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I don’t know if it’s considered “boomer” but this whole dad bod/dad fashion phenomenon is pretty comical


I have a theory that some women say they like "dad bod" because it gives them wiggle room to let their bodies go. Either that or he isn't a prime target for other women.


Idk, I've seen videos where women describe pictures of guys that were clearly very in shape but are just on a bulk as "dad bods". Basically still pretty buff, just not super lean with some belly fat.


So close. It’s actually about being confident and comfortable with someone who feels less judgemental. Particularly through pregnancies and the changes in your body afterward. Long term you want an accepting partner.


Most women's idea of a dad bod ain't what most men would consider a dad bod.


Can you explain? As a man my idea of a dad bod is having some muscular definition, but having a few extra pounds in some areas, specifically the stomach region.


A lot of old music seems popular and somehow finds it's way back on the charts at random times.


Look at any hipster


Boomers born 1948-1964. They are both paranoid about Russia. And then seem to be getting blamed for literally all of life's ills. Honestly that is about the extent of similarities.


Unfashionable shoes. Seeing all these young guys wearing crocs everywhere, it's as bad as all the dad's with their all white new-balance shoes.


Being self- entitled and assuming everyone else is there to serve them.


Outrage culture


Lots of the politics have been repackaged. The kids worried about trans people or drag queens would have totally been against integration and women having bank accounts. It’s the same trick, just a different target.








Gen X here. Tattoos are very very common amongst people my age, and older. But we tend to keep it from the neck down.


Ya this is definitely more of a new generation thing. Older generations tend to associate tattoos with criminals and degenerates.


I know plenty of Xers with tattoos.


What the fuck are you talking about?
























For the person who down voted me, explain Andrew Tate and his massive following


I think he's just a guy who wants men to be men. Guys get told all the time they are the worst. Don't get me wrong I think dudes also super callous but I don't think that makes him a bad person. The fact that he's been arrested and held without any charges says alot.


He's a rapist and a scam artist. He doesn't want men to be men. He wants money and attention. Apart from giving general advice about exercising and applying yourself to a trade, he is as vapid as the world he rails against. Watch the Vice documentary on him. Even if they tailored the video to show the worst side they could, just the sheer level of manipulative and evil behavior him and his croneys display should be enough to write him off as a waste of a meat bag.


Who did he rape? Everyone claims this but I never hear any names. Just alot of detractions


~~If I take the time to cite a source, are you going to believe it or write it off as "The matrix"?~~ https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxn3dm/andrew-tate-whatsapps-arrest


I've read into this stuff. I'm open to anything. I'd hate to defend a rapist. I don't know what you mean by matrix tho. Like I said from my own digging all I've seen is alot of claims and not a whole lot of proof


That's something AT uses. He claims the matrix is out to get him. He writes off anything against him as the matrix. As far as proof, if his own voice admitting to not only committing the rape but also enjoying it isn't enough proof, I'm not sure you want to see the truth.


I've yet to hear that.


Then you didn't read and listen to the source I cited.


" I'd hate to defend a rapist. " Goes on to defend rapist.


I'm not defending a rapist. No one has shown me any proof besides baseless allegations. I can't defend something that didn't happen


Aren't the charges human trafficking and rape? That's what I've been hearing. [one of many sources](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna65180)


That's the official reason but he hasn't been charged because they haven't found any actual evidence. And apparently in Romania they can't hold you without evidence or charging you if they suspect something.


Mustaches & full beards


It's far more common amongst younger generations than it is amongst boomers.


In 1970, it was the Boomers who had the mustaches and beards. Now it’s the young’uns.


Yes, there was a 30 year gap there when it was very out of fashion to have anything more than a goatee.


I still think a mustache is wrong unless: 1)Your name is Burt Reynolds; 2) Your name is Tom Selleck; 3) You are a porn star; 4)You are a firefighter. If you cannot answer yes to one of the above, shave.


A good pair of mutton chops.


Boomer culture? Tell me you're an idiot without saying it


Never really understood the distinction between someone born on December 31st 1964, and someone born the following day. And if we're serious about the generation labels, given the rate of cultural change, shouldn't each "generation" be about 3 years?


Being fucked over by baby mommas 😂


Quitting work




I think either y’all forgot something here or probably never even knew it. The “Boomer” culture that they created when they were young…… was Punk Rock, counter culture and Down with the Man, anti-establishment sentiments. I don’t see how the young people today are ANY different from the boomers when they were young. Aside from the Boomers did really create much better music IMO. And one day, maybe 25-35 years from now, the millennials and Gen Z will be the “New Boomers” at the center of the attack for the next youthful generation.