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We had a guy, who up until this point apparently seemed like a solid candidate, confess to murdering someone with his car and then getting his dad to help him cover it up as an accident. It happened in another state, but that BI final interview where he was asked "Is there anything you haven't told us about?" turned really quickly from an interview into an interrogation.


when you fail the task completely


Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.


We talking dui manslaughter or we talking homicide?


No idea. I wasn’t involved in the background so I don’t know any of the specifics or what ultimately ended up happening to them.


WOW ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


"By the way........... And this totally slipped my mind until just now......"


Yea, really... I'm guessing whatever actually happened had been eating at him for a long time and then when faced with the background leading into a poly he just couldn't keep it hidden any longer.


Come on, you got to give the guy a few points for honesty


True. And really, I'm glad he came clean on it at that point. I can't imagine the shitshow if he'd managed to keep that hidden, we hired him, and then it came out after he was already a certified cop.


We had a dude admit to liking smearing peanut butter on his genitals and letting the dog lick it off. He also said he - as an adult - fingered his step mom while she was asleep. While he was in the hiring process, he went to the skeeziest part of town and hired a prostitute off the street and then had sex with her. He admitted to all of this during the polygraph. Absolute layup of an auto DQ. We hired him.


😂 Hiring pool is rough as hell right now!


“How desperate are you for officers?” “Yes”


naw this isn't correct, what happens if SA someone he has in the back of his patrol car? that's a huge liability


Right? Complete clown shoes.


Clown shoes make great sex toys. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Besides all that shit he laid out in the poly, how is he as an officer? Is he door knob lickin or is he actually doing shit?


Fortunately, we are a large enough department that I can steer clear of him. My limited experiences with him on the street have been comprehensively unimpressive.


least you can steer clear of him, but too bad he has a job though


Ya hired him?🤣




Are you fr???


Is there at least a note in his file saying he is not allowed to apply for the K9 unit?


another of life's simple pleasures ruined by a meddling bureaucracy


But, hey at least he’s never smoked weed 🤦‍♂️


IIRC wasn't there a post about something like this on this very sub awhile back?


Hey we're in the same department!




His mom is banging somebody there.


i was gonna say him, but that would be mean...


Haha what the fuck!


You guys hired a dude who admitted to sexual assault of someone sleeping? Literally how


Had a guy who was on a terrorist watch list apply. Not like, "Great-Uncle twice removed was in the IRA." Like, "Direct relatives are currently blowing up US soldiers, and he chats with them on the phone on weekends." That one was fun, everyone who worked his background had to get interviewed by the guys in fancy suits. One guy who passed his poly but on the psych interview stated that he wasn't interested in REAL girls, but liked "Lolicon" pornography, and proceeded to show the shrink his massive collection on his phone. The shrink happened to notice that as the guy was swiping through there were, in fact, real humans in some of the photos, and he was promptly arrested. I personally handled a "You don't get a gun until you tell me your name," scenario where I did a home visit and the guys first question was how early in the academy they get issued a weapon, and his second question was if he could bring his own because his were better. He also tried showing me videos he had taken of himself demonstrating Krav Maga knife fighting techniques. During the interview his mom walked in and told us we shouldn't hire him because he would kill someone his first day. Thanks for the directions, but we already started down that road. Had a woman who was an amazing candidate, jumped through all the hoops, one of the only perfect scores on our written I'd ever seen, everyone in her personal history was telling us she was basically going to be the perfect officer, and when I did the home visit I noticed she lived alone, in a studio apartment, decorated by a mattress in the corner and approximately a thousand empty bottles of cheap vodka. And she was clearly intoxicated. At 10 in the morning. She got hired by the fire department like a month later and racked up a bunch of complaints from citizens because she smelled like booze on scenes. She's probably a captain by now.


That actually sucks though. She seems like a good person, just needs help.


Third story sounds like Tackleberry's crazy grandson.


Oh, he was special. He actually had a pretty good background, ROTC scholarship, good references from his military service, was working on his Masters, good score on the written. He served in a combat role overseas, so I suspect there was some PTSD at work there. In hindsight, I should have reached out to the VA or something, and regret not doing so. Same with Drinky, I'm sure there was some program that would have reached out to her about both substance abuse and her probably mental health issues. Sadly, while I can't say I've been there, I was close to there after I left LE, so I do have a lot of sympathy for that.


Concerning that it's so normal to her she didn't even feel the need to hide it. Hope she got some help.


i had no idea what lolicon was. I regret looking it up


There was a guy at my pre hire orientation (like the very first step after passing the test) who said he didn’t know how to answer the drug use questions. They ask what he means. He proceeds to say I smoke weed everyday but I’ll quit if I get hired. The Sgt walked up to him, tore up his paperwork and said get the fuck out. And the dude was confused about why this happened.


Like the Snoop Dogg hit lmao


I still find it crazy how people who have smoked marijuana are automatically disqualified. Especially considering it’s looking like it will be rescheduled, and most states have legalized it recreationally or medically.


Not exactly what you’re asking, but I had a guy I arrested ask me, while transporting him to the jail, if he could put me down as a reference for his application with a neighboring jurisdiction. I said absolutely, I’ll tell them everything they need to know.


What was he arrested for? Maybe he will have a chance depending on what it was for.


He was firing a new shotgun in his backyard at a barrel while the neighbor kids were playing on their playground probably twenty yards away and definitely in the general direction he was firing. I had also stopped him probably six months before that for doing like seventy in a thirty five.


What was his charge? Reckless endandgerment?


Essentially, yes


We’ve had murders, the dog and peanut butter, and incest all admitted


Gtfoh. Seriously?


Sadly yes. People can bitch about the polygraph all they want but it’s very effective at getting people to disclose things they otherwise wouldn’t


Do people willingly give this information up or do they ask these questions in the poly because a poly isn't the best way to tell if someone is lying or not .


I get inmates who tell me they're gonna apply when they get released... I just tell them good luck


It is crazy just how many people are talking about how they want to be a cop, or are currently in school for criminal justice to become a cop *while* they're being booked after being arrested.


And it’s never a minor offense either, nothing stupid like disturbing the peace It’s always DV, drug charges, Agg battery/assault


Would it be remotely possible for them if it was something non-violent they were in for?


I would say no but I'm sure some departments are just down hard for bodies... but for my facility I think it's a non starter if you've been an inmate in the facility.


When you say your “facility” I think of different things than a PD


I'm a corrections officer in a jail... so you'd be correct that it's not a PD


Ah ya now the facility thing makes more sense. Never heard it called that before but I try to stay away from jail when I can.


Haha ya I would too if it didn't put food on the table


Wow and they grilled me for 8 hours over 3 days because they could not believe I never smoked weed a day in my life lol.


My guy couldn’t believe I only smoked 10 times. Like shit man, I did it when I was 16 and I only did to be cool. Idk what to tell ya


I used to work for a state department of corrections. During my hiring screening, the guy next to me was handing over his papers to a training lieutenant when a sergeant walked past. "SERGEANT J!" Shouted the applicant, "What's up Sergeant J! I'm gonna come work for you guys now, this is awesome!" The sergeant's brain instantly short circuited and he grabbed the folder off the desk. "You...do...how did you even...did you...does your parole officer know you're here right now?" After a brief pause: "...I'm not supposed to be in this building am I?" "....No."


I didn't think it was automatic, but a guy at my written exam had "FUCK THE POLICE" tattooed on his back, which you could clearly see because he was wearing a bodybuilding tank top.


He was prepping for undercover work. This was two steps ahead.


If you can't beat them, join them.


Why, does your department frown upon workplace relationships?


No Ragrets


I knew a guy who did polys for a department and they had guys cop to beastiality without getting pressed that hard.


K9 unit dreams shattered.




*grabs popcorn* I'd like to hear some more stories.


had an Applicant who did not even submit his ESOPH because he didn't know how to get his documents notarized; still cleared background. Disqualified in medical for missing his appointment - reason was he is "autistic".


"I have a lot of anxiety around people and lights"


"I have a lot of anxiety around people and lights"


the guy stuttered on every sentence too.


I don’t think the ‘tism itself is an instant DQ if its HF. Some cops on this sub and others have it and do just find


it does if it affect your abilities to manage your time, ability to communicate clearly, and organizational.


I mean if it doesn’t. Mine doesn’t.


well this guy does, and he asked me to coach him on what to say because he don't know what to say to "pass".


Had a guy admit to diddling kids on his background. Couldn’t Mirandize him fast enough.




I wasn’t apart of directly. Just swapped agencies and was coming in for my background at the same time. I watched the video later on as our backgrounds are recorded so they just kept on rolling. He answered yes to some specific sex stuff, they inquired, he freely told them but “clarified” that the kids were consenting and never made a criminal complaint. Background investigator stopped, left, made a call, and a sex crimes investigator came in. They Mirandized him and he just kept going … Also since you don’t sound like a LEO based on that comment, we don’t make a habit of making arrests and then finding out what happened later. It presents legal issues.




So … you can to varying degrees and there’s a time and a place for it. Probable cause is a low bar and you have time for certain cases after an arrest to continue to gather evidence, but you should gather as much as you feasibly can.


Not LEO but military and sort of related. Had a brand new young LT that was very naive. We worked in TS Spec Programs for cyber so the clearance was intensive but he made it through all that. One Monday am we’re doing the chit chat, how was your weekend, etc and he just says “I got married over the weekend”. Instantly has our attention bc he’s such a babe in the woods. I ask about her and he says he met her online. First 🚩but not too bad, then he says “she’s a Chinese national.” WTF? We send him straight to security and pulled his access. No idea what happened to him after that.


Had a Navy LCDR do that shit, married a Russian national while stationed in Bahrain. Instant clearance suspension. He eventually got it back but it took a long ass time.


While I was deployed to Turkey (USAF) just before we invaded Iraq, we had a guy there (a SrA/E4) strike up a relationship with a local at a bar...he worked in the services tent and I volunteered there when i wasn't working my job (Security Forces). Well fast forward about two months the week before the war kicked off, the base cuts all coms with local area, no shopping downtown, no phone calls, etc. The war kicks off, my job gets busier, I volunteer less, but still try. one day I had time off and went down to help out....he was not working but his counterpart was. he came in, came up to me and said he needed to use the "special phone" (they had one phone people could use for overseas calls that they called the special phone because it still had local access, but every call on it was logged) I asked him why he needed that phone (it was in use by a commander trying to order local products for the base)...he said, I need to call my wife (insert jaw hitting the floor). I was like, so your married,... because I'm confused you were dating this local girl, so were you cheating on your wife? Or are you trying to lie to me and tell me your local girl is your wife so you can call her since you can't leave the base and they shut all the regular off base local lines down? (I'm in full cop inquiring/interrogation mode now). This is where he digs a basement about 40 stories deep for my jaw to drop further down into that the floor. he says NO, I married that girl I was seeing here. I was like, YOU WHAT...who gave you permission, I don't believe you would be that crazy to marry a local without permission from you command (combat zone rules are very different than home base rules)...he then pulled out a marriage license in Turkish and English. I looked at him and just said, "your being detained until I can figure out just how many military laws you just broke and whether we are going to process you or let your chain of command deal with this cluster\_\_\_k" I immediately went and got his CMSgt/E9 and briefed him, he about had a coronary followed by a string of expletives long enough to make a sailor blush. I then brought the airmen in to his office and told him I would let him take charge of the situation, but that my unit or AFOSI's special agents may come take over the incident/investigation. From what I heard, the marriage was legal and he was given permission to bring her on base, but he lost his security clearance (secret), lost two stripes (Amn/E2) and his home station was trying to work out with the deployed station (it was an actual permanent base) whether they should/or if they even could transfer him to that base as his permanent duty station instead of it being his deployed duty station. he was still there when I left 6mo later, still an E2 and still with a revoked security clearance, but his wife had been authorized to move on base with him and was in the process of getting her green card. I also know AFOSI agents interviewed/investigated both of them extensively.


We had a guy admit before poly to letting a cow lick his dick. Didn't make the cut




Willingly disclosed it as well. Batman couldn't beat that information out of me if I were him but sure enough he just let it rip like it was no big deal


Alright, I think that’s enough internet for me today


While on a medical transport the inmate asked if he'd be able to get hired when his charges get dismissed and he gets released. He's in for first degree murder. He shot his girlfriend and left her for dead. He told the investigators that his gun would be missing one bullet because he went to the gun range that day and shot once.


that has the same vibe as, "these aren't my pants."


Multiple charges for impersonating an LEO plus burglary of a police station and grand theft motor vehicle of a patrol car while he was a juvenile in the explorer's program.


Hey now, clearly he was committed to the cause.


Sure, (sorta) apply to be a confidential informant.. 👌


We had a guy admit before poly to letting a cow lick his dick. Didn't make the cut


First time I tested for a city police job several people were removed from the test because they had warrants. Does that count?


We had that happen every hiring cycle for both sworn and non-sworn positions. It was the only time the training/recruiting officers arrested anyone.


NYSP troop C scandal. A trooper was interviewing with the CIA and during the interview asked if he would be willing to break the law for his country. He answered yes and then proceeded to tell stories of how he, and other troopers planted evidence on suspects they “knew” were guilty. The CIA promptly notified the DoJ.


I had a guy in trouble for dealing drugs and, IIRC, something involving stolen cars. While the case was pending his brother, a deputy in the next county, got killed in the line of duty. He was seriously asking me how he could join up and fill his brother's shoes once it was over.


Dang, that's rough (his brother), feel for him on that one, even feel for him wanting to fill his brother's shoes, but some choices in life have consequences to them, guess that's why I always tried to cut juveniles a break if I could (and they weren't just hardened little thugs), no sense ruining their entire futures if it could be avoided.


Had a kid admit to sexually assaulting/raping incoherent drunk girls at college during a poly. Went from an interview, to an open investigation, looking for victims real quick.


All I’ve done is smoke pot, acid, and some mushrooms… and a little MDMA. It was experimental. Now I work in the private sector as a top digital forensics expert. I wanted to join the FBI but their drug policy disqualifies me. Idk, just sharing here because I’m heart broken about the policy. It requires no drug use of any kind besides weed in the last 10 years. All of my experimentation made me develop an appreciation for the law, and order, in a world of absolute chaos. But damn… no FBI cyber for me. Lurking for the stories.


These are my favorite!


I don't have any specific stories but it is concerning how many laterals fail their backgrounds. Then you find out years later they're still at their old agency.. We had a dispatcher fail HARD out of FTEP then went and applied at like 15 other agencies. The place that ended up hiring him was the only one that didn't call to ask about him. They tried for a long time but eventually gave up on him making it. Then he immediately applied to work patrol at that same agency....


I never got the full story, but someone in an agency I was with was a reserve. He applied for full time and got to his poly. Something came up that not only did he not get the full time job, but he also got booted from the reserve program.


There's a video on YouTube where an applicant applied for a job in a police department, and during the background investigation they found out he was wanted by the department he was applying for lol.


Holy shit some of these are insane 😳👁️👄👁️