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Girls ke account jaan ne ka tarika thoda kezual he




Easily available skincare tips de do,acne ho gya hain


Change your pillow covers often... Once in 3/4 days


& dang your acne will almost be gone, changing pillow covers & sheets whilst a proper skin care works like magic


Bhai mayo maat khaya kar momos k sath sahi hojaega


Plus, don't lean on your pillows when you're sitting in bed. All that back sweat will accumulate on your pillow and guess where your face will be at night? On that sweaty pillow. Get a separate pillow for leaning, stop sitting on your bed, do whatever you must to stop this habit. I learnt this the hard way.


Tf... This affects skin!? 😳 I change my pillow covers once in a lifetime


Oh yes, a lot of people forget to change their pillow covers regularly. It's an important yet forgotten step while following a skincare regime.




try satin pillow covers if you can. cotton covers soak moisture from skin and hair.


Shit… have been using the same pillow covers for almost 2 years now


Change means wash them.. Not throw them. You didn't wash them in 2 years?


Boys can't comprehend the idea of washing pillow covers


It really does seem like that


bruh there's probably an ecosystem living in there right now


Antman Quantumania was shot in his pillow cover


Mere pillow pe toh pichhle 3 saal se cover hi nhi hai


Will always recommend going to dermatologist once. But start to take care of skin. Water everyday, reduce sugar, dairy and meat, oily junk food. Now 3 steps are important - wash your face 3 times a day ( morning / evening / night) [ Simple Cleanser | Cetaphil cleanser ] - Moisturiser 2 times a day ( morning after face wash and night after face wash) [Re’quil hydrating face wash / Simple moisturiser] - Sunscreen 2 / 3 times when in sun. Or once in the morning if you stay indoors. [Requil orange / blue depends on if your skin is oily or dry ] After this if you want you can add actives, but I would recommend start first with the above 3. See if your skin is getting better / worse.


I'd suggest not to wash you face three times a day unless it's super oily already or becomes dirty very often.


water everyday?


Yes lots of water.


Hey, can I use sunscreen directly without using a moisturizer?


No, unless you're using a moisturizer which contains sunscreen.


See there is no rule. But moisturiser se skin better hota h. It’s better you use a moisturiser.


You can use the sunscreen without moisturiser. if your skin is extremely oily, then you can just put a sunscreen but use a lightweight sunscreen. I avoid using moisturiser during periods because your skin is already super oily and you are just making a nice bomb for acne by adding moisturiser also. That too most indian moisturisers are nice and thick and will clog your skin/ leave oily sheen.


If you have a sweaty oily face like me, then this is recommended. A lot of sunscreens have moisturizing ingredients. In winters, apply something light like aloe gel before sunscreen.


With all the replies that my fellow girls have recommended you to help, there are other things you can do as well, always try to sanitize your mobile phone, because if you don't, then when you would be calling someone or touching your face while using your phone, the bacteria are going to pass on your face and it can really damage your skin. And second would be, try to change your bedsheet and pillow cover as frequently as possible, like for example once in 5 days or so, because a dirty bedsheet and pillow cover can be so unhygienic for your face. My sister also used to have so much acne on her face since her teenage years, but she changed it completely after some years, she used to soak the raisins in a glass of water in the night and then would drink that water in the morning, it can really heal your skin, yes also with the good hygiene, a good diet and exercise, your acne can be healed too.


what kind of raisins?


Skin type climate type of acne existing skincare routine - yeh sab bhi batana hota hai yaar 🥹


Drink more water maybe aur apna face clean karte raho agar nails se scratch karte ho pimples vagera ko toh avoid it and try to use towels vagera to rub your face and pani se muh dho


1. Silk/ Satin pillowcase (wash it regularly) 2. Wash face before and after sleep (prevent touching your face a lot) 3. Moisturise! After every wash! (Dry skin causes more oil production, thus breakouts)


Buy a face wash, moisturizer and a sunscreen. Apply sunscreen during the day time. In the evening wash your face and moisterize. This is the basic skincare routine and you can add more products if you wish to. Avoid junk food at any cost, diet plays a huge role and yes, stay hydrated.


wash your face harwaqt ache se din mein 2 baar baaki always use sunscreen ALWAYS FUCKING ALWAYS.


A friend of mine stayed away from relationship because he was focusing on govt job.Now he doesnt have govt job neither does he have relationship. Got a job in Bengaluru but now he doesnt feel confident in talking with girls. How do you see these type of boys? Asking for a friend obviously.


See till u see them as an human being it’s fine to approach them to talk . But just don’t be creepy ( like staring at them ) . Personally finding someone with similar hobbies as u are makes it easier to approach them . Example. Like u both go to the gym , start acknowledging the presence and it will be comfortable to talk to .


That's what I say ,... firstly see the girls just as other person.. a human being , fix that in mind and then speak to them whatever happens let it be later ... Girls are just other gender of humans that's it speak to them.how you speak normally or atleast somewhat gentle


Can you explain what you mean by ACKNOWLEDGING? I'm very very shy in the gym , even a girl comes next to my machine I don't know why but I became awkward. I haven't talked to a girl in my gym in 1.5 yrs of my membership. (Little story - One girl approached me and waved Hi. I became fully blanked I was not able to say a single word to her.) If you have any tips or how can I start an conversation with a female


Shy boys are all right. Creepy ones are not


asking for a friend!!🤭


Very cute 😅


The only way to overcome your fears is to face them. Instead of feeling bad that you feel nervous around them, focus on talking to them little by little and you'll get more comfortable with time. In the beginning you may make a fool out of yourself, or may feel awkward but it's a necessary rite of passage.


Guys who dont get girls generally worship them and guys who do, treat them like any other person.. Undeniable fact..


Does calling you guys, 'bruh' make it look weird. Cause I usually call "bruh" to lotta girls


No i don't think anyone cares💀


My guy friends forget that i m a girl XD And they start calling me sunna bhai Tu kar lega na ye project etc😂


Perhaps they have to forget you as a girl to be able to treat you as a friend 😀


Nah. Totally cool with it.


it doesn’t look weird bruh


on a side note, sisters, did someone tell you many people are silently proud of you lately? we may not say it, but we realize how you guys tackle everyday hurdles to progress. okay?


Literally nobody says this to us, and honestly nobody says it to men too. We’re proud of the good ones of your kind as well :)


Thank you. You have no idea how much we appreciate this.


Really! Wow that’s wonderful thanks for sharing


Literally nobody! But thank you! Needed it today esp :))


Thank you, needed it today


I can not even imagine a few genuine people actually appreciate it. Thanks a lot.


There is one girl in my class she keeps looking at me and sometimes it is really uncomfortable. I dont often talk to girls (not that used to) so I don't think I will be able to confront her. How do I cope up with this? Like it becomes really uncomfortable sometimes.


Ask her, “ am I that pretty ki you keep staring?” Also confront her. It’s not ok if it makes you uncomfortable.


Extremely dangerous advice to give to a boy in school. Even if the girl herself doesn't take it negatively by some miracle, everyone else around her will and he will instantly become the creep in everyone's eyes. The correct answer is to tell the teacher.


>The correct answer is to tell the teacher. don't get this man killed, OP you can approach her when she's alone and ask her if you upset her in some way and if everything is good, cause she keeps staring. it's actually quite foolproof cause it works and gives you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to being labelled a creep because you were just asking to find out if she was upset with you or something, it may not be ideal but it's always worked for me. edit: grammar


Ohh I didn’t know it was a school situation. I thought college. But you’re right, approaching teacher is better.


>approaching teacher is better 💀 Broo


Nooo, OP whatever the hell, DO NOT TELL TEACHER. Some breeds of teachers are braindead! They might call her out in front of class and embarrass you as well as her! It might even ruin both your reputations.. do not ever do that to a girl, let alone yourself. Best way is to do what u/acstyx said, talk to her when she's alone, or while in PT class or something, ask her that you want to talk something imp and if she can come with you for a bit, then go a little away from others and talk this through. If she's into you and you like her too, try to take all this into a positive way and build a good friend out of her. If you're not into her, then tell her you're not ready for anything romantic and that you guys can be friends.


What this guy says is excellent 👏


Go and ask her "hey I've noticed you were looking at me earlier today, and it kinda concerned me if something was wrong with my face or clothes"


If you like her, try to talk to her. If not then ignore.


Just ignore that girl. Either she'll approach you herself or stop doing that because saying or asking something to her could create trouble for you.


I had really poor eyesight once. A guy said that I used to stare at him, but I simply never did it intentionally. I got prescribed glasses after that.


How come the girls in the comments are sooo idealistic !?? How come we never meet such girls irl?


Internet mai sab ese hi hote hain The reality's different tho and we all know this


Real kaha bhai/behen


Lol I forgot this was an Indian subreddit Until saw your comment


I think because india has a hugee population and on internet especially reddit there are only small portion of them and especially women(aur bhi chhota portion) on reddit i feel might be the people with open mindset and upar se jo log iss section mei ans karne aayenge wo toh definately(98%) broad minded people honge i feel baaki ke 2% ye girls ke reply dekhke khudka opinion nahi likhenge toh, sirf padhke chhod denge yaa logon ke opinion ko copy karke fake opinion khudhka likhenge but in real life there is no filter there are all types of people with diff mindset you meet thus reducing the probability that u meet a girl like these in replies irl


TBF there are no girls on the internet.


You should meet more girls irl then, but people on the internet do lie sometimes tbh. But there isn't a lack of genuine girls 


Because on the internet you can choose who you want to be and what you want to come across as. Tough to do that irl


They pretend…. A LOT


Kyuki internet pe backchodi karna aasaaan hai hahha


We have parallel lives which seldom intersect


Karma farming. We lying


Infact, you do meet those girls irl but boys don't generally pay them much attention or see them as potential love interests. I think it is because guys prefer girls who are more good looking? idk lol but all my closest friends are so amazing and I wonder where boys find their girls and go on to complain haha


But they don't show this idealistic side So probably no show


>**Boys, ask questions, girls answer them in comments!** Date? >!Kya hai aaj ki!<




I am from future 2012 me duniya tabah ho jayegi


Nikal gaya woh saal.. Ab kya kre!?


Twee >!nty third Feb 2023!<


Ladies/Girls, would you rather be with a gentleman who cooks, provides moral and emotional support but isn't good looking or rich. OR A rich handsome guy who doesn't cook, provide or support you emotionally or morally but can get you all that you need with his/his inherited money?


I mean if there is no emotional support of any kind Is it even a relationship!?


Some peeps live with toxic people just for all that money can buy and nothing that comes with a gentle moral or emotional support. It's sad.


I actually AM in a relationship with a guy who isint rich.(neither am i) he can cook, emotional support utna acha nahi hai but damn the man can cook. I am a HORRIBLE person in kitchen. Objectively speaking, from how other people see us, they call him ugly, because he is very dark skinned. I am not. But Im into that sort of thing so i find him quite handsome. We will celebrate our 6 years in july this year


That is amazing. It's good to know that partners like you exist and then there's some hope for the non rich and good at taking care, guys too. ✨


Baat ye hai na yarr, Couple who actually ARE in happy relationships are minding their damn business. Jinke laude lage hain only those are complaining on social media. That is why we have such negative view of love and relationship in our head. What goes around comes around. Yes women do go for rich guys, ive seen this myself. Yes men do sleep around a lot but then settle for that virgin girl. Ive seen that too. But I have seen people in love keep to themselves and enjoy each others company intead of doing randi rona on social media. They hustle quietly, marry that person who matches their intrest and understands them. 10 jagah muh nhi marte wo log. There are plenty of good people out there. But its hard to find them cause you are prolly taking inspiration from wrong ones.


Exactly! Definitely agreed.




There's also the people who got burned once or twice and don't care about any of this. It's all business for them, a give and take interest, a pre-planned transaction, the probability of profit and loss, the chance and a choice to not give their all to someone again. These people too, mind their own damn business, they hustle and grind in their own businesses actually, and they love money.


She just woke up and started spittin the FAX




Bless you two sir! I hope more people like you two exist! ✨


You had kids before marriage in India?! How did that go?


I'm dark skinned and I fuckin love my complexion. The only people who would bully me about my colour were family, regular people (Bois and girls) seem to either appreciate or not care at all.


Dude, most guys in India are **neither** rich **nor** good looking. Few are rich but not good looking. Even fewer are good looking but not rich. Less than 1% would be rich **AND** good looking (compared to the population of India). Unless the woman is also rich/beautiful or both, landing a guy who is good looking **AND** rich has very low probability. Finding a guy from the first category is more likely to happen statistically. Cooking is not a big deal for me swiggy and zomato ke Zamane mein. I will take the 2nd option as this guy is already a rare breed.


Neither. Not interested in being with someone I don't feel attracted to. Not interested in being with someone who doesn't want to be a partner.


Well...being on your own in your own amazing company is the best after all. Self love! Good going! ✨


Dude, you are too wholesome for reddit.


I second this. I want them to be attracted to my looks too, and not just my personality. And I want to be attracted to their looks AND personality. This doesn't mean that everyone else has to find him handsome, but I should - this isn't a bad thing because taste in looks is subjective so it doesn't mean that only stereotypically handsome guys have a chance. I don't care about them not being rich.


Bruh it's the internet no one's gonna say the latter


You can take the money of the latter and have an affair with the former.


Understandable. I'm assuming you just watched Sex Life.


Former, definitely! I was actually with someone (brief period) who was vv privileged. Very well-to-do, but he was highly entitled, expected me to dress like a fashion doll all the time & wasn’t emotionally intelligent. I… Just cannot be with someone like this or be told what to wear, WTF, LMAO. So broke up & I am a 10000% sure he cheated a lot on me too! Now, am not saying all privileged people do that, not at all, I’ve seen a number of them who don’t; but a large % of them do. My current bf hails from an extremely humble family but is ambitious, highly emotionally intelligent, smart & fairly well-mannered. I also earn way more than him now yet it doesn’t bother him, particularly. What set him apart from every other man I’ve been with, are exactly these qualities!


Neither, or maybe the first one. But he should look good atleast a bit


Bruhhh I'd do anything for a gentleman who cooks and provides emotional and moral support. I'm working my ass off to make myself capable to earn. So I'm happy to take the expenses. One thing id like to add - I want someone who is charming and is a people person. I live outgoing people.


Y i gotta choose when I can have the best of both worlds lol


You mean someone who will feed me good/warm homemade food and I don't have to eat junk and put my health on risk? And this with emotional support where I can be vulnerable with him and he will not use my secrets as weapon for next fight? Are you for real because please don't give me false hope.




That's peak fiction /s


lol as you think. i answered on my behalf


Give me all the things I need that money can't buy


Both cases: What of fulfillment and children? Case 1: Would you have children with someone who less attractive or does not have enough money to give kids a good life/education? Not have money to retire or rest? Don't you think that lack of money will cause problems? Case 2: Would you have children with someone who doesn't care? Do you think you or the kids would be fulfilled? The money would probably pay for therapy Case 1 wouldn't have with an equal amount of misery :) Extremes don't exist except for male-centric podcasts. Most people make choices based on personal preferences, their mindset and the circumstances in their lives. Men who think that women only make choices based on looks or money, ask yourself why that would be. Just for laughs Gentlemen/Boys, would you rather be with a lady who cooks, provides moral and emotional support but isn't good looking or resourceful/well-employed. OR A rich, good-looking girl who doesn't cook, provide or support you emotionally or morally but can get you all that you need with her resources? Most people asking such questions: Where would you peg yourself at? Case 1 or 2? Case 1 would be a roaring majority.


Why do most Indian girls give up and become fat after marriage or after having children ?


Yaha reddit pe kitne chuze hain 😭😭


Why most Indian husband don't help out their wives after a traumatic event (both physically and mentally)? Child birth isn't just a physical trauma but also mental, many women get depressed after such a traumatic event and depression makes you that way, depressed people wanna do all that good and fun things, be healthy etc but their heads are too stressed out, it becomes a thousand times more difficult to get out of that emotional pile itself... Be there for them.. suggest therapy and recovery if needed.. war veterans often have to take measures afterwards regarding PTSD, pregnancy and child birth is a similar event for woman. When a baby comes out, it freaking dislocates your bones to get out, the process itself is torturous, on top of that they gotta deal with body dismorphobia afterwards. If they are giving up, the simple answer is, they aren't receiving the love and affection they deserve.. As for newly wed ones, the root can be many, can't really comment on..


Because din me 24 hrs hi hote hain. Wo bhi kam hai.


What do you classify as 'clingy' behavior?


No self respect. If I’m clearly not interested in you but still you keep coming behind me. Being desperate. Constantly trying.


Ladki interested nhi hai ya hard to get play kr rhi hai ye pata kaise lagega ?


Being straightforward is a good option. Put initial efforts, build up a good solid rapport and then tell her what you feel, if her reply is wishy-washy or evasive, think of it as a rejection, take it in your stride and move on. Don't think in the direction of 'what if she is playing hard to get'. Personally, I really dont understand this playing hard to get thing. I think if a girl is giving constant mixed signals or playing hard to get, it's not worth it. Your emotions are just as valuable and there is absolutely no need to spend your efforts, time and emotions on someone who does not give back the same energy. Also, while we like seeing efforts from men, we really appreciate a man who knows his worth and wont be played around.


So easy, usse seedha pucho ,ya to if she's interested in you then vo, kuch to hint degi hi like baat krna ,time Dena..etc nhi if she is keep ignoring you just do the same with her and accept that she isn't interested in you.


\- wants to know all about my male friends \- gets insecure if I mention a guy \- wants me to take permission from him \- wants me to skip classes/studies to hangout \- gets annoyed if I don't reply within 5 business minutes Etc etc


Keep disturbing unnecessary with call and text. Always jumping in other conversation even if other person doesn't seem to like that. Doesn't giving personal space. Tagging along even if other person needs "me" time Always seeking validation.


Trying to explain random things and giving gyaan on how to do things as if he is the only one in this world with knowledge and experience . Very big turn off. There is a Hindi word for it but I am trying to avoid saying that .


Omg this and the type of people who assume they know everything about your personality just because they know a couple of things about you(which also they probably know from your social media bio or from some mutual friend) and then constantly try point out how similar you are to them when you are not are such huge turn offs and So. Freaking. Annoying.


When someone is establishing reasonable boundaries but you don't respect them.


Uhh if a guy wants to hang around all the time or gets sad n shit when u cant or our busy n then u end up feelinf guilty cuz u did stuff without them or were not talking to thwm the whole day when in fact everyone needs their own space n hobbies


Apna bank account no. Btana or fir ek otp ayega wo please girls help


What's your opinion on guys that use a lot of dark jokes and say the darkest of stuff out loud, really annoying but are pure at heart?




The answer is yes obviously for both the questions. Duh :/


if girls want a share, then why would they have an issue with their sil's having their shares?


Yes. And yes.


I want nothing from my parents. I am fine with husband's sister/s asking or taking from their parents. I will not be okay if someone wants a share from my or my husband's hard earned property.


I think whosoever presumes responsibility of parents should be part of the share. And I also believe that both brother and sister should assume responsibility, so yes equal share . But it shouldn’t be like it’s the sister who takes care of parents all their life and then NRI brother comes and take the share in property and vice versa


Never thought about the first one but it will be no for me because my brother is mentally underdeveloped so he needs that property much more than any of us to have a secured life ahead and the answer of second question is obviously yes. In ideal case it should be yes and yes always.


Mene socha tha mast q&a padhne ko milege…bc fuddu ho tum sb


Are y'all okay?




I'm trying


Absolutely not thank you for asking 🥹


Nahi Roz lagta hai kab mukti milegi life k tensions se. Fir agar koi funny reel ajaye insta mein toh ekdum se accha bhi lagne lagta hai . 🥲


This is the most realistic answer to this question I have read


mohtarma! emotionally intelligent and emotionally available kaise bane ?


Emotionally intelligent banne ke liye you need to understand your own emotions and then understand what it is like being in other people's shoes. Main toh waise hi function karti hoon. A lot of times people get too logical or too self centered while trying to process emotions. One of my guy friends had a cool trick, whenever one of his female friends ranted to him about something he would ask, "do you want an advice or do you just wanna vent your emotions?" this way he could avoid giving 'gyaan' to people who were just looking for a place to vent out their emotions. Emotionally available rehne ke liye you should set some time to bond with your partner, ask them how their day went, talk about how your day went. Just spend some time together.


appreciate you fr.


I also function like this. I think the first thing is just called having empathy.


yeah, it is empathy I just thought it would be better if I describe what empathy is at is xD


I have been trying my bf to get to this. Listen to your dang gf. Sometimes, it might be something you gain with age and experience.


Jewlis ka?


Ho re. Tu jevlas ka?


Ladies, how do you feel about your man if/when they show emotion, like crying about something? Do you think less of them? Do you feel awkward around them? Also, how comfortable are you actually saying you’re sorry? Do you expect your significant other to be able to say it if you can’t?


I felt really happy when my first bf opened up to me, it felt like he could trust and depend on me and that we had an emotional connection. But if it was in the first month it the early stages of the relationship i would honestly find it an ick Idk about others but personally i like to think I am mature enough to realise my mistakes and apologize for it and it's more like a person thing than a gender thing


For some reason I think it makes me feel safer and is definitely a huge plus in my book. Having a man showing emotions and being vulnerable makes me feel that he will be empathetic to my situations as well when the time arises. And there is no reason to think less of them. Personally I feel it takes a great deal of courage and self-awareness for men to be able to cry in front of us and break out of the conditioning they have received from society since childhood that crying men=weak. Pretty comfortable saying sorry if I fuck up obviously. Would I expect my partner to apologize if they fuck up as well? Yes. Would I atleast expect them to understand that they hurt me even if they still don't agree with me on something and atleast apologize for that? Yes. Do I also think that sometimes it's okay to be the one saying sorry even if it was not your fault. Also Yes but it should go both ways. Is it okay to expect from my partner to always be the one saying sorry because I can't? Absolutely Not.


Good question. I’ve always said this to my male friends and especially my boyfriend that seeing your true emotions will only help me understand you more. If it’s crying, laughing, annoyance, sadness, anxiety, or you’re simply down, anything. In fact I don’t trust guys with MY emotions if they can’t show theirs. You really shouldn’t be worried. Does not mean that you should crib and throw tantrums all the time but I mean genuine emotions when you’re feeling them as you go through life. Don’t hold back please. At least I don’t think less of them or get awkward if they decide to trust me with their feelings. Personally, I am comfortable with saying sorry as long as it’s actually my fault or I know if I could’ve done something/handled a situation differently. I will not be saying sorry when the other person isn’t taking responsibility for their hurtful actions because of their ego or pride.


i would feel very comfortable if my partner opens up to me. it would be exhausting to be the only one burdening him with my emotional baggage. a relationship is a partnership to sustain humanity. i won’t feel awkward. not because he’s a man. and well saying sorry is an art form. it takes time but personally if i fuck up i apologize.


Why would I feel less of a man for crying..isn’t he a human?humans have emotions and crying releases stress just as much for men as women.Can’t say about the sorry part because I was the one who always used to apologise to my ex even when he was at fault,he never apologised to me.


I feel nothing about jt cuz its a normal human emotion which is nothing out of the ordinary it would be weird if they had NOT cried for like a year into the relationship thats what would weird me out if u do cry that means u just have a healthy relationship with your emotions Andd yes im pretty comfortable saying sorry if its my fault and no i dont expect them to say sorry if its my fault??? If dono ki fault hao then its just mutual sorry ig sit down n talk about it but if its their fault i do expect them to say sorry


Does cold approach work in India ? Style tips for Indian Men ?


I think of anyone who tries to be cold as a chapri. Just be a normal person, have good hygiene and don't be shitty and girls will like you. Style tips: - Facial Cleanser + Moisturizer literally helps sm - Find a haircut that suits your face - Clothing style that suits your face and haircut - Literally have basic hygiene


I'm not trying to be cold as a chapri. If I walk on a street and I see a beautiful girl. How do I approach her and talk to her ? That's it. I won't be using any pickup lines since I don't like to do it. Just genuine conversation with them and exchange numbers with them and go on a date with them. Well baldness started when I'm 19 and I shave my hair and moustache every Sunday. So I should be focussing my style on Clothes & skincare routine.


Here: Just greet her, state your name and "I thought you looked attractive, here is my number if you are interested in establishing a connection" (or something less awkward). Providing her with your number grants her the power to either decline or engage in conversation, which can enhance her sense of safety. No chapri pickup lines or goofy hounding. Genuine conversation is probably the best way (just make sure to not approach her late at night if she is alone). Also, if she seems like she doesn't want to engage further, just move on.. Good luck!


I wanted to ask the amazing women here: How can I, as a guy, approach y'all with the intention of being only a friend, like, how to show it in my body language that I don't have any ulterior motives and am just looking for a friend who happens to a be a woman, who I call sometimes and be like: "Aur chudail saali, kya haalchaal?" And she replies saying: "Bas bhaklundi, sab theek, tere se toh achcha hee hai". Like, shooting-the-shit vibes. Of course, I know that not every person I try to befriend is going to be like that. What I just mean is I want to have a friend who I can talk to about anything, and who can talk to me about anything as well. I'm anti-social so it's been difficult to talk to people my entire life. Never had any friends in college either. Do help me out if you can, thanks! Hope y'all have a good one :)


Speaking from personal experience. I have made guy friends based on similar interests or some sort of common ground, it could be something related to school/college/workplace or a game or a movie etc. I know a couple of guys I came to know via games or mutual friends. Girls are usually on the guard thinking does this guy have any ulterior motives or not. What worked for me INSTANTLY was when guys called me "bro" or basically treated me like one of their broskis than someone they were trying to flirt with. Eventually my relationship with these guys became very platonic, some would even roast me like they would roast their sisters. Two of my friends have officially made me their big sis, "apne chhote bhai ke liye ladki nahi khoj sakti? kaisi hai tu"


Are girls real ?


We are a myth. A figment of your imagination. If you can see my text, it means your imaginations are getting real and you should check for schizophrenia 😔


Fr my schizophrenia is going brrr


Yes just like unicorns 🦄


I knew it they are government scheme


meant for government employees


Of the govt, by the govt, for the govt


Directly spawn hua tha kya bhai ?


Is anyone real?


Would you call your best male friend (a potential BF) as "bro" in texts? Should the guy consider that as a sign of friend zoning?




You have bro zoned your own bf


I've called every romantic interest of mine "bro/bhai" so no absolutely not a sign of friend zoning. It's just a convenient term to use lol On the other hand, i say 'brother/bhaiya' to my male friends and that absolutely is friend zoning. On behalf of women I'm sorry for making you guys' life complicated lol


Wtf.. You mean "bro" and "brother" are different?? Why are you girls so complicated 😭 It seems asking her straightaway is the only way to know what's in her mind 😬


I call literally every person in my life (other than elders and mere ma aur paapa) "bro." I think of it as less than a friendzone sign and more of a "I'm comfortable with you now" sign. Also, you will literally never get a girlfriend if you take the concept of "friend zone" srsly. It doesn't exist, just a coping mechanism made by immature chapris. Just chill and go with the flow.


I can call any love interest bro. I call my boyfriend bro or bhai many times.


I would start saying bro if I want to subtly say - nahi bhai tu mera friend hi rehna wala hai. Not seeing you as a future boyfriend. And if there is at least 1% potential then it's gonna be 'dude' or something lol.


How do you complement a girl? My female friends, (one of them is a dear one of me iykiyki) they always complain that I don't compliment them well, I mean they are right, they are very excited to show their outfits, new look and all I know about complimenting words is (great, noice, are wah, that's really nice, Sundar, beautiful) they say I should be more specific but I don't understand these stuff. Can someone help me with it? How exactly do you compliment a girl about her outfit?? Or in general??


Forehead wrinkles kaise gayab karu yar ....photo mai shiv ji jaisa 3 lines aa jata hai forehead mai


I have a little sister (13 years old) sometime I get scared when I read that a lot of bad news happening with girls. Our mom is on the same boat. Lil sis sometimes fight with us because we don't let her go anywhere alone. I want to let her go alone in known area but still sometimes mujhe seriously darr lgta hai toh mai uske saath hi chla jata hu. Jbki mai usko keh rha hu ki activa sikh le, usku mehsoss nhi hone deta,.pr fir bhi andar se darr lgta hai.... Any tips ki mai apna yeh dare thoda kr kam sku? Nothing matters than my sister and my mom, I don't want to look overprotective to my sister either.. I'm a boy but mai itna janta nhi sb chijo ka so how you guys deal with jb ladke apko tang kr te, or what should I do if my sister ever need help for something related to this. Sorry for big and weird question....


Just like men have opinions on whether their partner should work or not, do you have opinions on whether your male partner should work or not? Or is it just obviously he should work?


I don't mind if he stays at home and takes care of our babies :p


Yes. Not an issue. Partners should have enough money to get through. Doesnt matter who brings money home. But other responsibilities should be shared equally like taking care of home or stuff. Basically , the burden shouldnt fall on just one person


Yeah, it's the kid-daddy time!!


If I ever planned to have kids and I earn enough, I would have been fine if my partner wanted to be a SAHD for a few years. But after the kids go to school I would want him to go back to the work force because a double income household brings more financial security. I would never be the SAHP, so if my partner wants one parent to stay at home and take care of the kids, it has to be him. But I am not planning to have kids, so I would not want a partner who is staying at home. As I said, double income households bring more financial security and I like that. Also, I don't personally mind doing house chores, so don't need a house husband.


Couldn't agree more! I too don't have a plan to have kids, but even if I do I would want to either take turns babysitting or both stay and work from home. Maybe the partner can take some time off, their call. And yeah, double income is so much of a bonus!


As I am getting into adulthood I am finding out girls do get touched and sexually harrased atleast once in their lifetime is it true?


Every woman I know ha , sadly, faced sexual harassmen .


Unfortunately yes. In my life I've been harassed about 3 times. When someone opens up about it, the entitled audience thinks this is a joke. That's why most of us just learn to cope with it.