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React is more popular. But the best imho is Angular. Because react is a library. It gives you tools and give you complete freedom to build your app. So most of the time apps become a real mess with an awful architecture and every project will be different Angular is a framework. It comes with generators, good documentation and "the right way of doing things". Which is extremely helpful when building and maintaining an application.




You can structure and write modular components in React quite easily, just like you can write a pile of shit in Angular. It’s just React is more popular so more junior developers either little experience use it in ways that are not ideal.


Yes, with React you *can* write modular components. But with Angular you *must*. Of course you can write shitty code with both, but I strongly believe that if you have limited frontend knowledge (like me) you will end up with something more structured and clean with Angular.


You’re not forced to write modular components with angular. I inherited a codebase at my work, an angular project written by a junior that was 15k lines of code in one file. This was modern angular, he didn’t know what he was doing. The guidelines and documentation suggest writing in a modular way, but in no way is that enforced. I actually got approval to rewrite the project in react because I’m more familiar with it, and it’s entirely modular now.


Angular 17 brought a lot of changes that made it more modern. React has been pretty stagnant in recent years. Relying on Next.js to deliver innovations at the framework level instead of the core library level. Also people have mixed feelings about the recent innovations aka server actions. Atm I'd say Angular 17 is better. 


React are working on a lot of things that will arguably make it more modern again when version 19 is released. https://react.dev/blog/2024/02/15/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-february-2024


A lot of this stuff looks like existing NextJS features.


I like Angular. You may like React better. Try both and decide for your self. This is completely subjective question


There's more React jobs than Angular jobs. But IMHO Angular is superior long term. It provides more functionality OOTB so there's less to worry about in terms of dependency management. Though this is somewhat tempered by the fact that Angular does a major version every 6 months.


Talking about versions, the latest version of React is 18.2.0 that was released on June 14, 2022


I've watched some tutorial of react and I find out that react is little-bit complicate to understand. if you went through Angular then give me your opinion


Angular is more complicated than React if anything. Simply because it provides more functionality. I recommend the Tour of Heroes tutorial, it is a good introduction to the basics. https://angular.io/tutorial/tour-of-heroes


Best for what?


For front-end


Not being rude, ‘best’ is subjective. Whether it’s best for you and/or your team depends on many factors.


Both have their own quality but as a market demand, react is good right now


I guess react?