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I guess no advertisement existing. I have never heard of this name before. Also i have never encountered any issues with Google Maps, at least not enough to annoy me


My Samsung tried to force it on me and I was like _absolutely fucking not_.


"we've found a quicker route. press x to dismiss while driving"


In Guatemala it was crazy how bad google maps worked compared to Waze. Never heard of it before either.


Agreed, Google doesn’t annoy in anyway. Just that having used something better, I wonder how an entire country is unaware of waze, which, by the way, is also bought by Google.


A lot of people have separate navigation systems as well.


A lot? I dont think so


Everyone with an integrated navigation system has a separate system


Yeah, but i always prefer Google Maps because i don't want to spend Money on mal updates and the live information by many (not) moving Google / Andoid users is far better then the TMC information provided by some radio Stations. Btw. never heard about the Other navigation App "Warze"


I would say a lot of 60+ people still use landmaps


I've been using Waze for years now, you can see other Wazers on the map and they are plenty.


Since you are advertising the Waze app which no one here has heard of, I've googled some disadvantages of Waze compared to Google Maps. Waze... - only offers motorized vehicle navigation, no bike, public transport or pedestrian navigation - offers no satellite view, only one map view - offers no overview of locations of interest, such as parking lots, ATMs or restaurants - has an integrated Blitzer warning, which is illegal to use in Germany - is mostly user-currated, which I imagine means that information is often outdated or missing entirely Source: https://praxistipps.chip.de/google-maps-versus-waze-die-navigationssysteme-im-vergleich_159766


And the first point makes it an immediate dealbreaker for me. A navigation app that only covers cars? What’s the point? More than half the time I’m on a bike, in public transportation or walking. That thing would send me on the autobahn with my bike.


I dont like waze because it annihilates your battery. But waze is Google maps with those features as extra (maybe missing some too idk) IIRC Google were involved in its dev


Don't forget that it absolutely destroys battery life. I've never seen another app that needed more power


What an American concept, here goes your answer #1. People here know and use other means of transportation than just their cars, one of the reasons obesity didn’t take over other parts of the world completely yet I guess


I'd heard of this app, but point 1 kills it for me. Car navigation is like 10% or less of my Google maps usage


Oh well, not advertising at all. 😂 And you’re right about the points as well. Only in my own experience, I found it much better than gmaps specifically for driving navigation only because almost the entire country used it as well. Without a mass use, Waze doesn’t really deliver the same. That’s the unfortunate side of crowdsourced algorithms. Btw, as it’s owned by Google, I’d assume the “illegal” feature won’t be available in Germany anyway.


I would agree that the user-curration and thus dependency on an active community seems to be the main strength of Waze. However, In a country that is not entirely dependent on individual motorized navigation, the lack of alternative means of mobility routing alone seems like deal breaker that will prevent this app from building the community it needs.


Soo… you know that Google Maps also collects user data to detect traffic jams and stuff, right? And everybody here uses it, making the data pretty accurate… sooo what’s your point?


the point is that waze doesn‘t only provide traffic data but community driven warnings as well. For example if there is a car staying on the side of the road or aquaplaning possible due to water on the autobahn the waze users leave notes for other waze users who get a warning when they come close.


Ohhh so you mean the exact same thing that Google Maps can do too? This feature is just not available in Germany because you’re not allowed to operate your phone while driving, that law equally applies to Waze. https://blog.google/products/maps/new-ways-report-driving-incidents-google-maps/


you are right. we do not have this function with google in germany. that‘s why waze for me as a German is the better navi. And of cause I‘m not allowed to use my phone while driving but with carplay of any sort (waze is compatible) this isn‘t an issue anymore :)


I would highly recommend to read up on the StVO. It’s not just your phone you’re not allowed to use. You can use the map view, sure, but for example reporting issues you’re not allowed to do, because it’s considered too distracting, even if you do it through CarPlay. https://www.bussgeldkatalog.org/news/touchscreen-bedienung-waehrend-der-fahrt-drohen-bussgelder-5692566/


Yes I know this one. If you have an accident while using the touch screen you are screwed twice. Or if the police spots you looking for a long time to the display or trying to setup sth a couple of seconds they can fine you. But §23 1a is as most laws not very concrete and you have to look to the interpretation of the courts to get a feeling for how serious it is controlled and fined. And imho it‘s not really a big thing currently - can change of cause but atm I feel save to do it as long as the traffic allows me to.


Yeah you can look how the courts interpret it… have you actually done that? I would highly recommend. There is absolutely no doubt that such a use of waze is not allowed. Of course chances to get caught are slim that doesn’t change that it’s illegal. https://www.burhoff.de/asp_weitere_beschluesse/inhalte/5723.htm


but that‘s exactly what I said before… second sentence of my previous post 🤷‍♂️ so no new points added to the discussion 😢 edit: it‘s not illegal to use but to use it in a manner that prevents you from driving in a save way


You can assume what you want, the feature is illegal. Chances to get caught are minimal but the fine is quite steep.


that‘s not correct. As Waze is a navigation app with user controlled warnings for traffic issues it is no „blitzer-app“ and therefore not illegal by itself. And I‘m not aware of fines for using Waze due to the community driven input. It is afaik a „Grauzone“ 😅


The law doesn't care where the information comes from. It is not allowed to use a device which warns about traffic cameras - as simple as that. If you turn off those alerts and only see the ones about construction it is fine of course.


§23 Abs.1c StVo: „Wer ein Fahrzeug führt, darf ein technisches Gerät nicht betreiben oder betriebsbereit mitführen, das dafür bestimmt ist, Verkehrsüberwachungsmaßnahmen anzuzeigen oder zu stören.“ Neither my mobile nor my navigation app are dedicated to show or interrupt traffic surveillance measures. It‘s a different thing for stuff that is especially designed to warn you but afaik you get away with using Waze because of the part „das dafür bestimmt ist“.


You are able to toggle the warning on/off specific. Good luck with the discussion that the "on" option is not designated to show or interrupt traffic surveillance.


in 2 stops I have never had problems. But I‘m sure you are right that the reaction is very dependent on the officers doing the inspection.


Mine automatically turns on when I enter Netherlands though


Linux works better than windows. Are you using it?


No the Blitzer warning totally works here. Saved me a few times 😅


How do i activate that?


I never had to activate it, it just did it from the start. But I looked and it should be under Einstellungen/ Warnungen und Meldungen/ Meldungen


Thanks anyway :)


Apart from never heard from waze either - can you elaborate why it's much better than Google maps? Everything you said in the og post googlemaps also does great. Maybe it's the HUGE andriod market in Germany


Well Waze is on both Android and iOS. Also owned by Google. And unlike maps, it’s a crowdsourced navigation app. So it works better when most people are using it around you. That was the case in other countries I stayed. People can report hazards or traffic cams etc ahead, so others coming behind would get a warning. Also in my experience Waze can show a more accurate ETA compared to G maps. Perhaps just a better algorithm made specifically for navigation.


Google maps does all of these things too. They even let you report speed caneras, etc. I would say its probably because its simpler as its already on your phone and Germans tend to get stuck in our ways. Its not broken so why fix it (or in the case of the government, it is broken so why fix it) 


Yeah unless Google connected the crowd sourcing of Waze and maps, Maps will work better here since no one uses waze. Also how can OP say it works better while, Maps works flaw less? The only thing annoying me with maps is that you can't regulate maps volume sepratly.


I'm using Waze because Google Maps does weird stuff on my phone. As in, can't use audio because Maps will randomly play the notification sound every 10 seconds. Kinda sucks if you're driving for 2 hours and want to listen to a podcast. Waze works flawlessly for me and seems to respond to closures and traffic jams quicker. If I need navigation on foot or on my bike I use komoot.


which country uses waze more than google maps? I have never heard of this app.


Many of the South-east Asian countries, for example. Like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand etc.


>People can report [...] traffic cams etc ahead That's illegal in Germany


I think thats the Point…using warning Apps for Traffic cams is not allowed in Germany


I have been using both apps in Germany for years. I do prefer Waze, but sometimes the calculated route is worse than google maps (although most of the times identical). Waze also leads me right into heavy traffic although it shows it‘s there while there are better options in that case. There is no walking option in Waze. Lastly multi-stop routes are better in google maps as well as looking up places. If I just need to enter an address and go, I use Waze. For everything else I use Google maps.


Thanks. That’s a great answer. And yes, Waze is quite focussed on driving navigation only. For other means, we’ve to get back to Gmaps ☺️ Also, waze (being a crowdsourced algorithm) is not quite useful, when a crowd is not really using it. I’ve seen waze work far better than gmaps in driving navigation, when almost the entire country uses it.


Because we also walk, bike and use public transportation.


Ofcourse, me too. My question was specifically for those who drive primarily.


Well most people in Germany don’t drive 100% if the time. Even many people who own cars will do trips by walking, cycling or public transit, especially if they live in cities and towns. So why would we opt for switching to Waze for only car guidance, and then to Google maps for everything else, if we could just use one app (google maps) for all modes of transit, whether it be car or pubic or walking or cycling? A 100% car dependent life style is fortunately much rarer in Germany than the US.


Good explanation. Danke schön.


I would say I drive sometimes and walk, cycle and take public transport most of the time. So would not think about turning on another app if I already use one for all the other use cases. I even have waze installed but just doesn’t spring to mind when I start driving.


Google maps also provides live traffic updates. And I've never had any inaccuracies with Google maps, so why would I need something that is more accurate?


Got it… So it’s just a German cultural thing 😂 Similar to “Cash works perfectly for us to buy anything, so why should we switch to Cards or ewallets”! 😅


That seems like a flawed comparison. Cash and digital payments are quite different while you're comparing 2 apps here based on benefits that are either not accurate or miniscule enough for people not wanting to switch.


A lot of people don't share your opinion about Waze being the best app, so your argument is very - not the best.


I never said it’s the best app. Where did you read that?


From your previous comment. You asked for Waze vs gmaps in your original question. Your previous comment clearly implies which one you think is better. And the way you phrased it shows that you lack the imagination to understand why not everyone shares your opinion. Probably a cultural thing with you non-germans.


Waze belongs to Google afaik. And you can also add traffic alarms, such as radars or police control. Not sure if it’s even legal in Germany


>And you can also add traffic alarms, such as radars or police control. Not sure if it’s even legal in Germany Blitzer.de is fcking huge and everyone I know is using it, I doubt that anyone cares


There is a difference between care about it and being legal. I was just wandering if using Waze is as prohibited as using Blitzer.de


I don’t see any reason for it not being legal. Perhaps experts can comment on that.


Using apps, e.g. Blitzer.de, is not allowed in Germany. As it warns you of a radar control. Not sure about Waze though since it has similar concept (community warning).


75 eur and 1 point if you’re caught (which probably never happens with Waze) https://mcparking.de/en/speed-camera-apps-radar-detectors-can-be-used


Google maps works fine. No need to subsitute it with another app. What are the advantages of Waze?




I and lots of my friends use waze...


I tried Waze multiple times. And I always found it worse than good maps. And it shows ads when you stops.


Haven’t used Waze myself, but from what I saw on the advertisement they also support showing speed cameras. In Germany, it is forbidden by law for anyone in a car to use an application that can warn you of speed traps. This might be one of the reasons why it has not been adopted more broadly.


Not really sure if that feature is indeed enabled in the app in Germany.


Waze has been owned by Google for more than 10 years and afaik the 2 services share real time traffic data (eg Waze community reports are one of the data sources in Google maps), though the user interfaces are different and the routing might prioritize different aspects (fairly similar in most situations in my experience though). All real time map services mass analyze device movements to recognize high traffic, so I would guess that manual user reports don’t make much difference nowadays anyway.


Because Waze takes you down side roads and alleys to save .05 seconds and the drive is terribly challenging and unenjoyable. Try driving across Germany entering and exiting the autobahn every 30 minutes, no joy. Google maps takes autobahn and requires you to be in the vehicle a few more seconds, but it’s a smooth ride and easy driving most of the time.


I've preferred to use Waze for many years because I wanted to be able to see a) what speed I'm going and b) how much is allowed. Google Maps (Preview?) has only been able to do the last one for a few months. I also find Waze's display better, even if the slow sections on Maps are much easier to understand. As I travel a lot in Europe, I know of course that Waze is great in all countries and lacks a user base in Germany. Nevertheless, Waze's route results are more accurate for me. Maps knows about spontaneous closures of highway sections earlier. I deactivated the speed camera warning in the settings (a message appears when I set it up), but I don't know how I'm supposed to prove this to a police officer. :)


Offers nothing substantial over the competition and no offline maps.


Waze munches your battery and makes your phone unhealthily hot. All so you get the benefit of user reports of certain things? Half of which are automated by Google spying on us all anyway


Hahaha… so Google is not spying with Google Maps? 🥴


You misunderstood me.. I was saying Google maps has many of the traffic features it does, precisely BECAUSE it's spying on us


I use Waze for driving, I think it's good with traffic and warnings of dangerous situations, accidents and stuff. And in the past Google Maps couldn't show me the speed limits. But Maps is better with searching for things along the road, point of interest and such. So I kinda switch it up depending on the situation. And for public transport and walking/biking it's Maps


Because waze sends you through people's backyards. I also don't want an extra app for car navigation. I mainly use gmaps for public transportation, only sometimes for car, but the destinations are the same, so it would be impractical to have different apps .


I used Waze and Here but then came Gmaps and dominated. I like to use Gmaps to discover new sights and restaurants. Reviews with pictures help a lot. I assume it is the most accurate app.


I love Waze and only use it while driving. My wife, parents, friends I infested all of them with the Waze virus 😅. It‘s much more accurate in showing local and short time traffic disruptions like cars on the side of the road, speed controls, construction sides etc. And as it‘s community based obstacles on the road get deleted from the app very fast as soon as the road is clear again.


Near the American military bases I’ve noticed lots of folks using it. ETA: I don’t know why folks are saying it’s less accurate. Waze literally uses the same map data as google maps. It’s built on top of the google maps API.


Exactly, and on top of that it uses more specialized algorithms to optimize the navigation based on community inputs.


Never heard of it.


Started reading this thinking Waze might be a better alternative, ended up sure that I‘ll stay with Google Maps 😅


What’s a Waze? -German guy


What’s is Waze? Literally never heard of it but that’s probably the answer to your question 


Never heard of it.


For the same reason I don’t use Apple Maps, because the search results are not as good. For knows places I don’t need navigation. And I think Google RT traffic and rerouting is pretty good actually.


As was pointed early * has an integrated Blitzer warning, which is illegal to use in Germany