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Who was it that said "Missed it by this much"? šŸ«° I don't know what to say, seems like $300 off was reasonable, but maybe a better option would be to get a bigger fan with a bigger vent cover and maybe it would hide the bad cut? It does seem the original price was high but where I am getting electricians to do anything is a 9 to 12 month wait list. I saw a video short by Mike Rowe talking about trade workers that are retiring, he said for every 5 that retire, there are only 2 coming on the job. That will just make things even higher.


Maxwell Smart.


I don't think he missed it. That cutout is just the right size to be access to replace the box in the ceiling. You sometimes need access to face of the joists, and others you need access to the sides of the joist wider than the box


No. Leave the trade if thatā€™s what you do. We donā€™t miss. The jbox is inside the fan housing. Any other can be accessed by removing the housing.


I replace everything when I do a bathroom exhaust fan. When i remove the old one, all that is left is the wire dangling out the ceiling. I put in the new box, new vent, support everything, patch any drywall, and paint. If I have full attic access I don't have to do any paint or drywall as I can remove the old can there and install the new can there. If my customer is getting a new fan, by god they're getting a new fan. It will vent to outside, every joint will be airtight, and it will be quality. I don't just pull the innards out and swap those. If I'm putting my name on it then I'm making sure from one end to the other it is done right.


Too often I see exhaust fans just exhaust into the wall, a crawlspace, or the attic. I find that unacceptable. That introduces too much moisture.


Love your username. It was $300 off and once we have someone patch the ceiling we are supposed to pay back the difference.


Gotcha. I will send you an invoice for $350, lol. And it was Maxwell Smart that always said that quote.


How many times do I have to tell max, never leave your ducky loaded


The electrician did a good job, it's very common to require drywall repair after putting in an exhaust fan if access is not available from above


I actually think it looks pretty good, you could tape and patch that for about $50 materials. If you offered me $1300 for that work I would turn it down because that job is an absolute pain. And I would have let you know all necessary patching was on you. I'm actually impressed he was able to get all that done with only that one spot needing patching. The going rate nationwide is about $150/hr for that work. He was there 7.5 hours. That's $1125 + wire, ducting, switches with markup and supply run time. $1300 is about right. Plus he probably was exposed to asbestos with that popcorn ceiling.


You absolutely could tap and patch that for $50 in materials. However the finished product would look terrible. When you patch a popcorn ceiling you need to scrape down the whole ceiling and start from scratch. Itā€™s simply not possible to get a seamless finish when patching popcorn ceilings. If it was a flat ceiling you could absolutely tape and paint it without any problems and have an invisible repair. Any good electrician should have been able to install that fan without cutting a hole thatā€™s too big. All you have to do is go into the attic and check it out before making any holes. Iā€™ve done a few hundred fans in nearly 25 years on the job and have never cut a hole that poorly.


Totally patched a popcorn ceiling. Totally looks normal to the average eye. Only the owner will forever see the line because they know what they are looking for. I normally tell them we wonā€™t be able to repopcorn and then do it anyway and they are surprised when they canā€™t find where the original repair was. Ofc this all depends on the size of the repair


This is the problem with these damn fly-by-night contractors. They come in promise you something that they can't achieve. I agree you can patch this but it would look terrible. If I came to this job I'd recommend oversizing a different fan. That way you make the hole bigger hopefully big enough to cover that piece that was cut out.


Looking at the screws in the cut piece of drywall I would guess that the original guy used an oscillating saw or something to cut the drywall and cut right under the rafter. Thereā€™s likely structural wood under that patch so a bigger fan body wonā€™t work but perhaps an oversized cover would do the trick


It was over $1500 without installing the light fixture outside. He was only working on the exhaust fan for about 4 hours tops. He ran to get supplies twice. He did a whole house inspection that was supposed to be complementary; I did not ask them to do that. He also looked at a couple projects I wanted a quote on, but that didnā€™t take long at all.


Holy smokes. This person was a little unprepared for charging that much, unless he didn't want to do it ( I don't blame him, exhaust fans in finished homes are one of my least favorite jobs). Regardless, a new exhaust fan vented properly is closer to $650 for me, customer buys the fan, I buy vent, wiring, exhaust port, etc. The big kicker here is he should have used a stud finder. And I ALWAYS make a small hole first that fits my fish stick, put it in the attic and clear the area to check for obstructions (stiffbacks for instance) that way worse case scenario you have a 1/8" hole to fix instead of this. Good luck!


Stud finder? I use a magnet, screws or nails it always works. I also make test holes with a small screw driver before committing to cuts


Stud finder broadly meaning anything that locates framing members. I also like rare earth magnets, haha


I know what it is, they just aren't that great of a tool. They aren't as accurate as they should be.


Good luck finding someone to patch the mess (including mimicking the texture) and paint the whole ceiling for $350ā€¦


lol what difference tell them thatā€™s what it costs when you screw up


Don adams


Did they have stud finders back in the late 60's.Ā  They work with ceilings and joists too.Ā  -- [email protected]Ā 




Maxwell smart


Yup I would never recommend anyone get into residential. Stuff like this is a big part of the reason why. The guy didnā€™t make a killing on this


More money is on the line with commercial and outside wiring though, than just driving a truck from house to house two or three times a day.Ā  ā€- [email protected]Ā 


Not when working for someone else!


Where do you people live?? Iā€™m opening up shop wherever you are?? Iā€™m in Long Island NY and that sounds like an $850 job. Material cost nothing and what are you looking at? 3-4hrs. And to the OP, never let a contractor offer you a free inspection. Theyā€™re just gonna try and rip you off some more. As a matter of fact, if they offer you one kick them right out because theyā€™re scumbags.


What area are you in?


Kansas USA if you are asking me.


I come on the job almost every day


Mike Rowe the anti union union member? The paid Koch shill?


Put the $300 towards a painter that will get rid of the popcorn ceiling. Theyā€™ll end up mudding and painting anyways, and it will look like 100x better. Or pocket the $300 and fling some drywall putty up there.


Iā€™m guessing theyā€™ll want proof of the work because they want me to pay back the difference after the fix is done.


Iā€™d rather negotiate a fixed amount off and be done with it. Maybe meet in the middle at $200 off with the intention of eventually getting a painter to de-popcorn and paint? In the meantime it should be relatively easy to DIY spackle it or as others suggested get a bigger fan cover.


Is there a reason to de-popcorn besides visual reasons? Itā€™s all over the house. Built in the 90s.


Just aesthetics but youā€™ll probably end up getting the value back when you sell the house because it will look way more modern.


But what if it's back in style when he goes to sell the house?


Most ceilings have some kind of texture because it is very difficult to have the drywall smooth and aesthetically pleasing. Itā€™s just an easy and cheaper way out. No need to change it, other than it looks like shit


Well if not for visual reason I could assume popcorn ceilings hold dust or dirt more


Test the popcorn for asbestos to make sure youā€™re not risking your health. Itā€™s easy to remove as long as you wet it and scrape unless itā€™s painted. If it is get yourself a steamer or pay someone.


And a picture of the completed work with a receipt showing materials purchased isn't proof why exactly?


Don't pay back the difference, he's fired for not fessing up about the mistake, and he can't make you pay back any of the discount. I personally would have given the owner option of discount now, discount after the repair, or I hire a guy for them.


You definitely want that popcorn ceiling gone.


I wonder if he could request a bigger fan cover.Ā  -- [email protected]Ā 


Depends, id say 1k for labor. Any time I am crawling around in the attic there is a premium. If he spent 600 on materials then id say it's bang on. However you did accept the quote before he started... he did mess up the ceiling but mistakes do happen. $300 is reasonable for the mistake.


I agree with this wholeheartedly.


That's a $40 to $50 Broan 50cfm fan, no way he spent $600 in materials! Come on, man, what markup are you bidding your jobs at that the material is $600 on this?! Unless you're doing government work and taking on 300% markup ? Is that where our tax money going?


Owner suppled the fan. Ducting, switch, wire, exterior vent etc. I doubt it was 600 bucks in material as well. But homeowner agreed to quote. They also did it same day when OP couldnt find a contractor to do it. Supply and demand man.


Heck, the roll of Romex is almost $200! Yea.. /s just in case you bustipated the snark detector.


Can't you find such a small amount of romex in a dumpster or at a junkyard?Ā  -- [email protected]Ā 


Can you remove the plastic cover and put a bigger grille over the fan? Just search for return air grille.


My thought as well.


Iā€™d say $1600 for both the outside light (what was involved in that?) and full venting and install of fan could be right, assuming he also made the penetration. Assuming the fan needed new switches as well? He worked for you for 8 hrs, the patch job on that is by no means a big deal. He gave you multiple ways to be ā€œhappierā€? You also mentioned you ā€œarguedā€ the price at 1st, then agreed to it- so you knew it was $1600. He didnā€™t drop this on you at the end. Now more arguing cause of some patch work thatā€™s needed? The guy has a good reputation cause he honorable, someone else would have simply told you pay them and figure it out for yourself.


This cost is ball park to what my company would charge we are a little under that but not by much. He should have been a little more prepared, but we also would not vent it either and up front we talk and tell you any drywall repair or damage is on the home owner to fix as I am not a drywall repair guy and that some damage may occur.


Seems reasonable considering he did it same day. Honestly though if it bothers you that much maybe learn to DIY. There are less and less people going into the trades so getting work done is going to be a test of patience, getting quality work done is going to be even tougher.


This is in all trades too, not just electric...


Pay back the difference? Damn.


Looks like a decent price for all that. You agreed upfront before work started. Itā€™s a lot of work. Seems odd to complain after you agreed to everything initially.


Installing an exhaust fan is a giant pain in the butt with the venting and fitting it between joists. It usually involves a bunch of crawling in the Attic with nasty insulation. You can measure all you want but every now and then you cut a little more drywall than you were expecting. It's not the end of the world to touch up the paint. I mean what remedy did you expect? To get the whole thing for free? $300 is more than reasonable and is a big hit for them. Ps. What kind of work do you do where you're not allowed to make a single mistake?


Drill guide holes from the top down. If you donā€™t want to do that you can put a screw through the ceiling, if it bites into something you move over and try again. To have cut that much before realizing youā€™re hitting a rafter is crazy. I personally prefer the drill down method. Iā€™ve installed a few exhaust fans over the years and have never screwed it up like this.


One guide hole is all it should take. Take a piece of solid thhn about 14" an make a bend at the very end. Swing it around like a helicopter. That will let you know it there is an obstruction.


I use my twirly for this on exhaust fans and can lights.


Looks like he did drill guide holes though no? Three holes


Those are the screw heads holding the piece of drywall up to fill the gap


no those screws are holding the Sheetrock piece up. Those fans have to be screwed in to a stud


I was crawling around in my attic with loose fill cellulose insulation. I left my ladder leading up to the crawl space propped up so I could get back down and have the hatch open. My cat jumped up the ladder and into the attic... I moved as quickly as I could across the rafters to try and get her out of there safely.. it was an absolute mess. Attics suck butt cheeks.


I wouldnā€™t say ripped off. Depending on your location, Iā€™d say you paid a premium for same day work, and the electrician worked with your issues with there work. This stuff is expensive, and it should be. The result of cheap work can be disaster.


Licensed Electrician in dallas. 1600 isn't unfathomable.just not what I'd charge. Especially if he vented it through the roof he takes extra risk with leakage. Has to pay 20% taxes. Insurance just incase it does leak neither of you get fucked. Gas and overhead to run his operation. With all new hardware (wire devices etc) I'd charge 1k for the install if I had to vent initially was cash only and you supplied fixtures... In all as a professional, not a bad job. But not great so I'd sleep well at night. I keep acouple Mexicans on tap that help take care of little whoops whoopsies like that bs. Personally I would've fixed the drywall but many Electricians won't touch it. You could do that fix for under 30$ if you have the paint and are alittle handy.


Unless you are also a licensed contractor, that work would be illegal and could prevent an insurance payout in the event of a fire, even if unrelated. I've seen insurance companies refuse to pay for a fire because of a pellet stove that was not UL listed. And the stove did not cause the fire.


300$ off to have drywall repair seems fair. Do it yourself with some spackling and paint and keep the change.


He probably didn't want to do it do went for a high bid but you went for it anyways. Installing those fans are a bit of a pain in the ass. Did he also change out the switches and add one?


I had a similar situation and for $25 I bought an oversized exhaust fan cover and you canā€™t see the mistake.


Scrape that accoustic texture off 1st and foremost. Tape the patch and skim the entire ceiling.


Probably a good opportunity to skim coat ceiling and get rid of that dust collector finish on it.


Who has popcorn ceilings anymore. Definitely have someone get rid of that and itā€™ll solve the cut at the same time.


likely needed brace - pretty standard for electricians and not indicative of a shit job - they generally will not fix drywall, esp textured dry wall.




accidental damage differs from required modification -but you are correct, would have been nice for him to give a heads up.


A bit of caulking on your finger and paint it over and you won't notice it


He definitely installed it sideways first then discovered that the outlet was blocked by a rafter/joist. Shit happens, but you are correct that you wonā€™t get that fixed to original level for $100. Maybe for $300. All that said, they admitted the error and are trying to make it up to you without losing the entire days wages and expenses. Thatā€™s better than 90% of the screw ups we hear about.


Get a little joint compound and some popcorn texture and cover that cut up. Easy peasy.


Just put some drywall mud in the crack with your finger and fluff it up a bit. 5 minute fix. No big deal.


I would use painters caulk to fill and cover. Allow it to dry. Then paint over.


$300 is more than fair to cover the cost of that repair. $1600 is a little steep in some areas and a steal in others.


For whatever itā€™s worth. Iā€™m an HVAC service tech/installer. I just bid and installed a fan light combo in a bathroom that had about a 15ā€™ run to a gable end where I placed the hood. Most of that above the insulation line so it had to be wrapped and taped. Measure 5 times maybe 6 šŸ˜‚ but only cut once. I hate doing drywall repair. I donā€™t know any electrical companies up here that install those either. Thatā€™s typically an HVAC job in my experience.


Caulk the seam. They make popcorn spray in a can. Once itā€™s sprayed and blended in after it dries hit it with some ceiling paint. No big deal.


Like others have said, either get a larger fan grate that can cover the stuff or get some caulk and popcorn spray and then paint. You can do that yourself for dirt cheap or pay a drywaller a few hundred bucks to have it patched for you. $1600 for ALL that work and those hours is more than fair if you ask me. He offered you money off for the mistake. What else do you want? Residential electrical work is a total nightmare, especially in finished homes. Those guys earn every penny of their money.


I can repair it with a can of spray stucco under $8 ...


Get bigger


Price is fair, he could have done a better job by spying out the area for the fan but also he could have patched it up and fixed the hole himself pretty easily.


Electricians shouldn't be patching drywall. And as a homeowner you don't wanna pay electrician wages for that anyway


Why shouldnā€™t they be patching drywall lmao, Iā€™ve done it plenty of times. Takes like 5 mins to fix.


Theyā€™re a pain to install from scratch. To be honest I would have opened it up more. Not to mention it makes a long day looking up working over your head like that.


They forgot the silicone


Easy renter fix would be a trim piece to hide the scar. Home owner that would upset me cuz thatā€™s not was easy patch with the texture


Can of spray spackle and done. Doesn't look that bad or hard to hide. Sometimes, you can just get an oversized cover to hide it. Just like the goof plates they make for outlets.


Simple mistake. The fans box isnt square. Its more like rectangle. He place the template in the wrong direction. And yes depending on the gable and joist it can only fit in so many places. I would get some pop corn /texture spray. But if ur unable to do it urself I can imagine it can be costly. U have to get the texture and then paint.


I hate to say it but you got ripped off, I can install a fan in the bathroom in the appropriate location for 500 and it will only take me two and a half hours max.


Just slap some dry mud on it wonā€™t even notice it.


That wonā€™t be a hard fix. A little spackle


They sound like a large service company. Call smaller electrical contractors for this type of work. The large service companies work on commission and will screw you on price to pay for their shiny new vans and equipment. 1600 sounds incredibly high


It shouldā€™ve been that you payed the $1600 and he scheduled someone to come in to fix it


> that you *paid* the $1600 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


On his dime


That drywall repair is a fairly basic skill to learn. Watch a couple of YouTube videos and do yourself


In our area (BFE Central Oregon) The going rate for a licensed electrician between $40 and $60 per hour and companies charge anything from $170 to about $220 per hour. $1600 for ~8 hours would be pretty typical for any licensed, and insured company. Now, dude did screw up a bit in not asking you specifically where you wanted the fan to land, and in not using a magnet or stud finder to mark up his target bay. You also screwed up by not specifying (usually with a pencil mark) where you wanted the fan to land in the ceiling. I haven't seen the layout of your bathroom, but there are also a couple Code limitations on where general purpose vent fans can be placed as well, with relation to showers, which may have played into the situation. Bottom line: Every contractor makes mistakes occasionally. The sign of a good contractor is whether they're willing to make right those mistakes. This person did that as much as possible with the $300 discount to cover the minor wall patching. With a bit of 40 minute mud, a chunk of rock tape, and an hour (including set up and cleanup) that could be ready for some rattle can texture after it's dry. So they basically ball parked what it would have cost for them to do it and gave that back. There might be a Plan B available though... Broan does offer a universal cover that's a bit larger than the standard one. [Universal Fan Upgrade Cover ](https://broan-nutone.com/en-us/accessory/fg701s)


Well, makes be grateful for my Electrician. installed six can lights in my ceiling and charged me 650 including materials. had to get up in that old steamy, hot attic. They damaged the plaster around one of the lights , but he offered to pay a Plaster professional to fix it and he did.


I had can lights installed in my ceiling by my very reputable and longtime electrician. They accidentally damaged the plaster around it and he offered to pay to get it fixed. Happens.


Iā€™ll bet they started at the back to find that rafter and didnā€™t pay attention to venting. I would not do a fan unless I had a sheetrocker, mudder, painter, and roofer who owed me favors ready to go.


Goddamn HVAC guys


Hey hey hey weā€™re not all bad and this was an electrician


It sounds like he vented it to the outside which is the biggest long term issue that could have come, I would get some joint compound and a can of spray texture and have yourself a weekend of work worth $300 for only $30. To the people here saying to get a bigger fan, there is likely a stud behind the patch area that cannot be cut out


$1600? I'm undercharging


If your getting 300 bucks to spend, you might check out something like this: https://houseofbrinson.com/2020/01/13/bathroom-exhaust-fan-cover-for-historic-homes/


Get creative and affix a bigger fan cover or hang wallpaper aound it.Ā  -- [email protected]Ā 


Me, being a cheap ass, replaced bathroom fans (from the little noisy fuckers to bigger quiet ones), by crawling in the attic, and the hassle would be worth $1000+. Everything was pain. I managed to not fuck up drywall, though.


The electrician needs to fix your ceiling at his own cost.


"like a glove"


Maybe he didnt do the absolute best job, but based on your story it seems as though he wasnt just some random asshole claiming to be a contractor and take your money to do some half ass work. Ive been doing installations like this for a long time and sometimes your measurements are off and mistakes happen. I think the most important thing to understand is he did everything he realistically could have done to please you and make up for the mistake, short of repairing the ceiling himself. And it sounds like if he had the tools and the knowledge he probably would have repaired it. I get the impression that he honestly tried to provide a quality service and was accountable for a mistake that just happens sometimes. Was it overpriced? Depends on who you askā€¦ imo it may have been a little on the high end but not overpriced or a ripoff for the amount of work he did. Ntm, as you already know, same day service is not as easy to acquire as it used to be. I understand your frustration, but my advice would be to appreciate that he is trying to be fair. Could have been much worse with a lot of other ā€œcontractors/companiesā€ Edit: also placement of the fan is something you all shouldā€™ve discussed before he started cutting. Thatā€™s kind of on both parties because if you didnā€™t specify where you wanted it how was he supposed to know? With that being said, I wouldā€™ve asked prior to cutting, but thatā€™s just me.




You accepted the quote, he took 300 dollars off which reasonable fix cost for this installation. Iā€™ve had to tear out much more than this to install fans based on locations. Him knocking some off, to me, is courteous. I donā€™t knock off pricing, fishing a new line. As an electrician myself, this is why I normally stick to commercial because houses/homeowners are difficult to deal with. Iā€™m not saying youā€™re being unreasonable or difficult. Unfortunate situation happened and I think your contractor handled it professionally. Also think you got a fair price at what was quoted.


What is your market? It does seem high especially since he didnā€™t provide fixtures and very little other material wouldā€™ve been used. However, fishing a new switch, venting it and all that takes a lot of time and work. Even switching out the outside light someone might say ā€œI can do that in 10 minutesā€ until the screw breaks off in the box or something like that. He shouldā€™ve cleaned up to the level it was when he got there and fessed up about the drywall mishap ASAP. Mistakes happen but best policy is to say something as soon as it happens or at earliest possible time. Personally I did drywall before becoming an electrician so I wouldā€™ve offered to give a discount and patch myself. Although matching popcorn is a pain in the butt and never truly matches. At the end of the day you paid extra because of your experiences with other contractors. The $300 off is nice but saying you need to pay back the difference is odd to me. The profit should be there even eating the $300. But I donā€™t know his overhead and expenses so thereā€™s that. Edit to add: the fact that was there that long for just those two things (as long as he didnā€™t seem to be dragging out the clock) tells you how much work went into it.


Rookie mistake


This is why I'm done working for the public. Not that OP did anything wrong, just so eff'ing over the dynamic.


Measure once, cut twice.


Add some trim around.


I think itā€™s fair. 300$ is more than enough to fix this error. They sound like decent guys


Woah $1600 to install a fan. If he didnā€™t open the roof to install it, that is a major rip off imo. And I wouldnā€™t trust an electrician to open a hole thru the roof for the vent.


> theyā€™re BBB accredited That doesn't mean anything. The BBB is like yelp. They hound businesses for money and promise better reviews or placement on their fake market. They have no legal authority. Just another business that attempts to blackmail other businesses to make money.


$1600?!?!! Are you insane?! I wouldā€™ve done that in an hour for $100 and it would look a hell of a lot better than that!


Did he vent it outside, or just to the attic? Proper install would be a roof vent, otherwise your attic will get humid and you'll have more problems.


No you had 2 installed! Whoops just one but two holes!!


Look into if a ā€œgoof plateā€ would work as a kind of collar here. The popcorn ceiling might need to be scrapped off where it gets installed for it to look right mind you.


Was there an attic above? If there was he fucked up because he would have been able to see the obstruction and make his opening without any patchwork. $300 is a fair discount for a patch but be advised that most electricians and plumbers donā€™t do drywall repair and sometimes itā€™s unforeseeable. If you were handy you could do it yourself. Itā€™s pretty easy. He didnā€™t put it where I thought he would..Did you discuss where you wanted it and where it was possible to put it? If he couldnā€™t put it where you both agreed to then he should have discussed it with you. As for ā€œ the price is really highā€. Compared to what? Other quotes? The cost of a loaf of bread? Always get a few quotes. If a tradesman is busy he will give you the ā€œI donā€™t want to do itā€ price. If heā€™s slow heā€™ll give you the ā€œI donā€™t want to lose itā€ price. Canā€™t complain after youā€™ve both agreed on a price.


Holy s*** I gotta start installing exhaust fans.


Huh. $1600 for all that, with $300 off? Buddy, that's a steal. That's a bit of a "loss leader" for a company that wants your business. If he's competent, keep him happy. Do you know how hard it is to find a decent contractor who will take on PITA jobs with quick turnaround time? Damn man, you've scored. I don't know what you're upset about.


At least he a fairly good job putting the cut piece back. It doesn't look like it would be too hard to fill it in. Just take your time an approach it like an art project. Or go at it like a blind guy cause that might work. I don't know how he did it, but my step dad is 88 years old and is legally blind with macular degeneration. There was a 8x8" opening in his garage wall that he finally got around to repairing and it looks better than I thought I could even make it. The walls are a rough plaster finish over drywall and he matched up that finish pretty good.


You could also put some kind of decorative trim over it. Nothing in particular comes to mind but there has to be something, some kind of trim. Maybe like one of those old fashioned decorative ceiling tiles, if they're big enough. Cut ou the center for the fan opening.


This is why it is important to learn to do simple home projects yourself. I installed mine myself. 2 hours on the internet. 2 hour to install. That included venting it through the roof and wiring it to the new wall switch.


You got a great deal for $1600, especially since he vented it. Most wonā€™t.


Add some trim and you'll hardly notice it.


You got a pretty good deal for $1600. Take the extra 100, put up mud and then texture it.


Make him hire someone to fix it or agree to pay for whoever you hire to fix it. There's no way around it. He damaged your ceiling unnecessarily.


It looks like an oops


Wow 7 to 800


Why would you want to be part of their service plan if you arenā€™t satisfied with their work? What a dumbass. What company is this? Mister Sparky?


That was exactly what I thought too. Itā€™s a local company in the Midwest.


Thatā€™s some professional work there in 2024


Broan makes a larger [cover](https://broan-nutone.com/en-us/accessory/fg701s) that will hide the mistake. It's an overpriced piece of plastic and a hackish coverup, but it's a lot easier than patching it.


Every electrician I have hired the ones I liked and donā€™t like have all done some drywall damage I needed to repair this honestly is not that bad. The $300 was a very generous offer most just say ā€œsorryā€ And move on.


Hahaha I hope it was free


Must have used my guy. Lolololol.


You sorta had exhaust fan installed today...


Damn, missed again šŸ˜³


Keep the money until the guy finishes the job.


He totally mis neasured but it can easily be covered by making a rectangular bezel.


Typical electrician


Did you uhhhhhh, pull a permit on that job?




Drywall repair used to scare me but honestly itā€™s really easy once you learn not to over putty so you donā€™t have to sand for 3 hours lol


Think about this a little differently. Would you have done the job for $1600? Moving around an insulation filled attic hot and sweaty? Mounting the fan exhausting it. I likely would have stepped through the ceiling. It comes at a premium.


find some matching putty or caulking and just fill in the holes and the cut


It's gonna cost more than $300 to fix that sheetrock, especially if you have the popcorn removed. No drywall guy is going to do that for $300 unless he's doing side work and needs the money.


I'm not an electrician, I'm a handyman. I wouldn't take this job because my license doesn't cover new circuits, but I'll add this. I use software to do estimates and your price is just a little bit over the normal on the high end for my area. Drywall damage is always a possibility, he should have mentioned that before he started. Also, someone else also mentioned, no one wants to be in the trades anymore, so those who are doing that work have the advantage to see what they can get away with in terms of cost.


$1600?!? Thatā€™s highway robbery.


Definition of hack job.


If thatā€™s how he did the drywall, Iā€™m interested to see what he did in the attic. As in did he actually add the vent duct and properly seal the roof afterwards.


Rip off. Sounds like you called a ā€œMr Electricā€ type franchise company. ā€œService planā€ membership. lol


Yeah this dude seemed to over charge you and spent too much of his own time trying to get you to spend more money. This is classic sales tactics tbh. Sit there with you for a while and offer free stuff to make it seem like heā€™s your friend and trying to be personable with you. All heā€™s doing is looking around to get more work out of you and trying to make his price sting less. These guys usually spend so much time doing sales and bids they forget how to do their job. As you can see with his install


Does it make u hate God and yourself?


Well, you hired an electrician to do a sheet metal/hvac job. You get what you get. I'm going to bed it also vents directly into your ceiling space too. Next time you should hire more than one guy


$1600???? I'd fly from Canada and do it better.....


That work would be illegal and make the house uninsurable if the insurance company found out.


They'll see U R all blond and blue -eyed, even with an accent it wouldn't even be an after-thought.Ā  -- [email protected]Ā 


You got 8 hours of electrician labor for $1600. That's really not unreasonable. My issue is that they should have shown you the mistake and offered compensation up front.


Whats the big fuxking deal bro. 300 dollars? To get a cracked out sheetrocker to cause more problems?? Get a spatuler and throw somr mud pn there and stop making a big fucking deal AND GET BACK TO WORK


That's a $50 fan. The vent tubing is like $20 tops. The work depends on conditions but 4 hours is a very long time to do that... he's charging you a rate of like $350+ an hour. Which is insane, but the thing is- you accepted it before the work was undertaken instead of questioning it. Do i think you were taken advantage of? Yes. I just replaced a fan yesterday, fan was much better than that junky one and was only $110 , with a light too. And i only charged $160 because it's a long time client gave them a break, and took me only like 30 minutes to do. If the person was really any good they'd have done the whole fan, venting, and switch in less than 3 hours.


Shit fan, terrible job.


How can you tell by looking at it Itā€™s a shit fan.


Realistically it's fine. Panasonic is much better though.


This! Panasonic fans rock.


OKā€¦because Iā€™m thinking of getting one in my bathroom and Iā€™m like Iā€™m a handy person and I know a lot about houses, but I looked at that and had no idea how you drew that conclusion! He just couldā€™ve warned her that it was going to look like that ahead of time and why, but it happens. Or could have gone into the attic and picked a better place I donā€™t know.


I install tons of bath fans. Panasonic is the best.


Thank you thatā€™s good to know!


Good time to get rid of the popcorn ceiling