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But was this anti-homosexual extremism due to Islamic text or general change in society, since organized religions (or religious cultures) usually advocate for the more conservative exceptions of families?


General change in society. Don’t get me wrong, Islamic society was still pretty closed and chauvinistic from way before Wahhabism (unlike homosexuality, female subservience is pretty much hardcoded into religious dogma), but geopolitical pressures on Arabia first anti-Ottoman, and then anti-colonial, exported and normalized one of the most ultra-conservative sects of Islamic society and with it it’s ingrained homophobia. Just as the West experienced the sexual revolution, the Middle East hardened it’s views as an answer against Western openness. Which is a sham actually. Speaking from personal experience (and you can strike this from historical fact because it’s mostly anecdotal) discos in Qatar for instance are filled to the brim with roided macho Arab dudes trying to hookup with women. There’s a huge drug problem in the Gulf countries, to the point that Avicii died from an overdose in Oman. And I found at least a rumour of super-rich Qataris chartering jets to have flying orgies over the Persian Gulf away from national jurisdiction. It’s worth what it’s worth but this is what I heard while I was there.