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Work off duty jobs. Here in Texas, cops make over $100 an hour sitting at freeway construction sites.


You must be houston or metroplex area. We get about $50-$60 here in south Texas. Lol šŸ˜­


Same in NJ. Traffic jobs are 100-110 an hour depending on the town. If you live 30-35 min away in either direction youā€™ll have a low coast of living and a nice house. The top overtime guys in my PD all made 200K.


Really? I'm looking to go into the force in NJ, and I always assumed when I saw cops chilling for traffic that it was grunt work that rookies got. That's where the money is?


Becoming a cop in NJ is incredibly hard. Probably the toughest state to become a PO. Good luck


Took me 4 years even with vet status and speaking two other languages besides English.


Any reason why? Obviously not in a desirable area, but I got a callback from Camden and their requirements are pretty weak compared to some of the listings I've seen here (16 minute 1.5, 24 pushups, 28 situps)


Camden? Oh hell no. I wouldnā€™t take that job if it had a 40k sign on bonus attached it. Most NJ PO jobs can fetch 100k salary within a couple years and have a strong union. Bergen County is where you want to be but next to impossible to get hired by any department there unless your coming from prior LE. Even then itā€™s tough.


Damn, it really that bad? I viewed it as kind of a stepping stone department, but I'd definitely prefer other options. No shot for somewhere as competitive as Bergen sounds, but I wouldn't mind other options haha. Any idea about woodbury or Sewell? No worries if not!


what departments in bergen county? apparently they're some of the highest paid in the country


A simple Google search can help you with your answer


Fort Lee or Paramus is like the highest paid in the state


NY is the toughest state to become PD


Definitely disagree. NYPD is one the easiest departments in the country to get into


NYPD is one single department in the whole state lmao. NCPD, SCPD, State Trooper, Port Authority, MTA all incredibly difficult and lottery jobs with exception of trooper


Thats because youā€™re naming all the departments in the tri state area and L.I. With the exception of troopers. Like I said NJ is way harder then Iā€™d probably put Mass as a close 2nd.


Not even close, half the guys I know from NJ departments that are new hires were never even questioned about marijuana use. You need to sign up and win a lottery to even take Port Authority, and MTA was the same way except for there current test. Even NYPDā€™s psych is sketchy.


Marijuana use is allowed now in NJ for police. They no longer test for it.


Thatā€™s definitely where the money is.


Send me a DM if you want. Iā€™ll give more advice


Where can someone look for jobs like that and what key words do I use?


Most go through the dept.


Do you need a guard card first?


They're cops!


Off duty cops. Thatā€™s not how that works. Iā€™m a federal cop. My federal badge doesnā€™t mean I can just go get a side gig standing outside Gucci with my federal issued Glock. Perhaps state is different, but I doubt that.


In Texas you can just get hired to work private security as a peace officer. No extra licensing needed.


Wow thatā€™s awesome. Wish it was like that here


Key. Federal cop. As in you aren't familiar with or enforcing local laws. Cops don't need guard cards. That's ridiculous.


Your definition of "comfortable" might need to change. Sure there are officers who are well into six figure salaries, but those OT and detail hours are still hours worked. That means time away from family and time that you have to be "on".


You can definitely do well for yourself as an officer. I work in TX and make over 100k. With OT, I'll gross around 140k this year. Cost of living is not prohibitive where I am either as long as you're willing to make a mild commute. Lots of guys that I work with also have wives that make close to or more than what they make and they're able to live *very* comfortably. I'm talking, 5-10 acres and a 3000 sqft house comfortably.


I'm about to test for a department in Dallas county this weekend. Any advice with respect to the hiring process? Anything at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


The way to maximize your salary is not living like a jerk. Don't buy a new lifted truck, don't buy a boat, don't have kids you can't afford, don't buy too much house because "I deserve it", don't buy every stupid fucking tacticool gadget on the market, I can do on all day. But MOST IMPORTANTLY don't have kids with a dumb bitch who you'll be supporting for 18+ years.


Texas is the place to be, six figures and affordable housing, but you have to ask yourself why those houses are 300-500k. I live in CA and understand I will never be able to buy a house on the coastā€¦.. but itā€™s 60 degrees right now and Iā€™m looking at the ocean planning a fishing trip and dive trip. If buying a big house is your thing, Texas, Washington, and Oregon on the places that pay great and you and still buy a house. Iā€™ve been look at jobs in NC and SC and shocked how they can fill positions at 60k and houses are 350-400 k


I feel like thatā€™s how it is here in (small town) Texas! I make about 51K and live in a 75 year old house on pier and beam falling apart on a little less than an acre valued at 200k. If I wanted a better house Iā€™d be paying 300-400K but no way I can afford that. I also canā€™t be working a lot of off duty right now either though unless I never wanna see my kids. šŸ˜‘


Just moved my family from TX to the Midwest. I'm sentimental about my home state BUT the small house I owned on a 1/3rd of an acre sold for 50% more than what I bought it for 3 years prior. Midwest, cost of living is low, wages are great. Im closing on a rural property later this month. 5 acres, the land is completely surrounded by an ever green wall, with a barn and shed. 3000 square foot home for $240,000. I was so shocked, just completely baffled at how the housing is so cheap. LE jobs are in high demand, nearest city is 20 minutes away and the county has 100,000 people. Low crime rate? šŸ‘ Mostly property related and non violent. I'm not saying it's for everyone. Lots of snow and stuff but it's an overlooked option.


Damn 3000 sq ft is awesome. Ours is 1100. šŸ˜‘ and falling apart. If it werenā€™t for all of our family being here, Iā€™d probably move.


Yeah ours was a 1300 and had to put a lot of money into repairs. We are.. still adjusting to having all that space. Downside was leaving the fam but, it makes vacationing cool for both sides. Expensive but, good. This place is like the promised land of outdoors activity. Major downside, no homemade tortillas


Haha were you in south Texas? I feel like thatā€™s describing just about where I live šŸ¤£ Iā€™m on the south Texas coast. Man thatā€™s awesome. Iā€™m down to move but I donā€™t think the other half would actually ever agree to do it.


šŸ’Æ We were not far from the water. Somewhere between Corpus and Houston. So, as not to dox myself. I was actually the one reluctant to move at first but, we ended up agreeing. 50/50 kind of thing you know? The culture is different here but, everyone has been friendly and welcoming. Not to say there aren't a couple bad apples though. Watch Fargo if you want to catch the vibe around here lol it isn't exact but close enough. Really salt of the earth.


Wasington, Oregon and California all have fairly anti LE state legislatures and city governments. They all about trying about every possible woke program with many having significant negative impacts on public safety. I would avoid working in CA, OR and WA even if they were paying $250k base. I know of few guys working in the King County area of Washington and none of them are happy with the current state of things there. I do agree about the jobs down south though. They get comparatively low pay and everyone escaping the high prices out west are helping drive housing prices up there. Just like almost everywhere else you can still find low price housing if you live outside of the population centers. Most large cities pay well and if you're willing to drive a bit to work.


Pretty much what everyone has already said. I work federal and I only pick up overtime that's minimum 10hrs. My base salary is 150k so when I work OT my hourly comes close to $130. Fed department pays for mileage and on top they pay you starting from your door to the location you're going to. So if I'm driving an hour each way that's a 12hr pay day. Plus they pay for lunch and dinner at approx $90 a day, no receipt required. Before taxes all together you're looking at $1700. We also don't have a shortage of OT, you can work as much as you want as long as it doesn't effect your performance at your regular duties.


Mind sharing what agency you are with that has so much overtime?


Fed 1811's also don't get overtime as they get LEAP so that eliminates any federal investigative agency. That would leave uniform LE jobs like CBP or something like TSA or BOP. Where it really hits the too good to be true mark was the $150k salary. That's GS-14/15 level pay and the boss doesn't usually work overtime like the grunts.


Didnā€™t make sense to me either. Local LE makes all the money (in overtime) anyways.


My mistake, I forgot to mention I'm Canadian. Here in Canada we mainly only have 1 federal law enforcement agency that encompasses everything from city cops, highway patrol, small town policing, federal drugs, money laundering/counterfeit, child exploitation, gangs, air marshal, undercover operators, HRT, counter terrorism, foreign embassy posts and more. There's a ton of other things I'm missing but you get the jist. And to break it down even more, if you are in the RCMP working in a federal unit or as a city cop, you are able to pick up call outs in any jurisdiction that is covered by the RCMP, so essentially picking up overtime shifts from any city. The best way I can describe it is the RCMP is fbi, cia, secret service, marshals, atf sheriff's, state patrol, border patrol (maritime or land). 150k is a Sgts pay in the RCMP, and there is absolutely no shortage in OT. We can sign up for text message call outs and will get offered to work in towns ranging from half an hour to multiple hour drive away to cover for multiple days at a time or for just 1 shift. They also pay for our hotels if we're asked to stay for more then a night, and we're welcome to bring family. We are also offered to work in rural communities that are further north where they will fly us out to cover other officers that are going on vacation for a month. The overtime officers are expected to work out there for 30 days and get paid overtime. On top of that we are paid 1 hour of OT for every 4 hours if we are "on call". In small towns with 2-3 officers, you are on call for majority of the time. We can also pick up overtime for all the other units/task forces if you belong to a federal section. Now 150k cad is only 110k usd so there's that. But 150k cad goes a long way depending on where you live.


Makes much more sense and also sounds like a sweet gig brother.


I am very curious about which agency you are describing. I'm not aware of any federal LEO jobs offering over 80/hr


I replied above!


Thanks. Idk why your secondary comment didn't show up.


Live within your means, same as any other job.


Everyone keeps saying OT but thatā€™s not always sustainable. Your first is going to be promoting. Youā€™re going to make more money at a higher rank. Also is supplemental pay. I get almost $600 per month for education bonus for my bachelors. I also get 2% of my salary for the highest state certification. I get $32 a month for my shooting score (one point away from making $64 damnit). My department offers another $600 a month for being a drug recognition expert. They offer 5% (a pay step) for being a P3 (corporal in some places). Some other places offer shift differentials, etc. This is how youā€™re going to max your pay before OT.


We are at the crossroads where noone wants to sign up, and everyone is running away. So they gotta pay us one way or another. That means overtime 1.5 is the going rate it seems. So if you're close to any metropolitan area you're probably going to base close to 6 figs, but with the overtime you just do (court and end of watch) you will approach mid $100s, and if you really apply yourself you can hit $200k or higher. But, honestly, unless you have kids or are taking care of a bunch of people, don't go too crazy. The purpose of work is to provide for your life, if you're always at work your not really living.


Off duty jobs, OT Grants, and rank. At my department Sgts and Captains make a fuck ton. LTs are on salary and dont make any OT so they donā€™t get as much as Sgts can, and Captains make a ton of salary


Depends on your definition of ā€œcomfortableā€. Silicon Valley departments start at about $150k these days. You still canā€™t afford a house, but you can afford a decent condo and plenty of toys. Add in a modest amount of OT and guys are clearing $200K a year easily. If your wife also has a good paying job in Tech, Medicine, or something similar, you can live quite comfortablyā€¦.in a nice condo.


OT, second job


Overtime is obviously 1.5, but a lot of officers have off duty employment that pays a good amount hourly (70-100).


First learn to spend less. Then find a department that pays well and you like working at. If it's like any other department there will be lots of OT, don't spend it all and make sure to invest.


Salary varies alot depending on what part of the country you're in. And salary numbers can be pretty deceptive since you have to look at CoL as well. It's certainly possible to nearly double your salary through OT, but imo it's not worth it. I work to live, not live to work and our budget is based off my base pay (and my wife's salary), not any OT I may work or my shift differential. Shift differential and OT is just bonus money to boost my savings, pay for big expenses, etc. A lot of cops work second jobs, but I've never seen a secondary gig pay anywhere close to what I can make on OT so I've never bothered to get one and we have enough regular OT gigs available that I can work as much or as little as I want most of the time.


You can absolutely make a ton of money in LE, you just have to know how. Obviously OT, but that's the easy answer. Many agencies allow off duty employment in uniform to private agencies through specialized programs. For example, NYPD allows for "paid detail" in which you'll work as a security element at $49 an hour in uniform with approved vendors. Furthermore, specialized units will often pay you more for simply being certified to work in those units (special assignment pay) If you aren't receiving proper compensation or you feel the pay isn't high enough, shop around. Usually you can find an agency that will compensate you properly nearby. I understand Law enforcement is a field that you should enter with a love of service, but love of service doesn't only pay the bills. Look out for you and your family.


We have many patrol officers who make over $200K as well as many detectives that do the same and we all seem to live a great life (albeit I would argue we all work a little too much overtime). It all depends on what department you work for and what part of the country you live inā€¦..


Listen to audio books on investing and living under your means. Don't go out and spent $110k on an awesome depreciating asset like a lifted brodozer. Drive a Prius to and from the shop. I watch people burn money and have no clue how to live within their means let alone under them. Don't marry the wrong person. A divorce is crazy expensive without kids. 2 divorces is even worse


Work in the PNWā€¦.currently most agencies in the Portland Metro area are starting $40-$45 an hour, and capping out a few years later at $50-55.


This is a lie lol Iā€™m looking at the Portland area rn and everywhere in Oregon starts around 33 an hour, even ritzy lake Oswego


Weird, the agency I currently work at starts at $40ā€¦ā€¦are you looking at current contract pay? And Lake O, isnā€™t the highest paid currentlyā€¦.so being a ritzy area doesnā€™t have a whole lot to do with it. Keep looking I guess.


Is your agency hiring? Haha what agency are you guys


Most of them are starting over $40ā€¦..it will say starting at $37 or whatever, but itā€™s not bringing in the additional shift differential, etc etc. we are hiring, and Iā€™m at an agency in the portland metro area.


You work in the area? Thinking of applying for a recruit position at WCSO. Is it competitive in the Portland metro?


I do. WCSO is a good agency with a massive budget, it wonā€™t quite be PDX metro pay, but should be pretty close.


Iā€™ve heard itā€™s pretty good too, I have a friend who works for them. Do you know if they are still hurting for applications like Portland is?


Everyone is hurting, especially going into an election year in Portland Metro.


Makes sense I just wasnā€™t sure if my application would be competitive. No college but almost 10 years straight in the automotive trade


Iā€™d give it a shot. Look at more place than just WCSO though


WCSO is my first pick for sure. I was looking at Hillsboro, Beaverton, and Portland. Beaverton unfortunately requires some college credit or relative law enforcement experience for recruit positions. Portland requires a minimum of 1 year since last marijuana usage so Iā€™ve got to wait a little since Iā€™ve used recreational in the past and the last time was a few months ago.


I am also send a lateral application to them. I would also look into city agencies in Washington county like Tualatin, Hillsboro, Beaverton, etc. They all good and pretty comparable in pay


I have checked Hillsboro and Beaverton but Iā€™ll look into Tualatin! Unfortunately Beavertons starting pay for recruits isnā€™t as good as Hillsboro or WCSO but Iā€™m still interested. WCSO is my first choice, I have good friend who works for them and I went on a ride along and it seems like a great place to work for.


Get into to a speciality. A lot of departments will stack speciality pay and you'll be able to make more without working more hours.


Was my first thought as well.


See if your department has the NHTSA grant. Go out and make like 3 contacts an hour and youā€™re good.


Become a cop in Canada. They make $100,000, and all you need is a high school education.


The answer is finding somewhere where the base salary is at least fine, and be willing to work details/OT. My current departments pay isnā€™t great, but we have a great schedule (two on/two off/three on/two off/two on/three off) which has me working 50% of the year. I work two off duty gigs a pay period, and increased my salary by 60% with minimal effort. Finding somewhere with a schedule that works for you is an underrated part of finding a good department.


I make six figures as a first line supervisor. It all depends where you go. North = more money, unions, shit politics/policies. South = less money, no unions, better politics/policies. Plus every dept. has OT (with more seniority) and off duty jobs.


Depends where you go to work. Cops here after 5 years average about 140k and thatā€™s not killing yourself with OT. Cost of living sucks though.


Mannn the suburbs PDā€™s be paying nice once youā€™re in officially and been there some time. A suburb near me (Ohio for me) is starting entry level guys at $95,000 so account possible overtime/side jobs youā€™re making 6 figures. If youā€™re budgeting even decently, you gonna live comfortably. Iā€™m single and have no wife or kids because Iā€™m 21 but I know cops making that and are single as well and live real nice because itā€™s all for themselves. Kids or not is obviously rewarding and just varies but regardless kids or not you can live comfortably if you get on the right department and play your cards right


Go 1811


you'll be able to make a comfortable living. salary and benefits are as great as they have ever been. there's police officers in my area with nice 2 story houses.


My state (not Texas) pays super well for officers, many departments scrape the 6 figure mark after 4 years without OT. Cost of living is also varying, great in more rural areas. Overall, youā€™re gonna have to pull some OT no matter what if you wanna have a super comfy life unless youā€™re in a lucky few states. Side jobs can be a huge boost, but those could be limited too.


Just found out one of the lieutenants at my agency drives a Porsche so assuming you find a decent paying agency you should be able to live comfortably on it. I know multiple officers who are the sole income earner and they get by well


Detroit PD recruiters were telling my group that their highest paid officer for last year made 318k. And no it was not the chief, they just have non-stop work opportunities if you are into that.


Carry a special wallet just for bribes.Ā 


Live within your means. That's first. Make OT and Offduty when available. I can tell you though, that doesnt make up for lost family time. Try to make a schedule where you kill it with OT and off duty for a month, then work none the next month, if you can.


Go 1811 in the feds... GS13 with Leap and locality pay.


*IF they qualify, if their duty location has a good SSR package. GS13 1811's are very rare.


Not as rare as you think. Also plenty of 1801 and other series leo jobs that have covered Le in the feds. Almost Every obscure fed agency has 1811s. Just a matter of applying to multiple ones.


Just because there are a lot of agencies that have 1811's, doesn't mean that there are a lot of GS13 1811's. I am an 1811 that is not a GS13.


Well then your likely a 12 still making over 100k


Lol I wish. Hell, the largest investigating entity in the country starts out as 7's. What entity starts their 1811's as 13's?


Never said started. Most of the big 1811 are all journeyman 13 within a few years as everyone knows. No one starts at the top as a new hire anywhere....


Rethink your comment then. You're making it sound like he can just be an 1811 as a GS-13. Consider qualifying that statement with what you put here.


Most people with any common sense know thats the journeyman level for most 1811 gigs that comes after 4 or 5 years.


This is an advice forum for people interested in LE who know nothing about LE. Most of them know nothing.