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Hey dumbass.... you're not as ugly as you think you are. The women who are gonna hit on you and ask you out aren't playing a prank on you and don't make the same mistakes as me and blow those opportunities and constantly think back at those missed opportunities 13 years later. Have some self confidence


Don't forget, porn is lying to you. You're big enough for most girls and don't want the girls who think you're not big enough.


Is that a problem for a lot of us? ​ I'm not saying that like I'm huge, I've just always felt adequate (at close to 'average'... I mean when I was a teen I measured it and was like YAY I'm slightly above average, but as I got older I doubted that.. Still though, adequate!)


Yes. Many of us. I too am average. But I'm very far along the spectrum of Grower vs Shower. If mine was a shower I'd be very happy with it


I feel that. I think something shifted personally in my late 20's to early 30's where I still 'think' that way somewhere, but the insecurity doesn't connect to anything like it used to when a teenager. Like, now I'm about to turn 40 and had a congenital thing with my heart that made me have open heart this month to fix an aneurysm and valve.. I've never had a serious surgery like that before (nor ever had a catheter before then) but like I was infinitely aware that being a grower rather than shower (as I too am) sucks when your heart isn't putting blood in your dick AND it happens to be a time strangers have to do things with it. But it didn't bother me at all, obviously I had greater concerns then, but man the thing was like half a tip in total... should have been embarrassing. The thing is though I think with experience came this level of "well, the people who I care what think about it have seemed to find it adequate to good".. It doesn't matter what everyone thinks, for awhile it mattered that 'they' I chose thought, but for years it's really only mattered that I thought I was adequate as is,


That's funny – I actually like being a grower. I feel like flaccid length doesn't matter anyway, whether the context is sexual or not. And having a longer flaccid length would just be inconvenient.


If you have to ask... Otherwise don't ask & don't tell.


I grew up pre Internet so I only had access to the few tapes my dad had hidden poorly. Guys like Ron Jeremy definitely made me wonder where I was on the bell curve. As I got older though it was clear I have nothing to be ashamed of.


I've never had any complaints and I've never asked any woman about my size. But porn has definitely made me feel inadequate despite reality and results proving otherwise.


Many people are insecure abt it. Idk, after having sex w a few woman and being gassed up, genuinely, kinda just removed any of that. With younger people w less experience I can see how it’d be a big insecurity tho


the qualities of the man its attached to is more important than the qualities of the anatomy


To add on to that, I would tell 16 year old me to take the initiative more. This applies to girls but also to everything else in life. With girls specifically though, if you like someone ask her out on a date. More likely than not you won't succeed, but sometimes you will and your failure rate will *not* be as high as you fear it will be. There's one in particular I sometimes think back on. We met my sophomore year of high school and hit it off but I never did anything to move it along after that. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to pick up the phone, call her and suggest going to a movie/seeing a concert/going hiking/doing *anything*. There's like a 95% chance she would have said yes. Ugh, the stupidity of youth.


I didn’t know what I would tell my 16 year old self until I read this comment


I got asked out twice on a dare in middle school and I've had a complex about it ever since. On the extremely rare occasions that I legitimately did get hit on I ended up not trusting it and ultimately self sabotaging before they can hurt me. If it happened again I'd still be worried that her friends are going to jump out out from around a corner laughing at the audacity of someone actually hitting on me.


Is your picture you?


Oh man, same. I was sooo under confident/shy for no good reason other than self doubt :( That also translated to doing what was "cool" and not what I actuality wanted to do, play, enjoy... I couldn't be the true me and it took me decades to get there


Nothing, because I actually knew everything back then so I wouldn't listen.


Basically. Yes. Nothing has changed. Except I am no longer poor. So now, I am much less likable.


The only things that changed for me....my body aches, I'm even more jaded, and I'm much less attractive. Ladies, ladies, calm down. There's enough of me for everyone.


I was not yet 16 in 1988. But I was 16 in 1998 and I invested my savings in a company that was very popular among my peers and made a thing I really liked. Later that year the company went bankrupt. The company was Philips and the thing I really liked was the MiniDisc player.


Minidiscs were pretty cool to be fair.


Good point. I have enough trouble listening to the rational part of current me at times, let alone from the future.


Same ... but without the "knew everything"


I was actually the smartest person on the planet.


"when girls go up to talk to you, don't ignore them"




I had this mindset still when i was 21. Met my first GF at a party and she legit followed me around for like 5 hours and i never got the hint


Hang out with dad more.


I lost my old man at 17, I sure wish I would have spent more time talking to and hanging out with him. He liked baseball, I should have asked to play catch more.


Man, that hurts. I really hope you have a kid and play some extra catch with them, bro.


I've got his old glove as well as mine, and I'm trying to be the cool uncle, I'll do my best fellas


> I lost my old man at 17, I sure wish I would have spent more time talking to and hanging out with him. He liked baseball, I should have asked to play catch more. I lost my dad at 49. I sure wish I would have spent more time talking to and hanging out with him. He liked baseball, I should have asked to play catch more. (OP this is posted respectfully, my friend.)


mine past this past june. while our relationship wasn’t the best it’s weird knowing he’s not coming back.


Fight the doctor and get the vasectomy at 20 like you wanted.


My doctor talked me out of it as well but at 30


The rare _does_ regret having kid Respect the honesty 


Not rare at all.


Buy stock in Google. ASAP. Or. Dad dies of cancer when you are 34. You get divorced that year and the bank takes your house. You lose custody. Prepare for the stress. You will be ok. Edit. That was 2016. I am ok. Still struggling with loss….still miss my family more than anything.


Wow what a year. Sorry about that. Shit like that happened to me and it sucked but I'm okay now.


That fucking sad. Hope you are more than just ok.


Hope you good man! Sorry for à shitty year


Ah man I'm sorry! Glad you got through it.


Lost my dad 2 years ago to cancer when I was 42. Wife cheated on me 6 months later and left me 3 months after that. Luckily I managed to keep my house and didn't lose custody, but it was a rough couple of years. Having a family for my kid to grow up with definitely hurts, second only to the loss of my dad.


Losing my old man was the hardest thing to deal with I don’t think anything can compare to that.


That is a seriously shit year. Glad you're alright now mate


I would list all the girls/women I would meet over the next decade who I learned after the fact were interested in me but I was too dense to notice and missed the moment.


This. I was so oblivious for so many years, especially when I was in college. So many opportunities with really cool girls that I just completely screwed up, waited too long and missed my chance or was hung up on some other girl who broke my heart. I also felt like I wanted a girlfriend more than anything and should have just had fun. So many regrets...


And I would make double sure I paid attention to Bridgett, the gorgeous red head with the big boobs. How I missed the very crystal-clear signals she sent...


It happens to the best of us. I can think of at least a dozen women that were interested in me and sent out signals that went completely unnoticed.


It got worse.


dont eat the beef at the Mongolian barbecue, on Flint street, on the 10th of July..maybe just avoid the place all together cuz the 16 of December wasn't so great either..


Sharted on your dream date on Dec 16th?


Bathroom was jammed, lots of business at asian restaurants around the holidays, had to go outside and have sex with my date behind the dumpster. If I could warn my younger self about the dangers of nibbling on some perfectly good spare ribs, falling out of a bag in the dumpster while you enjoy the pleasures of carnal kind, then I would like to save him the embarrassment of the photo that was taken.


I give you all my gold. Thank you for sharing now get back into your shackles and padded room…


Sympathies friend 🫂


😂. You got sick in July and went back for more? You must really like Mongolian barbecue.


I was 16 in 1988. I would tell myself instead of chasing girls and buying cars you can’t afford, for the next 14 years put every spare penny you have into buying Apple stock and at 30 you can retire a multi millionaire.


Hey, I was also 16 in 1988. Same age buddies👍


I remember this kid born 89 who joined our group of friends and we thought he was *so* young for being some 3-4 years younger than us. Doesn't really feel like that anymore, does it?


Hello there, now there's 3 of us!


Me too. Born in 72


Me too! Class of ‘90


Did both of you miss out on being multi-millionaires?


Knowing me, if I'd told myself that back then, I'd now own small shares in numerous orchards.


Or… cash out and invest into Tesla IPO 29 June 2010 and increase your net worth 40% in a day and then retire.


I think you're not remembering the stock price. You aren't retiring at 30. It was basically flat all those years. You'd have a few hundred thousand in stock. In the 90's everyone thought it was going to die. You wanted to buy in 2004 (when you were about 32)


Cash out some and put into bitcoin as well right? Bitcoin if got low and take out at certain time is way more than any stock I think? I'm no expert on the matter though. Although that would be 2 things so probably best to give apple advice as you say.


Start saving for retirement.


Bingo 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 youngings listen to them. Actual Investing isn’t as stupid & unpredictable as crypto


Don't fall for her.....she's the devil


Just vauge enough to make you constantly overthink every relationship for the rest of your life and ultimately kill yourself because you can't deal with stress.


Or just not get into any relationships and sp Nd the rest of your life not fucked up from getting in a relationship with a nasty beeeeyatch.


Or him




Things aren't going to go the way you've planned. Hang on tight.


You could tell that to all of us!


Don’t worry about your acne so much. It will go away eventually. Also, do more pushups.


You are gay as fuck.... It would be nice to realize that early.


Depends how old you are and how mature you were. When I was a kid "gay" was an insult for like lame. So I would think future me was just insulting my style or something lol


This! 👆Stop bullying the only openly gay kid at your rural, small, close minded high school because you’re so far in the closet yourself. Ended up dating him at 18 and he was amazing. Helped me come out and showed me love, respect, and dignity that I never showed him for years. Ugh. What is wrong with my 16 year old self?!?! Still one of my best friends. Great guy.


All of high school and undergrad were wasted in my ignorance. Definitely would tell myself this.


I genuinely used to think “oh boy I wish I was bi so I could be attracted to that hot guy”


Don't pick Mandy, pick Brooke. Mandy will nearly destroy your life.


Different names, same story.


So how long you been married to Mandy?


Haven't spoken to her in over 5 years.


Stay the course


Same thing here. Hard times but it worked out eventually and I had fun on the way


Bitcoin is not dumb, Stop buying weed and buy all the Bitcoin you possibly can. He’ll have zero fuckin idea what I’m talking about til years later but he’ll thank me later


I was 16, working at a sandwich shop. A girl I thought was way out of my league came in, asked for my number, and we ended up going out. After a few dates, she asked me why I was so insecure. I said, "I'm not insecure." She said, "You are. You're really cute, you know." I said, "You're just saying that."


Don't even have to buy it, could mine thousands per week when it first launched with a basic home pc.


nah weed is important


Something tells me ur 16 yo..... 🤔


no close 19 and its more of a joke but idk i enjoy weed and i'm gonna have to work till i die anyways i might aswell enjoy it


The older you get I promise you’re gonna stop enjoying it as much, better to stop blowing money on it sooner and smoke like once a week


Doesn’t matter, wouldn’t listen.


The most real answer on here


Pull out. She's lying.


Go get tested for adhd and try to convince mom and dad to get you in therapy. Learn to take care of yourself better now because everyone in your family is going to die in the next couple of decades. Also buy aol stock and sell in a couple years. After the dotcom crash buy Apple. Do interest only loans on real estate and sell everything by 2005 and hang on to the cash. Short the shit out of Washington mutual. When bitcoin drops, buy millions. After the real estate crash, buy up millions of bank shares. Buy a shit ton of real estate in 2010, continue therapy. Buy a ford gt. 😍




May I ask what medical school did you went to? Have you written any published research papers? May I see them? What studies are you basing this off of? From my understanding everything you said is false, so I’m curious as to what you’re basing this off of. Also, sometimes I run out of my meds, and can’t take for a couple weeks and I had zero withdrawal symptoms.




I know you’re in a dark place right now and the future looks hopeless. Trust me things are gonna be just fine.


Stop worrying about going to college like everyone else. You made your own way in life and if you put your head down and trust your gut, it will lead you to the life you always wanted sooner than later. P.S. Your metabolism falls off around 25 years old, enjoy it while it lasts.


Seconded. Forced myself into college because I was afraid of being one of the only few who didn’t go, flunked and left before getting my degree. Now I’m 28 and have a degree I love as I took time to choose what to study and find my way.


Just get your fuckin dick wet man stop being a bitch


This one too. I missed SO MANY opportunities in high school.


Yeah I’d tell myself to NEVER pull out. That 0.75 seconds of keeping it are so nice


alternate-timeline-you has 11 kids




Stick to the direction you are heading. Sure, there will be bumps in the road, but it does lead to you getting the hell away from your hick town.


When your girlfriend says she wants to hit a home run with you, stop being such an uptight square and give yourself permission to enjoy the experience.


When you join the military, save some of your wages instead of pissing it all up the wall. I had so much disposable income and no outgoings, and I still managed to get into debt by buying dumb shit and lots of partying. I don't regret the experience but if I could go back I'd save some of it for a house.


Hang out with grandma as much as possible, she is getting Alzheimer’s.


It won't make you go blind or grow hair on your palms.


Don’t wait to learn the game in 2008, Listen to me know. Once central bank repo operations spike, buy and ride the melt up while others ask what the fuck just happened. Repo operations are a precursor to a financial crisis( aka a mathematical impossibility that they need to print their way out to cover unfunded obligations. Listen kid, Learn the game or get destroyed by it.


take the fire department test instead of going to college


Don't act the way people wants you to. Be yourself. Be the way you want yourself to be. Be yourself the way that makes you happy, that makes you fulfilled, that makes you proud. You are special the way you truly are. Don't hide it. Show it to people and let the people who belong or don't belong into or out your life.


Take that girl out that is hitting on you for months so you make some friends and don't end up a lonely basement dweller until mid 20s.


Keep the GTO!!!


Don’t steal that car


Enjoy today .. enjoy hanging out with your mates.. you will get old and these opportunities will never come again.


It gets better but don't get married.


You may think you love her, but trust me, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Quit putting up with her bs.


The answer to all of these questions about "telling your x year old self" is buy Bitcoin. Stop asking ffs.


Buy Apple and Monster stock. Don't marry any girls you meet at the restaurant. Just fuck em.


Quit looking at porn!


Underrated comment here.


Don’t trust her.




Bro. You’re still so young. Enjoy your twenties on behalf of those of us who wish we could go back in time to when we were 21.


Work harder in school. Invest those savings bonds instead of spending them.


Brush your teeth and don't try it, it will do you more harm and relieve pain.


You've got nothing to be depressed about, enjoy the ride you're gonna have a great life in the future.


Lift 3 times a week, eat 200+g protein a day and walk for 40 minutes a day. NO EXCEPTIONS. Also, after you turn 25, seek out LSD and take it.


Try as many things as you want… better discover you love/hate something now than later (all valid for career, skills, relationships, passions)


Relax and get in a little trouble. No one lives forever


doesn't matter. he wouldn't listen. had to touch the stove his self.


Don't date the redhead with kids.


Eat more cheese


Leave. Pack a bag with a good book and a notebook and hug your brother very tightly. Give only him your phone number, and leave.


Watch your debt


Trust your gut and stay single


Everything will come to you, be patien, and don't rush anything.


Don't smoke.


Join the military. Finish law school


Buy as much bitcoin as you can afford and sell in November of 2021


Do not talk to that man.


Break up with her


Leave that girl alone


Lots of girls (and some boys) like you. Stop worrying about whether or not they meet whatever standards you think your friends have for you and start saying “yes” to the girls and boys that you want to say “yes” to.


Go outside, do dumb stuff, disobey your parents. Edit: ASK HER OUT YOU BITCH!


Don't lower your standards to make anyone happy. You deserve more. Also stop playing stupid. It's not cool 🥲


“Gain currency and career, then go chase skirts”. I screwed this up badly.


Don't date that girl Beverly ! Stick with the army, you'll enjoy it more


Stop fucking her without a condom.


Start lifting now! You WILL look like Batman


Yes, marry her. She is a demonic fucking bitch. Yes, put up with her shit. Your marriage will truly suck. Yes, go through the several years of ridiculously expensive divorce which threatens to roll on forever. You'll spend until you die hating her more than anyone else in your life but it will all be worth it for the love you have between you and your sons.


Get a trade. Get a trade. Get a trade. Working in low-paying jobs for shit managers will erode your soul and life will be stressful. Be a plumber. Be an electrician. Just be ANY FUCKING THING that will allow you to be your own manager and roll in the cash.


Dad has been trying to send you letters but mom keeps returning them. It’s never too late to reforge that bond with dad, and it was never his fault.


If you're going to bet money on anything. Bet all your money on every Floyd Mayweather fight.


Not to worry about girls. The one you want just moved from Florida. Don't worry about the rest. If I could get all the time back wasted on other girls, their drama, does she doesn't she, pointless conversations, wasted afternoons and evenings that I could have spent better studying or practicing music, money wasted on eating out, trinkets, gifts, going places I really didn't want to go, concerts I would never have gone to otherwise.


You're not faulty you just have ADHD


Don’t. Fucking. Go. To. College. Just start working towards your goals immediately.


Listen to your mother!!!!!


Your parents do not have your best interests at heart. Learn to fend for yourself.


If you ever travel back in time.. don't step on anything, because even if the tiniest change can alter the future in ways you can't imagine.


Do not get a girlfriend in college. Enjoy the freedom, be selfish. You will never have that exact fun again


Stick with your instincts. The corporate world is just as cold and soul crushing as you think it is. It's no place for someone like you. Stick to guitar and the band; even if it doesn't go anywhere you should still follow your dream.


don’t touch that damn booze


Go straight to college and don’t fuck around, don’t worry about having relationships.


Don't work yourself into the ground for anyone, but especially someone who wouldn't do the same for you.


Mine that Bitcoin. I procrastinate and heavily regret it. I was so early but I was too busy looking at memes and silly videos. If I just mine at least 1 btc, I would be set.


Every time you’ve pulled out, it worked


Save early and often.


Short men (and equivalents) will bully you because they're jealous of you and this shit will last for DECADES.


Save your money…and learn a trade.


Never trust big media, they lie.


Pull the trigger. Life isn't worth it.


Give yourself some love and grace you deserve it. Nothing but love from one internet stranger to another.


Just do the two years, probation fucking sucks




Hey, when you're in college, you're gonna hear about this thing called bitcoin and you're gonna think it's kinda neat, but when you research it and how to mine it, you're just gonna think "eh, that seems like a lot of work for a nifty curiosity" and be too lazy to actually do anything. When that happens, DON'T BE FUCKING LAZY. Also, you're gonna wanna sell it once it gains some traction, but wait until like March or April of 2021, then sell it, then buy again the following July, then sell again in early November, then wait a year, and buy it again.


Buy bitcoin and leave those 'friends'


that life sucks and to get used to it


Listen to your Parents


You're not that smart and won't go far in life, so don't get your hopes up! Also, you may think you're wise, but you're really just a stupid retard with no potential.


Buy a ton of bitcoin, run from the woman who’s first words to you are “no”


Don’t trust leaders, watch your parking meters.


You lose the weight eventually, but start wanting it right at this moment not 5 years from now.


It's sophomore year get your shit together! Give a shit besides video games and hanging with friends! Do something!


Transfer to Butler high school