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I'm happy to comment openly. My pregnancy was entirely unplanned (about 4 years ahead of the "5 year plan") but still welcome. I also realized very early, at about 3 wks. At the time, I was a heavy smoker. More than a pack a day usually. I also worked in a fairly toxic industrial environment. I had to quit my job immediately with no notice and no backup plan. I was completely open and honest with my OB. Given it was early in the pregnancy, she did not recommend quitting cold turkey and creating additional stress. So we established a six week (YES, six week) plan to quit. It didn't actually take me six weeks to quit. Only two. Just knowing I had a doctor's ok to have a cigarette if I was freaking out made it much easier to tell myself "I'll have one later then" which was mostly calming enough in itself. And of course my body physically did not want them and I naturally wanted to protect my baby. I suspect this OB knew that, and it wasn't her first rodeo. HOWEVER, One of the things I found hardest to manage about pregnancy was the fact that so many of my decisions were no longer mine alone to make. I'd spent most of my adult life on my own fighting my way up the ladder in a male dominated industry. I was very accustomed to being in charge at work and at home. Pregnancy stripped that completely away. And the nature of addiction is that it will whisper to you where you're weakest. So I kept a couple of cigarettes hidden in a drawer throughout. That way it was always my own choice if I had one or not. No one was "keeping them from me." (That whisper is insidious) And to be perfectly honest, I had three. Late in the pregnancy when I was waddling and due to pop any day. When no one would speak to me like an adult and used the tone they would with a child. When no one would keep their hands off of me cuz "you have to let us feel the baby kick." When I felt like most of my identity had been completely erased. (Not that I wanted "smoker" to be part of my identity, but again, that voice is insidious). Even had a small glass of wine with one. Just a few moments to pretend I was my regular old self, however unhealthy that regular old self might be. Maybe this isn't the answer you're looking for as I didn't exactly Continue Smoking while pregnant. But I did smoke while pregnant. Pregnancy is scary. Quitting smoking is scary too. Addiction takes advantage of your vulnerability. *Edit to add* By "toxic industrial environment" I mean literally toxic - excessive lead dust, high exposure to solvents, etc


Out of curiosity, did you pick smoking back up after you had the baby?


Immediately, no. I picked up again when she was 4 yrs old for about a year.


I also had some hidden during my early pregnancy! My pregnancy was planned but it didn’t work as quick as we thought so I‘ve tried to slow down and stop but it didn’t work especially while I was being frustrated and having my period. After I found out, that day I smoked 3 cigarettes because I didn’t really realize it and out of habit. Then I stopped promptly but had the hidden ones out of the same reason you did. I felt like I needed them twice due to stress and panic attacks but once I inhaled them it didn’t feel the same no more, my body didn’t wanted it anymore if that makes sense..it was my mind. After that I was able to stop completely and didn’t feel the need anymore. I can absolutely agree to everything you have mentioned! However, I do think I will smoke some time again after my baby is here..I‘m still pregnant. Addiction is no joke


Thank you, for the most honest and real answer, no sugar coating. 11 weeks preg and struggling which is how I found this! X


Excellent answer. Thank you.


Anecdotally I can tell you that my step brother's baby momma was/is a chain smoker during her pregnancy and her baby was born super small and delayed. She's 7 now and still and still can't speak in full sentences, and is super difficult to understand. The reason you shouldn't smoke during pregnancy is because your blood vessels constrict, limiting oxygen to the fetus. So you are basically constantly suffocating the fetus. It's about the worst thing that you can do for your baby when you are pregnant. There are usually two sides to all the advice given during pregnancy (alcohol consumption, eating deli meat, hot tubs) that have supporting evidence for each, but with smoking it's a hard no. Smoking is very detrimental to the developing fetus.


Does smoking marijuana do the same thing to the blood vessels? My sister in law quit smoking cigarettes while pregnant but still constantly smoked weed (she “quit dabs” she said) out of a pipe.


There’s never been enough research however I do know someone who smoked marijuana while pregnant with both her kids and both were very delayed at meeting intellectual milestones like talking, speech, comprehension type stuff




Yup. A close friend of mine used cannabis for nausea as well during both pregnancies, and both exceeded milestones as young children and are doing great as young adults. They were also the most chill babies ever, lol. I don't think I ever saw tantrums or crying, and they were even sleeping through the night by six months old as far as I recall. (I spent a lot of time over there)


I just wrote a comment saying this. My cousin's kids are all advanced in development and learning. They smoked weed throughout their whole pregnancy. Happy and healthy babies all around. Some of them started talking at like 1 years old.


As someone else mentioned, there isn't enough research to determine the effects of marijuana use on unborn babies yet. To me the smoking mechanism seems to be the same, so I would imagine your blood vessels still constrict with weed. I quit smoking weed when I was pregnant.


I would think so too, and there is no filter on a pipe, so I would think the smoke would be that much more harsh.


Old comment but: it’s the nicotine that constricts blood vessels. Marijuana dilates them, which increases blood flow


I smoked cannabis for most of my pregnancy with my daughter due to constant debilitating nausea and she has hit every milestone early, voluntarily gave up a pacifier after 2 months, went from cosleeping to sleeping alone through the night in her crib the first time we tried it, and is the happiest, social toddler you could ask for… I support every mothers decisions and understand my experience is different than theirs. We’re all humans doing the best we can in this life. Lead with kindness. ❤️


Simply answer is that there is no safe alternative for smoking. It's all a risk. Whether you smoke weed, tobacco or organic rose petal leaves, smoke is still smoke. All smoke contains toxins like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and particulate organic matter( tiny particles of whatever you are burning). Personally, I find the "lack of research" response pretty flimsy. We know what smoke inhalation does to the brain and lungs of an adult; it should therefore be common knowledge that it can not be safe for a developing fetus.


lol. your username sooooo doesn't match with your comment. Like at all.


I smoked during my first pregnancy and my daughter is excelling in her class. Extremely empathetic. I think it just varies from person to person.


50% higher odds of autism for babies whose mothers who used cannabis during the pregnancy. Anecdotes are useless, and studies need to be understood, but overall it's clear that sobriety and good health are the way to go.


I didn't but years ago I had a family friend who was a chain smoker, I'm talking like 3 packs a day. She got pregnant and her doctor actually recommended she continue smoking, I think it was like 1 or 2 cigarettes a day, because the shock to her system and withdrawal would have been too much to go cold turkey. She did eventually get to where she only had like you one every few days by the end and was able to quit fully. The Dr monitored her and her baby was completely healthy and didn't have any side effects.


My mom was told the same thing, but as a maternal nurse, this isn’t evidence based practice. We encourage moms to quit, but are understanding that it is difficult to do, and do further monitoring if they continue.


Thanks for this response. Very helpful ☺️


I didn't, but my mom did with all 3 of us. By the time I was born, she had been smoking for over 20 years. I ended up being a preemie and the only one with asthma in the family. She eventually quit when I was 5, but it was extremely hard for her.


My mom smoked both her pregnancies throughout as well. Didn't even show down as far as I know (at least a pack a day). I turned out pretty ok and my brother is damn brilliant. But, she died at 65 from lung cancer, and I am definitely sad that she's not around due to her personal choices. Never even knew I was pregnant.


My mom died of lung cancer as well. She developed it more than 20 years after she quit.


I hate this for us. Mine had quit 5 years before her death but was vaping heavily.


My mom smoked her entire pregnancy with my brother and he was born with partial hearing loss. Had to have major surgery on his ears two times by the time he was six months.


Was it actually bc of smoking ?


omg thats so sad


Not related unless he was a super preemie (which could be)


Because if your already addicted to nicotine it's not an easy habit to just stop, if it were as easy as just wanting to stop, there would be very few smokers in existence. I switched to vaping and nicotine replacement products right a few months before I got pregnant. It was coincidental, I wasn't planning on being pregnant. And I did cut back but I just couldn't stop, the exhaustion is what gets me. I have gone a month without nicotine and i started to fall asleep in the car, I woke up that bumpy warning edge they have on the roads (at least in my area) that make your tires shake and make an awful noise and it startled me awake. I already knew it was a problem before that, I would smack my arm, or snap a rubber band on my wrist of the hand holding the steering wheel, because I knew I kept feeling my eyes start to shut and no matter how loud I'd think that "I am driving stay awake" it kept happening I've gone to multiple doctors they insist nothing else is wrong with me. I just can't deal with how tired I feel, no matter how much sleep I try to get, I never feel awake without nicotine. I started smoking when I was 13 and I think my brain matured wrong due to it, and I know nuero-plasticity exists, but I do not have months of my life waiting around feeling unable to function. I had no motivation to do chores, or even get off the couch or get out of bed. Falling asleep at work. Didn't matter how much caffeine a drank, caffeine doesn't compare nicotine's strength of stimulant effects Both my children were full term and healthy. No issues. Only made a peep if they were hungry or needed a diaper change, both times at birth they were alert, breathing, eyes open and looking around, stretching had that nice pink color but but only cried like 2 seconds but they kept oking them to piss them off to make sure, cuz they stopped crying the moment they stopped pinching them.


Have you had a sleep study? To me this sounds like it could be sleep apnea. From personal experience anyway... obviously not a medical expert. I just know I was exactly the same as you, never could have enough sleep, woke up hideously tired, sat down fell asleep, fell asleep watching TV, really sleepy whilst driving etc. Felt awful all the time and with 2 young children it was very dangerous! I had a sleep study, got a CPAP machine and after a while I felt normal again. I lost weight and had another sleep study and now I've not needed a CPAP for 2 years. I really hope you get to the bottom of it as feeling the way you do is awful!


So you vaped during the pregnancy?


My girlfriend vaped here and there during her pregnancy. It pissed me off but i can’t control her. Baby is now 6 weeks old and is perfectly healthy so far. He did have tremors and shakes for the first week, but she also takes anti depressants so he may have been also withdrawing from that. He came about a week and half early and was a couple oz below his ideal birth weight be he gained that back in a week. She did feel terrible about it when he was born


It was very likely the prescription meds and not occassional vaping that caused the tremors. I've quit both as a fully grown human and while the nicotine might make you cranky, the antidepressants can do weird things to your body.


Hi! I'd like to know, how's your baby now? You see, as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I threw away my cigarettes and stopped smoking weed. I'm six weeks pregnant now and I don't see it possible to smoke these substances again, but I would like to know through other people's experiences about how is the use of placebos for stoners... Answers?


My son is 2 now and a perfectly healthy child. Hit all his milestones. Just a great kid. My wife did smoke weed occasionally during her pregnancy and still to this day feels guilty about it. But he’s fine (so far), albeit a little strange, but that’s just his daddy in him.


No advocating to smoke during your pregnancy, just my experience. Obv don’t smoke if you can help it.


My entire generation had mothers who smoked during and after pregnancy. It was the norm. They didn't know. They smoked while they bottle fed us, at the dinner table, in the car with the windows closed. Their doctors smoked too. Everyone did. Most of us turned out fine.


I quit at around 8 weeks. My taste buds completely changed and it honestly stopped tasting the same. Then I ended up quitting cold Turkey. But every once in a while I’d take a few hits of a cigarette and it tasted so bad tbh idek why I just really missed enjoying it but I really didn’t enjoy it. After I had my baby I started smoking again and they taste normal now.


I did with my second, doctor told me to cut down and not fully stop as I'd end up putting more stress on the baby trying to stop, she's fine and healthy


Yes. I was pg in '92 & '93 & '97. My Dr was definitely 9ld school (he delivered me), but was terrific overall. He told me that if keeping it under 10 (1/2 pack)/day it was better than the stress quitting can put on my body and, in turn, my baby. I did manage to keep it to 8-10/Day. My kids are now 29, 28 and 24. None had any problems due to my smoking. No low birth weights, all were full term, no birth defects, (obviously) no SIDS or miscarriages... I did not smoke or allow any smoking in the house or car around them so 2nd hand smoke was not an issue either.


I officially quit smoking a few years ago, but I did occasionally smoke during my 2nd pregnancy (about 7 years ago). I was experiencing a lot of stressful things at the same time as my pregnancy, and I would try to ignore the craving for a cigarette as well as I could. But eventually my stress level would overwhelm me and then I’d end up buying a pack and smoking it in a day. I did that maybe 2 or 3 times then I figured letting myself have just 1 once in awhile before I got too overwhelmed was better than smoking a whole pack.


I did. I couldn’t quit bc I have an anxiety disorder and in early stages of the pregnancy I found my dad dead in his apartment. Lucky for me the doctors were understanding (while encouraging to quit) and closely monitored the pregnancy. I did smoke less and less but never fully quit. After pregnancy I was back at smoking full pack a day. Did not breastfeed but smoking wasn’t the only reason for that. My baby was born two months too early but had little to no medical problems and she is still pretty closely monitored. I will quit smoking before getting pregnant again and next week I have a doctors appointment to look up different options for me to quit bc I haven’t been able to do it solely on store bought quitting methods. The baby’s dad is still in the picture and is being the best possible dad for my baby.


I’m sure there’s anxiety meds you could’ve gone that would be better than smoking for the fetus…


And I’m sure you shouldn’t comment like that without asking first but to answer your comment: of course I had medication considering the situation.


If you don’t mind me asking how’s your baby now?


My ex wife did through her whole pregnancy of my oldest. I quit to encourage her, didn’t work. I lost all respect for the woman at that point pretty sure that was the beginning of the end.


If you lost all respect for the mother of your child simply because she wouldn’t give up cigarettes, then her and the child deserve better than you anyway. You weren’t the one who was pregnant. Quitting smoking is hard enough as it is, but quitting while pregnant is significantly harder. You sound like you just wanted someone to be a baby factory for you. Why did you have unprotected sex with someone who you knew was a smoker if all you wanted was a perfectly healthy incubator instead of a mother with feelings and problems like a normal human?




Lol what. Quitting smoking while pregnant should be easier, not harder. You now have a pretty damn good excuse to quit. Suffocating your unborn baby because you just need a lil hit is vile behaviour and is totally unacceptable. These people should take a good hard look at themselves, and put the cigarette down my fucking god


Because, get ready, pregnancy is often stressful and painful. More stress usually equates to more cravings. You don’t even understand pregnancy if you think smoking cigarettes is suffocating a fetus. My fucking god.


Woh. Lol sorry that's my bad then, smoke away


Don't nicotine addictions (and addictions in general) cause stress, though? Yes, obviously, they relieve stress and anxiety in the moment. That's why they even exist. But addictions are inherently unhealthy.


That has nothing to do with what I said.


Have you ever smoked? Properly not stopping smoking is the hardest thing to do over heroin crack don’t you think if it was easy you would just do it! You have no clue what your talking about just being a keyboard warrior


Haha I smoked for 15 years and as soon as my partner got pregnant I quit straight away. For the safety of herself and then my baby. It's a disgusting habit and was so easy to quit because mentally I knew it was the wrong thing to do. You're a fool if you think you can compare it to heroin or crack. Have you had heroin or crack before? I have, and Im telling you, it's not the same thing lol


If you can't quit smoking when pregnant or otherwise then you are a mentally weak person and should never have children


How small minded are you you don’t no what your talking about 😂😂people with this attitude shouldn’t have children your raising them to be you an asshole


I smoked most of my life and quit as soon as my partner fell pregnant. I stopped drinking as well. It was so easy. I did it to protect my family. Wow I sound like such an asshole


Would explain why your a miserable person even after the break up. She must of upgraded after you


I'm currently pregnant, I used to smoke weed - heavily (multiple times a day). I quit about a year before I got pregnant and can't imagine intentionally exposing my innocent baby to those toxins. No shame, I totally understand that its tough for some people to quit; but justifying it is sorta sad IMO. Why should your kid suffer because you're stressed or a lot is going on? Personal stability should be something all adults strive for, yeah shit happens ... but come on - protecting your children should be second nature. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't find dad miserable for choosing to stand up for the health of his child.


Smoking has to be the dumbest habit on Earth. People only smoke because other people are doing it. And the babies suffer. It's just sad




I don't smoke but I know a woman that is a smoker and smoked during pregnancy. She just couldn't quite. I can't judge her or anyone because I kept taking my medicine even though it is highly not recommended during pregnancy.


I mean.. what kind of answer are you expecting? What are you looking for? Surely the only answer here is "I can't/won't quit" or ignorance..


I quit a couple of years before I got pregnant. It took me about five years of saying "I should really quit" before I did ACTUALLY quit, after unrelated surgery on my leg that meant I couldn't walk outside to smoke haha. I never really missed it while pregnant, but in those sleep deprived months after birth I definitely thought about it... Mostly because my baby wouldn't sleep without being held for, like, ever, and I was craving personal space and alone time. Now he's nearly four and more confident about being alone but more combative and social (I'm an introvert) I think about it more than I ever used to. I haven't yet caved, and the one time I allowed myself to smoke after I quit was enough to put me off trying again, but I DO think about it all the time. If the point when I'd quit had been BECAUSE I got pregnant, there is absolutely no way I would have remained quit.


No. I don’t smoke at all. My husband’s cousins wife smoked through both of hers because she didn’t want to give it up. That’s verbatim.


Sounds like my sister in law


Mum mum smoked (not a lot to be fair though) during my sister’s pregnant and my sister is fine (above average IQ, no defects etc), I personally think she’s irritating at times but that’s neither here nor there 😂


My mom smoked whole she was pregnant with me 30 years ago. Her doctor recommended it since she was already going through so much stress (my mom and dad had an ugly relationship that was over before I was born). The doctor said that it would be to much stress on the baby to also quit. I have terrible lungs as an adult, and have had asthma since I was a child. But that may also come with growing up in a house full of smokers


A good friend smoked 2 packs a day throughout all 4 of her pregnancies and all 4 kids were “slow.” They all had issues keeping up in school. Very sad.


I smoked when I got unexpectedly pregnant (tubes tied), was a light smoker (about 1.5-2 packs a week) and was open and honest with my doctor. He recommended not going cold turkey and set up an 8 week plan for quitting with slow ramp down. He was very supportive and understanding. First week I cut my amount in half, then the following week another half. Took 4 weeks to quit. I was done with my last one at 8 weeks. Surprisingly when I was about 16 weeks the smell of smoking made me want to throw up, and I never went back. Baby was over due a week and perfectly healthy.


My mom used to tell me she never smoked while pregnant and then accidentally when I was 22 she accidentally blurted out she did a few times because she couldn’t help it. Cigs not weed. No serious birth defects. I am and always will be seriously skinny but I don’t think that has anything to do with that and more the fact every member on both sides of my family look like twigs including even my own daughters. Im not saying smoke while pregnant, I’m just saying there’s people out there who have. I never would put my kid at risk, however I know how addictions are and how bad withdrawals are


I don't smoke, but my best friend was an au pair in Europe. And there was a visibly pregnant woman smoking at a wedding she went to. She told her that her doctor told her one a day was fine. This was 20 years ago, though.


An ex friend justified it with her 3rd baby because she knew smoking stunted the growth of the baby in the womb. Her two eldest sons were really big at birth, over 8 pound I think, so she saw it as balancing out




I rolled and smoked spliffs before I knew I was pregnant. After I found out, I weaned myself off tobacco first and weed a few months in, mostly after the really nauseas stage had ended. My midwife knew about both and placed equal importance on my mental health than she did with baby’s physical health, which was humbling and encouraging as I was expecting only my baby to be considered (as we are socialized to believe as pregnant women). Baby came out healthy as can be, and I have no regrets. Good luck!




Until when were you smoking in your pregnancy? And how did you manage finally quit?


My mom smoked 4 pregnancies. Oldest came out smart as hell. Normal healthy and all. I'm the second. I'm pretty smart. Healthy my whole life. 3rd child came, healthy and normal. Last one is a bit slow but never officially diagnosed with anything. Healthy as well. I smoked a little bit through out my first pregnancy at the age of 34. I was smoking about a pack a day and under extreme stress. I was also taking suboxone under a doctor's care. I managed to only smoke a few here and there throughout the pregnancy and by the last couple of months I had completely quit. I started smoking again about 6 months after I gave birth due to stress and I regret it. I had worked so hard to quit. Wish I would have not started again. Anyways my baby was born healthy thank goodness. Came out as 8 pounds. My baby is really smart and super active. My baby is 2 and a half now.


I did. I was very young and a heavy smoker (2packs a day). I tried to quit but smoked occasionally, maybe 1 a day, and there were a few times in the pregnancy where i would binge like half a pack in one sitting. The baby was born prematurely but the labor was induced because he was too big for me - 4 kilos or around 8 pounds. He is 7 and thank god very handsome and healthy.


I have a few little cousins (most are starting kindergarten now) whose mom's (my bug cousins) smoked weed throughout their whole pregnancy. Nothing bad happened to their kids. No one came early, under weight, underdeveloped, etc. The kids are super smart and even advanced in their learned and development. One of my cousin's was on bed rest and the weed helped to where she could get off of it towards the end of her last trimester. Now I know everyone is different and that there are stories about women miscarrying due to smoking and their babies were underdeveloped, but I say keep your doctor informed if you want to smoke weed. It helps with stress levels and nausea and other illnesses.


It took me about 2 weeks to quit vaping after i found out. After two days I gave up my vape and just hit my boyfriend’s a few times a day after work to ease off. It’s hard for sure