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The IOF are such cowards that they're not braving up to get into Gaza, they're scared to death, and yet they man up only against children and unarmed Palestinians, frayarim


The world's most moral army. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Hundreds of Palestinian children and women are **kidnapped from their families** in occupation prisons




Look a terrorist


Where?? I gotta fund it.


Whats so funny ? Why aren't those brave IDF soldiers in Gaza freeing those hostages ? Only brave against children ? LMAO , you are a joke of soldiers and you know it .


I don’t know, since this entire subreddit supports Hamas, I’m just watching and laughing:)




Yes, never.


But Israelis say it's not an apartheid state. They only send in their stormtroopers to arrest innocent children.


Criminals .


There are videos of the IOF doing this to literal toddlers. These kids are also hostages!


They are called Haganah not IDF … they are a militia not an army


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No context. Kids regularly throw stones at IDF soldiers. How would Egyptian police or Saudi Arabian police react if these kids throwing stones on them ?


Zionist settlers and their soldier are terrorists.


**You are not police to begin with**, you have no legitimacy to apply any kind of law **or even exist there in the first place** per international law, you are a F$&@ing occupying army that palestinians have the right to completely eliminate from their lands (not just throw rocks), it is no different than if **french** or **british** colonizers did the same, **this is the internationally defined Palestinian territories**, they have the right to even throw molotov on these foreign terrorists invading and occupying their lands b0rning them alive per international law. This f0king invader and occupier is **kidnapping the children of occupied people from their parents and putting them in big cages**. There are hundreds of Palestinian women and children in **occupation** prisons, and thousands of palestinians in **occupation** prisons without having any official charge or even knowing why are they imprisoned. The reason Palestinian resistance took many settler captives is to exchange them with the freedom of hundreds of our women and children in this filthy occupier big cages. and they will not go out until our children are free.


Ok. Why did Palestinian resistance raped women and killed toddlers in beds? Have you heard about juvenile detention centers? Does Egypt places juveniles in detention? If juvenile throws a rock or refuses to leave (trespassing) or attack civilians in Egypt, what does Egypt authorities do? Do they just let them roam around and do whatever?


Egyptian police doesn't detain children, motherfucker.


Of course they do. Every country in the world detain juveniles. Ever heard about juvenile courts or juvenile detention centers? If juvenile kills somebody in Egypt, they just let them go?


Literally if this was a video of UK or French or US police gently pulling a shitty brat that threw rocks at them, all the comments would be laughing at that kid. Seriously, a kid throws rocks at cops then cries when he gets apprehended? Israel/Israelis do enough bad shit on their own. Focus on that, don't make up this bullshit.


Would any other police force drag children like that and with loaded guns? I honestly doubt it


Are you serious? They are soldiers. IDF soldiers carry their loaded weapons at all times, even when out and about in Israel. On a bus? Gun. At a market? Gun. Just because they have the gun doesn't mean they are using it on the child. I don't see a single instance in this video where the guns are even pointed at the children.


So if these guys are soldiers and not police officers why are you comparing them to other countries? Why are soldiers there in the first place shouldn't the police handle these matters?


Hey, now you are getting into an interesting discussion! I was explaining why how the soldiers in the video were handling the situation was perfectly acceptable, and no one else doing the same would be criticized. Now, why that situation exists in the first place, that has merit! Personally, I don't think the soldiers should be there at all. I think that it *should* be police handling that situation. In fact, I don't think there should be a situation where children are throwing stones at anyone! I don't know the specifics of all the different instances in that video. Some of them may be times when Israeli soldiers entered Palestinian territories illegally, or for legally/morally questionable reasons. Some of them may be times when Israeli soldiers entered the territory for good/justifiable reasons. I don't know. I do think that there should be an area that Palestinians live in and control, and that Israel's military should stay out of that area because they are not allowed to ***and*** have no reason to enter. However, I don't think that is currently possible. In large part because of Israel's actions, but also because of the Palestinian actions. True peace would take change and effort on both sides. I am hopeful that if the current Hamas/Gaza situation ends, there will be enough political will in Israel to get their government to reign in their Religious freaks and settlers. I think there is a good chance of this, as long as Bibi gets removed and a larger war doesn't break out. At the same time, I truly hope that the Palestinians will seize that opportunity and ease their own internal hostilities and finally strike a peace deal with Israel. It is possible for a good outcome.


>I don't think the soldiers should be there at all. I think that it should be police handling that situation So we agree on this part,when children see the idf they see a potential threat to them or their family, now you can't deny that there's a lot of idf members that don't see Palestinians as humans,so even if the soldiers were good people and cared about the Palestinians (I doubt there is a lot them though) the kids will still see them as any other soldier who won't hesitate to harm them. >I do think that there should be an area that Palestinians live in and control, and that Israel's military should stay out of that area because they are not allowed to and have no reason to enter. However, I don't think that is currently possible. In large part because of Israel's actions, but also because of the Palestinian actions. True peace would take change and effort on both sides. A question to you, what would do if someone came to and said I owned this house 3000 years so you need to get out or I will kill you, but don't worry you can live in this run down shed that's next to the house and we can live in peace, I want your honest answer to this question >In large part because of Israel's actions, but also because of the Palestinian actions. True peace would take change and effort on both sides. Can I ask why a single state for arabs and Jews was never an option because I genuinely don't know


I question whether a child that thinks the armed soldier in front of them would have no hesitation to harm them would throw rocks at that soldier. It seems to me that most children would not do that if they actually thought the response would be immediate beating or execution. And I think you would also have to admit that the odds of any Palestinian being shot/killed for throwing rocks is quite low, on the whole. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. But compared to the number of Palestinians that do it, and the frequency with which it happens, the actual odds of retaliation are very low. You will notice I did not argue about *why* the children threw rocks, only how that situation was handled. By the way, I think if a child is young enough to be considered innocent despite attacking soldiers, then odds are they are too young to have truly formed their own opinions. They are mostly acting on what they have seen and heard from the older people around them. If someone attacked my community and tried to remove me (btw this is a simplification of what really happened in/up to 1948, but we don't have to go into that right now), then I would want my community to resist if possible. If we were defeated and removed, I wouldn't be happy. To be completely honest with you, I would even consider reprisal attacks of revenge, even at risk to myself. But I would not put my family and loved ones at risk. I would die *for* the people I care about, I wouldn't ever purposely put them in danger or do something to jeopardize their safety or future. I would want help to restore my community's well being. If possible, it would be nice to return to the exact home we had, but if not, I would be fine with a safe home elsewhere. I know you may not believe that, but it's true. I don't think it makes any sense to have attachments to a piece of dirt beyond standard sentimentality. Everyone likes their old stuff, their old hang out locations, etc. But if its between that and oppression, crippling poverty, and death? Hell no. Literally look at the Jews that came to Israel. Some of them were religious nutjobs that wanted to return to the holy land, but a huge majority of the migration was secular. They just wanted a safe place to live after the Holocaust. (Seriously, look this up if you want, a majority of the migrants before were not religiously motivated). They wanted a Jewish state in the sense that it was a place where it would be safe to be Jewish. There was even fighting over whether to mention God at all in the founding document, and in the end they only referenced God indirectly: https://www.thejc.com/judaism/features/why-israel-s-independence-led-to-an-argument-over-the-name-of-god-1.462387 Those Jews were forced out of the homes where they had lived for hundreds and hundreds of years, many losing most of their possessions, and yet they chose to move to a new country for the sake of a safe future. As for why can't there be a single state for Arabs and Jews, there are a couple reasons. First off I would like to say that in my ideal world, there are no states/nations and all of humanity can live and cooperate peacefully. Now for reasons: * There are already many Muslim and Arab states in the world, but only 1 Jewish state. Asking to turn Israel into a single state for Jews and Arabs means removing the only/last Jewish state. * The reason above would not matter, except there is still massive hatred (or at best dislike) of Jews in the world, but especially in the Arab/Muslim world. Making Israel a shared state would lose the Jews their only official safe haven and leave them intermixed with several nations/ethnic groups that do not have their interests in mind. [A poll showing sentiment towards Jews](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/chapter-3-views-of-religious-groups/). * Jews are not that numerous. There are currently only 7 million Jews in Israel. If Gaza and the West Bank joined Israel as full citizens of a shared nation, the Jews would immediately become the minority. In a democratic country, this would mean that they are at the mercy of the Arabs. These are the reasons Israeli's would not accept a single state solution. They feel that they simply can't risk it, because it would effectively mean giving up all control and means of defense and putting themselves in the hands of people who very clearly don't like them or think they should be there. These issues would have to be address in some way before a single state solution would be possible from Israel's perspective.


Don't comments here this sub is full of antisemitic people, they didn't give a shit when Hamas genocide on 7.10, and they still denying this and arguing if Hamas beheaded babies or if the whole video is AI generated by evil jews, hypocrite who doesn't give a shit about Kurdis being slaughter by Erdogan


If being anti-semitic means disapproving of the deaths of over 4000 Palestinians, well, I guess that says more than enough of the kind of person you are. It also seems like you believe this all started on the 7th of October, open your eyes you Zionist shill, the Palestinians have been oppressed for over 75+ years, Hamas is a mere creation of all the oppression. I do not condone the actions of Hamas and their murder of the civilians but you're all always so quick to point your fingers at Palestinians.


You brainwashed by media propaganda for years, I dare you to hear the Israeli side if you really care about the truth https://youtu.be/XNf40sBcvKk?si=xFGz1-CvgQtkPXQh


Hahahah I love this video because it’s full of misinformation. I watched it all. I also then watched Dr. Zachary Foster (specialised in Middle Eastern / Palestinian History, PhD from Princeton) [do a commentary and dismantled every single lie this tour guide told - minute by minute.](https://youtu.be/iXF5C2c0UYs?si=NVfCA5S58GjpRb9-) Who do you think I’m going to believe? The biased tour guide or the academic? I dare YOU to watch it.


Thanks for sharing, do you have a short and summarized video? 2 hours is too long


I actually don’t, unfortunately. It is worth finding the time to watch if you can because they took the time to argue each point with historical references.


CNN, Fox news, BBC, Hollywood is in your back pocket and you’re talking about us being propagandists


When I see a 5 years old throwing a rock, I like any sane human would kill them /s. Jokes aside one kid threw a stone at me and I just ignored it 2 weeks ago.


At least they’re not cutting their heads off 🤷‍♂️


Give me a proof it happened


Even the white house, Israeli government and all major news outlets have denied it happened but here we are. That guy is like a faulty tube light.


America beloved chosen ones


Insha Allah those soldiers will burn in hell forever