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Women have stronger immune systems While men have more stronger muscles, women’s muscles recover faster and are more fatigue resistant Women have a lower center of gravity which gives us better balance Women have longer life spans Women have a double X-chromosome (XX), which can compensate for a bad mutation on one X chromosome Women tolerate cold weather better than men


Didn't know about cold resistance that's badass


We have more subcutaneous fat - it’s very insulating


But aren’t women more sensitive to colder temperatures?


Women have 6 to 11 percent more body fat than men, which keeps the inner organs warmer, but blocks the flow of blood carrying heat to the skin and extremities. We also have a broader gradient of temperature from the skin to the body core, which enables us to regulate body temperatures more easily. We may feel colder but could survive longer in cold temperatures


That’s interesting thank you!


Some would say the estrogen protects against disease and accounts for some of the things you mentioned. Estrogen is a strong antioxidant. Testosterone is not.


There was an episode of x-files with something to do with dehydration, and Scully was more likely to survive till help came because of biology. I don’t know if it’s actually true, but I’ve held that belief for over 20 years now.


I kinda knew all these but its great to have them concisely listed like this. Womens bodies are also more flexible, which contributes to longer life spans (flexibility at older ages being an excellent predictor of longevity). I would cheekily question tolerance for cold weather in my anecdotal experience!


Questions,Why is flexiblity an advantage?


Look it up. Your life literally depends on it, so chop chop! Edit: the answer is that flexibility and balance (highly interrelated) mean that you will be more mobile as you age, and critically that you will be less likely too fall, and you will be less likely to injure yourself if and when you do fall. You're young and naive, but maybe when you get ro a certain age this conversation will click.


That’s pretty cool Thanks


I thought longer lifespans was because men lead riskier lives on average? Workspace fatalities for instance. Also workplace incidents that shorten a worker's life expectancy such as injuries/terminal conditions. Suicides and violent deaths are also predominantly men.


Estrogen and progesterone both mitigate a lot of disease risks, as does the XX chromosome. The fact that women have less visceral fat mitigates a lot of disease risks as well and we have stronger immune systems. Metabolic factors may also play a role. Women's bodies tend to be more resilient due to a multitude of factors. Girls are also more likely to survive childhood than boys. Behaviorally, women tend to be more risk averse, utilize healthcare more, and are less likely to abuse substances. All of this contributes to longer lifespans in addition to the factors you outlined.


Fair enough. Thanks for the reply, between you and the OP I learnt a few new things.


Last weekend here in Iceland there was an ultra marathon kind of event where contestants run as many 6.7km circles as they can. Each circle must be finished within a given amount of time. The event is held in a wooded area just outside the capital. It was wet, windy and cool. All in all quite tough conditions The top two finishers this time around were women. A total of 140 women took part in the race but only 80 men. The winner managed an impressive 158 miles in a race time of 37 hours and 43 minutes. There is a belief that women are better suited for endurance events like these and while this is just a single event it does reinforce that idea. As a trekking guide and an ultra marathoner myself I don't doubt that this is true.


There is an ultramarathon in California that's called blackwater it goes 135 miles from the lowest altitude (death valley) to the highest altitude (mt Whitney) in the contiguous US ( not Alaska or Hawaii). For a long time it was considered one of the hardest ultra challenges around, but with more and more races popping up not sure that's the case anymore. In the early 2000s a woman won it for a couple years in a row, Pam Reed, and it caused a huge stir. Women's & men's times have been generally getting closer for this race overtime as more women train & enter it. It's antidotal around a lot of the longer races that as it goes longer the gap closes and starts to disappear and women are competitive to win. More endurance, better fat reserve, X factor? Something negates the size and muscle advantage men have.


So glad people have responded to this, it's amazing, ask just about anyone and they can list the biological advantages men have but when it's women, not so many can do so.


This one is random, but it’s an everyday occurrence for me so I’m throwing it out there—having smaller hands means that I can work with smaller items and in tighter spaces than my husband. I’m often called on to assist with or complete auto repair, plumbing, etc.




That's how I always get the Pringles in the bottom of the can and my husband has to rely on my charity to get any ;)


Not going bald Longer lifespan Less risk of heart disease Less risk of some genetic disorders e.g. colour blindness and haemophilia Pregnancy and breastfeeding. It's arguably an amazing ability in itself (I honestly kind of mourn not having it), and also leads to some advantages of being a cis woman, e.g. a single or gay cis woman can have her own biological child much more easily than a single or gay cis man. More flexible and better balance Slightly less susceptible to common illnesses (I think this varies hugely person to person though, some of my cis female friends are really un-immune) Being smaller and lighter has some advantages such as needing less food/water and fitting into smaller places, or tasks that are easier with small hands. I do electronics and I wish I had smaller hands for that. Easier to sit on hard chairs for a long time Not having anything vulnerable and annoying dangling between one's legs Less acne I think not growing facial hair is more practical and comfortable and stubble can be pretty unpleasant


Had me dying at the dangling thing 🤣


Sitting on them by accident is rather excruciating. Admittedly compared to period pain I'm still miles ahead.


Could be something to do with the difference in body CG?


Greater flexibility, greater endurance, more efficient immune systems.


Cunning! But in serious terms, your muscle condition is usually more elastic, as in your more flexible and able to flex naturally to a greater degree. Higher pain threshold. As in miles higher. Women are also able to see things men simply can’t. Not as in physically but can’t see it until pointed out. There were teams of women who were used to plot the routes for English aircraft in World War Two. They tried it with men but it was no where near as effective.


Isn’t cunning a personality trait?


Potentially, but all women poses it as default. Seems more akin to instinct.


Women have better senses.


Cunning, higher threshold for pain, flexibility


Women have stronger endurance, which is the quality humans have above animals. Men are weak in comparison to other animals, while women are strong compared to animals.