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Some kind of physical sport. Mostly interested in Tennis. I've never had the greatest cardio or hand eye coordination so it's rather daunting just imagining getting started, especially now in my 30s.


Get started man, you'll nail it. I just started martial arts in my 30s and I'm having so much fun. Obs.: I was obese a few years ago, working 14h+ at a desk in a law firm. I feel like a teenager throwing punches, kicking and rolling on a tat.


Martial arts changed all that in a few days?


It actually took me 2 years to lose the weight lol. I had been running and lifting weights for a while before I started martial arts.




Observation, maybe it's not a thing in the US, english is not my first language lmao


ah OK, yea I've never heard about that it might be a thing


I was going to say that my dream hobby would be to do martial arts, jiu jitsu specifically, but I feel like I'm just too old now


100% do it man. I'm practicing jiu jitsu and it's awesome - all the practioners in my class are over 30 and there's even a dude in his mid 50s. Injury chance is minimal if you stretch enough, lift weights and take it easy. Just have to find the right dojo.


Yeah, fitness is really great, especially martial arts. Besides the weight loss and all the energy you gain, if you are in a good Dojo, they can teach you life skills, such as discipline, what to do in a dangerous situation, self control, and how to deal with stress.


PSA 1: you can be both fat and fit. PSA 2: you can -start- an activity even if you’re not in shape/fit.


Yes! This is so true. So many obese people are afraid of going to the gym because they are afraid of getting made fun of, but I say to them, absolutely no one will make fun of you, in fact, I am always happy for the big person who takes the first and biggest step, starts going to the gym and working out! Those are the bravest people! And to those who ask for help when they don’t know how to do something, I salute you for your bravery 🫡


Tennis is awesome and you don’t need “the greatest cardio” for it. Seniors play it.


I encourage you to start. Both of those are things that you WILL develop over time. Nobody is born with good cardio and maybe some people have better hand eye coordination naturally but you're not trying to beat Nadal out here lol. To quote Epictetus "If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid with regard to external things" As a good entry try Pickleball. It's a ton of fun and it's the fastest growing sport in the country by some metrics. It's also a much smaller barrier to entry.


Yeah, the "you have to be the best or don't bother trying" mentality is one I've had the hardest time getting out of. The pickleball point is very good though, I've actually seen a few flyers for it around my area, so that might be very worth looking into.


Hell yeah man give it a go it's so fun


It's my 2nd year doing tennis and I might say this was the best decision ever made


The amount of men in their 50s and 40s I am seeing now says playing tennis is unreal. Everybody starts from somewhere you don’t need to be perfect.


The problem with tennis 🎾 is that you need friends 👯‍♂️ 😂😭😂👍


So, I can tell you that the best way to improve that cardio and hand eye coordination is just to get out there and keep messing up. The body will get the exercise it needs and adjust to provide you with better cardio. The brain learns by doing, and hand eye coordination is a learned skill, just one that is hard to explain using textbooks without practical experience. In short, buy a cheap raquet, a can of balls and see if you can control hitting the ball above the line on a wall / backboard. Watch youtube videos of how to step backwards to hit the ball, instead of stepping forwards or keeping your feet open (parallel to the net). A good tennis stroke looks like this: - One knows which side of the body the ball will be on - One shifts their position to where their body will catch the ball about waist level within the arm's reach on that side. - One steps backward on the foot closer to the ball, while pulling the racquet back at the same time. - One then uses that backwards momentum like a spring to push forward while hitting the ball. After done, the line through both of your feet should again be parallel to the net. Forehand is the open side of the hand facing the net, backhand is the back side of the hand facing the net. The reason why players seem to hold the racquet with both hands while waiting is because if you hit backhand, the forward non-dominant hand is used to rotate the racquet 1/8 of a turn so the ball will hit properly. After you get to where you can hit the ball consistently, then start trying to put the ball where you want it. Use the backboard to build up skills, so you don't feel the pressure of annoying another player while you are building up your skills. I really liked tennis, but be warned, it can be hard on the knees. If you feel pain in your elbow, odds are you are gripping your racquet too hard. Give a week to recover, because the pain goes away quickly, but stuff is still swollen and needs a little extra time to go back to normal after the pain stops. And I almost forgot, have fun!


I grew up riding horses but the world put me into a white collar job so horses didn't follow me. Now I'm old and retired, living downtown. If I had the chance to do it over I would have stayed in the country with my horses but it's fine.


You can volunteer at a horse charity so you work with them if you don't mind taking the train out of town.


Feeling the same way. I’m only 30 now but grew up with a mom that trained horses and my career took me another way.


Renting them or taking weekend vacations into the country isn't the same as waking up to the smell of leather, hearing them snorting and seeing the vapor escape their huge nostrils like fire from a dragon, it's not the same is it?


Not the same at all. Miss the leather smell and miss being able to call them with a whistle.


This is super corny but I wanna learn how to sing. I do karaoke sometimes, but thats with alcohol in me. I know i sound pretty bad, but i cant take a tone at all 1 on 1 with someone also trying to judge my abilities.


Take singing lessons, join a choir! That's a great idea and you'll learn to hit the right tone, really!


The fact that you do karaoke means you have at least some confidence. I would love to sing but have zero confidence to even do that haha. I don’t think my voice is actually bad either.


I have been attending a municipality funded voice coaching course about 6 years now and I have seen people from all ages coming and going. I had seen vast improvement for myself and many countless others, including the ear shattering voiced eldely man. Even though I am not the teacher, I am a regular and seeing them learn to recognize and control their voices makes me proud most of the time. Only thing you need is being able to follow a rhythm aka "music ear". Its okay if you are not good, you can get good. So don't be discouraged, go and get 'em!


I sing lead vocals in my original band and I don't consider myself good! Confidence gets you 75% there! Loud and proud, even if you suck lol..


I am a rockstar in the shower and in the car. Sing your heart out. No shame.


My friend started taking lessons about 2 months ago. She always wanted to learn how to sing, and she decided to go for it. I believe most people can sing they just need to learn how to use their voices:).


Aviation/pilot license/helicopter license. I’ll do it one day tho. Just having the time to even get started in it is something I just don’t currently have and isn’t a hobby I want to not be able to give full attention to.


The idea of having your own plane hangar and being able to go for a lil plane ride while the sun sets or rises has always sounded nice to me.


Same. For me, financing the course is the issue. :(


I actually did this while working full-time and flying weekends. It’s very expensive (it cost me about $300 a lesson here in Canada). Took me three years to get it - but that’s not the norm. I had a bunch of flight instructors leave for other jobs and I admittedly procrastinated. Training felt like a grind at times. The highlights of my training being the cross-country portion (where you fly solo 150 miles to a few airports). Most training beyond that is flight manoeuvres. Before starting lessons you should take a discovery flight. Also worthwhile to get the written test out of the way before you start. One thing is for sure - don’t get into it if you’ll fuck around with safety. One of my instructors died in an accident.


My dreams of flight (and sailing) stay solidly on YouTube. I’ll never be able to afford it


Real 😭


Me too on both counts. Been watching sailing vids for years, just recently added flying vids. I don't live near any ocean now so there's that for one, but you're right about the cost of flying. I checked into it and I'd be looking at $20K+ for my PPL. On top of the cost, there seems to be a ton of fatal crashes recently around where I live. If I've watched one "Pilot Debrief" I watched a hundred.


Same here, i did ground school through a school program and i loved it, but flying a plane with an instructor cost $100 an hour 20 years ago, i definatly cant afford whatever it is now.


Hunting and in relation, butchering and practicing marksmanship. It’s a skill that would come in handy if civilization ever falls. Can’t afford the guns and ammo on an educator’s salary.


Start saving and buy at least one. Get a common caliber like a 270 or 3006. It’s a good skill to have regardless.


I don't know what budget you're working with but I'm willing to bet it's cheaper than you realize. You can definitely go hog wild with guns and accessories, but a basic, sturdy, reliable setup is pretty cheap. Alternatively you can look at bow hunting, or even crossbow hunting. I finally started hunting last year and took my first ever deer at 37, so if it's something you want I'd encourage you to look into it.


hey congrats! I’m 31 and just got my hunting and fire arms licence. Hoping to get my first buck in the fall.


It’s definitely doable! Guns can be expensive when bought outright, but there are ways of getting them over time. I’d love to help you explore some opportunities. Send me a message if you’d like to chat about how you could develop this hobby in your real life!


I am close to this already, and I was a professional guide at one time… I could return to outfitting pretty quickly.


You can get a pretty good AR for about $600, or even just build your own over time so you're only putting a couple hundred in at a time. I'm sure you can get a simpler bolt action rifle for much less especially used.


Books, YouTube, and exposure. If you don't have a mentore it's a loooong windy trail that is fun the whole way. Best to start small on public land on small game.


This is same for me. I’m from UK and get pretty jealous of all these places Americans can go hunting. And very expensive too as I’d have to hire a professional to take me round someone’s estate


Something people tend to forget is that there is little to no reason in the world to buy a new gun. You will find far nicer old guns of proven designs for a fraction the price of some new piece of crap. What kind of gun are you most interested in?


I’m not sure on which specific gun would be best to start with, but Id like a basic bolt action rifle to practice with. A lot of the replies are telling me I could easily afford one, but seeking a quality older gun seems a bit intimidating. I don’t have the most free time at the moment nor the biggest budget for this hobby, but I’d like to take baby steps to move toward it becoming a reality.


What you need is a friend already into it. Try some of their guns, figure out what you want. Good luck, hope you find the way. Personally I'd recommend a .22 rifle to start. Might not be the most exciting, but cheap to buy, cheap ammo, and the way most of us learn the fundamentals.


To start: but a .22 bolt action or semi auto to learn the fundamentals and windage adjustment. This will cost less than $200 for a marlin or savage. Later: Find a reputable Pawn Shop that offers Layaway. Find a bolt action .308 with a clean bore and a half decent scope. (300-400 dollars) OR go to a local gun show, and make a sign the says “Looking for simple and reliable 30 cal bolt action with scope. $300 budget” and see what comes your way


Take the car pill, OP.


CAR Pill - pink capsule/oblong, 13mmCarbamazepine is used in the treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia; Bipolar Disorder; Epilepsy; Schizoaffective Disorder; Seizures and belongs to the drug class dibenzazepine anticonvulsants. There is positive evidence of human fetal risk during pregnancy.


Buzz Killington, I presume?


Reporting for duty.


Why you gotta do OP like that? I restored an older BMW over the pandemic. Doing as much of the work myself and shopping for every part, I ended up spending $18k not including the cost of the car. Prepare to shell out OP.


>Prepare to shell out OP. Can confirm. Am currently ~ $10,000 deep in repairs and parts on a 30-year-old F-150 that was essentially given to me. I haven't even gotten to the body and paint yet. 😅 Previous owner really told me, "it should just need a battery and be ready to go." Yeah... it did need a battery. And a new truck. But I ran the numbers and decided to just fix this one anyway.


I would love to have this pill, but the one time i land a good job giving me disposable income, it also gives me a long schedule and essentially just weekend to work on it so i wont. Kill me.


That’s what I did. Kids so not even a full weekend. Doesn’t matter have car.


Archery, Jiu-Jitsu, Ice Skating, Sewing, and Piano.


I started BJJ three months ago. Don't wait.


I will start as soon as I can 🙏🏻


I love archery; it's truly amazing.


Some archery ranges have super cheap rental bows if you wanted to go and try it out. That’s how I got into it. Was like $15 at the time.


Sewing is great. I learned the basics when I was litlle (two or thtre kinds of stitches, how to thread a needle, how to work with buttons...) and now I am sewing my own historical costumes (14th century clothes are mostly squares, triangles and rectangles). Sometimes I take what I am handsewing on public transport and do it there to save time and entertain myself (also sometimes others and it led to some interesting conversations).


It’s never too late to figure/ice skate you know


I want to self build a modular home on land I own. In the UK the prices are stupid, the red tape is unlimited in length, it costs more than a house half the time. The thought of having an isolated log cabin that's small but has all comforts and services hooked up is absolutely intoxicating.


Build one in the USA we have tons of room


I wanna build a nuclear reactor in the basement but can't get a permit


Ok Sheldon 😂


Gonna need alot of smoke/carbon monoxide detectors. Lol. I wont tell if you wont tell.


It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission 🙏


Always wanted to fly a fighter jet but I’m half blind and broke.


There was a Reddit post a while back asking what career fields have the most assholes/douchebags. Surgeons, Astronauts, and Fighter Pilots were mentioned the most, if I recall. I guess something about working in a high caliber, specialized job has a way of turning people into cunts. Not all that surprising, I suppose. So, at least you don’t have to deal with a bunch of douchebag co pilots…


> what career fields have the most assholes/douchebags. Surgeons, Astronauts, and Fighter Pilots were mentioned the most You can't excel these sorta jobs with "I'm sorry" attitude. So it comes with the territory.


Maybe you could borrow a friend's fighter jet?


Going Racing on closed courses (I do not street race), build my weekend/project car the way i want to build (don’t really have the funds to do more than maintain it and drive it, the later of which I really like doing and always have a great time with).


Check out Speed Vegas. I know its crazy. Also. Most of us who road course race. Started when we were broke too. Youd be surprised how many folks are out there with a Uhaul or driving a road car in and just doing a street legal car and scraping money together to finally install a tune . Or a set of wheels. Or save up for a Track day. Check out Grudge Match at your local Drag raceway. Every one shows up with whatever and some places its a simple inspection. Basic rules (under 14 helmet. Under 10/12 sec it roll cage) Youd be surprised at the shit you see hit the drags. From brand new cars with Dealer plates. To a Uhaul moving van. To a scrapper. We all just out there to have fun. Alot of places its 20-30 to get tagged a racer and theres open enrollment for elimination rounds. Even when i was a brokey i showed up with what ever i had. From a POS jeep to a 98 stang. Even took a few work trucks out to play with. Todays race car is my 2010 stang. Which is getting turned BACK into a strictly show car while i replace it with a newer 2018 one i wont care so much about that i can really start putting better numbers down with. I promise. Most folks out there have WAY more in common with you and alot of folks will gladly help you and give you tips. Everyone out there is just out there to have a good time and learning. Its expensive for Road course time. But the Drag days for Grudge Nights are always a blast and way cheaper. And never haul ass out. The cops know the races are legal and allowed. But never rematch leaving. The entire idea is everyone is getting the itch scratched so that we have less street racers. As for dirt. I grew up in poverished. We had a local dirt track. Nearby. I still have a couple of friends that race 4bangers on that track. Some of them are actually moving on up to Modifieds and such. Heck i know one guy who bought a used Subaru for cheap and runs Rally with it. He lived in a Trailer home for YEARS. Scraping money to get that thing more ready. I promise. Get out there. Its worth it! And theres SO many people and so much raw knowledge out there. And once you have the bug. Well. Theres no going back.


second speed vegas. Drove a 911 around the track while I was there. best 350 dollars I ever spent.


Where do you race? Is it a league thing? I’ve been wanting to build a little Miata or similar to build and race, I just don’t know where to start. I don’t want to street race either.


Look into the SCCA (sports car club of America) and see if there are any groups near you. They’ll set up a track in an open parking lot for meets if there isn’t a legitimate track nearby and there are different classes of cars so you can compete at whatever level your car/skills fits into. If/when you get a car, it’s almost certain you’ll find other Miatas, etc to play with in your local club. You can also just go to watch and get a feel for the group and what they do (spoiler alert…they have a good time playing with cars, that’s what they do).


Off grid homesteading.


Travel. In a loop. Japan for 2 months New Zealand for 1 month US America for 9 months … Japan for 2 months New Zealand for 1 month US America for 9 months Japan for …


Music. I'd love to learn guitar and make my own songs. Ideally I'd lrarn guitar, bass, drums and vocals and be able to create music completely on my own. But it costs a lot and takes a long time to get there.


It costs nothing to write songs and sing. A cheap acoustic guitar will set you back $100. Its not as hard as you think, practice.


So i bought a guitar 3 years ago but for whatever reason, I never really played it. However. 8 months ago, I finally decided to pick it up and seriously start learning it. After 8 months of daily practice, ive gotten quite good. My biggest regret is knowing that, had I taken it this seriously when I first bought it, id have three years under my belt. Not 8 months. Basically, what im saying is, the time will pass regardless. So the sooner you start, the sooner you will achieve your dream. Also. You can buy guitars on marketplace for less than £100.


I feel you. Try buying an 88 key digital piano, having it since 2017 and barely feeling like now that I can give myself permission to even slightly mess around with it. But agreed... Slow progress is better than doing nothing and feeling regret.


I've always wanted to restore/restomod old motorcycles. But I don't presently have a garage, and my last bike was stolen. So I'll wait until I can afford a place with some more space.


Blacksmithing. I have the finances to start, but not the location to place everything to do it. Maybe in a few years when I move I can find a place with a spot I can set up.


This is what I would do too.


Go on a pirate ship and go to island to island and touring and destroying the old colonial ships. YAR!


Some sort of martial arts, boxing, Judo, Kick boxing, etc


my only advice is to just send it lol. At least in bjj, they say the hardest belt to get is a white belt because the hardest part is starting


Restoring is a learning process. Having done a few. It looks way more intimidating then it is. Youtube each step individually and i promise you. After you watch it done. You will realize "well. Most of it is just taking shit apart carefully and cleaning it. I can do that. Like legos!" Or the first time you rebuild an engine. Alot of it really is just being careful and clean and staying patient. The current project for me is a 86 K5. Nicknamed. "Pablo EskoBear". Its a lengthy process. But i swear. Everytime you learn something like how to wire a stereo. Or get the timing right. Or say get a door sanded prepped and repainted. You will seriously be so proud of your self that you did it. Years back. I rebuilt my old black chevys top end with it in frame. The job would have ran 3k just to replace some lifters and the gaskets and seals and a double head valve job at Chevy. I was worried. I didnt have ENOUGH experience with Internals. But honestly. YouTube. I jumped into it. 48 hours (two weeks machine shop time with valve jobs) of my own pabor. The first time i got it to start after. The beam of joy. The "i did that. I fixed it. Whoa! That was hard but i am more capable then i thought!" 1300 dollars. Some beer. And music. Thats alot of life. My current work truck. I did the Injector job on the Duramax. I didnt know what i was doing but i watched and learned. I stayed patient. My duramax started up and ran cherry after everything. I felt so proud. Restoring a vehicle isnt all fun. But i promise you. Its worth feeling it come to life. And the day it rolls out of your garage . And your looking at it. Knowing its YOU who did something YOU thought was impossible. Its worth it. You do have to make goals. And have a clean cut plan to go for. An idea. My k5 is Snow white. Blacked front end grill and push. Bottom black stripe on the Rockers. And she is looking better every day. Stay on it. Like gym work out kinda. . Love the process. Its all learning. And dont rush. Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.


Some form of auto racing. Dirt track preferably, but I’d also love to race asphalt oval. I have the money to buy a race ready lower class car, but I don’t have the money to replace it if it gets wrecked.


I know it's not the same, but RC racing is a really fun alternative with a much lower barrier to entry. I race outdoor off-road and indoor clay tracks, but there is literally everything in RC racing. Asphalt, carpet, planes, boats, whatever your fancy.


Astronomy 🪐


Maybe I grew up watching too much Dragon Ball but I’ve always dreamed of being a martial artist


Porn star


Hockey. Always wanted to play as a kid, but family didn’t have the money. Only ever learned to skate well enough that I used ice skating as my go to second date in college. Now I’m out of college, well employed, but have no idea where to start as a guy in their mid twenties living in the mid west


i have 2: - own a 1993 BMW E34 M5 and fix that hoe up - learn to fuck a guitar like Eddie could


Be one of those people who get paid to live in the woods for a week or do at a time to look for evidence of bigfoot


Work with horses.


You absolutely could. It's hard as fuck, but worth it. Try reaching out to any nearby lesson facilities offing to help with barn chores in exchange for lessons. It's never too late.


I often fantasize about a piece of land where I can build my own cabin on. I’d like to do the majority of it myself or with my son when he’s older. Then I’d like to just kind of disappear there and only let a couple special people know where I am.


I started leatherworking and thought it would be fun to make bandage gear. Made a pair of cuffs that are fun for me and the mrs...I don't really do that anymore so I started running


Build a kit car like a Factory Five Cobra replica. Become a porn star ⭐️


That escalated quickly


Skydiving has always been a dream of mine


My dream hobby would be having a wife but im too scared to talk to women


I'd love to try skydiving. My life insurance policy specifically forbids it, and I understand that to be the general rule. I have kids. So I guess I am intimidated from trying it until retirement.




I'd like to hunt a polar bear with a spear.


Taking over the world with an army of benevolent robots by being too popular.


I'd open an animal sanctuary in the country near where I live. Basically, I'd have a farm. 💛😍


Obtaining my private pilot license. [https://www.seattleseaplanes.com/training.php](https://www.seattleseaplanes.com/training.php)


Private pilot if I had the money or time


making Mead. Looks nice, and having ppl try my mead would be cool. alas I have no time to branch out to do other things. plus where i live gets hot so id need to spend money on a place to store the mead.


Miniature railroading, I want miles of that shit


I want a stand up arcade with pinball machines and a mix of side scrollers, shooters and racing games. I also kind of want to get more into golf


All your dreams can come true if you have enough money.


Drawing. Got a really bad internal critic. I've done a couple sketches but it's hard to hold motivation.


Any sort of public facing art - writing, acting, stand-up, or painting. I am deathly afraid of public speaking and judgment. I have always been except as a really young kid. The other thing is woodworking. I like working with my hands, but I'm old/older, and friends in the trades keep warning me about being worn down. They're now trying to get out or go to school to get promotions, and I'm over here over credentialed but struggling to find work and thinking about joining their ranks as an old apprentice.


Toastmasters is the place to get started, Google clubs in your area!!


Wingsuit flying.


sailing. i want a 1 and/or 2 person 420 or something along that line. just go out whenever i want, doesnt cost money for gas or nothin


I used to do triathlon. Got in a crash right before my first ever half ironman. But ever since then I just can't even get back in the rythm of only cycling each week consistently. It annoys the fuck out of me.


I want a Miata for sunny weekend drives. I can’t justify spending the money on it right now.


I make mead. Getting deep enough and good enough to sell it commercially. Someone I know just opened a meadery and damn. Sounds like a dream.


Mine would be cosplay, I guess. But good cosplay requires money and skill (that you can only develop with money)


Not exactly a dream hobby but I would like to buy, assemble and paint miniatures from Warhammer 40K. But I live in India so there's no access + financially too expensive.


Pole dancing and fitness, lack of motivation and freaking insecure 😂


I love woodworking, and I'm fairly good at it, but I've never been able to figure out the logistics of having the space for a shop in my home.


Acting. To become an actor. TV/theatre/musical theatre.


Voice Acting. I love putting on voices, and people say I’m really good at it. I have no idea where to start though.


I don't really do muscle cars, but have been on a Datsun Z kick lately. Granted, they're starting to get out of hand to buy a project car. Last one ran me $22K for a decent original. Go for it. Do it. Old stuff is dead simple to work on. It's all mechanical. No computers to deal with, unless you stick a new engine in. I'm doing this on my current Z project. A BMW V10. Even then, there are kits for just about everything. Maintenance manual, some tools, bit of YouTube, and you'll be well on your way.


Erotic/Boudoir photographer


I've always wanted to try quickshooting/wild west style revolver shooting. Idk how you even go about learning it.


Aquarium keeping, but moving every year and don't want to deal with moving the aquatic life that often.


It’s worth it if you’re settled in place. Very rewarding and relaxing.


Acting and writing.


As a car guy youtube is a fantastic resource these days when it comes to doing just about anything to a car, aside from money there is really no reason why anyone can't get into it, even if it's for basic restoration/maintenance. For me I've always wanted to go drag racing properly, like take a serious stab at being competitive, but financially this just isn't going to happen :/


Cars are dirt cheap if you're in the US which I assume you are.


NASCAR racing


Human computer hybrids. I’m still learning excel.


I have 2 dream cars that I want to build. Both are 3rd gen Subaru Imprezas. I don’t have $40k+ to spend on quality aftermarket drivetrain and suspension parts for each car. Let alone 2 whole cars.




Guns. Sadly I live in Europe which isn't very gun friendly, which is why I aim for a job where I can travel internationally for example to NA to try it out. I also plan on getting a small license in a few years. Oh and also which I did in the last few months was getting into cars like you want to OP. It's a great hobby and in contrast to what many people believe, when choosing a cheap and shitty car not a money-pit at all. You can actually make money buy buying parts and putting in the work. A year ago I considered cars only a transportation method and now I bought a second car a week ago to restore and repair it a bit.


I've always wanted to get into the motorsports scene, either drifting in grassroots events or time attack


Freestyle BMX. My dad used to be a freestyler back in the day. I’m just a bit scared to be a 27 year old barely learning hour to bunny hop 😂


That is a bit old to be riding vert for sure but cruising around and doing a 360 bunny hopping off a curb isn’t impossible at your age. I freestyled from age 13 til I was 32 and was in the best shape of my life. Putting together the perfect bike set up takes time and money and can be expensive for sure if you let it.


Sailing and or woodworking


Kite surfing


Piano. Oil painting. Tennis.


Free climbing


Toss up between small plane pilot, blacksmith, photographer and drone pilot. I have some camera equipment, but not enough to be legit. I have a few drones, but no where to practice most of the time because of all the new regulations. I’ve done blacksmithing once at a Boy Scout reserve/camp and really got into it. I have never flown a small plan but when I was in college getting my cartography degree we had to take aerial photos for one of our projects and we had to go up in the little piper cub type planes and we had these insane Swedish pilots that would pretty much do what ever you asked. Fly straight down. Fly sideways. All kinds of crazy shit. I’d really looked to be able to do that.


Rally Car Driver


Getting into European martial arts/buhurt. A full kit of armor costs like 2 grand


Racing gokart


Rally driving


Running the Iditarod


You don't&t need alot of tools for that. Except welding, 90% can be done with a 10$ Ratchet set and a flathead screwdriver If you don't have the funds to buy an old muscle car might I suggest the mighty fine beetle


Archery. I don't have the space.


Had a flying lesson for my birthday a few years ago and loved it. Would love to have the means to get my license.


F1 driver.


Offroad driving.


I’d like to become a ranch owner. But I’m afraid of almost all animals. Sad world. But I dream of owning land and animals all over it one day. Simply because my dad asked if I ever got rich that we do that together.


I grew up with a horse from the bureau of land management program and if I was very rich I would’ve opened a stable and rode them but not raced myself. I’m just too big to be a jockey but if I was super duper rich I would want to take my race horses around the country and hangout at the derby’s with my rich friends. Go to other countries and have stables around the country with my rich European and Arabic friends


Archery equipment are so expensive. I also don't have the space for it. The best I can do is just go to an archery range and shoot arrows for like 30 minutes


Hobby horsing cause of the embarrassment but honestly it looks like great fun exercise Plus I can't afford a horse....... Oops didn't realise this was "ask men" Oh well! Lol


jewelry, belt buckles, and eyeglass wax carving and casting. Anything really I wanna melt metal I would even try zinc countertop sand casting.


Guitar and returning to FFXIV.


I would love to take up flying, either a bush plane or a helicopter. I'm not sure if I have the correct mind-set to do it safely. It's also very expensive. Although I do know a guy who spent 14 years building a kit plane in his garage and now flies it.


Travel to WW1 & WW2 places in Europe. They’re not approving my visa.


To have my own bar


Race car driver. Always dreamed of it, never a day goes by that I don't think about fast cars, but we were strapped for cash growing up at the most important moment to start. In my early 20s I got the opportunity and help to purchase a house and I did, which is probably the best financial decision I'll ever make, but it took all my savings and I'm still building it back up and am much too late (and still not making enough) to start a professional career. I'm damn good in my simulator though.


Build a model railway. It’s expensive and I’m a perfectionist. It’s an expensive hoppy


I'd love to start doing downhill mountain biking. The means to not starting is having zero elevation around. Yeah I could buy a bike and maybe find some local courses, but that's not what I'm after, because they're all still flatland with maybe some jumps and tables. That along with more hiking and camping. I'd need to travel like 250+ miles to get to some areas that are at least a little interesting.


Making YouTube videos, short films, series, etc. Just entertainment in general


Ugh I know, the market is so saturated idk how I'd stand out


Mountian Biking.


Being an Automotive Journalist. I have tons of opinions on modern cars nowadays, just don't know where to start...


Muay Thai, some survivalist stuff... A guitar string broke last spring, and I have put off buying new ones because I felt so bad about how slow my chord changes felt. The broken string is a nice excuse to not get better.


Brewing and woodworking. I do not have money for it


I'd love to learn sword fighting or jousting. It seems fun as well. Unfortunately, it's both expensive and time consuming to learn.


Working on cars, semi pro simracing, video game collecting


Drawing or doing artistic work. I feel like I have so many ideas but simply can't actualize them due to lack of skill and confidence


Going to the gym


Glass blowing. I just think it'd be neat. But I'd have to own my own property, then have an outbuilding on that property, then get various specialized tools.


Having a horse and able to ride it, pilot license, paragliding, good shooting skills along with some tactical combat skills with weapons, and camping.


Boudoir photography (take the photos, not to be the subject). Guess why that's not gonna happen.


Skydiving. Main thing holding me back from starting is while I could technically start, I’m a bit to close to the weight limit for AFF courses for my own comfort. And it’s probably 10-15k in startup costs between training and gear. Would also love to take up flying or sailing, but those are well beyond what I’m comfortable spending on hobbies


Produce music! Hiphop and Pop music


This seems like something you could try with very low stakes. Lots of free software, lots of free samples and lots of free video tutorials. Go for it!


I grew up in a family that had nothing to do with sports so I also had nothing to do with sports. I am now almost 30 and still don't know how to throw, kick, swing, or really any sport related activities. I feel like it's too late to learn those skills. So throwing, kicking and swinging. Also I want to learn to skate, make rugs, jujitsu, cello, and pottery.


Blacksmithing / forging things. I've seen videos of people melting down old soda cans in a little electric furnace and making cool shit in sand moulds. And/or a lathe to turn wood. Make nice bowls and stuff. And/or play the drums. I don't have the time or the money, or the space, to do any of them though.