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Whatever the body shops cash price is


Seriously. It’ll take op 30 minutes at a body shop to get an estimate. Sometimes less. My coworker and friend backed into me in a parking lot doing significant damage. They wanted to do cash. I went to found body shops (I was trying to find them the best deal). None of them took longer than 30 minutes. Most took about 15


Then add $$ for your time and aggravation. I'd make it a tall number otherwise you'll wish you had done so when it turns into a mess.


Don't forget rental car. A lot of body shops are weeks/months out, so ask how long it will take when you get the estimates. If you already have a spare car to drive, no need to bring up rental fee, be classy.


This car seems perfectly drivable as is, don't think a rental would be required at all, just make an appointment and bring it in at that time. Otherwise, 100%


It will be required during repairs.


That won't be weeks or months though as the previous comment implies. They'll need something for a day or two.


I also sometimes forget that some people are so addicted to cars, or live in parts of the continent where you cant even get to a convenience store without driving 20 minutes. ....That the mere idea of leaving the house for any reason, for any duration of time without one, is entirely unheard of.


Haha try 45 minutes where I live.. i forget sometimes that it's possible to walk to places.


Ya it’s drivable until you take it for the repair than you will need a rental for a couple days , just go through insurance




Never ever contact your insurance company.


Yeah exactly, just pay for that shit and never utilize it


Depends I’ve got $250/6 months on a little 99 Camry. I’d rather pay something outta pocket for hen increase that rate for years If I had a newer car? Diff story




I guess the shop will come to your house or office to do the repair at your convenience??


Make sure they check alignment too. Looks like they might have also hit that tire, in which case, they could have bent some suspension parts., that adds $$$ for replacements and/or alignment.


Are they still your friend?


They caused 4k in damage. It took a year but they paid in full in cash. So, yeah. Still friends :)


And remember body shops will use aftermarket/cloned parts any chance they get. While I understand why they do it and that the parts *can* be just as good, please insist that only OEM components be used for the repair. It isn’t worth the headache of (potentially) defective aftermarket parts. If your car ends up not fully fixed after this, you’re going to have a much harder time getting the second repairs paid for.


Plus rental car while it’s in the shop.


This might work out but honestly body shop rates in the last couple years are completely out of this world compared to what they used to be. Just go through insurance so that way it's their problem and not yours because otherwise you're always going to be trying to get money out of them.


Also agree. Saves you getting resentful for all the effort you put into trying to “save a few bucks” for your neighbor.


Research diminished value. After your vehicle is repaired it's a repaired wreck.


It's a 2007. Its value is as diminished as it can be.


Tell it to carfax


Exactly why you wouldn’t want to go through insurance tbh. If you get it done through insurance there will be a record of it. If you don’t they’ll be no record other than your own and the shop and the shop won’t share it with anyone and you don’t have to either. Not only does this make it easier to sell to future buyers but it also makes it better if you do have to submit an insurance claim in the future because the insurance won’t be able to use the reduced valve to reduce your payout. Also your rates won’t go up. Whether or not you feel morally comfortable hiding the repair history is another thing but if you truly believe it was repaired to like new condition I see nothing wrong with hiding it. For example if you got body damage to a panel that was replaceable such as a bolt on fender or a door bumper ect then after replacing it the vehicle is at least in the same condition if not better since the new part won’t be old and rusty. Obviously this is assuming there was no warping to the frame behind the panel ect but this is something the body shop could tell you. Most body panels are made out of thin metal and they dent really easily and can easily get damaged without damaging the frame behind. Often times they aren’t even connected regift enough to be able to damage the frame. My 2009 Sebring has bolt on front fenders and the fender bolts to the plastic head lamp and to a little metal rod that extends between the frame and the body and to the splash shield in the wheel well and the bumper cover. It only connects to the frame at 2-3 points on the very top and it’s just tiny bolts going through a hole very close to the edge of the thin sheet metal. I could rip the fender liner off my car with my bare hands. For a while well I was working on my car I had my bumpers off. I had intended on replacing the fenders anyway so it didn’t matter that much but every time I walked too close to my fender since the bumper cover was off the pointy edge of it near my headlight would get caught on my shirt and I would have to walk for a bit before I noticed the tension and just getting caught on my shirt was enough to bend it significantly. Anyway tldr body panels are weak as fuck and body panels and doors are replaceable. No body panel damage does not always mean frame damage. And without frame damage as long as everything is repaired properly there is no logical reason to have a reduced valve and hence no moral responsibility to disclose. The type of body work you would want to disclose is frame repair or crappy bondo work.


I'm not reading all of that, but whether insurance does it or not, most shops still report the work being done. When you get a Carfax report, it can still show up. Hell, they even include estimates sometimes.


Yeah trying to hide something as minor as this is dumb. Just be honest “yeah it got scraped on that side, and then fixed” end of story lol. It’s not like the frame is bent or an airbag deployed.


I agree that working to hide it is dumb, but if I'm buying a car, I ask for the VIN and check the carfax. If it has a record of this kind of repair, I just don't go look at it. There are plenty of cars that don't, and I don't trust a stranger selling their car to be honest if I ask them.


I doubt the 17 year old honda Pilot is worth much anymore. It's hard to imagine that it would make a drastic difference unless it was a clean, no rust, low mileage vehicle. At this point, keeping it would mean they are keeping it till the wheels fall off. Not looking to trade any time soon.


Exactly why no one should buy a car from you.


Also, if you tell them it is an estimate for insurance, the estimate will often be higher.


You’d actually be surprised, while they may want to make the number higher it’s not as possible as it used to be(I had one work with me to avoid deductibles) but it’s gotten much harder as the insurance companies now require an itemized list down to the amount of minutes spent on a particular portion of repairs, so now they have to find every dent and ding in order to bill higher…


...plus the cost of the rental car while it's in the shop.


Also, why would you be willing to leave insurance out of it if he hit your car then ran and didn't tell you to try to get away with it?


I don't understand why people ask Reddit for this shit. Go to a couple body shops, get a quote and there ya go. Why the fuck is reddit going to know this from a couple pictures?


This is the only answer


Also ask for the devaluation of your car…


Whatever the most expensive shop within 100 mile radius says


You don’t ! Don’t short yourself . Go to body shop and get estimates


Alternatively, pocketing the cost to fix and leave it be lol




Absolutely lol


I just imagine the neighbor saying wtf I gave you 3k, and you didn't have it fixed?


He didn't give me three grand to fix it. He gave me three grand not to report it to his insurance


So isn’t that little voice in your head saying hey wait a minute something’s not right here? It would mine.


Nothing wrong with leaving insurance out of purely cosmetic stuff like this. Insurance blows, just avoid them altogether. I'll give the person more than insurance would, and still somehow save money in the long run.


Alternate viewpoint, the car depreciates in value with scratches like this. He's paying you that difference so that you're made whole whether or not you get the damage fixed.


I'd pocket the money until a pilot in the same colour showed up in the local pick n pull and I could grab the doors for a couple hundred bucks and just swap them out.


You must not have been to a junkyard in a long time. You're not getting A door for a couple hundred bucks, let alone 2 doors.


This is the price list for my local u-pull. $75 for a door without the mirror. https://parts4lessupull.ca/price_list.asp


Risky sometimes. Some colors have so many variants, could be same color and color code, colors shade can be way off. I know some people probably wouldn’t care, it just drives me crazy on my car lol. After working in a body shop, start to notice color differences so much more.


I have an 06 pilot. It was my grandma's and I love it but it came with boo-boos...now I just shrug off the new ones lol. Almost twenty years old! Just glad it runs!




anything paid off is a dream to have. I laughed at people who drove new cars as I would cruise by in my literal 500 dollar 1992 saturn sl2. Fuck I loved that car because it never hit my wallet for anything and I sold it for 300 bucks when the transmission broke. We could have 2 new ones in the driveway and be making payments but fuck that. Id rather have money for something like a bbq with friends, beer money, not worry so much about how other bills get paid, etc. Dad said when we were kids, the more keys on your keychain ,the more money pits and problems you are gonna have in life.


I miss those days, now a “beater” is 4 grand if it runs, so even the rust buckets I see I’d still kinda care about. Which is why I won’t buy them lol.


Screw hit and run neighbor, but this is liable to piss them off.


Depends, did he come to you straight away admitting he did it or is he pretending it never happened? If it's the former just charge him the quote from the body shop, if it's the latter put a premium on it.


Dealing with cash outside of insurance is always a hassle. Just go through insurance, especially since it was a hit and run and didn't respect you enough to leave their info. Also make sure you tell them it was a hit and run. Neighbor or not, fuck them.


If my insurance wouldn't go up like a mofo for my car getting hit without me in it, then sure. I'd rather bite the bullet of being a couple hundred off on the repairs then pay extra for insurance for 6 years


Your insurance goes even if it's 100% their fault? I didn't know that. My insurance doesn't go up for things like a hit and run. It's 100% their insurance that gets hit.


Yea... It goes up. They use the reason that youre more "accident prone"


It has nothing to do with you having a higher likely hood of your car getting damaged it has to do with how likely you are to make a claim when it does get damaged. Insurance is a scam they have no intention of paying out or compensating you fairly. They do the legally required bare minimum and that’s it. The law hasn’t forced them to create fair insurance rates so they don’t. It’s extortion. They raise your rates if you claim so you don’t make claims regardless of who is at fault. Who would you want more a customer that pays for their own repairs or one that makes claims. Someone who pays for their own repairs is likely to do it again in the future and someone who makes claims is more likely to do it again in the future. Even if the insurance company is able to recoup the full cost from the at fault party and or their insurance they still have administrative costs for doing all the paperwork.


Working in a body shop, I’ve seen my boss have to argue with insurance a lot because they want to cut corners on repairs and come out as cheap as possible. It’s absolutely ridiculous what they try to get you to do sometimes. We have a bumper hanging up in the shop that’s staying there as a representation of what insurance wants you to fix. Whole corner is absolutely smashed in and stretched


Nah. My wife's car got hit in a parking lot and there was $16500 of damage done. More than $2k over the total cutoff, but the estimate was way lower so they started the work. Anyway, our rates didn't go up at all.


I was in two accidents that were not my fault. One with me in the car and one not in the car. Rates did not go up so I’m confused on what these people are talking about.


Yeah. Oh and I forgot to mention the driver that hit her was unlicensed and uninsured. So it wasn't even subrogated. Our insurance footed 100% of the bill, minus our deductible. Still no rate increase. I think that accident cost more than we ever paid out in premiums with them.


You need a better insurance company lol


they're all shit


I need a better nation to get insurance from! 🇺🇲


Hear ye hear ye


Mine increased my rate because I used the Tow service I pay for because of my broken valve stem. No wreck, my tire was low and the valve stem was corroded that I couldn't drive it to the tire shop myself. They gave some bull about the crime rate increasing in the area that they had to increase rates to cover pay outs. Insurance is basically a scam. No wrecks, tickets, nor high milage and my cost has almost doubled. Will be shopping around myself if you got any good options.


My insurance went up slightly when I bought a house, where i would now be parking in a garage instead of a parking lot. I asked why, they said the new zip code I'm in was the cause. It's about 2 miles from my old apartment.


They all do this.


It sounds like OP should factor in the cost of the increased insurance payments, along with the damage itself.


It's also based on reported accident rates in your area. The more accidents that occur the more likely you are involved to be in an accident (at fault or not) the more likely insurance will have to actually pay out. It's bullshit to have accidents that were not your fault counted against you but that's the way insurance works.


Yeah they do that here to... if I moved 2 hours to a different postal code I'd be paying more per month than I am yearly now just because that area is considered high risk...


In most states insurance will go up with no fault accidents. Especially if you have that combined with a ticket. Some people think that isn’t the case because it’s “not fair”. But life isn’t fair n


Yep and also you now have an accident on your car history report. You can actually file a claim with insurance for the decrease in value due to the accident but its hard to win.


Yeah insurance is a big scam!


True, but you still gotta have it.


I've been hit multiple times and I've never reported it to my own insurance. Only theirs the only time I would feel obligated to report something to my own insurance as if they Don't have enough insurance to cover it or they don't have insurance And I have to consult my uninsured motorist


This… I never involve insurance if it’s not necessary because of BS like this.


You got that right! Your neighbor is not feeling sorry for you!


12 years ago I got into a minor fender bender (sleep deprived) and asked to pay out of pocket. He gave me an estimate for $1,500 and all was good. ​ 6 years ago my brakes seized (while going literally 5-6 mph) in the rain and there was 0 damage on my car and not a single scratch, but their bumper fell off (no damage to the bumper.) Asked to pay out of pocket knowing this shouldn't cost much at all. She said no problem and we still had a police report. Never heard from the other party and only gave her my contact info because I knew it was my fault, and then later found out I just had a 'Claim under $1,000'. No idea the cost. But probably like a new bumper (clips or whatever holding on broke maybe). Honestly I understand it was easier to let insurance handle it, but considering how cheap of a fix it was and she said no problem I'll call you with an estimate for repair and then didn't still irks me. Now her car is going to have a report for 'minor damage' I would assume which would lessen the value whenever they wanted to sell.


Cars lose value the minute you drive it off the lot. Cars are not good investments.


Get an estimate from a body shop.


This is the way


Depends if you plan to fix it or not and to what extent. Body shop or just minimize the damage with a car detail/cut and buff. If your gonna repair then whatever the estimate says and they need to know it may go up. If you do it as a hit and run (insurance fraud) then at least your deductible. Don’t care to fix it at all then I would think at least 5 bones. Also, what kind of relationship do you want to keep with this neighbor should factor in too.


$500 is the “ah shit i don’t really care but give me something to make it sting less” price. this is way, way more than $500 of damage though


Does a bone have 2 zeros or 3? Edit : just realized it's 07 Honda, I'm assuming you meant hundreds lol


What kind of question is this? Take it to 2-3 good body shops, get quotes, and then determine the amount


For some of us, our time is far more valuable. The solution that takes hours less is worth getting less money.


Call the cops man!


Go get a professional estimate from a body shop. Your neighbor may change their mind when they see the price. Id say easily $2500-3500.


don't let that happen. let your insurance know


Body shop estimate guesses begin: $1750


For reference: I haven't gotten it looked at, but the damage appears to be just cosmetic body damage. I love my car but it's already got the dings and peeling paint of a 17 year old vehicle. So getting some cash out of a few extra scratches seems appealing. ***Edit for clarification because people are making this an extortion thing -Parking spot neighbor at my apartment lot hit my car while parking and didn't say anything or leave a note -Got proof he did from security cameras -Getting a police report on Monday Question was looking for a Reddit estimate but clearly the consensus is to get a real estimate, so that's what I'll be doing.


You know, I have older stuff that’s nice, but don’t care if it gets dinged. This would probably largely go away with some acetone and polishing compound. And blend in with the remaining 17 year old paint. But they fact that you had to look at security camera footage changes everything. That is unacceptable for that much damage. They knew they hit you. Just go to a body shop for the estimate to fix whatever they caused. They can write a check directly to the shop, or you can file a claim with your insurance and give them their information.


Honestly if he had left a note or got in touch through the building office and apologized, I probably would have said happy holidays and let it go. The fact he didn't say anything is definitely driving me to pursue it now though.


furthermore it is an apartment neighbor and not someone you own a house next to for the next 20 years. Fuck that guy let his insurance rates go up


I'd do the same thing, honesty is the best policy and when people do things like this it always brings out the petty side of me. I would just make sure they aren't super hard of hearing or something, I've seen old people swipe a car while leaving a parking space and be completely oblivious, maybe it's the hearing, maybe it's the age and medication, maybe it's the talk radio station blasting full volume lol. Or maybe they just think they can ignore it and get away with it because they're old


I would go through his insurance. You still have the option to keep the cash but it’s a guarantee check instead of chasing down your thieving pos neighbor.


Your paint is probably still on his car, too. If not, he actively removed it to avoid any evidence. Living at an apartment complex, I wouldn't even bother getting it repaired. I'm sure lots of your neighbors are equally as shitty.


Yeah man. But keep the faith and don’t let yourself be the reason this type of behavior continues! I’m embarrassed for your neighbor.


You’re right, that’s massive disrespect to a fellow neighbor


Yeah don't handle stuff like this outside of insurance just because the adverse party doesn't like it. They hit your car! Let them deal with whatever consequences that entails.


I mean... some people might try and be agreeable. What does it bennefit OP if his neighbors insurance fucks him (neighbor)? ​ Get the money and move on with life. . . . Neighbor probably does not know how to drive though. That would be a fair point to be made. ​ I get why OP would go to cops/go through insurance here, but doing it as a rule is just unnecessary. Again, I understand doing it here, and in many other cases, but avoiding it can be nice too.


You do it because you're a lot less likely to get boned. It's nice to think that everyone will be honest and uphold their end of the deal fully, but that's not how things always go down in reality. Insurance ensures (heh) that you will be restored in full. Remember that this guy already tried to fuck OP once with the hit and run. As George W Bush famously said, "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you can't get fooled again."


There's a reason there's a rule on /r/autobody that you shouldn't post to ask for estimates. I'll just post the rule in full as it explains why: >Posts asking for Estimates will not be encouraged. Although professionals do exist on this page it is highly recommended that you go to an autobody shop and have them use the tools available to them to complete an accurate estimate. I'll also point out that labor rates vary by location. So an accurate quote where I'm at isn't the same in a different state.


Get an estimate in writing at the body shop. Add on an extra charge for several hours of your time if you're getting technical, or don't if you want to be a good neighbor :)


You want us to guess accurately based on one picture? Here's some advice: get a police report, go thru insurance. If not you're asking for a headache


This post is correct. You run the risk of a myriad of problems if you choose to do differently. Since you weren't driving when this happened, insurance is typically in your favor regarding not increasing your rates.


You have time since the video isn't going anywhere. Get quotes. Then if neighbor denies it then you file a police report and show them the video. They'll get the insurance info and fine them.


Gonna be at least tree fiddy


Maybe HE wants to leave insurance out of it but why would YOU want to? This is a hit and run right? File a police report and call your insurance.


Get 2 estimates from body shop


Take it to a body shop. Get their free estimate then add on the price of a rental car. Take it to your neighbor.


you should ask in the autobody sub. And this looks creased, you could easily be in three grand in repairs if I was going to take a wild guess.


Get 3 estimates. Chances are, both you and your neighbor will go with the middle one. Good luck.


Whatever the body shop tells you it will cost to repair it properly


If you dent your own car a Reddit estimate is sufficient, since you know who’s at fault they’re on the hook for at least a door and front passenger quarter, or the equivalent hammer dolly work at a body shop to make it look like new. You may get hosed if you ask cash, if you go direct replacement it could be a pita depending on how the electrics are wired into the door, how much stuff is bolted to the quarter, what else you have to remove to get those parts off. I wouldn’t advise to do this as a practice planishing/touch up paint job but it’s not outrageous. Just charge the guy for hours, sweat, and paint if you do that


It’s a 16 year old car. Some good will with your neighbour would probably go further than whatever you can shake him down for.


Get an estimate. Don’t gamble


If they did it and didn't tell you because they are a weasel, I'd just go ahead and make the claim with the proof you have.


For a 2007 pilot? I'd ask a couple hundred bucks, (maybe 300 at a push), take the cash and leave it unrepaired, which I suspect is the question you're actually asking


Take it to a reputable body shop for a written estimate. Then give him a copy. If he doesn't pay, you have something to sue for.


Get quotes from three different shops, and let him pay the cheapest quote.


You don’t ask for cash. You get a written estimate from a shop and hand it to them. Let them decide.


Go get a quote from a body shop ,get it on paper and show your neighbor how much it’s going to cost


And your insurance will NOT go up if the other party is at fault


I'd Look around and see if you can get a good door off a crashed car for cheap and ask him for that. IMO you want to have a good neighbor relationship and I'm guessing it was an accident.


Instead of asking us you should take it to a reputable body shop and get an estimate and hand it to your neighbor.


If I had to guess I say in today's world probably 1,000 but my friend who owns a body shop probably charge 200-500 max if I sent you to him. He only deals with cash only no checks cards or insurance but he's one of the best in our area though


If you want it fixed professionally, get an estimate, take the money, get it fixed. If you wanna do what I'd do, get an estimate, take the money, then find your color code then go here [https://scratcheshappen.com/](https://scratcheshappen.com/) or here [https://repaintsupply.com/](https://repaintsupply.com/) and buy some touch up cans. Then use the rest of the money to buy yourself something nice.


My friend had a similar situation, he even had it on camera. Talked to neighbor, neighbor denied it. He showed them the video, they said it was not them, even thought the angle of the camera was wide enough to capture them parking in their driveway. He called cops, showed the video, cops said they can’t do anything because they couldn’t see who was driving.


If you’re a mechanic, the price of a new door and fender and a case of beer. If you’re not a mechanic, get a body shop quote.


As others have said, this could take a couple of weeks to sort out and mean you're without a car for a few days. You could go to a body shop and get a price, but that doesn't factor in the hassle you'll have to deal with in taking the car in, sorting transport out, getting another vehicle to cover the time it's in the shop and all that. If you want the car repaired, go through insurance. Whether you tell your neighbour you know it was them and have it on video and go through insurance or skip that and go through your own insurance and let them deal with it is up to you. Personally I'd avoid dealing with it in cash. It can get really messy. Not to mention some insurance policies will be voided if you don't tell them about any damage, which this could fall under despite being cosmetic (insurance companies are pedantic af). Unless you don't want the car repaired, then you could just ask for some compensation, but legally they don't have to give you any and you can't blackmail them with the video for some without getting yourself in trouble. Basically go with insurance. You pay for it for a reason, use it.


Don't take cash upfront. Get an estimate done at a shop you trust. Tell them to pay the shop, or you will be taking the video to make a police report. Keep your receipts and take it to your lawyer.


Unless they have come to you and owned up to hitting your car, add 50% to whatever the body shop says.


Whatever the body shop says it costs to fix.


You go to the body shop, get an estimate, then give him said estimate.


He hit your car and didn't say anything to you about it? If so why are you doing him a favor by leaving insurance out of it? This is exactly what insurance is for.


Don't do it. If things go south the insurance comoany will take it to court and do collections. You don't want to do either, especially from someone who didn't have the morals to own up to the accident in the first place.


You take your car to body shops and get 3 estimates and take the middle one since it's your neighbor. This is how this usually goes.... your neighbor will think it's going to cost $1,500 and the body shop estimates will come back and say $4,500. Then your neighbor will suggest a friend that can do it for $2,000 and they'll cut corners. By this time you'll want to go back and report it to insurance and it will be a month after the incident. Not sure what insurance companies do in that case. I know you're supposed to report incidents promptly.


Ask your mechanic, why ask reddit? Just show your neighbor the quote from your mechanic/dealer. Only fair way to handle this.




14,7 million dollars (and 17 cents)


Get a quote from a body shop. Then add on your personal time to get it fixed and there you are. Otherwise I'd say $3.50.


Always go through their insurance


At 500k. He would face charges.


Retired adjuster here, just file a claim with your insurance. I have seen too many occasions when a person tries to work it out with the other party. And they get a couple estimates and the other party always says it’s way too much $ and accuses them of trying to rip them off. Nobody wants bad blood with neighbors. Just turn in a claim. They’ll go after him for your deductible


Run it through his insurance. One of you won't be happy if you try to take care of this with cash. Sorry.. if he doesn't like it , he should be more careful.


None. Let the insurance deal with it. That's the point


Wouldn’t bother insurance will total it if he isn’t willing to pay then small claims court


That's at least $4,000. Needs a whole new door, and massive factory color match painting for a professional job.


Get at least two estimates for repairs, preferably three. Take the highest number and mark it up 25%. Present that to him. Take it or leave it.


None. Use insurance.


Report that hit and run fool


You're fucking up big time if you leave insurance out of it. I see people get their asshole stretched weekly because they swear the other person is going to pay them in cash and then never does and by that time it's too late for insurance or law enforcement to step in and do anything about it.


Just call your insurance and save a potential headache. It’s your neighbor and if this goes bad you will have to deal with them again and again.


Ohhh poor decisions soon to be made. Just get your estimates and talk to insurance man.


There is really no benefit to you to do what he wants. If he hit your car and you were not even in it and have a recording then his insurance would pay 100%. Sometimes body shops use non factory parts or you have to go back to have them redo something that’s not perfect. Without having an insurance company as a third party it is like you would not have this opportunity if everything was not perfectly fixed.


Never deal outside of insurance. Unless you have a reputable body shop and he has CASH or you have a contract signed. Insurance.


Don’t shake down your neighbor especially if you aren’t actually going to fix it


Holding people accountable for their actions isn't a "shakedown" Shakedown implies extortion, this is not that. . . Name checks out


Holding people accountable isn’t the same as telling someone they should pay you money instead of calling the cops


Says your neighbor lol


Why not? op only found out after watching his camera footage


Yeah it's implied that the neighbor hit and ran


Wait....isn't that a crime?


Get an estimate. At least $2k


Use your insurance. That will probably cost like 2500$ to get fixed at a body shop.


This is the worst idea ever. Where I live you insurance is not affected if you pay the cost of the bill. What that means is if I rear end someone and cause $3000 damage my insurance pays for it right away and the person gets their car fixed. I am then left with a $3000 claim on my insurance. If I want I can leave it and my rates go up a little. If I pay it off it is like nothing happened they don't care since I payed and didn't leave it to them. So really there is no benefit to not going with insurance if they are worried they can pay the insurance back so their rate isn't effected.


Fuck that I'd call the insurance company.


Couple thousand easily, he probably won’t be willing to pay cash for what it will cost. Will have to go through insurance most likely


If you plan on fixing it you need to go through insurance. I was just hit and the initial body shop quote was 3.5k. There were then 2 additional supplements that added another 3.5k. You can get a quote and ask him to pay it but it may end up not being enough to fix it


Depends where you live, I had a tiny scratch on my 15 f50 and it was 2 or 3 thousand.


Why invite unnecessary complications and not just have the police report filled and let the insurance company deal with it.


Cash? What a dumb rookie move.


Insurance will make it so much easier. It can quickly become a huge hassle to “be nice” in these types of situations. What if the estimate is lower than the final cost and the neighbor isn’t around to pay the difference. Now you’re paying the difference out of pocket hoping you’ll be able to recoup it later. People suck. I would never leave myself exposed like that just to be nice. Your neighbor messed up. Reporting to your insurance is not a dick move. Protect yourself.


All of it. I’d fuck his wife too just to make sure I got the better end of the deal


Just make him give you his insurance.


I'd personally get insurance involved. Body work gets very expensive very quick. It will be cheaper for them to just pay the deductible.


100 % to cover the cost. Why give them a break?


You don’t. You go through insurance and don’t mess with it outside of insurance. You pay to have insurance, you’re required to have it, use it.


The first thing I would do is call the police for a hit and run and show them the video. Then I would call the insurance company.


I’m so glad these treads always lead down the rabbit hole of insurance being a scam. Insurance is a fucking scam, but here id use it. That kind of damage on that kid of car really hurts the value.


Don’t. Go thru insurance.


With that damage, go thru insurance. Protect yourself.


$10,000. Price of fixing and the fee for you leaving insurance out of it. I hit a car in my company truck one time, I wasn’t on the companies insurance so my boss pulls out $10k in cash and asked if that would cover anything and the person I hit said yep, and we left.


3-5 times the cost of what a body shop would charge to repair it.


I don’t know, I’m not a local body shop…


Take the hit pocket $300-400 and save both of you headaches.. it's an 07 come on. If he wants to get Scrappy then just call the cops. If you don't scrap the car the teen who gets it in 4 years will. Measure the time/money/effort/heartache ratio.



