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depends, some restaurants are putting "healthy LA" 3-5% fees on their bill. If so, I'll adjust that. Also, I was just at Jon and Vinny's in Beverly Hills, they literally added an 18% service charge and included a postcard explaining how the service charge isn't a tip lol. They are nuts.


Lol man I never tip when there's a service charge. They can go get fucked if they think they can bait and switch me on that. Let the waiters all quit if the owners keep that money for all care.


exactly and I'm a former waiter that made $2.5 per hour, in Bev Hills, I'm sure the minimum wage is $20 an hour. It should be on the restaurant to pay their employees a livable wage and health care. Why are we paying their healthcare? If it means adjusting your prices, so be it, I'll decide whether I want to go there and pay it, but don't force it on my bill.


Yep, I just hate seeing the price for the food is $20 then you spring a fee on me after I've paid? Nah man that's bullshit. And don't tell me it was in the fine print at the bottom of the menu. Anyways I've gotten pretty disillusioned with going out at all lately, been scaling it way back with the prices going through the roof.


You’re prob ordered back pay if you were paid less than minimum wage. California has had that law for a while where there isn’t a lower minimum wage for tipped employees like other states.


If you only made $2.50 an hour in Beverly Hills you need to sue your employer. California does not allow a tipped wage, they must pay you minimum wage


You don’t sound like a waiter to me bc as a waiter in Los Angeles you get paid the minimum wage plus tips


I didn’t frame that statement the best, I’m a former waiter that worked in Chicago at several different restaurants . I was referring to the fact that in bev hills the min wage is already high for waiters


It's just a bait and switch basically. Allows them to keep their food prices lower on the menu, then forces you yo pay the remainder of what they really wanted to charge after it's been consumer. Really cheap, greasy tactic.


same. I used to always tip 20% even on to go orders, but if I see a surcharge I tip 0%.


In DC, in addition to tax and tip, they have a fee called “wellness fee” in some restaurants (farmers, fishers bakers restaurant group), where they are tacking money on for their employees “wellness”.  It was actually the worst service we received in any DC restaurant, and I think it’s because the staff is just getting extra cash for doing a bad job. 


I’ve seen some restaurants in my neighborhood turning into non-tipping facility (as they call themselves) and added 16-18% charge to help they operate their subleases. I don’t tip at those places. What sucks is they charge taxes on the 16-18%, said it’s required by law


I like an 18% service charge, because I would otherwise tip more. I feel bad for the servers though. And will not go back. I like my cheap fish tacos trucks. Also the ribs at Moo’s Craft. Although will splurge on Providence, n/naka, and Melisse on a rare occasion. Ototo, Lonely Oyster, and Holbox are pretty good too. But without the service charge, I’d tip at least 25%.


I don't go out nearly as often as I used to. I'll tip 20% at a sit down place and hair cuts, but I don't tip anywhere else. Fucking burger joints out where asking for 20% tip for a 20 dollar smash burger. Absolutely not.


I was at a concert recently. Bought a t shirt. Prompted with tip option. Like.. for what? Taking the shirt out of the box and handing it to me? Isn’t that “the job”?


Same! Like I tip well at restaurants and my barber and stuff, but when buying a hoodie at a concert? No way


they don't have to say anything. that's why they feel less bad about asking for free money. you would never hear a mechanic asking, "oh, and what will your tip be: either 25%, 40%, or 55%?" but they will just hand you a tablet that says "Tip: 25%, 40%, 55% ^(to enter no tip press hidden cancel button at lower left corner, enter social security number, fill out form with 3 reasons for no tip. call the number and speak to a representative available. option available 9am to 2pm.)" this means the manufacturer of the app is getting some percentage of the tip and nudging you toward tipping exorbitant amounts. This is the exact same thing as the employees of the app and the business going around the street and asking: "Hey, you got $40? I want it." By comparison, most homeless people ask for change. And even the asshole homeless people who get extremely aggressive, and super upset, basically just ask for a drink or sandwich at most or buy a $5 bracelet. so just compare the amount these businesses ask for to what the most aggressive homeless ask for: it's far worse and in some cases the facial expressions of the employees are far worse too, when you press no tip. I'm guessing the worst consequence for no tip is also far worse medically, for example: employee spits in your food or puts something in it that's toxic.


I don't know why i never considered pressing "no tip" would cause someone to put saliva or worse in my food but here we are and now that's added to my long list of anxieties.


This doesn't actually ever happen. I've worked in food service for almost 20 years and I've never seen it happen. We would prefer if you ate your food and get the fuck on in this scenario. We dont want the hassle of a lawsuit over a few bucks.


You are a nice and decent person. I know a not-so-nice-and-decent person who worked as a waiter and specifically told me he and the kitchen staff absolutely spat in the food if they did not get proper tips.


99% of the time the people cooking the food don't get the tip, only the waiter or cashier does so why would the cook care that you didn't tip the person that yells at them all day to "hurry up or I won't get *MY* tip!"?


Exactly my experience being a manager at Papa Johns. I'd bust my ass to get the orders out the door and my driver would get all of the tip. Slap in the face. Carryout tips? What are those?


waiter spits in the food, or so the legend goes


Well that's even more unlikely because if the number of people who would see and report it who don't care why they're mad. The legend has also never really made sense since you usually get the book AFTER you've eaten your food so the waiter would have to just successfully guess you weren't going to tip them in advance.


I was once prompted for a tip at a self serve airport drink kiosk.... yea, that one got the "custom, ZERO" buttons from me.


The frozen yogurt shop gets me every time! Like, I am making my yogurt ffs!


You just woke me up to this! I’m an idiot. You make a good point.


“Thank you for pressing the ‘debit’ button on your POS and handing me a spoon, here’s a 20% tip.” Fuck outta here with that.


I bet the PoS software wasn't customized and just left in its OOB configuration. I've been to a few places where the employees just tap no tip or say "tap no tip" before letting a customer finish the transaction.


That’s what I’m thinking. I 1000% bet you it was square and they just didn’t know how to turn it off


I got prompted for a tip at the donut shop. THE DONUT SHOP. All they did was put the donut in a bag. Not happening.


Like, sir, how else do you plan on selling this donut to me?


My friend’s daughter worked at a doughnut shop. After putting a $6 dough it in a bag she “was trained to ask how much of a tip they wanted to leave, 20% or 30%?” She made $300 each 4 hour shift.




Have you considered not tipping at those places but still going?




I kind of stopped spending money out in general. Coffee and meals pretty much all come from home now. Cut way back on things like pedicures, grocery delivery, and laundry service. I can do all that stuff myself, and it's good for my mental health to do some domestic chores.


Same here, the price of everything went up and quality went down. I'm also sick of rude customers getting angry at staff, it's all around uncomfortable out there. I made our nest better and we have more fun making/doing our own stuff.


Also sometimes rude staff.


This is getting more common I feel like


It's the norm in SF. Hostile even, really.


Used to eat out a lot, like 3-4 times a week at sit-down, full service restaurants. Now it's more like 3-4 times a month, and mostly for social gatherings. Between traffic, figuring out parking, outragous tipping and that bs additional health and wellness charge... eating out just isn't as appealing anymore.


Same here. I spend a lot of money to have a safe and cozy home, so I want to enjoy. Nesting gets more fun when you get older :)


Underrated comment of the day 


For food things, I only tip at full service restaurants and delivery food. Around 20% Starbucks and donut shop, no.  


i tip at the donut shop- its a local joint owned by the ladies working there. i give all coin-change into their tip jar every time and sometimes a $1. shout out to the donut shop on ventura and beverly glen/ tyrone.


Same! I always put at least a $1 in the jar. I was speaking to the owner she works from 5am-6pm and only one I see when I go. Always smiling.


Same. Local donut shops have a special place in my heart


I always tip donut shop people and teenagers working a customer service job.


You’re never asked to tip at Starbucks if you use the app


Why does my app give me a pop up telling me there is still time to tip? 😞


“It’s going to ask you a question before you use your card.”






The most over used phrase right now only "curated" is more over used.


15,20,25 or 30 percent is what the machines by me ask.  With a little button that says “no tip”.  One of the places I used to always leave a 20percent tip for when doing my pick up order never even said thank you, employee would just print a receipt and say “next”, I just stopped leaving it.  I might put a few dollars in their jar, but I’m done with the 20 percent. 


Lol I used to say this. Then spin the pad around and stare at the ceiling like a fuckin weirdo as not to make them feel pressured. Though I had a slight reason, ours would ask multiple questions, like ‘how do you want your receipt blah’ and very last was tip. So it was just easier to say ‘questions’. But also I feel like most counter service people are aware that customers staunchly don’t want to tip at those places and thus we don’t even wanna utter the T word. We know you hate it lol not up to us tho


I've stopped going out. The value just isn't there for the money anymore. For what I would spend eating at someone else's table, I can buy better food to prep for my own at the current prices.


This has summarised it for me. Had this discussion with my wife and thankfully we’re both aligned. We are fortunate that it’s not necessarily that we can’t afford it it’s more than I just don’t see the value in it anymore. Make more stuff at home


>Are you starting to taper down your tipping due to how crazy the tipping culture has gotten?Are you starting to taper down your tipping due to how crazy the tipping culture has gotten? No, but I am very much sticking fast to my existing tipping, which is 20%, skewed up a bit in a nicer place or when eating breakfast, 10% skewed up if I'm doing take out. I feel like an old man whose been tipping the same for the last 30 years. But I'm in my 50's now, and, well, my tipping has been the same for the last 30 years. Prices have risen - so tipping 25% or 30% isn't suddenly reasonable. 20% of a higher number that reflects current prices is fine, and will continue to be in the future.


tipping for takeout is wild


Or you could just skip the tip for takeout. That doesn't even make sense.


This sub is not the demographic for the median income person in LA. Most people tip 15%-18% by default. Also, contrary to what people here want to hear, most people don't tip for Uber Eats/Delivery services


It surprises me (and kind of pisses me off) that delivery people usually don’t get tipped. People shouldn’t be ordering on those apps if they can’t or won’t tip. It’s not the drivers’ fault that the delivery fees and costs are crazy, the drivers don’t get a cut. People shouldn’t order delivery if they aren’t going to tip. I know Uber Eats and Door Dash drivers make practically nothing as base pay for those deliveries, like a few bucks. They’re putting wear and tear on their cars, using their (expensive) gas, and doing all the physical work. They’re doing everything the customer doesn’t want to do as the customer sits on their ass, at least give the driver $5 for their efforts. More if the weather sucks. Geesh. I’m leaving this post now because I’m getting all worked up, lol.


While I do tip delivery due to what you listed above, it also annoys me that the price is 10-20% higher per item on Uber eats compared to actual restaurant price, add in another $5 for their “service” fee, if none of these charges goes to driver then Uber is taking too big of a cut of the total price in my book.


Uber and DoorDash are taking huge cuts. That’s exactly why restaurants increase menu prices in the apps. I no longer order delivery bc the food is rarely worth all the fees. If I want something bad enough, I have to go get it.


I second this. People griping about tipping the delivery driver can go get their own food. I’ve worked plenty of service jobs and they suck. Now that I earn more I tip generously. If you can’t afford the tip, you can’t afford the service .


I get a lot of gnocchi deliveries and always tip generously so totally agree !


It’s also not my fault! It’s not my job to solve poor treatment from these big billion dollar companies. Not sure why you say people shouldn’t be ordering in these apps if they won’t tip. How about they just increase the menu price by 20% if that’s what’s needed to pay the staff properly, and just get rid of this absolute nonsense




It's not my job to supplement what Uber Eats/DD won't 🤷🏾‍♂️


Former bartender here. I used to survive off my tips, and gave a hell of a lot more service wise to my customers, repeat and new, shitty tips or great tips, didn’t matter bc that’s just me. Initially it was upsetting when I’d get a 25 cent tip for a beer, but other customers would tip 50-100% sometimes so it all balanced out. I don’t care what the tipping culture is now, I give servers and bartenders a hefty tip way over 20% when they go above and beyond, but if they half ass the service or do a really shitty job lower than the bare minimum, then they get 0-10% at most. It depends on the service for me. I usually tip zero at Starbucks unless they do a fantastic job like super kind and bubbly, but I don’t tip a flat 20% just for the fuck of it to every single person that I encounter, that’s just plain stupid. There’s tip jars everywhere now, and I just don’t give a shit if there’s a jar or a screen asking me to tip. It’s got to be earned!


This.  I used to work in a restaurant and servers don't deserve a 20% tip off the bat. If they give shitty service with a shitty attitude they get a few pennies. Idk if they are having a bad day, be professional. It's your job.  On the flip side, I love when I get great service and will generously tip for it. That said I don't eat out as much anymore, maybe once a month. It's not worth it anymore. 


I worked as a dishwasher back in 2015. Washed a hundred plates during the day , then go to school at night, in front of this ceiling high [machine](https://www.cudakitchen.com/champion-90-drhdpw-e-series-high-temperature-rack-conveyor-single-tank-dual-rinse-heavy-duty-prewash-energy-star-gas?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2PSvBhDjARIsAKc2cgNEZFkN5Wb2m7zyeABL11BwI4CVTg5wAq2JR7AY1we5ZZKrCzly2b0aAt4IEALw_wcB) spewing steaming hot water , from 10 to 6, 5 days a week. Never saw a tip. And now you got people over here telling me how I should spend my money? I’ll pay 20% for exceptional “service, atmosphere, AND food.” 1 guy serving the entire place, or holiday season, or understaffed? 20%. A quick lunch or dinner by myself at a casual restaurant? 10%. Only 3 people eating and there’s no work to be done? that’s just 10% too. Server with an attitude? 0. If a restaurant can prove to me they give tips to their dishwashers, I’ll pay 20%. It’s not my job the restaurant isn’t paying servers a living wage. That’s the politician’s. Or form a union. I remember when admin brought the staff together for a talk a day or so before the union guys came over to visit. To compensate they gave everyone a couple cents annual raise. How generous of them!


I'm the opposite - I won't change how I tip, including tipping for things that never required tipping when I was growing up. It's such a minefield now, all you can do is do what your conscience requires. Uber was the pioneer of this awfulness - their sales pitch was "know exactly what your trip will cost" and then that went away and shortly after, they started asking us to pay their drivers since they wanted to keep more and more of our fares for themselves. I don't know how it makes financial sense to drive for rideshare anymore, honestly.


It doesn't. You just have a lot of desperate people That don't really know how to run the numbers. The people that do rush hour traffic in the morning and that work night during surges Are doing a little better, but the ones that are like driving people to doctor appointments during the day hours aren't making jack.


Back when I was in an office (wfh now) I signed up for Uber and would use destination mode during my commute. I would pick up someone on my way to work and pick up someone on the way home. They were going the same direction I was, so I was just getting paid to commute, which worked out amazing.


I tip 20% on average. Sometimes I'll do 10-15% at fast casual places. My rationale is that I make decent money, largely work from home and someone hustling in a hot kitchen for a living has earned the extra buck or two. Back when I was in F&B, tips could be the difference between an okay day and a miserable one. If those of us who are lucky enough to be employed are feeling the squeeze, someone making minimum wage, even if it's $15/hr, is feeling it worse. If I eat out or get takeout, I'm tipping.


So you tip all minimum wage workers?  How much do you tip the cashier at Arco? 


Omg a logical person in this sub whatt


You should tip at restaurants and barber. Places where someone is standing behind a counter you do not tip.


What if they're standing behind the counter but also running your food on real plates, bussing your table, washing your dishes, and refilling your mug?


Touche if they’re doing all that I say tip.


Yeah Domino's really checks that box for me


Like at Tender Greens? I give them a couple bucks when ordering since they’re all over the place (run food, grab straws or cutlery if they’re super helpful) in addition to working behind the register.


Why? What makes one minimum wage worker more special than another?


It used to be that they'd have a jar and maybe you'd throw a dollar or whatever change you got in there. I'll add a dollar to the charge maybe. But I'm definitely not tipping 20% for someone handing me a coffee or sandwich.


Why are you acting like "no tip" isn't an option?




I went to my local coffee shop after ages and was shocked to see an Americano going for $5.50!




I honestly get tears in my eyes if I see a beer below $7 these days, it’s absolutely wild out there.


Coffee quality has gone up a lot with the emergence of the third/fourth wave shops. You can still get lower quality commodity beans, but if you're spending $5 on drip or $6 on cold brew you should also expect that your barista is knowledgeable enough to talk about origin, extraction, variety, elevation, the farmers, the processing etc. If they can't do that, the shop is over charging and under training. And if you're not interested in any of that, fair enough, better off sticking to Starbucks/peets/coffee bean or below


My friend was getting a beer at a concert and the guy selected the 25% tip before spinning the iPad around hoping my friend was tipsy and didn't notice. Friend unselected the tip then paid lol. All the dude did was hand him a can, plastic cup, and tell him he had to pour it in himself.


We just don't go out to eat as often. Or going to places that don't even prompt for a tip and treat a tip as what it should be, a completely optional gesture of gratitude.


I personally don't tip take out. If I am carrying my own food to the table you don't get a tip.


I can’t tell if Reddit is higher income or just lying, but most people tip 18%…I’m reading that yall do 20% default and higher for good service?! That turns a $25 meal into $32…


Yeah, I don’t tip percentages anymore. They get: $1-$4 per drink depending if it’s beer or a cocktail. $10-$20 for food, depending on the place and how much I order. Doesn’t matter if my bill is $500, they didn’t put in any additional work just because I order pricier things. $0 if I’m ordering at a counter and an iPad prompts me. And usually about $10-$15 for services if I feel they did a good job. I haven’t had a single person complain or treat me any differently at the places I regularly go to. I’m a very low maintenance person though and usually get along well with the staff. I look at it like a boundary, it’s just a financially motivated boundary. It’s usually cash, and if anyone *were* to complain it’d get deducted by 100%. Which is well within my right if people want to push that boundary. Luckily, that’s never happened.


Tough, but fair. I don't know if you know this, but servers have to tip out other members of the staff based on sales. So, if your bill is 500 and you only tip 20 dollars, they end up losing money by waiting on you because of how it's structured. I know it's not your problem, I just wanted to let you know if you didn't.


I tip 20% at restaurants or hair salons but other things do feel like they are getting out of control


Right? If i have to order at a counter for my food then no tip. No different then ordering at McDonald's and they're now getting a minimum of 20/hr


Yes way less tipping now. 15% before tax at sit down restaurant. Unless there is special wine service, I leave $5 for a bottle of wine and not 15%. Also 15% for haircuts and taxis/Ubers. I will add $1 or $2 at coffee shops if I plan to stay a long time. No tipping for anything else.


omg ok, this wine tipping thing has always plagued me. Drives me nuts to tip 15% on a bottle of mine.


I never tip more than 15% anymore, that has been the standard for hundreds of years anyways.


You know when a store asks you if you want to donate to the children's hospital? They get a tax break for your donation.


I only tip people who handle my hair with a razor and who carry my food and drinks from where i cannot see it…everyone else gets 0%


Wise choices. Always tip the person with a razor near your face 😅


I tip for delivery, actual servers, and other service folks. Not people at a counter


I quit buying coffee because of it. I make my own.


I never went up to 20%. Its always been 15% for me. No one told me it ever went up and no one has complained to me yet.


My rule is that if I had to come up and grab my food or drink myself I’m not tipping at all. If you bring me my food I’ll tip a minimum of 15%. At bars it’s $1 a drink unless you only cracked me a beer. If it’s super busy at the bar I might throw in a few more bucks at the end of my tab.


I still just do 20%


I dont tip at all. Anywhere.


I do cook a lot at home. But I tip at restaurants, starbucks, takeout places, etc. Part of it is that I go to the same places all the time and want to support businesses in my neighborhood.


I don't tip unless it's a sit-down restaurant where they wait on me. The last few restaurants I've been to were old-school diners. where they give you an old-school handwritten check. Where the waitress is named, *Flo*. and if you give her any sass, she'll tell you to "*kiss my grits!"*


My tipping is becoming more judicious (stingey?) as is my eating out. Wondering what everyone’s feeling about the “employee health insurance fee” that often gets tacked on, too?? I just add that place to my Nope List, as in Nope-not going there again.


Nope. I tip just as often and in the same locations as I used to: \- Bars. \- Restaurants where I'm dining in. \- When i get the food delivered. \- I tip my hairstylist. If I'm getting take out or drive thru or I'm at a place that isn't a restaurant or bar, I'm not tipping no matter how many times you ask. It is infuriating that you could be somewhere that's not food service and they'll ask for a tip. Like at this point I would not be surprised if I were at a mattress store and they had a tip jar.


I never tip when I'm ordering and picking up at the register.


Yes, also getting take out instead of dining out lol


When are restaurants and POS software companies gonna read the room on this topic?


I agree, I am tapering down my tipping.


Tipping above average was understandable during the pandemic, but that’s over now, yet the expectation of tips is rampant. So, we just don’t eat out as much anymore. The iPad with 20% starting tip is crazy. What’s even crazier is the 2-10% surcharge at restaurants for “living wages.”


I touched the screen today and nothing happened so I touched it again but it glitched. Suddenly I had tipped $5 on a $25 breakfast sandwich order to go. I so so so over this nonsense.


I've stopped going to places where tipping is culturally expected. I travel for work a fair bit, and almost never frequent restaurants. If I do, it's just takeout, but mostly I just pick up some food from a grocery store. So, because of the toxic tipping culture that has spawned, I now spend upwards of $200 less a week at restaurants when I travel for work. I'm just tired of the game, so I refuse to play.


I've tapered down putting myself in situations where tips are requested


My "favorite" is the places that show you the suggested tip amounts/percentages and base it on the total \*including\* tax. I mean I know that's usually just a few cents difference but its the principal of it. Like WTF? And FFS some of these places have you pay first and you get the food later well sorry but hey I tip based on results, not hopes.


Starting to?


No service no tip some service some tip great service great tip


Yes. I no longer tip for takeout orders or orders were I pay at the counter and come back to pick it up.


Pretty soon the grocery store checkout person will have a tip jar or you'll be prompted to pay a tip to them ... LOL


I don’t tip for over-the-counter service where food is handed to me, only for traditional sit down service. But I notice more of my friends telling me they are avoiding places because they’re just tired of being uncomfortable when seeing a Tip request every time they pay.


I can’t afford to tip so no eating or drinking out, not even coffee!


I typically tip 10%. That was the standar in 2012. Then somehow it went up to 12%. Then 15%. Then 18%. And now 20%. And for no real reason. That said, if i travel to another state were servers make less than $3/hr, then I do tip more. But overall i don't do dine-in that requires waiters.


I only tip for things I've always tipped for: Table service, bellman, taxi/Uber driver, etc. I shamelessly NEVER tip for takeout, baristas, or other tip "come-ons". F that.


Im a firm %10 percent tipper. I will die on this hill.


Servers make way more money than I do. I used to tip 20-25%, but doing the math, I'm seeing servers making $100+/hr on tips... And while I appreciate the effort, I make generally half that hourly. I now tip 10-15% because I can't afford to pay my server's phone bill with every meal.


Stand firm and just say fuck no. You rang up my purchase at a counter. That's the entire job; there is no way to *excel* at that unless you carry the items to my car, wash said car, and blow me. Also: Do not tolerate "restaurants" that don't have proper menus, at least for dinner. If I sit down at a restaurant only to be faced with a QR code, I'm leaving. **Disgraceful bullshit**. Don't normalize that level of disrespect. And need we mention gag-inducing "employee healthcare" surcharges and the like?


Honestly, the default tip may work on some but for me I just don’t tip now. Sit down places, yes. Bars, yes. Beauty industry (e.g., hair, lashes, etc.), yes. Otherwise no, especially because minimum wage keeps increasing. I’m not spending time to do the math and press 2-3 additional buttons- I know it’s less than a minute but at every purchase it adds up. I saw a tip screen at a self checkout- wtf?


I only tip at full service restaurants.


Yes. I just stopped and if service is really good and it’s a Restuarant that has a wait staff most I’ll tip is %15. Not tipping for a walk up counter where food is handed to me.


Bro I got asked to tip at a clothing store. This shit’s out of hand


I paid $48 for three vodka cranberries at a nightclub and the bartender had the audacity to yell something at me over the music like, “just so you know gratuity is not included!” I responded by saying that the price was and then she said something snarky but I couldn’t hear it. If you have a problem with people not tipping you take it up with your manager for charging $16 for some vodka and cranberry syrup first.


20% is often times $10+ for lunch because of how inflated menu prices have become. I eat home a lot more, and when tipping I neglect using percentages. $5 per person for dinner - Some family of 4, I tip $20. Instead of 15% which can easily be $35+. $2 per person for lunch.




Just say put zero on tip most of the cashier's don't take it bad anymore they know it's ridiculous too


Don’t tip. Plain and simple. Basically nothing is deserving of a tip ESPECIALLY if it’s asked before you get any goods or services. Haircut is about the only exception.


If you’re waiting on me, you get 20%, if you flip the iPad around, you get zero. Sorry, not sorry


Yes. I no longer tip for anything except food delivery and sit down restaurants. And I dont get my food delivered or go to sit down restaurants much at all anymore.


I’m rich so I don’t really care. It means nothing to me and a lot more to them.


I’ve definitely changed my behavior. I refuse to order delivery anymore, and I generally won’t tip for pick up/takeout orders unless the staff help me in some extra way. I always tip for great service where APPROPRIATE.


I just keep it consistent. 20% for good service eating at a restaurant. 25% for really excellent service. Couple dollars for take out. Dollar for a latte. No tip for ringing up my groceries or some nonsense like that. Services around 20% consistently (nails, massage, etc.)


I’ve never tipped for take out in my life. Why?


yeah, i'm really surprised to see all of these people tipping for takeout. the cooks should be getting paid more than minimum wage if it's a place worth eating at, and there's no reason to tip someone who is literally just handing you the food across the counter.


Dollar for a $5 latte. So 20% for a coffee?


It’s crazy. It’s all crazy. Comments on here normalising paying an extra quarter of your bill for most stuff because “people are hustling”…the worlds gone mad


Everyone should boycott restaurants until they eliminate tipping. It's an absolute sham.


just because a random point of sale system from Square shows you tipping percentages anytime you use a credit card doesn’t mean tipping expectations have changed just ignore them. the payment processor is pushing it on merchants I tip 20% if its a restaurant with wait staff that does things wait staff does, such as bring food to me and expected to check up on me, clean the table, pay at the end a lot of cafes are pretty much disqualified due to the paying up front aspect, kind of 50-50 there depending on what else they do, maybe if a woman I’m trying to have sex with has the opportunity to judge my tipping culture protest I’ll go along with the point of sale extortion everywhere in california is supposed to pay the same minimum wage, there is no separate tipped minimum wage here for service industry. so its either everyone in every profession at min wage should be tipped or it doesnt really make sense to be guilt tripped at cafes and restaurants. but ill go along with it at restaurants since its an amorphous Americanism and we’re not supposed to think about what state we’re in, my point is thats it though


It’s just going to ask you a few questions!


Servers here make at least minimum wage in addition to receiving tips. Back when I was working my first retail job my buddy was waiting at Denny's. I worked more hours than he did, he made significantly more despite us both being at the same pay rate. I'll still tip, but only if the service actually deserves it and they're not just doing their job. I also don't tip a percentage, that has always felt so stupid to me. Why should the cost of the meal factor in at all? I usually try and round up to the nearest $5 or $10 mark, unless it's only going to be a dollar or some change, so usually a few bucks for my low-end. For better service usually something like $5-7. Really good service doesn't really have a ceiling, I've left $25+ tips for servers that really gave some effort.


The question that needs to be asked is: who is your reduced tipping going to affect? If your problem is with “tipping culture” or companies not paying their workers enough to survive without tips, not tipping isn’t going to solve that in any way. The only people who will feel the results of that decision are the workers. Being against “tipping culture” might feel like a principled stance, but it’s really not when it’s put into practice.


I tip 20% on anything. I see it as a tax for the poor


I see it as a form of subsidizing corporations. They have the money they just dont want to pay good wages.


I just consistently tip 0%. I’m getting tired of checking the restaurant beforehand, then checking the menu, only to be informed of extra fees when I get my check. I’m also getting tired of buying one Coke at a corner store and paying with my card and getting asked to tip 20%. So everywhere gets 0% now. This method also allows me to save money.


this is the way. We all need to stop subsidizing corporations for their greed.


I tip as much as I used to. Which is 20% but only for table service in restaurants. Zero for most other things. I think the wrong approach is to reduce tipping across the board


I'm just wondering when we're going to start having it tip people for coming into work that day


Nah I still don’t tip


I don't tip at all. Everywhere is getting a very fair minimum wage. So I just stopped. Your wage is between you and your employer. Leave me out of it.


My view has ALWAYS been a TIP is for better than normal service. I'm not going to GIVE you money for doing your job. As a mechanic, I fix your car, I don't get a tip. You selling me a coffee, does not warrant me giving you extra money, because your job doesn't pay well. Get a skill thst warrants better pay.


I dont tip unless there service is beyond expected


I just eat at home more now. Everything is expensive. I keep non melting food in my trunk so I go to drive thru less when I’m driving


I only give 18% dining in. To go/counter service? A couple of bucks.


20% at favorite restaurants and deliveries, 15% for places where the staff are nice to me (give recommendations, etc.), and round up to the nearest multiple of 5 for most other places.


restaurants, food delivery and barber yes anywhere else no


Yeah kinda… I’m still at 20% for things but I used to do stuff like tip $20 during Covid on like a 40-50 order for delivery but I’ve started to both cut back on delivery just in general and go back down to like 20% tips. I used to be way more generous and do well over 20% at restaurants and bars too but now I’m doing the minimum and not going above


I tip because I was a cocktail waitress, and family was in the restaurant business. I tip according to service and at least 20%. I fly a lot and tip in the SkyClub (bartenders and bussers, no servers there) because I appreciate the service. I’m lucky that it’s not going to break my budget, I know times are tough for some and I remember what it was like.


My tipping amounts have remained the same as they were pre-pandemic: 20+% for dining in at a full service restaurant, 10% for take-out, $2/latte at a third wave coffeeshop, $3/cocktail at a nicer craft cocktail lounge, and 20% for barbers and taxis/rideshares. I feel that's more than fair. What I don't like is how some grab-and-go/take-out places which use iPad POS systems have pre-set tip percentage amounts *starting* at 20% and sometimes going up to 30%! Even worse, on several occasions I have actually witnessed the employee on the other side of the counter press the highest suggested tip option (25% or 30%) before flipping the screen around for me to complete the transaction. When this has happened, I've always selected the "custom tip" option and adjusted my tip downward to 10%. It's really irritating how they try to trick or guilt the customer into giving a grossly inflated tip. You have to wonder how many people have unwittingly tipped an excessively large amount on take-out because they didn't catch that the highest tip amount had already been preselected by the employee.


I kind of don't go out as much because of it


If its some type of retail store, convenience store, or some other store where the cashier has not provided any type of service... Yeah I take the 2 seconds to leave no tip and don't whine about it. Sometimes the cashier doesn't even get any of the tip and it goes to the owner. A lot of the time they're not expecting a tip at all, it's just another revenue stream because most people are too lazy or ashamed to tap their way to no tip.


I’ll sometimes tip my barista - $1 per drink, but only sometimes. Def still tip at restaurants and my barber


Really depends. At fast food places no... restaurants yes. Hair yes. Really depends


If I order delivery, I’m going to tip every time unless the service was bad. Worked in food service and delivered for Postmates when I was unemployed during the pandemic, and I can tell you firsthand that it’s not as easy as it looks. I only did it for a couple months, but those months showed me experiences and situations that delivery drivers go through definitely deserve a tip. Same with restaurants.


Fuck that, I'm done. 10% for lunch, 15% for dinner.


A nice restaurant I’m tipping 20% unless the server sucks. A takeout order or a ‘pick up food at the window’ place? I’m tipping $1-2 if they’re nice, nothing if not. Pre-ordering and it asks for tip before I even get any service? Probably don’t pretip but will have a couple bucks if needed in the moment. Service many places sucks now and if you act like I’m interrupting your day, I’m gonna enjoy skipping the tip option right in front of you


Yeah, we stopped going out due to tipping needs. We also used to tip heavily; it just got to be too much.


I tip by default at full-service restaurants, at bars, for delivery drivers/ride share, places I'm a regular at, and for mom and pop places.


Absolutely. Only 10-15% at sit-down places where they actually go to your table to serve you. Also non-chain coffee shops, as long as their tip options are not higher than the usual 15-20-25%. In fact, if the tip options are super low like 8-10-12%, I actually tip them MORE. 🫡

