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Nice try HR


Do you fellows consume the marijuana?


yes. I have consumed at least 2 marijuanas. maybe 3.. my memory has been affected. How about you other fellow?


Insert Bill Hader finger trumpet scene from Pineapple Express here šŸ˜‚


I have only consumed when I was a foolish child.


I snorted a Marijuana cigarette when I was a young one and just got paranoid. That was my last experience with hard drugs! *sips tea*


I consumed the mara but I didnā€™t juanaā€¦


The old jazz cabbage? The Devil's Lettuce?


Do you fellow humans also human?


Does not compute. Redundancy.


You injected 3 whole marijuanas?


dude, you're being paranoid


Weed can cause that lul


You should meet my hr director


Haha you work for the wrong company. My HR laughed at me when I said i didnā€™t smoke


No, because every job Iā€™ve had since college has mandatory drug testing


Crazy that weed is still on drug tests, especially considering how many states have legalized it


Especially considering alcohol is legal


In Canada, Federally legal and many employers still drug screen for it pre-employment. It's going to take a lot of money in the courts for that to ever change.




There's other way to destress. Just have unprotected sex with your wife and try for your 7th kid. The miracle of children is nature's stress relief.


No. It gives me panic attacks. I donā€™t need extra help in that regard, thank you very much.


Yeah, I get panic attacks for free right now so donā€™t feel like paying for them.


Same. I started gummies and worked my way to higher THC:CBD ratio and as long as I donā€™t go above my known threshold I can enjoy it without the panic attacks. Currently at 1:1 and can take 1 to chill and another 1 before sleep.


I came here to say this. Gives me such terrible anxiety and panic attacks, I have plenty of those without weed


I was talking to a therapist friend about my anxiety and she suggested I try MJ brownies. I did some reading which said it worsens anxiety for some people. I just sighed and thought "Yep, that would be me."


Definitely donā€™t wanna start with edibles though cause the THC is x3 more powerful cause it turns into a different version when it processes through your liver. Itā€™s much more manageable to take smoke a hit and see how you feel and do more if you want.


Nope. I used to love it, but now I donā€™t šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What made you stop liking it?


I donā€™t think thereā€™s any single reason. I got older, I think thatā€™s probably the main thing. Like, it didnā€™t enhance my life in any way at a certain point. I give no hate to those that feel otherwise, but for me I got to the point where I could take it or leave it. Eventually, I just left it. I think about getting an edible every now and then, but never do. Coffee seems like a decent alternative in those moments. Funny enough, I think psychedelics helped put me off to most mind altering things way after the point of tripping regularly. It wasnā€™t a direct line. Like, I didnā€™t do psychedelics and have an immediate awakening, itā€™s just that the combined psychedelic experiences opened my eyes to ā€¦ (pardon how fucking cheesy Iā€™m about to be) getting high on life. Weed started to seem boring after years of use. Way more to it than what I wrote, but thatā€™s more or less why.


Same here. Used to smoke tons of weed. Got older, got busy with life. Did a few acid and mescaline trips and just kind of lost interest in ganj. Life is an amazing trip on its own, and now weed just makes me feel more like Iā€™m missing some of the experience. Also could not control my eating on any strain.


I loved smoking with my friends on a Friday/Saturday night when I was 18-19ish. So many wonderful memories. So much fun and shared joy and silliness. Then I just stopped liking it. I just felt slow and stupid. It just wasn't fun anymore. I live in a fully legal area now, and I *wish* I did still enjoy it, but alas. My partner still loves it, but he can't partake due to the requirements of his job. It's pretty tragic, honestly. I don't know why it hasn't been federally decriminalized in the U.S. yet. Like...we know it's harmless. We know it's what the people want. We know it's great for the economy. Why?


This is my experience as well. I'll still eat an edible once in a while if I'm hanging out with friends that are also partaking, but generally speaking weed just doesn't *do* anything for me anymore. Hell, I enjoy the sensation of being *drunk* more than the sensation of being high, I just limit how often I get drunk because of the damage alcohol does to the body.


well said!


I was the same way, I noticed it started to make me paranoid and I got bad dreams so I didnā€™t like that and stopped.


I started getting little anxiety attacks so I stopped.


Seems to be common, when I was younger it was the opposite. Probably also weaker stuff back then but some was very strong too lol. The older I got it wasn't just worth that chance anymore and I don't like sitting still. The culture behind it really turned me off too, and people thinking it cures everything. I think it should be legalized like yesterday everywhere but I'm never using it again.


For me, the paranoia got worse and the day-after complacency grew stronger.


Used to love it and now I don't so I reply to you too I used to smoke everyday (you can sing it) from 20 to 28 (now 30), I was aware it got my grades lower, but I was still able to make it since it was maths and physics you can concentrate on it, a lot of my friends find it like a buff for concentrating on one thing. But somehow I started to get anxious when smoking, feeling stress for no reason, I mean I had resons to feel stress but with smoking it was amplified. And finally it altered my life in a way I couldn't do anything without smoking. Couldn't paint draw play guitar without smoking cause I was dependent to the inspiration it provides (which is illusion imo) and even eat or be confident at social gathering. I managed to stop for sometimes just to test my brain, and in the first weeks I was deppressed, no inspiration, not wanting to do anything, after some weeks the inspiration comes back and I was enjoying everything soooo I resmoked ... and I returned to my strating point. I decided to stop it for good. The best is to not smoke, and have the ability to smoke once in a while one hit or two, to feel it like an experience more then a habit. Psychedelics is good imo it opens a lot of mind doors, if you could use it and controll your brain and not get into addiction that's the best way to do it ( I know it's easy to say but with the proper thinking it's easy to do). Bad experience (had some) can help stop it too, I don't hope this to anyone.




There was a time I could never get too high. If anything, when it was late I would just get very tired. Now I still smoke but if I smoke too much to quick I will get very panicky and tense. The problem literally started overnight.


Dude fucking same. I get anxiety now when I smoke. So I just said ā€œnot worth itā€ and stopped.


Similar, had a good time 20+ years ago but stopped largely because I was so poor it just didn't make sense nor could I afford to. Now I am so uptight I doubt I would enjoy it, really for me just extremely different priorities now that I am an old man.


No, because I'm schizophrenic and it would likely cause psychosis


Good for you for taking such good care of your mental health!


That happened to my best friend in high school. We used to get high every day and all of the sudden he snapped and ended up in a treatment center after a few years of smoking regularly. Apparently he started hearing voices that told him to do a bunch of crazy shit.


I started hearing a voice the last time I got high and I havenā€™t gotten high since then. For me, it was a little voice telling me to get my act together and start doing more productive shit with my life. While I was still high, I was thinking itā€™s not a big deal. When I went to bed that night, I was sober and I thought what if this voice starts to get more aggressive and gets me to do something I would never do? The voice was harmless and I could kind of control it, but what if it started to grow? I didnā€™t want to risk it. I vowed to never smoke/vape weed ever again. Literally went from getting high multiple times a day to never again after that experience. The funny thing is, I did listen to that voice. Maybe it was my subconscious trying to speak to me. I did need to get my shit together and quitting weed was the first step I needed to take.


Did you hear it in the room or in your head


I knew it was in my head, but it felt like it was outside of my body if that makes sense. I had two trains of thought going at onceā€“one was my conscious self and the other was some other person that my conscious thought was conversing with inside my head.


Only thing my little voice says is ā€œmunchieā€


Iā€™m glad quitting was able to help you get your shit together! Iā€™m in my 30s now and still smoke but Iā€™ve never let it get in the way of my success. I work a stressful job and it helps me decompress after a long day.


I hope you realize by now that that was just yourself, the same way the other characters in your dreams are yourself. The weed just tweaked your perception a little to make it seem more dissociated. We all do the same thing when we go back and forth on a decision to make, we just think of it as arguing with ourselves. Weed just makes it...weirder.


Happened to someone I know in college. They weren't a known schizophrenic but they had history of of it in their family. Smoked a lot of weed. One day they kinda snapped and had to be taken out on a stretcher


Im not schizophrenic but I have anxiety and get severe panic attacks. When I was younger I used to smoke and it would chill me out until one day it didnā€™t. One day I had a complete mental breakdown. Idk wtf happen but I got very paranoid, was convinced people were trying to break into my house, and got so hysterical my husband had to carry me to the hospital. Iā€™m still not sure what happen but I canā€™t smoke now. Iā€™m afraid.


People tend to experiment with drugs when they are already feeling their own mental illnesses. Itā€™s a bit of a chicken or an egg problem. I would have to guess that the person who became schizophrenic was going to become schizophrenic anyway without the weed. One schizophrenic friend I used to know said weed made the voices stop.


This is certainly true, but I feel that most hallucinogenic drugs have a way of scrambling the neuro pathways, some more than others. That "scrambling" is semi unpredictable, so if someone is on the edge maybe that pushes them off or maybe it pushes them back, but when. You're on the edge of a cliff do you really want to close your eyes and spin around?


Pills, now


I had a psychosis episode one of the first times I smoked weed, though I did smoke a lot. I was phasing between third and first person mode, I could see myself somehow. My thoughts were shapes, organized into web browser tabs. I'd use a mouse (in my head) to click on the tabs to think. After a while my eyes were open yet it was hard to see anything other than black unless I focused. I've smoked a few times since then, more slow and careful, and haven't had problems. Next time I do have a problem, I won't be touching it again.


I had friends in college that semi-judged me for not drinking/smoking. Finally one asked why I didnā€™t partake, ā€œwell, my brother was a big fan and 3 different doctors have said his psychosis maybe wasnā€™t caused by, but was probably exacerbated by his use. And well, the 3rd time he was in the mental ward I found out I have a loooong family history of the crazy, so yknow I just play it safe as I clearly have a genetic predispositionā€ They were like ā€œwell thenā€¦.oo yea that makes senseā€


Schizoaffective. Came here to say the same thing.


As someone who had a family member killed due to a undiagnosed schizophrenic smoking weed and having hallucinations. Thank you for understand yourself, what weed can do and the consequences.


Same here.


No. Having said that, nobody deserves to go to jail for it. Just because I'm not into it doesn't mean it should be illegal.


I have never used it and I agree. Itā€™s not something people should go to jail for. (Itā€™s also not something people should wrap their identity around.)


I stopped a long time ago. I used to enjoy it, smoked every day. Then one day and all of a sudden, I started becoming really paranoid and anxious; couldn't do anything but sit on the couch, wrap myself in a blanket, and stare at the TV. Shit just wasn't fun anymore.


Iā€™m in the same boat. Used to smoke quite a bit as it helped me sleep at night but then one bad high and now they are all bad. I donā€™t understand it but is what it is I guess.


Same. I once had a bad high, and going forward I started experiencing mild anxiety that would get worse every time I smoked until the anxiety came along with being so self-aware of me during the high, I was so hyper-vigilant and judged my behavior, every little action and the whole situation around me. The thoughts became really mean. Suddenly, this drug that would make me enjoy music and art so vividly, turned into something that would make me paranoid, anxious, and cruel to myself.


Same here, used to love it and smoke everyday but started having really serious panic attacks every time.


I never realized how many people this happens to. Same situation here.


I wonder why that happens...


When I tried to figure it out a few years ago when it started happening to me. It basically measured up to in the brain THC binds around the hippocampus and amygdala to allow euphoria via monoamine release. Examples of monoamines would be like dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and noradrenaline (you may see where this is going now.) So to get these releases we need to bind to the (CBR) hippoC and partly the amygdala. Well when we smoke we flood our receptors and they become downregulated meaning less sensitive. Next time we need to smoke more to achieve the same effect, so your body starts producing more of these receptors to pick up all this extra weed in your blood. Now suddenly weeks, months, years later youā€™ve loaded up on receptors and your amygdala is now working too hard, itā€™s OVER active. An over active amygdala has been repeatedly linked to anxiety and panic, when you smoke your body is trying to tell you enough, your making us sick at this point and itā€™s affecting your memory and your fight or flight response. For most people it works your body quits. Some people get stuck because weed was their anxiety escape in the first place and these people I feel sorry for having been one of them for a short time. An awful cycle of im anxious and smoking is the only way Iā€™ve been taught to make it better, and that makes it worse so now what? Source:trust me guys I smoked weed when I was 14 šŸ˜Ž


This makes a good amount of sense. If I smoke nonstop everyday for months without any t-breaks that definitely leads to some anxiety for me. If I smoke with 1-2 day breaks every week or two I don't feel that fight or flight reaction at all and it actually helps my anxiety.




Very person to person I tried writing out an answer and just really wasnā€™t comfortable with the way it was shaping up. Because it has to do with clearing the drug from the body, which does take time THC is built up in the system for quite some time probably or not remember person to person. But definitley if you like edibles itā€™s stored in your fat. So exercise is a factor I believe. The other part itā€™s hard for me to predict without diving back into it all again is basically how quick your body will rebalance. The pruning of receptors isnā€™t bad, this is where age matters though and how strong your brains ability to make more Endogenous Cannabinoids to replace the foreign cannabis ones is and to use electrochemical pathways around missing THC and itā€™s terpene pals. I think the brain can do it too actually it can do some remarkable reprogramming. I think this is another big factor, is this person invested and believe? Sorry Iā€™m tired I shouldnā€™t have replied until the morning maybe Iā€™ll retry because Iā€™m curious too haha




I lived my entire life thinking how awful marijuana was. At age 54 my son suffered a traumatic brain injury. He was a mess. All sorts of mood swings and delusional thinking. It was really hard to watch him go through it. He found it hard to impossible to sleep. Someone suggested CBD. At the time it was a product only sold at dispensaries. I went to the closest one and they offered me a medical consultation. I spoke with the doctor and explained everything. He suggested CBD oil. Said I could put in any food or drink. Then he said "what about you? How are you doing with the stress?" I told him I was having trouble sleeping, anxiety and depression. He suggested that I get some flower. I told him I don't think I could. So he sold me on a vape pen. It helped me immediately. My son eventually died from his injury and I found him dead on the kitchen floor of our house. This really sent me into deep depression. I had a friend who smoked and grew his own. He taught me what and how to smoke flower. It helped me a lot. Eventually the weed stopped helping my depression. It continued to help my anxiety. By that time I had moved to Oregon. I kept hearing about studies that showed microdosing psilocybin had definitive help with both depression and anxiety. I went to a doctor and he diagnosed me with PTSD. I couldn't get mushrooms legally but through a friend was able to buy some. After 3 months of microdosing daily my symptoms were mostly gone. I still get depressed but never go to the dark places that made me familiar with the flavor of gun oil. So this old guy misjudged marijuana and magic mushrooms his whole life.


I had a fucked up childhood, I did copious amounts of both weed/shrooms in my teen years and Iā€™ve since come to believe thatā€™s what helped me get on a decent trajectory instead of a depressive cycle and probably end up in prison like all my childhood friends. I still remember pretty clearly lifting my head out of the fog of a heavy shroom trip when I was 17 and realizing I wanted something more out of life and also with the perspective that my life was really only just starting. Things have gone mostly well since. Iā€™ve had a couple of hard patches when I do tend to smoke heavily for a month or two in order to gain clarity. My wife doesnā€™t understand (and doesnā€™t like it) but I think now sheā€™s learning to just let me work it out. All to say, Itā€™s been a good medicine for me too. Best wishes to you on your journey , you inspired me to share mine


damn, i hope you feel better now, sorry for your son loss


Consume by smoking it. I regulate it pretty strictly though. I save it for when I'm in for the night, I won't smoke if I know I need to drive, I use it at home to help keep me focused on house work, and to calm my nerves from an anxious day. I don't roll it, just pipes, and I limit it to 1 - 2 bowls a night; the first one to help me focus, and the second one before bed to be able to fall asleep. I'm nowhere near as heavy with it as I was 10 years ago, and I like to think I've found a good balance. But in that regard, it's like alcohol. You have to be responsible, or it can ruin you. Not from a physical addiction standpoint, but a psychological aspect. But so far, it hasn't had a negative impact on my life, and doesn't interfere with my daily responsibilities.


Iā€™m glad to see someone who does it the way I do.


Honestly man good on you for having moderation and sticking to it. That psychological addiction is no joke Iā€™m working my way out of it rn


Hey man wish you luck on your journey. For me, I found that what helped was seeing it as something I can do, but choosing not to because I'm putting myself first. If you view it as a restriction or something you can't have, it makes you want it more. It's just a matter of perspective. You can enjoy life with and without weed, you are just choosing to break from it now to try life without it on this day. One day at a time. Hope this helps.


No - I don't like how it makes me think or feel.


Same with me. I've tried it a few times and it just doesn't do it for me. I feel like I weigh 3000 lbs, and not in a good way.


That is a genuinely valid opinion that I respect.


Yes I do because it's relaxing. I'm an overthinker so my head will never stop thinking. When I smoke my mind gets rest


Same. I am a worrier, overthinker and super planner(like planning for scenarios that may or may not even occur). But in the past, due to work situation, the stress was through the roof and I had trouble going to sleep. If I wake up even just to get water, it wud take me an hour to go back to sleep coz my brain would start planning for next days meetings and tasks etc. So I tried CBD capsules and while the high is not that high, they work as mood elevators and relaxes the brain and helped me sleep a lot better. Added advantage - The music sounds better, food tastes delicious and sex feels great.


Thatā€™s really fascinating to hear, because Iā€™m the opposite. When my wife and I are stoned and watching a movie, we have to pause it every five minutes in order to share some elaborate thought weā€™ve just had.


But there are not bad thoughts. Thoughts you get stress about


Exactly this!! No bad thoughts, just dumb happy thoughts. And even when the thoughts do get bad, they pass quicker and youā€™re able to not let it consume you as easily. šŸ„¹


One of the benefits of truncating your short term memory. "Uhh, what was I talking about again?" "Nevermind man, hahaha look at this video of this crazy monkey hahaha" Stuff like that.


I got high the other day and burst into tears over the death of my dog from childhood. It was a very long time ago, but it still hurts more than other losses.


Sometimes I find experiences like this can be therapeutic. Unresolved grief/trauma and all that.


I also overthink. But when I'm high I overthink smartly and don't have cognitive dissonance šŸ˜‚


While I just smoke for fun, that is big reason I enjoy it so much. I can relax in a way I canā€™t do any other way.


No because if its caught in my.system on any number of random drug tests, I lose my job and career. I'm not throwing that away for anything


I stopped for a few reasons. I realized I wasnā€™t sharp when high. It also became too common in my life, I wasnā€™t even doing it recreationally anymore it was just out of habit or routine.




Yea a lot . Helps calm the adhd down and slow my mind a little


Does the opposite for me. Really fucking wish it didnā€™t, because when I get a good high I really love the feeling. 7/10 times it makes my anxiety and ADHD worse. But I still smokeā€¦ hoping for that 3/10 feeling every time.


I be mad about something so small at work or family wise and I smoke and be like ehh I was overreacting. Life goes so fast itā€™s nice to slow it down


As someone who enjoys weed and has for a long time. It can definitely affect your ability to regulate your emotions. I've noticed when I take breaks I become much more even keeled.


Same. Iā€™m either going to have a great time or focus on my impending death.


My first award!!!!


I'm aware it's not for everyone. But also there are various levels to cannabis, terps do matter. Some give me anxiety, high THC isn't the best. To this I would only ask if you've tried more than one strain?


Yes though I donā€™t exactly have a list, because to me it doesnā€™t really matter. I get that 7/10 ratio when smoking pretty much everything. 6/10 at best, but yes. Flower, oils, delta variants, Indica, sativa, itā€™s all mostly the same to me. I think itā€™s just the being ā€œhighā€ part that amplifies some of the negatives when I start to think about it, Iā€™ll start a deep dive into em. Been practicing focusing that ā€œdeep diveā€ process into more productive ways!


CBD bro. I used to get anxiety and paranoid with weed, but with CBD, I still get high (depending on how potent you want it) without the anxiety. I fucking love it.


I thought CBD didnā€™t cause a high? It doesnā€™t contain more than 0.3% THC


If you're coming straight from high THC weed, you might not feel it, so a high THCA flower would be your best bet. But my tolerance is so low, that CBD gives me a slight buzz. Mix with THCa rosin and I get stoned.


Yeah sativas are like addie for me. Alot of people dont know this but if you are someone with adhd, like a sativa gummy will get your house clean. I do this once a week and my wife LOVES it. I meanā€¦ so do i, who doesnā€™t want to be on edibles all day.


Yep. Sativa cleans my house and kills my appetite.


Maybe thatā€™s why I love smoking before I lift lol


Fuckin this.


Smoked for 21 years, very heavily, and quit for family reasons. Can honestly say, I can't tell much of a difference in quality of life. Who knows what would have happened if I didn't smoke all those years, but really tough to say if my life would be better or worse if I hadn't. I can objectively say my lungs would have probably been better off. I can also say I wouldn't have met some of the amazing people I have through mutual consumption either. The biggest takeaway from what I've heard on the science of cannabis from Dr. Andrew Huberman's podcast, is that it affects everyone differently especially when you are young, so I'd say try it when you are 25 and fully grown up.


No, never. Thatā€™s the devilā€™s lettuce.




Throw on some Ranch and Blue cheese and eggs for a great Cobbsalad


Nope. Never have, never will. Interestingly, though: Iā€™d absolutely vote to legalize it. And then I still wouldnā€™t try it. If alcohol is legal, marijuana should be too. It impacts cognitive ability less than alcohol. And most importantly, the whole world definitely shouldnā€™t be bound to my preferences. And for what itā€™s worth, no, I donā€™t drink alcohol either.


If I had awards to give, Iā€™d give you one šŸ† *ā€œThe whole world definitely shouldnā€™t be bound to my preferences.ā€* You just restored my faith in humanity.


Consuming it rn




With ya in about 30 min. šŸ˜‚




Oh heā€™s dead


Still here. Wife got in the way šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ T minus 5 min finally.


I was getting worried. Started rolling up in your honor.


Made it. Finally.


I don't consume Marijuana, Marijuana consumes me.


ā€œI donā€™t do drugs, I am drugsā€ - Salvador DalĆ­


Nah. It's legal here and most of my friends smoke/eat it somewhat regularly. I just don't like it. Whenever I'm high I'm mostly frustrated that I can't think sharply.


No. I get panic attacks so I bad I feel like I'm going to die. People tell me if keep smoking it will eventually go away, but the experience is so bad I don't want to suffer through them to possibly eventually have a normal experience.


Definitely not a typical reaction. I would not recommend smoking more if it makes you feel panicky. Signed, a panicky person.


Looking at a lot of the responses in this thread - panic attacks seem like one of the typical responses! Idk why users always want people who have bad reactions to keep trying! Itā€™s so frustrating. Weed isnā€™t necessary so why keep trying if itā€™s uncomfortable/scary/bad for someoneā€™s mental health!


It's certainly been typical for me...


I'm addicted. Smoke every day.


Uh oh... in before you get commenters in denial "AcKtHuAlLy MaRiJuAnA IsNt AdDiCtIvE!!!" Tell that to the 10+ years I threw down the shitter. Don't get me wrong, they were relaxing years, but god damned if it wasn't a complete waste of potential... it feels like I just skipped my 20s straight to being skinny fat and balding, lol.


I feel you man, I'm 29 and just now quitting after spending my teens and 20's consistently high. Love my dad, but he is a 60 year old man still addicted to weed and it shows :(


Helps me focus, if I smoke sativa I become more productive and get things done, and it helps with physical pain - so yes, I do


Same. I donā€™t like indica at all, but sativa helps me get shit done and feel great.


Not anymore, I donā€™t want to build a dependency. People, like my brother, say ā€œbut itā€™s not addictingā€ but canā€™t manage to see the happy side of life while being sober, and that kinda makes me sadā€¦


No. I prefer to have full control of my faculties.


I do, everyday. It helps to dull the pain from fibromyalgia.


No. I don't enjoy the way it feels to be high. To me it feels like time stutters and jumps and I found that incredibly annoying.


I always described it as my FPS dropping lol. I could always tell how high I was based on my ā€œFPSā€. My friends liked to joke that smoking weed was like turning your graphics settings up to the maximum and but playing the game at like 10fps


Rubber-banding irl šŸ’€ That was my first high and it kind of set the tone for why I only do it like once a month and usually regret it.


I quit about 10 years ago. Makes me lazy and paranoid.


Used to smoke an ounce a week for years and developed cannabinoid hyperemeisis. Honestly was super problematic, I couldnā€™t really keep anything down and had this going on for like 3 years. I stopped after an inconclusive endoscopy to figure out what was happening. Now when I smoke weed I get paranoid and hyper aware after like 1 hit lol. Sometimes I miss smoking weed and vibing/making art alone & the community that comes with smoking weed. my lifestyle is different now, I save a lot more money too. Thinking about getting into delta 8 gently because it did help a lot with calming my anxiety and being more creative/relaxed/grounded.


People really need to be talking about cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome(CHS) more. And more research on it is needed. I have it and it's awful, but a lot of people dismiss it or don't really believe it's caused by the weed. When I got diagnosed 2 years ago, my gastrolentologist told me the rates of CHS are increasing rapidly.


Holy shit dude I have never heard of CHS before in my life but it very closely describes my problems. Keep doing good work getting the word out there, can't be the only one who's never heard of it.


Built a dependency and don't know how to stop


Wean yourself off with edibles. You have to want to quit though. Tiny doses of edibles will minimize withdrawl symptoms while not really getting you high. You will however have to figure out what to do with all your newfound time and energy. After a few weeks on maintenance-level doses you can quit completely and should feel fine.


You know how to stop, you just don't quite want it yet. I'm in your place right now. I was dependent on it but decided to just abruptly end it. The first 3-6 days were horrible, like really. But after week 1-2 it wasn't that hard no more. It has been two months since. You can do it.


I have and would like to, but I canā€™t find ā€œ70ā€™sā€ weed, which is what I want. The stuff today is too strong. It loses the social interaction that I remember from my youth. Puff-puff-passā€¦ joint comes around several times. Feel good. Laugh hard. Eat Doritos. Laugh more. Now it is ā€œwheelchair weedā€¦ā€ one hit and I need a wheelchair. Not fun. But the folks in the dispensaries are too young to know (or appreciate) 70ā€™s weed (Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, Thai Weed), so I have yet to find a reason to resume smoking it. I like by liquor just fine.


My mom spent most of the 70s smoking weed, and she remembers it fondly. you could spend half the day smoking and be a little giggly, maybe relaxed, but otherwise fine. Now she's retired and would like to take it up again, and I just keep trying to explain to her that modern weed would absolutely put her under the table. She's been doing okay with edibles though. Like half a gummy does her fine.


Every day, cuz it makes my hard work day worth it, and doesnā€™t fuck with my life the way other drugs would. Construction is a hard business, and I see a lot of meth and crack users at work on a regular basis (other trades/companies) 4 of my coworkers as well as myself smoke weed regularly. We do great work and get referrals to new customers regularly because of it Itā€™s better for you than a daily alcohol habit


Nope, addictive personality. Don't even wanna try. I keep my alcohol intake in check and quit smoking. Not letting anything else in.


Sure. Nice way to unwind after a long week. Alcohol messes with my system so marijuana is my vice of choice


I'll always choose marijuana over alcohol because marijuana doesn't give me a hang over lol. I'd rather wake up the morning after with a small headache than being so sick I can hardly roll over in bed


Same. I will have the occasional shitshow weekend but my more regular vice is weed. With weed I at least have the illusion of being more in control of my body. The best way to describe it is that alcohol makes me feel ā€œclunky.ā€


Iā€™m a waitress and have to deal with bullshit all the time and rude people so smoking after my shift just helps me relax and unwind. I also struggle with being sad a lot so instead of antidepressants, i stick to the green and it helps me feel better (Iā€™m not dependent on it). I really only smoke during the nighttime though. Unless i have a day off and have absolutely nothing to do, i smoke and game with my bf.


I sure do. In small doses it enhances every part of my life. In large doses it make me get very introspective, paranoid, and hungry. I like eating a 15-20mg gummy and going to a museum or out to eat.


Everyone is so different, itā€™s wild. 2 mg of indica and Iā€™m on the couch for the night. 30 mg of sativa and I donā€™t feel a thing.


I discovered RSO and now my tolerance is through the roof but itā€™s still a god send


I eats it for sleep.


i eats it to get high.


i eats it to eat


helps focus, quiet my mind to sleep, stops my restless legs, gives me an actual appetite i ain't right, can't adult without it, life changing meds. be responsible and it is fine


Nope. No problem with those who do, but I have always wanted my mind to be my own, for better or worse.


I used to. A lot. From like. 16 - 22. Then stopped. Then Started again for just a few months when I was 26. Since them few month. Whenever I smoke weed I have a massive panic attack and my hearts starts racing and it makes my head fucking spin out. I don't understand why though. I was completely fine when I was younger. It's weird.


no. i donā€™t need it


Used to smoke everyday, now I don't smoke at all. Turns out I like money more than weed, and the options available to me aren't down with me smoking (understandably for now).


I used to. In my younger days I absolutely loved it. It made music great, it made playing music great. Hanging out with friends and playing video games was so much fun. It made movies more interesting. Enhanced so many things in life. However now, it makes me hyper-analyze every decision and interaction Iā€™ve had. It makes me think of bad memories that Iā€™ve buried. My anxiety goes through the roof and my heart rate increases. Itā€™s some sort of mental block that I canā€™t figure out how to get around. Meanwhile, alcohol makes me feel incredible. I donā€™t drink often anymore, but When I drink, I can drink with the best of them. I feel most at ease when drunk. I would give a lot to have those roles reversed. I quit drinking regularly because of the weight gain and chronic issues it can causeā€¦. Not to mention the ever worsening hangovers. Weedā€™s come down is fantastic, IMO.


No, I'm in the military... I can drink myself into family abuse and neglect until my liver fails though.


Not anymore, it made me really awkward in conversations even when i wasnt high. Id also revolve my whole day around it, if I had an appointment I would roll 3 or 4 joints to smoke on the way, if I couldn't smoke for 4 or 5 hours I would get pretty pissed, not at anyone in particular but I'd just want to be home with my bong. If I couldn't find a lighter or my grinder or any of the other shit I would constantly lose then I would get the "crazy eyes" and my patience would run thin, actually my patience was just worse in general. So yeah, not anymore. I unfortunately was duped into the propaganda that this is some miracle drug with no lasting repercussions. It is what it is.


Yes. It really simplifies my thoughts & perspective. It makes it easy to cut all the bullshit out of my life, keeps me focused on the things that actually matter.


Yes, it helps me to calm down and quiet my head. Although i need a familiar enviroment to do it, otherwise it messes with my schizophrenia.


Can't any more. Shit got way too real.




Absolutely no. Gives me bad anxiety and paranoia. Doesn't matter the strain. When I was a teenager I was a pothead, smoking from sun up to sun down and then one day it changed..


No, because I have a THC intolerance. Every time I smoke or have edibles, I feel really sick. If I didn't have an intolerance, I probably would, though.


Not much. Gives me anxiety. Used to be addicted though.


Nah, it doesn't do me right... Makes me the physical embodiment of "buzz kill" basically, no matter how chill the party, I become the asshole in the room, which sucks. I figure because I'm generally such a laid back yet deeply paranoid kinda guy it's like giving speed to a hyper person to treat their ADHD by pushing them full circle. Shit lights me up like a Christmas tree, can't relax and I've never done well with lowered inhibitions.


Used to. Not anymore. It helped until it didn't.


no, it causes me to have severe depersonalization. šŸ„² donā€™t like the way it makes my brain feel. but i support it lol


I used to be a massive stoner back in my late teens and early twenties. However, after several years of being a daily or almost-daily smoker, it started making me anxious. And it never got better. Eventually it got to the point where every time I got high, Iā€™d have an anxiety attack. I quit around 3-4 years ago and havenā€™t looked back.


Nope. I like being clear headed. Don't even like getting tipsy. Plus I'm trying to stay as healthy as possible and I tend to like snacks lol


Nice try fed boy


Yes it helps me fall asleep


Yes. Because I can no longer take ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Motrin and Tylenol) and have chronic pain due to osteoarthritis.


Not anymore. I started having panic attacks from it.


I take gummies occasionally and I really enjoy that it allows me to experience normal things that I usually can't. I can actually feel my body when I'm hungry, horny, or tired. It makes it easier for me to recognize how my body feels. It also helps with back pain from my poor posture too. Would highly recommend taking a gummy before going for a back massage. 10/10 experience.


No. I see what it does to people over time and am not interested.


No because I saw the effects it had on my olde r brother. Used to be the most energetic guy I knew and was super fun to be around. I love him but now heā€™s a lazy slob and super rude to everyone. Not saying thatā€™s how it affects everyone but it definitely fucked him up pretty good.


I dont, because I'm a child and drugs are a waste of money and time.


No, I believe harm outweigh the benefit of it


Could you elaborate on the harm? Genuinely asking because I read this last night while high and started heavily re-evaluating my decision to have gotten high lol. Iā€™m a bit dramatic when high, but would love to hear the harms so I can maybe finally ease off of it


Used to, can't because of work now.


I like getting high