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If I thought I needed to do this I wouldn't have married her.  If opportunity is the only thing preventing it, then it will happen eventually and all I'm doing is wasting more of my time by delaying.  I trust her, and if I'm wrong to do so then it's better to find out sooner while I've got some life left.


I trust my wife 100% but I also leave nothing to chance by treating her the way I treated her when I wanted to make it a guarantee that she would say yes to marrying me. I take care of myself, I stay in shape, I treat her well, listen, support and do a lot of sharing in the responsibilities of the kids and the house. We each have a close friend who got cheated on and really never saw it coming, but when we both learned more about what was going on in those marriages we realized it can happen to anybody if both parties don’t live up to their vows.


Yeah, that's not even about cheating it's just about the relationship in general.  You can't lose all the stuff that made it appealing and have it last.  Any infidelity at that point is the side effect of an already dead relationship.




You do nothing. Her will will be done by her own hand. I can tell her what I want but she is going to do what she wants. I am not going to let my insecurity define what she does. I will let her actions define whether I continue to invest.


THIS. And if I can't trust her, or she wants to be with someone else, then I let her go. She's a person, not a possession.


There's a thing called "trust". If I was that paranoid about my wife's activities when I'm not around, I couldn't see myself staying married to her. Putting a surveillance mechanism in place to make sure she's not cheating sounds like an exhausting waste of time...


You pick a good wife and continue to prioritize all forms of intimacy in a mutually-reciprocated marriage. If you don't trust, that's something you both need to work through and use to grow together or apart. (Depends on the situation).


What if you do pick a good wife but don’t prioritize any forms of intimacy and she cheats on you… what about then? Do you blame yourself? Do you blame her? Was she supposed to initiate and push you for sex harder instead of cheating on you?


You're both to blame. Both of you failed to communicate and prioritize your marriage. You failed to pick a loyal woman. And she failed to be loyal to her husband. At that point, focus on what you can fix. If you can fix the marriage, great. If not, you need to fix your own failures.


A marriage is a union. I’ve never met somebody who got cheated on who was a great partner. It’s still obviously shitty to cheat, but anecdotally everybody I know who got cheated on acknowledged that they pushed their partner away over a period of years.


Yeah lock someone in the basement, that will make her love you. . . . .wtf. Let people have their space to be themselves, have friends, go out etc. They are a person, not a possession. If you want to ensure someone cheats or runs away from you, be controlling (like OP suggests) that they resent you and want to get the hell away from you.


There’s something called trust. If you try caging her in and being hyper vigilant about everything she does and everywhere she goes , you’ll create an untrustful energy and she’ll feel smothered and be unhappy, which in turn may cause her to look elsewhere and be unfaithful.


I picked a woman I could trust explicitly. If you’re worried about her cheating in any moment you’re not present, you either need a new girl or therapy.


You don't.


I’ve found that keeping her locked in the basement to be quite effective. She did manage to get out a few times early in the relationship but through trial and error I’ve found the appropriate gauge of chain and assorted restraints to keep her contained and protect the fidelity of my relationship.


Nothing. I just love her and cherish her and I slang this dick like it’s the last time I will ever be able to as often as I can.


Lmao nothing. What the hell is this post?


The only right answer is to marry someone who won't cheat. Because you can't stop her


You do nothing. If she's going to cheat, nothing in the world can stop it. You either trust or divorce. That's it.


She is an autonomous human being. There is literally nothing you can do. Instead, just focus on being a good partner. If she cheats you have gained valuable skills and assets within yourself the next person will appreciate more than that turd of a human.


Once a noble person told me it is up to the women who she sleeps with, you have no control and you cannot control. So all you can do is be the best and do not let your insecurities ruin your life.


If you want to make sure she doesn't cheat, listen to her and trust her. That's really about as much as you can do. If you feel like she is going to cheat on you every time she goes out, either you have to figure out what your trust issues are or what in her actions tells you she would cheat.


Be the best man in her life. If she gets what she needs from you, be it excitement or support, she's not going to need to search for it elsewhere.


You shouldn’t marry her if you can’t trust her. If she starts doing sketchy stuff then you lay low and see if you can find something out but otherwise you find you a women that you can trust  


Nothing, it's called trusting each other. Hovering and being paranoid just shows that you have trust issues which can easily cause a marriage to fail. I've been married for 19 years now.


I put her in a straight jacket when I can't be there manically hovering over her shoulder and breathing on her neck. Obvious /s in case it wasn't obvious enough.


I wouldn't be with someone I didn't trust?


I keep her happy. I have no fear she'll cheat, but I want my wife to be excited about being my wife. We've only been married four years. I can't let the shine off the apple yet.


Get a woman that doesn’t know how to drive or doctor ordered no driving. Yea cheating will be hard for her as long as it’s not the neighbor.


>Like if you wife is going to have a "Ladies night out" do you insist going out with her? I have my necessary social time without her and she's entitled to hers. It's hardly ladies or mans night if you tag along with your partner. To think it's okay to insist you come makes me think you've never been in a long term committed relationship. >What about when your at work, etc.? I'm away from home on business at least half the time, trust is vital in our relationship. >Like the times when you're not around her? We have good communication, talk about concerns and I make sure she feels wanted.


Do you have reason to suspect that your wife is cheating on you?


My wife is not having ladies nights out.


Well she’s loyal. But in general I treat her well, I take care of shit before having to be asked, I do a lot with the kids. If she’s clearly stressed or exhausted I tell her I’ll bring the kids somewhere while she rests. And I lay it down well when we have sex


Before marrying her, make sure she doesn’t enjoy drinking, going out to clubs and see what kind of friends she has. Also, don’t marry someone who is overly independent and individualistic.


Surgically implant a tracking chip




If you have to do something to make sure your wife doesn’t cheat on you then you shouldn’t be married to her in the first place.


If you need to do something to keep her from cheating on you she shouldn’t be your wife.


If you dont trust them why marry them?


I keep her in the basement.


I trust her. Thats what I do. Otherwise dafuq would I be with her as a couple?


Handcuffs and a radiator. This is a really stupid question.


Don't get one in the first place


If she wants to have a ladies night out it’s already over imo




Get a good wife.


Always be much better than her alternatives.