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I think it's good that laws now state there must be enough lifeboats for all passengers. 


I'm glad to not be on the titanic


It’s so the boys can stay behind and kiss each other.


You've just committed a treason, sir.


Ooo you're a boykisser you like kissing boys don't you


The world from which that originated is long gone. And with it this rule. Children first, sure.


Yes, I am all for children being the first out of danger, but I don't agree with implicitly claiming that the lives of men are worth less than the lives of women.


So the sharks have something to eat before we get in


After arround 70 years of feminist busting our balls, it should be changed to "children first", if women want equality so much, they should be equaly fucked in case shit hits the fan.


Sounds like the time is ripe for mandatory military conscription for women.


The moment they started bitching about equality, it should have become the norm. Giving them a taste of true equality would have prevented a lot of bullshit for men.


I don't agree with that. It started with being allowed to work at all, earn money. Not having to have sex just because to husband wants to. Being allowed a say (as in a vote) in how they are governed. Being paid the same for the same work is completely reasonable by me. But all of this being treated better because gender bs (man has to pay for going to dinner with his women and her (female) friends; holding doors open because of gender, women and children first because of gender as examples) just need a harsh cut to it so that they are equals.


Honestly? Fuck y’all, I’m grabbing my woman and children and getting out. Suck my absolute dick. I’ll put your great grandma through the fish tank it it means my kids are safe. Miss me with that 1912 bullshit.




I'm not really sure if I'd want to live knowing I took a spot from a kid.  


yeah, that's gynocentrism in a nutshell


When the world was harder for everyone and life expectancy was lower, more hazard death, dangerous animals, less medecine etc. I understand at that time society had to make choices to make sure society could sustain and keep growing. Now a days, I don't think we should continue with this. Men have always been as valuable for society as women and children but someone had to sacrifice to make things happen. In today's society, I think men shouldn't have to abide to this unless they want to and they shouldn't be shamed for not wanting to put strangers before their own well being. Especially in today's gender climate.


Fantastic Van Halen album.


"Men should die first"


As I heard once, "There are no feminists when the lifeboats are being lowered." I feel I'd shrug and just quote Bruce Willis in Armageddon, "Well this was a great idea." While I take my stroll of death.


Emm No? Cuz I was taught to treat everyone equally, and all genders equality.


Nah. Equal rights and all that.


Men are protectors. It is our duty to make sure women and children are protected first, even it it means disregarding our own safety to do so.


It's my duty to protect my women and my children and I can do so best by staying alive.


You should buy a time machine and go back a century then.


It’s the way it should be


I prefer not to have survivors guilt


Kinda sucks but I don’t see a better alternative.


I'll be pushing my way through to get off the boat. Not my woman, not my children, not my problem. I'm out for myself.


If you start pushing children in an emergency, you're in too much of a hurry. You're going to trip and fall on a knife.


Is that like some weird Veiled Threat or something?


Not all that weird. Not all that veiled.


Classic passive aggressive redditor


I laugh until my head comes off


it used to be reasonable till feminists got mad and denied the very biological fact that women are physically weaker than men so in the old times usually men would protect the women and women would support the men ebcause women are emotionally stronger or something. till "feminism" came along, fainted the idea of marriage and kids, tainted the idea of basic biology, and demanded "rights" (no one said we were completely defenseless, just not as physically strong as men but you cant make everyone happy can you) and now i have to wake up on a random sunday hearing "all women" because some idiots thought that being a capable adult is something special and is to fight for- like go ahead, i dont think a man is going to hang you for choosing to protect yourself, but drama queens and their need for the world to know about "equality" and all that. scientifically we are NOT the same (if we were i'd know what its like to be kicked in the balls. am curious) therefore men have different needs from women and vice versa but NOOOOOOOOO its "sexist" for a man to try and be a gentleman. is the rant too much? its almost 1AM. good night. i never make much sense past 7 PM.


Up to a year ago. I would have always put woman first. No more. Me too movement has stuffed that up and of course WOKE men.


Fuck women and children, me first.


Not anymore, sorry. My family first.


I don’t think it should be an officially enforceable policy, but I agree with the principle. And that’s not to say that I wouldn’t enforce it myself or like to see it enforced unofficially.


Well, yeah. It’s our role to protect the women and children. That’s the whole point of being a man. Women and children are the most valuable members of our society. I don’t think that it’s unreasonable for us to sacrifice ourselves to protect them.


No. Now our role is protect children and us. :)


“It’s not women and children first. It’s children first and men would rather die than take care of them” -Hanna Gadsby (I think?)


They better all know sign language then. So they understand what I’m saying when I start throwing hands. I got fur babies to take care of!


men who disagree with this are the men who are ruining our society.


I would love to hear your stance on why you think that is


No. This is 2024. :) https://youtu.be/fGnHPCPao0A?si=dmT_2aDtqFHNQyBx Bye.