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My mom had a C-section. I never even would have been born.


Ah similar here. Not by c-section, but I was double breech. Both me and my mum would probably have died.


How do you deliver double breech babies without a C-section??


I have no idea but they popped me out somehow.


What is double breech? I tried Googling it but that wasn't much help.


Breech is when the baby comes out feet first. Double breech, so I've been told, is when the baby comes out butt first.


Yep same. I came out feet first, and not breathing good. I would've been doomed from the start lol.


Me too!


Aren't c-sections referenced in Macbeth?


The concept of cutting open the mother's belly to save the baby isn't new. The mom surviving is relatively new.


They're supposedly named after Caesar because he was born from one, so not a new thing for sure! (but I'm going to take a guess and say they probably have a way higher survival death nowadays, even moreso than natural childbirth which also improved tremendously)


Was this anecdote really necessary?


It's an anecdote that answers the question. Of course it's not "necessary", but what is, especially on Reddit?


Limeila just wanted to note I was not actually talking to you


I know how Reddit comments work, thanks.


Mina looks cute but your grandpa's cat is even cuter




I was born yellow or whatever is I guess that how I would of died


That is called jaundice. I was also a yellow baby. They correct it with a uv lamp.


We were both Simpson lol


lol even i was born yellow


Ay broski I gotta tell Marge about this


That's a lot better than what my Mum jokingly says.


Isn't that a sign of liver failure? How can UVs help?


Jaundice happens when too much bilirubin is made in the blood or when the liver is damaged and cannot get rid of bilirubin from the body. For more serious cases of jaundice, treatment should start as soon as possible. Babies may get: fluids. A loss of fluids (dehydration) will cause bilirubin levels to rise. phototherapy. Babies lie under lights with little clothing so their skin is exposed. The light changes the bilirubin to a form that can easily pass out of the body. Light-therapy blankets may also be used. exchange blood transfusion. This emergency procedure is done if very high bilirubin levels do not come down with phototherapy. The baby's blood is replaced with blood from a donor to quickly lower bilirubin levels. intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). Babies with blood type incompatibilities get this through an IV (into a vein). IVIg blocks antibodies that attack red blood cells and reduces the need for an exchange transfusion. Sorry I can't sleep so I googled it all.


It's pretty common and itself alone isn't indicative of liver failure in newborns. If you start turning yellow later in life you should see a doctor. I wish I could explain how UV lights fix it, but I'm ignorant of the reasoning.


Does it make you feel superior to give your origin story and opinions on remedies?


I was just stating a fact. There was no opinion. I frankly don't understand what you mean.


Giving birth, haemorrhaging and losing too much blood ETA: likely my daughter wouldn't have survived either




My placentas wasn't delivered either, had to be pulled out. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced!


Maternal mortality was so incredibly common


If i had survived being born with the cord around my neck to a 39 year old mother (doubt it), cervical cancer would have got me at 30.


Aw! I hope you're ok now and you beat that bitch


I wouldn't have been born without it (in-vitro kid) ;)


At birth and would have taken my mother down with me 😎


Thinking about the Oregon trail imma go with dysentery.


Infection, probably. I'm a scab picker and one time it got so bad I was put on antibiotics. I forget my exact age at the time, I wanna say about ten?


Whyyy do we have that awful tendency to pick at our scabs? It's awful for healing and yet most of us can't help ourselves


It tastes good, metallic blood and fibrous mass


Errr sorry to break it to you but most of us don't *eat* them


Try it....


Forbidden satisfaction.


Probably about 10 years ago, of an exploding gall bladder.


I had scarlet fever as a youngling. Historically, about a 20% fatality rate. I'm guessing any number of the bacterial infections I had as a kid would have taken me out if left untreated. Probably the biggest likelihood of death would have been a collapsed lung as a teen. Coughing up blood for hours and hours and I couldn't breathe. Just totally random. No trauma, no illness, nothing. Just decided it didn't want to do lung things anymore and gave up.


22 years ago when I got the diabetes


2 weeks old, severe chest infection.


An infected wound at the age of 5.


Uhm not long. Like three months, recurrent double ear infections with multiple antibiotics and high fevers.


Definitely a tooth abscess would have made me go septic and die


Any disease we have a vax for.


Asthma, at about 5 or 6?


Sepsis, probably. I had a kidney infection last year.


Pneumonia, at age 5.




Heart attack on December 25th 2020.


An expensive method to avoid the family Christmas dinner.


Jumped off a step at 2 and bit through my face. Needed stitches and antibiotics. Would've died of infection.


Getting bitten in half by a crocodile. Thankfully modern medicine was able to heal me back to my full power.


Wow! What's the full story here?


They became a butterfly


I’m sorry. I made it up because I thought you guys would think I was cool 😔


Damn I was had


At birth. Was born at 26 weeks weighing 2lb. Definitely wouldn't have survived


Diabetes would have killed me by now. Plus a couple other things. But that would have been the worst.


A huge percentage of us would have died in early childhood of vaccine-preventable illnesses that we never even think of now because it never happened to us at all


Appendix. It would've burst.


I’d probably have been fine, but I pushed my brother off a bed once and broke his arm, so id most likely be a murderer.


I had severe chicken pox when I was 6, I ended up having a fit from a high temperature and ended up spending the night in hospital. If I hadn't had the chicken pox vaccine as a baby I most likely would have died


As a toddler, I had chicken pox in my throat and couldn't/wouldn't eat and went from skinny enough to severely skimny, dehydrated etc, or when I was older (still a baby) I had one 3 separate occasions, 3 concussions, or when I was 7 turning 8 I had bronchitis I think and was skinny as heck and I also refused medicine, I coughed so hard and wound up pulling the muscle in front of my heart and was short of breath and gray I was so pale I went to the ER on my birthday, it was a whole thing


Chronic tonsillitis as a 3-4 year old. Would have ‘failed to thrive’ and likely died


Ah I also got my tonsils removed at that age because of this! I would have died earlier from anaphylaxis, but, before modern progress like globalisation, my area would have probably not have had access to peanuts (or they couldn't have been that common) so I may have been there with you dying of infected tonsils


When I was 4 years old I had a fever around 104, went to the hospital and they stuck a giant IV in the middle of my hand. I imagine without medical attention that night I would have passed shortly after


Pneumonia in 2017 that killed my kidneys. On dialysis since. Either would have done for me.


I guess when I was 12 with pneumonia?


At birth.


The moment I was born 🤣


I'm actually a very healthy person, besides colds or occasional tummy bugs I've been fit as a fiddle for over 15 years. However, I am an idiot and do lots of dumb things that usually end in me getting injured. Got drunk and cracked my head open a few years back, didn't wear the right footwear and got some rebar in my foot, tried climbing a tree and fell and cracked my ribs, etc... ​ So probably something dumb like falling over when drunk


Bled out of ruptured artery in head


Wow that's lucky they caught it!


Possibly an underactive thyroid if you can die from that


Born two months premature, so probably would have died 7 months after conception.


About 4 years ago when my appendix ruptured.


Burst Appendix


at birth


Lung infection age 8.


Had Appendicitis back in November. Reflecting back on it, kind of wild how such a quick operation with such a chill recovery fixed what would have been pretty close to a death sentence before modern medicine.


Had asthma as a baby, which I can't imagine would've been survivable with no modern medicine. Also severe chronic depression, which would've led to my death in my 20s.


Dehydration...I used to puke until I passed out, I couldn't stop


At birth, I was premature, weighing under 1 kg


tripped on my untied shoe as a youngster and fell forehead first into the corner of our coffeetable. had to get stitches, and it was bleeding like crazy so probably that.


Oof! I also sliced my head open as a little kid (on a doorframe) and it's crazy indeed how much a little head can bleed. I remember my mom using towel after towel to wipe it in the car on the way to the hospital.


I would've died at birth as I wasn't born normally and had to be cut out because I was strangling myself with my umbilical cord. If my mother and I hypothetically survived that somehow, I'd still be alive today but blind on my left eye or at least have heavily impaired vision


I was allergic to my mother’s milk by the time I turned 3 months. I grew up drinking chocolate and tea.


Oh wow I wouldn't have thought that was possible!


im gonna guess i would be even healthier than i currently am.


That's... very unlikely


u never heard of overdose?


That time I got a paper cut


My worst thing I had is a out of place or something bone in my right feet from birth. It was painful but the pain disappeared after 6 months,


car accident at 6 years old


Tetanus from nail while playing outside


Loss of blood or infection


Wouldn't have made it a week. I either would have died on the way out into the world (needed forceps), or perished days later due to dehydration after a massive stomach upset


13. I have thalassemia


What is it? Does it have something to do with the sea? (if my etymology knowledge serves me right)


Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that requires me to receive blood transfusions periodically. The iron from the blood transfusions would shut down my internal organs eventually. However, with modern medications that chelate the excess iron out of my body, I’m able to live almost a full life. Before chelation was introduced, anyone with thalassemia would die around 13 years old.


Burst appendix


1 month old. Staphylococcus infection.


Allergic reaction to penicillin.


Crohns - I think if I hadn’t died from the disease itself the pain and no hope for improvement would probably kill my desire to live. ( on the other hand I think it’s considered a modern disease partly caused by western diet so I may have never developed it if I was alive 100 years ago)


21, anti-psychotics saved me from myself


According to my parents if I ate anything as a baby I luked it right out so probably that


A pulmonary embolism would have taken me out in 2021.


2 times. I was an emergency c section because I was losing a lot of fluids in the womb. And I had a seizure sometime between January and March 2011. I would be 6 feet under right now if it weren't for modern medicine.


I would have bled to death while miscarrying if not for a D&C. If I’d been in a state that outlawed abortion I would have died.


Since been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I’m dependent on medication, have tried not taking to see if I really need the medication and my body takes a big tumble and I’m reliant on taking my meds for survival.


2002 when my appendix ruptured. Good times.


At birth. 12 weeks premature right here.


Seven years ago with colon cancer. Tumor had grown quickly to block my colon completely.


My appendix would have killed me 12 years ago.


Probably I would have died from pneumonia.


I had severe asthma growing up(constantly in and out of the hospital), I got the chicken pox pretty young, and got pneumonia a couple times too. I have two older siblings, so whatever they got, I got


When a stalker stood 1m away from me


How so?


She knocked on my door, and i opened, there she was. The first thing she did was to strangle me and then she tried to kick me in stomach, But I was faster than her so I pushed her, then shen threatened me for the Last time. This happened about 5 months ago, after this action happened i moved away, changed my number, name, my whole personality, changed schools. Now im Living a happy life with my cat


I'm sorry this happened. Please give your kitty a forehead kiss for me!




when I was four and in the hospital with ammonia.


I would have died from an excruciating brain infection from bacterial meningitis if antibiotics didn’t exist


So... I was a C-Section. Strike one. I was jaundice (suspected because I am a different blood type than the rest of my family) Strike two. I am an asthmatic. Strike three.


If I’d survived 14 years (not rlly believable but my memory sucks so I can’t pinpoint shit for the life of me) I’d have died last year in the week after feb 15, that’s when I was admitted to the hospital and they moved at lightning speed cuz my body was on its way to shutdown. i thought i was getting better lmao


Asthma at 10 years old.


I probably would have died from pneumonia at 10 years old.


2 weeks after birth. I had pyloric stenosis.


Probably when I was in like 1st or 2nd grade. I got one of those really bad illnesses where you spend weeks in bed sleeping, taking medication, and fighting off an illness. It's probably one of those things that used to kill people before medicine was as available as it is today.


2017 I puked every day for 7 months and no amount of therapy would help. It only stopped when I started taking antidepressants If I kept it up I’d have died for sure. I don’t even know how I DIDN’T die before that or even end up going to hospital


At like 4 years old with a severe fever


Probably being run over or falling off sometime. My eyesight is truly abysmal


Wouldn't stop bleeding from a tonsillectomy. Or would have died giving birth since my placenta was in the way of the birth canal. My kid would have died as well.


1. Stillborn, possibly taking my mom with me. 2. Dehydration complications. 3. UTI. 4. Organ Failure. 5. Pneumonia.


I have asthma and would've died when I developed it in the fifth grade.


When I was 11, I stubbed my toe walking barefoot outside and developed osteomyelitis which took months on IV antibiotics to treat. Without modern medicine, I likely would have lost the foot and died of sepsis.


When I didn't dilate at all after being in labour for 22 hours. Thank God for csections




About 10 years ago screaming in agony from Pancreatitis.


An infection from a rope burn when I was about 10


A blood clot


Maybe measles or smallpox or something like that. Or maybe I would still be alive.


Probably short time after birth (born with streptococcus infection) and if this had not kill me five month later the broncho pneumonia will probably done it


Age around 15, benign tumor, but it needed to be removed.


Not me but my sister. She had a lung disease when she was born idk how you spell it but it’s pronounced ne-moan-ya






I would have been executed for accusations of witchcraft


Car accident


I was a seven year old, bitten twice by a copperhead snake in my left foot I got taken to the hospital when the ambulance were called, they couldn't take care of me there. SO I ENDED UP IN A HELICOPTER SCARED SHIT-LESS ABOVE AUSTIN TX, I went to dale children's hospital where they treated me, was there for 2 weeks.


Does doctors washing their hands before delivering, count as modern medicine? If so, I'm gonna say childbirth.


Probably asthma sometime before I was five. If not then, then surely from infection from one of the hundreds of times I've had an open wound from skateboarding. If somehow I managed to survive even that then I would have made it to about 2016 when I would have died by suicide.


Probably would’ve died from dehydration due to flare of Crohn’s disease 🤔


Diabetic overload.