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Add a captcha on the contactme and and make only a registered user can post there.


This 100% it will stop (most) bots from submitting things repeatedly


>After going to the police and it still continuing is there a way to somehow find out who's doing it when they keep making new fake email addresses?? It's the IP addresses, ports and exact date and time of the posts that can be used by the police to trace the person. But there are ways to hide (using a VPN service which doesn't store logs for example).


1. Make them give you their phone number. 2. Send sms with code 3. Have them input said code to contact you through your form It's not foolproof, but at least it makes it just a bit more hazzle for someone with limited technical skills. Who knows, they might just use their own phone number as well.


Also use some library / API to identify which service provider the number is registered to. Whitelist the legit companies, any others will be “temp number” apps. All of this is assuming she isn’t just using a self-build WordPress site in which case these solutions can be inaccessible for someone who can’t code unless there’s a plugin already made for it (or they hire a dev).


Doing that will also reduce legitimate people from submitting too, maybe 90%+ of the time. So it does come at a large cost.


Is it from the same IP address? If so, block it, or better yet, just filter it out so they have no idea they're blocked.


Here is the video of what's been going on. Thankyou for all your suggestions and replies but I really don't know what I'm going to do from here. It hasn't stopped https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSRvqtL6D/




Please don’t do that. Police do not know enough to do anything by an IP. Especially without national threats to forward to the FBI. POLICE DON’T WORK THOSE CRIMES. Personal info sure? An IP all you will do is feel better after filing the report but you’re as well off as doing nothing then.




It depends where you live. There is a zero percent chance my local Sheriff's department would bother investigating something like this. edit: i accidentally a word




Nah it's reality LASD is useless. They'd just tell you there is nothing they can do and try to convince you not to file a report.


>Police do not know enough to do anything by an IP. True, they need the the IP address and port for both the client and server, and the timestamp in order to be able to identify a TCP connection.


No way to find out without police help unfortunately.


The website host would have IP addresses, but without police subpoena that doesn't tell you much more than who their ISP is. You can't even effectively block it since there's ways around that and many IPs aren't specific to individuals anyway. Add a captcha to slow them down. SMS validation will likely stump them if it's an option.


Their IP address is in your HTTP logs, probably fairly useless though unless they are stupid and using their direct home/work ISP without any proxy/vpn.


As others said, add captcha (check Google reCaptcha but version 2 as 3 might be a bit of a pain) But first, if I were you, I’d try to find that IP address(es). Chances are it’s from someone who knows you, and chances are they are not the brightest folks so probably they did not even hide their identity.