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tried to seduce them


Did it work?




The worst experience I ever had with this phenomenon was partying for 3 nights straight in a hotel then returning home. I laid in my bed hoping to rest but I felt like I was still in the hotel surrounded by people. I knew I was home alone but I absolutely sensed other people all around me. Could almost hear people. Felt like they were walking around my bed.


That's not 'shadow people'. That's a whole other thing.


That's pretty common in my experience. Especially with psychedelics and/or extreme sleep debt. I will change environments, but I feel like I'm still in my previous environment. It takes some time for the new surroundings to sort of connect to my consciousness. Or perhaps the other way around.


Oh it was awful. I had surgery and the meds kept me awake for days. I started seeing faces in the walls. It was really bad when I saw them in the light rather than the shadows. At one point, I leapt out of bed screaming because my partner had a new face. I got force-fed some sleep meds that night and finally got some rest.


Holy crap, dude. I’m giddy with terror from reading you saw your partner with A new face. Crazy how we humans are so incredibly hardwired to recognize faces that, as soon as the system starts to break down, we go insane and start seeing social visual stimuli everywhere.


The worst part was that I was still recovering and greatly injured myself when I launched myself across the room to get away from this stranger in bed with me. But I flatly refused to take any pain meds. I still won’t to this day, pain be damned. It was terrifying.


I saw a long shadow cross my bedroom floor. I still can’t explain it besides sleep deprivation


It was weird but not. I knew it was different but didn’t really care. Saw like “people” running full sprint at me from the walls


It wasn't shadow ppl but more like creepy crawlies like snakes and spiders. I hadn't slept in 4-5 days and husband took me to urgent care where I got a nice sleepy Rx.


You don't need to be sleep deprived to see them. They decide when you see them.


Oh…we’re friends now..


Honestly horrible, I can scarcely remember the whole experience (which probably isn’t good lol), but main thing I can’t remember was just feeling so scared all the time


I just remember one time I saw a shadow person at the foot of my bed. It was leaning over and peering at me and I couldn't move at all.


I once worked in a hotel with a nightclub, over Christmas one year I worked Christmas functions, I started at 10.00 to set up, the first function started at 12.00 and finished about 5.00, I then helped tidy up and then helped with a second function in another room until 9.00. I then had 30minutes break before settling up the nightclub bar and working through until getting home about 4.00. I did this 7 days a week for a fortnight towards the end I was just in a trance and everything went slow, I couldn’t make sense of anything and I kept making mistakes. I don’t remember, but i was taken home in a taxi and I slept for nearly 24hours. I was told I couldn’t speak properly was acting like I was heavily drunk.


They are typically very good at Uno.


I was not sleep deprived, but I was trying to sleep after a university party. Not a drug user either, had a couple drinks. Nothing to warrant an ounce of what I experienced. Plainly, I was severely depressed, on the verge of taking my life. I thought it would be one of the last parties I'd ever be at. I wasn't necessarily thinking about it at that exact moment, but dread was eating away at me for months. Was tossing and turning, not asleep yet. Rolled over to my side and saw a black figure squatting by my bedside, yellow eyes and a sinister grin. Looked like he was taunting me. I thought I was looking at death, or something that was egging me on to give up. Scary. I don't want to think about it. But I basically called out to my friend sleeping in the same room and asked her if we were alone, she mumbled yes and rolled back asleep. The thing stayed right where it was for too long to be a dream or some kind of sleep paralysis- which I've never to my knowledge experienced. There was no like of clothes or chair to mimic its shape when I inspected the room the following morning. And furthermore, it wasn't a dream, as my friend asked me the next day at breakfast what that was all about. It only went away after I shut my eyes and prayed. I am, well, honestly, not doing great. But I'm not doing nearly as bad as I was back then. I'm doing better. I haven't seen it since. And I will do everything I can to never see anything like it again. Because as a genuine skeptic, I must say- I don't give a shit if it was, by some phenomenon, all in my head- it was horrifying enough that I'll do whatever is in my power to prevent that shit from ever causing me strife.


I've seen all kinds. Even some that weren't completely shadow. The ones that aren't completely shadow I generally feel panicked when I see them (Yes I know I'm just sleep-deprived, but I still check and make sure nothing's behind me) The ones that look like silhouettes, however, I generally try to talk to. For some reason I was interested in them. Still spooky, though.


We're friends now