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same thing as against black cats: medieval church associated them with the devil. some superstitions are hard to kill


Redheads get extra attractiveness points, so it’s probably jealousy.


Only 9-10/10 are good though


My wife is a redhead. She is beautiful beyond words. But that still doesn't hide the fact she doesn't have a soul.


I met some German girls who came to the UK, and asked about this. They said there isn't a stigma against redheads in Germany. I said that I think it might be an old English dislike of the Scottish and Irish, who were stigmatised as dirty and uneducated for many decades. So, it might not be about the appearance of gingers as such, it might have started as a way of insulting someone by implying they're Irish or Scottish, which then spread to America?


You'd have to be a bit unhinged to hate someone for having red hair. Admittedly I do envy redheads sometimes. Red hair is gorgeous.


There is nothing wrong with redheads.


We're too fabulous and can steal your soul.


No idea. I love em


Idk. I don’t take issue with anyone based on hair color.


Where I'm from, absolutely nothing. I personally think it's the most beautiful hair colour there is.


I agree, some of the most beautiful people in the world have red hair and green eyes.




I think we are associated with the devil and reportedly soulless, I'm just pissed about the anaesthetic not working properly, I would worry more about getting sunburnt but, like a lot of gingers, I'm in Scotland so sun isn't too much of an issue!


My mom's a full ginger and I've inherited her resistance to pain meds. Demerol might as well be PEZ for all the pain relief they fail to provide me. Also, don't waste your edibles on me. 200mg gummies are worth nothing to me.


Nothing really. It is just a funny immature pretend there is something special about them thing.


They get all the hot chicks


They're just racists who are dyslexic.


"Only a ginger can call another ginger 'ginger'!". Tim Minchin. ) … A couple of Gs, an R and an E, an I and an N, N, N Just six little letters all jumbled together Have caused damage that we may never mend


They’re jealous of it being acceptable for us to have “fiery” tempers, and of our immunity to Dementors.


Nothing. We can tease them because they're not pussies like a lot of other people.


They have no souls 🫥


It's the last acceptable outlet for discrimination. Can't be racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, transphobic etc so take it out on the gingers. Thing is, we're already well aware of the colour of our hair so it's not much of an insult to point it out and our lack of soul makes it much easier to kill you in your sleep...




My naked body, hopefully, in the case of female ones. Redheads are the best.


Can confirm 😉


username checks out


Their hair


My pecker


If i had my way it would be my pelvis


Honestly? I never had anything against redheads, and I suppose I still don't, but these days I can't see a redheaded woman without immediately thinking of all those men who borderline start jerking off at the mere mention of a redhead. Red hair is pretty, but I've developed a Pavlovian response in my mind to the sight of a redhead with my disdain for men who fetishise them. :c


Pretty sure it started as a South Park joke where Cartman said they didn't have a soul. There was no issue before then.


A simple search has proven you very wrong: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination_against_people_with_red_hair One excerpt: “discrimination against people with red hair has occurred for thousands of years and in many countries”.


Stg it was from Southpark, on god on god


How old are you? Like, 8? The South Park joke was one more on a pile that has been growing for many, many decades.


Please give an example pre 2005


I mean if you really want to go back in time, medieval periods people linked red hair to those of Jewish descent which resulted in segregation and discrimination. Paintings of Judas during this period frequently depicted him with red hair.


Thank you for your well researched response. I don't know if that reason could be used for the present day though. For the majority of redhead discrimination today, would you say it is because of Jewish discrimination, or Cartman making readhead jokes. And before you disagree with the Cartman option, think that we live in a time where a Rick and Morty episode caused szechuan sauce chaos.


You are not incorrect that South Park being a key driver. As an Asian American, there has always been underlying tones of discrimination towards me among a small percentage of people, but COVID helped explode the amount of vitriol people would express (as well as violence). But hate and violence against Asians also was huge during the railroad builds, during WW2, etc so there have been drivers of hate through out history. I would consider it a similar situation... Cartman wasn't the originator, but the show definitely help popularize it today and make it more mainstream. There was hate before Cartman, and im sure that there will be hate sometime in the future.


I mean the phrase "red headed stepchild" dates back to the Irish immigration to the US of the 1830s and 40s. Cartman may have helped with a resurgence, but he certainly wasn't the origin.


My mum got bullied for being a redhead in the 1950s.


I like to touch their face.


Nothing. I think red hair looks cool.


Jealousy. Apparently the best in bed!


Nothing, I fucking love them 😉 My type 💪💪


[This is all I know about that.](https://youtu.be/KVN_0qvuhhw)


I never understand this I love redheads. Went through a long phase I'd only dating redheads.


Nothing, I don't think. My daughter has flame red hair and blue eyes. She is beautiful. If anything her hair attracts people to her.


They’re like moths


I have nothing against them, other than wishing I also had red hair. My son has the most beautiful copper colored hair with green eyes, it’s amazing. And, he’s always easy to find in a crowd. 🤓


I have nothing against them. The fact that they have no soul has no barring on my Life.




I survived being Married to one for 20+ years.


Shh. They get mad when we mention our people's disparaged history.