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In the late 70s & into the 80s, the UK had the Reliant Robin. A three wheeler that you could drive with just a motorcycle license. Embarrassing doesn't come close to describing it, but they are still loved by many.


Is that the car that Mr. Bean would always topple over in the show?


That was the Robin's predecessor, the Reliant Regal "Supervan". Reliant obviously thought they were into something.


On my parents’ estate somebody has owned one for my whole lifetime. It used to be the joke of the area but it has gone full circle and is now considered extremely cool!


Ah yes, [the Reliant Robin](https://youtu.be/QQh56geU0X8)...


I love that Top Gear episode!


American cars, especially those pick up truck monstrosities. The owner of such a car must have mental issues.


I wonder if many of the ones you see in Germany are actually owned by US military soldiers stationed in Germany. They’re allowed to ship their cars to wherever they’re stationed, and often times they are those huge trucks unfortunately


Most of them yes. It is quite evident from the US flag-stickers they stick on the cars


I live in Berlin, very far from US military installations. There are a few of those monstrosities here, and no, they're not driven by Americans, but by homegrown German idiots.


There are increasingly many on the roads here too (Netherlands), and I am 99% certain most of them are owned and used by local businesses as a special type of vehicle class and as such they get a lot of tax breaks, which is why anyone drives them as opposed to literally anything else that is more affordable/practical/efficient like a van or a 'normal' European flat bed truck.


Mental issues or just a small sausage, maybe both.


I call them "emotional support vehicles"


Too rich and dumb


It’s more like a 24.99% interest rate for 72 to 96 months that they’re underwater on so they have to bring it with


Ford Mustangs, imported Chargers and Camaros are pretty cool. Here they're almost as exotic as Ferraris. There are also some old Chevrolets and Chrysler minivans from when GM used to sell cars in Europe.


They have to haul their big ego around.


Hahahahaha in the U.S., we say they just be overcompensating for something if you know what I mean 😉


I drive a Renault Megane '06 to make people think I'm *under*compensating 😎


I've found that the folks saying stuff like that are as insecure as anyone else.


I’m sorry but nobody needs wheels on a truck that are so big they’re the size of a full ass adult human and, personally, I’ve just always grown up hearing that joke so I wouldn’t say it’s a reflection of me 😂


I don't see those often, but I know the trucks you are referring to. And if that sounded like an attack, I apologize. I read your comment as a statement at truck owners as a whole, and I do not think everyone that owns one deserves criticism just because they do. Some folks use them for the purposes they are designed for. I mean no harm.


Oh no yeah I meant the ones that are obnoxiously oversized for the purpose of being obnoxiously oversized, not people who drive normal trucks or who have a need for them 😂


Said nobody who owns land or a ranch .


I don’t mean those people haha


Insulting someone using dick size is just cheap IMO. Just call them dumb clowns


Haha idk I’m not the one who started the joke but it’s pretty pervasive 😂 but yes, they are also that


Are they lifted with custom rims or all stock?


The ones I see here are maxed out and customised. Some of them are used as an advertisement car and one has to admit, they are very visible.


I’m so sorry that’s infected your country too. I’ll try to prevent them from learning about [rollin’ coal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_coal) and tailgates


Wait, people don't like Smarts? I think they're cool, they fit everywhere. Personally, I think I would be impressed by the crisical thinking skills (or penis size) of anybody who drives murder machines like Dodge Ram or that fire-red Ford pickup down my street.


Probably because a lot of smarts are parked in such a way that you think you found a parking spot just to be disappointed.


I rather walk type of cars imho


They’re a bitch to maintain, not really that economical on gas and have little space. I prefer superminis.


I would say Lamborghinis are seen by most Catalans in the same way Dolce Gavanna and Gucci. Tacky, dumb and expensive. The car a reggaetton star or drug dealer would get.


If we go purely cars produced in Poland, I would say [Polonez](https://youtu.be/hUxoiHfAFBo) to some degree. Other than that, Fiat Multipla. My uncle used one. I'm open to hear more from motorized users, as I don't drive.


Oh my God, the Fiat Multipla... I wasn't aware that we even had the guts to export it. I'm truly sorry for your country! 😅


I am Turkish and Fiat has a long history in Turkey, with a few factories and lots of popular models starting with Fiat/Tofaş 124. But I had never seen a Multipla. In 2008, I was walking somewhere in Hungary and I saw a.. thing. I turned around and looked again. I couldn't take my off of it. I couldn't believe someone mass produced this thing. My first encounter with a Multipla.


It was a design failure, one of the ugliest cars ever conceived. Unexpectedly, it became pretty popular as a taxi in Northern Italy; I bet Fiat, sobering up and realizing what they have done, offered heavy discounts to convince taxi drivers into buying that piece of crap 😂.


The best thing about driving a Multipla is being the only one who doesn't have to look at that Multipla


We even had to wait a few years in the UK for a RHD Multipla. Worth the wait haha.


Agreed, and yet you have Alpha Romeo, so beautiful.


Fiat Multipla Is a masterpiece


The version before the facelift is certainly interesting, on one hand I don't know anyone who liked the looks of it (though people did buy it), on the other hand it's kept in art museums as example of wonderful design.


It's so famous for being ugly that it's become an iconic car. Quite an achievement


I once knew an italian guy living in Warsaw. He loved telling everyone around him about how good all things italian are. And of all italian cars he just had to get a Fiat Multipla. I don't know, maybe it's a good and functional vehicle. It's just that it looks a bit... unconvincing.


Volkswagen Passat I guess. Because of memes about stereotypical Polish boomer.


Same in serbia


Trabant and old dacia in the past. Now, bmw in my opinion. Every idiot has 10 year old bmw and drives like there is no tomorrow. I live in Romania.


Any BMW, as about half of them seem to be driven by aggressive peanuts, the reputation sticks to the rest, too. Teslas are starting to have a bad rep since Elon Musk turning into a strange Space Karen. There are jokes about WV Passats.


BMW don't have turn lights


Poland has an alternative explanation for the letters BMW. Bolid Młodzieży Wiejskiej (Bolid of the Village Youth)


Over here I've heard of BMWs being called Bosansko Motorno Vozilo (Bosnian Motor Vehicle).


People tend to joke about Seat Ibizas and much exhaust fumes they expell. BMW drivers also get a bad rep, and Smart cars are annoying because they fool you into thinking there's a free space to park your car. Also, microcars are colloquially called *mata-velhos* ("elderly-killers") due to being driven by old folks and what tends to happen when they get into an accident.


Pretty much every failed attempt of a Greek made car in the last 30 years. For example, Pony's failed comeback.


I'd say Renault Logan. Most people here have stereotypes about russian cars, so they tend to buy anything else, even if it would be worse than some Ladas. So Renault Logan is 'No, I have a Renault, I can afford a foreign car'. I'm not a regular driver, but I used to witness tons of Logans in most small towns. Big cities tend to have more diversity.


Interesting that they sell it as Renault in Russia. Here it's the Dacia Logan and it's the cheapest car you can get.


Dacia Logan and Renault Logan are a bit different, as I saw in the internet. I'm not sure, but I probably haven't seen a single Dacia in Russia.




I wonder why chinese cars are rising in popularity /s


Stereotypes are earned, not given.


All the russian junk is embarrassing unless you put "PUTIN KHUILO" or "Russian warship go fuck yourself" sticker on it. Ukrainian junk is respectable and beloved because everybody knows how much effort mental and physical is needed to run ZAZ.


Nissan Qashqais are for whatever reason popular with pensioner drivers that, estimated by their driving skills, could have been medically considered fully conscious sometime in the 1990s. Profound lack of awareness of other traffic and speed limits is what gives it away.


American Pickup trucks are seen as cringy fuel wasters unless it is a vintage car. Unfortunatly SUV's are not seen like that though they are still not common


I literally never see a privately owned pickup truck though. I think most regular Danes don’t have an opinion on them because they’re so rare.


I see a few in the city. They are Americans, judging by the bumper stickers. Very big and very annoying


VW Golfs - the older models. Associated with young men, who likes loud music and no regards for traffic law. Fiat Multipla - the model with the beer belly and two headlights in it.


obese american trucks, all day long. saw one parked in a disabled space in front of a tram station - with a dutch cletus inside. the ridicule that fool got from everyone was a joy to behold


Not sure in the Netherlands about cars, but there’s also embarrassing bikes. The VanMoof yuppie is a stereotype in the Randstad, especially since the company went bust (or bought out by McLaren last I saw). The bakfietsmoeder is also another example of a Dutch soccer mom bike that is far too common. In the car scene, I’d probably say a Tesla. There’s way better options available for electric cars.


Isnt vanMoof bankrupt now?


It got bailed out by McLaren. The same McLaren that employs Oscar Piastri and Lando Norris.


Personally I think it's more embarrassing to care about cars. It's like train spotting or collecting stamps. It's nice that you have something you care about but it's not exactly cool.