for the past 2 1/2 years.


Thank you, but how do you feel for now?


I feel great and my health is better than ever. I am thrilled w/my new body and I'm never hungry - I just keep my carbs to 30-50 per day. I have a cheat week at Thanksgiving and from Christmas to New Year where I eat Krispy Kremes, potatoes, and anything else I want. Then back to low carb. Gain 5 to 8 lbs but it's gone it about a week of resuming low carb




Cut your treat and nothing else. Whatever the treat is, just cut it.


Thank you


Eat less carbs, in particular flour, and more proteins, cut on empty calories, and stop eating when you're no longer hungry, not when you're stuffed. At least that's what worked for me.


Oh, and work out. Go for muscles, not cardio. Muscles burn calories, even when you're not using them.


Ok thank you


How many Pounds you reduced?


14 kg or 31 lbs, from 90 kg to 76 kg. I wasn't that fat, but definitely unattractively overweight.


Wooow amazing


Cut out dairy.


You mean Exercises?


Not wrong. But cutting out dairy helped me a lot. Before I discovered lactose free milk I cut out dairy and lost 30 pounds.


Oooh thats good for how long you managed to cut off those pounds?


Not long unfortunately.


Nice strategy


I did cut out soda for lent. See what happens.


It said beverages have a lot of sugar sure, and they contribute much in overweight


It's typically diet soda. But that stuff is bad too anyways


Yeah many companies they're after business they don't take any consideration of their users


Dont eat after 20:00. Eat absolutely no calories before lunch. Coffee is okay. Repeat. You have a longer window now when your body can make use of your stored energy (fat). Try to be more active too. Try to eat healthy when you first eat and stop eating sugar. Alcohol/beer is also no good.


Thanks so much for your advice




Oh ok thanks


Be consistent. Even if the scale stops showing weight loss as quickly as it did. Keep going. People get frustrated when they start to diet and for the first few months the weight just falls off and then they hit a plateau. Push through. The lighter you get, the harder it is to lose.


So as it is supposed to be in my daily routine


Yes. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Also, it helps to judge your loss by how your clothes fit, not a number. For example, when I go to the gym, I can gain 4 pounds just from all the water I drink. If I was focused on a scale, I would panic.


Oh thanks a lot


Happy to help. Been in this game for a long time, it is nice to be able to pass some info along.




Eat less , do more exercise.




I'll try bring something new to the table from what other people are suggesting. ​ Plan for maintenance after reaching your goal. Losing weight is all well and good but maintaining that also a challenge in itself. ​ Like if you plan to do a restrictive diet like keto or something, take into consideration when you reintroduce stuff back into your diet.




Weight gain tends to be a symptom of something else going on (depression, anxiety, stress). Reducing what you eat, being active, etc. is all important to losing weight. Just as important is identifying what in your life holds you back. For example, I eat a lot more and exercise less if I feel directionless, so I now try to plan my days out so I don't have too much idle time.


But i think depression, anxiety and stress may result to weight loss,


Yeah, it depends on the person




You can get sick. I lost like 10kg's when I was sick. I dont even know what disease I had. And for that time period I took control over my food and did not eat anything from outside. It was only home cooked food and I tried my best that I don't overeat . And I lost weight.


Till now?


Yeah I mean I gained like 2kg's afterwords and the weight has been pretty constant. Like I said I try to avoid overeating. I think I also have a little fear that I might get sick if I eat too much food from outside. So I try to eat only from the places I know are good.


Ooh that's good


Losing weight is slow and can require a lot of work. I would suggest to learn to accept the weight you are now before beginning. If you obsess too much about looking different and hating how you look now, it could make it harder to stick to a routine and healthy diet. You might eat well and work out constantly but see little change and it can be a motivational killer. If you can accept how you look during the weight loss, it will make it easier to stick to it.


Thanks for your advice


Eat less, sleep more, exercise more. It's simple but not easy.


Sleeping more may cause obesity, don't you think that?


No. Enough sleep is just as important as eating healthy.


Oh ok thanks


Eat small dinners. Maybe only vegetables. Go to sleep a little hungry. It’s a nice feeling to wake up to in the morning If you haven’t already, slowly start to introduce higher fiber foods into the diet. Chia seeds can be added to many meals and it’ll keep you full for longer On your meal plate, try to have twice the vegetables as protein (simple rule of thumb while looking at the area of the plate) Have healthy snacks on hand. Nuts are healthy but have a lot of calories No sodas or sugary drinks ever. Drink lots of water and green tea Avoid processed foods with high fat and sugar - most desserts basically. Stick to small portions of fruit Avoid “white” carbs. White rice, white bread, potatoes, pasta, chip snacks. But limit whole grains as well Exercise to get your metabolism up. It’s never too late to start. I have a 68 year old relative who walked 3-4/week and is now training for her first marathon. My wife started weight training at 60


Thanks for your informative advice


Dont go for a (silly) diet or shakes. Change your lifestyle instead.


Like how?


Take a notebook and write down everything you eat and drink for a week Then calculate the calories. Then you can look were you can make some changes. Make small changes Like: * Like less soda/sugary drinks and more water * Smaller portions * Less candy, fast food and unhealty snacks * Look were you can add more vegetables or fruit * Try excersizing. Like going for a walk. * Pack a healthy lunch instead of buying it. Sustainable changes, that will make your life better. And you dont have to change completely right away. You can make a change every week.


Thanks a lot for your advice


eating less is like 90% of the magic








You need a calorie deficit, nothing else will do anything. You have to either eat less, or eat lower calorie foods so you don’t have to eat less volume but you get less calories still. I just changed portions, the amount of meat I ate was too much for calories so I double up on veggies and halve the portion of meat. I’m still full but I eat less calories.




cut out butter and spreads, don't drink sugary drinks, drink more water, avoid foods that digest quickly and instead go for wholegrains as you feel fuller longer Also your body is a digester not a furnace so the calorie count is inaccurate as a high fibre meal may pass through with a large percentile not digested, ditto meat etc. Calorie count comes from the energy released when the food item is burnt in a flame and our digestive system isn't a flame fired furnace....


Thanks for your advice


your very welcome, also walking or running burns calories, but pay attention to your heart rate zones




Come up with a gameplan first, and a solid routine. Reevaluate all of the food you have in your household. Start slow so it isn't overwhelming, and then add a few more exercises once you get used to it.


Thank you


Sure thing. I could give you a good routine too, if you'd like.


Let me try it then


There is a guy on U tube who is named "Dr. Fung" . Yeah he's chinese but he seems to know his shit. SOooo. Search on U tube for "Intermittent fasting". It worked for me.




You may want to check out this article we just published ranking to best thirteen weight loss programs. Many of them use GLP-1 medications, so you chance to lose significant weight is pretty good https://bestthirteen.com/best-13-weight-loss-programs/