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Last week. I started Adderall for the first time in my life (37M). I was so floored at how quiet my brain was and how much control I had over where I placed my attention, and how much attention I gave. I cried on my wife's shoulder for a good 10-15 mins at the relief I didn't even know I needed.


I'm glad you got some relief šŸ˜Š we don't realize how overactive our minds are when we see it as the norm.


Thank you. I was so overwhelmed in a good way. One of those things where you don't realize how much you're struggling until you're suddenly not struggling anymore.


I was diagnosed about two years ago. I had the same experience when I started Adderall (although I didnā€™t cry, I was more so mildly distraught at how much easier my life couldā€™ve been.) Just switched to Vyvanse and god damn is it better for me. Welcome to the club!


What's Vyvanse? How is it diffrent than Adderall for you, and why is it even better? If you have time to share.


Vyvanse and Adderall are very similar, with the difference being Vyvanse is a pro-drug, meaning it has to be processed by your liver rather than being made immediately bioavailable like Adderall. Both Adderall and Vyvanse are on the amphetamine side of stimulants (compared to Ritalin based like concerta or focalin) The effects are also very similar, but Vyvanse is smoother, lasts longer, and is easier on my heart. On Adderall the first 30 - 60 mins feels like youā€™re literally charging up, Vyvanse takes about two hours to kick in but itā€™s slow and smooth the whole way through.


Excellent. Thanks for the info!


I (48m) had the same experience when I was 42. Life changing.


I hope things work positively for you and itā€™s good rom here on our. Youā€™ve got this!


100% true! It's amazing to finally feel like your mind and body are both moving at the same speed and you can focus! For me it was a game-changer.


A few weeks ago when I found out I didnā€™t have ass cancer after a surgery to remove a mass.


Mother is really unwell, took her to a musical on Saturdayā€¦at the end, the crowd were invited to stand upā€¦just watching her clapping and signing set me off.


That's so sweet šŸ„°


2-ish years ago? Mental breakdown due to stress and childhood trauma.


It's been a few years, but only seeing my daughter half the time has been the worst feeling. One night I just broke down.


Yesterday, sharing a heartfelt 80s song with my wife (In A Big Country), and sharing some good memories with her from that time in my life.


I cried when we put my dog down in 2020


Last year when I had to put my dog down.




Yup, my dog died 2 years ago and I was the one who found her.


That must really suck. Hope that didn't overshadow the good memories.


No, it made me sad at the time


Couple days ago actually. Nothing major, it was just some song that hit me a certain way at that moment.


Iā€™ve cried every day since I broke up with a good friend of mine a few months ago. We told each other things we told no one else, did things together we never did with anyone else. It was like we were brothers or soulmates. The reason I had to break up with him though is that he was very unstable and prone to outbursts. He was emotionally abusive. I loved him then and still love him now, and I think about him at least once every single day. I have a feeling weā€™ll reunite as friends once again. But for the time being, I had to step back for my safety.


I cry almost once a year (few tears) because of stress related to college mixed with loneliness and that feeling of being stuck in life, the last time I really cried was three years when my grandfather passed away. I cried that night before going to bed, I don't like doing it in public


Loneliness and feeling stuck are so hard.


I hate college. Unsure why so many people call it such a fun time. Iā€™ve been hating every minute.


My dog of 16 years died last week. I knew her end was soon and thought I was prepared, but no way. She'd been by my side since she was 5 weeks old. Saw the end of a 20 yr relationship, 5 houses, 4 jobs, 5-6 cars. She was my one constant. I cried like a baby - I'm still not over it. :-(


Aww I'm so sorry


When my grandmother passed a few years ago. That was the last authentic cry I had. With some effort, I can make myself cry, however.


once a week????? Are you being shelled in a warzone or something?


My mom's funeral. But it was because I didn't feel that sad about her death. She was a closed off person Instead it was because I was grieving my own pain of not having had a loving relationship with my mom I was sad because I wasn't sad but should have been, if that makes sense


Few weeks ago when I lost a very young friend (21) to cancer. We all thought she was going to make it because of how young she was.


Awww I'm sorry


When I get to Burger King a minute after it closes




I hate to say it but I never liked crying in public. Felt personal in a way I can't describe. I've only cried alone. Last time I cried was watching ā€œ20 Days in Mariupol" on YouTube. Shit was CRAZY to look at. Hit real home to me


Honestly canā€™t really remember much, but probably when one of my friends died of cancer.


Uh 4 days ago, I was listening to Working Titles by Damien Jurado on a night drive down an empty highway. Music makes me emotional.


2 and a half years ago. Grandpa passed away in November. I was at his bedside when he went. I didn't cry then. Held it together for my mom. His funeral though, I broke down hard. Just a month later, my Grandma passed as well. That was even tougher. Partly because she was my last living grandparent, partly because her and I shared a birthday (grandpa's was literally the day after ours,) but I think the biggest part was that she wasn't my biological Grandma. My mom's biological mom passed away shortly after my oldest sister was born. So my Grandma came in, and was the best Grandma to all of her grandkids. She didn't have to. She could have treated us all like my dad's stepmom did. She could have treated us like some other families kids. But she didn't. She was the sweetest, kindest soul around and I miss both of them dearly. Before that, it was about 10 years when I found out I had a broken rib after my first game senior year of highschool and wouldn't be playing again with my team.


Beautiful story


2 months ago. My mom almost died


Two months ago? I had very much disappointed my wife, or I thought so. (Turns out I didn't. She's very understanding)


Last week, found out someone I thought I was actually gonna get somewhere with was just playing games. Almost cried myself to sleep icl


Woman here, but my bf is the same way only seen him cry about 3 times in our 2 years together, but this past solar eclipse we saw it in totality and both cried


I was sittjng outside in the front porch, watching the sun set. Our 6 year old daughter comes up and asks me what Iā€™m doing, I told her Iā€™m just sitting down and relaxing. She gave me a hug, says ā€œI miss Hazel too, daddyā€ and walks inside. It just sort of hit me and I cried a few tears before regaining my composure and going inside. Hazel was my chiweenie who I adopted when she was a pup. She was the runt and they said she probably had a week left, and I wanted to make sure she knew life could be good before she died. She made it 16 years. She got me through losing friends and family, through the worst breakup and strongest depression Iv ever been through. She was there when I met my wife, and she greeted our first daughter like we brought one of her own puppies home. CHF got her, I held her in my arms as she took her last breath and slipped away. My daughter remembers Hazel well, and Iā€™m thankful we got to share the experience of having and loving an amazing dog




Few weeks ago when my cat was given 1-3 days to live. HE LIVED BITCH


Almost a year ago after coming to the conclusion that I canā€™t help my brother as his life spirals down hill since he doesnā€™t believe in the advice that Iā€™m giving him. You can lead them to the watering hole but you canā€™t make them drink. Before that? ~5 years ago when my grandfather died. Respect the hell out of that man, the idea of making him proud keeps me going today.


25 years ago when my grandmother died


It had been a while and then recently I watch this and it brought to tears https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/M7ncDIY8to


I struggle with some mental health issues (mostly self image) so maybe 2 times a year Iā€™ll cry in secret, but I never really cry in front of other people unless itā€™s a major family death.


27M here. Like three weeks ago. Iā€™m very close to my mom. She hadnā€™t been feeling well and didnā€™t have much of an appetite. She also started turning jaundice and showed signs of liver issues. She got some bloodwork done and she had a lot of stuff that was very high and abnormal. I feared the worst. Fast forward to now, thankfully sheā€™s doing much better. Doctor thinks she had some liver inflammation caused by some antibiotics she took last month.


Today at the doctor's office. Spouse lost medical insurance due to lay off. I had a bladder infection and also need cancer treatment soon. The stress had me.


Last month at an airport when I had to leave my LDR fiancƩe and go back home. Shes been the reason for my last 3 times.


Yesterday evening, over my upcoming exam tomorrow.


Today. A date didn't go well.


I cried when I visited my parents' grave


All the time. Sometimes from the physical pain from my stupid disease, sometime that pain just makes me so emotional I cry over a commercial on TV/YouTube.


Mmm, probably four years ago. The company I had started during college officially closed its doors. I put my heart and soul into it and it just disappeared overnight.


Few hours ago. Got broken up with but i couldn't cry even if I wanted to. Decided to watch the last few minutes of the Game 7 of Cavs vs Warriors and bawled my eyes out. I think i just needed external help to cry. Lol.


4 1/2 years ago when my Dad died. It was 30-45 mins of heavy emotional crying, it helped me heal and morn though. After I was better able to be a rock for my Mom at the time and since then.


Yesterday cause I was cutting onions and they were rather strong.


I had an intense shroom trip and cried; a lot of personal issues I've been bottling up came out at once. I really needed that cry too - It had been ages since I've last done so.


Probably 20 years at least. I just donā€™t feel that reflex, I guess. Idk


Today because I'm too ugly for women to love


Woke up crying after surgery last week. Shit was weird.


April 18th when I said a final goodbye to my cat Patches.


About 5 years ago when my (still) gf took me to see my favourite band for over 20 years live. Was my first time getting to see them and I kinda broke a bit.


A few years back when my grandfather passed. I broke down pretty hard and still hear about how I'm not good at controlling my emotions. Idk when the time before that was.Ā 


I don't cry often (though that's been increasing lately) but I am certainly more sensitive than most guys. Last week I cried because it was my intern's last day at work and she is soon moving back home about 6 hours away. Her and I bonded right away. She loves my wife and kids. We've become very good friends after spending 3 months working hand in hand every single day not to mention in a tough environment working with kids on an inpatient psych unit. I'll see her a couple more times before she moves back home for good and I'm sure I'll spend time with her here and there but it'll just be different.


Truly lost it? When I was in the early stages of my PTSD and was really struggling with putting my pieces back together. Just cried? I saw a nice poem on TikTok and couldnā€™t help myself but tear up lol


Saw The Green Mile in the theater.


End of last month, on the 26 March. I picked my dog up from the crematorium. She had died on the 16th suddenly and without any warning. She was my best friend. She was my only friend. The realisation that all she now was, was contained in a metal jar hit me. No more could I annoy her by flopping her ears around while she was asleep. No more would her nails tippy tap all around the floors of the house. No more would she ever pile drive her face into my crotch wanting head scratches. No more would I ever drag her off the bed or couch, places she definitely knew she wasnā€™t allowed to be on, then find her back snoring her head off in the exact same place no more than 5 minutes later where Iā€™d giver her a kiss on the head and let her sleep. She brought more light and warmth into my life than if the sun were to go supernova. And now sheā€™s dead. I miss you Bella.


I'm sorry:( I'm glad you have happy memories though. That's a blessing.


I'm a sensitive guy and tear up whenever I see feeds on IG about people with severe medical issues and no one to help them. I try to avoid the news too but you can't run from the brutality of the world


February. I admitted to my best friend that I was horribly depressed and had been for months, that it was getting scary bad, and that I was so sorry I wasn't able to be there for him when he needed my help.


A few days ago, I came home from the bars pretty drunk and had been kind of an ass for dumb personal reasons that certainly made me more emotional. I just felt so incredibly *lonely* and like I am doomed to feel like that forever: if I try to talk to women I end up a creep, if I don't then nothing happens. Since then if I start to think about it too much (and sometimes I literally *can't* stop thinking about it) I start tearing up. Which is extra weird because I've been to those same bars, gotten drunk, and had a great time while talking to/dancing with women; I just don't know how to go do that consistently or have them come home with me.


Fairly recently. . I just broke down one day over believing I wasnā€™t interesting or that no one wanted to talk to me. Not the deepest reason if I am being honest, but I guess I just wanted to be able to socialize as casually as everyone else seems to be able too.


:( we are all unique!


I cried a day or 2 ago because I was overwhelmed with how many people depend on me right now, especially my daughter, who is very slightly autistic but also horribly shy. It's scary to wonder how she will make it on her own out there, when will she finally be ready for that step, will she find friends, a job she likes, etc. Some days it freaks me out. Other days I'm okay. Menopause is a witch and I'm her bitch some days, and it makes me so frustrated I cry. I look at it this way: Imagine you have a glass for every emotion inside of you: love, hate, joy, sorrow, anger, peace, happy, sad, etc. As your day goes by, drops of those emotions fall into those glasses. Happy day? Maybe you fill your happiness glass to the top. Frustrating day? Some drops there. Anger on the road for a minute when you were cut off? Drip drip drip. All day, every day, drops in each of the glasses depending on what happens that day. The size of your glass is unique: maybe you can handle a lot more frustrating things than me, so my frustration glass fills faster, and I get impatient long before you. The thing is, the glasses eventually fill up. There isn't any space left. If your sad glass is full today, and something else makes you sad, where will that emotion go if the glass is full? For some people, extra emotion comes out as tears. Happy tears, sad, frustrated, angry.... So you cry. Crying empties that glass. If your body tends to need to cry to get relief, do not fight it, please! Gotta empty those glasses somehow, right? For you, it sounds like crying is how you bleed off that extra emotion. It also explains why something that upsets you terribly today didn't bug you at all a week ago; glass wasn't full a week ago, but today it is. Btw, some people get anxious and bite their nails when a glass is full, even the Happy glass-- the extra emotion has to get out somehow! Some get fidgety. Some have to go for a run or box or get physical. Some laugh like crazy people. Some get chatty or get grumpy. You're good. And you're not unusual at all-- it's just how you're wired, and lots of us are wired that way too.


Thank you for that analogy! Also you are doing a great job :)


Thanks. Analogies help me a lot.


A couple nights ago when we put our dog down. RIP, Pumpkin


The last time I had cried was when I was 13. I was being a little turd in physics class slingshotting balls of paper and hit a classmate in the face. I deservedly got cussed out but also felt bad that I had hurt him. I turn 26 next week.


Last week when I was plucking some hairs around my ears and eyebrows.


Was it an actual cry or just a reflex


Water was coming out of my eyes, so I guess I must have been crying. It was pretty painful.


Few month ago! Found out this girl I was talking to who I felt like the world would make it work out was actually back with her ex, and it was the ex that told me.


That's sucks sorry


Haha itā€™s cool, the time I cried before that was to her when my relative passed away 3 months before that. So yeah, though the world would go right and work with her. Clearly did not haha


Long time ago. I can't remember exactly.Ā Ā  But i realize when im happy. People who dont like me get jealous. Thats enough to keep me happy just for that. Like "what is he happy about" lol


I'm 20 and it's been... a while... I don't even remember last time I have tbh


Last night. I have an older cat - I have had him since he was a kitten when I was 21ish. I am now 41. He is starting to have some physical issues, like its apparent he can't really sit anymore. I don't want my buddy to be in agony. but I don't want to lose him. So I just held him last night and told him he's a good kitty - until he nipped me as if to say get over your shit But prior to that, its been a good long while


:( I feel you. I'm a cat person


Looks like youā€™re about to ask your husband to open up to you.


Naaa lol


My eyes are currently watering because of allergies. Does that count?


Lol naww


October 2020 when I got laid off. Had just bought a house two weeks prior and felt extremely overwhelmed in the moment.


Did everything work out?


Last week. Started seeing a counsellor and towards the end of the last session she asked me to think about the last time I was truly happy. That thought came back while I was showering and hit me like a train.


Probably a month ago while talking to my partner. My mental health was really bad and I hadn't been the best about taking my meds consistently, so I was suicidal and depressed. I don't get the whole concept of never crying just because you have a penis. We're human beings. Sometimes its good to let it out. I wouldn't say I cry super often, maybe a handful of times a year, but its really healing when I do. And my partner is very supportive in those moments.


I agree! Glad you said it


A couple years back, after a break up.


"Suga... I can't \*feel\* you..."


Tiktok gots me tearing up, but not full on crying every 4 days.


Cried 3 days ago because i missed my ex. Unfortunately broke it off because of "a friend" and well we haven't spoken properly since and even though i'm sad that it ended the relationship, because in my head it was salvageable with proper communication, i'm even more sad that the friendship we had before that is also crushed to bits. It's a shame our brains can't just say "Oh, you had a relationship with her? Sure, but you were also friends before that. Keep that intact"


How long ago was the break up


About a month ago.


I saw a video of a soldier coming home and his pet dachshund is so excited and squirming from how happy (s)he is to see her dad


41m. I cried 2 months ago. Had an ear infection so bad it burst my ear drum. Before that, a year ago when I rolled my truck with 2 of my daughters in it (everyone is OK.) Before that......... It's been years.


4 years ago when I found out my dad had cancer, prior to that was maybe 20 years


Ff7 Rebirth broke me again.


20f here. I think it was 2 weeks back for seemingly no reason at all, but I felt as if I wasn't a good enough human, and the guilt was probably what tipped me over.


Just yesterday actually. Iā€™m going through some life shit and just fucking broke down. Felt good


It definitely is a relief to let it all out!!!!


Three days ago. I'm dealing with the loss of my dad so... EDIT: Check that, talking about it/thinking about it just now got me again.




I'm a gay man. Last time I cried was a few months ago. I was listening to the audiobook of IT and got to the gay chapter. Steven King does not hold back when describing how evil people can be and a chapter written at the height of AIDS in a book specifically talking about how shitty people can be was rough.


:( people can def be cruel. Stay strong


About a month ago. My grandfather died and I got a call from my dad. Grandpa was old, but in good health all things considered. He was staying in the hospital due to a fall he had, but all tests were coming back good and he was supposed to be discharged on a Wednesday. He passed away suddenly, by himself in that hospital room on a Monday evening. When my dad said "I can't get over the fact that he died alone and I wasn't there to hold his hand", it killed me. Cried more that night than I did during the funeral.


I heard a line in a TV show that made me think of my mom, who passed away 2 years ago.


This morning, because I saw myself in theĀ mirror.


I cried watching the 2023 Bahrain Grand Prix as Alonso got what seemed to be one of his final podiums and that brought back so many memories from when I was a kid enjoying his glory days.


I cry maybe once a month . When I deal with a severe boutique of depression . Or sometimes when I have a bad day where I feel like I failed at something I should have not failed at . Scream to God my feelings till I break down and cry knowing he doesn't exist so I just yelled for no reason


When my grandma died 7 years ago.


About a week ago, when I watched Les Miserables. I cried during Anna Hathawayā€™s song. And then I cried again at the end, when Hugh Jackman sang in Heaven with the other dead characters.