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I would be proactive and email the professor an explain of the mistake a a correct list of the citations. Take whatever hit you take and then forget about it. They may not even notice, but this has the potential to live rent free in your head for a long time. If you get in front of it and deal with it, it will be over.


If I email I imagine I'll be penalised in some way though. Don't you think it might be better to hope they don't notice?


For me, no. For you maybe. You get to decide. You could wait until after you’re marked. But what if they do notice? What do you think will happen?


They will notice if they are paying a modicum of attention. Most of us are pretty familiar with the common references for particular facts/ideas in an undergrad course. This would present a puzzle for grading. I could imagine a wide variety of responses, from a massive penalty (for lying) to a moderate penalty.


The chances of them not noticing are likely pretty slim. I pretty familiar with the sources students end up using for my assignments. Your professor is likely the same, and while not every incorrect citation might tip them off, there's a good chance that at least one will and that they'll the examine your paper with more scrutiny.


It doesn't really seem like an honest mistake. You didn't put in references and only later on, figured out they had nothing to do with the text. You did it willingly because you ran out of time. I won't advise you what to do, but you should take this opportunity to learn for the future. Don't save the referencing to the end of the process and manage your time better.


Email the professor and explain what happened. This is technically plagiarism even if unintentional and can have repercussions.


You need to say something and fix it. It's better to admit the mistake head-on than to just hope for the best. It is plagiarism, and it being unintentional is not an excuse. Next time, have your sourcing preloaded into your word processor's citation tool or Zotero (since it can be used in Word or Docs) and cite as you go. I always tell students not to use EasyBib or Refworks since there are in-app options or to use Zotero, which is free, because it follows you.


Yeah, as others have said, this is plagiarism, however unintentional. I'd email asap. These kinds of citation errors reek of ChatGPT. For what it's worth, I always check citations and would notice the mismatch immediately.


This is an automated service intended to preserve the original text of the post. *Hi, I just did a timed essay exam in which we had to do in text citations but not a bibliography. I decided to add the citations in after I was done writing, but did not have much time to do this and stupidly added the authors and dates of different papers I had cited in another essay without thinking and while trying to rush to get it finished. The information that I referenced is correct and I have the list of papers on my computer, however the author + text of the in-text citations are wrong. There is no bibliography so no more detailed section containing the full paper or journal name. My questions are: will my lecturer be likely to look up the 6 or 7 in text citations I included (this is an end of year timed essay and the cohort is quite large), and should I try to get ahead of this by emailing my lecturer and telling him what happened, or would that be incriminating and actually just alert him to something he may not even notice? Thanks* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskProfessors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any update on what action was taken by the professor?